  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    Diamonds AtDenim Prices

    Indias young women are

    redefi ning the way jewelleryis viewed and bought

    June 12



    Weak & VolatileRupee Slows Trade


    Diamond & Gemstone Origins:Premiums And Politics



    Akshaya TritiyasWhite Tint



    Big DesignOn A Tiny Sc

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012







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  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    magazine india retail


    Chronicles Of Change


    REPORTWeak & Volatile Rupee Slows Trade, Vegas, Hong

    Kong Shows Offer Hope


    Akshaya Tritiyas White Tint


    Diamond & Gemstone Origins: Premiums & Politics


    Ringing In The Changes


    Big Design On A Tiny Scale



    Rio Tinto Honours D. Navinchandras Shanti Mehta


    Fred Leighton Collection Debuts


    Diamonds At Denim Prices


    Industrys Determined Stand Sees Withdrawal Of

    Excise Duty


    Rio Tinto Appoints New India Head

    w w w . i d e x o n l i n e . c o m

    J U N E 2 0 1 2VOL. 1 No. 19

    Editorial Department

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Vinod Kuriyan

    EDITORs Edahn Golan, Danielle Max



    Tamar Katzav


    Managing Director Yaron Barzilay

    Marketing Manager Kuldip BedisALEs MANAGERs

    Anish Kuriakose, Osnat Davidov, Avivit Morhaim, Yaron Barzilay





    Boris Mandelis (RD Media group)

    Tera Kaur (RD Media group)

    PRINTED by SAP Printers, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013


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    ISSN 0334-6838

    2003 IDEX ONLINE S.A.



  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012




    |NO 19: EDITOR

    wo factors have given diamonds their unique, precious

    status their rarity and consequently their prices. The

    funny thing is, in order to maintain that raried status,

    diamonds need to be seen, touched and above all used,

    by even the low-end consumer in order for that hallowed

    status to remain the way it is. It isnt any good aunting a

    sparkler if the rest of the populace doesnt really get how

    rare and precious it is!

    Theres also another factor. In todays world, not everyone

    wants an esoteric status symbol. Many today want only

    something really beautiful and trendy, with perhaps a hint that

    it is part of a world that is out of the reach of most people.

    This is all very confusing and seemingly a contradiction in

    terms. But thanks to the Indian diamond industry, diamonds

    have managed to not only maintain their raried, precious

    status, but have also touched the lives of ordinary, low-end

    consumers. But for a long while, the Indian jewellery retail

    industry didnt appreciate this and in India, of all places,diamonds seemed to be losing their relevance to younger

    women as they stayed in the very top price ranges that are

    out of the reach of most people.

    Fortunately, some of India very top brands and retailers

    recognized this and purposefully went after a segment of

    the market that most traditional jewellers have ignored.

    The segment that isnt prepared to pay huge sums for its

    jewellery, yet wants a product that is among the very best

    in terms of design and quality. A segment that didnt want

    a product that could only be worn at formal occasions but

    could become a part of their everyday lives.

    Thanks to these market leaders, diamonds are today enjoying

    a vibrancy and relevance with the younger Indian woman.

    They have maintained their raried status, yet have becomepart of everyday fashion. Diamonds have gone to work; they

    have gone to play and they have just casually gone out for the

    day. Diamonds at denim prices have revolutionized the way

    jewellery is viewed and bought in India.

    As though to underscore the point made by our cover

    story, another trend indicates that the Indian consumer

    is also not all that gold-mad any more. The yellow metal

    cannot take demand for granted any more not even

    during a festival that was strongly promoted by both the

    retail community as well as the World Gold Council as

    being purpose-designated for the purchase of gold. Thefact that Indians are quite willing to buy other precious

    materials like platinum during Akshaya Tritiya indicates

    that the move away from simply an investment motive

    and toward a more design- and fashion-oriented purchase

    impulse is steadily reshaping the jewellery retail landscape

    in the country.

    This issues major stories are a chronicle of the evolution in

    jewellery buying in India. idEX

    ChroniClEs of ChangE

    byVINoD KurIyAN


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


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  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


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  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012








    he predominant concern in the Mumbai diamondmarket at the time of reporting was the extremely

    weak rupee and one that had signifcant uctuations

    in value on an almost daily basis. This, coupled with the

    low level of demand from the domestic markets, had the

    effect of slowing transactions considerably. Adding to

    the slowdown was the fact that the diamond industry was

    already in advanced stages of shutting down for the summer


    At the time of reporting, however, there was a fair bit ofoptimism as dealers felt that the upcoming Las Vegas and

    Hong Kong trade shows would lift demand and get the

    market moving again. Demand from the US has been steady

    and growing, while China demand, despite frequent worries

    from market gurus, has also been good on average.

    Shortages of goods persist as before and have had the effect

    of steadying prices. IDEX


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    -0.01 (-2 ) Good demand for SI2-I1 goods.

    Fair demand for VVS-VS/J+ goods.

    Overall demand & prices will be soft.

    Availability of goods will improve.

    -0.02 (+2-6.5) Very good demand for white SI2-I2 goods.

    Good demand for VVS-SI/I-K col.

    Fair demand for white VVS-VS goods.

    Steady demand & prices are expected.

    Shortages will be seen in SI category.

    0.03-0.07 (+6.5-11) Good demand for SI2-I1 whites & VS-SI/I-K

    col. Fair demand for VVS/VS goods.

    Overall demand & prices will remain soft.

    Demand will be mainly for +6.5-8 sieve.

    0.08-0.14 (+11-14) Good demand for SI & piqu goods.Fair demand for VVS-VS/J+ goods.

    Demand & prices will remain stable.Shortages in piqu goods will be seen.

    0.30(1/3) Good demand for VS-SI goods.Fair demand for piqu goods.

    Demand for SI goods will remain strong.Shortages in SI goods will be seen. Prices

    will remain firm.

    0.50(1/2) Good demand for VS-SI/J+ goods.

    Fair demand for I1/I2.

    Overall demand will remain good, prices will

    remain firm.

    0.75(3/4) Good demand for +0.90 cts. VS-SI+/F-J col.

    Fair demand for I1-I2/J+.

    Demand & prices for VS-SI /+0.80 cts.will

    remain strong. Shortages will be seen for+.90 cts.

    1.00(4/4) Good demand for SI & piqu goods.

    Fair demand for VVS/VS/F-M col.

    Overall demand will remain good, prices will

    remain firm.

    0.15-0.17 (+14-15.5) Good demand for SI & piqu goods.

    Fair demand for VVS-VS/J+ goods.

    Demand & prices will remain stable.

    Shortages in piqu goods will be seen.

    0.18-0.22 (1/5) Fair demand for SI goods. Overall demand & prices will remain soft.

    0.23-0.29(1/4) Fair demand for SI goods. Overall demand & prices will remain soft.

    0.40(3/8) Good demand for VS-SI goods.

    Fair demand for piqu goods.

    Demand for SI goods will remain strong.

    Prices will remain firm.

    +3.00 Fair demand for VS-SI/G-K col. Overall demand & prices will remain soft.


    Size in Carat(Sieve)

    Comments Forward Call

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    by Vinod Kuriyan


    10idEX MaGaZinE




    old buying over Akshaya Tritiya is rooted in tradition.

    The festival is an auspicious occasion for the purchase

    of the yellow metal. In tough times, jewellery retailers have

    depended on the festival to lift sales and help get static

    inventories of gold product moving. Jewellery retailers

    from around the country reported that this did happen to

    some extent. A signicant development, however, has been

    that Indian consumers have indicated that it isnt gold alone

    that benets from the auspicious nature of Akshaya Tritiya.

    They have been buying increasing amounts of platinum


    Indians have usually bought gold and gold jewellery to

    auspiciously begin a year of plenty at Akshaya Tritiya. It is

    believed that on this day white is auspicious and of special

    signicance as it symbolizes purity, hence white payasam

    (kheer) jasmine owers, kolam or even white vessels are used

    for puja. This has worked in platinums favour. According to

    the Platinum Guild International (PGI), Indian consumers





    Platinum Mahalaxmi Yantra coin.

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012

    11/60idEX MaGaZinE



    of consumers opting

    to buy platinum

    jewellery, he notes,

    adding, We saw a

    50 percent growth in

    the sales of platinum

    jewellery during the

    festival as compared

    to last year. This year

    consumers preferred

    buying platinum rings,chains and pendants.

    Last year, they bought

    platinum rings and

    navaratna pendants.

    From Baroda in Gujarat,

    Paresh Soni, Managing

    Director of C.H. Jeweller states

    that the demand for platinum over

    Akshaya Tritiya has been growing over

    the past two years. We have witnessed an

    approximate growth of 40 percent in platinum sales over

    the festival in the last year alone, he notes. He adds, Mostof the jewellery that has been sold is in the Rs.25,000-

    Rs.45,000 price range. Rings and pendant sets have been


    Suvankar Sen, Managing Director of Senco Gold in

    Kolkata, says, Platinum enquires have grown considerably

    this year with the consumer asking for platinum coins and

    jewellery specically this Akshaya Tritiya. Most of our

    appreciate the fact

    that platinum is a

    precious metal, and

    has pure and eternal

    white properties

    that tie in with the

    festival. And while

    many consumers

    always look for the

    brand of their choice

    for jewellery, as itprovides reassurance,

    during Akshaya Tritiya,

    many also go to their

    traditional family jeweller

    to buy their jewellery.

