Page 1: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

'\:f•L. XII. Bozeman. Montana, Friday, ~o,·ember 19, 1920. l:\L"MBER i.


"TheSwingolthePendulum" Sixth Annual Vocational A Montana State Production C 1 ° S •

ongress s zn ess1on IN FINAL f.AME Tho Swing of th~ Pen<lulum, a playj The cast of characters for the

U w. itt:...n and produced c::prcs~J:" for f:wing- of the Pendulum is as follows:

j the \~,;omen's \~ocational congrf'S::i, I Cast:

1-JJtc·rin~ the F'inal Game of the pronu~es to l>e one of th~ W.O"'t en- 'fa:th Templeton, mothe1· =========== I INTERESTING AND E DUCATIONAL PROGRAM IS BEING

fi•1RLS mtto ARE I CARRIED OUT FOR THE BENEFIT OF MONTANA HIGH l..."eason rndefc•ateJ, the mue and tr-rtaining atb·actions of the con,·en- . Valbo1·g RiYenes

U Ii 1· SCHOOL GIRLS TO GUIDE THEM fN THEIR SELECTION (,old \Yarriers are Be.aten 28 to 0 tion. Though the time for ~re~1ar-1 Daughter Ethel Young

hy a HeaYier and f'a~ter Team. ~tion and rehearsals has been lrm1t~d, Justina Courtney, lawyer1


• 1 e ~lontana Univer~ity football ment which might be classed with the ··. ··· r: chine defeated r .c i:len:~n from b{;!st of home talent productions. I Ro~al1t.! .Yiontague. aetress,

" , rana Ste:.ti coll,.,gc·. 28 to 0 last Rosemary Trach.-well The theme of the play is woman'::; I Sally Sexingtun, mi1liner, ANNUAL CONGRESS; PROMINENT SPEAKERS

'ur!a\ ~tfternoon.

'-ore :-;hO\\S thP sL1pcriority of the Bnbt::lt~

a' c:· t, ~r,lY(' t'1 Br;·r.n \Vils tht.. "Illy

a c a. ar~am \I1

its ,:,;c•l r\ t> pa~"

part. :\Us.sou la mak­The RnLl'ats

place 111 vocati1.n. The time of the' _l\Iary Eber:::-ole

fiT-..t ad i::; at file present. and in this I J I. I · ...... Anna 0111ta \J,ir• Tlian l."0 G1'rl .... ar 0 in Dozeman u:!11c a grou1 f coll~gc girl"' arC' uc Y gnatrns 1 mlr!'c.. ..,. ... ~ " -===============\ \Tocati•'Jnal Congress Originated

d; i: :n,..,; their \.."arecr::5. The second Ha1·bara Blackstone, amba-:;sac1o1· a~ Gue~'~ of_ ;\lo~tana State Col· I.;.. "·t opens on the same scene thirty l\lar~uerite Lindsley ll':?.e at the \ ocat1onal Congress I~ ...... :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: •• :: Six ·ears Ago by Dean Her-

v ~ r:-. later. Y11u1t1l,n is again the ~·,fary PinkeTton, old maid without a One hundred .anti fifty girls re- :;: The Thank:·«tiYin~ i!~·n ·e : ~~.;:. ~~~:l a~~n~~Pt~:~a~~ln;a!!~:. -qiu: vf con\ o;;r..:;aL:on, anJ t.hc r.J:::ult' \'otation EYa Ritschel \

pre,cnting 55 localities are the guests :; whic-h i> given annually by the .. in Encouraging High School tltC> attE·mpts of each of the"e wo- Eleanor Emt>r::;on. author of 3-lontar.a State College this week :: L~ase. of 1 9~:~ will be held in ••

" , heard. A reward ,_,·hich has I Doroth,,· Ropes h 1 . d b 1 j . h ~· •• \\omen to Attend College. T •"' gic ~ are accompame Y c iaper- :: the drill Saturday mg. t, nov- ••

·11 vfr't.. l in the fit·:::t act is now Vrv \Vright. a\·iatrix, .. Helen Tripp ows and axe titaying at Hamilton 11:: en~h<'r 20. This dance is also !!

.:.i'\' r{k<l to the> <Plt' a.ecom!)lishing the .Jun.e \.Yatelhousc, forest ranger. L~ll, the four ~orority houses and :: the finale of entertainments •• The Si:\ .. th annal vocational cong·res.-;;

' J t l is f!.\..OW in session and thete are about 1 l('s gooc. 1 • . •........ DoHithy Reed \t..~·ious homes in Bo~eman. The fol-

1:: for the Vocational CongTcss :: l:JO rr:rls .from all OYCl' lllontana in at-

rt Ht 1 • ,, riuar- '\li<.:.~ .:1.larj0) .. Bohs:rt., the aulh'Jr Giorgia Eank", financier·


. \\ n_ • ·'4h s ... hool gnb are here for~! an1i al! :.i1b vho are ntlcnt'iln2; 4.'• t:._._clDnc:e and over 20

teachers an<l

U K 1,.. , .... 1 Bur ·.t: and c. t_ l~ pla:.· ha:, \,_-m:·ked har_d m 1.lro- . ··-·--·.·, ....... _ . Lu.dll.! !:>t<!<:b!cr l le ( .n!?Tess this we_ck: \!: are<l. A cvlur scheme vi. •• ~ :: c:~:-~1~-rones. The program has so far

the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo<lk1nd1 mmbt:i. . . . Del<'!!a,es at Ycct't1onal Congress. I:: l!reen an<l gold is being us~<l •• been unu,,,ually good and the intere~t

kc~. Attor l e first 1,.. n' •" ieol w1t,1 that of any I ..... . . .... . .. hath1yn fo\rne. I \.b,cra!ccc-Jl,•stcr Sdvester. Grace .. thrnu;cbout the decorations. of each delegate is Yery keen.

nutr.:;:,, thE. out('oJ e f th1.:: ganle ut• n at1t Oh:.aniz.ation. She was alh-o _. E:xe-i;-utH·e Staff. I 1

h • U rider will be on tap and the •• The <let.ails of the meetfog-s have

bt. l d at th,· encl re pon~·ib1e·, to a e:i-1•.at extent. for the P~·operty .................. " D~rothy ~ope~ o D1•~~\oe~·--Bessie Smith, Josephine l !! turkey raffle, whh.:h was the ... i:an.:01\1lly worked out by the executh-e

111 ,:1 at ... r·rc.Judi1 n of the suc:ce.::sful play, \\arclrobe )11stress ... Glauys 'Vh1taker H 'fll .. feattne of the dance last year, •• staff of girl students of the college.

fn . e la~t C'JU<lr- ~Iontu1a \rins Torlay," wh;rh was· .\dvertising Jfana;:rer.. - Ada .Jones i ~~lu1~1bus-IIelen Rothwell, Inez •• \vi11 be held again this year. •• i.Jh.-!~1l:i11g the following: .A.Jina Bur-

• ' ct · h b I tb II t S'·· 'I \I St b " Se·.-eral farnr and nu1·dty •• t. r Coa .... ·h G1 l.\ •s ptit ln substitutel:i-, giv n 1 ra tn·ing- t e as .:e a our- wg-e ~' ana.ger ····· ary !'ana an Ir. •• g-ess. 1:hairman of the conventi011;

I B · M II I T · ~· crguson. · •• dances "·ill be stage<l and the .. wn. tried trick pass1 ~ witliout muc.h \ namtt:t in 19HI. usmess anag-er · --=·----· e en rt pp Fon; Benton-Elizabeth Joyce. :.: entertainment committee pro- ... Frances Kyle, ehainnan of the hous-

J , ~"'- Tb<: bi'::" B1. ZL'man crowd, led I Fromberg-Beulah Braziel, Marie ,•,• d ing; Charlotte Cooltjy, chairman of lhe mises everyone a goo lime ++

l heer L-eade:r Eaton. kept up its ld I B 1

1 Graham. •• •• reception; Dorothy Ropes, chairrnan

' >port until tht· end. I '/\Tew But" ings I anquet or G!:J.,gow-Uelen Hammerness. \:; :: :: :: l!:; :: :: :; :; :; :; :; :; of the house; Flo1ence Wesch. chair-

' Y ~ Great Falls-Lenora Pophal. man of the entertainment; Pearl Beau·

'.ri->ou.e "' '" J:l.-I Hy tho Asso- f M s c I c:"ootbal' n Aen 1' ·,;,:.::na.rlo>1 ton-.les>ie Cambron. Peail Mrs p, chawp, chairman of attendance; Ada

;u.kd PressJ -Completely outdn~siug OY 8 • • I' j t" lY.l~ · ...... .:: eteYSOn Jones, chahman of the publicity;

t opp<lm:nt·- in 1.::\E'ry department . . . .,.. _ . _ . _ H~::lena-Elizubcth Allen· Virgmia I • Theo :.\Iuntzec·, chairman of finance;

t 1e game. the )Iontana State Uni- The pasage of Jn1t1atn-C' i\1easure Last '\\ cYenmg President Si:hn~kkr. :F'lorencC" ,Vallate, ).larian Gz"VeS Concert :Harie BTandenburg", chairman of re-

uverwht..·l 1ed the State rolleg-e ~ . l!'J at the recent election in.sul"es 1 Alfred .Atkinson gave a delig-htful in- Holter. gistration of the Gallatin county

!:t:b!>tantial additiuns to the buildings f, rmal ba11quct at the dining room of Hysham-Nellie Thurman, Thelma hig-h ;:,, ·hool; :.\linn~e Ellen :\hrquis,

and ~qujpment at i\fo11tam1 State col-1 ~he home economic!' department in Pierson. At the Municipal theater, Thursday chairrnnn of musk; Gladys l\Iatthcws,

on" touchdown in Ic<re, Under the provisions of this honor of the football team. Both the Lewi~to\~'11-Gcrtruc.Ie Broad. evening, NoY. 18, the ~'omen's Lea- chairman of 1>1'inting-; Kate Keown,

th1 g-ame, and made- 1'!~c.asure, new buildilags rna;y he con- fir~t nntl second t ·~ms ar.d thL· man- ::\lai dn~da!e-Lillian Petrie. ;..:.uc oilcred the fii .;t c·ntcr ttir.mcnt chain~1 "'T1 of P"O;!lan1; Helen Tl'ipr,

the llucted and <.:quipped or old build- ag-u· an<l as~istant mana:;~r we1 .. : .. ~ ~lilt-s C'ity-Cather!n1e l\IcRae. of fhc l!JZO \\.omen's Yocational con- heJ.d U!-.:!u-'r; E\4.Jlyn V\~aterman aml

