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Initial Planning Ideas

Page 2: Initial ideas

My first idea for the plot of my music video will be the camera solely focusing on the actor/model. This person will be dancing in tune to the song and miming along to the lyrics. They will have different shots in order to create eye contact with the audience. Also, the aim of this song is to get the listeners in a positive mood and create a positive energy through dance, and my actor will be dancing and encouraging the audience to dance throughout the song. As I will be using green screen I want to create a busy and colour background which will link to the song. I want to create movements in the background which will move in time with the music and almost create illusions. Also I want to try and add the lyrics on to the background as they are said in the song.

Plot Idea:

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Locations:My music video is going to be from the hip-hop/r ‘n’ b music genre. Therefore I thought it would be a better idea to use the green screen rather than include a narrative because when people think of this music genre dancing and socialising usually springs to mind, and through using the green screen, I can include this in my music video without is having to have a narrative. As I have chosen to use the green screen, my music video will therefore be focusing completely on the person dancing on the green screen, and they will be what the audience will be looking at the whole time. From taking this into consideration I knew that my model/dancer would have to be confident and dance well.

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Props and Actors:When choosing my actor/model I needed to think about the target audience that my music video will be appealing to. If I used a child or older adult in my music video it would confuse the audience due to the song choice. As my music video is aimed at young adults it was essential that I used a young adult to be the main focus. Also as I have already mentioned, they must be confident with what they have to do because a music video with a shy actor wouldn’t look professional. In addition I will not be using any props due to the fact that the background will be looking busy enough once I have used after effects. Also not many props would be applicable with the type of song I am using, however some props may be needed as my ideas develop.

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Time Management:I think that time management will play an important part whilst I am creating my music video. If I do not dedicate the right amount of time to this project then it will not be of my highest standards, and it will not look as professional as I would like it to because I would have to eventually rush it. Along with this, if I spend too much time filming this could effect the editing I have to do after. I will need to make enough time for both. Overall I know that I will need to take time management into consideration when doing everything to do with my music video because I want it to look as professional as I can make it. I will need to take into account the time I will need to complete each task and to leave my some time to reach my goal.

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Equipment:For the shooting of my music video I will need to use only one camera, most probably the DSLR camera. From using this camera I will be able to include all the different shots and angles that I will be adding into my music video. Furthermore, the editing part to my music video is extremely important and will help me create a successful music video. I will be using Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe After Effects. I will be using premiere pro to crop different parts of my filming into eventually a flowing music video. I have used Premiere Pro a few times before, therefore I know roughly how to use the tools. However I have never used After Effects, therefore in order not to struggle I will be playing around with the tools before hand, so that I get an idea of the different things it can do, and what it can bring to my music video and the background.