    The fact that platinum jewellery

    is fabricated from 95 percent pure

    platinum is another factor that goes toward

    boosting its choice as a pure metal a piece

    of jewellery fabricated from 18-karat gold contains only

    75 percent of the yellow metal. Platinums natural colourneither fades nor tarnishes.

    The Indian consumer has obviously bought into those

    attributes. The big story is that platinum jewellery sales over

    Akshaya Tritiya have grown exponentially when compared

    to last year. From Chennai, Anantha Padmanabhan,

    Managing Director of NAC Jewellers, conrms the growth

    story. Of course, this Akshaya Tritiya, we have seen number

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    12idEX MaGaZinE



    Raima Sen launching Shuddhi Jewels Swarna Mangaland Shagun jewellery savings scheme plans.

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    14idEX MaGaZinE



    While the Festival of Gold exhibition in Delhi has become

    a feature that is hosted twice a year (around Akshay Tritiya

    and Diwali), MMTC has also taken its agship event to

    other cities like Mumbai, Goa, Kolkata, Bengaluru and


    But the high price of gold had an impact on overall sales

    around the country according to various press reports.Analysts estimate that gold sales at Akshaya Tritiya this year

    were only 10 tonnes half the amount sold last year. This

    is of signicance when one compares it with the huge gains

    made by platinum in terms of sales at the festival.

    Colin Shah, Managing Director of Kama Schachter, the

    jewellery manufacturer that recently moved downstream

    into branded retail, afrms that platinum is surging as the

    metal of choice for Indian jewellery consumers and that it

    has made strong inroads into the socio-religious Akshaya

    Tritiya market. He observes, According to industry

    insiders, the share of platinum jewellery in the overall

    diamond jewellery has increased signicantly over the

    past one year and is likely to reach between 25- and 30 per

    cent of total diamond jewellery sales this year. The surge

    of urbanization and rapidly growing middle class in Indiahas taken Indian consumerism to new heights, particularly

    in the platinum jewellery sector. Platinum jewellery has

    successfully managed to merge itself into the various

    gifting traditions.

    It is clear that Akshaya Tritiya, billed as the festival of gold

    all these years, is denitely gaining a distinct white tint.


    The surge of urbanization and rapidly growing middle class in India has taken

    Indian consumerism to new heights, particularly in the platinum jewellery sector.Platinum jewellery has successfully managed to merge itself into the various

    gifting traditions.

    Platinum Akshaya Pathram

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    etermining the price of polished gems is different

    for diamonds and coloured gemstones. Diamonds

    are all about the 4Cs (Colour, Cut, Clarity and Carat weight),

    but gemstones are about the where.

    The origin of a diamond can make a difference politically

    we will discuss this further down but in the marketplace,

    the origin of a coloured stone often contributes as much to

    its value as colour and clarity.

    The premium origin for ruby is Burma/Myanmar, more

    specifically the Mogok region, which has been a source

    for more than a thousand years. Mogok rubies display the

    highly prized pigeons blood that commands top prices

    Din world gem markets. The Burma tag is so prized that

    lesser-colour rubies from Mong Hsu carry a premium over

    comparable (and sometimes better) quality rubies from

    other sources.

    The story is much the same with sapphire, Burma again

    taking the top premium for newly mined material. The

    legendary Kashmir sapphires, mined more than a century

    ago in the Himalayan region of their namesake, can

    command extreme prices, especially if they show the

    distinctive velvety cornflower blue colour.

    Meanwhile, emeralds from Colombia, especially Muzo,

    command premiums over all other sources.

    While these distinctions have guided the gemstone marketfor more than a century, gemmologists have only recently

    been able to link gemstones to their sources with a high

    degree of accuracy. Prior to this, it was a common practice

    in the trade to mix the production of a lesser-regarded

    locale that resembled Burmese or Colombian material with

    stones from Burma and Columbia to obtain higher prices.

    In short, identification was based on a certain look of a

    stone, without any scientific basis.

    While the market continues toplace premiums on certain origins,

    a significant faction within the

    coloured gem trade believes that

    the beauty of a gemstone should be

    the sole deciding factor in price.

    DiamonD anD Gemstone oriGins:

    Premiums anD Politics





  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    GIA researchers,

    howeve r , h ave

    culled information

    from many thousandsof s tones from every

    known source and created an

    extremely advanced testing system

    to identify properties unique to each

    source. Today, GIA uses this database of information to

    determine country-of-origin on its coloured stone grading

    reports by evaluating many factors, including distinctive

    inclusions, trace element chemistry, spectral characteristics

    and internal growth structures. In many cases, these factors

    are related to the type of rocks that host the gem crystals.

    Country-of-origin determination can become challenging

    for gem-testing laboratories when very similar hostrocks and their associated gem crystals occur in different


    The large database is necessary because of the vagaries of

    nature many, but not all, stones from a certain location

    will show distinctive inclusions, have a unique spectral

    signature and contain trace elements not found in material

    from other areas. Some tests, such as determining trace

    elements within a stone without destroying it, require

    analytical instruments and technology that did not exist

    a decade ago. Further, treatments can alter some of these

    tell-tale characteristics.

    While the market continues to place premiums on certain

    origins, a significant faction within the coloured gem trade

    believes that the beauty of a gemstone should be the soledeciding factor in price.

    Country-of-origin for diamonds carries more of a political

    concern than market value. There is no premium for

    diamonds coming from South Africa, Russia, Canada or any

    other source, with one exception: Indias Golconda mine,

    which closed more than a century ago and was the source

    of rare Type IIa diamonds of exceptional transparency.

    The premium origin for ruby is Burma/Myanmar, more specifically the

    Mogok region, which has been a source for more than a thousand years.

    Mogok rubies display the highly prized pigeons blood that commands

    top prices in world gem markets.



    NO 19 SPOTL

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    Unlike coloured gems, however, there is no reliable way to tell

    the origin of diamonds once they are polished. As a result,

    diamonds become anonymous once they enter the system.

    Recognizing the reputational concerns that might arise

    from Marange-produced diamonds, some US retailers

    and wholesalers demand their suppliers not trade such

    goods, while producers established dedicated mined, cutand polished brands to ensure that stones come from one

    single, trusted source.

    Retailers and wholesalers should ask their suppliers if they

    adhere to best business practices regarding ethical sourcing

    of diamonds and gemstones, and request that they not

    source gems from controversial areas such as Zimbabwe.

    Members across the gems and jewellery value chain should

    educate themselves about diamond and gemstone origins

    in order to better answer questions from customers and

    clients and to make more informed business decisions.

    The Indian gem and jewellery industry has direct access to

    GIA Identification and Origin reports and GIAs world-

    renowned gemmology courses through the GIA India

    Laboratory and Education Centre in Mumbai. iDeX

    Since the late 1990s, civil wars and other conflicts in Africa,

    primarily in Angola and Sierra Leone, spurred efforts to

    block the trade of rough diamonds that were used to fund

    those conflicts.

    Because of the purity of diamonds and the conditions

    of their formation deep in the earth, it is not possible todetermine the geographic origin of diamonds based on

    their chemical composition or other properties. The trade,

    therefore, decided upon a system that would track diamonds

    from the mine through manufacturing and then retail sales.

    The result was the Kimberley Process (KP), a treaty-like

    agreement between nations that required certificates that

    verified diamonds were mined and exported by legitimate


    The KP helped reduce the flow of ill icit diamonds to

    less than one percent, but its role as a regulator came into

    question three years ago when a new source the Marangedeposit in Zimbabwe was developed. The Zimbabwe

    government forcibly evicted thousands of miners who had

    settled into the area, killing a reported 180 or more, causing

    worldwide pressure to ban stones from that area. Although

    the KP ultimately approved exports from Zimbabwe, a

    stigma remains on those diamonds.

    The value of many coloured gemstonesdepends on their origin

    An example of a GIA Sapphire Origin Report. The Geographic Origindetermined for this particular stone is Burma (Myanmar).

    Russell Shor is a senior industr analst with the GemologicalInstitute of America

    Image GIA



  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    reTail eTceTera



    rinGinG in The chanGeSwHile rinGS cOmmemOrate enGaGementS, weDDinGS anD SPecial OccaSiOnS,

    SOmetimeS tHey are wOrn "juSt becauSe." tHiS mOntH, iDeX maGaZine taKeS a

    lOOK at tHe lateSt rinG DeSiGnS. tHereS bOunD tO be SOmetHinG Here tO Suit

    eVery FinGer.

    neW arTjewellery by maSriera

    The Art Nouveau collection from Masriera consists of

    fairies, nymphs, flowers and dragonflies. These angels are

    made from 18 karat yellow gold with red enamel. The

    angels offer a brilliant cut diamond or a pink tourmaline.

    Truly, a gift from the gods.

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012





    The Dolce Vita range from Al Coro radiates sensual

    elegance. Countless brilliant cut diamonds lie wave-like on

    a soft bed of 18 karat pink gold. The diamonds flow into

    one another in nely nuanced shades of white and brown.

    The rolling pav that results is like the glittering surface of

    water on which the rays of the evening sun are reflected.

    The GOOD liFe

    jewellery byal cOrO

    Edgy is not usually synonymous with eco-friendly, but

    LA-based designer Vanessa Leu proves that jewelry can

    be both green and stylish. Each of her pieces is made

    with conflict-free diamonds, eco-conscious materials and

    reclaimedmetal. In addition, a portion of the proceeds is

    donated to select charities benetting the community.

    jewellery by VaneSSa leu

    The eDGe

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012




    Calvin Klein may still be most well known for its jeans,

    but the companys jewelry collection is not to be missed.

