Page 1: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Commander’s Note: Red Dragon 6

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Red Dragon Families and Friends,

I am pleased to report to you that your Soldiers are performing extremely well as we

conduct daily missions with our Iraqi Security Force partners. We have spent a great

deal of time learning and understanding our environment and have validated all the hard

work preparing for our mission was certainly time well spent. Our systems are in place,

we are settled into our mission, and we are dedicated to making you proud with our

disciplined and precise performance.

As we work hard out here, we are so proud of all you are doing to take care of our pre-

cious Families. We can‟t thank you enough. We trust you are able to take advantage of

the great activities and events in the central Texas area or wherever you have chosen to

be this summer. If you are in the area, please consider attending the FRG Family Night,

14 JUL 11 at 6:00pm at the Oveta Culp Center. Our Rear-Detachment will provide you

the latest information on the battalion and the FRGs will provide battery level details

and answer questions. Also, stay tuned to your FRG for information on our upcoming

Town Hall video teleconference (19 JUL 11).

On behalf of all Red Dragon Soldiers, I thank you for your continued support. You

motivate us and keep our spirits high as we journey through this deployment together.

We are committed to keeping you informed through our access to the Internet, phone

calls, Skype, Facebook, or simply the old fashioned way – writing a letter.

This is a very historic time in Iraq and we are proud to be a part of it. No

doubt that each Iraqi we work with during our deployment will long re-

member our professional operations and unequaled strength of character.

The CSM and I have spent the last week awarding combat patches to all

Red Dragons. The 1st Cavalry Division combat patch symbolizes dedica-

tion to protecting our freedoms, self-less service at a critical time in our

nation‟s history, loyalty to unit, and so much more. Thank you Red Drag-

ons and your Families!

Have a great remainder of the summer and thanks again for being the rock

solid support for the Red Dragons.


Red Dragons!


LTC Nate Cook

June 2011

LTC Cook meeting with local leaders

Alpha Battery 3

Bravo Battery 4

Golf Company 5

Headquarters Battery 6-8

Rear Detachment 9

Special News 10-11

Red Dragons in Action 12

Inside this issue:

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Page 2

Headquarters and Headquarters Battery 3-82FA “Hellraisers”

Hello Hellraiser family and friends. Operation New Dawn has started for Hellraiser Battery! As we continue to accomplish

our mission one task at a time, we find ourselves already one month closer to coming home. For those of us who came early, time

passed like sand in an hourglass, but as soon as the unit arrived, we hit the ground running, time flew, and a month has already


Our counterparts from 2-11 FA, 25th ID (out of Hawaii) treated us well. They established our housing and arranged for

transportation, and showed us the process so we could do the same for the rest of unit. We went on missions together and quickly

took over. After all, they‟d already been here for a year; it was time for them to go home. In time, the same will be said for us…but

we may decide to do a good ole‟ fashion Texas Bar-B-Cue on the way out!

This deployment we are joined by two additional platoons from Thunder. We integrated with ease and soon they became

“our” platoons. We are all Hellraisers. The missions we conduct are for a singular purpose; train the Iraqi forces to do the job we‟ve

been doing for almost a decade; share smart ideas with each other, and

learn from the other‟s mistakes.

The majority of our missions focus on talking to local leaders,

finding out what they need for support, and how we can best provide it.

Every now and then we find ourselves doing something fun like, “Iraqi

kids day,” a day dedicated to allowing Iraqi children to do things that

our children do, like zip lines, dancing, and, of course, food. Our Iraqi

counterparts welcomed us with open arms. Several of us have had the

opportunity to break bread and drink Chai (tea) with them. They want

the same thing we want, an Iraq that can stand on its own feet, which

can provide for its people, and fight terror whenever and wherever it

rears its ugly head.

