Page 1: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M

ft I ir ! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm7 Vr - V.

4 M M U M M U M M M M'

WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5( In"i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York.

M M M M M 4 t t M t



lr m 1 c V a Bi


One May be Had if There Can be Plans for Speedy Friends Gather and Collapse of the Great Labor Re-

pay Highest volt Follows the Threat ofShown a Pressing Public Action by Its

Need of It. Committee. tribute. Martial Law.

Arguments Indicate No A Man Who Nevertreseni uisposmon to uo nara worn iviav ni.. u;:n d Did a Wrong Deported Chinese Coming on Gaelic Loubet

Permitted.cnaoie Legislature to nnisnon Time.

Visits Algeria Noted Frontiersman Dead.Accident on Canadian Railway.


Life an Example toYoung and to, the Old.

HisThe Association Proposes to Push theMatters Alone if Chamber of

According to the gossip of the "capital there is --a fine! Commerce Withdraws; (ASSOCIATED PEES3 CABLEGRAMS.)....

AMSTERDAM, Holland, April 12. The prompt measures-chance for an extension of the legislative session, providedthere is such actioifc on the appropriation bills before the close Exploitation of Honolulu as a tourist "He was a man who never did a taken by the government in pushing through an anti-strike- -

of the sixty' days of the regular term, 'that the executive's center was brought before the Cham- - wrong thing, nor ever gave to a sub-- 1 V . '. .I measure find in throntfninrr to 7i7nr rf lifrlnnfT mwlpi"

' I hr nf rninmprrp and tho Murrhanta' ordinate a direction to do; wrong." J

--convincea tiiat tuere mav be liara work done during the aduea A. t, . . ,

such high praise was given the late martial law.kave had the. expected effect upon the strikers and" . I iicsuiidiiuu odiuruuy aim siryng ian'time, and that there are really bills of public interest to bejRuagre, which may lead to decided ac Joseph b. Atherton yesterday by a man the big labor movement has now collapsed. The men are

tion, was uttered in both bodies. The who had been his bookkeeper and cashpassed. beaten and will probably man the trains at once. Men at theMerchants declared that in the. event ier in past and hip partner In moreWhile Governor Dole has. not indicated that he is to bar X "I . X i. ' j. 11 ill 11 . 't tof failure to come to an amicable agree recent time. And that is high praise. &til pwrus who went out iu sympainy wuu uiu railway woiKersgain on any legislative matter it is reported that in conversa ment with the Shippers Wharf Com There was a large attendance of the have already returned to their work.

mittee, then they must, take up the leading men of the city at' the memo--tion recently he made known his conviction, that the legisla --O-

matter independently and push itture should proceed faithfully to its duties and take up the jthrougn me wnoie suoiect was PRESIDENT LOUBETIS OFF FOR ALGERIA

tippropriations, giving careful consideration to tnem, thus in- - brought up in the following letter from

Seating to the Congress of the United States that the legisla- - Chairman F-- c-- Smlth oC th Tourist. . Joint Committee, submitted to the two

rial services held by the Y. M. C. its hall yesterday afternoon for theman who had for three terms servedas president of the organization, andfaithfully served.

;The services were led by J. P. Cooke,who succeeded Mr. Atherton in the

tors Lere are awake to their duties. However if the press of I bodies

work should make it apparent that a longer period is needed At a meeting of the Joint Touristpresidency, and who sooke with ereat I PARIS, France. April 12. President Loubet has leftto settle all the questions arising, then the executive would Committe?' on APm 1, the chair

. . , . . , , Al . man was instructed to notify theconsiuer 11 uis uuiv xu fsiciiu tue session. . 'I,. .

I Chamber of Commerce and MerchantsM 1 . A. . J 1 A . . J I mm .

fervor of the man who is gone. The Marseilles on a warship to visit Algeria. His visit is for theservices began, with prayer offered by

Purpose of inspecting the government of that colony, to lookw. a, nowen. who had been the cashierxne ianure 10 tue measures 01pass appropriation w;ouia Association that the shippers' wharfcourse mean the immediate calling into existence of an extra Committee report that they have no of the firm of Castle & Cooke, long ago, into the cause of the recent clash of troops and tribesmen onsession. This however could have no other duty or power than I funds available for the use of this com and In. later days a partner of that the frontier, and also to recuperate his health, which has been

failing rapidly of late.firm, of which Mr. Atherton was for solong the head. The prayer itself was"You have selected this Joint Touristsion should fail to put through the fiscal legislation in the

Continued on page 8.) (Continued on page 7.)time set, then the governor would feel that he should carry on

AVKINNEY THE OUTLAWthe business of the Territory on the basis of the Home Rulelegislature's appropriations, according to the statements of the

France counts Algeria as the most important of hercolonial possessions as she has secured great advantagesthrough her government of the African state. During 1902

France found a market for f62,000,000 worth of her productsin the colony and received in exports from Algeria goods

valued at 15,000,000. .




BAKERSFIELD, Cal., April 11. After killing two men

men who have been investigating the matter.It is understood that the next five days "will be given up to

the hardest work of the session! It is probable that until theexpiration of the time when it is possible to pass a measureover the head of the Ciovernorjiight sessions will be had, andeverything possible will be rushed through. After that. timethe appropriation measure will be taken up, it is said, and ac-

cording to one member, there will be little time left for theconsideration of time-wastin- g matters, and the Legislature will

Wreck on a Canadian Railroad.HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, April 12. The Intercolonial Ex- -

in Arizona a week ago Jim McKinney, the Tulare outlaw, whonow has several murders to his credit, again entered Californiatoday closely pursued 'by a Sheriff's posse. A pitched battle press, a fast train running between this place and St John,

I ". T i 1 1 . T. I X 1 TAnoAt1 TfTAfn I ' 1 ! I I

was engaged in between the posse and the outlaw, and al- - -- ew lirunswiCK' Jias uwu -be ready to go home when through.

o ' thouch the latter nntnm it is VUpvI thnt. I.p bn were rany nun una many xxuuMr .juieu, uvi i

A r.CMTM API ERJMAiu oeen wounueu. others suffered severely from the cold. The express is the fast-

est train running on the Intercolonial Railway and usuallySOUZA HOUSESTOCKED WITH BEER- SERIOUSLY SICK Jim IcKinney uas been Pursued by California police for carries many people arriving here from Europe, her passengers

over eight months and during all of that time has evaded cap- - on this trip being numerous.The special agent of the Treasury ture although he has had several close shaves. His record is

Department charged with the payment now rivalling that of Tracey, the Oregon desperado, and everyor the claims, W. P. MacLennan Is effort ig bein made togecure him. jn Julv of last year the Bill Nye's Partner Dead.

In a little house not far from CampMcKinley out toward Moillili the policeon Saturday niht found enough beerand wine to start up a good-size- d sa-

loon. It is to the charge of sellingliquor without a license that Mrs.

Hotel, so in that no one is permitted murderer turned Porterville upside down. He rode out of theto see or converse with him. Dr. Cofer place one Sunday morning shooting at everyone he met.has the case In charge, and a trained! u .Souza, who resides in the house, will j nurse from the Queen's Hospital is

SALT LAKE, April 12. Colonel Loot, a' noted frontiers-

man, is dead. He was the hero, of many Indian fights and was

a newspaper partner of Bill Nye when the latter was making

his early reputation as a humorist on the Laramie Boomerang.

Colonel Loot was widely acquainted aniong the men who, dur-

ing the past half century, have built up the West

llooking after the patient. Mr. MacLen- -have to appear before Judge "Wilcox

this morning. Mrs. Souza is the motherA Useful Official Resigns.

TASniXGTOX, D. C, April 12. James M. Beck. Fir&iAssistant Attorney General of the United States, has resigned

of Private Souza, a member of Uncle.Sam' artillery force stationed at Camp

nan is suffering from a complicationof ills consequent upon an attack ofgrippe which took him by the throat inSan Francisco. He came on here withthe million dollars of government coinbecause that was a sacred trust, buthe was not fit to travel, as a matterof fact, when he left the mainland. He

that position and will resume his private law practice.

Beck is regarded as one of the foremost criminal lawyersis pretty sick yet. but it is not thought in the United States. It was through his efforts in San Fran-b- y

hia physician that the case is any cjsto a few davs ago, that Walter X. Dimmick, the default- -

McKinley. Souza is a Portuguese sol-

dier and Is generally known ai the"man with the long purse."Deputy SherifT Chillingworth, Dan

Renear and McDuffle, assisted by theJapanese Informer, Xebo, went out tothe place early on Saturday ereningrand Xebo was sent in to buy liquor.All the officers watched the negotia-tions and the transfer of money fromNebo to Mrs. Souza and & bottle or twoof beer . from Mrs. Souza to Nebo.

more severe man gooa ana careruinursing win he able to puii around air

.in cashier of the mint, was convicted. He has previously been


Deported Chinese Coming.

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 12. The Pacific Mail linerGaelic leaves this port tomorrow with seventy-fou- r deported

Chinese sent from various places in the West, East and South.Many of them entered the country by way of Canada and

some came in from the Mexican mainland and Lower California.o

Fatalities at a Fire.INDIANAPOLIS, April 12. By the burning of a resi

right, in the meantime, however, the prominent in big criminal eases, including the conviction ofdoctor insists on quiet and rest. the notorious a of revenue stamp counterfeiters in Penn- -

and other liauor were discovered, and w uuuul lu j ru.i7 uj;u. xii uinaic puautc m--u"--

large fees for his services and it has been stated thst, likethe whole lot sent to the Police Sta-

tion.The Souza nlace has been under sur (some other Washington officials, he considered that he was

xnen the police acted. Mrs. Souzafound herself and her Japanese assiet- -ant under arrest, and soon the officersbegan to uncover beer by the case and

y beer by the barrel. Two big barrelsand several cases of bottled beer as"Well ad loose Quarts, two casks of nlnp

dence in this city, Lawyer Nathan Morris and Frank Haas areveillance for some time. The officers doing himself an injustice by remaining at Washington at awaited for Saturday night as the place 'gaiarv that was a mere bagatelle compared to what bis ser- -

then received a stock for expected Sun- - 'day trade. - vices would command in private practice. dead and four women injured.



Page 2: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M




A Wise Disposa C BEATE RflDDLE Thirty-nin- ee) Gases

Would Like the Legislature to Pass a Lawfljl 1

If ytm have bad paint better fret rid ofit while it is in the can, before time andmoney are wasted putting it on.Good Paint costs little more, saves timein painting, holds color and body longer,looks better longer.

A Which '.Might Result in Many More ;Citizens Here.

.5. 4L --.1. --A.

Shervjin- - Williams3 :o:- -4

Honolulu, T. H., April 11, 1903.

Editor Advertiser:. Now that the county bill is practicallyout of the way, I wish space in your valuable paper to make4-- 4 4 Drosses4 4 A ' Ol 11 11 1 t suggestions in re the "development of Hawaii on traditionalAmerican lines."

To have a healthy, prosperous state we must have a. prosIS GOOD PAINTTo be found only at3U 4 4 perous, employed and fairly-pai- d laboring class, having ah in

terest in the state and owing allegiance thereto. It musthave a prosperous middle class, owning their homes, cultiva

American Shirting Prints, fast colors, 20 yards, ?1.New Stripes, Fine Quality Ginghams, 12 vds, ?1.1 case Fancy Batistes, Exclusive Designs, 12 l-2- c.

per yard. '

Choice Assortment Novelty Dresses, includingRussian Stripe, Grass Cloth, Batiste, IrishAppliques. One piece only of each effect onshow Monday.


E. 0. Hall & Son, Ltd.Corl Fort and King Streets.

ting their lands and giving more or less employment to thelaboring class. ;

14Two or three years a no Hawaii had a nucleus 01 sucn a

class or classes, but the white mechanics found Asiatic competition too strong and hundreds have gone away. And thenatives who used to find ready employment are today, 50 percent of them, unemployed,' and 50 per cent of those employ LargeFine line Swiss and Madras Curtain Nets,

assortment: 10c. to 40c. yard.ed have but irregular employment. There is absolute destitution in hundreds of native homes.

New StyleShirt Waists If there were as many unemployed and destitute, citizens

in any other state or territory of America as there are in Ha

New Reversible Art Draperies, 20c. yard.11--4 and 12--4 Bedspreads, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,

2.00, $2.50. Certainly best possible valuefor the money.

Ready Made Sheets, large size, only one case, 50c.White Damask Table Cloths, ready, for use, 75c.

and 95c.

waii with aliens doing the labor there would be riots andblood shed in short order. That there is none here speakswell for the peacefulness and patience of the native Hawaiian.

But it is of no value to point out an evil without at the. ji

If you can buy a gold dollar for 50o

you will jump at the opportunity-That'- s

human nature. If you come

to Blom's store this week you can buyhandsome shirtwaists at about halfwhat you would pay elsewhere. We

have a disylay of them in our window,

plainly marked. All new.

same time pointing out a remedy.Here is my remedy. Let the legislature pass a law com- - ec

. t . , . j11pelling all employers of labor to employ at least 5 per centcitizens in 1904 and raise the amount 5 per cent every yearuntil 50 per cent citizens are required. This surely would be

Another case of our famous Blue and Black Wors-ted Suitings.

Gentlemen: Save money on your suit; buy thematerial from us. 1

very liberal to the. alien element in the country, and in caseof a foreign war it might be even too liberal. And I believeit idle talk to speak of statehood for Hawaii with less than '50per cent of it laborers citizens.

:o:- -

TEMPORARY PREMISES THISOl lc VISIT OURWEEK.The Hawaiian and the white American can both work onFort Street.

the sugar plantations. They will work there if given fairwages and enough of them are employed to make a colony. if m m j wjb w ti ft a y

But certainly they will not work at the. wages paid Japaneserxcoococxoococ will an isolated few work among and live with the Japa TEMPORARY PREMISES, Fort and Queen Sts.nese and Koreans with which the Planters are flooding the

country. ; . ")'";J(a

f 3d MAAND R1NE Clinton J. Hutohlno,The natives are able to do part of the work on the riceINSURANOC,plantations and should have the opportunity to do so. That

INSURANCE this law would be constitutional is attested by the fact thatsuch an amendment only far more radical was offered to Life itour organic act by the then Representative Francis G. New-land- s,

who is now . in the Senate. ' The amendment was de-


It is also consistent with the implied, or I might say,necessary powers of government which includes all thingsnecessary for the preservation of a state and the protection of

fits citizens, the two greatest duties of all governments. ' Fire MarinMarine Insurance covered to all parts of the World on OPENPOLICIES underwritten by FIFTEEN COMPANIES. A few people will voluntarily employ citizens, like L. B.

Kerr, who has specified that citizen labor only shall be usedin the construction of his new block, and Lewers & Cooke and Molnarny Dlook, r--t. C3t ifi. fiackfeld & Co., Allen & Robinson Who employ citizens. But the average manand especially the average corporation will employ the cheapest labor he can get regardless of its effect upon the citizens- AGENTS,

Honolulu and Hilo. who labor for a living or of its effect upon the state.Upon the passage of such a law and the enforcement of

t20OCOO00OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX50O00OO0O0O0CCXXXXXXDCXXX it by the courts, then and not till then, will Hawaii begin to '.'Good Printing'

A Profitable Investmen

develop along traditional American lines.W. S. NOBLITT.


CITY L-O-TO GAWED UPGqw Lono Gold Pills a jfalr trial they will not fail to

WHAT THIS MAS SAYS be benefited by them."Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are

sold by all druggists and storekeepersat 50 cents per box (six boxes $2.50) orOnly Reechoes the SentimentFour lari beautiful lots on Beretania Avenue FOR SALE fust od--

lingham's. Beet chance to make money in Honolulu.will be mailed on receipt of price by

'the Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu,wholesale agents for the Hawaiian

posdte B.F.Onll and see of Thousands In Our

Republic. Islands.For the Best, go to

Hawaiian Gazette Co.Remember the name, Doan's, and

take no substitute. TheAr. Cl. Compboll,

at his office on premises, 1634 Young Street, orA EV2. ruilri-fcom- ,

Phono White 2111. ' Judd Bnilding.

The Honolulu reader Is asked tothoroughly investigate the following.This can readily be done as the gentle Limitedman whose statement Is published be)CODOCODOCOOOOCOOOOOOOCX)OCXXlow will be only too pleased to give Art Printing and Engravingminute particulars to anyone enquiringnot out of idle curiosity but if the en

t qulrer really suffers from any of the Kins St. 'ml. lUlatln 0ROE! consequences which always attend

weakened or Inactive kidneys. Readcarefully what this gentlemen has to ttttMMMMttHMHMHHMMMtHtMMHthf

Please order a caje of say:Mr. J. D. Conn, of this city, is a car

penter by trade, and is employed at

0 AQ E


is the most longed-fo- r de-sire of every woman.She knows what a power-ful aid to beauty It is,and endeavors to makeher own as soft, glossyand thick as possible.Comparatively lew ofthem are aware as yetthat Newbro'g Herpieide,a recent scientific disc-overy, will enable themto possess hair as thickand luxuriant as anyonecould desire.

