Page 1: Inhaled Bronchodilator Administration During … 50% higher than with oxygen in the ventilator circuit. 31 However, during

Inhaled Bronchodilator AdministrationDuring Mechanical Ventilation

Alexander G Duarte MD

IntroductionLower-Respiratory-Tract DepositionNebulizer PerformanceMetered-Dose Inhaler PerformanceFactors That Influence Lower-Respiratory-Tract Deposition

Endotracheal Tube and Ventilator CircuitHeating and HumidificationDensity of the Inhaled GasPosition of the Aerosol Generator in the Ventilator CircuitVentilation Parameters

Clinical AspectsPatient SelectionBronchodilator SelectionAdministration TechniqueAssessing ResponseBronchodilator DosingToxicity

Metered-Dose Inhaler Versus NebulizerBronchodilators Via Noninvasive VentilationSummary

Inhaled bronchodilators are routinely administered to mechanically ventilated patients to relieve dys-pnea and reverse bronchoconstriction. A lower percentage of the nominal dose reaches the lowerrespiratory tract in a mechanically ventilated patient than in a nonintubated subject, but attention todevice selection, administration technique, dosing, and patient-ventilator interface can increase lower-respiratory-tract deposition in a mechanically ventilated patient. Assessing the airway response tobronchodilator by measuring airway resistance and intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure helpsguide dosing and timing of drug delivery. Selecting the optimal aerosol-generating device for a mechan-ically ventilated patient requires consideration of the ease, reliability, efficacy, safety, and cost of ad-ministration. With careful attention to administration technique, bronchodilator via metered-dose in-haler or nebulizer can be safe and effective with mechanically ventilated patients. Key words: aerosol,bronchodilator, mechanical ventilation, � agonist, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, asthma,inhalation therapy, noninvasive ventilation. [Respir Care 2004;49(6):623–634. © 2004 Daedalus Enterprises]

Alexander G Duarte MD is affiliated with the Division of Pulmonary andCritical Care Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston,Texas.

Alexander G Duarte MD presented a version of this report at the 49thInternational Respiratory Congress, held December 8–11, 2003, in LasVegas, Nevada.

Correspondence: Alexander G Duarte MD, Division of Pulmonary andCritical Care Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, GalvestonTX 77555-0561. E-mail: [email protected].


Page 2: Inhaled Bronchodilator Administration During … 50% higher than with oxygen in the ventilator circuit. 31 However, during


Compared to ambulatory, nonintubated subjects, de-livery of inhaled bronchodilators to mechanically ven-tilated patients differs with respect to the delivered dose,administration technique, and patient-device interface.Bronchodilator administration via inhalation providestherapeutic efficacy similar to systemic administrationbut with a smaller drug dose1 and less systemic absorp-tion and thus less adverse systemic effect.2 In the crit-ical care setting bronchodilators are principally admin-istered via metered-dose inhaler (MDI) or nebulizer.These devices generate aerosol with mass median aero-dynamic diameter (MMADs) of 1–5 �m, which is theMMAD range that allows aerosol to reach the lowerrespiratory tract.3 MDIs are chiefly used to deliver bron-chodilator and corticosteroid aerosols and are consid-ered more efficient than jet nebulizers. Successful aero-sol therapy in ventilator-dependent patients requires aprecise understanding of the principles that govern aero-sol delivery during mechanical ventilation.

Lower-Respiratory-Tract Deposition

Compared to a nonintubated subject, a mechanicallyventilated patient receives less of a given dose of aerosolin the lower respiratory tract. An initial report examininglower-respiratory-tract delivery of aerosolized radiotracerto intubated, mechanically ventilated patients found that2.9% of the nominal dose was deposited in the airways,compared with 11.9% in nonintubated subjects.4 The dep-osition pattern revealed substantial uptake of radiotracerwithin the endotracheal tube (ETT), which suggests thatthe ETT and ventilator circuit are barriers to lower-respi-ratory-tract deposition. Interestingly, more recent studieshave demonstrated that the ETT and ventilator circuit arenot as formidable barriers as once believed and that atten-tion to ventilatory variables may significantly influencedeposition.5 Other investigators have reported lower-res-piratory-tract deposition to range from 0 to 42% with nebu-lizers6–9 and from 0.3 to 97.5% with MDIs (Fig. 1).10–13