The Troopers of Hellraiser Battery are eager to do their jobs,

eager to serve their country, eager to complete our mission and go home

again to their families and friends. We have the honor of being one of

the last units in Iraq. There are even some Soldiers in the Battery who

were here at the very beginning who will also be a part of the closing


I want to let each of you know, you play a large role in ensur-

ing success in accomplishing our mission. These Soldiers came here

trained and prepared for the tasks at hand, however we cannot do it without your support. The support you have given us preparing

for our deployment, and what I‟ve seen so far has been incredible. I encourage each of you to continue to show your enthusiastic

care and love for our Hellraiser Soldiers as we have a very dynamic mission ahead of us. Our Soldiers are doing very well and con-

tinue to impress and improve each and every day. The attitude, strength, endurance, confidence, and dedication to the mission are

the best of I‟ve ever seen from any group of Soldiers I‟ve worked with in the last seven years in the Army. It‟s an honor to serve

with each and every one of them. I ask you to keep sending those words of encouragement as Hellraiser Battery continues their ef-

forts. I thank you and your loved one‟s for your service to this great nation.

CPT Michael Roscoe

Hellraiser 6

Headquarters Battery Commander CPT Roscoe enjoying

time with a local Sheik during Kid's Day at JBB

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

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Greetings! 1st Platoon sends their best wishes from the outgoing unit at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. This has been a great ex-

perience so far. We‟ve hit the ground in a dead sprint as Soldiers from were already departing as we arrived. It was a steep learn-

ing curve for some of us, especially for those who haven‟t deployed before. We wouldn‟t have it any other way. It‟s been a great

learning experience for all of us, and we have continued to keep our

morale despite the heat. The Iraqi culture is very hospitable, and we‟ve

rather enjoyed spending time with the local leaders drinking Chai, or

eating kabobs. When we aren‟t on patrol, you can normally catch 1st

platoon training for our upcoming missions, or working out at the gym.

Every now and then we just have to do something that reminds us of

the good times we‟ve had at home. We appreciate the support you‟ve

given to each of our Soldiers. Taking the time to talk to our loved ones

at home is a great morale booster, and we sure can‟t wait to see ya‟ll

when we return.

2LT James “Zach” Williams

1st Platoo n Leader

Page 3

Headquarters Battery Platoons

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

2LT Williams and SGT Omanson meeting with a local leader

Greetings to the Hellraiser family! I‟m incredibly happy to be a part of this Hellraiser team. Coming from Thunder Bat-

tery, the Hellraisers welcomed us immediately upon arrival. We are glad to be here. We‟ve been spending the majority of our

time working with the Iraqi Army and the Iraqi Police. We meet with them almost daily to provide whatever help they may need.

I was surprised how professional they are and how they continue to steadily improve. Working closely with another Army or se-

curity force has been a great experience for many of us. We‟ve all learned that Soldiers are Soldiers everywhere, no matter where

you go. We share so much in common with the Soldiers we

work with each and every day. The majority of our time

we‟ve spent working hard with these Iraqi Security Forces,

but, occasionally, we do get a break to call home. We appre-

ciate the support you‟ve given to each of our Soldiers and we

look forward to hearing about all the great things coming from

home. Hope all is well and I appreciate the sacrifices you and

your Soldiers have made to keep our country safe.

2LT Andrew Roberts

2nd Platoon Leader

PFC Zaba, SSG Bartley, and 2LT Roberts with a couple Iraqi

Soldiers after the completion of an Advise and Assist Mission

Page 4: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Hello Hellraiser family. Most of you may not know us yet since we are a brand new platoon coming from Thunder Battery;

however, we are all very excited to be a part of the Hellraiser Team. It didn‟t take us long to become fully integrated with the Hell-

raisers by taking off on mission within the first 24 hours of arriving at Joint Base Balad. Our platoon is doing incredibly well, and

we appreciate the love and support from back home. We are doing our best to stay cool out here, especially in these next few, criti-

cal, summer months. We definitely miss those Texas summers. Please don‟t miss a beat and enjoy as much of it as you can. We

thank you for taking care of us. Please keep those care packages and letters coming; they are greatly appreciated. Thank you again

for standing behind us.