    The Astound collection combines polished stainless steel

    with either black or white crystal minerals. Each of the

    three bands in the ring sets can be worn individually, as a

    pair or stacked up high. The collection includes a necklace,

    bracelets and earrings.

    jewellery by calVin Klein

    all in The JeanS

    The eye-ca tching movement of the Meister Girello

    rotating rings ignites a dazzling display on the hand of the

    wearer. The rings are mounted on miniscule ball bearings,

    which let the outer ring rotate smoothly around an inner

    ring with virtually noiseless ease and precision. The rings

    are crafted in platinum and yellow and red gold.

    jewellery by meiSter

    rOll Over

    Forget precious metals,Furrer Jacot offers a new, innovative

    carbon ring collection. The pieces are individually crafted

    and nished in Switzerland. The carbon bres are wound

    by hand on every ring, giving each one its own particularly

    attractive texture. While the rings make ideal wedding

    bands, they are also fashion forward enough to be worn

    just because.

    jewellery by Furrer jacOt

    carBOn cOPy

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012





    Damianis iconic Gaiacollection has been reinterpretedas the Gaia Fancycollection. The rings are composed of

    three to ve rows of gemstones and diamonds, set in gold.

    The combinations include amethysts and blue topaz set in

    white gold, quartz fum and brown diamonds set in pink

    gold and yellow gold with fum, citrine quartz and peridots.

    Fancy ThaT!

    jewellery by Damiani

    Adami & Martucci specialize in silver jewelry. In the Seta

    collection, a single silver wire wraps the surface of the

    jewel, creating the effect of rare elegance and special tactile

    perception. It is, says the company, a valuable collection for

    the woman who relishes the pleasure of owning a unique

    and handmade jewel.


    jewellery by aDami & martucci

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012




    jewellery by bellOn crateur

    PreTTy in PinK

    French company Bellon Crateur has been creating

    jewelry since 1907. This experience and know-how shines

    through in the design of these rings, which feature pink

    sapphires. Talk about looking pretty in pink.

    Time after time, Roberto Coin manages to producesomething out of the ordinary, and these rings are no

    exception. The iguana, from the Animaliercollection is

    made of black gold with brown diamonds, orange

    sapphires and natural green garnet. The limited edition Bull

    collection combines white and rose gold with white and

    black diamonds. Finally, the limited editionEaglecollection

    ring is made of white and yellow gold, with colorless, black

    and brown diamonds and yellow sapphires.

    TOTal anima l

    jewellery by rObertO cOin

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    Three unique products highlight the beauty of nely

    crafted and minutely detailed pieces.

    The Nakshatra Vivaah Collection includes a diverse range

    of creations, illustrating the changes in design styles and

    techniques in Nakshatra creations.

    Finely craFTeD DeTail

    Stunning earrings that show elegant diamond pav on one

    side, and playful ligree on the other. 1.25 carats of diamonds

    in 8.90 grams of gold

    Beauty meets brilliance in this flower full of radiance.

    0.12 carats of diamonds set in 3.80 grams of gold.

    Each stone tells its story. Each one shines in its glory. 0.88

    carats of prong-set brilliants in 3.5 grams of gold




    jewellery by uni-DeSiGn

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012



    ne of the most eye-catching brands on display at

    this years Baselworld show was SICIS Jewels. Taking

    inspiration from its 25 years of experience in the sphere of

    mosaics, SICIS decided to downsize and create fabulous

    mosaics on a mini scale. IDEX Magazine editor-in-chief

    Danielle Max put some questions about this evolution

    in the companys history to SICIS president Maurizio


    Danielle Max: Why after years of working with mosaics

    did you decide to launch a jewelry brand?

    Maurizio Placuzzi:I started looking into micromosaic

    vintage jewelry 25 years ago for my own private and personal

    pleasure. Even then, it was hard to find micromosaic

    jewelry and one famous guy, Gianni Versace, would always

    anticipate my visits to antique stores, buying whatever was

    available. I couldnt compete with him, so I decided to

    O discontinue my collection and gave up the idea of being abig collector of micromosaic vintage jewelry.Three years ago, however, I was looking for a new challenge.

    I remembered my old dream, and I started the current


    How much were you influenced by previous incarnations

    of micromosaic jewelry traditions and designs, and howmuch is SICIS creating its own design tradition?

    SICIS, established in Ravenna in 1987, has long been an

    innovator and incubator of extremely versatile ways of

    using mosaics. We adorn the most beautiful houses and

    hotels in the world.

    From mosaics, we expanded to artistic projects, such as

    one-of-a-kind art works, sculptures, portraits reinterpreted

    Images: SICIS Jewels

    Trend Report

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    in mosaic, and then to furniture with our high end Next

    Art collection. Then the jewelry adventure started with

    inspiration from the past, of course.

    The art of micromosaic jewelry, which was enjoyed by

    people such as Marie Louise of Austria, Paolina Bonaparte,

    Carolina Bonaparte and Catherine II of Russia, disappeared

    over the centuries because no artists had the ability and skill

    to develop this art.

    SICIS welcomed the challenge [of resurrecting the skill]

    and after years of research, trial, considerable expense,

    moments of high optimism followed by disillusionment

    and the agony of countless wakeful nights, we were finally


    How long does it take to create the jewelry?

    It is vital not to consider micromosaic technique as being

    museum-like or with fixed elements, but to view the mastery

    as a contemporary skill, capable of competing with otherinnovative methods that we use today. SICIS has lightened

    a technique reputed for being heavy-handed and difficult

    to manage making it versatile, capable of working on all

    surfaces and enlarging the possibilities.

    Consider however, that every square centimeter has an

    average of 15,000-35,000 tesserae of gold and precious

    stones so you can imagine how long and accurate the

    whole micromosaic work is.

    This first collection was heavily inspired by nature and

    the animal world. Is that a motif that will continuein the future or are you looking elsewhere for future


    The historic content of the research behind SICIS Jewels

    formed the basis for the presentation of the collection we

    presented at Baselworld. Many of our motifs recall flowers,

    animals and other natural elements, but micromosaic is so

    flexible and allows us to reach such a variety of patterns and

    shades that any shape is possible. Some of Roger Thomas

    designs are very architectural and more geometric [The

    renowned interior designer created some of the pieces

    for the inaugural collection.]. SICIS Jewels wont cease to

    surprise with new forms and designs in future collections.

    What are the limits of what can be achieved with


    We have the ability, ideas, creativity, production and finances

    to climb over the peak of the jewelry industry. SICIS is

    paving new artistic paths, reinterpreting micromosaics

    from an absolutely original tradition; transmitting ancient

    emotions into a contemporary object through innovative


    techniques, some of which have been created exclusively

    by SICIS.

    As for the limits, SICIS has always been characterized by

    a strong imagination and creative/technological power

    and know-how, not to mention its open-mindedness and

    attitude to challenging projects We like to say that the

    sky is our limit.

    What was the response to the launch at Baselworld?

    Where else will people be able to see you?

    Baselworld was very exciting for SICIS. We started the first

    day of Baselworld as beginners and over the next few

    days of the fair, we were acclaimed as displaying grandeur

    in the tiniest of things, bringing a fresh air to the jewelry


    Our jewelry was appreciated because of the original

    element, new to the market but ancient in history, it adds to

    high-quality jewelry.

    After presenting our SICIS jewels collection at Couture in

    Las Vegas, SICIS Jewels will open a showroom in the Paris

    fashion district (Rue Francoise Premiere 41). We will also

    launch the collection in our showroom in Soho, New York

    in September 2012, to be followed by Tokyo. The jewelry

    will also appear in other selected department stores and

    shops around the world very soon. IDEX

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    Disclaimer: This Diamond Retail Benchmark India (DRB) is an informational and educational tool for diamond consumers. Organized around the the 4Cs - Carat, Cut, Color & Clarity - the DRB India is bas

    market data from the diamond trading centers Worldwide and market research assessment of customary retail mark-ups. Endorsed by the All India Gem & Jewelry Trade Federation (GJF), as well as the World Fed

    of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) The DRB should be used as background information only. Actual diamond sale prices may be dier compared to this benchmark, depending on demand and supply at time of transa

    source of the diamond certicate; uorescence; cut specications; payment and other terms of business; foreign exchange rates; special stones and other business considerations. This is published jointly by Th

    India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF), a tra de body headquartered in Mumbai, and IDEX, a diamond research house headquartered in Tel Aviv Israel, with a view of unbiased ser vice to the consumer

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 245850 225372 217180 162643 158439 141625 120608 95010 77765 64777 51843

    E 192067 183660 179457 150032 141625 116404 107997 86387 69142 56154 47532

    F 187864 175253 171050 145829 133218 107997 99375 77765 69142 56154 47532

    G 162643 158439 154236 137422 129015 99375 95010 73453 69142 56154 47532

    H 158439 154236 150032 133218 124811 90698 82076 69142 64777 51843 43221

    I 154236 150032 137422 124811 99375 82076 73453 64777 60466 51843 43221

    J 141625 137422 116404 95010 82076 73453 69142 60466 56154 47532 38855

    K 1 07 99 7 9 9 37 5 8 63 87 7 77 65 6 91 42 6 47 77 6 04 66 5 61 54 5 18 43 4 32 21 3 45 44

    L 8 63 87 8 20 76 7 77 65 7 34 53 6 47 77 6 04 66 5 61 54 5 18 43 4 32 21 3 45 44 3 02 33

    M 8 20 76 7 77 65 7 34 53 6 91 42 6 04 66 5 61 54 5 18 43 4 75 32 3 88 55 3 02 33 2 16 10

    N 7 34 53 6 91 42 6 47 77 6 04 66 5 61 54 5 18 43 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 45 44 3 02 33 2 16 10




