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����5 6789����:2;<=>�!"?@A6# ����$�%&'()*# -1# 3�+.# +,**0�,

The e#ects of other sensory information on odor perception

Nobuyuki SAKAI

Department of Living Sciences, Kobe Shoin Women’s University

+�,�+, Shinohara Oba Noyamacho, Nada-ku, Kobe 0/1�**+/, Japan

Abstract In this review, several studies reporting about interactions between olfactory perception

and visual stimuli, e.g. color of odor solution or pictures about odor sources, are introduced. Then,

three working hypotheses about interactions between olfaction and vision are discussed. The first

hypothesis is that the cross-modal interactions are the result of cross- modal associations between

olfactory and visual stimuli. Second is top-down processing activated by visual stimuli a#ects

olfaction. Third is congruency e#ect. Several studies reporting interactions between olfaction and

other sensory/cognitive information, such as gustatory stimuli, somatosensory and kinetic stimuli

(body position and sni$ng), and knowledge about odor sources are also introduced. These studies

suggested that the one who wants to understand individual olfactory world should understand these

complex processes in olfactory perception.

Key words : olfactory perception, color of odor stimuli, visual images for odor sources, association

between odor and appearance, top-down processing

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