1LT Christopher Koppel

3rd Platoon Leader

Page 4

Hellraiser Soldiers discussing future combine training with their Iraqi

Security Force counterpart

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Hello Hellraiser family members. We appreciate all the love and support we‟ve received this past month. Your Soldiers

have been executing their missions flawlessly each and every day; it brings me great honor to serve as their Battery Executive Offi-

cer. We do our best to have fun when we can. Recently, the Hellraisers hosted “Iraqi Kids Day” here on Joint Base Balad. This is

an event where we invite kids from one of the local villages we operate in on to Joint Base Balad and set up a day of fun for them. It

was a great experience not only for the kids, but for our Soldiers as well. Our Soldiers are making history to not only what will be

read in text books, but in the lives of the Iraqi people. The lives that were touched during Iraqi Kids Day will be something that

these local kids and our Soldiers will remember for many years to come. It was a fun day for all of us.

We try our best to have fun whenever we can and enjoy the aspects of Joint Base Balad whenever we have free

time. For most that have never been to this country, we find that this

region is not necessarily what we expected. The land near the Tigris

River is lush and fertile with palm trees lining the floodplain and ca-

nals feeding into farms and orchards. The vista is surreal when look-

ing at it through fresh eyes. The base itself is like a small city. Our

Soldiers currently live in air conditioned housing units, they have

shower facilities, and the DFAC is open 24 hours a day. We have an

indoor swimming pool and an indoor gym. These amenities, however,

are on a schedule for termination. While this may seem to be an in-

convenience, everyone realizes that each closure is but another step to

our journey home. We have a long road ahead of us, but with your

support, it will be that much easier!

2LT Richard Ramos

Executive Officer Headquarters Battery Executive Officer, 2LT Ramos, with

his buddy at Kid's Day

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Alpha Battery 3-82FA “Gators”

Page 5 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Greetings from Joint Base Balad Iraq, I hope this letter finds you all well and in good spirits. We have just completed our

first month “in country” and spirits are high. Living conditions on Joint Base Balad, affectionately known as JBB, are the highest

most have experienced while deployed. No need, whether being mental, physical, or spiritual, is neglected. This base boasts an in-

door pool , a running track, and a large, 24 hour gym for PT. The two large dining facilities, or DFACs, offer an almost unheard of

variety of food – from the ultra healthy – to burgers, onion rings, and ice cream. The soldiers are housed in CHUs (containerized

housing units, AKA, „trailers‟); each air-conditioned, 10‟ X10‟ room houses two men from the Battery. Soldiers have the opportunity

to contact their loved ones through a variety of means, including internet, telephone, or standard mail. Many Soldiers have already

received packages from home and they are a much appreciated boost to Alpha‟s morale.

Our mission here could not be more noble and I could not be more proud of the performance of these men as they have met

the challenges of this environment with professionalism, discipline, skill, motivation, and heart. Our job here, besides training the

Iraqis, is to protect the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and others who reside at JBB, and to set conditions for a stable, self-sufficient Iraq.

This mission is a welcome one to our many, multiple-deployers, and we all

look forward to seeing this mission through. For many of the first-time deploy-

ers, it has been a culture shock as they interact with new people and arrive at

places they have never seen before. The hospitality of the locals has been very

cordial and Chai, a very sweet, hot tea, has become a favorite among the men.

We had a very successful relief in Place with the outgoing unit who introduced

us to this area and its people in a professional and thorough manner. We owe

them a debt of gratitude, but the Gators are now in charge.

Each and every member of the Gators looks forward to the road ahead

as we get a little closer to completing the mission and coming home every day.

We thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, love and support. I person-

ally want to thank you for what you mean to these men.

Very Respectfully,

CPT Bryan S. Hammond

Gator 6

Greetings from sunny and sandy Iraq where we are still looking for the

beach. 1st Platoon has been running hard since touching down in Iraq and continues to

lead the way in the Gator Battery. Morale is strong and will continue to be thankful

for the packages and letters from home. Patrols in Iraq continue to keep the platoon

on their toes and off their butts; don‟t worry ladies the men will come home in better

shape than when we left. The local Iraqis have welcomed us with gifts of local food

and hot Chai, which is quite addicting. The platoon works hard, but also plays hard as

you can see by our pictures. Enjoy the photos of the men and rest assured that they

will keep in touch with you through all means available. Look forward to seeing all of

our loved ones at the end of our tour. One month down with only eleven to go and it

will fly by. Gator Red 6 out.