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 283951 231677 223486 190666 178379 149332 145128 107297 94686 73453 60466

    E 231677 211145 202953 178379 170188 145128 132518 94686 90483 69142 51843

    F 227581 207049 198858 174283 166092 140925 124111 90483 86279 64777 51843

    G 211145 190666 182475 166092 149332 136721 115704 86279 82076 64777 51843

    H 186570 182475 178379 153535 145128 132518 103093 82076 77765 60466 47532

    I 174283 170188 161942 140925 124111 115704 98890 77765 69142 60466 47532

    J 170188 157739 124111 103093 94686 90483 82076 73453 64777 56154 43221

    K 1 28 31 4 1 15 70 4 9 88 90 8 62 79 8 20 76 7 77 65 7 34 53 6 47 77 6 04 66 5 18 43 3 88 55

    L 1 03 09 3 9 4 68 6 8 62 79 7 77 65 7 34 53 6 91 42 6 47 77 6 04 66 5 18 43 4 32 21 3 45 44

    M 9 46 86 9 04 83 8 20 76 7 34 53 6 91 42 6 47 77 6 04 66 5 61 54 4 32 21 3 45 44 2 59 22

    N 8 62 79 8 20 76 7 34 53 6 91 42 6 47 77 5 61 54 5 18 43 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 45 44 2 59 22




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 484695 384404 331968 309226 225426 206025 202091 198157 166631 130524 93609

    E 376967 328142 282712 252317 209905 182529 178595 174607 142595 93609 81106

    F 354495 320597 271341 225426 206025 174607 150625 138607 126805 81106 68657

    G 305400 282712 256144 213839 198157 170619 146583 134620 114518 77064 68495

    H 286484 259970 233132 202091 186409 166631 142595 130524 110423 73130 64454

    I 282712 221599 206025 182529 166631 158601 138607 126428 102231 72861 64454

    J 213839 206025 190343 166631 150625 142595 130524 122332 93878 68495 55885

    K 186409 178595 166631 158601 142595 138607 126428 118237 81268 64292 51681

    L 162589 158601 154613 146583 138607 134620 105896 101800 76902 55885 47478

    M 158601 146583 134620 130524 122332 118237 101800 85309 68495 55885 43221

    N 142595 138607 126428 122332 118237 101800 93609 81106 68495 55885 43221

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 680912 524844 456241 405098 364572 301358 244934 233563 191744 180211 125243

    E 510455 445301 419703 375620 327549 275167 225965 214594 176385 152942 105195

    F 441636 408763 386721 357135 312567 252479 214594 207049 172505 129230 92908

    G 427032 379338 357135 327549 278886 229791 195570 191744 164691 117213 88812

    H 386721 357135 327549 286376 252479 214594 191744 187864 156876 109237 80621

    I 331268 308795 271395 252479 233563 187864 176385 172505 145128 101099 80621

    J 263850 248707 233563 218420 195570 172505 168625 164691 137206 92908 76525

    K 225965 210821 203223 172505 164691 160757 152942 149008 129230 88812 68226

    L 203223 184038 172505 164691 156876 149008 141194 137206 125243 72429 55615

    M 184038 172505 160757 156876 152942 141194 129230 125243 117213 72429 55615

    N 180211 168625 156876 149008 145128 133218 125243 105195 88812 68226 55615

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 330405 268431 237012 205001 185008 152242 148146 135859 119368 94147 68926

    E 280179 241000 213031 192983 172720 148146 135859 131763 119368 85740 64723

    F 252748 221007 201013 176816 168625 144050 131763 127668 119368 73130 56154

    G 217019 205001 192983 168625 156338 139955 127668 123572 110961 73130 56154

    H 192983 185008 180912 160433 152242 135859 119368 115165 98351 73130 56154

    I 176816 172720 164529 144050 135859 127668 115165 106758 94147 68926 51843

    J 172720 160433 139955 127668 119368 115165 110961 98351 81537 60466 47532

    K 144050 139955 127668 119368 110961 102554 94147 89944 77333 56154 43221

    L 127668 119368 115165 110961 106758 98351 81537 73130 64723 51843 38855

    M 110961 106758 102554 98351 94147 85740 73130 60466 51843 38855 30233

    N 1 06 75 8 10 25 54 9 83 51 9 41 47 8 99 44 6 47 23 5 61 54 5 18 43 4 32 21 3 45 44 2 59 22




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 368129 315100 277053 261694 211145 175415 167385 163397 139092 106327 77064

    E 303729 284706 261694 238521 199396 171373 147284 139092 126805 85740 72861

    F 284706 253988 230707 211145 191421 167385 143188 134997 126805 77064 68657

    G 261694 234641 222893 207211 187379 163397 139092 130901 114518 77064 64454

    H 238521 230707 211145 195408 179403 159409 134997 122710 110423 73130 64454

    I 226773 195408 187379 167385 163397 147284 130901 118614 102231 72861 64454

    J 187379 175415 167385 155368 139092 126805 122710 110423 93878 64454 51843

    K 175415 159409 151380 143188 134997 122710 106327 93878 81268 60250 47532

    L 159409 151380 147284 139092 126805 114518 98081 81268 68657 51843 43221

    M 151380 134997 126805 122710 114518 102231 81268 64454 56047 43221 34544

    N 126805 122710 118614 114518 110423 93878 77064 60250 56047 43221 34544

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 801035 622764 566501 524251 481839 403266 341561 308633 260509 185331 125243

    E 650841 545376 506629 478282 442714 377991 316016 286430 234318 185331 120015

    F 559496 506629 467665 457049 403266 359884 301250 275329 226827 185331 120015

    G 499569 467665 449881 399655 367105 319627 286430 271664 219336 170134 116081

    H 488952 435546 399655 367105 337950 304915 260509 245527 208019 162589 108159

    I 388823 367105 348890 326956 308633 264227 226827 211845 185331 123895 88166

    J 297532 290149 286430 256736 245527 230545 200474 196702 170134 108159 84124

    K 245527 241809 226827 204247 196702 181505 162589 158709 147230 88812 68226

    L 226827 208019 204247 181505 173960 166361 151056 147230 125243 80028 67741

    M 219336 204247 189103 170134 166361 162589 135643 131763 117213 80028 67741

    N 192876 189103 177732 166361 162589 158709 131763 116081 96141 71837 59549




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 978174 722893 639254 579812 534221 428487 378638 339028 277107 195301 125243

    E 757599 635805 562298 530718 477905 403643 353471 306316 247521 185331 123141

    F 656715 604333 516652 502533 446163 385805 324585 295376 236419 185331 123141

    G 558795 523658 481408 439103 407200 349860 295376 280718 221492 172613 119261

    H 502533 491970 446163 403643 367913 328196 277107 258623 214001 162589 108159

    I 431990 407200 396529 357081 339028 284382 247521 240084 202792 123895 95656

    J 339028 320920 317310 280718 266006 243803 228983 217719 172613 111393 87681

    K 277107 262287 254904 228983 214001 187810 176439 172613 147230 91668 71621

    L 266006 225210 221492 191528 183984 172613 161296 153697 125243 83693 67741

    M 254904 214001 210282 180211 176439 168840 153697 149925 117213 80028 67741

    N 225210 202792 195301 176439 172613 165068 146098 126967 103578 71837 67471

    Prices are in Rupees Per Carat Powered by w

    JUNE 1st 2012


    JUNE 1st 2012

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    Prices are in Rupees Per Carat Powered by w

    JUNE 1st 2012

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 1299795 1043921 894104 735934 611069 548286 457049 407739 322376 220091 137530

    E 989653 935115 811759 645829 576202 520209 442930 379446 315100 212707 129931

    F 941906 798017 715186 583154 562244 478174 414745 358159 315100 190289 123141

    G 839297 708288 604117 527269 499192 449989 386506 336710 286215 190289 122279

    H 611069 590160 555238 506197 471114 407739 372332 329543 264281 182798 114626

    I 576202 506197 464109 442930 407739 358159 329543 286215 220091 129931 99052

    J 499192 435924 421804 379446 343824 315100 293436 271556 182798 122279 91237

    K 307879 300657 293436 286215 278886 264281 234857 227474 160218 114626 83315

    L 271556 264281 256952 249623 242240 227474 205271 197780 129931 99052 83315

    M 256952 249623 242240 234857 220091 205271 167816 152673 129931 99052 83315

    N 249623 205271 197780 190289 182798 167816 160218 145074 114626 91237 75286




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 2024035 1435439 1309011 1054753 893134 653966 536269 487443 382302 276029 158655