' Jl t · < \ Tl t 1 I b t'f 11 • I Edith Stanley, sec1"et.aries. ,..,+ te l' egE:. ... r_::::· .... !'~~..:.::·~c.- I ;-:·c:;-;c:n ·· .1c 3.J es wcTe eau 1 u ) Shelby-j)lary Barne3. gTess. The program began at 8:00

The ).linnt·:-:ota ~hift gainc<l ground I'rcbably the flr::-.t building· to be decc.ratcJ1. appropriately _s~1g;ze~t.iYe of Tltree Forks-Agnes Bl'abee. o'clotk with a concert by Lil1ian ~lost of the delegates arrive(l here

a .. ,\ill for t..he ~tate university. with C:C;nf'truc·ted at :.\Ionta_na State college I tl~e ot·ast.on. Thanksgwmg· pump- Townsend-}Jai·garet Connors. Brii:'I':" Peterson. followc.J by the twn so10: 0 t'mc Thurnday and were ente1-

:-- '1ivu.n. Kershrie:r Bar:ry and Adam::: under the funds JH'OY:dcd by ,tht.." bond km:::, red and ~·cllov.- apples, and Yfrgini:l City-·Edith Porter, Mar- nd ploy, the Swing of the Pendulum. tainen at the 1\lunicipal Theater la=--t

p ng-ing: throu:::h f01 lc-ng- g-ainsJ ·._·ue w!ll be a ma;n cngi11c iin~ ~tu ~o::r:-- of grap('..: udorne<l the tab!es. j..,. Dudley·, Loi~ Allen. Forest Ball. Tlw music ·was provided by the col- CYening: at a recital by ~liss Lil1:aa

il.:. se·.-er~l f nvar<l passes ··were bui!cling. Thi:::. :::;houl<l make ampl'2' "'le\·er minature footballc; marked 11irr Thnber 1.lorda Dishop, ina lege Ol'Chestra under the direction of' Brigg-s Peterson, formerly of :Jlin-

c· roplcte<l for big yardage. r.1·t.\·ision for er;gincering dns3 1oom-: 11e plaees. Ellingson. T\rrs. Courier. nearolis. and a devt·r two act nla: ... -

.,~hf· vfotor~.- ar·ain ga\·c the r.ztate ~'id certain kind~ of tethnical !::'bet·- TIH? host:s and hoste~scs fnr the \.Yhilo;;·hall-111.:.•nt• Hath~nvay. )J..-11 Mrs. Lillian Brigg!i Peterson. ~~~~i:~e~:;~~~ ~~~n!1:12°t~: ~~~~~~~0~1~.~ .all rhamµion.::llip to th f't'.".te "-'L k·s. It is a:;:,,o to inr;;.ide an Ell- L'\..:liing were: Pre:·d~;enl and .Ylrs. Al- }.lountjoy. Soprano, san~ the following selec- 'j

u \"C'rsity team, which played in mag- ~irn.:ering as~emtly l"(Otn as part of frL~d Atkinson, :\Ir~. Lna B Herric::k, 1 Ilan·i:::-on-Yiolet Ft·t-ri~, Iris Cable. tlons. ~Iiss ·June Hai'tman of the Th~ re~ula.r p1',of!ram star~t!~1 -+.Jn~ r fiC'ent f. n i',rotuthollt. tht! line tli.s. bnildin~ ... ..\ second cnginf'erin~ ['·an and Jlr$ .. J. ).i. Ha1.iiltcin, :JfrS'!' Conrad-Augu:-:ta Ru!'::'Sell. I . d . d

1 mo111111g at mne oc:lock at \Yh1cn time

· · h ·1 · h · U 1 '" G D d 'I J 'I j mu~lt" cpartment accompantc ler. the Con. zt·'~~-.- '' •, <. [01·111all•.- oneneJ Ii~ ~t ppm;! <·':t:'ry att'mpt to g-am on ,u1 ding wh!ch we may ope to see- \ raYes, r. an ~1 rs .. _1 • IIavn?-Lois \Yanl. ~ .... .:..~ ·• - 1· .r

~t -aig-ht football. ;:_-nn~t11.1c:ted wm bC' the engineering 1· ~·C:orman. :\fr. and :Vfr!=i. D. B. Alrncontla-)•Iary Gagner, ('lal'isa Tl2e prOgra1!1 wa~ a follows: . Miss Aline ~m·ge~., chairman oi I.he

s Ir j t I 1 I I l l . Tl . b 'ld ~ I 1e A :Song of Sunshine ....... ..\ Gm mg convenli()n. L n 1van score1 two ouclCowns, ..;;1<ps anc aJ<Tatories. ns u1 - \\' ng · ).!cF.lhannie. Thomas

h£t~lmer one and Barry one, while ing :-;.hould in<.:lude six different. units President _.\tkinson presidc·c! as llutLe-Alice Graham. He1\?n _l\Ic- The program for the two da;:v-s of

4 .:J.•ns kicked four goals. tn prv\.ide lahoratory f2cilitie:. for tr:a,"tmastl'r· keC'ping- the party in I Leo<l. Four Leaf Clover .Leila Brow11Pll the Cling-ress i..- ~:::: follo,vs:

.Montana opened the game with an the differc11t typ"S of engineering I hic:h sphits by hi~ deser stories. nallantinc _ Ev•l Reed. Gladys I Bring you Hcnrtsease... Gena 1 Friday \[orning, 9 o'l'lock

c·..,._id1,_1 kit!: l or. ·y reco,·erin_ The I bl:ing carried on at the college. These I Dean Hamilt011 was called upon and I Lyng-. Braneombe. . _ 1 Opening of C.mgrc~s-Aline Burg ... ~~s

<...-:zzliPs tc k th La.J 1 to the 20- eng-ineering buildings_ will be located\ ''c·:ponded by telling- the hi~lory of Thoadncw;--I\Iarie Easton, Viola Caro N0111e, from Rigoletto \ l'rdi 1

Chairm:m of Conventlon

J. ~~rd lintt wh( re Hrzbec n i~sed a! betWl' ·n Sixih and 8eyenth avenues. f'ootball at llf onta:ia State college ".."r; l-soiL Yielle Chanson Bizet Devotionals ..... ..Frances ForL(-'3

fto:..J l goal. Soon c..ftf<r another an ti.U- l!'t tly ea~t 01• Hamilton hall. from 180;] to 1904. Prof. Swingle I Dillon _ Fra.nres Forsgren, Ella Ri :\Ies Vers ... R. H~hn Assembly singin,!!-Katherir.e .'C~uwn

Y .. nee tame, \\'i h Kershner carryih.{:.:· 1 Di.:fure acld1tional huildin~.:; ni.._y be. -...poke on scholarship and athletics. Free. Bonjour. Suzon .. Leo De 11bt•s Address o:f \Velcome--Dea;t Hamil!:""ln

t111· Lall on?r. .:::i.r1..·d f01·. a new c:entral heating fJlant1 ''Pat'' ~forphcy, t'aptain of thi!:i Deci· Lodge-Dol'is Edghill. ! The American:s Come --··--·Fay Foster Greeting from G.C.H.S .. E!o!se •\il~on

he se(:q,.nd st:OI t: was credited .:o will have to be construct~d. The j f?ar~· Bobcat tl'am_ respon<led with Red Lodge-:\larjorie Finley, Lill an 1 The R.eturn Arthur Bergh I Greetings from Pres. Women·~ le'lguc

~ ·h·an. llft.~r Dayli~s had l!ladi:: .. o t.';u n€'v srnall plants now 1n usl! are 111~ u~ual cle\·er ,.,.!t, and Joe Bush Haves. The L~ist Rose of Summer j ·---·-·····------ . • ..... Ruth ~~o!Jle

) ~ Js on a forward pass. operating up to heir full capacity.! who, last Saturday, played his last, 1C.1ein-1Iarriet Betklev. Con1in' Thru the Rye Response _____ ···- lren~ Hathw;J.:r

~arly in the third '1.Uarter !i.fontana ~o that this udclitiona.l radiation n.rny J.C. .tbnll game. ·with the Bobc~ts, ex-1· Stevensville-Doris Birch. Esther "'Whitehall IIig-h ~ehool

bl ·ked one of :l!cDonald"s punts, and not be cared for before a new heating pres.etl the h1_f(h esteem which the :l:cLaug-hJin. WOMAN'S LEAf.UE Roll Call ·

~ hvan c:Tashcd o\·er frcm the seven pfant is erected. It is probable that I footlHtll men have for Coach Graves. Ten~·-Helen Ca::nYell. Floy Proud-J U · Treble Clef __

Yf d. line. t:his heating plant will be located ''Packy" McFa1·Iin, manager of the 1 foot. "How to Take ~~ .• tos," \Y R. Cobkigh

·he fourth and lat quort-r came just north of .the agricu!Lural build- ceam, told of his a<sociations with Florcnce-:\Jal'ian Carwr. DELEGATE"' RETURr~ .. 'lltc ;\e,, Tuch<:" }lts5 £ Franks

(Continued on paire ,1) (Co1•tinued on Page Four) (Continued on page 4) i~~::.".:-'.~i~;~'~~ah~11~;'.e1~dele Place, ~ l Migr.on '.}Jaw

Students and Faculty Hold Jubilee After Successful Campaign for Measures 18 and 19

Helen l.JcLeod, l.largaret Parsons, FROM PULLMAN ~~,:e~~:~~,i~;ri:;1 fkhool ~=~·~'i10,:r.'.·ipp Pauline Wi-ight, Helen McGregor, Ma-ri~ DaJy. Beulah Gagnon. ~ t ..... Josephine N. 0 1Gorman

Roundup---Dorothy Webb. The l' 0

"Takin_g- Stock." llfiss- Elizabet;1 Fish

Three Fork,;;-Elizabeth Veach . ~lontan<~el~~:::s c:~~g:•:~e~~:t°i;,tcr- Principa!Sco:oofi'i~:n:.:~ao;\~~al Hi~h Rapel.ia-Alita Allen, Velma Web- collc:riate Conference of all Women's Luncheon to the delegates at 12:00

----5tcr. organizations, \vhich was held at T'ull- o'clock, Home Economics club. host·

On !\1onday Ja::;t student body, military sdence department. broken fo1 building on college hill. Pony-Madge .Jenkins, Hazt>l Leib. man. \Vashin~ton. have returned with esse::..