1LT Michael B. Hobgood

1st Platoon PL

Alpha Battery Platoons

1st Platoon Soldiers drilling with their rifles

CPT Hammond and 2LT Smith meeting with a local Sheik

Page 6: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Salam! 2nd PLT sends their best wishes from Iraq. We‟ve been working hard

and staying busy in the first month overseas. Soldiers have had their hands full trying to

balance the rigors of missions and training while trying to stay cool in this heat! Luck-

ily their rooms are air conditioned and the meals are hot. The DFACs serve everything

from steak and fish to sandwiches and salads, along with everything in between. Don‟t

worry though, the soldiers are working out five days a week and will come home in

better shape than ever. Each day the soldiers become more and more proficient as they

perfect the soldier drills they spent so much time learning at Fort Hood. For many of

the first time deployers, it has been a culture shock as we interact with new people and

see places we have never seen before. Soldiers even look forward to dismounting dur-

ing engagements with tribal leaders in hope that they can get some Chai (a sweet tea

served extremely hot with sugar). The soldiers all look forward to your letters, pack-

ages, and emails, and your continued support helps keep morale high, giving us a taste

of home. We‟re keeping friends and family in our thoughts and look forward to coming

home when the mission is complete.

2LT Scott P. Smith

2nd Platoon PL

Page 6

2nd Platoon Warriors patrolling in their

area of operation

Greetings to all of our Gator Families! Gator Blue Platoon, or simply 3rd Platoon,

has been busy this month! We spent some extra time at Al Assad Air Base, but as soon as

we got to Joint Base Balad it was game on. We immediately started training and learning

from the unit we were replacing so we could begin our very important mission as soon as

possible. Since our arrival we have already completed over a dozen highly successful and

effective patrols and meetings. The level of motivation and morale exhibited by Gator

Blue every day makes me proud and honored to be part of this Platoon. As the month

wears down to an end, and as we reflect on how much we have already accomplished as a

Platoon, and, as a Battery, it is exciting to think how much we will have achieved by the

end of our tour. It is a privilege for me to be able to speak for these exceptional and dedi-

cated men, and I can only hope that I can embody and communicate their spirit in the best

way possible. Continue to email and contact your Soldier and thanks for all the care pack-

ages that have already been sent. These seemingly little things go a very long way towards

improving and sustaining morale. We ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers

and we will surely do the same.

1LT Anthony J. Forstner

3rd Platoon PL

3rd Platoon Soldier pulling security

during a Key Leader Engagement

Members of the Gator family,

Best regards from the big sandbox. Headquarters Platoon has been working

hard to support our brothers in the maneuver platoons. The BC and 1SG have been

working with each platoon to refine tactics and battle drills to make our troops the best

they can be. The Radio Operators have been keeping the communication flowing be-

tween the Troops and Battalion. The COIST Cell has been hard at work making sure

our guys roll out with the best info possible. Supply has come through with lots of

Gatorade and other supplies for the men to roll out with. The Training Room has been

making sure all your packages get to your loved ones as quickly as possible (so keep

them coming). We‟re all looking forward to the point when our mission here is com-

plete and we get to come back home.