Some of that variability is probably from different aerosoldelivery methods and lack of a standard model with whichto reliably assess lower-respiratory-tract delivery. With astandardized method and model, the lower-respiratory-tractdelivery is similar with nebulizers and MDIs (about15%).12,13

Nebulizer Performance

The most commonly used nebulizers are the jet/pneu-matic type, which use compressed gas to create aerosolparticles of a size that can reach and deposit in the lower

respiratory tract. Ultrasonic nebulizers transform elec-trical energy into high-frequency vibrations that aero-solize the liquid. Nebulizer performance varies with thegas flow, diluent volume, and operating pressure, andthe various nebulizer models differ in performance.7,9,14

During mechanical ventilation, lower-respiratory-tractdeposition is most likely with an MMAD of 1–3 �m;aerosol particles larger than that tend to impact andattach to the ventilator circuit and ETT. Within the lim-its of a nebulizer’s design, the higher the gas pressureand/or flow to the nebulizer, the smaller the MMAD.14

During mechanical ventilation nebulizers can be oper-ated continuously or intermittently (ie, only during in-spiration). Continuous aerosol generation requires a pres-surized gas source, whereas intermittent operationrequires a separate line to conduct inspiratory airflowfrom the ventilator to the nebulizer. Intermittent nebu-lization decreases aerosol loss during exhalation and isthus more efficient than continuous aerosol generation.15

Importantly, the driving pressure provided by most ven-tilators to the nebulizer (� 15 psi) is much lower thanthat provided by compressed air or oxygen sources com-monly available in the hospital (50 psi), so the effi-ciency of some ventilator-powered nebulizers is lessthan continuous-operation nebulizers powered by a high-er-pressure gas but at a similar flow.16 For mechanicalventilation ultrasonic nebulizers have the advantage thatthey do not increase the tidal volume (VT), whereas jetnebulizers can increase VT.

Fig. 1. Deposition values reported in bench models of mechanicalventilation. Note the broad range of values reported (the range isrepresented by the upper and lower limits of the bars). Dependingon the administration technique, between 0 and 97.5% of thenominal dose was deposited in the lower respiratory tract.6–13 Aero-sol delivery was greatest when a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) wasactuated into a catheter that directly deposited the aerosol at thedistal end of the endotracheal tube. (From Reference 1, with per-mission).



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Metered-Dose Inhaler Performance

Delivering MDI aerosol to a mechanically ventilatedpatient requires the use of an actuator device that allowsthe MDI to be discharged into the ventilator circuit. Thedose from the MDI is released from the canister througha metering valve and a stem that fits into an actuatorboot designed and tested by the manufacturer to workwith that specific formulation. The liquid spray leavesthe MDI at about 15 m/s, declining by 50% within 0.1 sas the aerosol cloud develops and moves away from theactuator orifice.17 Actuating the MDI into a chamber-style spacer reduces the velocity of the aerosol jet,18

thereby allowing time for the propellant to evaporateand for particle size to stabilize and helping to minimizeaerosol lost to impaction in the ventilator circuit.

The dose of medication delivered by an MDI is muchsmaller than that from a nebulizer. The quantity of al-buterol delivered by an MDI actuation is only 100 �g,and a careful administration technique is necessary toensure adequate drug delivery to the lower respiratorytract of a mechanically ventilated patient. Several typesof adapters are commercially available to attach an MDIcanister to the ventilator circuit or the ETT. The formerinclude chamber adapters, such as cylindrical spacersand reservoir devices, and nonchamber devices. In vitroand in vivo studies have demonstrated that, with MDIs,chamber devices give 4 – 6-fold better aerosol deliverythan elbow adapters (directly attached to theETT)10,12,19,20 or inline devices that lack a chamber.20

Lack of therapeutic effect has been reported with anMDI and elbow adapter attached to the ETT, even withvery high doses of albuterol (up to 100 actuations to-taling 10.0 mg).21

Factors That InfluenceLower-Respiratory-Tract Deposition

Aerosol delivery to mechanically ventilated patients is acomplex process involving the interaction of several fac-tors. Various elements influence the efficiency of lower-respiratory-tract deposition (Table 1) and attention to these

factors affects the efficiency of lower-respiratory-tract de-livery.

