Page 1: Joseph zanella oticon ansøgning og cv

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Page 2: Joseph zanella oticon ansøgning og cv


Mit navn er Joseph Zanella. Jeg er 46 og far til Alef. Jeg rolig, empatisk, og god til at lytte, og til at omsætte min viden til handling hvis det viser sig nødvendigt. Jeg har øje for både detaljer og bestræber mig på at have det store billede. Har skrevet og studeret sprog og kommunikation siden jeg begyndte at skrive for alvor som 14 årig. Har dyrket wing chun og thai boksning. Har som ung mand blaffet igennem det mest af Europa og en del af Nord Amerika, og arbejdet som daglejer, cykelbud, taglægger, tjener mm. Har tilbragt flere år i Jordan som underviser og forfatter. Min fritid bruger jeg med min søn, og på at læse og skrive, spille musik, og lange gåture.

Sprog, IT &c.Engelsk: Modersmål

Thai: Modersmål

Dansk: Flydende

Arabisk: Professionel

Svensk, Fransk, Tysk, Italiensk: Funktionel






Kørekort: Kategori B

Page 3: Joseph zanella oticon ansøgning og cv

VITA2015- Projektredaktør, korrekturlæser, peer-reviewer: Kalam Research & Media, Abu Dhabi.2015-2015 Projektansat engelsk webredaktør, oversætter, SEO medarbejder: Rhetorica A/S, København.2014-2015 Pædagogisk medarbejder: Natcaféen, Sundholm, København.2014-2015 Pædagogisk medarbejder: Herbergscenteret, Sundholm, Køben- havn.2013-2014 Engelsk oversætter, korrekturlæser: IFSV, Københavns Universitet2012-2013 Analytiker/konsulent, freelance: Michael Bachkati for Novo, Kø- benhavn.2007-2014 Pædagogisk assistent: Lindevangen, Frederiksberg.2008-2009 Kontorfunktionær: Driftscenteret KUA, København.2007-2008 Pædagogisk medarbejder: Natcaféen, Kirkens Korshærs Herberg, København.2006-2007 Pædagogisk assistent: Mændenes Hjem, København.2004-2007 Studentermedarbejder i Studenterafdelingen: KUA, København.2004-2011 Korrekturlæser (engelsk) for White Thread Press og Turath Pub- lishing, London.2003-2004 Redaktør og skribent (engelsk) ved Islamica Magazine, Amman, Jordan.2003-2003 Konsulent og rapportør: HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, Amman, Jordan.2001-2004 Engelsk underviser i Amman, Jordan, ved London Education Center, American Language Center, m.fl.1984-2001 Cykelbud, skribent, tjener, taglægger, bygningsarbejder, pædagog medhjælper, avisbud, gartner, flaskedreng, mm.


2010-2013 Kandidat i filosofi, speciale: Thought, Truth and Certainty om Descartes, Wittgenstein, metafysik og logik (10)

2006-2010 Bachelor i filosofi med arabisk som tilvalg (12)

1998-2001 Bachelor i teologi (uaflsuttet)

1996-1998 HF Gasværksvej (9,5 snit)

1989-1990 Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk (billedkunst, literatur)

1987-1989 Stenhus Gymnasium i Holbæk (bortvist)

1986-1986 Egå Ungdomshøjskole (billedkunst, fotografi, musik)

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Dear Oticon,

About myself: I am an experienced writer/copywriter, journalist, editor and proof-reader. I am a US citizen who grew up in Denmark – so I have fluency and I have worked in both languages.

I am self-taught autodidact in the art of writing, editing and communication, as it has been the one main calling I answered to when very young. Back then there were no programs for writers in Denmark, and getting into the business meant you had to have connections. (It still does, incidentally.)

So, a couple of good friends and I started our own magazine called Torpedo from scratch and the few grants we could muster in 1991. We folded in 1997 but by then I had already gone back to school and began pursuing a university degree.

As you can see from my vita, however, I have worked during all those years. I ac-tually did not recieve SU until the final six months when I wrote my masters’ thesis because my son had come to the world three months ahead of time.

I have appended the notice for this position with my notes and corrections as a way of showing that I actually do know what I am talking about. I might also mention that I designed this application in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

This was not done out of arrogance, nor is it meant as a slight on your team. Rather, I mean to show that I am both serious and competent, despite not having the com-mon credentials that are expected in a country this homogenous.

I hope you will recieve this application in good faith and give it a fair hearing. And perhaps, on account of it, I might get the opportunity to present myself to you in an interview.


Joseph ZanellaBorgbergsvej 35, 1. tv2450 København SV(45) 22 40 33 [email protected]

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Either (1) “to the BtB and BtC market”, where the definite article and the conjunct make the object of the preposition one, and drop “both” due to conflict; or (2) “to BtB and BtC markets”, where it is under-stood that the two are separate, and hence “both” can be dropped as needless; or (3) “both to the BtB and BtC markets” making it definite and plural.



Yes, I do!