    E 1415499 1268970 1034652 899871 777484 605626 515359 459528 375296 247144 143727

    F 1208827 1014551 865973 832022 695247 584878 487443 452522 361177 232539 143727

    G 960714 872764 818388 695247 640170 550172 452522 431505 354171 217935 128584

    H 797963 763796 688403 626374 577926 508407 445516 396422 332992 203277 120985

    I 653966 640170 577926 536269 522365 459528 403427 382302 318819 195840 120985

    J 536269 529317 508407 473540 452522 403427 375296 332992 268808 158655 113440

    K 480491 466534 438510 410487 396422 347111 311759 290364 225264 128584 113440

    L 396422 382302 361177 354171 325878 304645 276029 261587 217935 128584 105788

    M 340052 332992 311759 290364 276029 254365 232539 225264 203277 128584 98135

    N 332992 325878 297478 283197 225264 217935 203277 181074 151218 120985 98135




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 3839082 2797963 2469444 2179241 1564885 1193900 892595 667816 541227 332022 172397

    E 2701390 2482324 2127614 1849914 1389416 1095980 833315 654505 494395 304592 147392

    F 2256629 2101800 1836980 1623302 1356866 1023981 793652 634566 447402 270047 143727

    G 1804645 1610369 1415445 1278670 1187379 912373 760617 627937 433930 222570 128584

    H 1415445 1298232 1226557 1128638 978066 872871 727527 614626 433930 222570 125350

    I 1122063 1069789 1023981 892595 833315 734156 667816 561328 406930 200851 120985

    J 892595 826687 787077 740731 674445 614626 561328 474240 325178 165337 117967

    K 740731 734156 727527 654505 607997 554592 467558 427193 249246 129931 117967

    L 601315 567956 541227 507814 474240 420457 393350 352554 228390 128584 112093

    M 547909 507814 494395 467558 406930 366189 318334 290795 207480 128584 112093

    N 487659 474240 460821 447402 366189 338866 297693 235396 200474 127129 104495

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 7044244 5144374 4313861 3430696 2821890 1857782 1231677 730438 605572 359830 183014

    E 4703708 4301035 3648416 3020586 2468905 1567633 1225210 723917 585794 346411 162158

    F 4038801 3622817 2879608 2520263 2218258 1451444 1134458 704247 565962 319573 162158

    G 3257760 2699989 2436786 2205378 1844848 1302867 945894 691097 519616 292574 155152

    H 2282550 2044514 1954354 1773981 1464378 1082507 887260 664852 512988 285837 148200

    I 1715995 1612794 1496659 1425631 1179834 932906 802382 612147 439966 258623 148200

    J 1412697 1270532 1238198 1134458 978498 789340 691097 539502 433283 231300 148200

    K 1089028 1056532 1050011 932906 808957 710821 592369 479845 399978 176062 134188

    L 789340 743587 737012 710821 658278 519616 446594 406661 339728 176062 134188

    M 651649 645074 638500 585794 512988 446594 393296 326310 272257 176062 134188

    N 539502 512988 473216 459905 366512 359830 319573 292574 238144 169110 127129

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 2131709 1554753 1336710 1090968 923960 694923 585687 530664 426708 279478 158655

    E 1515197 1349914 1084285 937325 830028 640440 544406 496120 398847 258245 143727

    F 1270371 1104279 923960 870285 735611 619961 523766 475372 384889 236905 143727

    G 977474 910541 870285 735611 667709 592531 489222 447564 377883 222570 128584

    H 816555 782927 694923 654074 599375 544406 468420 440612 363872 222570 120985

    I 694923 654074 592531 558202 523766 468420 419756 405799 349860 200851 120985

    J 565046 530664 523766 496120 461468 405799 377883 363872 307663 158655 113440

    K 489222 468420 454516 419756 412751 356866 321783 293598 229737 128584 113440

    L 426708 398847 370877 356866 342854 314723 286538 279478 217935 128584 112093

    M 391841 377883 321783 314723 286538 272419 251186 236905 203277 128584 112093

    N 370877 356866 314723 286538 229737 222570 208127 200851 171643 127129 104495




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 2489437 1833261 1644050 1395452 1145182 873356 686139 598728 483132 303352 169164

    E 1774628 1591830 1362578 1211199 1032712 813322 652619 571675 448858 289394 147392

    F 1526460 1349429 1204624 1085687 939804 793274 618991 537724 435115 261317 143727

    G 1171589 1098944 1012826 946486 839998 726396 564885 517299 414475 222570 128584

    H 973001 906607 853309 799957 746497 672720 537724 476288 393727 222570 125350

    I 813322 786592 759862 706294 639146 578465 476288 462600 386829 200851 120985

    J 679457 652619 625728 585202 544514 483132 435115 393727 317310 161942 117967

    K 551304 530933 524143 496874 462600 407577 352123 310358 240246 128584 117967

    L 462600 435115 421373 386829 379931 338273 303352 282388 217935 128584 112093

    M 400625 386829 359075 338273 296400 282388 261317 247252 203277 128584 112093

    N 386829 379931 352123 324316 275383 254311 247252 226126 190720 127129 104495




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 9223324 7360099 5495797 4099752 3134889 2007275 1376859 788478 658170 382033 201175

    E 8104117 5737875 4029532 3608051 3006898 1698858 1325340 749461 612470 346411 162158

    F 6431666 3952953 3403481 3179672 2635590 1621632 1293059 742940 599429 322214 162158

    G 4903266 3179672 2885320 2667601 2116404 1422020 1118829 736419 546993 302166 155152

    H 3742186 2398469 2295915 2097165 1776029 1325340 957264 664852 527323 295484 153104

    I 2853309 1718150 1679511 1628045 1383326 1080082 872979 612470 487821 282119 148200

    J 2180535 1486419 1312406 1222138 1131763 892434 775490 540418 435061 261964 148200

    K 1370446 1254365 1144643 1034921 924876 762503 658170 481246 399978 194331 146206

    L 1138230 1028454 879446 807987 742940 605950 501024 415176 342207 194331 139254

    M 911888 782011 671265 625512 586333 527323 435061 375404 308849 194331 139254

    N 684307 618991 553568 474671 395344 375404 348836 328842 268700 187487 139254


    JUNE 1st 2012

    Disclaimer: This Diamond Retail Benchmark India (DRB) is an informational and educational tool for diamond consumers. Organized around the the 4Cs - Carat, Cut, Color & Clarity - the DRB India is ba

    market data from the diamond trading centers Worldwide and market research assessment of customary retail mark-ups. Endorsed by the All India Gem & Jewelry Trade Federation (GJF), as well as the World Fed

    of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) The DRB should be used as background information only. Actual diamond sale prices may be dier compared to this benchmark, depending on demand and supply at time of trans

    source of the diamond certicate; uorescence; cut specications; payment and other terms of business; foreign exchange rates; special stones and other business considerations. This is published jointly by T

    India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF), a trade body headquartered in Mumbai, and IDEX, a diamond research house headquartered in Tel Aviv Israel, with a view of unbiased ser vice to the consumer

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 11078519 8191474 6061166 4483240 3310250 2172074 1543652 847920 685924 391949 205809

    E 8433121 6531742 5247198 4374973 3233617 2165661 1434415 757275 620877 346411 165176

    F 6431666 5100830 5075340 4056424 3125081 2159302 1408655 744341 601369 325878 162158

    G 4903266 3265574 3259161 3220845 2869530 1979899 1395775 737821 594848 305939 155152

    H 3742186 2837573 2690504 2594579 2248922 1517946 1202684 672936 536161 295484 153104

    I 2853309 2409032 2312998 2095225 1922182 1363656 1099590 620877 496982 282119 148200

    J 2180535 1928595 1890116 1530826 1485827 1144697 944762 549202 451121 266059 148200

    K 1665661 1453654 1434415 1222031 1099590 841453 757275 490407 411727 212492 146206

    L 1273550 1093124 957696 931828 802651 757275 614357 437972 352339 205809 139254

    M 970576 828519 750808 711899 666415 594848 483887 398523 319196 205809 139254

    N 744341 705378 640386 542682 444546 411727 385374 345710 285999 199073 139254

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 171050 154236 150032 129015 112201 99375 77765 60466 51843 43221 34544

    E 13 32 18 1 2 48 11 11 64 0 4 9 9 37 5 9 50 10 6 91 42 6 47 7 7 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    F 12 4 811 10 36 8 6 9 9 37 5 8 20 76 7 77 65 6 47 7 7 6 0 4 66 4 75 32 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    G 11 22 01 9 9 37 5 9 0 69 8 7 77 65 7 3 45 3 6 0 4 66 5 18 4 3 4 32 21 4 32 21 3 45 4 4 3 02 33

    H 1 03 6 86 9 5 01 0 8 6 38 7 7 3 45 3 6 47 7 7 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 8 85 5 3 02 33 2 59 22

    I 9 50 10 8 6 38 7 8 20 76 6 91 42 6 0 4 66 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 45 4 4 3 45 4 4 3 02 33 2 59 22

    J 9 0 69 8 8 20 76 6 47 7 7 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 4 54 4 3 02 33 3 02 33 2 59 22 2 16 10

    K 6 0 4 66 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 4 54 4 3 02 33 2 59 22 2 59 22 2 59 22 2 16 10

    L 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 4 54 4 3 02 33 2 59 22 2 16 10 17 2 99 17 2 99 17 2 99 17 2 99

    M 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 4 54 4 3 02 33 2 59 22 2 16 10 17 2 99 1 29 3 4 1 29 34 1 29 34 1 29 34

    N 3 88 55 3 45 44 3 02 33 2 59 22 21610 17 29 9 12 93 4 8 62 3 8 62 3 8 62 3 8 62 3





    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 182475 166092 161942 145128 132518 107297 98890 73453 69142 51843 43221

