
IGCSE Options Morning2015-2017

IGCSE Coordinator: Steven Gaynor

31st January 2015

IGCSE Programme at SSISIGCSE Programme at SSIS

Cambridge IGCSE®- International General Certificate of Secondary Education

• At SSIS, students choose to study between 7-10 IGCSE courses over 2 years.

• Range of assessment-including oral examinations, coursework, performances and final examination

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

• Taken by 100,000’s of students around the world.• International examination with international recognition.• Excellent preparation for International Baccalaureate Diploma

Programme (IBDP), Advanced Levels (A Level) and the Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

Importance of making the correct IGCSE Subject Choices

• First time in students education they have a choice of what they will study

• Choices they make may impact their options for further study and future career.

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Choosing the correct IGCSE Subjects

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

• Success is more likely in a subject/career students like and are doing well in.

• Avoid choosing subjects because friends are studying them or because they like the teacher.

• Advised to discuss with their teachers, guidance councilors, parents and research online to find out more about the subjects and their future career path.

International Certificate of Education (ICE) Group Award

•This award requires the study of subjects drawn from the five different IGCSE groups, including two languages. •There are three levels of achievement in this award:•All subject choices will qualify for this award

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Grade A or above

Grade C or above

Grade F or above

Grade G or above

Distinction 5 2

Merit 5 2

Pass 7

Group One Languages• All students study IGCSE’s in English and Chinese

English• First Language English &

Literature (2 IGCSE’s)• Second Language English

& Literature (2 IGCSE’s)• English Second Language


Chinese• First Language Chinese

• Chinese as Second Language

• Chinese (Mandarin) as a Foreign Language

• Students are advised to choose their Language course selection based on their English Language experience, results of assessments in grade 8 and in discussion with their grade 8 language teachers

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Group Four Mathematics• All students study International Mathematics

• International Mathematics• Accelerated International Mathematics and

Additional Mathematics (2 IGCSEs)

Accelerated Option• IGCSE International Math’s exam at end of grade 9, • Additional Math’s exam at end of grade 10.• Successful students typically have attained a grade of 80% (A) by the end of grade 8. • This option requires consultation with the students current grade 8 Math’s teacher and Head of Department.

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Group Three Sciences• All students study one of two science courses

• Coordinated Science- study of all three sciences in one course (2 IGCSEs)

• Separate Sciences- study all three sciences in separate courses (3 IGCSEs)

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Separate Sciences Option•Successful students typically have attained at least a grade of 70% (B) at the end of grade 8•This option requires consultation with the students current grade 8 science teacher and Head of Department.

Group Two and Group Five All students must study at least one subject from Group Two and at least one subject from Group Five

Group Two: Humanities and Social Sciences

• Geography• Global Perspectives

• History

Group Five: Creative Technical and Vocational

• Art & Design• Business Studies

• Computer Science• Music

• Physical Education

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

• Students that choose Coordinated Science have a further subject choice from either Group Two or Group Five

• Students should discuss which course is the best fit for them with their teachers and guidance councilors.

Non IGCSE English Language and Academic Support Option

• In consultation with parents and teachers, some students may be recommended to take seven or eight IGCSEs and have additional English Language support and academic writing classes built into their timetable.

• Please discuss this option with your child's English teacher and indicate this on the subject selection form.

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

English First Language

OREnglish Second


Other self taught options

Chinese First Language


Mandarin Foreign


- Geography- Global Perspectives

- History

-Coordinated Science -2 IGCSEs-Separate Sciences -3 IGCSES- Biology, Chemistry and Physics

- International Math’s

- Accelerated International

Math’s & Additional

Math’s (2 IGCSEs)

- Art & Design- Business


Science- Music

-Physical Education

-SSIS Learner Profile

-Life Skills-Core PE-CASE-ASP

- English First Language & Literature (2 IGCSE’s)

- English Second Language & Literature (2 IGCSE’s)

- English Second Language and

- First Language Chinese- Chinese Second Language- Chinese Foreign Language

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

7 -10 IGCSEs

Group Subjects to Choose from Number of IGCSE’s

IGCSE Subject Choice

Notes and Teacher recommendation



- English First Language & Literature (2 IGCSEs) - English Second Language & Literature (2 IGCSES’s) - English Second Language

1 or 2

- First Language Chinese

- Second Language as Chinese - Chinese Foreign Language


4 -International Maths - Accelerated Math's and Additional Math's (2 IGCSEs)

1 or 2 Recommended 80% in grade 8 Accelerated Math's and Ad


3 - Coordinated Science (2 IGCSEs) - Separate Sciences (3 IGCSEs)

2 or 3 Recommended grade B in G8 for Separate science

2 First Choice of Group 2 Humanities and Social Sciences 1

5 First Choice of Group 5 Creative, Vocational and Technical 1

2, 5 or Support

Choice of Group 2 or Group 5 subject or non IGCSE English Language/ Academic Support

0 or 1

Total Number of IGCSE’s selected (7-10) =IGCSE Coordinator Signature to confirm choices

Majority of students choose 8-9 IGCSE’s,

Timeline• Friday 6thFebruary return preliminary IGCSE option form to the IGCSE Coordinator•Then a timetable will be designed that allows for as many students as possible to study their first choice IGCSE subjects.

•Changes will be possible after this date but will be dependent on the timetable and number of students already enrolled in each course.

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Thank you for your time this morning

IGCSE Programme at SSIS

Welcome to ask the IGCSE Coordinator and Guidance Counselor questions over refreshments.