~c., isted by the fat"ulty, celebrated Vpcn reachrng- Jlam street th~ par- could now draw a full breath, know-I Deer Lodge-Grace Fifer. \·ery faYorable repotts. Ht'nrielta

ti-· pass~e of Iniliative :Measures acle turned tO\\anl the opera hou;;e. mg- that i\Ionta a ~tat t Hardin-Teresa Simony. ::\foebus and Rt.;th ~oble rC'n·escntcd Frida,· Aft~rnoon. l:-:1 5 o'clock

1..:... and 1~ The students enoyed the where two hours were taken up by I ' .1. • n ' e was now 0

Hobson-Hester Stevenson Beulah t} VV ' L · t I A bl· s· · M · Branden-

,_ea'~1· na1·t of· tl1e fu11, while the the de f th d ~ t go forv..rard and he~atate no longe1· ){ II. , . I a: , oman s ea;.!tlC 01 ...... ,n I ssem. Y mgrngi ! ane

- IA: i· ans o e various cpa11,.men s, bet" een a standstill and a retrograde e ,r. . . State Colle~e at the con~eren~e. whieh burg.

fatulty g-ranted the holiday. who spoke briefly on the need and ll1cvcnwnt. Clyde Pa1k-Ma1 garet Shell ham- the fffst one of its kmd e"er Report of A .te


Early Monday morning an assem- prospects of the new buildings for mer, Mary Hoff. _ _ ~ailed in the 1101 t.hwest. Piano Quartt

t J~ was held in the drill hall, where their various departments. I In the afternoon a jolly-up party Rosebud-Agnes Harnrnerston. Eli-


The purpose of the cunvention wes "Where Trainin,2' in Home Economi.cs

<..'.a<"h class was 1rathered together, and I Among those who emphasized the was held in the dril1 hall This was zabeth Mccurdy · M. p 1. F' 1

~ . · to discuss woman's present dny 1FO· Leads" tss au me • 1fo-.:: appropriate eht::ers, led for the hnmediat..e need of new buildings weret well attended for a free dance To- Wilsall -Anna Paulson, RuLh blems and their (ontrol in ccillr·rC's and Recreation Period, Frances Wocasek

most part by "Bub'f Eaton. l'ofajor Profe~sor Cooley, ,\·ho asked' fot· a! ward the close of the afternoon, the 8herrod. I intercollegiate schools. . Vocations and Avocations on the

Bubb, who acted as marshal Of the botany buildinp: to take the place of I women of the college staged a basket Glendi,•e-Ruth Steele,' Bemadell I The conference lasted three days, Farm ..... Mr. P. V. Cardon

da,-, succeeded in fonning the im- 1 the old "bug·• building, and Dean I social, which made a d<)Cided hit with Flynn. , the ll, 12 and l3 of No,·ember. Women Why a Vocation ....... Margaret Smjth

promptu gathering into a line suit-1 No1·ris, who emphasized the need oft all of the student body Belgrade-Bonnie Ste\"'enson· Mar- from fourteen colleges and univcr- 1\Ianagcr of W-::-men's Occupations

able for parade. ' a new engi11eering- building with t·oom I Throughout the entire program of gucrite Bryan. . . J sities of California, Nevada, Oreg·on, Bureau, :Minneapolis

At 9:30 the students marched to- to accommodate the present machin- the day, the reason for the celebra- Bozeman-Genev1e,·e Cooley, Eloise Washington, Idaho, and Montana ('onfPrer.ccs 3:15

Wfi.l'd Main street, in the order of the I cry and also \i.--ith a smoking room. tion was kept in everyone's mind by Wilson. 1 were sent as representati..-es at. that Friday EYtning, :15 o'clock

<'.~~$CS. Leading the parade was a to accommodate those whom it is bet- the efforts o.f Miss Quaw, at the Billings - Florence Suitor, )1ary I time. Assembly Singing, .. Helen Haller

bus carrying the band, next followed tcr to think of than mention any dance, who led the students in sing- PuITJy, Wadena Slawson. Although the conference was very Report of Attendance.

tJ->€' senior class, next the juniors, and (names. - l ing parodies celebrating the passage Livingston -Shelda Fox , Hattie successful a larger delegation is an- Songs. Ellen Mjnic. Marqui.

•o on. Foll<>Wing up the four year Following the talks by the fat- of eighteen and nineteen, and by Crowell , Marjorie C'resop, Esther I ticipated for next year's conference "Opportunities for Women Through

r(i£'11 came the secondary students. II ulty, a few words were heard from "Bub" Eaton, who, at tfie morning .Johnson. which will be held at Berkley. Calif- Scientific Training, Erma L. Collins

The entire fonnation t•epresent~d Mr. Hartman of Bozenian, who told speechi fying, suggested that 18 and Malta -Florence. Hansen. Gayle l orni~. Our delegates will give a mo~e Y. W. C. A. as a Special Force,

!llt>ntana State, nothing bemg om1t-1 the students that those, like himself, 1

19 also meant a victory for j\f. s . l Johnsen. Edna R obinson. detailed repol:t to the Womans Janet Smith

vd, even the old cannon was taken I who had followed M. S . C. through its I . in football as well as l>uildings Laurel-Nona Hageter, Verna Ar- League assembly <tfter Vocational Recreation Period .... Nona Sackett

aJ,,ng. guarded by a squad from the years, since the first ground was 11d faculty. (Continued on page 4) Congress. (Continued on page 4)

Page 2: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

Pa,:!e two The \\.,.eekly Exponent I'riJay, :\o\·cmbt.:r 19, rn:.:W.

'I ] '.on>' <n<l oi tht score, methinks the I ""'-'-~'-~'-~'-~'-~~~~'-'-~'-~~"-~~''-'-~ -Cotntnunications Erums will n:mcmbcr their nsit for ~ ~~~..,

==============1 t~:~e~~n;:~. ~:~~~li~n~~~tl<~~id:;·~ LAN 6 0 HR' s ~ EST.\BLISHED J \:\L\lff I, 1910. I' , (0 th f 'I ti I E E bl . l I J

1 1ro• ) nkht Fitting in front oi an open ~ , utJrrc' o . nn i y · :'.\.-p<'nent, ~;;:ta 1is l.t't anunry · !'.'.'•'"· Ol [{ STl DE:'\T r \~TOH 1 wlnJow to keep thl' t·old <lraug'ht ~ ~

... . from :;.tr.king- the.• fvotbull playc~.1 ~ ' or• lCE-HOQ.\[ ), REJ>LilLICA="·COLHIER Bl" JLDL "G . I Rl"~' ( harJes R. ~tenhC'n~ ha~ h~cn I bt.:lic\"c rack~ has dl'l'ldcd to take , : ==============================11.ptJOll l1.·J :-.:-:. it1.1de11t pn~tor and has bl._mkt!:< , ... ith h:m the n xt t111t.-> he ~ ~


T \\'(~kly Exr •n r~t is st :ctly 3 .:-tudcnt ent<:>rpr ->~. lt:s chief pur- t.i ·n t:p h . .: wcirk :it tr.e 1.· ille~('. rn to .\li~ ... oula. I he'"1r thrtt Eli 1 '- G ' e ('l" c '"t :,n '( .;..tttlndc1 1pkt('record ~('ran 1nt!1s .Q'•I a numl~r ('If :-.u(r,.t .... t I that th Si,~ma Chi ~ reen House ~

t 1t an col<• nffn :- urin that pc io<l :ind to exert its lull ur,b~ Clf T' up •ht.' a~ " a n ;;:tiff c.:oilar so as to be ~ ~ 11 l u Idm,.... of :;\I n .. a11n St;:itu College. The pa.per iC' the r · "'" thl' rc:-.t llf th'-~ {!':inf' . ~ldhink~ ~ ~

,) cffu·t IHI u h '~ tJ,c .. lHlcnts who t'Ulll}JUbC the staff. \\ uhl l>l' ust n~ f tJ\'C jf Lhe ~ ~ " ' h1. 1 ut 'o '"''tr •o '" ' PHONE 95. 315 So. Tracy '

fht 01 ~ .,

. !lo'~'''''" "'' """'· "'''"'-X : ""'"''"'"'' ''"'''' ' '' ~s, ' ' h .I '>''''''"-' .,, '°'' :s. "-'-"' '-' "~ ,.._._ '"'-''''" '" . J.\ ~i I ,

R;o ~ \ SPLE. ·ow .~TOC'h: OF ~


',,:.::':~ ~ Diamonds ~ pe l·h~::_;,. .\ look c: •• ~ '

111..-o; .1 1• ;ibn in hc!J.1 y atT<•'d with d1smuy c~m .. l\.l'l" h fau= .. ls hl' rl'al- ~ , Jn -~rr1,;:u·ation for the ChriStIT':ts d1.:mand )\(> h~nt.• ~ ti 1 u11h··-tah n•... Zl'd the tt11th of my !':tatnwnt :-:.nd he ~ :-opec1d t.·tlort~ tv .l'cm·e a diamond ~tllc..:k off\.·rinK l'Xl'c>llc>nt t'l~~~l &

- - T n l u11or1 aym nt lll th( r ula• ·\ r\,· ty Ft:


\<TI\<. )I.\ '\.\1.J:-;c; ;;111 ron .\, E. )J,.:F \RLI:--;, '2~ R<, .. ~tt•pht·n~ i!' IH•rc pnndpally to .tartt•d for the tloor. '- rn ~111all. n.t·Jm1:1 mul brgt•r stunes. ~

nOX..\LP .,\XPER:-::0:\, '~.' st•rn~ tlw Hudt·nt body and to relate .\ltt>ndt·d the dance at thl' gym ~ ~

.\D\'r:RTISI:\{; .\I\~ \CER

CIR(Tl. \TIO:\ \!\:\\GER

G LE"'IS ER\\"J:\', ·~:] this rcspcd he stands ready to serve Ty <'mbanas~t:cl. ~o to spNtk, I 1.:ould ~ :me! Lnlh:~ncl!. Ea1.:h stone r:,Tades hisrh in l!Uality. ~ .\l CPST ~l. SCH'\"EIUER. ':.!1 tlll'lll to chun·hl':-> nf tlwir l'hoil'l'. In this ::tflL·n.won, but ~b I was financial-, ~ ~\'? huVL· used gTcat tare to obtain di1.unonds for fine color '

l·~D,L.\HP c. PR8STO~ . . 2~ all tht~ chun.·hes. This is a new under- not n.:nH1111 for the baskt·t ~o<.·ial. I ~ _ ,\.l' hnve many of these <liamond::; in the latt\:.;t !'tylc~ of "------ taking. Thl'n .. art• few prl'tcdents to understand that .Toe \Y illson and platmum and white srold rings , suitable for gifb, nnd \\'C: will be ~