    E 166092 161942 157739 140925 124111 103093 94686 64777 64777 47532 34544

    F 149332 145128 140925 136721 119907 98890 90483 60466 60466 43221 34544

    G 145128 132518 128314 119907 111500 90483 82076 56154 56154 43221 34544

    H 132518 124111 119907 111500 103093 86279 73453 51843 51843 43221 30233

    I 11 99 07 1 15 70 4 1 11 50 0 9 8 89 0 7 7 76 5 7 3 45 3 6 91 42 4 75 32 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    J 111 50 0 9 4 6 8 6 8 6 27 9 6 91 42 6 47 7 7 6 0 4 66 5 61 54 4 32 21 4 32 21 3 45 4 4 3 02 33

    K 8 6 27 9 7 77 65 6 91 42 6 47 7 7 5 61 54 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4 2 59 22

    L 6 91 42 6 47 7 7 6 0 4 66 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4 3 45 4 4 3 02 33 2 16 10

    M 6 0 4 66 5 61 54 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4 3 02 33 3 02 33 2 16 10 17 2 99

    N 5 61 54 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4 3 02 33 2 59 22 2 59 22 2 16 10 12 93 4

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 339513 252317 221599 209905 190343 174607 146583 138607 122332 101800 68495

    E 252317 229252 194277 186409 182529 162589 142595 126428 105896 81106 64292

    F236958 213839 182529 178595 174607 130524 126428 114141 101800 68657 55885

    G 217773 182529 174607 166631 154613 122332 118237 97704 93609 60250 51681

    H 190343 178595 150625 146583 134620 118237 101800 85309 81106 60088 47478

    I 178595 162589 134620 130524 118237 109991 97704 81106 68657 56047 47478

    J 142595 134620 114141 109991 105896 101800 89513 76902 64292 47532 38855

    K 1 26 42 8 11 41 41 1 01 80 0 9 77 0 4 9 36 0 9 8 95 13 8 53 0 9 6 8 49 5 6 4 29 2 4 32 21 3 45 4 4

    L 1 05 8 96 1 01 80 0 9 3 6 09 8 53 0 9 8 11 06 7 69 02 6 8 49 5 6 4 29 2 4 74 78 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    M 1 01 80 0 9 3 60 9 8 53 0 9 8 11 06 7 26 9 9 6 8 49 5 6 4 29 2 5 58 8 5 4 74 78 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    N 9 36 09 8 53 09 8 11 06 76 90 2 6 8 49 5 6 0 08 8 5 58 85 5 16 81 4 32 21 3 88 55 3 02 33





    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 427032 320058 271395 244934 225965 199396 172505 168625 149008 129230 80621

    E 323777 271395 248707 210821 207049 176385 160757 149008 145128 92908 64292

    F286376 233563 214594 207049 199396 172505 152942 145128 133218 88812 55885

    G 241108 218420 195570 191744 176385 164691 149008 141194 125243 88812 55615

    H 218420 199396 187864 180211 172505 160757 133218 129230 121201 84717 55615

    I 195570 180211 168625 160757 156876 141194 125243 117213 101099 72429 51412

    J 164691 149008 145128 141194 137206 133218 117213 101099 92908 59819 47208

    K 137206 129230 117213 113225 109237 101099 88812 84717 76525 51412 38801

    L 12 12 01 1 09 2 37 10 10 9 9 8 8 812 8 47 17 8 0 62 1 7 24 29 6 8 22 6 5 14 12 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4

    M 117 213 1 05 19 5 8 8 812 8 47 17 7 65 25 7 24 29 6 8 22 6 6 4 02 2 4 74 78 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    N 1 05 19 5 8 8 8 12 8 47 17 8 0 62 1 7 24 29 6 4 02 2 5 98 19 5 56 15 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 237012 213031 196971 185008 152242 135859 115165 98351 85740 68926 47532

    E 208989 192983 176816 164529 144050 123572 102554 89944 85740 60466 43221

    F 180912 176816 164529 148146 135859 119368 98351 85740 77333 56154 38855

    G 152242 148146 144050 139955 131763 115165 94147 81537 73130 47532 34544

    H 144050 135859 131763 123572 119368 106758 89944 73130 64723 47532 34544

    I 135859 119368 115165 110961 106758 102554 81537 64723 60466 43221 34544

    J 11 51 65 9 8 35 1 8 9 94 4 8 15 37 7 73 33 6 8 92 6 6 47 2 3 6 0 4 66 5 18 4 3 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    K 8 9 94 4 8 15 37 7 73 33 7 313 0 6 8 92 6 5 61 54 5 18 4 3 4 75 32 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4 2 59 22

    L 7 313 0 6 8 92 6 6 47 2 3 6 0 4 66 5 61 54 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 8 85 5 3 8 85 5 3 02 33 2 59 22

    M 6 47 23 6 04 6 6 5 615 4 5 18 43 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 88 55 3 45 4 4 3 02 33 2 59 22 17 29 9

    N 6 04 6 6 5 615 4 5 18 43 4 75 32 4 32 21 3 88 55 3 45 4 4 3 02 33 3 02 33 2 59 22 12 93 4





    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 292358 242455 211145 207211 183391 143188 130901 106327 102231 81268 60250

    E 242455 215025 183391 175415 167385 139092 118614 102231 93878 68657 56047

    F 226773 203277 171373 163397 155368 122710 114518 98081 85471 68657 51843

    G 199396 171373 155368 147284 143188 118614 106327 89674 77064 60250 43221

    H 175415 155368 147284 134997 122710 110423 98081 81268 72861 56047 43221

    I 155368 143188 122710 118614 114518 106327 89674 72861 68657 56047 43221

    J 12 27 10 10 22 31 9 8 08 1 9 3 87 8 8 9 674 8 5 47 1 8 12 6 8 6 8 65 7 6 02 5 0 4 75 32 3 45 4 4

    K 1 06 32 7 9 8 08 1 9 3 87 8 8 9 674 8 5 47 1 8 12 6 8 7 2 86 1 6 02 5 0 5 18 4 3 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    L 9 80 81 9 38 78 8 96 74 812 68 7 28 61 6 86 57 6 4 45 4 5 18 43 4 32 21 3 45 4 4 2 59 22

    M 9 3 87 8 8 5 47 1 8 12 6 8 7 70 6 4 6 8 65 7 6 4 45 4 5 18 4 3 3 8 85 5 3 45 4 4 2 59 22 2 16 10

    N 8 12 6 8 7 70 6 4 7 2 86 1 6 8 65 7 6 4 45 4 5 6 04 7 4 75 32 3 45 4 4 3 45 4 4 2 59 22 2 16 10





    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 548933 439157 359884 352554 312298 260509 223108 219336 208019 147230 100183

    E 403266 352554 326956 316016 308633 256736 204247 200474 189103 143404 92153

    F 374380 337950 312298 301250 282712 234318 200474 189103 189103 135643 84124

    G 334285 293813 286430 275329 256736 230545 185331 181505 170134 116081 80028

    H 297532 267946 253018 249299 238036 215618 177732 170134 158709 104171 67741

    I 260509 241809 219336 215618 211845 177732 151056 131763 127829 92153 59549

    J 185331 170134 166361 162589 158709 154883 139524 104171 96141 63645 47208

    K 158709 147230 143404 139524 131763 123895 116081 100183 76525 55400 38801

    L 139524 120015 112147 108159 100183 96141 92153 88166 67741 51196 38586

    M 1 35 6 43 11 60 81 1 0 417 1 9 61 41 8 81 66 8 0 02 8 7 59 32 6 77 41 6 3 64 5 4 6 99 3 3 43 8 2

    N 12 0 015 1 0 417 1 10 0 18 3 9 21 53 8 412 4 7 18 37 6 77 41 5 95 49 4 6 99 3 3 8 85 5 3 02 33

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 646260 509593 435546 410757 331806 273389 240084 232701 228983 161296 103578

    E 509593 407200 375027 339028 309981 269670 217719 214001 202792 153697 95656

    F 456726 378638 339028 335417 295376 266006 214001 199019 199019 138446 87681

    G 357081 335417 306316 295376 269670 240084 195301 183984 183984 123141 80028

    H 302651 299041 280718 262287 254904 236419 187810 176439 172613 119261 75663

    I 269670 258623 236419 225210 214001 191528 168840 153697 146098 99644 67471

    J 217719 210282 199019 180211 176439 161296 142326 111393 99644 67471 51089

    K 165068 161296 153697 149925 146098 134620 123141 103578 79651 59280 42736

    L 146098 126967 119261 115327 107512 99644 95656 91668 71621 55184 38586

    M 138446 123141 115327 107512 91668 83693 79651 71621 67471 46993 38532

    N 1 23 14 1 11 53 27 1 0 75 12 9 56 5 6 8 76 81 7 56 6 3 7 16 21 6 33 76 5 51 84 4 27 36 3 4 32 9

    Prices are in Rupees Per Carat Powered by w

    Disclaimer: This Diamond Retail Benchmark India (DRB) is an informational and educational tool for diamond consumers. Organized around the the 4Cs - Carat, Cut, Color & Clarity - the DRB India is bas

    market data from the diamond trading centers Worldwide and market research assessment of customary retail mark-ups. Endorsed by the All India Gem & Jewelry Trade Federation (GJF), as well as the World Fed

    of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) The DRB should be used as background information only. Actual diamond sale prices may be dier compared to this benchmark, depending on demand and supply at time of transa

    source of the diamond certicate; uorescence; cut specications; payment and other terms of business; foreign exchange rates; special stones and other business considerations. This is published jointly by Th