2LT Caleb L. Gaasch

HQ/ COIST PL Gator Soldiers digging their vehicle out of

soft Iraqi soil

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Page 7: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Thunder Battery, 3-82 FA, has had a vastly different deployment thus far compared to the rest of the Red Dragon Battal-

ion. Thunder Battery, which consists of White Platoon and Headquarters Platoon, has been given the mission to operate away from

the rest of the battalion, located at Joint Base Balad. Thunder Battery currently operates in the city of Samarra. Samarra is the ma-

jor focal point of Sunni/Shia Muslim relations and has one of the oldest archeological sites in the Middle East. Samarra was at one

time the largest city in the world and was designated the capital of Iraq in the early first century. The city lies on the Tigris River

roughly 125km north of Baghdad and is the home to approximately 348,000 Iraqis. The major attraction of Samarra is the Al-

Askerian Mosque, also known as the Golden Mosque, and the city is predominately Sunni inhabited. In regards to the War on Ter-

ror, Samarra was most notably in the news due to the 2006 bombing and destruction of the Golden Mosque. Since then, the Iraqi

Security Forces, with the help of United States Forces, have successfully secured the city and have neared completion of rebuild-

ing the Golden Mosque.

Thunder White Platoon, lead by 1LT Mike O‟Donnell

and SFC Chris Schuerger, has been designated to perform such

missions as accompanying the Battery Commander to Key

Leader Engagements, both in and around the city of Samarra,

securing the Samarra Joint Coordination Center (SJCC).

We have had the opportunity to experience Iraqi culture in

Samarra to include local food provided by the Iraqi Security

Forces, with whom we partner here at the SJCC. We have also

had the opportunity to conduct escort missions in the city down to

the Golden Mosque. Recently, we escorted Major General Bu-

chanan, LTC Cook, and CPT Williams down to the Golden

Mosque and around the city of Samarra.

Our Headquarters Platoon, lead by 2LT Sean Murphy

and SSG (P) Monty Mitchell (who is also given the daunting task

of FOB Mayor), has done an outstanding job of upgrading our

compound and making Samarra and enjoyable place to live since

we arrived here in early June. 2LT Murphy also heads up the

Company Intelligence Sustainment Team (COIST) cell here in

Samarra in conjunction with SSG Thomas Coons, SGT Arthur Gifford, and PFC Michael Nolasco. They work hand in hand with

our Law Enforcement Professional, Mr. Charles Matthews. They

have done an outstanding job developing information packets on

insurgents in our area leading to multiple arrests in the first

month we have been here. Samarra is becoming a much safer

place and we continue to develop a great working relationship

with the Iraqi Security Forces and the local populace.

We have had a great start to our deployment thus far.

Morale is high in the unit as we look forward to continuing our

joint efforts with Iraqi Security Forces to better secure our area

and Iraq as a whole. Although we have been in Samarra less than

a month, we have clearly made a lasting imprint as we continue

to strive to make Iraq a safer and better place to live.

CPT Jason Williams

Thunder 6

Bravo Battery 3-82FA “Thunder”

Page 7

White Platoon prepares to go on patrol in Samarra

Members of Headquarters Platoon and White Platoon work-

ing together on position improvement at the SJCC

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Page 8: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Golf Forward Support Company “Gladiators”

The month of June not only marks the beginning of summer, where we tend to go on vacations with our families, but it also

signals the first month of our deployment. This month has been filled with mixed emotions from leaving families behind. Our brave

Soldiers are now embarking on the dutiful obligation of serving our great Nation, and committing themselves to the difficult task of

providing daily support in the rebuilding of the economic and political structure of Iraq. Though the sacrifice is great and the time

that has expired here in Iraq is short, the Gladiators are maintaining an outstanding record of seamless, logistical support to the Red

Dragon Battalion. Their actions are validated through preparation in pre-deployment operations, various training exercises, and fi-

nally through being a resilient organization able to sustain and maintain the force as far forward on the battlefield as possible.

We hope that you are enjoying your summer! A special thanks goes also to our FRG who continues to inspire us with sup-

port as we begin this deployment. We would not be successful without your efforts!!