Endotracheal Tube and Ventilator Circuit

The efficiency of lower airway delivery is reduced bythe impaction of aerosol particles inside the ETT andventilator circuit. With a pediatric ETT (inner diameterof 3– 6 mm) it appears that the narrower the ETT di-ameter, the greater the particle impaction and thus thelower percentage of the dose delivered to the lowerrespiratory tract.22,23 Yet the efficiency with which vari-ous nebulizers deliver aerosol beyond the ETT did notdiffer in a study of adult-size ETTs (inner diameter 7–9mm).7 Earlier reports overestimated the aerosol-deliveryimpediment created by the artificial airway, probably be-cause the aerosol generator was placed close to the ETT.Placing the aerosol generating device away from the pa-tient increases pulmonary deposition, though drug lossesin the ventilator circuit are higher than those in the ETT.Importantly, the model of aerosol generator and the me-chanical ventilation parameters influence aerosol deposi-tion within the ETT more than does the ETT’s diameter.5

Heating and Humidification

Conditioning the inspired gas involves heating and hu-midification, which diminishes pulmonary deposition ofaerosols, with MDIs and nebulizers, by approximately40%,7,9,12,24,25 most likely because of increased particleimpaction in the ventilator circuit. Fink et al studied theeffect of heating and humidification on MDI albuterol dep-osition in the ventilator circuit, ETT, and filters in a tra-cheobronchial model (Fig. 2).24 They found greater albu-terol deposition in the ventilator circuit and ETT withheated, humidified gas and, consequently, less drug deliv-ery to the lung model. Accordingly, some investigatorshave proposed bypassing the humidifier during aerosoladministration.26,27 The absence of humidification is un-likely to pose a problem during the brief interval requiredto administer an MDI aerosol. However, some nebulizersrequire up to 35 min to complete aerosolization,12 andinhaling dry gas for that long could harm the airway mu-cosa. In addition, disconnecting the ventilator circuit tobypass the humidifier increases the risk of ventilator-as-sociated pneumonia. Thus it is recommended that MDI ornebulizer delivery of bronchodilators be performed withhumidification.

Density of the Inhaled Gas

During mechanical ventilation, high inspiratory flowproduces turbulent airflow, which is associated withgreater drug particle-impaction losses. Use of a less-dense

Table 1. Factors That Influence Lower-Respiratory-Tract-DepositionDuring Mechanical Ventilation

Physical and chemical properties of the medicationCharacteristics of the aerosol-generating devicePosition of the aerosol-generating device in the circuitVentilator settingsCharacteristics of the ventilator circuit and endotracheal tubeHumidity of the inspired airAirway anatomy and secretions



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gas, such as helium-oxygen mixture (heliox), reduces airflowturbulence and thereby promotes greater drug delivery to thelung.28–30 In ambulatory subjects with airway obstruction,heliox provides better aerosol lung-retention than air.29 Dur-ing mechanical ventilation heliox increases MDI albuterolairway deposition.28,31 However, the nebulizer should not bepowered by heliox, because heliox is less effective at nebu-lizing the liquid. A practical method to achieve maximumpulmonary aerosol deposition with a nebulizer during me-chanical ventilation is to operate the nebulizer with oxygen ata flow of 6–8 L/min and to entrain the aerosol into a venti-lator circuit that contains heliox. With that method aerosoldelivery to the lower airways of a tracheobronchial modelwas 50% higher than with oxygen in the ventilator circuit.31

However, during mechanical ventilation heliox may interferewith the performance of the ventilator, so prior to using he-liox the clinician should test and adjust the ventilator to avoida potentially disastrous patient outcome.32

Position of the Aerosol Generator in the VentilatorCircuit

Aerosol delivery is improved by placing the nebulizer30 cm from the ETT rather than between the Y-piece and

the ETT, because the ventilator tubing acts as a spacer forthe aerosol to accumulate between breaths.7,9,15 Further-more, a modest increase in aerosol delivery is achieved byadding a spacer device in the ventilator circuit between thenebulizer and the ETT.33