GEXER \L HEl'ORTOHL\L ST \FF !.!Uidl• it ~\ full and lkfinite pllln of Bruce Hilli'.".ter WL·n• injured in the I g-lnd to ha\·e you examine them. Selections for Chrishnas prc~ents ~ RF.PORTERS BEf!\G SELECTED BY CO~IPETITIOX :-.C'n-1c~ will bl' Wllrked out as the n1sh for ba~ket~. In the futurt: I I ~ will be taken from stock and held for late de> livery if desired "

mo\l'Jn~tll ad\'n.nn•s. would ad\·ise them' to foliow Geo. Yan ,~ LAIJIES' Rl:\GS ' A Board of Control has been formed Fkefs l'xamplC' and hidt" a basket $25.00 to $1000.00 ~

THE YOC' .\.TIO:\'.\L CONFERE!'\C'E for the !!Uidanrc .. r thb work consist- under the •love. \\'°' surprised to ·' $50.00 to ~ ~:;o.oo ' in.I! 11f two nll'mht•rs from the c.:ollcge. hl'nr today that Frank J ohnson has ~ "'

I ~IEX 'S Rl'.'"GS.. "

The ~ixth annual YOCational congre~s for high school gir1s, and two mcmLl'I'!." im..:lmling- the pa::-tllJ' tctmncd ftom '.\l1ssoula a ft er a pleas- ~ H. A. nease & Co. ~ which was OPl'll<'<l at the college this morning, has brought to 1 from ea,h of the followinc: drnrches: ont '"'t m the Brum's tow11. I .C-< ~ Bozeman OYCr a hundred serious minded, alert young women The :llchodist, Christinn. llaptist and 1 "''JO•ced tcmiirht th at the !-.'<•sh- !lo i·eprcsenting the principal high schools of ;\lontana. These you ng Presbyterian; also to include four me: sea«rn 1, al an end ll owenr 1 JE\YELEHS Al\D Ol'TO)IETRISTS ~ " ·omen have come here for the purpose of r eeei\'ing the messages 1 nwmbt'rs from outside the city-one ·ll · · li whic h t he ~plendid corp of gpeakers han:\ for them. The.v ha\•e ·from each of tht.• aboYt' named de· am ~ti rn ag-ony, fcarin~ thnt to- The lhillmark Store 6 \\" :\lain Street ~ ntor1 ow sonlt.' fair co-t·d will ru::;h · · ~ come to learn of the opportunities for trained women in the nominations. up and ,.,111in.,rnulatc me. ~~~~~ profrgsional and commercia l world. R'"" Stcplwns has al ro:rny appeared _ _ _

To these delegates ;\Iontana Stale college Pxtends a h earty bl•forc thl• s«wral drnrches. and has I Tue,cla)'. ;-; 0,ember 16. welcome. \\"e are glad to ha\·e the opportunit~· of entertaining •stabhslwd an office ~t the colleJ!e Today J listened to •everal length\· .,. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , you here. It is hoped that ~:ou will gain nilu'.1ble inspiration and 111 '""m 10° fo1meily <•<rnpiod by the and c'abcratc ~dihesses ;,y disti;. that you \\'Ill so make u~e of the new ideas \nth which you come Exponent. .\ s soon as he can Jrnd a I gmshcd member< of the student body., FOR GOOD WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE ~ m contaet that they \\'Ill be of the greatest possible Yal~e to suitable hom ... he "'11 b1111g h" famil)- "ho made the tiip to ~li<soula. Bob TRY THE !!> yourseh·es and the women whom you represent. m choo mg a to the cny and thus be one of u ~1"l'onncll ,md Gene )lcLaughlin took g ,·oration. _'" Dodor Skplwns is hcrt.' to se1"\·e fi 11 • L n

I as.their ~ubjN·t. "The .lays of Trav-1 t d c .:>

\\,h·1 l ' I . . us. lie in\'itl·~ pt.·rsonnl intt>n·icws in II a a Ill a (> I(' attenl mer t 1e \"OCat.onal rong-r('gg meclmgs and h ear- h. ff H . . I. t d e me: BetWt'en the Scats." Emmet I un ry 0 l;f in!! of the man>· places open to you. you· \\·ill also h a\·e the oppor·. ,'.' 0

, ":' · e,•~ mt""':•te< '.". 5 11 ent ~latthew, ga,·e an interestinir talk • .:> tunity of inspecting :\Iontana's great0st rnratimrnl college. Here I tlorb],hml. fa 11

,',' J •• mx,•ou. hto rell.itc huhn- on " \Y hat not l<> Say to the Brake-,. I f ·11 h h . . SC t.• p u \' to t ll' c urc lCS t l' man.1· o you Wt aYe t e opportmnt>· of prepanng your seJ\·ps faeultY and ~tud«nt hod,-. The 'boanl man. and \\'ht'n to "''Y It." and Fer-

1or your l'hosen Yocat10n and of learn111g how to make your ln·es f 1

· h th ·1

t d 11

.l!U• ~l1td1dl lectured on "The Ad- , • Ol'R WAGO'l'iS COVER THE ENTIRE CITY factors in the world's deYelopment. · I ''" s sure t .•t . e >Lu< en' an a '.·anta.gcs and Disach·antages 6I T1~-1 PHONE 79 !

S, } · · · · f concl'rncd will l!'l\"C' h1111 a hearty J mcc t 1c mstitut10n of the Yocat1<111a l con en~nce seYer al 1 ~! ~ <' mg- to l:se Lady Friends' Hat ~l<=H:>il'CfQJ:>l:H;H;i.(>CfQJ:>l:H;H:H:>m:>fl:H:H:H:H:>nl)H;HH;HCfQ®H;Hlll-CIJ;!l:>l:H:H:H:l-0.0:

,·ears ago the ~nnual gathering of high school women. has._ under we ""n~ ";, 'S);ini d1cck ." Don Anderson, one of om the gu1<lance ot Dean l'na 13 . Hernck. grO\rn stead1l~· m mtluenre I · · eminrnt rntho it' th b ' -each year geeing a stronger body of speakers, more delegate:;;, Pn·sicl('nt of thl' Boa ·d wa:-- ~na~le t: ~~:u~n bt.·~=~!:):u ~;·c~~ ~'"M.,..-. .,. • .., •• ..,.-.... -,.,.,...-.,,-.••• ,,_ • ..,_. ... _ ..... _,..,-_,.,-.,,,.-..,_-..,_-.__..........,._ .. J".. .......... _. ............ -.. ... • .. -..· .. • .......... - ... .,.,,...._._....,......~ more organizations represented. greater cooperation from the


attack of an1tc rheinatism in h' ~ < high Sl'hools and womens clubs of the state. and from e\·ery I' '"'t ton•il " \ AFTER THE DAl\CE ~ standpoint a keener appreciation of the real \\·orth of the cmi- ~ :: ference-until now it haR become one of the most effectual Dl.\RY OF LE:\ll EL \\.eilne,d:i). Xomnher 17. ~ REJ\lEl\IBER THE < educational mowments in :IIontana. SXEEL .;~,~.·. ~. mu};:it~o~:f~~~ll~u;·~~s~ni~1a~~ri~:1 ;ol~~re.\:~~n:~ ~~~1~~1;,i1~~r'\ti~d:;·;~~ ::t '~~~~ ~;'~~~'.·~~·~

10 t: r:d n1~~:~ .. :1~'::~': , Sl' GAR BOWL ' ul lu w situ would t·xplain her ab.

in el•oosing- tlwir life work is being admirably fulfilled . To !ht> I sc<'n<· from an s o'do<'k t·la;s, lo the :::: O··· .. , ) _· 'i:~~ rollqrc. to the women's dub~ of :.\lontana. to the eollege women Thur>da' "'"mbcr 11. rnmmitte<" •he >ai<l that •h<' would : who h:tH' done such splendid \\'ork and to Dean l'na n. Ilenick. 1ccla\: b,• ··~ R lw11da\" I >Cffetl ;1"t tdl tl•cm that she had fi•h for to w}1 o~c in~pirati0n the ~UCl'l::'S of the conference i~ due. the :-hue h:~t wr t1i1cl honnl bi11 l.\· n·- tir·~u .. fa ... t. That u:ni~t.> mav bi! all Expolh' lt l'Xtends. it~ ht>artie~t congra1ulalions. f •i>a••· ''" 1·1, bt·<l ''"· t1·1 nn<•ii .. -\.r'"tl:r a It 1 1 · \ ' ~· " 11,.,, t • lUt I rnn• nen:r heen able ( :•

r:t he IH •1rt\ lum·h prun••'t!ul to the to j.!'d up eonraL:e 1 ·nou~h to u~e it. ', ' Sl 'PPO RT THE H,1 .. l'Ll~B I r:tll: •. \,};en• I dis\'l1\"Ltcd thl· wan· 1hout!'lt l!ohh~ ,Jt,m tan get by ,...-ith '• THE s u fi AR Bowl >

d ·nn~ .lt \\ , l •' hnwrc and U!:.l'k. wo1· ' than that. Ire told the <'Om- ~ ~ . Thi: \H'<'k the. ":\l .. club l'mitarked on a financ-ial \'Cnture d"" ed a t c ie ry l'ilgTw1< from "'tt<, onre th"t lw """ unnble to ~>·.~.· ' ~::•:

which is worth>' o1 the support of en•r>· stu<lent 111 college. In 1' 1 w Fill ''''""" I nn1 t r<"mark that 1ftu·<t» lwcaus" he hnd to ,·ay. • ~ protr.ntin~ athletil's the club does man" perhap"· than any other if th .. ;. app .. ar 011 the ,t,., • .,1; """111 ish hi' wtodcn h·c: The Home of Home )lade Candies. nrga111zat1on un 1!10 h,ll, They are conso an:ly on the alert :md in unrnrth•y co•tum<·'· the old ready tu pu:<h an.ything th~t \\'ill gi\e ~!. S. C. better and more ,,., 11 n011 ·"'''be• ,,:.,11·,,r 1,1,..,.,,., otlit·r 11 ~·uel'e~stul athletH.' tean1~. The club takt::o:. the plate of a than noi niaki~c-. Let this be a 111 Y ·I'll I ct you a quartC'r I l·an .......... -. ......... .._ • .,.. .................. _.._._._ .. _.._._.._ .. _.._..._.._..._.._ ... _.._.._..._ .. _. • .._ .... ..._._._.._.._.._....,._..._._......._...._.._.._