CPT Crystal Chatman

Gladiator 6

The 3-82 FA Distribution Platoon has done an excellent job balancing the distribution requirements similar to those back at

Fort Hood with the rigorous patrol requirements of deployment. Ever since the Red Dragons landed boots on ground at the begin-

ning of June, the platoon has been responsible for the numerous equipment movement requirements for both Golf Company and the

3-82 Battalion. Soldiers and NCOs from the Cargo section routinely pull long and arduous shifts to keep all of the Red Dragons‟

assets easily available for use and transit. In addition to the movement requirements, the Distribution Platoon also has an embedded

Maneuver Section which is responsible for all of Golf Company‟s Combat Mission requirements. This tasking includes escorting

Key Leaders to engage Iraqi Army officials, the protection of Navy assets assigned to dispose of explosive ordnance, and, most im-

portantly, the re-supply of Bravo Battery‟s Soldiers located in Samarra, an Iraqi base approximately 45 miles away from the Red

Dragons‟ home in Balad. The Distribution Platoon has used the time here in Iraq to help out both the Gladiators and Red Dragons in

any capacity possible, and intends to maintain this hard work ethic until all of the Soldiers make it safely home.

2LT Matthew Cline

Distribution Platoon

Throughout the month of June, all six sections of the Maintenance Platoon have performed their duties above and beyond

the standard required in the Red Dragon Battalion. They have set up the 3-82 Field Artillery Battalion Motor Pool. From the mo-

ment our Maintenance platoon landed boots on the ground, they have been running. The maintenance Platoon has worked long days

performing inspections and maintenance on every vehicle in the Battalion Fleet.

Each section focuses on their Battery‟s vehicles and equipment ,including, fork-

lifts, Mine Resistant Ambush Protective (MRAP) vehicles, HMMWVs, pallet-

ized loading systems, trailers, fuelers, generators, wreckers, and Forward repair

systems. We have fully inspected all technical aspects of every vehicle in the

Battalion fleet, performed a weekly quality assurance/quality control check of all

of 3-82 FA‟s maneuver combat patrol equipment, and ordered numerous parts for

the Battalion fleet. Upon a breakdown of vehicle, the maintenance team recovers

and repairs the vehicle within 24hours to be fully mission capable. We also con-

duct small arms repair through our armor met section. Maintenance is working

hard and will continue to do so throughout our time here.

2LT Amanda Fonk

Maintenance Platoon

Page 8

SGT Coffey changing a tire on a Gun Truck

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Golf Forward Support Company Platoons

Page 9: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Page 9

Rear Detachment Commander’s Note

Red Dragons, Families, and Friends,

This month has been a difficult one as we adjust to the unit being deployed, but I must say, you have all done a spectacular

job! I hope you are all able to hear from your Soldier on a (somewhat) regular basis and know they are doing great work in Iraq.

The amount of pride I feel from the support of families and friends of the deployed Soldiers has been amazing, and the constant com-

munication is truly bringing us together as a team.

For those of you who were able to attend the last Red Dragon

Family Night on 9 June 2011, I hope it provided a snapshot of what

your Soldiers are doing to assist and advise their Iraqi counterparts. We

will continue to provide guest speakers that can help you through this

time. For those unable to attend, we hope you can make it on July 14th

2011, at 6 pm at Oveta Culp! Our guest speaker for this month will be

the Brigade Rear Detachment Commander, Major Marne Sutten.

Please remember that your Rear Detachment is here for you!

When issues or questions arise, please feel free to contact myself or the

Rear Detachment Team and we will do everything within our power to

assist you and keep you informed. Your support of the Red Dragons

motivates and encourages me, and I know we will keep it up for the

duration of the deployment! Thank you for your tireless efforts, and

please know that your work, patience, and dedicated devotion is seen

and appreciated beyond what you may see.

Red Dragons!

CPT Chris Freeman

3-82 FA Rear Detachment Commander

Red Dragon Ladies enjoy catching up at the

FRG Family Night

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Up Coming FRG Events

Red Dragon Strong Warriors of the Week

SGT Thornton, William of HHB: May 24th - May 30th

SPC Keith, Curtis of Bravo: May 31st - June 6th

SSG Tyree, Richard of HHB: June 7th - June 13th

SPC Flannery, Joshua of Alpha: June 14th - June 20th

SPC Nielson, Ritchie of Alpha: June 21st - June 27th

Steering committee meeting on July 7th at

the Battalion Conference room at 11:30am.