    India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF), a tra de body headquartered in Mumbai, and IDEX, a diamond research house headquartered in Tel Aviv Israel, with a view of unbiased ser vice to the consumer

    JUNE 1st 2012


    JUNE 1st 2012

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    Prices are in Rupees Per Carat Powered by w

    JUNE 1st 2012

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 791119 562244 506197 435924 393619 343824 278886 264281 249623 175307 106866

    E 687540 464109 457049 428864 372332 336710 264281 249623 234857 167816 99052

    F 611069 400679 372332 365273 336710 329543 256952 242240 227474 145074 91237

    G 393619 365273 358159 350992 322376 315100 249623 234857 220091 145074 91237

    H 336710 315100 300657 293436 278886 271556 242240 220091 205271 129931 83315

    I 315100 293436 271556 264281 256952 234857 212707 190289 190289 122279 75286

    J 227474 212707 205271 197780 190289 182798 167816 160218 152673 106866 67256

    K 197780 190289 182798 175307 167816 160218 152673 145074 129931 83315 67256

    L 175307 160218 152673 145074 137530 129931 122279 114626 106866 75286 50927

    M 167816 152673 137530 129931 114626 106866 99052 91237 83315 67256 50927

    N 160218 122279 114626 99052 91237 83315 75286 67256 67256 42736 34329





    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 1235611 953977 763796 647068 529317 410487 340052 311759 261587 181074 120985

    E 906661 770640 681505 570974 494449 389362 325878 283197 239869 167816 113440

    F 777484 695247 570974 529317 480491 382302 318819 276029 232539 151218 98135

    G 598728 564022 522365 480491 445516 368237 304645 268808 220091 151218 91237

    H 494449 431505 417493 396422 361177 325878 283197 239869 217935 143727 83315

    I 424499 375296 368237 347111 318819 283197 254365 225264 210660 128584 82615

    J 347111 325878 318819 297478 276029 247144 217935 195840 166146 106866 82615

    K 283197 276029 254365 239869 232539 210660 188457 181074 158655 105788 74747

    L 225264 217935 210660 203277 195840 181074 166146 158655 128584 105788 74747

    M 173637 166146 158655 151218 143727 136128 120985 113440 113440 90429 66771

    N 166146 158655 151218 143727 136128 120985 113440 90429 82615 74747 66771

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 2546777 1888715 1662212 1369907 1115542 833315 607997 433930 345710 215348 144158

    E 2185654 1571405 1363387 1174337 984641 787077 567956 427193 318334 193576 119638

    F 1629769 1291712 1082884 958396 932097 714270 561328 413667 297693 171643 98135G 1200420 1141679 918948 892595 767245 681074 541227 406930 290795 158278 91237

    H 971492 773874 760617 740731 694331 547909 487659 386560 290795 158278 88058

    I 727527 627937 614626 547909 527862 507814 447402 352554 233186 158278 86279

    J 547909 507814 474240 454139 433930 413667 372979 297693 207480 129931 82615

    K 440666 420457 400140 393350 386560 372979 338866 270047 200474 122764 80459

    L 359345 345710 318334 297693 283897 263149 256197 221438 165337 115542 80459

    M 318334 304592 290795 270047 256197 193468 186409 179403 140116 108321 80459

    N 283897 276999 263149 242347 200474 186409 165337 144158 129931 103093 72914





    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 4288263 2789825 2699989 2173205 1754635 1348135 821998 546131 446594 258623 144158

    E 3674068 2449666 2250377 1992994 1677301 1192822 737012 512988 419972 238144 120123

    F 2565208 2276137 1844848 1677301 1574046 1024035 697672 499731 359830 203762 98944G 2173205 1819088 1728875 1386883 1296400 848135 691097 493102 346411 183014 98944

    H 1625674 1593393 1393350 1166900 971977 730438 631925 413290 332992 169110 91776

    I 900302 893781 887260 880739 854656 684523 546131 393296 279047 158278 91776

    J 861177 658278 651649 645074 625350 526245 473216 366512 258623 148200 84609

    K 579166 552759 526245 519616 486473 426654 366512 299364 217558 134188 80459

    L 393296 386613 379877 373195 353093 319573 265467 238144 169110 120123 80459

    M 346411 332992 326310 312837 299364 265467 224402 183014 155152 108321 80459

    N 299364 285837 272257 251832 217558 203762 189966 176062 141194 103093 72914

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 1316825 1044298 782927 715294 558202 461468 391841 349860 314723 215348 127129

    E 1170780 944007 694923 633596 551304 440612 377883 342854 279478 193576 119638

    F 850183 749138 578842 571944 516868 433714 370877 335794 272419 171643 98135

    G 613063 606219 558202 523766 496120 412751 363872 328789 244018 151218 91237

    H 530664 503018 440612 433714 405799 356866 328789 251186 229737 149493 83315

    I 447564 405799 398847 384889 342854 321783 279478 244018 222570 128584 82615

    J 377883 335794 328789 307663 300604 279478 272419 236905 200851 112093 82615

    K 300604 279478 272419 258245 251186 222570 215348 200851 186301 112093 74747

    L 258245 236905 222570 215348 208127 200851 178972 171643 156876 112093 74747

    M 229737 215348 193576 186301 171643 156876 127129 119638 119638 96950 73992

    N 208127 193576 186301 171643 142056 134566 119638 96950 82615 81699 66771




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 1709366 1303406 1045969 853309 733078 598728 490030 407577 331268 215348 140116

    E 1211199 1178217 953115 813322 712977 591992 476288 386829 296400 193576 119638

    F 1092315 973001 873356 726396 625728 558094 469444 379931 282388 171643 98135

    G 853309 820004 686139 645883 591992 524143 435115 372979 254311 151218 91237

    H 719713 699558 591992 537724 517299 455756 386829 331268 247252 149493 88058

    I 558094 551304 496874 476288 435115 407577 345225 296400 233186 147392 82615

    J 393727 386829 379931 372979 352123 331268 289394 268377 200851 117967 82615

    K 352123 317310 303352 296400 289394 282388 240246 212007 190720 112093 80459

    L 303352 254311 226126 219067 212007 204947 197834 183552 156876 112093 80459

    M 247252 240246 219067 197834 183552 176385 161942 154721 140116 103093 80459

    N 219067 212007 204947 190720 154721 147392 140116 132787 117967 103093 72914




    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 4616404 3767730 3339567 3051681 2526676 1422020 970198 586333 461468 275383 153104

    E 4157200 3026137 2859722 2360045 2174122 1286592 898955 527323 421804 241809 125350

    F 2750862 2443361 2302328 2167709 2097165 1247898 736419 507599 388661 214755 104333

    G 2193361 2084285 1763149 1756736 1660218 1183391 691097 494395 375404 194331 98944

    H 1628045 1621632 1615219 1608752 1402673 1067202 684307 441636 362147 187487 97327

    I 1067202 1060735 1054268 1047801 1021987 859991 651649 421804 315531 160002 91776

    J 944277 911888 892434 847004 827495 716857 514173 382033 268700 148200 90267

    K 599429 592854 586333 579759 573238 566663 448265 322214 217558 139254 83208

    L 494395 474671 468043 461468 454839 408547 355465 241809 169110 120123 83208

    M 401972 388661 382033 375404 362147 342207 282119 187487 155152 118344 83208

    N 302166 288801 275383 261964 241809 235072 221546 180642 146206 118344 76148

    IF VVS1 VVS2 VS1 VS2 SI1 SI2 SI3 I1 I2 I3

    D 7059549 5870392 4680696 3909733 3386829 2159302 1607890 841453 685924 391949 205809

    E 5806801 4935331 4005389 3412319 3118668 1922182 1106003 568765 464216 259377 158385

    F 4559711 3743964 3565477 3176169 2716103 1640009 1041550 549202 451121 232647 117105

    G 3501671 2696917 2658547 2485773 1902942 1447241 989922 516545 424876 212492 110153

    H 2562567 2312998 2120877 2076040 1826040 1292843 899547 457696 365542 199073 103201

    I 1826040 1614303 1402242 1395775 1363656 1164044 809118 451121 332453 192337 103201

    J 1447241 1325016 1080244 1073777 1048017 944762 718366 431451 279371 178810 96195

    K 1080244 918948 828519 822052 763742 627398 516545 339082 219228 144697 96195

    L 796185 659894 555723 542682 490407 451121 372171 252695 172020 144697 96195

    M 594848 490407 437972 411727 372171 358967 285999 199073 172020 144697 89189

    N 444546 411727 372171 319196 252695 239330 225911 192337 172020 137799 82184

    Disclaimer: This Diamond Retail Benchmark India (DRB) is an informational and educational tool for diamond consumers. Organized around the the 4Cs - Carat, Cut, Color & Clarity - the DRB India is ba

    market data from the diamond trading centers Worldwide and market research assessment of customary retail mark-ups. Endorsed by the All India Gem & Jewelry Trade Federation (GJF), as well as the World Fed

    of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) The DRB should be used as background information only. Actual diamond sale prices may be dier compared to this benchmark, depending on demand and supply at time of trans

    source of the diamond certicate; uorescence; cut specications; payment and other terms of business; foreign exchange rates; special stones and other business considerations. This is published jointly by T

    India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF), a trade body headquartered in Mumbai, and IDEX, a diamond research house headquartered in Tel Aviv Israel, with a view of unbiased ser vice to the consumer


    JUNE 1st 2012

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    haRd woRk pays off.m a n u f ac t u r e r im p o r t - e x p o r t p o l i s h e d d i a m o n d s i n a l l s i z e s a n d q u a l i t i e s

    m a n u f a c t u r e r o f l a r g e s i z e s , r o u n d s a n d f a n c i e s , u p t o 2 5 . 00 c t s

    schupstra at 1/7 2018 antwerpen belgium tel + 32 3 231 21 47 info@pinchas

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012




    Rio TinTo

    Honors D. navincHanDras sHanti MeHta

    n honor of D. Navinchandra and Co.s participation

    in the 26-year history of the Argyle diamond mine

    in Australia, Rio Tinto Diamonds recently honored the

    companys Shanti Mehta at a private event in Mumbai.