It works on a new the-ory of destroying theperm that feeds upon thehair root, and thus mak-ing dandruff and fallinghair impossible. It thenproceeds to produce agrowth of thick, glossyhair that soon becomesthe pride of its owner.

One trial will convinceyou ol its virtues.



IV3IMNTSIt is pure and benefits the entire sys-

tem. Bemember now PEIMO.

the Oahu railroad. "I was troubled,"Says Mr. Conn, "with an aching back.The attacks occurred periodically foryears, and especially if I happened tocatch cold. There were also othersymptoms which plainly showed thatmy kidneys were out of order. A shorttime ago, I heard about Doan's Back-ache Kidney Pills and the wonderfulthings they were doing.

Proceeding, then, to Hollister & Co.'sdrug store, I obtained some of these.Since taking these pills there is a greatimprovement in me. I always keepsome of "the Dills on hand now so as tobe provided for any contingency. : Ifeel sure if anyone troubled as I wasshould give Doan's Backache Kidney

20 cents per yardati

iead the Advertiser. ZHKPSWaverley Block, 178 Hotel Street.wunu s iews ijaiiy. HOLLISTER DRUG CO, LTD..


Page 3: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M




Us GIVEii UPliege Hills j





The Trustees of the Oahu College have desirable lotsfor building purposes for sale-- , at low rates in CollegeHills Tract, where there is an abundant supply of goodartesian water at reasonable rates. Fine views of oceanand mountains, and within fifteen minutes of town bythe Rapid Transit. -

Parties desiring to locate there will be assisted in build-ing by a loan at reasonable rates of interest.

For particulars, apply to

We Had a Man Tell

The otter day that when he puts on a frock coat and by the

way, it's a .


that he feels "like another man." There's no doubt but that a

properly fitting frock coat give3 a man a feeling of well dreesed-nes-s

that 13 very pleasing though very difficult to describe in

print. If you want to know just what we mean, come in and

try on one of the new STEIN-BLOC- H Frocks, made from


Bilk lined throughout and to the button holes. Afraid you can't

afford the price? You need not be. You know STEIN-BLOC- H

clothes are wholesale-tailore- d; and made-to-measu- re clothes

are retail-tailore- d. The difference in price ia greater even than

that between the wholesale and retail price of any article you

can think of. To get as good a frock coat and vest made-to-measur- e

as one of the STEIN-BL03-H make, would co3t you

more than double.

JONES,No. 404 Judd Building.


The great objection to Baby Caps (that they can not belaundered at home) has been overcome by

The New Washable CapThis Cap is so simple in construction that, by loosening

the bows and shirring strings, it can be flattened out forhome washing and ironing, and as easily put back intothe shape of a perfect, well fitting Cap.

Our new washable Caps are fitted with the DetachableRuche. Each Cap can be worn in TWO DISTINCTSTYLES, as a plain or French Cap, or as a Fancy or RucheCap. "


STcrt and. lerclin.nt StreetsSPECIAL SALE3

AWednesday, the 15th, till Saturday, the ISth, " we will

place on Sale 1000 yards of White

India Linen40 inches wide, cats lOoyard.

This is the greatest value that was ever offered in thistown. Do not miss it.


J", ABADIB Piop,stS Berctania Street. Phone BIu$ PACIFIC IMPORT COMPANY, Ltd.


lZ. FUKURODA,Bohinson Block, Phone White 2421. 14 Hotel Street. J. L,and!o

WILL CLOSE OUT THE ENTIRE STOCKof his Fort Street Store at tho



rsa mm

the twenty-secon- d year of its

the agricultural, more particu

Fertilizers, Methods of Cultiva


sugar plantations of the Ter

corporation stocks and bondsExchange, showing the capital,

news of the sugar situation,

forms an invaluable reference



Will Quit His JobFirst of Next


Kamchamcha School

Will Have a


He Had Resigned Befere Entering

Upon the Armstrong


' He hesitated for a little time, whenthe direct Question was nut to him. Itwas not a question that would haveseemed to require much thought, as theanswer finally came, but perhaps Dr.

W. B. Elkin of tha KamehamehaSchool had grown a bit wary of newspapers and newspaper people. He said,however, presently: "Yes; I have re-

signed my position In the school, andmy resignation nas been accepted . bythe Trustees."

Did your late newspaper controversy have anything to do with this action?"

My controversy 'with Mr. Armstrong? Oh, no; my resignation wasin, let me see this is April, well, I resigned two months a.go. In February,in fact. I have only been staying onhere until ,Mr. Dyke could get somebody in my place. We are required byour contract to give, at least" elxmonths' notice of our purpose to leavethe school."

"And you will leave, when?""On the first of next year. That' was

when my resignation was to take effect.I have not had any notice from theTrustees that there is a desire for meto leave earlier than that. Certainly Ihave not had any notice of any actiontaken by that body relative to the Armstrong controversy. So far as I know,they have paid no attention to It whatever. And my resignation had nothingto do with what I wrote in my part ofthat controversy. I would have saidthe same things that I did whetherintended leaving the schools or not. Mycourse of action would not have changed my personal" views, nor my expression of them. Neither would any actionthat might have bten taken on my expression of my views. I suppose thecontroversy is closed now. Is It not?Anyway, I would have expressed my-self in the same way that I did."

Will you remain In Honolulu, Mr,Elkin?"

"I do not know what I shall do.Most probably not, but I have not madeup my mind as to . that. I have re- -"6"cu jujr uaiiiuii Here. I did that twomonths ago, as I said. Beyond that, Ihave decided nothing as to the future."


By an easy method. Realizing theimportance of this question for thefuture of the present generation, andhaving had well known educators sug-gest the advisability of some plan bywhich it could be achieved, the Phoenix, always to the front with up-t- o-

date Ideas. Is prepared to Issue lim-ited amount of its guaranteed Installment ' certificates or bonds especiallyadapted for the purchase of establishing a fund by parents or guardians forchildren. Cost per $1,000, $7.00 permonth; $30.00 per year, $40.50 semi-annuall- y,

or $20.50 quarterly, or $650.00cash down, will guarantee you $1,000besides all surplus cash profits, whichare estimated at $393.10 at tenth year,making total of $1,343.10. Besides, youmay take advantage of sixteen different options. It is non-forfeita- afterone year, and you are not losing anyof the options or privileges exceptamount by not carrying It through.Phoenix Savings, Building and LoanAssociation, Robert Slaughter, generalagent, Judd building. Fort street entrance, Honolulu, H. T.

The Commercial and OfficialRecord contains all official,court, corporation, foreclosure,and partnership notices pub-lished in all the English news-papers in the Territory.

Physician "The truth can no longerbe hidden, madam. I am obliged to tellyou that your son la er weak-minde- d.

That Is well, it must be said he Is ahidiot." Mrs. Highupp "How fortunate

is that we are rich. No one will ever ,

The lirst cruise of the Hawaii YachtClub on Saturday and yesterday toPearl Harbor and back was a successand created a desire for more euchcruises. The yachtsmen who wentdown to Pearl Harbor from Honoluluon Saturday were met by those resid-

ing at the Peninsula and more wentdown yesterday morning. A chowderSaturday night, a race around FordIsland yesterday and a meeting of theclub members tor ' the discussion ofbusiness, was followed by a lively raceback to Honolulu, nearly all the yachtsarriving) at the home anchorage in abunch.

The Dewey, Skip, Myrtle and AbbieM., with full crews in each boat, sailedto Pearl Harbor on Saturday afternoon, the average sailing time for eachbeing little more than an hour. TheMaria and La Paloma were already atthe Puuloa anchorage. After mooringswere completed the crews came ashoreand the preparations for the chowdersupper were begun. It was shortly aft-er 7 o'clock when the yachtsmen satdown to an ample meal of which thechowder was the principal feature.There were accompaniments of beans.bread and steaming hot coffee, besidesother things. The remainder of theevening until bed-tim- e was devoted todiscussion of yachts, cruises and tostory-tellin- g, and there were no casual-ties In the way of yachtsmen fallingoverboard or night alarms from jokers.

Yesterday morning all' the yachtswent oyer to the Peninsula and anchored off Clarence Macfar lane's pier. Ameeting of the club members waa heldat which It was decided to hold cruisesoften. The next one will be on Saturday next. Much of the discussion related to the big blow-o- ut of the clubto take place on May 15 at the Peninsula where the new pavilion will beopened with a grand ball and chowder.

Shortly after the noon hour theGladys, La Paloma and Helene, follow-ed by the Abbie M. and the Maria, setout for a race from Marfarlane'saround Ford Island. The Abbie M. hadan accident and turned back, but theothers went around finishing as follows: Helene, La Paloma, Gladys,Maria.

The return to Honolulu was madeyesterday afternoon coming to the anchorage shortly after 4 o'clock, theMyrtle first.

"I see it's become so windy on thecorner where the.Flatiron Building: hasbeen erected In New York that sometimes people are blown off their feet.''How humiliating: it must be for aNew Yorker, to be carried off his feetby anything that doesn't come fromEurope." Chicago Record-Heral- d.

: --,

Twenty odd new statutes have beenpassed by the Legislature. 6igned bythe Governor, and are now the law ofthe Territory. It will be sixty daysprobably, before these laws are available in book form. Meanwhile theyare all being published, Immediatelyupon their passage. In the Official andCommercial Record. Subscribe for acopy and find out what the law Is.

Impure BloodImpure blood will always make you

eick. You suffer from headache, greatdepression, indigestion, sleeplessness,

you can hardly drag yourself about,

llllllimmmv km) n ixbr. t 3Ir. H. J. Ilatthews, of Wellington, New about this. He alsosends hi3 pfcotejrr.i

" I haro eurrcrca a great deal from impureblood, especially from boils on my arms andbact. I felt ttcaI: all over and was greatlydepressed. I ! rpa to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla.Aftt-- taking o:i!y a littlo of It I felt better,and soon my troubles ijinp7e2rea. I believe i

this medicine is tho best Liood-purifi- er andui UuU6l;Si, wj at uao u

arsaoarillaThere are many Imitation "

Be sure you get Ayer's.

Use Ayer's Pills every time your bowels be-come constipated, or when you are bilious orhave sick beadacbe. Tbey cure quickly.Prepared by Dr. J. C Ayer & Co.. LowelL Mass.. CSJL


Received by the S. S. Ventura just in time. Now displayed at

OAWTOR'S NEW MIU1NPRY STORENo old stock. No duplicates. No. 1141 Fort St., next to Sisters' School.


u u y 9 ti.-- -

3552. Opposite Hawaiian Hotel.


D II 0


Is now tinder xne management of D.r. Bailey, S. L. Horner and Joaatehllti, and ar prepared to furnlxkLEMON BpDA.



AND IRON,ind all other popular drinks.

TCTIl Allvf t aJt mints In th. ltr I

nhnrht.All orders receW onr prompt attn--


Order From

J. E- -Some of these

HT-gtic-y G-oo- ds

Heinz Sweet Pickles, HeinzCatsup, Heinz Olives, HeinzWhite Onions, Heinz ChiliSauce, Heinz India Relish,Heinz. Tomato Chutney,Queen Olives, Pim-Ola- s.

Tel. Blue 2312. Beretania oppo. Alakea. J


fECKlYROYAL PILLSla VF.D o4 fesla awtaUls kua. mla4nkwailMa. Takaaaatarrv Kefaaaltimi ftaastitatiaaa aa.4 iailta-U.- a.

ft7 f )wi Oracfciu. r4 4a. iaauap ft Partltlra, Tiralliaaa " RtMef f.r 1.!. " M taw, b, Mali, t O.OW TMtunoaiaJx. 11tUDnnuu. t'aleacatar Cbeaitrai cs.aft m aa aaaara. raii.i,, fa

Swell Easter Hatshare just arrivedfor the

Hawley's Mnilcery ParlorsBoston Block, Fort Street. It

This magazine is now inpublication.

It' is especially devoted tolarly sugar interests, of the Territory of Hawaii. ;

It contains all of the proceedings of the Meetings of theHawaiian Sugar Planters Association, including the detailedreports concerning Machinery,

Silk and CottonKimonosJapanese

1 Fancy Good3J

Costle & Cooke, Ltd.HONOLULU.

Commission Merchants.SUGAR FACTORS.

--AG?rrs rou--Yk wt Plantation Co.Ck Wal&lua, AgriculturaJ Co, Li4.T Kch.aJ, Sngix Co.

. Tk WaJme Sugar Mill Co.T Fulton Iron Works, Ft. Louis,

Tk BtxndartJ OU Co.n Oeorr F. Blake Steam Pomp.WMton'i Centrifugal.Tha New EnLand Mutual lAt I- -

aranc Co. of Boston.Ta Aetna Fire Insurance Co. of

Hartford. Conn.Tk JUllano Co. of Lon



torea and OfHcea Repaired.

W. "TV PATYContractor ana Bniider

Office 104S Alike streetbetween King and Hotel.

Phone Bine 1801.

Union Oil Co.of California

Puol OlioOffice of Hawaiian department,

room 307, Stangenwald Bldg. .

C. C. PERKINS, Supt.Main office, Milla Bldg, San

Francisco.. JNO. BAKER, Jr., Mgr.

Established 183LJUST OPENED, FINE LINE OFEnglish Saddlery

V? P?S?r' Iland oraen PromptlyHi. King nr. Fort.

32teS'$20 Bet for $5.ft &aSi5$k0r'AI!' Efcrtrtc Relt.- -W JTntrd Pennine. Xot

tor No tumftci It curewithout drun. Circular tre.Sent by mail on receii of

- rTry Elertncity. NoAreni.

or s; nam ran si , rsAsco. C or33 ttt 24m Street. ktW VOBX. M. r

tion, Transportation and Manufacture and many other subjects vital to the sugar business.

It contains a Directory of theritory, their agents, and managers.

It contains a Directory of thelisted on the Honolulu Stockshares issued, par value and price at last sale.

It contains carefully selectedprogress, and prospects in Hawaii and throughout the world.

It contains news of the development of all local indus

tries of an agricultural character, and the best that is pub

lished in a wide circle of exchanges, concerning tropical agri

culture.With the back volumes it

nrrrimltiiralliuitxxj uji.i"""j5 "r development of Hawaii,

during the past twenty ouu1 years.-

,r. t t t 1" ? TWT Hitllim:yM. , v i'- -- 7r , . 0- -UDSCnpilOIl pilCtr icuin

Back numbers can be furnished.

Apply to


notice it." New York Weekly.


Page 4: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M


Ltd:aciflo Hardware CompanyCommercial Advertiser

HOUSEHOLD DEPT. BETHEL STREET.waxjtzb a. surra - - zbitob.MONDAY : : : : APRIL. 13


In spite of the predictions made a few months, ago by B.

F. Dillingham, rollitz et. al., i 1-- 2 cent suar refuses to. be-

come a realitv. deductions in price of an eighth of a cent apound, burden the market reports lately with oppressive regu-

larity. Ililo Tribune.

The predictions were based on the logical course of the

market and were shared in by foreign as well as mainlandexperts. The law of supply and demand inspired them and

but for an arbitrary influence, forcing itself into the warketand staving there by main strength, four cent and even higher

J2n JZricient FoeTo health and happiness is Scrof-

ula as ugly as ever since timeimmemorial.

It causes bunches in the neck,disfigures the skin, inflames themucous membrane, wastes themuscles, weakens the bone3, re-

duces the power of resistance todisease and the capacity for re-

covery, and develops into con-

sumption,.- j f. mch appeared on the left side of my


It la a pity that bo much time hasben lost in getting tourist matters ar-

ranged. With the coming of March,California began to have more visitorthan it could easily take care of andnow the resorts of the State are crowd- -.

Table spoons made of heavy tin, al-

ways sold at 45c dozen.

Now 25c dozen.Five-inc- h Butcher Knives, steel blade

and hardwood handles; made In En-gland.

Now 15cX-R- ay Raisin Seeders, the very best

made, always 51.25. Special bargain

25c.Coffee Mills with drawer, very useful,

sugar could easily have been reached by this time,ed-- If arrangements had been made :!

! I


Japanned Bread and Cake Boxea,neatly lettered, large sizes, worth JL2S,

Choice, 50c.Japanned Round Flour Boxes, decor-

ated and lettered, retailed at 75c, and51.00. ;

Now 40c and 60c.Painted Chamber Pails with covers

always sold at 75c Tour choice.