Family Readiness Group will host Family

Night on July 14th at 6:00pm at the Oveta


Town Hall Video Teleconference on July

19th. Time and location are TBD.

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Page 10

SFC Gray and his wife had a SFC Gray and his wife had a

baby girl, Joselyn Elizabeth, 3 baby girl, Joselyn Elizabeth, 3


CPL Vazquez and his wife had a CPL Vazquez and his wife had a

baby girl, Izabelle, 20 Junebaby girl, Izabelle, 20 June

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

Alpha “Gators”

Babies Born

Birthdays SPC Lopez SPC Lopez -- June 5June 5

1LT Hobgood 1LT Hobgood -- June 14June 14

SSG Rijos SSG Rijos -- June 14June 14

SSG Williams SSG Williams -- June 15June 15

SGT McCord SGT McCord -- June 24June 24

SPC Thomson SPC Thomson -- June 27June 27

SPC Goodwin SPC Goodwin -- June 28June 28

SGT Trinidad SGT Trinidad -- June 29June 29

Anniversaries 2LT Gaasch 2LT Gaasch –– June 3 June 3

SSG Hood SSG Hood –– June 4 June 4

SPC Wonderlin SPC Wonderlin –– June 6 June 6

SGT Canning SGT Canning -- June 4 June 4

SFC Sollano SFC Sollano –– June 13 June 13

SGT RehoSGT Reho–– June 17 June 17

SPC Saucedo SPC Saucedo -- June 17June 17

CPL Vazquez CPL Vazquez --June 17June 17

SSG Rifenbury SSG Rifenbury -- June 25June 25


SGT Reho SGT Reho -- June 1June 1

SGT Abrams SGT Abrams -- June 1 June 1

CPT Esquivel CPT Esquivel -- July 1July 1


SGT Morales SGT Morales -- July 9July 9

1SG Minton 1SG Minton -- July 11July 11

SPC Allen SPC Allen -- July 16July 16

SGT Wickline SGT Wickline -- July 22July 22

SPC Hyndman SPC Hyndman -- July 28July 28

SSG Crebo SSG Crebo -- July 31July 31

SGT Netherland SGT Netherland -- July 1July 1

SFC Sollano SFC Sollano -- July 2July 2

CPT Esquivel CPT Esquivel -- July 24July 24

PFC Cruger PFC Cruger -- July 27July 27

HHB “Hellraisers”

SSG Tyree SSG Tyree -- July 1July 1

Re-enlistments SFC Gray and his wife had a SFC Gray and his wife had a

baby girl, Joselyn Elizabeth, June baby girl, Joselyn Elizabeth, June


CPL Vazquez and his wife had a CPL Vazquez and his wife had a

baby girl, Izabelle, 20 Junebaby girl, Izabelle, 20 June

Babies Born

Birthdays SGT Jones SGT Jones -- June 2June 2

PFC Khan PFC Khan -- June 4June 4

Anniversaries PFC Templeman PFC Templeman -- June 1June 1

SPC Triana SPC Triana -- June 5June 5

PFC Donkor PFC Donkor --June 10June 10

SSG Bennett SSG Bennett -- June 11June 11

PFC Ybarra PFC Ybarra -- June 13June 13

SPC Vanpelt SPC Vanpelt -- June 21June 21

SPC Vasquez SPC Vasquez -- June 23June 23

PFC Loera PFC Loera -- June 25June 25

1LT Koppel 1LT Koppel -- June 25June 25

CPT Hamidou CPT Hamidou -- July 1July 1

CPT Carroll CPT Carroll -- July 1July 1


1SG Durand 1SG Durand -- July 1July 1

SSG Tyree SSG Tyree -- July 2July 2

PFC Orozco PFC Orozco -- July 7July 7

PV2 Reeves PV2 Reeves -- July 8July 8

MAJ (P) Capra MAJ (P) Capra -- July 19July 19

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Page 11 3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