· [' · th ll l J ll h t h l l ki~::-) t 1t1 \\'.tb ut tourhi11g your lips. orgamza 10n 111.. e co ege am c ocs a. t a SUl' a group. \\'OU t warning-~ At till depot, thi• after· do . In thvir eitort~ to pron1ote athlet1cg, buy a_wards. an~l carry . n. L'1t· .. :i.T' ic:n w.i find, acc(lr·l· ~~~~I.\: Y1~~:.1~~ t·;~:,1l~;.\,wm•y. - - - ~~~~-- a9' ~..., - ~ - ... - - - - r on such ''.·ork a~ they can they are t·on~.tantl~· tn need oi fu1:d~. 1 .... to rt·iwrt" from mi· old fril·titl t' f \'

. k t t I th t '·e lone \\'tth ... " · .\ girl ;.,. nt•\t•r satisfi·~I unt1·1 I ,, .. th Out· "'pec1"al Fot 1·1 Cold an! G1·1"ppe or · as impor an ant nel'essary as en·s can no u t - Paul , ·amplocll -~ ''" l 1 ., • ·mu • out mone\·, I draw:-o ht•r hl'Clll into a hnol. ' Tablets :

In orC.Jer to partial!~· o\·ercome this neell a candy store has . . -:-- -:; , t been opened in t he basement of t!1e mnin hall at which plal'e a 1 ','~a), \ o:emb~ r .. '~· . ... .. .rhcrc.wn< ""'"'a lady rrom Guam. Jarg~as>ul'tn:Lntoll'andyands\\eClsisul'iligl'al'l'i('cl. 1:hestore1 .llo>mo1.1mg.t'.':':''°'""ndd1cai~,"ho said ":\'.m tilt' Sl'a is so <'aim t Cure that Cold.' t isbeingrunbytwomember~oithe":.\I"clubandallprotttsfrom '" 1thout an """o.n), '"was ,un-, l will swim for a lark" ' ' the sales will 0 go lo thal organization . n1'le 10 :ilt«n•l th<• dass<'s. \I cpt But sh" nwt with a shark. i t

The need for money by t h e ·'~1" club i~ urgenl and it is the top_wu~ly tuday al the> th()udn of n·- Ll•t us now sinrr th~ n1rn.•tit:th psalm a t 1 f l I t I t t '1 S C to Jlttt J11·s . h oulde r to the ma mmµ; hon1t· and r,·admµ; the latest I t < u (\· o e\·erv oya s men a •' . . . · ' . --- I A f wheel and niake. this • tore the success that it dcsenes to be. b~.''k by El.1. Toda;'·, Dust):, Rl:.•><lcs l )!. s ,( . Roel T :\,. 200 tnfter the '

I t<.I.~ me U1·•L 1f the gushu:~ sc~s~n ganw); fh". lll<'>'aphon,'. I boug-ht in A FOR YOUR COUGH l dti.:s mt lOd suou,hl' "ill bt. a \\tt."'"<.'k, \lis~oulu h:is an awtnllv p('ettliar '

_\S. E'IBLY, FRIDAY Women. phy•ically if noL morally I at- odor. · t S~ rup. White Pine and Tar ::SOYE\'lBER 12, 1920 \ woman i~ 'lUCcr, then··~ no doubt tunpted to l·onsoll' him, but ht.· wouh.l ~1 ~- (' . H lot r !'o. 201, (sniffing- l i

ubout that, ha\'l' nont.· of it, sayinJ,r that he wa~ rritil'a lly} : s· , do(1~. It ha~ a (le- I A few students who were unable to 'he hat<-' to he thin and she hates a ruined man. Il e made me ,·cry un- l'ided •rnell of d<'foat. ' G ARA.'.'ITEED RESULTS

happy indl•ed by hi :-; utter de~pair. __ -------- A I follow the tN\111 to Misgoula. gathered to he fat· I HE:\1K\IBEH THE 9 at agscmbly last Friday an<l devoted )ne mmute it's laughter, the next Sa turday . NoH~mbcr 13. SOPHff\IQRE t tht.> hour to commu nity s inging. The it'!'. a cry, I This afternoon I sn(•aked mto the .. · .. D.\XCE I SOllJ!S were flashed on the screen so (rn nrn't undustand her. however! Ellen lhcotcr, CXJJl•e tm,, to spend a ~·.'' ''' '''' ''' '.' '''''.' •• COX-POETTER DRUG roMPANY ; l'Yeryonc could become familiar much Jou try. pica ant hour. but. alas, my l'Xpe<:t- IJ with th<' worcls. Kate Keown led the But thC'lt''s C'llC' thing about her atiuns l'Hlllc to nUUJ.dit _The only ~HOOT MON' ~intdnJ! with the usual pep and sue- · whfrh en•ryonc knows-- timl~ l was haµpy wns the timl' thut ~ ('C'('dl·d in ~t!lting a lusty response \ w11man 's not dn·~:-;cd till sht:' pow- 8tt.·,·1.: P il.:n.·e nnnnunN·d that Sullivan ~ • ........ ---------·----~-----·--·--~~~~~ - _ - _ from those 11rc~ent. This community <krs lwr nose was knockt:'d ouU, \\rcpt copiously I ~ ~ 1 • - - - - - -:-.inging i~ a thing which every stud- -Studl'nt Life. wlwn !'iV·n·, aftl·r ~aying that one of = HERE ARE .I\IEN'S =============================== l'llt will l'llJllY in the future a.~ :\li~:o: ---- thl' Bruins had lost his pani~. said, J\'l'own has a l:~rgc a:.;~ortmcnt of ) ou ti II 'cm llula dancl~r Yc:-1..1 · n~ "Th1.:y'rl' off again." "BROGl'ES" <.:lever parodic:-> on popular ~ong-s . Jlot a motion bdure thl' house. The frt:~hmt·n, as usual, showed :

more pt:p than the upper tla::;~men.1 ~ AT $11.00 :_ ,

w .. -.-..... -..-.-.-.-.-.,,....-.. ....,....-.-..-.. -..· .. • .. • ... •...-.-.. •.,,.r.-.. •.• .. -..•.-..•.· ..... .,,.._._ ........ ..._..._ ...... _..w .. -...._ ... on t lwir splendid dfort s. This e'en- ; The greatest "Brogue"· ~Iu~t complimC'nt some of tht• g-il'I~ I ~


I ~


with Ring or Clip



Drawing Set 7.00 to $25.00



ing J no t it'l'<l .101.: Swec:n<'Y in Schmidt's : value in all Bozenu\n ! Extra "PJ>an·ntly t ry ing to drown hi s sor- : quality brown calf-skin. full r"w with liquid air at lOe. per, but ~wing tip and perforation. on I b1•li"v" lw rnn out of fu nds before ~vamp. A real shoe for college comph tm.g' the ta sk . I thought a t ~ fir t that h~ wns still mouminc: ove r ~men-A lot o( other good the "''ath or hi• untie , Tenl'nee. but I ~ s hoes at prices that will im­upnn inquiring r found thnt he was ~ press you with their reason­rlt·sp(,)JHl· nt o\'M' tht.? victo ry of the ~ •• _; ablencss-S e window display Bruins. .

Sund a) . :\m em her ·JI.

Thi!-) aflt.·1·110011 I dcndl'd my weai·y way to the d(~pot to meet the fig-hting-8( f <.-ats "II their· retun1 from )li~­' la. ~lthoui:h they didn't have the


~ 40 W. !\Iain ~

~Joe Conaty John Hine.

Practical courses in Architectural, Civil, Electrical and lllechanical Engineering, Mechanic Art$, Agriculture, Dairy, Horticulture, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry, Econ­omics, Biology, l\Iusic and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete \\'Ood and iron shops, extensi\·e laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.


Page 3: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

: ' • r ' I I • J r I • I I • I I I ' I I ,_. ........

that: Come to our • hop for Haircut or Sha ,-e

_\. B. ' VILLI.U tS 28 W. ).fain

f t I I It 1 1 11 1 1l I1 11 11I1 1 I11 1


~I I I


l ! I I I I

_,-al out our l C<-crrnn . o ir \'ell'l·t<, pud- t !mg~ .. ncl <,ur i<ptciab. Call !

or phoP • us ar_y orders you l wi h, we g ,1rantu; quality, ~en ice and salbfaction.

BOZE:\L\, - i RE \"\IERY co. I Phone 143. 1



Peop!C' who u,;e perfumes oft<:n Hhnw appreciation for an irnli\·irlual nclor that seems to "fit in" with their own in­l'lination,; and toilets. The-.­carry out the perfume id<>a in their powder~. th<>ir cream$ their soaps and all the toilet needs they u~e-

We ha\·e some particular­ly tlistindh·e perfume odors and can supply single items in toilet or complete combin­ation equipmentR.

GALL.\. TL~ DRUG CO. Qualit~- and Sen-ice



1 LET I John '&Jimj



7 E. iiiain Bozeman, i\Iont.

The Weekly Exponent F,rida;-, );ovember 19, 1920, I'age three

Il l: H-.\-ll\E ~~~~~~I 1 1 11111111 1 111 , 1 1 1111 I I l-1 I Ill I I t It l I 1 l l 111 I 1 1 11 IJ I I I"'

Th~re. little .o:.tu<le. dori't cry, You wt!re repurt<'d I k. ow,

Y ·:. ) our record 1~ brig&t., and you study each nic-ht. 1 ~ SOCIETY ~ r

:\ml you cJont thmk Ji u ha<l a "~~ ~''-" ~'"-~


hnv;; it 8} g O\V

b_ c tu

,. . t le

:-::i ·w·rn.I d~·l~;.!'atf•S lo t1i( \'oc.:at1onal 1 terl!nt bye-and- ConC"re .... :-; an· f'tu..,pin::!' at Hamilton


.r \Yilbof'I a"lii I c'n~ ln"in \HH~ <lcn t cry. don't I

<l n't •l"Y. rl1r-ner ~u • •- at H.lmil 111 Hall !'1..1n-


n r ) u, • byl!-211C -

e, d n't c .. <lon·t

I rlay

~rr~. 1' I

W ,,. 11"11 Hut 'JP s it th

f "'"<'at (I if

1·a~ "II$. \\: re t.rn-

la ( h hl)ttSe Jay c nm

I hi \hO

)I l t•n,t a nc tu ::l fir


'~ Falls· "'

h r ht,. st ill·, d 't <:ry. ' - - i~ a l'! t a Tho \:OU re! .lu y kr> a Joo!. I lka1 x 11' \\aS a l}=nner g-uc:-:t at this w0ck.