35c.Tin Tea Kettles, large elze, copper

bottom, usual price J1.00. Half prle


This influence is the sugar trust. As soon as sugar began neck. It caused great pain, was lanced,and became a running sore. I "went into ageneral decline. I was persuaded to tryHood's S&rsaparnia, and when I had takenix bottles my neck was healed and I haw

never had any trouble of the kind since,"Mm. K. T. Shtder, Troy. Ohio. 'Hood's Sarsaparilla

and PillsWill rid you of Scrofula, radicallyand permanently, as they haverid thousands.

when they were broached early last fallto spread a knowledge of Hawaii'scharms among these eager sight-seer- s,

the Advertiser does not doubt that ourhotels and boarding houses would nowbe overflowing and the revenues of re-

tail trade Increased accordingly.Having" lost the best chance the

spaing; season affords it is a publicduty, which Hawaii owes itself, to per-

fect its plana for an early fall cam-paign in which the railroads and

to rise, the trust began to bear the market. The process U

familiar to all who have anything to sell which a trust buys,

whether it be sugar,, oil, lumber, fruit, cotton or ore. The

middleman is the one who, the w orld over, gets the major pro-

fits earned by industry and when he happens to be a middle-

man of vast capital and an imperial hold on the market,growers of the raw material which he absorbs cannot hopea r ... o f.i?T rtnm inn tlipir investment. He

cheap at 0c '

Now Only 30c.

lO Jt L j lUl I li'T ao&iu, . iui J- -

' what he thinks will be justmer wiu not prove too w for the takes the lion's share; they get 0preliminary negotiations with the com- - . fa to them from getting OUt of the business. a Jeweler'smon carriers, nor for the working out I " "...

r t, I The' remedv is to fijrht fire with fire. If the planters ofeek between now and the coming of j Hawaii would form their own trust and build theirown refinery, Ex "Sonoma

they could compel the sugar trust to divide the mainland ter Lathe to HeavyMachineryritory with them. That is what Claus Spreckeis did single- -

cold weather In the East can be utilizedin getting railroad men Interested. Jnpreparing literature for them to dis-

tribute and In having epecial oceanrates adjusted. Something might also handed and surely, the combined planters of Hawaii, exclu

A new ernpply ol

Fresh Vegetable and

Flowersive of the Spreckels-Irwi- n interest, have notning to fear frombe done on the coast to work up sum

mer excursions like those of the shriner I a trust which Claus Spreekels alone worsted and which theZZTZi T:In!;: Arbckl no meet on equa. terms. With their capital and

Electricity is tne most economical and re-

liable power in use. Not only economical and re-

liable, but the most convenient and cleanly aswell.

We will prepare an estimate for any machinery, large or small.

if a million dollars are good to have on their control of the raw material, it will be their own faultacccunt of the fire claims, after three thermit the trust to rob them in- -

J. J. a-- c t 2

definitely. 4


nrivate affairs. Sentimentalists tell usMRS. MAYBRICK'S CASE.

Just Received.

5c Per Package

and guaranteed fresh.

of the remorse of a murderer. But themurderer retorts. Is there any remorsetv,o rwnt nromise Of the British Cl

Home Office to pardon Mrs. Maybrickin the conscience of a nation, when it


Telephone Main 390.

next year concerns a remarkable case,

year' waiting, they are certainly worthtryit.g for annually on account of thetourist trade. Over $18,000,000 win cometo California this year from sight-see- rs

and health-seeker- s, a sum which, an-nually garnered, accounts for much of

' the prosperity of the Golden State. Totap that brimming reservoir of goodthings is the privilege of Hawaii andthere is no reason why, our peopleshould be backward In doing it.'

It Is not generally known that theBritish peerage haa an Americanbranch In the Fairfax family of Vir

t ..osvi-a- r illustrates the value of kills its enemies? The case Is rarelyto bes found where he who kills does notA W UlVl VVI wt - '

persistent work. Mrs. Maybrick wasjustify himself with his own conscience.

convicted in 18S9 in Liverpool of poisJust as a nation finds ample Justification

oning her husband, and she was senin wholesale slaughter.

SiollisterDrug company.

Fort Street.

ta : tn' riPflth-- . this sentence wasDuelling is murder, but among some

nr.mmiiiMi tr life imorisonment. Frommillions of Americans, until within a

the moment of her conviction her moth mmfew years, it was regarded as Justifi

"fj yg 11 i 4' ',. ff. 'f , ? it' ' it ssii I

'Til lull Has if if iiinWii i ifr ' 7 Li n wi ' I

er, the Baroness von Roques. resolvedf.htaln her Dardori. The Home able, and even commendahle. Killingginia, the tenth baron of which was

the famous Charley Fairfax of theearly days of California, The latter, In a duel was regarded as maliciousOffice, where such matters are consid (From Puna, Hawaii)murder in many States, and was pun

ered, after a close examination of the(asc. refused to recommend it. The Bottled direct at

the Springs. . .ished with death. In many other Statesat the same time it was regarded as acourt before which she was convictedmost honorable act, and a failure toengage in it involved social ostracism.

Delivered to your address free of charge-Telephon-

Main 270.mmmmmKmommmmmmmmmmtmtmmmmimmmmmmtmmKmmmnii sua

P. O. Box 565.L0CJlCS

iThe protection against killing- - lies inthe danger of ignominious punishment;

refused to admit that there was anydoubt about her guilt. Some statementsfrom several members of the jury wereobtained which indicated that the Jurywas not entirely satisfied of her guilt,though they found a verdict againsther.

Tteneated efforts have since been

more than this it lies in the gradual. f

who did business in San Francisco andhad a home In Mill Valley, was a

" violent partisan of the. Confederacy.Fioneers recall the fact that he march-ed for miles behind the body of ColonelBaker, when the remains of that Civilx?ar patriot were brought from thetlefield of Ball's Bluff to be interred atIone Mountain. A Union man, seeinghim In the proceesion stopped and of-

fered hl3 hand, saying: "I cannot agreesrith your politics. Mr. Fairfax, but Iwant to thank you for doing honor toour dead friend. Col. Baker." "Ohthat's all right," responded Fairfax: "Ihope to march behind the bodies of a

education in the sanctity of humanlife. -.

Prom the littleAlarm to Graodfather's HalClocks.

No doubt war has a certain influence


Fine Decorated China Ware,Rattan Furniture, Steamer Chairs,

Hand Carved Ebony Furniture and CurioaNuuana between Merchant and King Streets. - r

', ' R.OURREY.Jr

n lowering the estimate of lire; ' werecently, as a nation, were quite wiling, to kill a hundred thousand Span

iards, if necessary, because they would

made to obtain a pardon. At one timethe case took on international import-

ance, as the- Baroness von Roquestouched the sympathies of Americanwomen." The Federal State Departmentwas urged by prominent men whosewives had been led to believe in Mrs.Maybrick's innocence to "morally" in

not agree with us, and make Cuba- in Hotel anai - v y$5 1 Alike. SU.dependent. This cheap estimate of life,

ustined by our present system ofmorals, measures to some extent theindividual's value of private life, and M 4terfere. The American Ambassadors init is not strange that there are, everyyear, about ten thousand cases of pri

CLOCKSat a dollar and.Clocks at a hun-dred and fifty.

Our clocks areso varied in de-

sign, acd theassortment solarge, that itwill be easy tomake a selectionhere.

London were constantly urged to usetheir good offices In "righting a wrong,"as it was alleged by the Baroness. Theopinion of the learned and experienced

ovate vengeance in the United States.

lot more abolitionists before this waris over." The Californian baron,, likeseveral of his ancestors, refused to ac-cept the F.r.gVh title and prided him-self upon his Americanism; but' hisnephew, the present Lord Fairfax, is inEngland reestablishing his old connec-tions and li not unlikely to become aBritish subject.

By the last mall from Molokal theAdvertiser received several letters com-plaining that the report of Ambrose

Judge before whom the case was triedwas entirely ignored , by the convictedwoman's friends, who were finally

Objeeta ofArt. Aftatfor the

Iloy croft era-an-

Elder &Shepard.

counted by the thousands, though theydid not know her. Not in the history of

We bow to the verdictof the people that wehave the finest line ofovershirta ever offered I

for the money.

UlbJ:criminal Jurisprudence Is there a sim


ilar case of marvelous persistence inthe pursuit of a pardon. It was thegrand work of a woman's efforts tofree her own child. The Home Office

fGlIMDES1EBH. F. Wichman,knew of Mrs. Maybrick's life before


THERAPION. pmod jr. uae4 in ibeCoutineuul llopital by Ricord,

. Retail, Jobert, Velpeau, and others,' combined allthe desiderata to be .ought in a medicine of thekind, and nrpe everything hitherto empioyd.THERAPION NO. I maintain, it world-renowne- d

aud well-mento- reputation for derange-ment ci the kidneys, pain, in the back, andkindred ailment, affording prompt relief whereother well-trie- d remedie. have been powerless.THERAPION NO. 2 forimpunty of the bloodourvy , puuple., spoU, blutche., pains and swelling

of Joint, gout, rheumatism, h. all for whichIt has been too much a fashion to employ mercury.araparUla Ac. to the destruction of .uaerers' tcctii

and ruin of health. This preparation purines thuwhole ay.lem through the blood, and thoroughlyeliminates all poisonous matter from the body.THERAPION NO 3 tor exhaustion, sleep-lewna- o,

and ati distressing consequences ofdissipation, worry, overwork, &c It possessesurpnaing power in restoring strength and vigor tothose suffering from the enervating influences ofIon i evidence m hot. unhealthy climates.

i sold by the principalueniuu and Mcrclumts throughout the worldPnce n England. 2s. Xd. and 4s. 6d. la orderIng state which of the three numbers is re-quired, and observe that the word "TuraAPioappears on the British Government Stamp

white letters on a red ground) affcted to everyronuine package by order of His Majesty's HonrComousaiuners. and without which it is a forgery!

THEthe time of the alleged murder of herFort Street.husband. . She had lived In Norfolk,

Virginia, when her husband had been Porliercs, Rugs, CarpetsMade to look like new.

von Hamm-You- ngan Knglish cotton buyer, and her do-

mestic life Involved her In scandal, andfurnished a motive for the crime. This inp

Hutchinson's speech, appearing in thisand otheo papers, did Injustice to Dr.Goodhue. Mr. Hutchinson's remarks,as interpreted for the press by LilCrawford, were to the effect that Dr.Goidhu "was the worst he had seenIn twenty-fou- r yeare." The Star'sversion was that "Dr. Goodhue is nogood." It appears from a letter of Mr.Hutchinson himself and from otherswritten by Wm. A. Bruns. John K.Mia. Demetiia II. Pearee and the ac-cused surgeon, that Mr. Hutchinsonsaid Just the reverse of what the in-

terpreter made it. He spoke highly ofDr. Goodhue' professional and per-sonal worth; and in this opinion theother leper Correspondents of the Ad-

vertiser concur.1

Things are not encouraging on themainland when fifty thousand me-chanics go on strike for higher wages.Reports are constantly received here tothe effect that times are prosperous be

evidence was not presented in the trial COMP'Y, LTD.Alexander Young Building.The case was retried before sympathet

ic women, who Ignored the evidence DENTISTSagainst the prisoner, and whose Judg-ments were led by the determinedmother of the convicted woman. TheHome Office has finally been wearied

LOW PRICESSl.SArlinyto Jilork


V EAGLECleaning and Dyeing Wori a

Fort SU Opposite Star Block.

Tel. White 2362.

MOCHA and JaVAF.J. Wallace

1239 MATLOCK AVENUEWill take orders for Polishing- - Cala-

bashes.Cabinet work of all kinds.


COFFEESAll work guaranteed. AGENTS FOR

out by the persistence of the repeatedapplications for pardon, made morestrenuous each year by the increasingnumbers of sentimental sympathizers.A criminal magistrate once said thatno convicted murderer, however foulthe murder was, would ever be exe-cuted if the women had their way.When Dr. Carlyle Harris was convictedin New York of Dolsonintr hi voune--

western. Sugar Reflnlajt C- - BTancisco, cai.Baldwin Locomotive Work. Pkiiaasi.All Roasted anl Ground.

Best in the Market.



Newell Universal Mill Co.. Mannfa. W. W. Mana Co..Limited

turers of National Cane Srddr, N- -

Fred Paiip &

Bro --an.Reliable andup-to-da- te

Harness Hari

Lewis & Comp'y, Ltd.Paraffin e Paint Comcanr. Baa US-- .

clsco, Cai.16KmgSt. The Lewera 4 Cooke Bldg.240 Two Telephonea-240- .

yond the svea but the strike problembobs up as severely as ever. HawaiiHerald.

As a rule there are more strikes Ingood times than in bad times. Thegreat coal strike was an incident of themost prosperous era of the country'sbusiness history. When things are go-

ing to smash commercially worklngmenknow better than to crowd their em-

ployers, but when money is being madeby capital, labor wants a share in itand if its appeals are unheeded or de-

nied, strikes naturally follow. It may-be accepted as an axiom that the moreprosperity the more labor troubles.

Merchant TailorsW&ity Bldg. King St.

Ohlandt & Co., San Iranciaco, CaiPacific Oil TranaDortatlon C m.

wife and the sentence had been affirm-ed by eight Intelligent Judges who hadreviewed the evidence, his mother, thedaughter of a reputable clergyman,sought his pardon. Over ten thousandwomen, living in different states, signedpetitions for pardon on the ground thathe was not guilty.

Francisco, CaL Phone Blue 2741 ItIf

Phone Main 90. P. 0. 133 f 1 Honolulu Iron Works Co"Waverley Block,Bethel Street. American andSTKAM ENGINES

Foreign WorstadBODLERS. SUGAR MILLS, COOL"-- '. .

During recent years It has been saidby many prosecuting officers that analarming number of murders by poUonare not detected, and the guilty arenever arrested. It is the re'-Ie- f formany unhappy marriages. We have nocensus of the weak consciences in anycommunity. Many are born with a

PEANUT BRITTLEERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGSand machinery of every description-- Ti L- - iL WIUiinar.,-r- l7" and a Genuine Cure tor Uupture.

w World 27improeDi'ta,f If ruptnrci inveRtiate st once.

Cs!l or write for 15oRLirr 1 "A specialty today at

If the Lyle Dickey suit wins, the nexttep should be to compel the inter-isl-a- ni

steamship lines to transfer theirj.asengers to the home run withoutextra charge. There are great round-tri- p

possibilities in the Dickey move Ifthey are properly worked out.

made to order. Particular attentionpaid to ship's blacksmlthing. Job work

Some people wait till thehorse ia gone before theyput a lock on the barnothers wait till their neigh-bor's house burns downbefore they protect theirown with a policy of

Ee wise and takeout a policy at once withHENRY WATERHODSETRUST COMPANY, LTD.

. corner Fort and Merchantstreets. Household goodscovered at small cost.

xernted on ahoitest notice. niller's Candy Co.MACfTfC tf. TRUSS CO. 33Weft24th Stre iitwVoaJt. 2. V. or 206 Post Street. &m Fraticuco, CaU.

King Street near Bethel.O.Q. YeeHop & Co.inanierence to the value of

human life. The instant two nations,even Christian nations, are in conflict,the life of an enemy ceases to havevalue; he who destroys the largestnumber is the hero of the hour. It isnot strange that, by analogy, individ

The two language resolution was notonly unwise but useless. The most Con-gress will do with it is to refer the

Kahikinu! Meat Market Glob Stables Rack: StandTelephones,



OCw eorcer Klnsj and UaanakMa.I,hon Main 12L

Vdocument to a special committee on IVIoln 322 and 3IOI

JfueLand Grocery

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.Brtanla Street, corner AItJcm.

Phone Blua i5U- -

uals should carry thia estimate intoHACKS Nos. 3. 7. 24. 53. 236. 59. 6

88. '

Page 5: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M


was in conference with various people MMMMMMMM- - M MM 44 4 M M M MHin the Interest of the Hild-Koha- la RailWA T THE"chowder party" on the sea-bea- ch atPala near the old depot. After a fineclam chowder sand-figh- ts and bathingby moonlight completed the order ofpleasurable events.

II. A. Baldwin of Hamakuapoko goes

road. Mr. Peck said to a Tribune rep-resentative: "Our matters are now in


CELEBRATEgood shape and unless unforeseen obsta-- J A Book t hat Brings Happinesseles arise in the shape of unfriendly

COFFEE legislation by the Legislature, we willbe able to break ground on July 4. We

to Honolulu today for a brief visit. ;

Wednesday, the 8thi the steamer"American" arrived' in Kahulul fromHonolulu and after taking on board J

hope to be able to give the celebratioaof Independence Day an extraordinarymeaning for the people of Hilo."'BOUNTY KATAL 0 .. "

Epidemic Among Maul Children.MAUI, April 11. There is an epidemic i

I know that no man remains a weak-ling because he wants to; I am surethat you want to overcome every in-dication of early decay that has shownitself on you. I don't think the manlives who would not like to feel as bigand strong as a Sandow. and I knowthat if you have a reasonable founda-tion to build upon I can make you abigger man than you ever hoped to be.I want you to know that, you who can'tbelieve it, and I want you to have mybook in which I describe how I learnedthat manly strength, was only electric-ity, and how I learned to restore it;also I want to tell you the names ofsome men who will tell you that whenthey came to me they were physicalwrecks and are now among the finestspecimens of physical manhood.

Of sickness among the children of Ha-makuapoko, Paia, Kula and vicinity.Needed to Make It is not of a serious nature and lastsbut two or three days. However, Itmakes the sufferer most uncomfortable

2,000 tons of sugar, departed this morn-ing for Kaanapall where she will load1,000 tons of Pioneer plantation sugarand then depart for Hilo. .

