
Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ, Our family is thrilled to return to our home church. Our 20 year history is filled with memories that helped shape who we are as individuals, as a family, and as followers of Jesus Christ. Each of the pastor’s and laity who poured into our lives taught us who Jesus is. Each of our three children grew up attending children’s ministry, youth ministry, camps, and mission trips. We learned the meaning of serving as the

hands, feet, and heart of Christ. We also learned the importance of being able to receive God’s grace and love through the hands, feet, and heart of our brother’s and sister’s in Christ during Paul’s Leukemia journey.

I am grateful for the legacy of the many faith heroes who have shaped the

125 year history of the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches as I begin to serve as the newest pastor. UMCPB influenced my seven years away. I am excited to begin our journey together on our first Sunday together in July. We will take five weeks to explore what it means to have ‘No Fear In Love’ based on Bishop William H. Willimon’s book, Fear Of The Other. Debby Oetinger has copies in the bookstore. Our journey will be based in part on:

1 John 4:17-19NLT “And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect.

So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face Him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. 18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.

If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love.

19 We love each other because He loved us first.

I am looking forward to my new role at UMCPB. For those who became a part of this church family while I was away, I am excited to get to know you and for us to grow together on our journey called life as disciples of Jesus Christ.

The lens that I look through are and that I will lead from:

1. ALL persons are created in the image of God. Even those persons who do not believe Jesus Christ is their Savior. (Genesis 1:27NLT “So God created

human beings in his own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”)

Continued on Page two

Special points of


Welcome Pastor

Patti Aupperlee &


Inside this issue:

Journey through the

New Testament



Ministry 4


Concert for Haiti 5

Message from The


Through The Roof

Ministries 8

Wor’K’ship Schedule 9

Family Promise

Growth Groups


Children’s Ministry





United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches 900 Brandywine Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33409 OFFICE: 561-687-5411 FAX: 561-687-8348

WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] JULY 2017

UMCPB Celebrating

125 Years 15

Welcome Pastor

Patti & Family 16

JULY’s Calendar


Register for The

Global Leadership

Summit on August

10th & 11th. See Information on

Page 11

Greetings from Pastor Patti Continued 2. Christ lived, died, and was resurrected for all; because God loves His created. (Romans 8:38-39NLT “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below-- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) 3. As disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world (UMC Mission Statement), we

are called to live, love, and serve as Christ loves us. Richard Rohr has written that “we are to be for those who don’t know who Jesus is will meet Him in us”, and will know joy. (Matthew 28:18-20NLT Jesus came and told His disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.")

4. We follow the commands Jesus has given us – Love God and love others as God loves us. ALL

are our neighbors to be loved. (Mark 12:29-31NLT “Jesus replied, "The most important commandment is this: 'Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. 30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' 31 The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

No other commandment is greater than these.")

Join me in building on the powerful legacy that has been left to us, and may we, together, “Look Up, Reach Out, Love, Care, and Share through God’s Unfailing Grace.”

Joyfully, Pastor Patti

Page 2

Read the New Testament in a Year….. JULY


































Page 3

Page 4

The next Curbside Mission Café

will be THURSDAY, July 6th from

4:00-6:00. Don’t forget that we

have moved to the first Thursday

of the month.

MENU: Spaghetti with Meat

Sauce, Garlic Bread, Giant Choco-

late Chip Cookie, choice of Cole

Slaw or Fruit Cup, and a mint.

Please help us increase our profit

margin by bringing in your previ-

ous Curbside containers.

We deeply appreciate your sup-

port! Don’t forget to pick up

some extra cookies or spaghetti


For more information please contact Cary Collins at

[email protected]

Curbside Mission Café

Fine Arts Camp Many, many thanks for those who made Fine Arts Camp 2017 a

huge success! The campers learned a tremendous amount of

Scripture through their musical “Star Quest: Search for the

Stolen Scriptures” and had a great time doing it. Additionally, the campers gave from their hearts for a special

offering which will enable us to do a “Fine Arts Camp in the

Glades.” Those donations totaling $550 will help us take this

great experience to the kids in Pahokee. Many of our campers

even donated their Star Quest music books and CDs to go to

campers there that otherwise wouldn’t be able to have them.