B11rli a "' 'l rrc~ n

ar,_a (" ~ Hl on. hcl-in n

of t r

t I(' pl (...~. 11ra H ·"

T t u ( OLLF'L-E w ier ynU:re the F. S. C House ~at~1rday cY< :\lal'gnrt't :\Iaxey ~.nd h.ath.•rinc

)Ji s Bc·ulah ;\l:mis was initiated Kohnen were l'nh~rta:necl at ciinnt 1 :•t ~e ir kH J\\.'lcdgc.

lt's ju"'t a ll·thnkal ~<:hool. into tl:l" F. S. C. ('!uh Sunday. the Phi Gamma Boti:sc Sunday. '

The Big Suit Sale

SL'IT :\!011!-.L~


Ilc:ncr. · ; l and "quir d frimn,«d

\ ltil .. , l"l).00


-l l J f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JI I 1 I 1 i And it may lH diff~r· nt byE>-an<l-bye,

~< thc·n~. l ttle LtJ<lc. don't <:ry. dun't c r\.'. Uean He nick and :\Iiss Branigan :\Ir:;. DiYiclson is Y1siting her dau 1'th- . . _ I . "fh<t··

11. ti· .··(ti•i". ilt•n"t "•·i·'. werE' dinnl'r gu~sls at th~ F. ~" C ter, Hazel at the Iota Delta llou~t.>. ar:o y('t the \ery ai.r :-t~cmed t:harg-<.><l ApJ l.H..'h1an .... atlll fn

1m an L A.

- ... ' "- ..._ I r . I --- I with thl· pres(:l1C'C ot c\'ll. Brave men 131..•hi.:ol at that. Palnably ~Ir Davcn-BREJGHTO'.\"" GAIGE {oU~l' 'UE'sday c•:cnmJ;:. Ralph .TOlg-ensnn bl'tter kno\\ll a"' I \\alkl•d along" the ~trees trcmblmp:ly,• pott l.iu1n<:ht.·d out nw•,.nifin·ntly fror·t

:\lr~. C. Korslund entertained t.he "Jorgc-y'' has IL•J!L::.ie1ed a):!am and , ... an<l Ill the little hut~ t.hut ltned t.hc a<:r nano\\ pn.:mi.-:L'.

If the :-:ayi1 1 ~ "Rn.:vity s the soul J wit, i:' tl"U•"', then there i::; :::.ome­

thing r1<lkt.lous al.out the costumes

nH.•mbers of F . S. C at a delig-ht- ln·ing- at the 0. B. llou~e. road, rnotlwrs sang- ~> thc:ir bable::- -BallyRut. ful party at her honie on South Cen- · the old melodie!-' of d1'.ldhood in hus~-tral ~Vednesday evening. j One nf th<' cle!ightful e\'ent:< oi tht! ed tones. 1 alo~<: · (Jl all_ the mult.i-

of :<omc l f our fan· l'l1<:hantl~!'~es.- . so-.·ial ::::eason was the dinner 'fa.nee tude wa5 unafraHl· An<l indeed, why

Tht· Blue Stock in. The F ...... C Club announ<e~ the 1 ~I\Ptl by the Phi Gamma Fratt.nuty. should 1 nouu~h in my hea~1?

:'\fisses )lary Lauson, I sabel Brook, Fnday C\enmg-, to their fne11.(1"5 :.1110 Had I not that \<'1y da} been appomt­

B'JtiC:'· "\\'hat's a cihorce suit?" I Hattie W1lliams1

Zita Freidl, Grace pat1one~ses. A three course <i 11•1cr cd Chief Kccpl"'r of Ye Kuspulor, a I Gl'Oans- ·"Tht> oppo~ition of a union Ompta and Ahce ~lcClmto<:k as \\<lS :serYcd at the chapter ham:: . ._) ait!l' po ... 1t1on that lu1d caused man:r a

suit."-Purple Cow. I pledges. 1 \\h1ch danung \\RS cn)oyed a.t th<' I bra.\C man to faltl ; ll was aftc1· Evergreen apa1 tmcnts lea\'lng the hou~c \\1th my ludy on

1 :\Irs. Zenskic entertaille<l in honor 1 my arm thHt I wao-. aware for tht:>


of :Miss Esther Garry's birthday at J[iss Arta Cochran of Great Falls first time that all was not what it a delig-htful dinner at Tea Cup Inn is a Vocational congress guest at the should be. Soml'thin~ wa:; c.:reaking for chapped hands, face and Sunday evening. The g-ucsts were Chi Omega hom~e. and Rwishing at my feC't. Thinking-

T HOUSANDS of y ards of I r ish

linen are used each year to g ive Eaton's Hi g hl a nd Linen its beautiful fabric finish.



gives your let ter that subtle someth ing which all women recognize as t he final touch of charm needed to make their c orrespondence d i ~ ­t inctive. You will find the latest s ha pes and s hades here.


! :lfisses Esther Gany. E,·elyn Bailey to lea,·c it all b1,hind m<>- J quicken- lips, or any roughness of the I and :Jlarie George. )li!"s ~farion Holter and ~Iiss Flor- e<l my pate and tht fa~ll'r 1 went the skin.

encc \Yallls of Helena are guests at rnore tcniblc it Lc<:ame. Biting and Florence \Vesch, i\onecta :Soble. the Chi Ome:.ra House during the snapping- at my hec:ls, it pursued me.

Gladys :Matthews, ~larry Stranahan. I Voc:at.ional conf!rCss. Finally. unable to ~tand it any long--Edith Stanley, Kathryn Keown an<l er, I broke into a ma<l run. l\.l y I Frantes 1{yle were among- our boost-' II II lady shouted to nil· an<I a~ked what t'.. at the ~li~soula game last Satur- PICKED UP BY ELl the trouble wa~. "That terrible I day. I noise," I answen,•d, doubling my

speed. "Stop fool," she rnntcd, "il':s- I

A number of the members of the . . . only-my-galashc!-\.'' f

Beta. Epsilon Fraternity were guests Between ;\l1 ~houla and ro undup:-.. I --- I

It's not sticky or greasy

25 cents


DRUG S TORE at the Sig-ma Phi Epsilon House in h;;n ·e heen b u~ a c r tha n ~he pr~ \ e rbial To th e Footba ll T t>a m. \ 1\lis~oula o\·~r the week end . I cat a nd hence my offenng tlrn:.; "~eek Consider thft postage stamp:-;, my son l l 6 E . Ma in

I is ra t her a fee ble one (~omeone JU ~ t ·I

Phone 327

--- They often get a licking-. I Th!.! Beta F.r·~ilon Fratcrnitv. enter- re. ma rk_ ed th at from thei r point of B .11 ·ob :..--------------!i

tained a nun~ber of college girls at n ew it :t1 wa y:-. was !- UCh , a nd _ a ll T Because they k<'C';1 on !!-tkking-. I I

ut. sh they make f,!ood on the J

an informal Jancing party at i h11 can ~a ) is th a t they a re stand mg a t So learn this Jitle ll'~on, son: chapte1· hou~·~, Friday e\·enin~ from th e " rong encl of the India n). .\~ ~c,·en to nine. I t:ont ri but i(;n:; ra me in rather ~low

t his \\eek i t wa~ ll C'CCssa r)· for me to

Dr. O'Gorman was a dinner l'.rt~e~t II ~et out the old ~c i .. !'olo rs a nd the pot at the 8. E. House Tuesda\· eve111111:r. cf g lue. Jf ) cu ha Ye read the m be-


--- . fore don't t ell an) ~n e, and t hey will

The patronesses of the Iota Delta I appreci:-tfe them just a:-; much as if Frnternity served a cleli~htful pro- t hey were original.

For e\'\. ry littl::- J:ddnz, .Just set clown tighter on the job; You 'll win by steady ~ti<:king-.'

_ -Ex.

1 Xrt 111t·ntiPninl! nny name~. but a ..

ce!·tnin LtP1<-"h ''hose initinls are F. • G. ~ure bf'iiL'\'l' in tl1:s leap .year ide.

gresl'h'<' dinner on Fridav. i\°oYember 12 , in honor of the new patronesscf=, During t.hC! game al Mis~oula ti10 I - -~Irs. Hnrlt•y \\'illiams and .:\Irs. Pnr ra"c~il., tieJ a sheep in front of the I r(:alizc that it i:-:- hard to g-ct a durn. and tlw new chaperon<·, )!rs. Bcb<:at rooting- section. \Ye think it dr-te frr a sister who!'c sk

3tly is cl!-\e-

1 r.rown. Tht· homes were artistically was \'C'l'Y appropriate-a symbol of where, but perhaps if the attl"nd­deeoratt'd with the fratcirnitv ~·olor"· j our spirit. whkh w<: bclie\·c is all ancc at the :\It. St. Charles game The ('ours(.•:-; were ser\'ed succe:;:-ii;·ely w0<1l and a yard wide. i\ow

1 we do had betn lant1..T you would ha\'e had

at the l:omcs <.\f :\Irs. Conklinr!'- :i\Jrs. not belie\'C all that we hear, but bdter :o-Ut:Cl':;s.

1111' ••••• I I l •ll 1111 ......... .

FOR MEN .......

PI NK GEO. JOE J atten. and ~!rs. Martin. The re- sonubody su~~eslod that somethin~ ===== ========================== 1n::i.indcr of tht• C'\·enin~r was S\Jent in was lal:kinc- on.the other si<le of the

dan<·ing at the home of :'\trs. C011k-1

fE'nce-sort of bear, as it were .

Herc i" lut·k to yru, at any rate.

., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ling-. Anyway, we are g-lad we ha.<l the .\ ~ou ~h. Hude Shock.

I H 0 W A R D ' S A j sheep.

