Page 1: Importance of the Study of the Biological Aspects of the Individual Related to the Capacity of Adaptation of the Human Species

1Importance of the study of the biological aspects of the individual, related to the capacity of

adaptation of the human species.

Workshop number one: essay

Importance of the Study of the Biological Aspects of the Individual Related to the Capacity of

Adaptation of the Human Species.

Ricardo Paulo Javier Arieu

Universidad Metropolitana

October 08, 2014

Professor: Dr. Elsi Melendez

SOSC 111

Page 2: Importance of the Study of the Biological Aspects of the Individual Related to the Capacity of Adaptation of the Human Species

2Importance of the study of the biological aspects of the individual, related to the capacity of

adaptation of the human species.

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The evolutionary biological aspects of the individual are deeply related to the capacity of

adaptation of the human species. This is the reason that scientists have discussed for a long time,

about the events from the beginning of humanity, the moment that the species comes to the

existence and the appearance and subsequent evolution of living beings. It has been proven

scientifically by the theorist of biological evolution that after the appearance of man on the

planet, this has evolved, adapting to their environment and developed - thanks to his capabilities

and intelligence - as a social being.

For many centuries science has thought that species were immutable and that they were

created as are fixity. One of the modern pioneers of the theory of biological evolution, the

English naturalist Charles Darwin, in the year 1859 probed that species were not fixed, but they

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adaptation of the human species.

were susceptible of gradual changes over time, so that other new species could arise ("natural

selection"). But the species have changed ("have mutations") and adapted to their environment

("microevolution and macroevolution"), through a fierce battle for survival. And although this

arduous struggle for subsistence assumes random and cruel forms, found that forms that best

adapt to the surrounding environment, enjoy "evolutionary" advantages and tend to occur and

multiply. In short, "those species that are preserved as the environment changes, mutating also

tend to survive, while other creatures that are less suited to perish" (, n.d.).

According to a study published in the prestigious journal Science revealed, the explosion

of life on Earth happened about 520 million years ago ("the Cambrian Explosion"), it was the

result of a combination of interrelated factors rather than a single underlying cause (, 09-

19-2013). Two theories want to explain the biological evolution: Gradualism from Darwinism

and “saltacionism” not Darwinist (or theory of punctuated equilibrium).

Since it has been proven that various forms of life appeared rapidly in the Cambrian

explosion and the apparent absence of forms of transition of some species ("Darwin's dilemma",, the scientist Stephan Jay Gould, a paleontologist at Harvard, proposed the

theory of punctuated equilibrium.

“What is missing are the many intermediate from hypothesized by Darwin, and continual

divergence of major lineages into the morphospace between distinct adaptative types.” (Carroll,


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This theory states that "the species remain basically the same all the time and then change

so quickly that there is evidence in the fossil record" (Broocks, 2014, 117). The fossil record

often shows that species remain stable for a long time, then suddenly disappearing. On many

occasions, it also shows the evolutionary radiation, where a large number of species arise

suddenly and virtually no record of previous intermediate forms. These peculiarities have been

justified by gradualism, from the own Darwin, alleging that the fossil record is very incomplete

and, therefore, under-representation of intermediate forms not invalidate the theory. However,

the punctuated equilibrium exactly predicts the type of observed fossil record (Ridley, 1993), by

which this would be a true representation of the evolutionary process, rather than a sample

incomplete from what really happened (Gould, 1980). Shuhai Xiao, Professor of geobiology at

the Technologic Institute of Virginia, explains in an article that "the Cambrian explosion refers to

the sudden appearance of the majority of the groups of animals within a period geologically short

between 542 and 520 million years ago, in the early Cambrian period.”While the animal as in

modern oceans, most species were not so numerous (if not all) live animals groups were

represented in the Cambrian oceans" (Aguirre, 11-23-2012). And also in the same article, Shuhai

Xiao, Professor of geobiology at the Virginia Tech explained that "explosive evolutionary

pattern was a concern to Charles Darwin, because I expected that evolution occurs at a slow and

steady pace". "The perception of Darwin could be represented by an inverted Cone, with

increasingly broad range of morphological characteristics, but the fossil record of the Cambrian

explosion and it is best represented as a cylinder with a morphological radiation at the base and

morphological restriction after" (Aguirre, 11-23-2012). And he explained that "Darwin estimated

that there should be hidden and long periods of animal evolution before the Cambrian

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Explosion," said Xiao. And Michal Kowalewski, who is a Professor of geobiology too, clarified

that "paleontologists have not found such evidence, and, recently, scientists have learned that

biological evolution not has been moving on a smooth road. The accelerated rates may

characterize early of many groups of organisms evolution "(Aguirre, 11-23-2012).