This morning the steamer Nebraskanarrived In Kahulul from Honolulu with800 tons of merchandise for "A" and"B" Maul stores.

Mrs. Kittredge of Oakland, (th moth-er of Mrs. F. F. Baldwin of Puunene,)and J. P. Cooke of Honolulu, came toMaui on the steamer. .

The past winter has been the coldestin many years on Maul.

Weather: Generally clear' with' thetrades blowing briskly. Rains on Fri-day. ,

Plans to Have

4th of JulyTime.

as the stomach Is much affected, causMaui CropPay.

ing vomiting and rendering the digest-ive organs so sensitive." that' all food isobjectionable. Dr. W. F. McConkey A HAPPY MANhas had a hundred patients under his t Dear Sir: Havinsr Used VOUP famnii a lojtHn Vcl ivirt A r Tcare recently. .


i4--4- -'t

Mr. John Watt Leaves

the HonokaaJob. ;

Sporting Programthe Valley


Drowned in a Ktudhol.Another report from Hamakua Is to

I have received the greatest benefit that a man could gain that Is,health and strength. The tired, despondent feeling has gone, I feel thebeginning of a new life, and am ever your debtor.P.-.O- box 4S2, Tucson, Arizona. W. E. CLARK.I want you to read this book and learn the truth about my argu-ments. If you are not as vigorous as you would like to be, if you haverheumatic pains, weak kidneys, loss of power, day or night losses,prostatic troubles, nervous spells, varicocele r any ailment of thatkind that unmans you. it would assure you future happiness if you

woulTl liik into this method of mine.- - Don't delay it; your best days areslipping by. If you want this book, I send it closely sealed free if yousend this ad. CaU for free consultation.

db. H. g. Mclaughlin f

Growth of L' Industry.: "What's doing in the fruit line thesedays?" asked the Meddler. "I've notheard much about bananas lately." -

"The industry is growing slowly,"answered the Cheerful Liar. "In Olaaquite a number of acres are being clear-ed and planted to bananas and I believe

the effect that a Japanese 'woman hadbeen drowned In a mud hole on thegovernment road. Such a condition ofaffairs is really criminal and warrants

Racing, Polo and Baseball The Hilo-Koha- la Railroad Plans-All- ied

Trades Meet Julia Whalcnlegislative investigation. Then if it isfound that the fault In the failureof the legislature to appropriate suf-

ficient funds there should be no delaytM M M M M M4HCane Hopper Local Option


that a year from now the shipmentswill be three times as large as they arenow. Lycurgus got good returns fromthose he sent up by the Enterprise lastmonth, though some" of the bunchesturned black before reaching their des

for Hawaii Trade.In supplying what is necessary to properly build the road. Appropriatin

MAUI. April 11. The proposed boun tination. He believes that this trouble$250,000 for a Honolulu water supply HILO, April 10. By order of thechairman of the Fourth of July executy on coffee of four cents per pound should not be considered for a moment could be remedied In a measure by car-tive committee of last year, a meeting rying the fruit on deck instead of In thewhile there are country roads needed.will 'be a great boon to Island coffee

Hilo Herald. hold of the steamer." .Hilo Herald.planters. ' Ofliil and GoiierciaIs called at Fireman's Hall tonight (Fri-

day) to make preliminary arrange-

ments for celebrating the Fourth ofSOOraBIG RESULTS ATLIQUOR AGENTOne of the principal planters of Maui

stated recently that he had several tonsof coffee on hand which he could notafford to cell at the present prices pre

, PUUNENE MILLGETS $100 FINE July this year. The special purpose of

the meeting is to canvass the propositionof having a fire works display of adevailing both In Honolulu and San Fran Twice a day the air of central MauiCyrus T. Green, agent of the Rothen--quate proportions. The . meeting is

Is thrilled with the hoarse cry of theberg Company, a San Francisco whisclsco. He was offered nine cents perpound by Honolulu dealers, the coffee huge steam whistle at Puunene, bringcalled for 7:30 sharp. All business men

a re' especially Invited.key house, has been found guilty of

ing with it the storied picture ofBelling Jiquor without a license andCaptain Harris and the other owners I03UEIDgreat machinery at work, of long canefined $100. The case will probably be

trains bringing grist to its mill andcf the Julia Whalen are seriously con-

sidering the proposition of putting theappealed.

Mr. Green, on his recent trip to the long sugar trains Carrying away itsvessel In this Island's trade, with head

Coast, accepted the agency of the Roth- - golden fruition, of hurried and busy MONDAYS AND THURSDAYSquarters at and the swift transition of wav- -enberg Company.. On his return he so

The Allied Trades of Hilo held a

to be delivered by him to Kahululready for shipment. The San Fran-

cisco people proposed to give him nineand one-ha- lf cents per pound, allfreight charges to be paid by him.

He further stated that the coffee ac-

tually cost him about ten cents perpound to raise. Hence a subsidy of

four cents on coffee means much to anIndustry that has been almost whollyabandoned and to revive the productionof coffee which wae second in Impor-

tance only to sugar means much to the

licited orders for the firm and secured ing cane Into sacks of sugar.meeting last Saturday night and ap

The detailed results of this work arequite a number which were, in due time,filled. So far he was within the pale pointed a committee of twelve to draw

nc less Interesting than a contemplaof the law, but it is claimed that he up a constitution and by-la- ws for the OY THE- -tion of general results. Last week the

organization. They meet again tomor mill turned out1506 tons of sugar in arecently received twelve cases, of whichonly two were bona fide orders, the rest six days run. or 231 tons per day. Thesebeing consigned for sale. The police

figures alone give but a faint conception of the work done. Between 500

prosperity of the Territory.succeeded in securing a spy who, It wasclaimed, bought a case, of liquor fromGreen for $S. This is where Mr. Greenblundered.

and 600 cars of cane are cut and Lt(Lawaiiao Gazette Co.,brought to the mill daily, and overMAUI RACING ASSOCIATIONthree train loads each containing 1.000

So far as soliciting orders for the SanMaulTuesday evening, the 7th, the sacks of sugar daily leave the mill forRacing Association held Its annual Francisco firm and forwarding them to

be filled and shipped to the parties or- - the wharf. If the cane ground daily KING ST.YON HOLT BLOCK,'meeting In the "Wailuku court house.j were made up in one train load, itt derinsr. the inter-stat- e laws nrotect Mr.

row night to adopt the same and per-

fect a general organization. '

The Spreckels-Brow- n case came onfor hearing Tuesday. The witnessesexamined by Wednesday night were A.B. Loebenstein, George-- Beckley and E--

Baldwin.' Their testimony relatedsolely to boundary matters.

John Watt, the well known managerof Honokaa, leaves this district In a fewdays, having severed his connectionwith the Honokaa Sugar Company,whose manager he has been for thepast thirteen years. Mr. Watt came toHamakua- - about fifteen years ago ashead overseer of the Paauhau planta-tion. . Noting his . energy and successwhile holding this position, the ownersof the Honokaa Sugar Company offered

would be more than a mile long. ThoseThe following officers were elected for jnr,p hllf thpri a ,.de. distinctiononly who are familiar with the processof bringing cane to mills can fully appredate the herculean labor involvedIn handling this amount "of cane. TheoutDut of sugar at Puunene for the

between that course and having whis-key shipped here to be sold on con-

signment. Lovejoy & Co. and Macfar-lan- e& Co. each pay $1,000 per annum

as a Territorial license, and as a pro-

jection to them others who sell liquoron consignment without a license shouldje cinched.; Mr. Green claims that the particular

last month alone reached the enormousamount "of 6,292 tons, a task never be

. him the management of their property,case, of whiskey for the sale of which he which he accepted.

fore accomplished by any sugar mill onearth.

Mr. Frank Baldwin is acting as man-ager of the plantation during the ab-

sence of his, father, Hon. H. P. Bald-win, now in the .Territorial senate, andIs developing a high degree of executiveability, euch as will make his servicesalways in high demand. A generousrivalry now exists between Mr. Bald-

win and Chief Engineer Williams ofPuunene Mill, the former' striving toland more caneat the .mill than Mr.

was convicted, was duly ordered of j An incident very complimentary toRothenberg & Co., through him as George S. McKenzie occurred at theagent, and that the order was duly for- - court house last evening when Judgewarded to the San Francisco house, who Little, on behalf of the employees offilled the order and shipped the goods. jthe Volcano Stables and Transportation

Mr. Green was arrested under two Company, presented" him with a fineseparate charges of the same nature, 'gold watch.and upon the' conclusion of the first . The new depot on the up town exten-tri- al

yesterday the trial In the second ; si0n of the Hilo Railroad is almost


All Territorial By Authority Notices.

Session Laws of 1903. .

Probate and Other Court Notices.

Foreclosure of Mortgage Notices. .

Partnerships, Notice to Creditors, Etc

Real Estate Transactions and Deeds Filed.

Plantation Directory.

List of Attorneys and Notaries.1

Sugar Stocks and Quotations.

Commercial Matters of General Interest.

case was immediately tanen up, the completed. The station will be calledresult of which wa3 that he was con- - . Llhikia, meaning "Ocean's Edge."victed and fined $100 on the second p. Peck returned Wednesday by the

1903 and 1904: G. B. Robertson, presi-

dent; J. J. Walsh, vice-preside- nt; D. L.Meyers, . secretary; W. T. Robinson,treasurer, and J. Klrkland, J. N. K.Keola and George Kinney, executivecommittee.

The sum of $1,250 was appropriated asthe sum total to be used for purses atthe next 4th of July meet to be heldat Spreckels' Park, Kahulul. Theamount voted seems hardly largeefiough to attract Honolulu sportinggentry especially If Hilo should offerlarger Jndr..ements.


The practice game of baseball playedon the 5th at Wells' Park, Wailuku.between the "Morning Stars" and the"Wailukus" resulted In a victory, forthe former by the score of 10 to 0. Kru-g- er

pitched for the "Stars'" and Geo.Cummings and Dr. Boote for the "Wai-

lukus."On the 12th the first league game of

the season will be played at WellsPark between the earne clubs, with dif-

ferent pitchers. Charlie Thompson willact for the "Wailukus" and the fa-

mous Jackson for the "Stars." It isreported that Kruger will pitch for the"Kahululs" and Searle for the "Laha-Inas- "

during the present season.STRAY NOTES.

The cane "'hopper" is doing- - damagein some of the fields of Wailuku andWaihee plantations.

Saturday, the 4th, Miss Ellis of LosAngeles, accompanied by Misses Burg-

her and Bice of Maunaolu Seminary,made a trip to the crater of Haleakala,returning Sunday evening. They had

charge also. Maul News. ! Klnau from Honolulu. Tn Wnnnii !,

Williams can handle, and the latterstriving to grind more cane than Mr.Baldwin can land at the mill, the re-

sult of which are the flattering figuresabove given. Maui News.

Wailuku Breaks Record.A singular Instance of forwarding

money by wireless telegraphy, and thefirst known instance of the kind, re


cently occurred in Wailuku.A gentleman in Wailuku desired to

pay a considerable sum of money in SanFrancisco, and applied to the First Na-

tional Bank of Wailuku, who forwardedthe money by wireless to Honolulu and

Another very strong- - and forceful reason for changing thepresent schedule of the Kinau, as proposed in these columnslast week, is from a business standpoint in the opportuniy th'enop. hv rahle to Wells. Fargo & Co.'s . The RECORD will be found a convenient reference for Business

Men, Plantation Agents, Attorneys and Notaries, etcsecured to visiting business men to properly attend to their Bank in san Francisco, a letter has

Just been received from Wells, Fargo&l Co.'s Rank, addressed to our localbank, stating that the dispatch wasreceived and the money paid In SanFrancisco on the same day that the

business while in Honolulu. Under the schedule now in forcethe visiting tradesman arriving in Honolulu by the Kinau onSaturday afternoon, arrives too late to find many business menat their offices. Saturday afternoon in Honolulu as in mosttropical countries is regarded as a half holiday when thelargest business houses of the city close their doors at 1 o'clock.

dispatch was sent from here.This was quick work, as well as a

novel method of sending money bya magnificent view "of the extinct vol-

cano.Arthur C. Alexander of Honolulu is wireless, and has a tendency to make

Wailukans feel that they are not so farfor the h. c. &Jdoing some surveying Xo buRl can be transacted on Sunday and as a consemience

Subscribe How and Obtain a Complete

File. Issued Mondays and Thursdays.O. 'J. Ill ItllUKU. I A out of the world, after all. Maul News.

the out-of-tow- n merchant or business man finds himself unable,except by previous appointment, to accomplish the "purposeof his trip until 3Ionday. As the Kinau leaves at Tuesdav

Diversified Industries.Almost continuously since its incep

ubscribe for the Sun- -

tion, the News has steadily advocateddiversified industries on the Islands,and it is with a sense of gratificationthat it regards the later efforts of theIsland press generally In this direction.All of our eggs have heretofore beencarried in one basket, and any seriousblow to our sugaY industry would nec-

essarily be paralyzing in its effects.There Is no question but that new linescf industry can and will be created on

Advertiser. 25 cents

Petitions to the Legislature advocat-ing "local option" have been In circu-lation on the Island during the presentweek.

Tuesday afternoon, the Tth, the Ma-kaw- ao

Ladies' Aid Society met at Mrs.D. C. Lindsay's residence, Pala. .


Saturday afternoon, the 4th, the firstpolo game of the season took place atSunnyside grounds, . Paia. It was L.von Tempsky, H. A. Baldwin, G. S.

Aiken and Joe Taylor versus F. F.Baldwin. Geo. Wilbur, D. C. Lindsayand E. Peck. The score was In favorof Baldwin's side t to 2.

Mr. and Mrs. J.. M. Dowsett andthree children arrived on Maul per Ma-u- na

Loa of Tuesday night. and are theguests of Mrs. Dowsett of Makawao.

Wednesday evening, the Sth. fortyresidents of Makawao much enjoyed a


noon, Monday is practically the only available day during t lu-

st ay of that vessel when a stranger in Honolulu can transactthe business which took him there.

At present Monday is the busiest day of the week in Ho-

nolulu. All business houses catering to island trade are rushedon that day filling orders to be forwarded by the inter-islan- d

steamers scheduled to leave on Tuesday. All these merchantsand others would hail with delight a change in the sailingschedule of the Kinau and the island steamers permitting amore reasonable time in which to fill out of town orders with-

out the hurry and rush now incident to accommodating thisverv valuable trade. Hilo Tribune.

month, delivered byathese Islands, and no matter what thefuture history of sugar may be, it 13

vitally Important that every other j

avenue of wealth should be explored ;

thoroughly, and as many new paying '

industries should be inaugurated as thepossibilities will admit. Maui News.



Page 6: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M




Transact business ia all departratlof banking.

Collections carefully attended to.Exchange bought and sold.

Nasty and dangerousars stopped uppassages- The

'the are inflamrnedSd the secretions reek with filth and

nastiness. v .isir fcream mreuiThe you. carriestha


I r v -

In I r ii uiii "L . I!.Aged frnj I lizi .irten


patei wood mmMM $

Commercial and Travelers' Letter mi

Credit issued on the Bask of Californiaand N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London.

Correspondents: The Bank of Californla. Commercial Banking Co. of By- -

ney, Ltd., London.

Drafts and cable transfers on Chinand Japan through the Hongkong anShanghai Banking Corporation anChartered Bank of India, Australia anChina. -

Interest allowed on term deposits f

poisonousimpuritiesInto thelu n gswhen youexhale thebreath thec d o r Isrank andoffensive.

How canItbe other-wise whenthe catar-rh- al



the following rates per annum, vlx:

membranes and

Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent.Three months, at 3 per cent.Six months, at per centTwelve months, at 4 per cent.

Trust Department.Act as trustees Under mortgage.Manage estates, real and personal.Collect rents and dividends.Valuable papers, wills, bonds, t

bones of the nose and head I ? When

the sufferer lies down cn his couchthe decayed matter slips down Jn tneihmt and into the stcmach, where It

8 interferes with the digestive system.H Arotia and many kinds ofi;auii's v-f-r- -

stomach trbubles.When the inflammation becomes

,Wr.f- - it impossible for .Nature toreceived for safe keeping.

Accountant Department.Auditors for corporations and prt

overcome it Nature must have as-

sistance, and the best and quickest

Lovejoy & Co.,.

--Srffe WC 1'

.'"ias-Je- ssBMoore-Hu- nt Co. (

.' i ' W ' HWStt8n Tranclaco, CL and LoairrlUe Ky. ' 0? " s 1

vate firms.Books examined and reported! tm.

Statements of affairs prepared.Trustees on bankrupt or Insolvent

tates.Office, 824 Bethel street.

Savings Department.Deposits received and interest allow--'

ed at 44 per cent per annum, to ac-cordance with rules and regulationscopies of which may be obtained asapplication.

Insurance DepartmentAgents for FIRE, MARINE. LITE.