The camp in the glades will be July 24th-28th. If you would like to donate to help us with that camp or

volunteer as a helper that week, please contact Cary at [email protected]. Your prayers for this special

outreach project are greatly appreciated.

Page 4

For more information about any of the ministries of the

music department, please contact

Cary Collins ([email protected]) or

Chad Stoffel ([email protected]) or visit the Church


Our heart and desire for the music

ministry is to fill the musical needs of our

congregation by offering a diverse

program so all will have an opportunity to

serve and/or find inspiration. We pray

that you are blessed by the music of

UMCPB and if you are so led, will find a

place to serve God through music. Your

comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Thank you to all those who give so generously of their time and talent to our


Haiti: The school that we support in Haiti needs our help to rebuild and we are seek-ing $20,000.00 to begin this effort. Please consid-er supporting this mission by visiting the Go-FundMe page that has been set up to fundraise for this reconstruction effort. You can find the Go-FundMe page on the church’s Facebook page or by visiting

Page 5

"The gospel is only good news if it gets there

in time" — Carl F. H. Henry

Page 5

"The gospel is only good news if it gets

there in time" — Carl F. H. Henry

For more

information on our Mission Ministry,

please contact Joseph Radonis—


[email protected]



Saturday, July 8th, 2017 @ 7:00 PM

Featuring: Donna Singer, Jazz Vocalist

Fredo Monplaisir, Gospel Music

Roselle Francique, Gospel Music & MORE!

Admission: $20.00—Tickets are on Sale Now!!

In October, 2016, Hurricane Matthew destroyed the building that was

built by funds from UMCPB and used by the people of Thomas-Elie

as both a church and a school that serviced over 150 children. We

desperately need your help to rebuild. The people of Haiti are counting

on us!

For more information and for tickets contact

United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches

900 Brandywine Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Email: [email protected] / Telephone: 561-687-5411

Mission Boxes: Donations to the Mission

Boxes for the month of July

will go toward our overseas

missions in Cuba, Peru, Hai-

ti, and India. Thank you for

your continued generosity.

CROS Pantry:

Bring in some extra nonper-

ishable items for the CROS

Food Pantry. Please re-

member the CROS Food

Box is in the kitchen serving


Global Minis-tries Resources Please take some time to ex-plore some of the things that our denomination is doing in the mission field through Global Ministries and UMCOR.

"God's work done in God's

way will never lack God's

supply" — Hudson Taylor

Church, are we given refuge from complacency?

Somebody told me that when I do these devotionals that I talk about the things that I deal with. Well, guess what. He was right! Hopefully I do not come across as if what is in this head of mine is the right things and correct way to believe. It is just thought provoking and I get to talk through my own understanding. It is very helpful to me. And hopefully to you!

Wow, we have been shaken up! I feel like I have been grabbed by the throat and pulled out of the ground. It makes me very uncomfortable. Fear, afraid of the unknown. Afraid I have to change. I have been very comfortable doing what I have been doing here at church for the last few years (the same breakfast for how long?) What do I have to accept? What do I need to change? What should I do? Should I speak up? Should I leave? Should I stay? Should I get more involved in the running of the church? Should I be less involved in the church? Should I give more? Should I give less? Should I still invite people to my church? Should I just do nothing? If I do anything is it going to help?

So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.

We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Page 6

Continued on Page 7

Page 7

God does know what He is doing! We just need to believe that!

Study who He is and be faithful to what we understand Him to be, not what other people believe He is. But the only way to do that is like anything else, we need to research, to get involved, to spend time doing it, to make it a priority in our lives to listen for God. That will bring big change in us.

Complacency is not a good thing! The many years I have been at this church it has been the times of change that I have grown in my walk.

When I first came to this church it was a change, and I truly found my first relationship with Christ.

Emmaus got me to acknowledge that I can speak about Christ to others.

Our first associate pastor put me in leadership in my first tag group.

A going-away present from my first pastor, Ironmen was started from a men’s study in his house.