    D. Navinchandra has played a pivotal role in the rich portrait

    of people and places that have shaped the history of theArgyle mine and contributed to its reputation as a bold and

    innovative company, said Jean-Marc Lieberherr, general

    manager for the sales and marketing of Rio Tinto Diamonds.

    Not only were they one of our first customers, they

    were at the forefront of laser technology and played an

    important role in establishing the manufacturing capability

    for Argyle diamonds in India.

    iLieberherr also paid tribute to Mehtas leadership and loyalty

    in 1996 when Argyle commenced independent marketing,

    and later for his support for the Argyle underground mine

    development, which will extend the life of the mine until

    at least 2019.

    As the Argyle underground mine moves into its finalstages of construction, new chapters of the Argyle story

    are being written. These chapters will most certainly

    include India, where skilled workers are trained to unlock

    the beauty of Argyle diamonds, factories have flourished

    and a manufacturing and retail industry has made these

    beautiful gems affordable to those who once only dreamt

    of owning a diamond, said Lieberherr.


    n Mh d sh Mh, h w ld g f D. nhd

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012


    haRd woRk pays off.m a n u f ac t u r e r im p o r t - e x p o r t p o l i s h e d d i a m o n d s i n a l l s i z e s a n d q u a l i t i e s

    m a n u f a c t u r e r o f l a r g e s i z e s , r o u n d s a n d f a n c i e s , u p t o 2 5 . 00 c t s

    schupstra at 1/7 2018 antwerpen belgium tel + 32 3 231 21 47 info@pinchas

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012



    NO 19: RETAIL ET CET36

    Make Mine a $2,000 Mint Julep

    f its Kentucky Derby time, its also luxurious mint

    julep time. Once again, Woodford Reserve offered

    exclusive mint julep cups to Kentucky Derby race goers,

    allowing them to enjoy the race, enjoy a drink and help

    support The Heart of a Horse Foundation.

    For $1,000 each, thirsty punters enjoyed Woodford

    Reserves Double Oak ultra-premium bourbon, as well as

    a host of other luxurious ingredients including ice made

    from French water, rare lemon mint from California and

    vanilla beans from Madagascar.

    But what bumped up the cost of this mint julep was the

    cup. This year, there were 65 traditional cups on offer, as

    well as 10 Prestige cups, since 2012 marks the 75th year

    the mint julep has been the official drink of the Kentucky


    The traditional cups were individually numbered and hand-

    engraved with a horse scene, the 2012 Kentucky Derby

    date and the Woodford Reserve logo. They came with a

    sterling silver sipping straw.

    The Prestige cups, which sold for $2,000, were sterl ing


    silver cups plated in 24 karat gold. They featured a diamond

    horseshoe studded with 43 hand-set diamonds that totaled

    approximately 1 carat.


    DeFDoubles support for botswana top achievers program

    he Diamond Empowerment Fund (DEF) has doubledits initial allocation of support for the Top Achievers

    Program in Botswana with a $100,000 grant.

    The program, which marks a partnership between DEF

    and Botswanas Ministry of Education, is designed to allow

    talented students the chance to study at the university of

    their choice before returning to contribute to Botswanas

    economic, social and political development.

    This gift is a commitment from us to empower African

    youth and further Botswanas vision of a thriving economy

    built on the responsible use of its natural resources tobenefit its people, said Russell Simmons, DEF co-founder

    and advisory board chair.

    Speaking about the grant, Varda Shine, CEO of the DTC

    and a DEF governing board member, said the fund, clearly

    understands that access to education and incubation of

    future leaders leads to sustained progress, economic growth

    and prosperity.

    t Linah Moholo, governor of the Bank of Botswana anda member of the DEFs advisory board said, Affordingthese young, talented students the opportunity

    to be exposed to rigorous curriculum focused on

    development, macro-economics, political theory and

    social entrepreneurship will further the growth in our

    country for generations.

    As well as the Top Achievers Program, DEF also supports

    two other education institutions, the CIDA City Campus

    and the African Leadership Academy. CIDA City Campus

    is a business college in Johannesburg, South Africa, that

    is free to attendees as long as they return to their nativevillages and teach for a period after graduation.

    The African Leadership Academy, a university preparatory

    school in Johannesburg, draws students from all 54 countries

    in Africa, and emphasizes leadership skills, African History,

    and entrepreneurial skills. DEF provides scholarships to all

    students from diamond-producing nations.


  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012




    Debuts at ags conclave fashion show

    hile fashion and diamonds make the perfect

    combination, New York City-based wholesaler

    Tov International took the pairing to a whole new level

    with the unveiling of its one-of-a-kind $15 million Chloe

    & Reese-designed diamond cocktail dress at the recentAmerican Gem Society (AGS) Conclave Fashion Show.

    The little black dress features 100 triple excellent AGS-

    and GIA-certified 3 carat round diamonds. Eighty five of

    the diamonds are set on the bodice, four are located on

    each sleeve and seven adorn the back.

    The dress was conceptual ized by Tovs owner Rony

    Majer a year ago. We wanted to do something that, to

    our knowledge, had never been done before. We saw the

    dress as a beautiful canvas to showcase Tov International's

    amazing collection of 3 carat round diamonds in a 21st-century approach, he said.



    he European Quality Circle (EQC), which focuses

    on organizing buying groups, increasing sales and

    profitability and enhancing consumer confidence in the

    jewelry industry, has begun offering training programs for

    the luxury retail industry through its new EQC Training

    Centre (EQC-TC), which opened on May 1.

    The training programs are initially open to those in the

    jewelry and watch sector and will be followed by cosmetics,

    optometry, as well as high fashion and accessories.

    ECQ-TCs diamond and gem training programs are

    provided by HRD Antwerp NV. The courses are offered

    in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese and Hebrew.

    EQC CEO Eyal Atzmon said the decision to venture

    beyond the jewelry and watch sector came from the work

    floor. Often, when we are screening, interviewing, and

    training staff members for jobs in jewelry retail operations,

    shop owners and trainees alike express their desire for

    training that will enable them also to venture out into other

    luxury retail product categories, he said.

    Our aim is to locate, engage and service like-minded

    retailers who wish to sell top-quality products, provide the

    best customer service, and, as a result, enhance consumer

    confidence in luxury products, he added.

    The training center will provide EQCs current training

    programs and make them available to a wider audience.

    The center will also offer a training and consulting program

    to assist European firms targeting the Chinese luxury

    market to find staff and train them to work in China. In

    association with its strategic partner in China, EQC-TC

    will offer similar training modules to Chinese companies

    with an interest in establishing retail operations in Europe.

    Students who complete their training will receive the

    EQC Passport. Atzmon said he hopes the passport

    will become an indispensable document that will be part

    of the graduates CVs when searching for a position in

    the luxury industry. Retailers will know that candidates

    in possession of the EQC Passport have been carefully

    chosen, screened and trained, and therefore have the best

    cards to perform well, both in sales and in management,

    from their very first day on the job.


    eQC luXury retail training Center



    WWW.IDEXONLINE.COMfor live upDates

    $15 Million Dress

    t' $15 m D

  • 7/31/2019 IDEX India Retail, June 2012




    Ral B

    FRed Leighton CoLLeCtion deButs

    Fred Leighton recently launched a newly designed

    line of jewelry, The Fred Leighton Collection. The

    collection will have a limited and exclusive distribution in

    the U.S. and worldwide.

    In addition to the newly designed collection, The Fred

    Leighton Estate Jewels the curated estate jewelry

    collection for which Fred Leighton is renowned will be

    available to a very small group of retail partners.

    For its debut collection, Fred Leighton has looked to the

    designs of the Art Deco period and the 19th century.

    Highlights from the Art Deco-inspired group include

    black jade and diamond drop earrings and chain necklaces,

    elegant carved jade pendant earrings and dramatic briolette

    drop earrings in vibrant lapis lazuli and pink opal.

    Classic styles and motifs from the 19th century clusters,

    starbursts and rivieres are infused with the colors of

    amethyst, citrine and multicolored sapphires.

    Fred Leighton is one of the most exclusive names in

    jewelry and is synonymous with vintage style, said Greg

    Kwiat, Fred Leightons CEO. We are thrilled to be offering

    this unique opportunity to a select few retail partners and

    to broaden the Fred Leighton network to include some of

    the nest jewelry stores in the world.

    Kwiat purchased Fred Leighton in 2009. ideX