S.Grinbaum&Co.Lnrmnx No revolution In any Latin-Americ- an get hold of, arming them and locking

them up until they are wanted to come

j most effective assistance rsaiure' can have is Halpruner's Wonderful

Medicine. It Wes vigor, strengthand force to the blood, assisting it tocarry away the impurities and driveout the inflammation.

A solenoid way to get Immediaterelief is to dilute about a teaspoonful of

in a glas3 of water and either eprayit up the nostrils or snuff it from thepalm of your .hand. This releasesthe mucous and clears and cleans outthe passages. The medicine allaysand soothes the inflammation. Alsotake the medici n e internallyas directedon the bottle. This purifies the bloodand assists in removing the cause ofcatarrah.

All druggists can get Halpruner sfor you. . Don't let them talk you outof buying it 5oc and $1 a bottle.

I hava been afflicted with chronic catarrhfor many years. 1 have traveled all overEurope, part of Asia and Africa. I have takenmany remed:es. and without avail, but stneeI have taken Halpruner's Wonderful Medicine,as prescribed. 1 feel in pxd condition. Mycatarrh has entirely disappeared and I feelperfectly well, though past 60 years of ae.

WM. DsKRAFFT. M.D.Pacific Ave., Alameda, Cal.

Halpruner's will bs sent prepaid to anyaddress upon receipt of price. HalprunerMedical Manufacturing: Co., 28 CaliforniaStreet, San Francisco, Cal. 5

hfifjn and 'Commission Uerehob out and get shot. In that event, therevolution may fail, and the revolution

ACCIDENT and EMPLOYERS' LIA-BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES,Insurance office, 924 Bethel street.ists go back to the Hotel Muro and their

as he is concerned. And so they letMexico alone.

But for the rest, well the revolution-ists sit around the tables in the cafeof the Hotel Muro and fight the blood-

iest kind of battles. That is, If somemercantile Arm having a more or lessquestionable claim against a Latin-Americ- an

state which claim the exist-ing government has declined to audit

country Is the real thing unless it bearsthe stamp, "Made in New York." Forthey are all made there, at a little hotelrailed the "Hotel Muro," in West Four-

teenth street all made by gentlemenwhose trade It is. and who find It verygreatly to their profit, unless they

plotting. " , THE Fl US TOn the other hand, the ship may land,the mobilized army may desert, and therevolutionists may come Into power andpay the claim. Then the governmentthat was becomes the revolutionist, and

sois agents ron

Little JackSmoking- - Tobacco

5c and lOo packages

should be sufficiently Indiscreet to gomaking one for that land tabu of revo will put up the funds. Men are enlisted

In New York, arms are bought In New OF HAWAII, LTD.goes to the Hotel Muro and plots In histurn. For the government Is one man,as a rule, and he gets rich at it because

lutions, the land of Diaz. When a pro-

fessional revolutionist brews a revolu-

tion for Mexico his escape becomes asimple matter of fteetness of foot. Iftoe is a good runner, . may be he can

Agnt tor

York, may be a ship is chartered InNew York. Then the revolution is Infull tide. It may or may not work out.If a government spy finds out about it,the existing government mobilizes itsarmy by arresting all the men it can

CSOTISH AMERICAN ASSURANCEhe has all the pick ups of administra-tion. And presently hils turn comesaround again, and he enlists men andcharters a ship and buys arms.

Capital, IJ50.000.00.President ...................Cecil BrowVice-Presiden- t.. .........M. P. RobinaoaCashier..... G coopt

Principal Office: Corner Fort aaVKing streets. .

COMPANY, of Toronto, Ontaria. get away. If he 13 not wen, mereINSURANCE CO. of comes a sudden lull In the trade, so far

Pifladelphia. .


SAVINGS DEPOSITS received a&interest allowed for yearly deposits atTHE CATTLE LEGISLATION the rate of 4H per cent per annum.

Rules and regulations furnished unoa

As a HealthfulStimulantFor the system a good beer cannotXtn excelled it is the daily medicinefor people who are never ill. If youhave that "all gone" feeling, ordera caae of

application.In the career of Hon. James II.Blount of Georgia, who died on March

Editor Advertiser: I should like to draw the attention ofthe public to two bills published in the Pacific CommercialAdvertiser of April 2d, 1903. .


General Agents for Hawaii.Faine's CeleryOne is an "Act Relating to the Felonious Branding of

8, there Is an Impressive warningagainst the fatuous policy of haulingdown the American flag In Territoryover which it has been raised in con-formity with right and justice. Mr.Blount was for twenty years a mem-ber of Congress, a gentleman of spotlesscharacter, exalted idealSj and magnifi-cent ability, whose services were both

Cattle"; the other is an "Act Relating to Larceny", i

mpoundo Atlas Assurance Company of London.The first says, whoever shall willfully and feloniously - Assurance company of London.brand or otherwise ihark, any kine, horse, mule, etc., withNew York Underwriters Agency.honorable and brimant. But when, as The Most Remarkable Remedyintent to convert it to his own use, or the use of another shall ti;,'ueDce Washington Insurantcompany. ..".Minister paramount ' from the Unitedbe punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or .in the World. Pfy.DlX Iosurance Company of Brook- -

by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars for each kine.

You will be surprised how quicklyyou recover your' former goodhealth.

2 dozen quart bottles delivered toany part of the city J3.75. We al-low for the return of quart bottlesZS cents per dozen, making the netprice 13.25.

Rainier Bottling

ALBERT RAAS. Mani!frr,horse, mule,' etc., thus branded or marked.. Insurance Department rmThe other goes on to state that, larceny is of two degrees floor Stangenwald building.

States in 1893 he hauled down theAmerican flag in the Hawaiian Islands,where it had been honorably raisedwith the full consent and at the urgentrequest of the recognized authorities,his public usefulness ceased forever,and his' official career ended in eclipse.Judge Blount's integrity was beyondthe shadow of distrust; his motiveswere unassailable, and he profoundly

first and second.

The True Medicine for the Cure cf Di-

seases of the Blood and Nerves.

Fame's Celery Compound curescases given up as hopeless j it buildsup, strengthens, restores. Whentired and discouraged, this great

DON'T FORGET TO RING UPLarceny of the property of the value of more than 50 is.

Works, SrPhone White 133LP. O. Box 617.

in the first degree, and shall be punished by imprisonment athard labor not more than ten years, no alternative fine.

TELEPHONE BAIN 361If you want your dead or oldHorses, Cows or Mules taken '


4K PH!LIP LEINDECKER.done Complete for SaOO '

believed that the act he performed ini medicine will give new life andHawaii in obedience to positive inIt seems to me that of the two, it is very much simpler.

structlons from President Clevelandand has much less element of danger about it. to so aloni: was right and proper. But it was revna.iuy. trainees ujmpounais the ideal medicine and should bein every home.volting to the sense of the American COTTON BROS. & CO

some fine moonlight night and convert to one's own use, afat tame ox, easily worth "0 and over. lie can be stowed away



people, who as a national ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONhumiliation and who placed upon it theIndelible seal of their' displeasure.,in the salt beef cask, and all evidence destroyed, before the TRACTORS.

Plans and Estimates furnish .".Qold 1towner happens to miss the animal. Great events since 1893 have fully vin-

dicated the policy of American expan classes of Contracting Work.Boston Block. Honolulu.

In the case of larceny, the perpetrator has to get into ahouse, and perhaps bump up against a revolver bullet. Even

RAPID TRANSIT ELECTRIC CARStrriT at, and depart from, the main

tranoe of the Moana Hotel every ten

sion which Judge Blount, as the repre-sentative of a short-sighte- d policy, un lH yOUT Hawaii Shinpo Bhaif he does get away1 clear with the "loot", it is as a rule a wisely opposed. Hawaii Is Americanterritory, and so are the Philippines

much easier case to trace than the other.dilutes.



in the capital of which a son of JudgeBlount Is an honored member of the QI have been a rancher on these Islands for twenty-fou- r arretjudiciary. The resentment With whirhyears, and have had during that time, some eight cases of


Thf Pubsher of Hawaiif nly daUy Japanese pappublished in the Territory of HawaiiC. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor.

,T SOGA Editor. 'Trrfi 5 .and PrIntlnr Offlce-- WlfSmith above King. p. o. Box M7.Telephone Main 87.

larceny of animals brought before the courts; out of theTHE CLIFTONJudge Blount's act In Hawaii was logregarded by his fellow countrymen hasall passed away. He was merely theinstrument for the execution of a pur

Hundreds of housewives who neveight, I only secured two convictions, and in each case, the er dye anything, who think theysentence was one Year. can't dye, or imagine it is a task,pose conceived by his official superior.

V. K. JAMES, Proprietor. let the memory of the proceeding lin are losing the good of castaway fabIt is quite probable, that if each of these sentences had gers .still, and it is forever nourished by rics that could be made new withbeen for eight, or ten years, the other six cases would not havePrivate apartments en rulte and sln-- tne deep resolve of the people thatoccurred.fla. Finest appointed and furnished

kouM In Hawaii. Moequlto proofthroughout. Hotel street, near Alakea.

ii p,m mi iii ii n, m,,IAuOIID DYESwhere the American flag 'is placed itshall remain, and that the man whoremoves it from the 'territory honorablyUnder the old law, the limit for cattle stealing was two

years, and it looks as if the lowering of the limit from two, It is an extremely easy process toacquired shall forfeit the suffrages ofVJ.I. 0. IRYM & CO., Ltd.nis fellow citizens. Army and Navv color with Diamond Dyes, andto one year, was offered by our legislative bodies as an induces Journal.

Wm. O. Irwin. ..President and Manager ment to crime. I wonder how the cattle stealing business isClaua Spreckels.... First Vlce-Prenld- en

the cost is but a trifle. They arefor home use and home economy.We hTo a special department of advice, andwill answer free any question about dyeing.

W. M. Gtffard... Second Vlce-Preld- ea t in Kona, KohaJa, Waialae, etc..


"Georgie, get oft that piano!"" 'Sm.' Dwarfed peace."Georgie, take your fist out of your

IL M. Whitney, Jr..Treasurer and Sec'George W. Ross Auditor ISend sample of good when poaaible

.Direction book and 45 dyed sample free.Sugar Factors and Commission Agents DIAMOND DYES. Burllnirto

I am sir, .

Yours sincerely,, L. von TEMPSKY.


Vt.AGENTS FOR THE sbter eye!"Ocesnlc Steamship Company flOTICE


" 'Sm." Sadness on the boy's map."Georgie. take that paper-weig- ht outThe Planters Monthly for MarchOf San Francisco, CaL

AGENTS FOR THE contains a valuable article byR. C L. of your face!"help or advice, is invited to communi-cate, either in person or by letter, withijnsign Nora M. Underhill, matron of

Salvation Armv Wnman'o TnllR.Scottish Union & National Insurance Perkins upon the relations of birds to

insect life in Hawaii, showing howcertain birds are valuable pest de

" 'Sm." Unee of worry forming."Georgie. stop swWw nn

Company of Edinburgh.

THE FIREMAN is In great dangerfrom falling bricks or timbers as weUas from the flames. No lire departmentis properly equipped without a supplyof Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This lini-ment is unexcelled for burns aridbruises. One application gives relief.Try it. Benson. Smith & Co., Ltd.,wholesale agents, sell it.

WOhelma of Magdeburg General In trial Home, Young street, between Ar-tesian and McCullv KtrMta mAiikachandelier!"surance Company. stroyers; while others are destroyers of

harmless insects which in turn destroyside, HonoPuhi.Associated Assurance Company of " "Sm." The world seemed cruel."Georgie, get off that w t..Insects dangerous to plant life. . It just blacked it!" RE 31 OTA L NOTICE.

Munich & Berlin.Alliance Marine-- & General Assurance

Co., Ltd., of London.Royal Insurance Company of Liver-

pool. Alliance Assurance - Company ofLondon.

Rochester German Insurance Com-pany cf N. Y.

'Sm. Truly the world was hard.Georgie, answer the door-bell- !"

Sm." and GeorsHa t- -

should be read by every one interestedin agriculture in Hawaii, as intelligentaction on the lines suggested by Mr.Perkins Is vital to agriculture In this

THE TOWNSEND UNDERTAKINGThe only places where the new lawecan be found are In the Advertiser Co. and the Honolulu Mutual Burialo-- - .i-- i. in xdui, tne Association have removed to the DayAnrt V, rtfflnlni .4 ri i , r-, i TilnmVn,. u

Territory- - Building, 124 Beretania street, near cor"viai ouu Luiiiiueri;iai - tame to install a Soup-lii-onL Patent. Closet. ner of Fort street.

Phone Main 41L 442

Page 7: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M


THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAi: ADVERTISER, , HONOLULU, APRIL 13 iwt Francisco. According to present plans,' Captain Piltz will go out in commandof the Hanalei. She is to sail about


wealth was to him only a great trustto be administered for the good of hiskind." .

And then Mr. W. A. Bow en paid that'



April 22.. . : -

Moana' Hoodoo Experience.VICTORIA, April 3. The trip of the

Moana to this port seems to have been

jhigh tribute to the man who had beenhis employer In his early life, hia part-ner in later years. "I knew Mr. Ather- -

jton." he said, "not so well, nerhaws.1

By order of John F. Colburn. execu-tor of the Will of Antone Rosa. Utedeceased, acting under order of thProbate Court of the First JudicialCircuit. I shall, at 12 o'clock noon,OX SATURDAY, THE ISih DAY

OF APRIL, 1903.

nor so long as some who are here.(Continued from page 1.)-

but I knew him closely and intimately,first as the cashier and bookkeeper for

; in a sense hoodooed. The. first evidenceof it ws in the discovery on board of

a Jonah in the person of a stowaway.! He was placed under arrest, and when

a tribute to the man whom all mournedso sincerely, , a Castle & Cooke, later as a partner In

the House. For twenty-fiv- e yearsThen Ir. Cooke announced that the : Vl 4 V C K.CkrY iilantllln'l : . l ,1 .esson of the service would h from 1 1. ji ; ." t lu " ma lime i never received an

that sadly sweet chapter of First Cor- - order from Mr. Atherton to do a wrongInthlans, which Is known as the death j thtnS"-- JI as a man whom I neverchapter, but which is so wonderfully j knew" to do a wrng thing. He. was

OT03XACXX always cheerful, even in the darkest

At my auction room In Honolulu.Island of Oahur offer for sale at Pub-lic Auction to the highest bidder, allof the right, title and interest of thesaid Antone Rosa, and his estate in andto that certain Heal Estate situate atKaalawai beyond Diamond Head, atidbeing Lot 4 of the Kaalawai Lots, for-merly owned - Antone Rosa, de-ceased, and beu.B . portion of L. C. A.S559B, Apana 32, to W. C. : Lunalllo,This lot has a frontage of 100 feetwith an average depth of 260 feet, hasa commodious dwelling houte andstable thereon and Government waterIs laid on. There is growing on thislot an old and valuable shade treeknown as the "Hau" which for shade

times, for he had the love of God inhi3 heart. Many a time, when theclouds hung darkest, he has said to

the vessel arrived here the first officerwent up to the police station for a con-

stable to come down and take him incharge. got back the stowaway had flown. Not long after thatthe coal barge tied up alongside thesteamer was cut adrift and had to bechased after out to Brockton Point,Last night a" luncheon was sent outfrcm the Moana to the coal handlers,consisting of coffee and edibles anda short time after every one who par-took of it was exceedingly ilL Medicalaid was summoned, and all the men areout of danger, but they are not likelyto feel well for a day or two. Whathad got into the coffee, or food, has notbeen stated. . f .

me: 'Bowen, what Is the use of worry


- - ii t

"With the Installation of the cablestation on Midway Island there will bean effort to prevent Mr. Rat from tak-

ing up a residence there along with thecable staff. The steamer Hanalei, ofthe Inter-Islan- d Company, which Isnow being- - outfitted by the Pacific Com-

mercial Cable Company to carry sup-plies and building materials to Midway

consoling to humanity in the lastaffliction. "We have come together."Mr. Cooka said, "to honor the memoryOf a man we all loved. For three termshe was the president of our society,accepting the presidency the third timewhen he was too ill really to do thework, but because , he thought it was

ing. And that was always his nature,ine ume for worry Is the time fordecision. He decided and after thathe did the right. For his decisions were and coolness Is unsurpassed.

This lot can be reached from eitherthe Beach Road or that leading around

in the way of right, always."Many others of those present at the

meeting, besides these, paid tribute tothe memory of Mr. Atherton. i

his duty to accept it, and because therewas found no younger member whowould take it. I admit that it is. with

WEAK BACKSome people suffer from this ailment

nearly all their lives. They are ner-vous and despondent through loss ofsleep. The fact is their kidneys areweak and are enable to perform theirfunctions. The best . medicine tostrengthen the kidneys, stimulate theliver and cure INDIGESTION. DYS-PEPSIA, SLEEPLESSNESS OR MA-LARIA, FEVER AND AGUE, la


Diamond Head, and is one of the rareopportunities offered for securing oneof the finest seaside residences of ourlimited beach.