Some opponents to the theory of Stephen Gould, have equated “the theory of equilibrium

punctuated with a caricature of the beliefs of Goldschmidt" (Gould, 1995), this is the same thing

that many evolutionists make with those who believe in the creation according to the Bible, tells

him to compare them with the flying spaghetti monster (TheVelozyraptor, 05-08-2013).

The species may adapt to its environment thanks to his intelligent design. Michael Behe,

a biochemist, American scientist, who currently teaches at Lehigh University (USA), coined a

term to describe the phenomenon of design, inherent in molecular machines such as engine

bacterial flagellar ("Irreducible Complexity"), a system composed of several interrelated,

properly adjusted parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any of the

parties makes that system, in fact, cease to operate (Behe, 1996). Although some evolutionary

scientists refuse to accept the inference of design and intelligence in the creation, the law of

irreducible complexity by Behe coined to describe the molecular machines, indicates a property

of life - intelligence - collaborating in the adaptation to the natural order, as an objective that is

implicit in the very existence of the human race. After his appearance on planet Earth and as part

of this process of evolution-adaptation, the human being is quickly adjusted to its habitat,

developing not only as individual but also as a social being.

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And is undoubtedly, that the human capacities have allowed survive to humans as a

species. Martinez said that "man is a social being, and as such possesses a complex web of social

relations. Some of these are of crucial importance for the development of its existence as a form

of survival and adaptation of the same species" (Martinez, 1994). But in what sense is claimed

that human beings has been adapting to its environment? The word adaptation is used to indicate

a process of change in organisms and machines, which tends to make them more suitable for

their survival or to achieve certain objectives. The generality of the adaptive process involves all

humanity. Adaptation originally means a change in the structure or behavior of a living being

usually has a survival value. Also indicates any beneficial change of an organism to deal with the

demands of the environment. And "biological adaptation", is the physiological process or trait

morphology or behavior of an organism that has been evolved over a period of time, by the

random process of natural selection, in such a way that it increases its expectations in the long

run to reproduce successfully.

It is scientifically proved that the biological evolution of the species presents a

progressive character clear throughout "the millions of years of evolution of life". Although

human infants, is be worse with all the beings of the Earth, to achieve its development is the

most powerful of all. The man power and intelligence responds to the outside world, making

their livelihood and adaptation, avoiding the dangers to its surroundings thanks to the rational

and physical characteristics which has as a human being. This process of adaptation, a process

normally is very slow, which takes place for hundreds of generations, although sometimes can

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occur very quickly in extreme environments or in environments modified by man with great

pressures targeted, as in the case of the bacteria.

On the contrary, if a lack of social adaptation, this would lead to the human species to

extinction. It is for this reason that the concept of adaptation makes sense also to the Social

Sciences since the behavior of humans provides essentially some kind of adaptation to the social

environment. In this regard, Joseph Nuttin wrote:

"The notion of adaptation, as frequently used in the study of behavior and its motivation,

refers more specifically to the homeostatic balance and related regulatory processes. In

fact, tends to conceive of conduct and his motivation as an adaptation or a rehabilitation

of the organism to the environment, under the influence of the momentary breakdown of

balance which is between the two poles (body or personality, by one hand, and medium,

on the other). This rupture is manifested as a necessity or a State of tension, providing at

the same time the dynamic source of the adaptation process that defines the same

behavior"(Nuttin, 1977).

Social life and language made possible the collaboration, the implementation of

individual discoveries and the transmission of knowledge from one generation to another,

contributing to the development of intelligence. For this reason ("intelligence"), the man always

is in the search for new alternatives that allow them to overcome the problems that as a society

make us feel danger. Yesterday would perhaps be the risk of fire, or the threats of large

mammals, or food shortages. Extreme situations pushed them to migrate to humans through the

great continents, looking for ways to lower individuality and greater solidarity action. All change

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involves a transformation in the consciousness of the human person, the search for a new man

who is able to adapt to this new reality. A new man, which will be less wolf man that yesterday,

of course.