1 ~ome 01 us smart alee tollcgc fel-

~ Tbe Omega Bet<J.~ e"ltertainl'il Jll'. I lers, who ha\·e be<)n shdtc:red and t anrl Mrs. C. E. Johnson of Frombersr I Fergu~ )li tch. l'i " i n~ the- dvna mit e cvtton pal·kt.:><1 fn1m thC' cradle up.

t at dinner Tuesday e\·cnin~. ~h eck a bsorbe r. On the t r a i ~ ~oin g ou~ht to l'(•ad. "\\"hat a )lan Loses it~ YES THEY ARE DOWN --- I ever ti1e h ill la'l week he " as tn·ing Gomg to College," by E. DaYenpor.t·

t SUITS and OVER('O_\TS f ~[iss Alice Moody was the charming I le heat the ); orthcrn l'atific ou.t of in the curr«nt i"ue of the usually


• \\'e offer our customers~ : full benefit of dropping prices ~ ~-our loo~ io. your gain. [

S<!0.00 to $ 5(k{)O j I hostess at a fireside party Saturday I some mone \· a nd the condudur knew 1mpcccablc S. E. PoF-t. It rnay be a I

I ' evening at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. it. Tiu-' ~o-ld bra ided custod ia n cou ld bk·w :o our


'\·unity .. and ''cgoisrn." ~ : ~ t :v. R. C. Stewart. During- the ev~n- not IHo,·e it on him , h o\H"n~r , because but. 'tis _indeed ~difyi~1g- to know that = CL.\ SSY S HOES SHOW REDUCTION : m~ refreshments wc1e served to che I t here "' t Ferl( i "ilh a hat check lo t.J.e cymcnl worn! thmks of us pam- j .

1 ~uests, "ho were l\lar<!aret Campbell. B ll \\' lk" l h. h C pcrecl pets Gf fortune. We'll bet last :I- ....,.. .-SS 50 t o $10 00 . - ' u e. a · mg up o 1111 t e on · ~it!•]if.. I ' · · I Evelyn Bailey. J,athleen Cameron, 1· .d "FT d . k h I Hm1mc1"s straw hat that E. D. gath- Afb-u•

t .. .. . ..a1 ere, on t \'Ou now t at vou j ~L. .n Hub E~ther Garry, Peg Lmclsley, Amy - . - .. · h h k ' d. crt·d his material htrg-ely east of t he

.6 U F .J t:;:;: I Louise Bur lingame, Ruth Norton, Eve- I ca n ne t g-e l a ,\ a) "~t t at m of ~ ' t' }yn \Vaterman. Salli(~ Gallespie, a nd ~tu ff on this train . T hat's a wo-1 -


ED and LOU HO,VARD ) IarJ?aret Cuny. ma n's hat check you ' \·e got there.' ' • • t I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 1 t r 1 1 r r 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 t r 1 1 1 • • I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I·

I :'\ c-w, he re is the joke. F e rg i s tarted .. {

\Valk-0\·er Shoes Nobby Hats J . Paul llc·:,10•1"111' was a dinner blushin?" and dug down in his jeans T H o s 1

H 1

R E A } &11°st r 1·10 ~ A F House Wed and 1>a1d up. \

- - - - - - _. -~~~~~··--------·--·--·--•• ~e;day c~·~:un~ . · . _,. - > ! .. 4 1111 I I I I • I I I I I I I 'l l I 1 11 I I I ti J :\ I 1 11 11 111 1 '1 f ll l l1 1 1111 1l llll l ll l ll 1Ut I Ul ll l trl Tl 11 ll l tl l ll l ll l Ul !l l U

EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE 120 East i\Ia in Street Phone 373-M

George J ohnson was ca lled home Friday of last week by the death of his mother at Te1Ty.

The little lady from Ham ilton Hall 0: who let clown her hair and put on Phone 24 ~ sho1t d res~es, and t hen got away I ~ with a half fa re to Missou la, de- F ~

Iota Delta an nounces as pledges. came in and played "Rock-a-bye Stoneware, Table Glassware and Dinnerware. 0: serves citaticn. The brakeman who or correct value in Gro::eries, also Cooking Utensils ~~

Lillian ) fa1·es. Dorothy Tootell , and Baby11 w ith her would be surprised

Flornce Markin. to hear her blibly recite her chemistry Water Glasses $1.20 per doz. lesson. I

Is t he place to buy your shoes for the b est school

wear. Gi\•e us a trial we will please you in style and comfort

Hazel Davidson and Vera Galliher, I ;,1"'1'"1-• 'f'l-tl"1l"1l,....I .. t-tl"1l"1l,_l-l 'f'l-tl"1l"1l,.._I 'f'l'f'l-tl"1l,..l-•'f'l .. 0"1l"1l,..ll-t-l 'f'l-tl"1l"1l,.tl-t-l 'f'l-tl"1l'"l,....I ,..,,.., .. , .. ,,..,,...., ,.., .. , .. ,,..,

- who at.tended the game at :\I issouta 'V-ho \\3S the dirty hound that returned Sunday evening.' kicked lhe gob in the head ?

"Scotty" Cameron spent the week- I Alas ! Ala>! Ala• ' I also p r ice.

· J . E. LA N G. Proprietor.


sallied forth to take a Phi Gamma Fraternity announces fair cr eature f rom t he Kappa

:,--I end in Bozeman- for a change. I thaltt was a dark, ~tor:-1~y n ight ~

1 '='='"="=' ='="='='=1="='="="="="'="'="="="='="="='="'="='=''="'='"="="="=''='"="'="='"="='"="="'='"="="='"="='"="'='="'="='"="="='"='="="'="=-11; as pledges the following: Kathleen house. All was quiet abroad 0

The Club Cafe i-------------------i l" ..... D .. 0 .. ij~·s .... ·::·· .. ooiL·s· .... '!,I ti .~.~~.~.~.!~.~ .. ~.~.~~~~X .. ~.~•~•~•~•~~ ti ! ~~~-- GENrINE FLORA DORA DOLLS WITH KID BODIES ~:= i·~

Get one now and dress it for ..Xma g





F REE TELEPHO E , ER\'ICE I ; 11 : P:o:• ;--1~ I 1 ~ LI N 0 L EU M A N n A R T s T 0 R £ ~ I! J- _ f 1: • _:_ j~_ Phone in ;;nd reser ve __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ - The S tore of Quality Gifts g

WI t I I J J I t I I I I I I I I I f I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ~[-i;H!i)i(H)l)l;H;!J;H;l-j)l)H)<!i)i(H)~ll)j(H)l)l;H)<;H;l-Q<:ll)l;H;>J;I

~our booth for tonig ht

Page 4: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

l'age fou r The Weekly E xponent Friday, :?\ oYember U'l , 1920.

Take a

H.ODAK With You

Let pfrtu ·es tell thC" storr of I "°:'le motor tri1i. the hunting trip, tie fishin~ trip of the traYel. The Ko<lak '\ay is t!tc su1·e '"a;.>. the silT'rJl.,, ''a.:. the con,·eni,·r.t I \\'ay.

Kodnl. ;;nods h:nt? a reputa-1 t1on for q11alily and so hcn·e we_. That·~ why "' c can-r ouly the I ~('nuine Easlm n pru<lu1.:t:,:;. X o t·h~n<'e for sub~tituting. I

Kodaks, $5.00 and upward Brownie , $1.00 to 12.00 I Headquarters for Kodak

~11pplies I

(Cor:tinucd from pngc 1.)

m the final qtrnl"tt:T. a.ft T .Sul!h:;tn

..i.d inte1"C.::ptcd a pas~. the back~ H<l-!'1lt'm.l{ tile !Jail 5;3 y-ards up th1..· field. D.thlberg

with Darr·: L'e>rlllg-. I TJu.~ uni\~1..r:-.:Ly trlul ~;~ j!H~,.,,e ..... com- Demers

:ltin~ s1.:n11 (or 107' yard~. wl1l}L' F•·N• t' L' n:~bt:Lt:o; ('(l 1ph.•t('d tl•l't'(' Of l] fOJ"

:- :ranl . Th" 1.,;1·, zlie:-; made ;;.:·n Ell, t

dl'cls from !-'l' again:-t 70 tur

;he Bnbcats. \d«lll> retnl'n<'d fi,·e of/ ~TcGawnn.

A C.\SE OF GOOD nayliss

EYESIGHT Adams Our glasges. in eYel'y case. will demon"trate themselves I Kershner to he "A case of goo cl eye-.sight." . / Sullh·an


Left taekle

Left g'uanl


Rig-ht tackle

Ri~hl end


Rjght halfback Rose Drug Co. Because - knowledge. skill

and thorough e x p e r i en c e enters into the making of eYery pair.

..,.,.he ~~.- St::m: LE s LIE E . GA GE

RC'fcre~. s~hrardl•r, Uuttc; umpirc1

Low1·y. \\"hit~halJ .

,I.~ ~I'.'~ l~weler and Reg-istered Optometrist.

!----------------' Broken h.·nses re-placed same day , 1•

''"' are allle to take cart' of you on rour hunling t 1".'

thi~ fall for most an; kind of a gun, or ammunition in the nirious caliber',;


YOC \TIO:\.\ L CO:\'G llESv.

(Continued from Page 1.)


( Conti11U\..'d from rage 1.)


nold. l\lnnhattan-H.Pk•11 Ih·nm. l\Iaymt-r

I Beirinning with end of the 1020 :-;eason fo1· football our motto is Beat .:\1!:-;soula in 1!121. Our lo~:scs in the linl' will be supplemented by the ad~


I dition of this years freshman squad I ~111d we II haq~ a team that ('an beat the 'U" yet.

Thanksgiving Silk


SUITS AND OVERCOATS Values (o $.'50.00

$2 J.95

Values to $60.00 $39.65

Values to $15.00 SH.95

ValueR to $90.00 S5:3. l5



1-3 LES.'

Highe t cJ.a"s kirb of kurnsi kumsa, De\\·kiRt. l'n'pe de Chine, Geo,.gette, Tricol­ctlf.', de . \\Thite, light and dark shades.

Extraordinal'y Sale

Who's Your Tailor? \\'e have just receil·ed a

reduction of 15"'~ in our Tailoring Department and i-ou ll'ill get the benefit. ·

\ re do scientific mca.;ul'-ing.

WALSH'S I; .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .... _ 1= Go To -



SUIT CLEANED. They are Hart Schaffner and i\Iarx. Society Brand and Fashion Park. I~-

Don 't pass up this oppor­tunity to get the suit ~·ou ha\'e been wanting but just couldn't get around to it "get it?"