LODGE NOTICESconsiderable trepidation that I havetaken up the work that has fallen from

Terms of the sale is cash In U. 3.Gold Coin, and deed at expense of pur

KAUAI CHANNELIS VERY ROUGH chaser.- - The sale Is subject to the con-

firmation of the Court.

and Guam for the cable stations there,is being; safe-guard- ed against a possibleInvasion of rats Into her . hold. Thesteamer Is being held off from thewharf several - feet, and the mooringhawsers are equipped with rat guar3s.No opportunity is given for the wharfrats to crawl aboard at any place.The Hanalei has been lying in thestream for some time, out of commls- -

For further information and particuPACIFIC LODGE KO. 822,A. F. & A. H.

his able hands. He was a man whodid well whatever his hands found todo, a man whose whole life was fullof love for his kind, a man who showedhfs love to God by his love for his

lars, inquire of the Executor who willsubmit. a map and accompany Intend-ing purchasers to the lot to view sameif desired.

The Inter-Islan- d steamer W. G. Hallarrived yesterday morning from Kauaiwith 6,000 bags of sugar,' 27 bundles ofhides and 30 packages of sundries. Thepurser reports the Mikahala at Waimeadischarging lumber, the shlp W.J B

Jslon, and following their usual custom,JAS. F. MORGAN.

Honolulu, March 18. 1S03. 6416

THERE WILL BE A SPECIALmeeting of Paciflc Lodge, A. F. & A.M., at Masonic Temple, this Monday,April 13, at 7:30 p. m.



S. D. C.Sturtevant's Dental Cream. THRUM ESTATE.

fellowman."The president of the Y. M. C. A. then

Introduced P. C. Jones, who had beena. school fellow of .Mr. Atherton inBoston sixty years ago, and who spok'efrom a heart filled with love for himwho had endeared himself to all Ho-nolulu by his noble life.

"We were at school together In Bos-ton, sixty years ago, Mr. Atherton and


wharf rats have a curiosity to seewhether or not they like a newly moor-ed boat. Some take a fancy to themand make their homes in the dark cor-

ners of the hold.. Midway Island needsmany Improvements and the introduc-tion of certain domestic animals tomake it comfortable and homelike forthe cable staffs, but they believe theycan get along verywell without rats.

The Hanalei is taking on a large

FIRST CIRCUIT. TERRITORYle Progres, and all sojourning brethren

Flint at Makaweli discharging freight,the schooner Ka Mol at Eleele dis-

charging lumber. Strong northeastwinds "were blowing over Kauai, ac-companied by heavy rains. The W. G.Hall encountered strong northeastwinds and choppy seas while crossingthe channel.


are fraternally invited to attend.By order of the R. W. M.

C. F. MURRAT,Secretary.Globe Bakery

I'orf 8t aboTe Vineyard

I," said Mr. Jones. "We were born inthat town, within a few blocks of each



In the Matter of the Estate of GeorgeE. A. Thrum, late of Honolulu.Oahu, Deceased Order of Notice ofHearing Petition for Allowance ofFinal Accounts, Distribution and

'. Discharge. '

On reading and filing the Petition andAccounts of Thomas G. Thrum, Execu-tor of the Will of George E. A. Thrum,

other. . "U'e attended the same school,and we went into business at the same I O O. F.amount. of coal, and the work of cleans-

ing, painting and overhauling the vessel time. For sixty years he was in myBig 8ugar Reserve. '

The following sugar Is reported readyfor shipment on Kauai: K. S. M.,-3,00- 0

Now eellinar for 15fl ter dozen, Snail, will be done this week, so that she will mind; more or less, all the time, andBans. .Perkins, Suffar, mon. Currant in readiness to take the material in those days of our young manhoodand White uinger uiscutts, Jeuey caxe. bags; V. K.. 1.100; W., 400; M. A. K., '

in Boston I used to meet him every dayScotch Bans and Oat Meal Cakes at lOo and supplies aboard from the Alameda,which arrives on April 17 from San There will be a regular meeting of i siisrk nn 9r9 him..) ,ohper doz. Call and get some. of my life. He was Interested In relig-

ious work, even then, though I wasLodge No. 1. L O. O. F, atEasier 53093.53, and aske thilt the 8arne mayBeretania and Miller be examined and approved, and thatstreet, every Tuesday evening at 7:30 - . n.r v o .

fnot. I came to Honolulu In 1857. Mr,J. S. BAILEYO C IOC it-- I ; s il. '

i' Try OUR Famous White Bread; the Atherton, who was of delicate const! vf,. Tio. t ii U1-- l"e properly remaininff in ins

17.150; G.s& R-- , 3,200; McB., 21.S00; K.P.. 2,600; H. M.. 4,650; G. P., 1,300; M.S. Co., 83,987; K. S. Co.. 1,500.


Shipping Notea.The Kinau went on the Marine Rail-

way Saturday for an overhauling pfher hull.

The Ipter-Islan- d wharves were

BEST in the city. Phone White 3351. tution there was consumption in his visiting brethrenT arrcorally Invited the persons thereto entitled.MORTGAGOR'S NOTICE OF INTEN-

TION OF FORECLOSURE ANDSALE. uisnudiguig mm hiju uis BureurL. PETRIE N G

L. L. LA PIERRE, Secretary. a'1 iU1Wi" pUIlololilljr nB BU1.afamily was compelled finally to leavethe rigorous New England climate andhe came here in 1S58. He went Into heThe Volcano House Notice Is hereby given that pursuant

to the power of sale contained In that employ, first of D. C. Waterman, a WILLIAH, 51KINLEY LOI2&E day o May X. d. 1903, at te'nlittle later going with the firm of Cas NO. S. K. OT P. a. m., before the Judge of said Court

certain mortgage dated January 27th,1902, made by J. S. Bailey of Hono-lulu. Island of Oahu. mortgagor, and

crowded yesterday with steamers ofat the Court Room of the ald Courttie & Cooke, of which he afterwards

on Hawaii.

8T. CLAIR BIDGOOD, Manager. .

Elevation 4,COO feet.No Mosquitoes.

THERE WILL BE A EE-- 1 at Honolulu, Island of Oahu. be andWilder & Co., Limited, a domestic cor became the head.. He had been a closecommunion Baptist In Boston, butporation, mortgagee, and recorded in gnlar oonventaon of the above the 8ame hereby 18 appointed as the

the Registry Office, Oahu, In Liber 230, wms Ptu x ru--nimiAcl Lodtre Sarnrdav even tlon and Accountat and that an personthere was no Baptist Church here whenon pages 2.0 ana Zi2, the mortgagee in

that company, all In from the otherislands with sugar cargoes.

Everything was quiet ' along thewaterfront yesterday. In the harborabout the only activity was the sailingof miniature yachts, the owners follow-ing them about In canoes. :

mg, April 11, in Harmony I interested may then and there appeartends to foreclose said mortgage for he came, and he allied himself at onceHall, at 70. .. I and show cause, if any they have, whyconditions broken, to wit: non-payme- nt with the old Fort Street Church. InAfl IDEAL RESORT

for rest, recuperation, recreation. of the principal and Interest when due. WORK IN SECOND RANK. l"c cttthat church his agency drew me to thinkNotice is likewise given that the Members of Oahu No. .1 end Mystic tLTititlpfl trt th oqM nrnnnrfv. Anil fhatupon religion, and I may say that his--1 property conveyed by said mortgageNo. 2 and all sojourning brothers are notlce of this Order in the English lan- -influence finally made me a Christian,RICHARD H. TRERT, Gcn'l Agt. will be sold at public auction at the WHAT IS PAIN BALM? invited to rooms of Jas. F. Morgan. H.o In all my dealings with him, in religious A. S. PRESCOTT.

guage,. be published In the Pacific Com-mercial Advertiser newspaper printedand published in Honolulu, for three

nolulu, Oahu, on Saturday, the 9th day work, Jn business, as fellow members K. of R, A RIof May, 1903. at 12 o'clock noon.

The property conveyed by said mort on many boards of trustees, his influCA PT. COOK LODUE.

successive weeks the last publicationto be not less than two weeks previousto the time therein appointed for said

ence upon me was always a good ingage and intended to be sold, as afore-said, consists of that certain indenture

hearing.of lease of the premises situated on the SONS OF ST. GEORGE, NO. 353.

Corner Fort and Merchant Streets.


lease the Stores and'OfEcea in our newbuilding, corner King and AlakeaHreets, will be received. Possessionand occupancy to commence on orabout May 1st. 1902. ','

KAPIOIjANI "ESTATE, LIMITED.Honolulu. April 1. 1903. 443

Dated at Honolulu, this 21st day ofmauka sid of the Government Pump THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE March, 1903.above Lodge will be held In San Anlng Station on Alapai srtreet, in said

Honolulu, area one-eigh- th (l-8t- h) of an

Chamberlain's Pain Ba!m la a lini-ment, and while adapted to til the or-

dinary uses of a liniment, Las qualitieswhich distinguish it from other reme-dies of this class. Pain Ba'rh Is espe-

cially beneficial for rheumatism.' Thou-sands of cases can be cited In whichthis remedy has effected a cure whenthe sufTerer had previously tried thebest medical service without securingrelief. Pain Balm is positively guaran-teed to give relief in the most severe

tonio Hall, Vineyard street, on Monacre, given by Queen Dowager Kapio day, April 13th, at 7:30 o'clock.lani to J. M. .Vivas, dated October 6ih,

W.J.ROBINSON,' Third Judge Flret Circuit Coart.R. Di Mead, Attorney for Petitioner.

X6434 Mar. 23, 30, April ;6, 13


1S97, and recorded In the ofTiee of the By order.GEO. W. HATSELDEN,

Secretary.Registrar of Conveyances, in said Hono

fluence. I loved him- - If any man inthe world ever had the true 'Christianspirit, he had it. He was no fairweather Christian. His faith sustainedhim through all trials, and brought himtriumphant. In all my knowledge ofhim, though I have seen him arousedto righteous wrath, I never knew himto give way to anger. He was a manwho had the love of God in his heart, ifever a man had. He showed it in thatgreat .charity which led him to help hisfellow men always. No man knows,no man will ever know, how much he


lulu, in Liber 185. on folios 206 and 203,

for the term cf fourteen years (11)from October 6th. 1897, at an annualrental of Twelve Dollars ($12), and as-signed by the said J. M. Vivas to A. F.Cooke.- - Trustee, by assignment dated

NEW 1903 cases of chronic or acute rheumatism. all HAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE BUSINESS OF THE HONO--Pain Balm heals bruises, burns and the firm of Sing Lung Co., No. 212 Nuu- -

lulu Hardware Co., Ltd.. is being closedanu street, are hereby requested toscald3 in less time than any other treat

" Spalding Baseball GoodsAT TBS

HAWAIIAN HEWS COMPT, LMJanuary 12th. 1S99. and recorded in the up and the firm is retiring from busipresent the same within fifteen daysment. It Is "antiseptic." that 13, It

from date.did In the way of charity. No man everSING LUNG COMPANY.

ness. Any one navlng claims againstsaid firm must present them beforeMay 1st and any one owing said com-pany will pleaee settle their account

MEBCHAST BTKEET.prevents putrefaction, and by so doinggenerally prevents an . unsightly scar Dated Honolulu. Anril 6. 1903. 6446

remaining after the Injury Is' healed. before above date with the Treasurer,CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. C. M. Tal, No. 39 N. King street.For lame back, lumbago and neuralgia,

Pain Balm has no equal. It has the

went to him, asking help, and needingit. who found that help refused.

"I had thought he had been presidentbut twice of the T. M. C. A., but Iknew that from the first he took a deepinterest in the work of this institution.He was, in fact, one of the best men

HO FON.' President.

Honolulu. ApVil 1st. 1903. A6446THE EUROPEAN RESTAURANT

OfTice of the Registrar of Conveyancesin Liber 185. folios 206 and 208. and bysaid A. F. Cooke te J. S. Bailev. thesaid mortgagor, dated November 30th,1901, and recorded in the said Registryin Liber 22S, on folio 422.

There Is a two-etor-y building on thepremises insured for Fifteen HundredDollars ($1500.00). Terms Cash. U. S.Gold coin. Deeds at the expense of thepurchaser. '

For further' particulars apply tomortgagee or to its attorneys. Atkinson& Judd. Judd Building. Honolulu.

WILDER & CO., LIMITED.Mortgagee.

Dated Honolulu. March 31st. 1903.

quality of "getting to the right epot."No sufferer from these distressing af-- No. 1133 Fort street, opposite the Clu

HSTotice I' The Red Front is the only place intown to bay Woolen Goods reasonably.Also carry a full line of

SExrs clothixs ii3 FinusHiis crocs

RCD FRONTCor. Queen and Xanana.

Stables, has Just been purchased byfectlons should defer a trial of this C. M. Tal will continue the businessChock Sing, the popular restaurantremedy. One application gives relief. ! 1 have ever

'knvown' a"dJ have. known

man at the same place...keeper, who will take charge on Satmany men. Above all, he was a urday. April 4th. He will conduct aTry it. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd..ANNUAL MEETING.wholesale agents, sell it. first class establishment. Twenty-on- e

meal tickets will be sold for $4.50. 6444faithful to every trust. To the youngmen here, I do not say that Mr. Ather-ton was a brilliant man. But let thoseBut. mamma," protested Miss Bui THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND

MATURITY CO., LTD.BOOKS CLOSED.young men here learn from; his lifeOaiiu IceElectric Co.

nuy are you eenain out invira- - 1" .

tlons for tne les?son of that faithfulness that willa diamond wedding? YouWAILUKU SUGAR COMPANY. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEET- -, ; always lead men to success, wnen nethaven't been married nearly Ine of this company will be held at Its



enough for that." "What's that got todo with it?" demanded Mrs. Bulvon: the stock books of the above Company

went to work for a firm he did notcount his salary as the only rewardfor his labor. He was loyal In faith tohis employers, and his Interest he made

rder promptly flUea. xeuzuueiui.

Hoffman & HaridianuP.O. Box 600. Oflc: Kewalo.

will be closed, from the 13th to the 15thIn Honolulu, on Saturday, 11th April.1903, at 1 p. m., for the purpose of con-sidering amendments to its present by

your father's financial standing would I

make anything less than a diamond , insts. inclusive.GEO. H. ROBERTSON.

Treasurer.laws, and other important business.their Interest. And he became thewedding absurd.' Chicago Evening

head of the firm. That is an example Honolulu. April 6th, 1903.L. K. KENTWELL,Post. Tiatd Honolulu. ADril 11th. 1903. 6452J. 7. L. r.lcCuIre that all young men may follow with President Hawaiian Realty and MaOEIST profit." turity Co.. Ltd.TO CURE DANDRUFF. REMOVAL NOTICE.

Notice is hereby given that pursuantto the power of sale contained In thatcertain mortgage dated October 8. 1501,made by S. K. Ka-n- e of Honolulu. Is-

land of Oahu, and Kealoha Ka-n- e ofaid Honolulu, his wife, mortgagors to

Henry Smith, Trustee, of said Hono-lulu, mortgagee, and recorded in theoffice of the Registrar of ConveyancesIn Honolulu in Book 2C7 on races 1S2.

1S3 and ISt. Henry Smith, the mortga-gee aforesaid, Intends to foreclose thesaii mortgage for conditions broken,to-w- it. the non-payme- nt of the princi

The Dillingham quartet sang, andthen Mr. B. F. Dillingham arose andpaid his tribute to the memory 6f his

It Is Necessary that the Dandruff GermDR. GEO. W. BURGESS, 240 S.

Orders Vett at

Hawaiian Bazaar,Masonic Building

Alakea and Hotl SU. Phone Min S87

Be Eradicated.'Destroy the cause, you remove the friend. "1 was Impressed with these

qualities in the character of Mr. AtherKing street, will remove to corner Fort TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS OF

THE OCEANIC GAS & ELECand Vineyard street, on April 30. 1903.TRIC CO., LTD.

6447effect." Kill the germ that causes dan-druff, falling hair and baldness, youwill have no more dandruff and your ALL PERSONS OWING MONEYS

to or having claims against thehair must grow luxuriantly. Herpicidepal-an- d Interest of the mortgage debtwhen due.

Notice is likewise given thr.t the pre- -Oceanic Gas & Electric Co., Ltd., arehereby requested to make Immediate

23 rr okaGlllman House



not only contains the dandruff germdestroy;, but it is also a most delight-ful hair dressing for regular toilet use. settlement of accounts or presentationmlses conveyeu uy pi m .E,..e.

be sold at public auction at the auction7?. - .rM.IX

of claims to.L. C. Abies, Merchantstreet. Honolulu. T. II.OCEANIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO.,

rooms of James F. Morgan, nQueen street. Honolulu, uar.u, Sat-

urday the second day of May, A. D.

1S3. at twelve o'clock noon.LTD.

By M. P. Robinson, President.Honolulu. April 8, 1903. A6443The premises covered dv saia mort

ton." he said, "his rectitude of thought,his honesty of purpose, his purity oflife. His great accomplishments showsomething of his fidelity and strengthof purpose. He was a man who didgreat things, and his life is an example,not to the young alone, but to some ofus who have attained more years, anexample to do good, as he did, where-ev- er

comes. He wasa man, if there ever Was a man, whocarried his religious principles withhim into his daily life. It was. withhim. no mere garment to put oaandoff with occasion. He lived the faiththat was in him. day by day."