Our first new pastor brought me through a time of loss; My Parents death and the leaving of my Pas-tor. It was a big change in my life. Seeing love from community helped me at that time

Another change in pastor brought Men’s retreats, daily Bible reading and journaling.

When the changes occurred I did not know the outcome. But all the changes brought me on a journey towards Christ! Change is good and as long as we know God is on our side we will grow with Christ when change comes.

Do we have to understand how it all works? I know we want to. But if we did understand how it all works, how would it change us? Isn’t growing in Christ about changing who we are and how we do things? I find myself trying to control it all. (we all know I have control issues any way!)

We all know we are not perfect and we are supposed to strive to be like Christ. Well, that brings ma-jor change in my life. What about yours?

But I like the way things have been!

What ever you are thinking is going to happen to our church good or bad, guess what, you probably are wrong!!!!

We can’t fear where change will brings us or where it brings our friends!

God has the plan not us or whoever He puts here. To understand it we just have to turn to Him!

Thought provoking questions! Do you feel like you have been complacent in your growth towards Christ? Yes or no and why? What are you changing in your life to prepare for change? What can you do to help create a healthy change?

Join the IRONMEN for Men's Breakfast and Devotions on the JULY 8th at 8:00 a.m. in the Gathering

place. For more information Call Dino #561-801-6967 or email umcpb.ironmen

Romans 8:35-39 The Message (MSG)

Page 8

Summer has arrived with its heat, humidity and rain. The Amigos are thinking

of summer things to do.

One project has been to film a video of “how to talk effectively with

people who have special needs.” Another project recently has been going to St. Mary’s to help with a food

drive. Soon, we are hosting a carnival for children.

If you know of any projects that our group could tackle, please share with me.

Originally, our group dubbed themselves the Three Amigos. Now we have

anywhere from 12 to 25 people attend our Sunday evening activities and even

more for our outreach activities. We now call our group The Amigos which

is rather appropriate. Amigos means friends. One of our goals is to grow

friendships. Many parents come to say, my daughter or son has special needs

and really needs a safe place to grow and find friends.

UMCPB is providing the safe space and atmosphere for growing friendships.

My daughter has always related well to children younger than herself or adults

older than herself. Having a friend her own age has been very infrequent. I

hope for the day, she can reach out to a friend just to talk about her day or share her feelings. It is a simple act. One that most of us do without thinking

twice. But for my daughter, she does not share her thoughts easily. We have

a hard time understanding her. Communication is not easy. How do you

have friendships then?

Because UMCPB cares about our Amigos, we can address these issues with

The Amigos.

Thank you for supporting the ministry for people with special needs.

Serving in Christ’s Love,


Through The Roof in July

For additional

information on Our Special Needs &

Congregational Care


please contact

Rev. Phyllis Parthemer at 561-687-5411 ext.

15 or Email: [email protected]

The Amigos Growth

Group Meets every

First & Third Sunday

from 4:00-6:00 pm if you are interested in

volunteering, please


Rev. Phyllis Parthemer

Questions/comments/ideas please contact

Bonnie—Trustee Chair at

[email protected]

Page 9

Wor"k"ship nights for July

July 12th

July 26th

Volunteer BBQ August 9th!

Details: A Light dinner will be provided at 5:30p.m. and we will start working by 6:00 p.m. Our primary focus will be exterior painting with a number of smaller cleaning/updating projects around church campus.

Financial Administrator

We are seeking a Financial Administrator to

manage our bookkeeping services including -

Accounts receivables/payables, payroll, bank recon-

ciliations, and budgets. You will work with our Finance Committee in preparation

of financial statements for monthly and annual reports.

You must be organized, detail-oriented, able to work independently with little

oversight and have excellent computer skills using MS Word and MS Excel.

A working knowledge of Shelby is a definite plus.

Please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected].

Secondary Story Headline

Since September 2011, UMCPB has been REACHING OUT to local homeless children and their families

through our affiliation with Family Promise of North/Central Palm Beach, Inc. whose Mission Statement is

“...Partners with the Interfaith Community to help Homeless Children by Empowering the families to regain



The first interfaith hospitality network (to later become Family Promise) opened on October 27, 1986.