Ventilation Parameters

The ventilation parameters, including ventilationmode, VT, flow, and respiratory rate, influence the char-acteristics of the breath used to deliver aerosol to amechanically ventilated patient. For optimal aerosol de-livery MDI actuation must be precisely at the onset ofinspiration. In one study, synchronizing MDI actuation(into a cylindrical spacer) with inspiration resulted inapproximately 30% greater aerosol delivery than whenactuation occurred during expiration.12 With an elbowadapter MDI actuation not synchronized with the onsetof inspiration achieved negligible pulmonary aerosoldelivery.12

Adequate aerosol delivery can be achieved duringassisted ventilation modes, provided the patient’s breath-ing pattern is in synchrony with the ventilator. Up to23% greater albuterol deposition was observed during

Fig. 2. Albuterol deposition from a metered-dose inhaler, expressed as percent of the nominal dose in the spacer chamber, ventilator circuit,endotracheal tube (ETT), and on filters at the bronchi under dry (top panel) and humidified (bottom panel) conditions. Under dry conditions55.2% of the albuterol was deposited in the spacer, 10.2% in the ventilator circuit, 4.2% in the ETT, and 30.4% in the bronchi. Underhumidified conditions 39.5% of the albuterol was deposited in the spacer, 31.4% in the ventilator circuit, 12.9% in the ETT, and 16.2% inthe bronchi. CFC � chlorofluorocarbon. RH � relative humidity. (From Reference 24, with permission).



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simulated spontaneous breaths (with continuous posi-tive airway pressure) than during volume-cycled breathsof equivalent VT.13 To achieve adequate lower-respira-tory-tract delivery the VT must be larger than the vol-ume of the ventilator tubing and ETT. Thus, with adultpatients a VT of � 500 mL is associated with adequateaerosol delivery.13,34 Increasing the duty cycle (ie, theratio of inspiratory time to total breathing cycle time)improves lower-respiratory-tract aerosol delivery.7,13

That relationship applies with nebulizers because alonger inspiratory time allows a larger proportion of thenebulizer-generated aerosol to be inhaled with eachbreath.35 Because nebulizers generate aerosol over sev-eral minutes, longer inspiratory times have a cumulativeeffect in augmenting aerosol delivery. In contrast, MDIsproduce aerosol over a finite portion of a single inspi-ration, and the mechanism by which longer inspiratorytime increases aerosol delivery is unclear. Finally, sev-eral investigators have reported that the efficiency ofbronchodilator delivery is not influenced by the inspira-tory flow pattern13,36 or the addition of an end-inspira-tory pause.37

Clinical Aspects

Patient Selection

A frequently posed question concerns the indicationsfor inhaled bronchodilator therapy. There is a paucity ofpublished information regarding which mechanicallyventilated patients should receive inhaled bronchodila-tor therapy. Bronchodilators reverse bronchoconstric-tion and decrease airway resistance and consequentlyrelieve dyspnea, so they are indicated for acute asthmaor chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ex-acerbation. Bronchodilators should be administered tomechanically ventilated patients who have obstructiveairway disease and signs of dynamic hyperinflation, sus-tained elevation in peak airway pressure, or wheezingepisodes. Patients with COPD or asthma who are nothaving difficulty with mechanical ventilation may re-ceive bronchodilators and should be evaluated for thelatter signs.

Following bronchodilator delivery the clinician shouldobserve the patient for improvement, and if there is noobjective or clinical improvement, then discontinuingbronchodilators may be appropriate. It is less clearwhether mechanically ventilated patients who have ahistory of smoking or clinically suspected COPD andwho are tolerating mechanical ventilation should re-ceive regularly scheduled bronchodilators. Patients withacute respiratory distress syndrome have elevated air-way resistance, and several reports have found that neb-ulized albuterol decreased airway resistance.38,39 How-

ever, increased airway resistance is not a central featureof acute respiratory distress syndrome, so further stud-ies are needed before recommending routine broncho-dilator delivery for those patients. Alternatively, a trialof scheduled bronchodilator delivery for 24 – 48 hoursmay be considered, but in the absence of improvementin airway measurements, discontinuation of this therapywould be justified. Finally, it is difficult to predict whichmechanically ventilated patients will respond to bron-chodilators, because neither elevated airway resistancenor expiratory airflow limitation have predictive value.40

Bronchodilator Selection

Bronchodilator response has been found followingadministration of inhaled �-adrenergic21,38,41– 49 and an-ti-cholinergic agents.47,50 –52 Inhaled isoproterenol,46,53

isoetharine,54 metaproterenol,45 fenoterol41,47 and albu-terol1,42– 44,55,56 have been reported to produce signifi-cant bronchodilation when administered to mechanicallyventilated patients. There have been no comparison stud-ies of the relative efficacy of � agonists in mechanicallyventilated patients, and there is little evidence to sup-port the use of one agent over another.