"There is no corporation in this city,"said Secretary- Brown of the Y. M.C. A., "that stands more for squaredealing, that so sets its face againsttricky bargaining, as Castle & Cooke,

gage and to be sold are as follows:ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.All those certain pieces or parcrm u.

land situated at Yaikikl-kai in the Ke--

No other hair preparation is on thissciertific basis of destroying the dand-ruff germ, and none other claims to be.for the simple reason that It i3 onlyrecently that a destroyer of the germhas been discovered Newbro's Herpi-cide. the only hair preparation thatactually kills dandruff.


Twenty odd new statutes have beenpassed by the Legislature, signed bythe Governor, and are now the law ofthe Territory. It will be sixty daysprobably, before these laws are avail-

able In book form. Meanwhile they

kio Tract. Honolulu. Oanu, reng a pt'r- - THE UNDERSIGNED HAH TliliiAsti Wines

Sst Table Wines in Use. Sold by1J Liquor Dealers.

tin of Ar.ana 2 of Royal patent oo.. day taken possession of the place ofbusiness of M. Chiya. corner Hotel ana

RiPs TilL. C. A. No. C931 to Iona Pehu for Kee-kap- u.

containing an area of 10.2.

square feet more or less, the same be-

ing Lots 15 and 15 in a Map of saidNuuanu streets, undtr and by virtue ofa certain deed of assignment for thebenefit of creditors, dated the 2nd day

Electric Signs of April. 1903. All claims against thesaid M- - Chiya must be presented toKekio Tract recorded in lioer io-o- n

page 27S in the said ofTiee of the Re-

gistrar of Conveyances. the undersigned at the office No. 113

N. King street within thirty days fromare all being published, immediately;tnsde to order at shortnotice. Terms Cash In L. . uoiu

deeds at expense of purchasers. date.upon their passage. In the Official and ! of which Mr. Atherton was the head.Commercial Record. Subscribe for a ,He was a man of honesty and fidelity . F. OZAKI,Dated Honolulu. April 7,

HENRT SMllii, 6452 Assignee oi ai. nij a.GCUDEY KcLEAN C0-- , OF HAWAII11S6 Union Street. Trustee. Mortgagee, copy and find out what the law is. in all of his relations, and his great


Page 8: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M

raa PXOFrG commerciai! advertiser .Honolulu, april is,

ooocoooooaxooooooooocccc.;jlarge congregations at all the services. MERCHANTS




post- - immi i:


Blue and WhiteJapaneseCotton Rugs

They are very popular.We have them in all sizesand in several differentfigures.

Chinese MattingRug:S

These are very pretty forthe dining room,bed rooms,etcOn display in our windows.

Lowers & Cooke Ltd177 South King Street.


Telephone Mala t&fi P. O. Box V3

HawaiianJapanese Ballasting Co,

Office:1018 Smith St., near King.

BI.&CH 8ANDDelivered for J2.00 to per' km.

according to distance.

Filling . In material either art jcoral, furnished at a very low we have a large stock on hand.

CONCRETE WORK guaranteed. edone at a very low pric.

Special low price In CRUSHEDROCK of 1I grades from No. 1 to Ka.5, or rock sand.

COMMON DRAT, $5.00 per day.LARGE DRAT, 13.00 per day.

Keystone-Elgi-nWATCH ES

Durable and AccurateTHE KEYSTONE


Philadelphia, U.S.A.AMERICA'S OLDEST


For sale hy ihPrincipal WatchIealera in thHawaiian Itlanda


LOVEJOY & CO., LTD.Nuuanu street corner of Merchant.

Tel. Main 308. ,

1014 NUUANU STREET.. (Formerly Murata)

Straw Hat Factory



Everybody RidesIf you ride, and are not auite satisfied

with your mount, or if you don't ridebut think you'd like to, we have somainteresting things to say to you.

New and Second HandWheels

Repairing neatly done at '

YoshikawaOn King street near Alakea. - craxk.

Young Building

Honslnln Frenca Lanndrj

Still remains at 1104 King street. ntrPiikol street, and ha NO connectionwith the Beretania street laundry.

Reasonable prices; gents White BWrtflaundered for 10c. 'Pbon Whiu 41J.

Again Open lor Business.

RIVER MILL CO., Pauahi streetRiver, Contractors and Builders, alHouse Material and Fqrnlture. Orrlpromptly attended to.

Tel. Blue J46. P. O. Box

C BREWER & CO.. LTD.Sugar Factors and Comissioa Mer

cnants. -LIST OF OFFICERS.C M. Cooke, President; Gorg B.

Robertson, Manager; E. F. BUho,Treasurer and Secretary; CoL W.Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jones, IL WfcWbouse. G. R. Carter, Directors.



Union St. nr. Hotel St. Phone MainP. O. Box 603.

Light Machine Work. AutomobileBuilt and Repaired. Experts on Cau

Outside Work. Nickel and CopperPlating.

Easter Flowers

At 6 and 8 a. m. a large "uuiuceived the Holy Communion. The Ha-

waiian service at 9:20, with its choirof vested men and boys, was greatlyenjoyed by the many who were pres-

ent.At 11 a. m. Bishop Restarick cele-

brated the Holy Communion, andpreached from the text: 'I am come

that they might have life." Manychairs were brought into the Cathedral,but all could not find seats.

At 3:30 p. m. the Sunday Schools of

the Episcopal Church in Honolulu, St.Andrew's, St. Clement's, St. Elizabeth's,St. Peter's, and the school at Moiliili,were In attendance. Many of theclasses had bannersand in the proces-

sion around the church the many-colore- d

standards were most effective.About five hundred children were pres-

ent..v At 7:30 p. m, the church was againfilled, the Honolulu Commandery ofKnights Templar attending in a body.The Bishop again preached. The offerings for the day amounted to J1.2S5.60.

This does not include the offering ofthe children to missions, which was 3S.

; The church was beautifully decoratedwith palms and flowers. The musiowas well rendered by the large choirof men and women, with Mrs. L. T.Folsom at the organ and . George F.Davies choir director.

. The Cathedral was the recipient ofmany gifts. The Woman's Guild hadplaced new and handsome pews in thecentral part of the Church, those forthe side not being yet finished.


The auditorium of Central Unionchurch was most attractively decoratedwith flowers, the portion devoted tothe organ loft and pulpit platform being massed with bloom. Great clustersof lilies flanked the platform while oth-

er flowers rose in pure whiteness fromartistically arranged palms, greens,ferns and banana stalks. A huge pan-dan- us

in the organ loft completed anEaster picture of extreme beauty. Boththe morning and evening services werelargely attended. The morning ser-

vices brought forth a crowd of wor-

shippers which taxed the capacity ofthe auditorium and gallery.

An elaborate program or music waspresented by a choir numbering twentypersons. The quartet composed of Mrs.A. H. Otis, Mrs. Whitney, Mr. Elstonand Mr. Livingstone, sang with ex-

quisite effect the "Magdalene," and theoffertory solo, "The King of Glory,"was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Otis.Rev. Martin D. Hardin' preached.

In the evening there was a praise service, the principal feature of whichwas the rendition of Dudley Buck'scantata, "Christ the Victor." The principals were Mrs. Otis, Mrs. Whitneyand Mr. Livingstone, supported by. thefull choir. The cantata was admirably given and held the attention of thecongregation throughout.. .

ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL.The Roman Catholic Cathedral in

terior presented a beautiful sight withits flashing altar ornaments and' can-

delabra, with lighted candles, the back-ground for which was a tasteful ar-rangement of white flowers and ferns.The floral decorations were not manybut the simple arrangement was ef-

fective. At all the services there werecrowds of worshippers, the greatestthrong being present at the High Massin the forenoon and the evening ser-vice.. Pro Vicar Libert officiated at theHigh Mass, assisted by the entire cler-gy, all arrayed in the gorgeous vest-ments of the Easter-tid- e. The musicwas of a high order, and in a meas-ure, about the finest that the choir hasever presented. The solos of Miss AliceCampbell and Father Valentin were tneprincipal features of the music, andwere beautifully eung, adding to themajesty of the Roman Catholic ritual.

AT ST. CLEMENT'S.The Easter services at St. Clement's

church, Punahou, were well attended.the morning the church was filled

its utmost capacity, the service wasgood and . hearty and" the music wasextremely pretty. The rector preached

the Resurrection, which he holdsbe the resurrection of the body asknow It in this life, and that in

the great resurrection the souls of thedeparted shall be reunited to the body.and in that form will be rewarded orpunished. In the evening, owing to therain, the attendance was smalL A verybeautifully worked superfrontal,and ahandsome brass altar book rest werepresented to the church in the morning.

The offertory for the day amountedJ1S2.35. which is a most liberal con

tribution for so small a ehurch, andvery gratifying to all interested. Themusic will be repeated next Sundaymorning and evening. -

In the Methodist, Christian, Kawai--ahao and the various smaller churches

chapels the Easter spirit was ob-served In the display of flowers.

Public spirit rewarded: "I see Sben- -is assessed twice as much on his

personal property as he was last year."les; tne assessor found out he was

only man living in the block thatraia anyinmg ror having the streetsprinkled last summer, and we socked

to him." Chicago Tribune.t

The Commercial and Officiali n ..iwiu cuuiums an mminrr

notices and all corporation notices of every kind and descrip- -uuu. ii is mvaiuaDie to-th-


(Continued from page 1.)

Committee for a specific object of the

utmost public Importance. Its proposed

work appeals to every individual prop-

erty owner, merchant and those who

depend on general and diversified pros


"The Joint Tourist Committee hasformulated plans for the active andvigorous promotion of towist travel tothese islands. Sufficient and reliablefunds nro renulred for this purpose. Itis impossible to base our operationssolely on private subscriptions. .No

more practical, proper and tangiblebasis than the tonnage tax could be devised, supplemented by private sub-

scriptions, which might then, with con-

sistency, be sought. The tonnage taxis a voluntary and public spiritedcontribution of the merchants as rep-

resented in" the Chamber of Commerceand Merchants' Association, whose ex-

pressed desires should have greatweight. '."

"Two months of valuable time havealready been lost solely on account oflack of revenue, and we trust your or-

ganizations may be able to devise theways and means to furnish the avail-

able funds."As soon as the letter from Chair-

man Smith had been read it was mov-

ed in the Chamber to lay it on thetable and thank the committee. Thefight was made by F. W. Macfarlane,who asked the Shippers' Wharf Com-

mittee for information as to what stepswere being taken to. secure repaymentfor the Quarantine wharf, and If thatmoney might be had by the TouristCommittee. All that could be learnedwas that the committee did not feelthat the money raised for quarantinepurposes could be expended for otherpurposes.

After a deal of talk on the same lines,on motion of McCandless it was votedthat the Tourist Committee should beasked to hold a meeting with the Shippers Wharf Committee, for the purposeof reaching a joint understanding. Onthis basis the matter was closed for thepresent in the Chamber.

MERCHANTS WANT ACTION.As soon as the letter had been read

In the" Merchants' Association, Mr.Macfarlane told what had been done inthe Chamber and declared that in hisopinion it was simply a case of whipping the devil around the stump, thatit was not the intention of the com-

mittee to permit the Tourist Committeeto get any of the money,- - and he fa-

vored the pressing of the recommenda-tion of the Governor for an appropriation, and every merchant working forthis nucleus for the fund.

C. S. Wight said that the money camefrom the merchants and he thought theproper course was to make a requestand then a demand for the money or ashare of it. Macfarlane said that hehad tried to get information from thatWharf Committee, and it was useless.

W. W. Hall said that he would favora trial of the plan to get together firstand that failing then the merchantsshould act. He said that the merchantscould refuse to pay the tax, for theyhad the advice of lawyers to that effect. Wight and Capt. King both tookthi3 view and Rothwell made a long.clear statement of the case, saying thatthere should be an argument presentedshowing the determination of the merchants and the reasons why the touristproposals must go through. He alsothought further payment of the taxmight be the result of the disagree-ment.

After further argument it was decided that the committee should begiven time for a conference with the J

eiinpcio, so uia-- i acnon may oe naalater, the sense being1 that the mercnants wm take up Xhe subject andhandle It, if there is no disposition onthe part of the Shippers' Wharf Committee to aid in the work. .

The Commercial and OfficialRecord has come to stay. It isfilling a long felt want. 46



SLOOThe latest shirt designs andin great variety. No troubleabout making a selectionfrom this stock. They'rethe Monarch brand.




At the old Dowsett yard. Queenstreet, next to Hollinger's ShoeingShoD. I will sell at Public Auction alarge number cf iron and rubber tiredvehicles, as follows:

2 axle Delivery Wagons.2 Canopy Top Road Wagons.1 Piano Box Buggy.2 Phaetons.

.1 ch axle Delivery Wagon.1 Surrey.2 Canopy Top Buggies.1 Bow Top Buggy.1 Lumber Dray with Roller.1 Farm Gear.



iction SaleOF


AT 10 O'CLOCK A. If.,'At the Dowsett yard. Queen street,

next to Hollinger's Shoeing Shop, I willsell at Public Auction, a number ofmules.



Auction Sale of StockShares Whitney & Marsh, Ltd.


At my salesroom, 42 Queen street,Honolulu, I will sell at Public Auction,for account of whom it may concern,by order of Messrs. Humphreys &Watson, Attorneys, the followingshares of stock:

100 shares of the capital stock ofWhitney & Marsh. Ltd., represented bycertificate No. 45.

JAS. P MORGAN,Auctioneer.


Auction Sale of Stock

Shares Whitney & Harsh, Ltd.


At my salesroom, 42 Queen street.Honolulu, I will eell at Public Auction.for. account of whom it may concern,oy order of Messrs. . Humphreys &Watson, Attorneys, the followingsnares of stock: .

200 shares of the capital stock ofWhitney & Marsh, Ltd., represented bycertificates Nos. 33, 34 and 35 for 100.60 and 50 shares respectively.

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

TODAYAuction Silo of Stock

Shares Whitney Olarsh. Ltd.


At .my salesroom, 42 Queen street.Honolulu, I will sell at Public Auction,for account of whom it may concern,by order of Messrs. HumDhrevswatson. Attorneys, the followingsnares or stock:

iu4 snares or the capital stock ofWhitney & Marsh, Ltd.. represented bycertificates Nos. 6, 36, 40. 41. 43. 44 and

for 20, 20, 10, 10, 20, 14 and 10 sharesrespectively.


Ruction SaleOF

Household Furniture


At the residence of Mrs. D. W. Roach.Hotel street, corner of Adams to Hart & Co., I will sell at PublicAuction all of the goods, consisting of I

some very nice household furniture:Parlor Rugs, Pictures, Tables,Rockers, Chairs, Sofa, Curtains,Matting, Fine Oak Bedroom Set. forIron Beds, Moss Mattresses.Toilet Sets, Dining Table and Chairs,bewing .Machine, Kitchen Stove,Ice Box, Meat Safe. Crockery.Kitchen Utensils andFerns and Palms.

Jas. F. Morgan,

Lare Offering of

St. Andrew'sPeo pie,

Imposing Ceremony atthe Catholic


The Special Services at Central

Union and Other


There were most elaborate Easterservices at the several churches In thecity yesterday, and every place or wor-

ship drew Its throngr of well dressedpeople who came out to mark the pas-sa- ee

of the nenltential season. At St.

Andrew's and at the Catholic Cathedralthe houses of worship were thronged.These are the denominations that makethe most elaborate Lenten observance,and consequently that mark the going- -

out of Lent most formally, but theheart of every Christian Is touched atthis season.: and at no church in thecity was there lack of observance nordearth of celebrants. The passion of

the Christ and his suffering for mankind is the common heritage of allChristians. It is because this has beenso universally recognized that Eastercelebration has come, so largely Intovogue in late years. Here In Honoluluit has always been observed by allwho made any pretense of Christianliving, but on the mainland the observance has not been so general save within the last few years. It Is a case, perhaps, of a late awakening of the massesIn the great centers of population towhat la the right thing to do. - Eventhose persons who do not, as a ruie,affiliate with any church organization.are coming to observe master, as aseason of sending cards of remembrance to friends. If in no other way.

In Honolulu the older spirit obtains.and everybody goes to church on Eas-

ter Sunday. And so the churches werethronged yesterday, and the showingof Easter bonnets and gay Easter garbwas as creditable as In many a largerand more pretentious city. And thefeeling of real devotion In the heartsof the hearers of the several excellentsermons preached was to the full assincere.