PFC Maly and his wife had a PFC Maly and his wife had a

baby girl, Amia, June 22baby girl, Amia, June 22

Babies Born

SSG Wills SSG Wills -- June 8 June 8

PFC Simmons PFC Simmons -- June 9June 9

PFC Fiolek PFC Fiolek -- June 9 June 9

SPC Gizynski SPC Gizynski -- June 10 June 10

SSG Phillips SSG Phillips -- June 11 June 11

PFC Hartz PFC Hartz -- June 11 June 11

SGT Coffey SGT Coffey -- June 14 June 14

PFC Turner PFC Turner -- June 15 June 15

PFC Maly PFC Maly -- June 26June 26

Birthdays PFC Osmon PFC Osmon -- July 1 July 1

SGT Moss SGT Moss -- July 4July 4

SPC Santana SPC Santana -- July 6July 6

SGT Colon SGT Colon -- July 7July 7

SGT Bland SGT Bland -- July 12July 12

1SG Towns 1SG Towns -- July 15July 15

SPC Castillo SPC Castillo -- July 18July 18

SGT Kuilan SGT Kuilan -- July 27July 27

SGT Vila SGT Vila -- July 27July 27


PFC Calhoun PFC Calhoun -- June 7June 7


Golf “Gladiators”

1SG Towns 1SG Towns -- July 12July 12


Bravo “Thunder”

Birthdays SFC Schuerger SFC Schuerger -- June 14June 14

SGT Kee SGT Kee -- June 25June 25

PFC Piper PFC Piper -- June 28June 28


SFC Schuerger SFC Schuerger -- June 5June 5

SPC Shinholster SPC Shinholster -- June 16June 16

PV2 Fiolek PV2 Fiolek -- June 9June 9

SSG Welch SSG Welch -- July 1July 1


SGT Morales SGT Morales -- July 9July 9

1SG Minton 1SG Minton -- July 11July 11

SPC Allen SPC Allen -- July 16July 16

SGT Wickline SGT Wickline -- July 22July 22

SPC Hyndman SPC Hyndman -- July 28July 28

SSG Crebo SSG Crebo -- July 31July 31

Page 12: Jun2011 Red Dragon Newsletter

Page 12

3-82 FA Red Dragon Newsletter

SGTs Reho and Abrams being promoted in front of SGTs Reho and Abrams being promoted in front of SGTs Reho and Abrams being promoted in front of Alpha Battery Command PostAlpha Battery Command PostAlpha Battery Command Post

SSG Williams bonding with an Iraqi child during Kid’s DaySSG Williams bonding with an Iraqi child during Kid’s Day

CPT Marcoux demonstrating the proper CPT Marcoux demonstrating the proper CPT Marcoux demonstrating the proper way to check blood pressureway to check blood pressureway to check blood pressure

LTC Cook and 2LTC Cook and 2LTC Cook and 2---11 FA LTC Preston meet with local 11 FA LTC Preston meet with local 11 FA LTC Preston meet with local leaders during change of authorityleaders during change of authorityleaders during change of authority

333---82 FA soldiers cordoning off traffic 82 FA soldiers cordoning off traffic 82 FA soldiers cordoning off traffic from a possible hazardfrom a possible hazardfrom a possible hazard

An Iraqi Commander greets An Iraqi Commander greets An Iraqi Commander greets Alpha Battery Soldiers as they Alpha Battery Soldiers as they Alpha Battery Soldiers as they

arrive at his checkpointarrive at his checkpointarrive at his checkpoint

Two 3Two 3Two 3---82 FA soldiers patrolling 82 FA soldiers patrolling 82 FA soldiers patrolling In their area of operationIn their area of operationIn their area of operation

SPC Flannery perfecting SPC Flannery perfecting SPC Flannery perfecting his skills with his M240B his skills with his M240B his skills with his M240B

crew served weaponcrew served weaponcrew served weapon

Red Dragons in Action

33--82 FA soldiers securing the perimeter during a 82 FA soldiers securing the perimeter during a

Key Leader EngagementKey Leader Engagement