1992: Family Promise was awarded one of 21 Points of Light, out of a field of more than 4,500

nominees, by President and Barbara Bush.

2003: WE BECOME FAMILY PROMISE—the name refers to the promise, in the sense of commitment

which communities make to the families in need. It also refers to the promise, the potential inherent in every

family. It also represents a national movement that believes we can address family homelessness—right here

in our own communities. Family Promise programs now touch the lives of more that 67,000 people in need

annually and engage more than 180,000 volunteers in more than 200 affiliates served by 6,000 congregations.

Prior to 2010, the local affiliate was being developed with Patti Aupperlee (yes, the same Patti Aupperlee who

became our Sr. Pastor on July 1, 2017) as UMCPB Representative. When Patti was appointed Pastor at

Pahokee, Thom Delnero, Sr. replaced Patti and Fred Teets later joined as co-coordinators.

The local affiliate’s first guest families were hosted in August 2011 just a few weeks before coming to UMCPB

on Sunday, September 11, 2011.

On July 9th UMCPB will be the Host Congregation for the 23rd week. If all volunteer positions are filled and

food/other items are provided by different individuals, it takes a minimum of 138 people to host for one week.

This is a tremendous task but members and friends of UMCPB have always come through. During the

previous 22 Host Weeks over 400 individuals have volunteered at least once.

While you are reading this in The Herald, ask yourself “Is there something I can do to help during this

upcoming Host Week”? I will guarantee you the answer will be YES!!!

Call or Text Fred at 561-762-5374 or email [email protected] to get plugged into this Host Week.

If you have never volunteered, start now, and if not now, the next UMCPB Host Week begins on Sunday,

November 5th. Mark your calendar!!

The UMCPB Family Promise Team

Simone Collins, Thom Delnero, Sr., Joe Radonis and Fred Teets

Page 10





At 7:00 PM in the church conference room

Authentic Manhood "33 The Series"

Pattern your manhood from the real man!

"Jesus Christ"

Real Women Real Life Growth Group Study

Ironmen Weekly Study

Page 11

Saturday, July 8 is the next meeting of Real Women-Real Life. We will be

covering chapter 7- The Lord's Pattern of Prayer in Becoming a Woman of

Prayer by Cynthia Heald. If you have not attended previously, don't worry

each chapter can stand by itself. I am sure you will get something from the

engaging discussion of the study. We will meet at 8:00 AM in the Gathering

Place for breakfast prepared by the Ironmen (donation) and then at 8:30 AM

in Room 116 for our study and engaging discussion. Please join us and bring

a friend. I hope to see you there. Any Questions? Contact Beth Benvenuti

at 561-601-7189.

For more information please contact Beth Ben-

venuti at email: [email protected]

August 10th and 11th, 2017 The Global Leadership Summit will be telecast live in HD from the Willow Creek Campus near Chicago to over 500 locations nationwide. Your experience at The Global Leadership Summit will be excellent whether attending at the original campus or a satellite location. Attending at a telecast location reduces your travel costs, saves time, and ensures everyone can benefit from the wisdom of this year's world-class faculty.

You are registering to attend the GLS at Community Of Hope | Site # 381 14055 Okeechobee Blvd | Loxahatchee, FL 33470 561-753-8883 |

Regular Cost $209.00. Bring a Group and pay $169.00 per person.

Register NOW for this exciting Leadership Summit. Visit:

Join the IRONMEN FOR Men's breakfast on the june 10TH at 8:00 a.m. in

the Gathering place. Call Dino #561-801-6967 or email umcpb.ironmen

Page 12






JULY 2017 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6

Communion Connection

Check the Website for Youth Activities !