With mechanically ventilated patients the effect ofcombining � agonist and anticholinergic has not beenextensively evaluated. One report found the combina-tion of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide more effec-tive than ipratropium alone in mechanically ventilatedCOPD patients.47

Administration Technique

Careful attention to the aerosol administration tech-nique during mechanical ventilation is essential for ef-fective therapy. Table 2 shows a technique for admin-istering nebulizer aerosol26 and Table 3 shows atechnique for administering MDI aerosol1 to mechani-cally ventilated patients. With mechanically ventilatedpatients the aerosol administration method often requiresa compromise between the optimal operating character-istics of the aerosol generator and the patient’s respira-tory mechanics. For example, increasing the duty cycleincreases pulmonary deposition but may also increasedynamic hyperinflation in patients with airflow limita-tion from asthma or COPD. The maximum aerosol de-livery with a nebulizer during mechanical ventilation(15%) was achieved with a specialty nebulizer (Aero-Tech II) that produces an MMAD � 2 �m (and thatrequires 35 min for drug administration) with a dryventilator circuit and a duty cycle of 0.5.7 Using a com-monly available nebulizer with an MMAD of 3.5 �mhalves the time for drug administration but also reducespulmonary deposition to about half of that achieved



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under optimal conditions (ie, approximately 7.5%). Hu-midification reduces drug delivery by an additional 40%(deposition down to 4%), and a duty cycle of 0.25– 0.33(which is more commonly employed) is expected toreduce deposition to 2% of the nominal dose (ie, only50 �g of albuterol delivered to the lung). That amountis similar to the 60 �g of albuterol expected from 4 MDI(with chamber) puffs in a humidified circuit (15% dep-osition). Although the amount of drug placed in thenebulizer is several times greater than that deliveredfrom an MDI, the devices probably deliver comparableamounts of drug to the lower respiratory tract of a me-chanically-ventilated patient. Recent studies have estab-lished that using a spacer with an MDI improves theefficacy of bronchodilator therapy in mechanically ven-tilated patients. The best results are obtained when theMDI actuation is synchronized with the onset of inspi-ration.12,43 With careful attention to the administrationtechnique, a bronchodilator response can be expected inmost mechanically ventilated asthma or COPD patients.

Assessing Response

The main goal of aerosol therapy is to maximize drugdeposition in the lower respiratory tract and minimize ad-verse drug effects. However, increasing drug deposition inthe lower respiratory tract does not necessarily increase

therapeutic effect. The response to bronchodilator admin-istration depends on several variables, including patientairway geometry, degree of airway responsiveness, sever-ity of disease, quantity of airway secretions, counter-reg-ulatory effects of airway inflammation, and interactionswith other drugs in the patient. Evaluating bronchodilatorresponse requires physical examination, including atten-tion to breathing pattern and auscultation; however; thephysical examination findings may not accurately reflectchanges in airway caliber. Therefore, measurements ofairway pressure, airway resistance, and flow limitation havebeen proposed to more accurately assess bronchodilatorresponse.