WESTPHALS Successor to Holloway's


The Old Reliable • :: I I I' I I 1 I I I I I I l I 1 I l I I I I I I I ,

t 11111 1 1 1 1 1 J I l J I 11 11 1 1 f I ft

1>0nhn'. H.\.RT. SCHAFFNER & l ~

OWENHOUSE HARDWARE COMPANY "I \\'ill<''" (reek-Etha Archt'1', >Juriel For though the l!niversity ma;• l\lARX CLOTHES


~ Wh t Sul1 hu1· Rp1 ing~-l fe,:;~ie Lo-1

tlwy will !o~e ..:\dcu~1 ~ 1 Dahlherg-. Sul- t-,"',-,-,-, -•. -.-.-.-,-, -.-.-.-"-1- , -, -

1-,-.-• • -.-, -, ~quicker tarts. Now is the :

; I 11 i!liams. . have had a world heater this year, I ~ 11.ill gil·e you more light and :

: a'· .luliu ( <•rk 'l. li"nn an'1 possibly others .. ~ictio"•an : lime to put your Battery in •

1, ,

1 1,

1 1,

1 1,,,,

1 ,

1 1 1, , , , , 1 ,,,,, , , , , • , , • , , , , , , , , , , .;. - -- l FT i ~ 1 • ~oin,.., to rennslynmia next GOOD E.:\TS Sl\lOKES : : •\'IJl er s orage wit U5 1t not~ - I i~ 1 ported as t~•king prep w01 k there · t t · h ·; ..

;;=:=:;~::;~~~~~=:;~::;~~~~~~~:::;~~~~~~~~~~ I FOOTh.\LL };_\~Q 4

• year. And so our ehan<·L·:::; nrc nut .. ~ tn use.

,.- ._.-.:::.._. ._,. ----'*·· ·-...-.:;.,._. ·'* *' ~i:3 (Colltinucd 11 m pace 1/ "'mt ther might harn been. CHOICE ('A:\DIES -

t . tl 1 '-21eetrical Work of _\]] Kind,;;

THE FASH I 0 N BARBER SH 0 P ~f, ,'"~:1




~ ,;~~ \\'c wonder at the strength of the THE ELLr.N ,. Lon~.'" 1 ~. \\d r.b~ ten at·t·om:.i ol l'ni e1:Hl.Y of Lalifl1111ias t .... ·am who L .. : _\CTO ELECTRIC STATION~

-1 Jn ,,_ 1 ""'cared W"ohington State .JJ-0 a IlO$COe R. Hull, Prop

' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'j A ,1Jca,., •t ""'"i!' '"a, rn_1 yed by Le,m " no mean ability. for th•y PARLORS The n osl tall..ed d and be.~t thought of shop in Bozeman ~! the 1.U< ! . :.n<l the c·nri1c· o a'- dt'hncd )lisst•tt!i, hy a :n-o ""'re an I : lOG \Y. Main Phone 812;

l, the ~t·ason·~ adh·ities

~ ion \\HS an appro-,riate L'losinf!' fur nur tt•am \\as bE.·at.en hy )Ji.::.smda. , , , 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1

1 1 1 1, 1 1-c . ~

, l'hc ~lis:,.Oi..l1an qtiotes .Joe Bush as FRED HII\::\J.\N, Prop. l'i :"-F\\ Hl lLllL 1,s 1'01! >Hl. 'T \'i.\ a Bush lea._ue1" When we think about " " ' •~. _·~.z.)· D.~n~e I~loor for Those

Li ::.; I'.\ l'E. I it .fu" " one of that kind. lle 's in 1: Fall Parties MAfiAZINES ":-S _,\WO iWJ! ·~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ (C't ntimt <l from i1age 1) a h.·a~ue by himsdf. -, I •• - , I I I I 1 1 I I , , , • I. I I ..... I I ti

1866THE WILLSON COMPANY1920 ~''''''''''''''''''''''' 1 ' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1" 111 and '"'Uth uf the fi1»t R.rraok;. The game \\ith the U this y~ar

Other bu1hlings whit_.h $hould hl' l'O!l- wa~ vnt of the cleanest ... xcr playcll LET US DE\-ELOP .. ..-\~D ~11 1t·trd 1 ut of the funds prO\·ide<l "ith t1:t·.i1. Sulli\·an for the Uruin~

.. are a biology building-, a gymnasium \\"A.~ bid uut Sl'\Crnl timu:-;, 111on.1 be­

.. and a h·cman':-; hui!din~ and library. L'all$C 01 his own inability to mis:, I ~ ! Tl1 · }lrf!sent btoli ;:o:y building ·w--as blows whicl1 were accidental. On both

• c 11:-t11...1i.;h·<l on~- twenty yt·ar:-> ago ot r patt and his o\\"n tcam-n1ntes..


~3 W. ::'.Iain St.


$59.50 $72.50 $92.50

: at ;.~n initial cost of less than :;;-11000.


__ _

~ In this buidin'!! h~ housed npwcrr<ls 'of "With the football ~eason over our

~ .. -;-o.oon ,.,,·01 lh of botanicnl and en- attt·ntion i~ drawn to baskethnll. The

~ i tt logi1.:;d L"DllL·dions. 1_11 addition, i fir:,:;t prat:tice will he held the .\lon~lay ~ 1 r·la~~ room~ and laLcrator cs arc un-1 n •t •1 Thanks..,.,,. n,. an11 Jill~. i'1l.:-. h\'l)

~ -afr.:fo.Ltory as t > a1rangl~mcnt and g-~.mL·s will he playl·d ht!>forc the ~I t ,nd:, inadequnh a to ~izt•. J._ new h~ilidays.

~ l nm! 11101krn bioln;...y lrnilding- ought to I ~: l-t~ l'on.struL"kd in lh<' very near fu- The Bob<·1n Hiwup will br somcwh:.,t

:' hH'l'. diffen•nt frorn wlu t it was last yC'?T".


M. H. WHITE Photos of Studen ts a t

Special Prices


Ord~ your Ice Cream for

A wunuerful· as><ortmen of fall suit,; in charming exclusive models. The materials include tricotine, velour, serge, silvertone and Duret do lain-some are beautifully trimmed with fur oll;crs embroidered and braided in all lhe \\·anted new fall shades.

.. lt is rt·agoni.lbll~ to state that the The only i·es-c>mbl:mt:e of ln::;.t year's

: 1 ,ollcµ·e comm1ttc-c w1ll ,oto unani-,team will be Joe llL1sh in the J!mnes I F R ESH FRlTl' F C DGE : nimi~ly m fa,·or o( constructing- a new Lefore Chr:::;tmas and Gene Robert-

~ irym11a.."1UU1. Up to the 1n·esCJ1l time, sc n \\ho subb~d last year

) our parties

gymnasium and has used a building Swede ,Jor~t"!ll$;On one of the mam-

~ r l'ig-inally eonst1·ucted as a drill hall. slays of last yen rs team will be out

Choice Candies for your fussi ng nigh ts

.. the in:;;t1tution has been without a ! ~ A lll'W g-ymnasiun1 will prtlbnbly be bc:l·ause of a present. 1 oc~l n,.llin:~ that 11

HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEGE l\I ISSES ~ located .iust north of Gatton Field, a lllan must be u11 in 111.- ,. ""~5 for !--------------- il--------------

• • which lies directly sout.h of t.hc pres- two 111·ec:Pding- quarh-.. •r.., in o:tlc1 Lo :::::===~===============================:=:=::


"' •·~" "'""·"""'" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ play the third ~ '" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' • ' 1 ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '.

A~r-n_u .. a. -1~1-.'ha .. ,..n. ~~k_s_g_ ,.v~z:n·. --=-gna·n~c- e'*'! 1 ( 11::~'.1;;;~;; • .,::~L;~~~~::~;;,l~:g~'. -

a Ja1· meetmg at the Beta Epsilon

J hou:s('. The spcul'"el' of the evening • • • • 11 1 11 • • • • • • 1 1 • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1111 u 1 111 11 1111u1 11 1 111 n 1 u 11 11111 1 111 1u 1 11 1u 1111 11 1 11 1 111 11 1 u1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 111 11 1 11 u11 11 111 1 11 1 ~ was Dr. Blish, who spoke

011 t.he ad-

ARCADE POOL AND BILLARD PARLOR Bowling alleys now open


~' vantage of gr .. odun.te study. and g-ave

Given by the ~ an idea of what a mnn should expect j in following ~uch a couTse, bnscd on ~

CLASS 0 ,23 hi~ ow11 e-xnc.--l'icnccs as n g-raduate -F student. A nutl\}lcr of the honoary ~11 1 1 11 u 11 11 11 1 n1 11 1 n 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11111•1 1 1 11 11 11111111111111 11 1111111 11 11 1n1 t111.1u 1 u 1u 1 11 11 1111 11 1 • 111 • • • • • • · 11i.


Saturday Night, November 20 Drill HalJ $1.00

,, . 1 111.1 1 t r . ll t- l 't t t1u• 1t1 11 1u 1 tm· t 1t1 1 . I 1 11 1 I ' I If l o1 1 I I I UI UI UI ! 1 11 1 1111 111 11 1 11 11 I I 1 11 1 I I 1 111 1 1 111 1 I 1111 ·Jlltl II I !I 11'1 11 1 1111 \1 1 11 1111 ! l lU •I t I I 11 111 11 I I .

Four favor and novelty dances including our annual

Turkey Raffle

'lllcmbcrs of Alpha Pi w-e 1·c present i=============================== at. Uw meetiny,:, including- Professors C'obleig-h and Quinn, l\lr. Burke, 1\Ir. 8hcrwood, "!\Ir. Humphrey and Dr.

Rlish. Following Dr. Blish's talk I lunt°hcon, l'onsisting of coffc£> and Banclwk:h~s. \vas served and an in­

formal discussion of topics mostly

ch1•m ital was held. I Among the tragedies o f the M. S .

C.-1\'lissouJa game was t.hat of E lwood I


- FOR-


Under Westphals Chas Gross, Prop. ~lorris, Qne of our prominent alum ni,/ who lost his entire las t monthsJ sal­ary on t ho ga.rnc and was forced to

-~""'IR:>'--'•"'"'=·..;;:•~~...-;r --.--;;:::sm Tel y on providence to br ing him hom e. :2•m••:m1Hlm1C•m*ii:t811i::li':!~•o:i•;:;--.:w11sm.::o:all:la;• :aa;:;:•iilllm1•