Youth Council Meeting

July 2, 2017 Summer 17 Activities

This Month

United Methodist Youth Fellowship: Sunday's 4pm to 6pm -

$3.00 for Dinner

July 2nd 2017

See You in Worship

For information on our Youth Ministry,

Contact: Steve Bergkamp

Dir.of Youth Ministry [email protected]

561-512-0199 See up to date information on the

Youth webpage found on the church web site at

Leader: Cathy Atkinson and Harold Weaver Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: UMCPB - Room #116 Contact Info: [email protected] /561-681-9446 or [email protected] /561-514-1749

Leaders: Rob and Kristina Baker Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: rotate homes - please call Contact Info: [email protected] or 561-801-1675



Leader: Kate Marr Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: UMCPB—Room #114 Contact: Kate Marr—[email protected] Or (561) 242-5180

Page 13


Leaders: Scott and Mary Jo Gay Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: 930 Lytle St., West Palm Beach, 33405 (off Parker St. & Forest Hill Blvd.) Contact Info: (561) 585-7183

Leaders: Jeff and Mary French Time: 7:00 p.m. (On Break until August 2017) Location: rotate homes - please call Contact Info: [email protected] or 561-615-0497

Leaders: Sue Nelle Chenowith (Palm Springs) Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: 345 Shady Lane Road, Palm Springs, FL 33461 Contact Info: [email protected] or (561) 965-4069

Leaders: Bill and Linda Broome Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: 173 Milestone Way, West Palm Beach, 33415 (off Gun Club Rd. between Haverhill Rd. & Jog Rd.) Contact Info: [email protected] or (561) 689-0320

The Amigos

Growth Group FIRST & THIRD


from 4:00-6:00 pm if you are interested

in volunteering,

please call

Rev. Phyllis


[email protected]

Other ongoing

Growth Groups:

Real Women/Real Life


”33 The Series”

UMW Elizabeth


UMW Sarah Circle

S.O.A.P Growth

Group Celebrate Recovery

Step Studies

Haitian Bible Studies

Sweet Hour of Prayer


S.O.U.L. Patrol “Seeking Out U Lord!” is for children ages three years to fifth grade,

and runs throughout the school calendar year, with special activities,

camps and events throughout the summer.

Join us for our Family PICNIC Night on Sunday, July 2ns from 4:00—

6:00 p.m. sponsored by Through the Roof Ministries. This event is

FREE. Prizes and games for the whole family.


Loving Nursery Care

Offered each Sunday during all services for children three months through

two years old, the nursery is located in the west wing next to the Blessings

Abound bookstore and the outside playground


Our Vacation

Bible School is July 14th and 15th from 6:—8:30 p.m. for Kids ages 3 through 5th grade. Please check our website for more information and to register at



Page 14

Sunday school We invite children of all ages to join us as we learn and grow in God’s love

every Sunday morning during the 9:30 service. I. Miss Kate, Miss Natalie & Mr. John, lead our 2 & 3 year olds in room

104. II. Miss Kay & Miss Anette lead our four-year through 1st graders in

room 106.

III. Miss Carol leads our second and fifth graders in room 114,

Children’s Church

Sunday mornings during the 11:00 service (after dismissal from Children’s Sermon), kids Pre-K-2nd grade can join us in room 104, and

kids in 2nd-5th grade can join us in room 106, as we create experiences

to help them grow in relationship with Jesus and each other.

Leaders are Diane Fournier for our elementary aged kids, and

Stephanie Hicks, Don Kula and Della Gaylor for Pre-K.


Ministry (3 Years to

5th Grade)

Jill Bergkamp, Director of

Children’s Ministry Email: [email protected] Office:(561) 687-5411

ext. 18

Page 15


This year our church celebrates 125 years since its founding. We celebrate the past as we look forward to a vibrant future.

The Methodist Church first came to West Palm Beach in 1892

During its first 100 years, the First Methodist Church congregation worshipped I n three different church buildings in Downtown West Palm Beach

Methodists first worshipped in a school on Clematis and Dixie Highway.

In 1898 a simple wooden chapel was built on Datura Street and Dixie Highway.

A large brick church was built in 1914 on the site of the original wooden chapel.

In 1924, the large Spanish-style church was built at the corner of Hibiscus and Rosemary Ave.

The Wagg congregation was formed in 1922 and first held services in a large tent and then at Southborough School until Wagg Memorial Church was built in 1929. It grew into a thriving congregation in the southern end of West Palm Beach on Garden Avenue and Kaye Street.

In 1957 a mission church was started west of town in the Westgate neighborhood and became Grace United Methodist Church. Bill Broome and his father, Henry Broome, built the large wooden cross which was placed above the altar; it is now a centerpiece of the UMCPB chapel today.