Most investigators have assessed bronchodilators’ clin-ical efficacy by their effect on inspiratory airway resis-tance. Airway resistance in mechanically ventilated pa-tients is commonly measured by performing rapid airwayocclusions at constant-flow inflation.57,58 This techniqueinvolves performing a breath-hold at end-inspiration byoccluding the expiratory port. Graphic displays of the air-way pressure profile reveal that airway occlusion imme-diately decreases airway pressure (Ppeak) to a lower initialpressure (Pinit), from which a gradual decline occurs over3–5 s to a plateau pressure (Pplat) (Fig. 3). Similarly, air-way occlusion at end-expiration increases airway pressureto a constant value, which is the intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (see Fig. 3).43,59 In a passively venti-lated patient and using a square-wave inspiratory flowpattern, the respiratory mechanics are calculated as fol-lows:

Rrsmax � (Ppeak – Pplat)/airflow

Rrsmin � (Ppeak – Pinit)/airflow

Rrs � Rrsmax – Rrsmin

in which Rrsmax is the entire resistance of the respiratorysystem, Rrsmin is the “ohmic” resistance (the resistanceof the conducting airways, as opposed to the resistanceof the entire thorax), and Rrs is the additional effectiveresistance from time-constant inhomogeneities withinthe lung (pendelluft) and the viscoelastic behavior ofthe pulmonary tissues. In most mechanically ventilatedCOPD patients airway resistance and PEEPi decreasefollowing bronchodilator administration.21,37,42,43,49 Al-though there are no established threshold values, anRrsmax decrease of � 10% may indicate significant bron-chodilator response in mechanically ventilated patients.

Bronchodilator Dosing

Based on the finding that aerosol deposition is mark-edly lower in mechanically ventilated patients than innonintubated patients, higher bronchodilator doses wererecommended for mechanically ventilated patients.60

Table 2. Using a Nebulizer During Mechanical Ventilation

1. Clear secretions from the endotracheal tube2. Be sure the tidal volume is � 500 mL3. If possible, decrease the inspiratory flow to � 60 L/min4. Place the drug solution in the nebulizer. Total volume in the

nebulizer should be 4–6 mL5. Place the nebulizer in the inspiratory limb, 30 cm from the Y-piece6. Be sure the gas flow to the nebulizer is � 6 L/min7. If possible, nebulize the solution only during inspiration8. Tap the nebulizer intermittently during operation9. When nebulization ends, disconnect the nebulizer from the

ventilator circuit

Table 3. Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler During MechanicalVentilation

1. Clear secretions from the endotracheal tube2. Be sure the tidal volume is � 500 mL3. If possible, decrease the inspiratory flow to � 60 L/min4. Be sure the actuator-spacer device is in the inspiratory limb5. Shake the MDI and place it into the actuator-spacer device6. Actuate the MDI at the onset of inspiration7. Wait 20–30 s before administering the next MDI actuation

MDI � metered-dose inhaler



Page 7: Inhaled Bronchodilator Administration During … 50% higher than with oxygen in the ventilator circuit. 31 However, during

However, the precise dosing regimen was not specified,leading some investigators to propose that bronchodi-lator dosing should be titrated to a physiologic effect.21

Studies of bronchodilator dose response in mechani-cally ventilated patients demonstrated significant re-sponse with 2.5 mg of albuterol via nebulizer21,61 (Fig.

4) or 4 MDI puffs (400 �g) (Fig. 5).42,61 Minimal ther-apeutic advantage was gained by administering higherdoses, whereas the potential for adverse effects in-creased.21,42 In patients with severe airway obstructionor if the administration technique is not optimal, higherdoses may be required.

The duration of bronchodilator effect was studied witha group of stable, mechanically ventilated COPD pa-tients. The response pattern was similar when optimiz-ing the ventilator settings and the effect of 2.5 mg ofnebulized albuterol was similar to that of 4 puffs froman MDI with spacer (Fig. 4).61 However, further studiesare needed to assess the duration of the bronchodilatoreffect and establish a rational dosing schedule in me-chanically ventilated patients. In summary, with a care-fully executed administration technique, most stable me-chanically ventilated COPD patients achieve near-maximal bronchodilation from 4 MDI puffs or 2.5 mgof nebulized albuterol.


Higher doses of � agonists are associated with higherrisk of serious arrhythmia and hypokalemia, but no seriousadverse effects have been reported after bronchodilator

Fig. 3. Airflow and airway pressure (Paw) tracings from a mechan-ically ventilated patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-ease (COPD). The figure shows the effect of rapid airway occlusionat end-expiration (upper 2 panels) and at end-inspiration (lower 2panels). End-expiratory occlusion increases airway pressure, andits plateau value determines the intrinsic positive end-expiratorypressure (PEEPi). End-inspiratory occlusion rapidly decreases peakpressure (Ppeak) to a lower initial pressure (Pinit), followed by agradual decline to a plateau (Pplat). (From Reference 43, with per-mission).