This generation has been a very particular generation, since he has seen the collapse of

two walls: of Berlin in 1989 (Germany) and that of Wall Street in 2008 (United States). And also

the last century witnessed two world wars. But these events are already part of history.

Reflecting on these events and the current situation; it will not be very difficult to agree with

people like Dennis Prager, a columnist, American broadcaster, author and lecturer, who stands

out for his political views and social conservatives, which according to him are based on Judeo-

Christian values. Prager, often say that the United States participate in a cultural war respect of

moral values ("mainly Christian") in which American society was built (Wikipedia). And what

far seem to have stayed longer, those words from one of the first Presidents of the United States,

Thomas Jefferson, who said: "indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just;

that his justice will not sleep forever"(Meredith, 2013). Simply just watch the news on television

every day, in order to meditate on the words of the American father of the nation and perhaps

also make reaching an agreement with the American broadcaster. Achieve that people stop being

"Wolves of man" (Hobbes), also seems to be an important objective in the investigation of the

biological aspects of the individual. However, experiments such as the prison of Santford in E.U,

seem to want to prove it (Vázquez, 09-01-2013), where the psychologist came to the conclusion

that situations that a person spends can be deeply marked his behavior. In addition, found that

people, adapt quickly to their roles and bother to comply with them, especially if they are related

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9Importance of the study of the biological aspects of the individual, related to the capacity of

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to the power. But is it possible to achieve a perfect society, in that each and every one of its

inhabitants, accept their roles and that individuality is sacrificed for the benefit of the common

good? Perhaps, being a little extremist, I wonder if it is possible and desirable that all humans

live so disciplined and harmonically in communities such as bees or termites, without violating

their free will?

But, to answer to all these questions, already will need to analyze the human being from a

bio-genetic perspective to from there deduce its ability to change to be able to adapt to a new

social reality. Not to mention obviously refer to the ethical and moral sciences. Because all the

advances of the civilization will not serve to the humanity if society continues as well as it

outlines, in an absolute journey to the moral and social decline. Do not find a solution to the

problem of man; jails remain full as far or even more. And wars will not have a real purpose

ever. This is why it is that I also fully agree with the already mentioned concepts of Dennis


And then, which is the future of this first world nation headed? Because I think in reality

that when we were exposed to the result of our own decisions and to our own selfish inclinations,

this world - and not just North America - chaos is. From the first moments of the man in its

adaptation to the average human, some form of religion has accompanied it. And although

Christianity has approximately only 1600 years of adaptation to the Western world, it's not

possible to leave wondering if anything the Christian religion the opportunity to once more in the

history of giving answers to the problem of man. Or it will be destined to remain for a long time,

within the limits of their temples, without being able to express that solution there for "wolf" that

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we know that dwells within every man and every woman and collaborate with the society in this

stage of adaptation of the human being. When that reality was understood, the perspective about

religion can change. In addition, all input received from science raises the human condition.

And from there, evolutionary scientists have been trying to establish the ancestry of

humans with other animals like him ("theory of the common ancestor"). In this regard, one can

quote the 'Nature' magazine, which published "the first draft with the DNA of this type of

primates who share 96% of the genetic material with human". This research is "the first of a non-

human primate and the fourth of a mammalian genome"(Lopez, n.d.) Francis Collins, American

scientist prestigious said about these published results was "an historic achievement to spearhead

a large number of discoveries with implications for human health" (Lopez, n.d.). Although they

have shown similarities between the human Kingdom and the animal Kingdom, it is yet to prove

when, like, how and in what region of the planet was given this crossover between the two


And well, said Gould, the theory of biological evolution "is a theory. It is also a fact. And

the facts and theories are different things, not steps of a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Ideas

are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. The facts do not leave as scientists’ debate

rival theories to explain them"(Gould, 1995). For all these reasons already mentioned, we would

consider that it is of great importance the study of the individual biological aspects, as I have

tried to explain it since the beginning of this essay. In doing so, this will allow us to better

understand and relate to biology with adaptive capacity that human beings have. And along the

way, every person is obliged to find a way to collaborate responsibly so that the fate of each one

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is a mission accomplished and fate of this society, leaning positively toward a better tomorrow.

According to explained, it is understood that no single man has been evolving, but also adapting

to their environment and to develop. This has been possible thanks to their human capacities and

"intelligent design", which has allowed man to be a social being.

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13Importance of the study of the biological aspects of the individual, related to the capacity of

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