In 1963, the Cuban United Methodist Church congregation started to serve Cubans fleeing Communism and Castro, and worshiped in the Vliett Chapel at First United Methodist Church.

The First Church and Grace Church congregations voted to merge in 1987 and formed the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches.

The former First Methodist Church facilities downtown were sold, eventually to become the Harriett Himmel Theatre, the centerpiece of City Place in 1987.

The Hispanic Congregation at the downtown First Church moved to Wagg Memorial.

The former Grace Church site was sold in 1987.

The new United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches built our current church campus on Brandywine Road which opened for its first service December 16, 1990.

The Korean Congregation began worshipping in the chapel in 1992.

Korean Congregation, which had been renting worship space, became part of our congregation in 2006. In 2007, the Wagg Memorial Congregation voted to sell its church property and merged with the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches, adding their talents, service and gifts to help create the vital congregation we are to-day. One of the most dramatic and inspiring examples of our congregation and community’s faith-based sacrificial giving came in 1928 when the boom of the early 20s went bust in West Palm Beach and across the nation. The funds that the downtown First Methodist Church of West Palm Beach had put aside to pay its debt were lost in bank closings, and many of its members were without jobs. The congregation could not meet its mortgage pay-ments and was forced to deed the beautiful new church it had just built back to the bond holders to avoid foreclo-sure. The congregation moved services to the auditorium of Palm Beach High and soon began a campaign to raise the $25,000 necessary to buy the property back. Mr. E.D. Anthony, then president of the congregation and father-in-law of current church members Betsy and Anita Anthony, sent out a community-wide appeal for 5,000 gifts of $5 each, the pastor even agreed to serve for $1 for one year. Other church members, including the mother of current member Jack Thomas, organized fundraising dinners in their backyards across the city. Members sold prized family heirlooms, and even their wedding rings according to one account, to raise the money to save the church.

The campaign was a success and the ownership of the church was returned to the congregation. BLESSINGS

Page 15

Page 16

Pastor Patti Aupperlee, Paul & Family

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Saturday Legends: GP— Gathering Place CP— Chapel CR— Conference Room PO— Pastor’s Office PDO—Parents Day Out RM— Room SW— South Wing WW— West Wing TTR—Through The Roof YR— Youth Room CMT– Care Ministry

Team CHR—Choir Room


2 COMMUNION SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. COMBINED Worship Service to Welcome Pastor Patti, Paul & Family 4:pm Growth Group 4:pm Youth Council 4-6:pm Family Picnic (Amigos/Youth/Children)



5 8:30am PDO 5:pm Sweet Hour of

Prayer 5-7:pm Family Promise

Orientation 6:pm S.O.A.P. Study 7:pm Men’s Growth Group “33 The Series” Conference Room

6 8:30am PDO 4-6:pm Curbside Café 5:pm Boys Chrysalis

6:pm CR Step Study 6-8pm Family Promise Orientation

7:pm Haitian Bible

Study #115 7:pm Praise Team

7 8:30am PDO 10:am Prayer Shawl Ministry—Conf. .Rm. 5:pm Boys Chrysalis Throughout Church Campus


8:am IRONMEN & Real Women / Real Life Breakfast & Study Rm #116 5:pm Boys Chrysalis Campus

7:pm Haiti Rebuilding Concert -Gathering Place

9 FAMILY PROMISE 8:am Classic Worship 9:30 Praise & Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:am Classic Worship 12:30 pm Children’s

Council—TBD 4:pm Growth Group 116



11 FAMILY PROMISE 8:30am Parents Day Out 10:am Staff/Program Meeting—Conf. Rm 10:am Growth Group 6:30pm Chancel Choir


8:30am PDO 5:pm Sweet Hour of Prayer—Room #116 5:30 pm WorKship Night 6:pm S.O.A.P. Study TBD 7:pm Men’s Growth Group “33 The Series” Conference Room

13 FAMILY PROMISE 8:30am PDO 6:pm CR Step Study In Rooms #106

7:pm Haitian Bible Study Room #116 5:30 pm SPR—CR 7:pm Praise Team

14 FAMILY PROMISE 8:30am PDO 10:am Prayer Shawl Ministry—Conf. .Rm. 6:00—8:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School Chapel / West Wing & Room #116