Fig. 4. Effect of albuterol on maximum inspiratory airway resis-tance of the respiratory system (Rrsmax). Rrsmax significantly de-creased within 5 min of 4 puffs of albuterol. Administration of 8puffs and 16 puffs (cumulative doses of 12 and 28 puffs, respec-tively) of albuterol also significantly reduced Rrsmax below baseline(p � 0.001). The decrease in airway resistance with cumulativedoses of 12 and 28 puffs was not significantly greater than with 4puffs (p � 0.05). The error bars represent the standard error of themean. (From Reference 42, with permission).



Page 8: Inhaled Bronchodilator Administration During … 50% higher than with oxygen in the ventilator circuit. 31 However, during

administration to mechanically ventilated patients. Dhandet al reported a significant increase in heart rate followinga cumulative dose of 28 MDI puffs of albuterol (Fig. 6).42

Episodes of supraventricular tachycardia and ventricularectopy occurred following administration of 3–6 times thenormal nebulized dose of albuterol,21 but no arrhythmiaswere observed following administration of 4–10 MDI puffsof albuterol.42,43,61

Concern regarding the toxicity of chlorofluorocarbonpropellants in MDIs is negligible, because chlorofluoro-carbons have a very short half-life (� 40 s) in the blood.62

However, when very high doses are administered from anMDI or when a catheter is attached to the MDI nozzle todeliver aerosol directly to the main bronchus, beyond theETT tip,11,63 the chlorofluorocarbon could be cardiotox-ic.64 Also, the catheter aerosol-delivery system can pro-duce localized ulceration in the respiratory tract,65 an ef-fect attributed to oleic acid, which is a surfactant in someMDI formulations.

Metered-Dose Inhaler Versus Nebulizer

The efficacy of an aerosol-generating device can beevaluated via in vitro measurements, scintigraphy, phar-macokinetics, clinical outcomes, and cost analysis. Eachassessment method is required in the development anduse of an aerosol device, and a composite evaluation ofthe assessment methods is required for the clinician.Traditionally, MDIs have been prescribed for out-pa-tient treatment, whereas nebulizers have been more fre-quently used in in-hospital visits. This has led to theerroneous belief that nebulizers are preferred for bron-chodilator delivery in critically ill patients. In fact, sev-eral investigators have demonstrated MDI and nebulizerto be equally effective with spontaneously breathing

Fig. 6. Effect on heart rate of increasing albuterol dose. Heart ratedid not change after 4 puffs or a cumulative dose of 12 puffs(p � 0.05). After a cumulative dose of 28 puffs heart rate increasedsignificantly (p � 0.01) and was significantly higher than baselineat 80 min (p � 0.05). The error bars represent standard error of themean. (From Reference 42, with permission).

Fig. 5. Effect of albuterol on maximum inspiratory airway resis-tance (Rmax). Rmax significantly decreased (compared to baseline[p � 0.01]) within 10 min of albuterol administration. A: Rmax change(from baseline) after 4 metered-dose inhaler (MDI) puffs of albu-terol. B: Rmax change (from baseline) after 2.5 mg albuterol viasmall-volume nebulizer (SVN). Significant Rmax reduction was sus-tained for 120 min and returned to baseline at 240 min. The re-sponse pattern was similar with MDI and nebulizer delivery in agroup of stable, mechanically ventilated patients with chronic ob-structive pulmonary disease. The error bars represent the stan-dard error of the mean. (From Reference 61).