15 FAMILY PROMISE 6:00—8:30 p.m. Vacation Bible Sch. Chapel /West Wing And Room #116

16 FAMILY PROMISE 8:am Classic Worship 9:30 Praise & Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:am Classic Worship 12:30 pm—MISSIONS 2:30p.m Children’s Council 4:pm The Amigos Growth Group & Dinner 4:pm Growth Group 114



5:30pm Church Council #116

Warren Willis Camp

18 8:30am Parents Day Out

10:am Growth Group 10:am Staff/Program

Meeting—Conf. Rm

1:30pm Caring Kitchen 5:pm Worship Planning 5:30 pm FINANCE—CR

6:30pm Chancel Choir Warren Willis Camp

19 8:30am PDO 5:pm Sweet Hour of Prayer—Room #116 6:pm S.O.A.P. Study 7:pm Men’s Growth Group “33 The Series” Conference Room

Warren Willis Camp

20 8:30am PDO 6:pm CR Step Study In Rooms #114/116

7:pm Haitian Bible Study Room #115 7:pm Praise Team Warren Willis Camp

21 8:30am PDO 10:am Prayer Shawl Ministry—Conf. .Rm. 11:00 a.m. Altar Guild . 5:00 pm Wedding

Rehearsal (Brown)

Warren Willis Camp


J. Brown’s Wedding Warren Willis Camp

23 8:am Classic Worship 9:30 Praise & Worship 9:45 Sunday School 11:am Classic Worship 4:pm Growth Group 114 ——————————— 30 FAMILY FIFTH SUNDAY 38:am Classic Worship 9:30 Praise & Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:am Classic Worship 4:pm Growth Group 114 -


____________ 31

25 8:30am Parents Day Out

10:am Staff/Program

Meeting—Conf. Rm 10:am Growth Group 5:pm Worship Planning

6:30pm Chancel Choir

26 8:30am PDO 5:pm Sweet Hour of Prayer—Room #116 6:pm S.O.A.P. Study 5:30 pm WorKship Night

7:pm Men’s Growth Group “33 The Series” Conference Room

27 8:30am PDO 6:pm CR Step Study In Rooms #114/116

7:pm Haitian Bible Study Room #115 7:pm Praise Team

28 8:30am PDO 10:am Prayer Shawl

Ministry—Conf. .Rm.


Page 17 JULY 2017 - HAPPY JULY 4TH

& Family

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I am God's child (John 1:12)

I am Christ's friend (John 15:15)

I am united with the Lord(1 Cor. 6:17)

I am bought with a price(1 Cor. 6:19-20)

I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)

I am a personal witness of Christ (Acts 1:8)

I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt.5:13-14)

I am a member of the body of Christ(1 Cor 12:27)

I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)

I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil.3:20)

I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31-34)

I am a minister of reconciliation for God(2 Cor.5:17-21)

I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)

I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)

I cannot be separated from the love of God(Rom.8:35-39)

I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor.1:21-22)

I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8: 28)

I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16)

I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)

I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)

I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)

I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)

I am God's co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship(Eph. 2:10)

I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected (Phil. 1: 5)

I have been redeemed and forgiven (Col. 1:14). I have been adopted as God's child (Eph 1:5)

I belong to God

Do you know who you are!?

"The LORD bless you and keep you;

the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."

Numbers 6:2

900 Brandywine Road West Palm Beach, FL 33409



West Palm Beach, FL PERMIT No. 131


Senior Pastor- Patti Aupperlee - [email protected]

Rev. Phyllis Parthemer - [email protected]

Cary Collins - [email protected]

Jan Fulford - [email protected]

Chad Stoffel - [email protected]

Jill Bergkamp - [email protected]

Steve Bergkamp - [email protected]

Pamela Daniel-Charles - [email protected]

[email protected]

William Joyner - [email protected]

Martin Delgado - Custodian

Cheryl Carvajal - [email protected]

Linda Matyas - Wed. Night Chef ([email protected])