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patients suffering obstructive lung disease.60 Likewise,MDIs and nebulizers have been reported to deliver abioequivalent mass of aerosol beyond the ETT in amodel of mechanical ventilation.12 In mechanically ven-tilated patients lower-respiratory-tract deposition of in-haled bronchodilator via nebulizer is in the range of 1.2to 3%, whereas with MDI it is approximately 5.6%, ascompared to 12–14% in nonintubated, spontaneously-breathing subjects.4,8,66,67 Still, MDI and nebulizer bron-chodilator produce similar therapeutic effects in me-chanically ventilated patients.61

For mechanically ventilated patients, MDIs are pre-ferred for routine bronchodilator therapy because of sev-eral problems associated with nebulizers. The rate ofnebulizer aerosol production is highly variable, not onlyamong different brands of nebulizer but among differentbatches of the same nebulizer model.68 In addition, theaerosol particle size is highly variable among differentnebulizers,7,14,68 and nebulizer efficiency varies with in-spiratory flow, pressure of the driving gas, and fill vol-ume. Also, the efficiency of some nebulizers is drasti-cally decreased when they are operated with gas flowfrom the ventilator, because that pressure is much lowerthan from an air compressor unit. Furthermore, a changein ventilator settings leading to a decrease in inspiratorytime may lead to diminished functional time of a neb-ulizer. Therefore, before using a nebulizer with a me-chanically ventilated patient, it is imperative to charac-terize the aerosol-delivery efficiency with the intendedventilator and clinical conditions.

Nebulizers have been associated with bacterial contam-ination, so they must be scrupulously cleaned and disin-fected to minimize the risk that they will aerosolize bac-teria69 and thus increase the risk of nosocomialpneumonia.70 During continuous nebulizer operation thegas flow driving the nebulizer produces additional airflowin the ventilator circuit, which requires adjusting the VT

and inspiratory flow. The additional gas flow from thenebulizer can create a situation in which the patient isunable to trigger the ventilator during pressure supportventilation, which can cause hypoventilation.71 In contrast,MDIs are easy to administer, require less personnel time,provide a reliable dose, and do not pose a risk of bacterialcontamination. Using a bench model of mechanical ven-tilation, Hess et al demonstrated more reliable bronchodi-lator delivery with an MDI-with-spacer than with a neb-ulizer.35 When the MDI is used with an inline spacer, theventilator circuit need not be disconnected, thereby reduc-ing the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia. In sum-mary, MDIs offer several advantages over nebulizers forroutine bronchodilator therapy to mechanically ventilatedpatients.

Bronchodilator therapy accounts for a substantial per-centage of the cost of care of mechanically ventilated COPD

patients.72 It would be useful to conduct a cost-effective-ness analysis of MDI versus nebulizer delivery of bron-chodilators and compare their outcomes and costs. How-ever, equipment, medication, and labor costs differ amonghospitals, making it difficult to conclusively determinewhether MDI or nebulizer is more cost-effective.73 Con-version from nebulizer to MDI delivery has been reportedto lower costs and save time.74 Bowton et al found thatsubstituting MDIs for nebulizers in a 700-bed hospitaldecreased potential patient costs of aerosol therapy by$300,000 a year.75

Bronchodilators Via Noninvasive Ventilation

MDIs and nebulizers has been used to deliver bron-chodilator during noninvasive ventilation.76,77 One studyrandomized patients with acute bronchospasm to re-ceive either nebulized albuterol alone or nebulized al-buterol delivered through a portable bi-level ventilatorcircuit and nasal mask. The patients who received al-buterol via the ventilator had greater improvement inpeak flow.78 Recently, Chatmongkolchart et al used abench model to examine nebulized albuterol deliveryunder varying inspiratory and expiratory pressure set-tings and found marked variability in albuterol delivery.The greatest delivery occurred when the nebulizer wasplaced between the leak port and the patient connectionwhile applying 20 cm H2O inspiratory pressure and 5cm H2O expiratory pressure.79 Nava et al reported abronchodilator response after 4 puffs of albuterol froman MDI with spacer to 18 stable COPD patients under-going noninvasive ventilation via face mask.80 Bron-chodilator delivery with noninvasive ventilation is fea-sible, and attention to the technique and placement ofthe aerosol-generating device are important. Further air-way deposition and clinical outcome studies will benecessary before applying noninvasive-ventilation aero-sol delivery with patients in acute respiratory failure.


Inhaled bronchodilators are commonly administered tomechanically ventilated patients and are a considerablecomponent of the cost of care. Careful attention to thefactors that influence lower-respiratory-tract deposition inmechanically ventilated patients is required to optimizedrug delivery and, thus, patient response. When adminis-tration is carefully executed, bronchodilator administrationvia MDI or nebulizer is safe and effective for mechani-cally ventilated patients.


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