AT ST. ANDREW'S.At St Andrew's Cathedral there were

ONLY A FEW.Of the multitudes of people

around us very few are reallyin good health. Most of themare victims to a greater or lessextent of some disease. For atime nature holds her own, of-ten with youth and ambition tohelp her; then the overtaxed or-gans break down, and .the poi-sonous germs in the blood andtissues get in their deadly work.This may happen suddenly orslowly, but the result is thesame. The number of people Inwho are thus afflicted and hand-icapped

tois far beyond computa-

tion or estimate. In perhaps amajority of these case3 the ail-ment arises from bad digestion, on

and is thereafter complicated to

with some form of dyspepsia. we

The ordinary treatment is sel-dom or never successful, 'andmedical men now prescribeWAMPOLE'S PREPARATIONwith a view of purifying theblood and stimulating the vitalorgans into normal action. Thiseffective and original remedy ispalatable as honey and containsthe nutritive and curative pro-perties of Pure Cod Liver Oil, to

extracted by us from fresh codlivers, combined with the Com-pound Syrup of Ilypophosphitesand the Extracts of Malt andWild Cherry. It should be re-sorted to on the earliest signsof ill-heal- th, even if they do not andat first seem .serious or imDor-tan- t.

Dr. J. M. Guijosa says:"I prescribed your preparationfor a young lady having a seri-ous

sonaffection of the respiratory

organs and from the first bot-tle the

. she commenced to improve.After taking six bottles she wascompletely cured; she took it Itwith pleasure' which was not thecase with other remedies thatwere tried but were found too rrepugnant to take." Every doseeffective. One bottle convinces.

Impossible to be disappointedin it. Sold by chemists hereand everywhere in the world.

The owner of a postal scale willsave its cost in a vershort time,not counting the trouble avoided.

"Star" Postal SealThis new and very attractive

Postal Scale weighs up to 1 poundby ii ounces. .

Gives cost of postage instantly incenU on letters, books, packagesand newspapers.

Butifully made. .

Very ornamental.Penned for Ldy' $1.50or Gentleman's deskWarranted Accurate

Improved CounterOr r amny sauaie.

Beaufifully made of steelthroughout: Large brasa dial,very distinct and stwvioeable. En--ameled tile top pltform, 6x6

Capacity 24 poundsby ouncea. Inyala-abl- e

to every house-hold. $1,50

Mo family tlionld Mwithout one.

Of course there are better ones,and some even less expensive- -

lis co:, illYou Money Savers.

Lemon Soda,Root Boer

Ginger Ale,Cream Soda,

Orange Cider,Pineapplo Cider,


Sarsaparlllaand Iron

from an old bouse with an estab-Wsht- d

reputation. Fred deliveryto all parta of the city and WaiHki.

GsnsDlldated Scda Water WortsCo hpaky, Ltd.

Telephone Main 71.Works 601 Fort street.

Develop- -

log1 andPrinting

YFedo gocd work

and do it quickly. . .All kinds of photo-

graphic apparatusand supplies alwayson hand. ......


Photo Supply Co.Fort Street.


Nice, soft, silky hair is admired byverybody, and PACHEC O'S

DANDHUFF KILLER is the magi-c- al

tonio that produces it.Bold by all DRUGGISTS, and at


Nuuanu Market1250 Nuuanu Avenue.

NO TIN QUAY, Proprietor.Freeh Island Meals Trucks and

Chickens, allv or dr eeX TVk tadVegetables.







YoungLevingston'sbusy man. MRS. E. M. TAYLOR,


I "I

Page 9: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M

"(THE PACIFIC COMMERCLAE ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, APRIL IS, xjog.'n"'''''i''""',u'UMi.iii.!iwjji.aiaui.iLiju muiuiau- -, ...m i .,


TO DR. GOODHUE SEE THESE PRICES !Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dowsett arespending a short vacation at Makawao.

The Art and Travel Club of the T. W,, A Mmewbat srlous injustice has1l wn doc to Dr. Goodhue, physician at C. A. will not meet again till Monday, CHA1NLESS

BICYCLES ATApril 27.Molokal, be


the leper settlement on Henry Hogan addressed a large audiof whatas of a misinterpretation


S PongccSilkGoodsence at the Catholic Mission last evening on "The Beauty of Thought.V .the unfortunateiras aM by one of CHAIN

WHEELS ATThere was a banquet yesterday at anlepers. A. K. Hutchinson, at the meetuptown restaurant given by Chineselag held at BereUnia Hall. Kalaupapa,

to tate any rrievancea and wants the merchants to the new Chinese Consul.GAS LAMPS .

15 cut to 92.91.50 out to 85 cents.

REPAIR KITS25 cents out to 15 centThere are about 2,000 people now llvpatients might feel to the members of

ing- - in the Kalihi valley and they wantthe legislative committee that recent to share in the free postal delivery ser

vice. .y visited the Island. Hutchinson wasfeeine Questioned as to the medical

The wedding of Miss Ella Thrum andtreatment given the lepers, and as toCut in Firearms and.Ammunition

TFe carry a well assorted liae. Call and get our prices.

the wish that had been expressed by Mr. Ezra Augustine Rowland takesplace this evening at Central Union

iomc of them to have Dr. Goto sentchurch.

to Molokal to apply his treatment for

"eaT7 aad Light; alsoI

J P ,v Nl Pongee Pajamasj i) ' ? and :

i J Gentlemen's Light Silk Suits

Silk Kimonos1 (. . '. Embroidered and Plain; aleo Japanese

- - ; ,1 Silk Kimono Goods. .

it y" v -'

" ' " '' .i t ( if 2.'" 'V ? Wftifv Rl.tcr fr; Hf n i.: I

Pacific Lodge will hold a special meetleprosy. Hutchinson spoke In Hawaiing this evening for transaction of bus-

iness and the election of an officer ofian, and did not speak very distinctly,owing to his disease, and the interpre

the lodge. .tation of what he did say was difficult.Alonzo Jackson, the pltcherVfor theHe did say. however, that Lr. Goto was


Union and Hotel good, and his leprosy treatment was Morning Stars at Walluku, has, come

to Honolulu, it is said, to pitch for thenot a cure. Then he waa QuestionedMalle Illmas. Vabout Dr. Goodhue and his work, ajd

The Pearl Harbor dredger is workingrapidly toward the mouth of the chan J ' J "' " L - i. II TMIUH 1 J

nel on the second and last swath reIti "T " 1

v II Offlea. Plhrni TVJi?ji Iquired for the completion of the cut. ' . . -- .y ... ,w., . v Tj--

11 .Captain Penhallow of the echdoner

Alice Cooke went to Maul duringhe I Monday and Tuesdayweek to visit his son and daughter, Mr,and Mrs. H. B. Penhallow of Wailuku

it was here that the Injustice was doi:e.Accordingly to the published accounts,from the interpretation, Hutchinsonwas made to say that Dr. Goodhue wasthe worst he had seen in twenty-fou- ryearn. What really was said was this:

. How about Dr. Goodhue?" Uutcbln- -Jlfl"Wa wked.

'. His answer was: "He is the best phy-sician we have had at the Settlementin twenty-fou- r years, and he has help-ed me more than any doctor, we haveever had here."

"And it Is a fact." said Superintend-ent McVeigh, of the Leper Settlement,last night. "Dr. Goodhue is the. beet

Lowest Prices for FIRST CLASS DENTISTRY.1057 Fort Street.

Same entrance es Williams' Photograph Gallery.John T. Moir, of the Onomea Sugar


Rubber GoodsCompany, arrived on the KInau fromHIlo and will leave on the China for j s Try x Wew York. BenSaScotland where he will Join his family,returning to Hawaii In (October. A few figures today will stow

what savin is possible Mondayand Tuesday on Rubber goods.A fine painting by D. Howard HitchGoods are new aDd perfect. .Pricescock of Kilauea In action, with snow

OUR GREAT RUG SALEaround the crater, has attracted much in proportion throughout thevhole line and only on days as ()

I weadvertised.notice for a fortnight in the window ofthe Honolulu Photo Supply Company.

man we have ever had there. In anexperience of twelve years, going backand forth to Molokal. I have neverseen a man who understood his work

No. 10 Bulb 8yringe, price $ .75BEGINS TODAY APRIL 13th.

AWe, have commenced slaughtering our entire line of Rugs, Carpets, DoorMats, Cram Clwths and linoleums.better, nor one who-di- d so much forThe Sons of St George, Captain Cook

Lodge, will hold their regular , meetingthis evening at San Antonio Hall.

are Specialists in Lenses for the eyesFitting glasses and filling oculists prethe unfortunates in his charge. He is

tsaie price .50Goodrich Golden Gate - Syringe,

price.... 1.50Sale price l.H)

Goodrich t. Fountain, price 100Sale price 85

Goodrich 2-- Combination Foun- - .

tain and Syringe, price............ 2.00Sale price ..1.45

$2.00VELVET RUGS, size 27 in.tSx 58 ic, worth 3 50 ..THE PRINCESS RUGS,

eiza 30 in. x 57 in., worthpopular, they all like him. and he does After the regular meeting there will be scriptions is OUR EXCLUSIVE BUSIfor them what no other man has ever a special meeting for the purpose of '

NESS. ..accepting some amendments to the Goodrich ail rubber Hot Water Bot Cb.uu $4.00tle, price 1.25 We repair glassesSpremptly and to

BRUSSELS RUGS, size 25in. x 58 in., worth $1.75 .. $1.25


ft x 13 ft., worth $18.25... $11.75VELVET RUGS, size 7 ft.

fl in x 10 ft 9 in., worth535.00.... .$25.00

CRUM CLOTHS, size 9 ft.x 9 ft, worth $7 XX) ........... $5.00

.95Sale priee . .



ft. 3 in. x 3 ft. 6 inn worthlast. Factory on the premisss.$6.00BUSINESS LOCAL! AXMINSTER RUGS, size 4SARAH CORNEY it. 6 in. x 6 It. 4 xn., worth

91I.UUFor hosiery go to Sachs's.HOBHOri DRUG 60.Ehlers' Block, Fort Street.Branch store, Sachs' Blk.

A. M. Sahford,Manufacturing Optician, Boston Build

ing, Fort Street, Over May & Co.

You can afford Rugs at these prices.A number of teamsters are wanted byMiss Sarah Frances Corney, one ofLord & Belser. -

.the kamaalnas of Honolulu, died atIf your property Is for sale or rent,twelve noon yesterday, at her residence E. W. JORDAN & CO., LTD. Fort Street.list it with Will.- E. Fisher, room ILcorner of King street and Qottage g these Hard TimesMagoon building. . '

See the ladies' black hose that we areGrove, where she has resided for some-

time post with her slater, Mrs. Dudolt. offering today for 15 cents a pali ImportQnt Rooooho''T is not so easy to select a suitIShe has been In poor health for two or Sachs Company.,And until further notice theNEW ENGLAND BAKERYwill eell from their store on

able Wedding Present. Youdon't know fast what youReliable and up-to-d- ate harness of all

kinds at Fred Philp & Bro., "VNTaverly Hotel Btreet, commencing Aprilblock. Bethel street. 1st, 35 Tickets, calling for 35

Children's fast black hose, air sizes. Loaves Bread, for One Dollar.Guaranteed best quality and full

want and our experience andknowledge is at your servicecome in and tell us your troubles.



best value ever offered, three pair for 50

Why II erring-ilall-Mar- vin Safe Co. Safesand Locks are the Best.

The concrete filling makes thesa eafes absolutely fire proof and poaltlv!ydamp proof. The solid angle corners add greatly to their security in t!m atFire and form the only solid corners made. The patent Bolt Work Is superiorto any in use and does not reaulre the constant oiling, cleaning and repairthat Is acknowledged in Other makes of asafes. That although 600,000 of taaMsafes are now in use and many thousand' have heen teste by some of tkmost disastrous conflagrations in the United States, there Is not a slngla la-stan- ce

on record wherein one of them ver failed to preserve its contents perfectly. They make safes for county treasurers, county recorder, county elerka,Jewelers, hotels, residences, churches, and corporations. We have a large as-sortment of safes on hand and will be pleased to show same.

Hardware Pep. THOO. .M. DovlOO E GO, i---&C3.

weight. Bread delivered fromcents ' today at Sachs's.the . wagons will be 28 Loaves forHave you seen the grandfather's hallOne Dollar. The difference is

three years. In the last few months herkealth declined rapidly and she passedUway peacefully, a few of her oldjhriendB being at her bedside.A Miaa Corney was-- born In London,England, on February .26, 1826, and wastherefore in her seventy-eight- h year.She came to Honolulu when a younggirl and has resided here ever since.For many years she was the principalof Pohukalna chooL "When theStranger's Friend Society was organiz-ed a little more than half a centuryago. Miss Corney was one of its chartermembers, and her death leaves onlytwo other charter members living In

clocks at "Wichman's Jewelry store?Just the thing for your hall. simply cost of delivery, which

benefit we extend to our customThe stockbooks of the "Walluku Sugar ers.Company will be closed to transfers Wedding Giftsfrom April 13th to the 15th inst. Inclu

New England Bakerysive. '

The Globe Bakery on Fort Btreet Isnow selling Jelly cake, Scotch buns, and are what you are in search of.

Our stock is large and variedand with our assistance you cannotfail to buy the right article at theright price.

of all kinds always on hand. Leave yourorders now and have the lettering insame ready for decoration day.

J. Oswald Lutted, Mgr.'

MRS. C. L. DICKERSOnTHonolulu Mrs. Dudolt and Mrs. Persls

. G. Taylor. She was a member 'of theEpiscopal Church.

The funeral will take place this after-noon at 4 o'clock from St. Andrew's.Cathedral. .

AXTCUIJ. 1048-105- 0 Alakea St. P. O. Box 642.RECEIVED EX ALAMEDA another

new line of EASTER HAT8,

oat meal cakes at 10 cents per dozen;try some.

Landscape gardening In KapiolaniPark employs a considerable force' ofmen and. is resulting in a marked Im-

provement. ,

Tou can afford to throw away yourold chipped tumblers when the PacificHardware Company are selling themat 50 cents per dozen. Price good for

Come in and make your selections; 1181See Our Window Display

- j.IV.W, Dimond u. Co,


53-5- 7 King Street.


The Government band will render the

Alakea street, near Beretanla.


Repairing- and House Moving."

James F. Morgan, President; Cecil Brown, Vice-Preside-nt; Y. Uut-tac-e.

Secretary; Charles H. Atherton, Auditor; W. H. Hoogs, Trtaa-vr- er

and Uanaer. '


Firowood, Stovo, Steam, Blacksniitli's Con!Also Black and White Sand. Telephone Main 295.

8pecial Attention Given to Praying.

today only.S. Ozakl, assignee of M. Chiya, re

quests all parties having claims againstfollowing concert tonight at Emma Wharf and Bridge Building--; also R- -

pair Work.Square commencing: at 7:30 o'clock:PART I.

M. Chiya to present same at once athis office. No. 113 North King streetMr. Ozakl will also receive bids for thestock now at Chiya's store;

Telephone Blue 1131. Residence, 1E3?MaklkL

Overture "Easter" PetteeCornet Solo "Sea Flower".... Itollinson


Mr. Charles Kreuter.Selection "The Trumpeter of Sack- - EXCELLENT Paris Model Easter Hats

All the latest novelties in th8. Milliner Art. '.: AT



kirgen" Nessler EASTER CANDIESHOSIERY"We deliver them withThey're good candies for any day.

jour grocery order.

.rocal Selectionsy (a) "Lei Ponl MoL"

(b) "Swe.'t Lei Mamo."Miss J. Keliiaa.


c) --Kuu "W ehiwehL" .

(d) "Kokohi."Mrs. N". AlapaL



WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Fort street, opposite Convent School.


Ladies' Black HoseSuite "The Rose of Shlras'V.EIlenberg:Vocal "The Palms" Faure H. MAY & COMPANY. Ltd.Color absolutely fast; seamless."Walt "Beauties Charms" .....TobanlMarch "My Lady Hottentot".. ..Smith double heel and toe.. 15c ami :&" :c6;iFrench lisle, three thread heel and loph noo S 2"The Star Spangled Banner." toe. three pairs for '.. 50o

Extra quality either plainDeath of Mr. Norton. or dropstitch 25c HOTEL STREET

All-la- ce lisle, extra fine, double heelThe many friends of Mrs. WilliamNorton of Puunene will be much grtev and toe 35c

THE ONYXed to learn of her death at Puunene, on



Come in and take your choice,Price $7.50 to $9.00

Thursday evening:. A superior plain nose witn nign We also havehigh grade Strawspliced heel and toe 3ocThe young couple had been married LASJIMU YAll-la- ce lisle, spliced sole and highabout a year only, Mr. Norton being

spliced heel 50cnight engineer at Puunene Mill andand Felt Hats atvery lowest prices.With dainty silk clocking, fine lisle 75c Per CanMrs. Norton being a sister of Mrs.

Jas. Shaw of Kahulul. Mrs. ' Nortonor gauze 0c

Ladies' White HoseWhite cotton drop-stitc- h hose 20c

The choicest frozen Eastern Oysters at thg aboveprice. At thia price they are no longer a luxury.White all-la- ce hoee or drop-stitc- h

leaves a babe, about two weeks old.Maui News. . .

The Planters' Monthly for Marchcontains a valuable article by R. C. IPerkins upon the relations of birds toinsect life In Hawaii, showing- - howCtTrtain birds are valuable pest de-stroyers; while others are destroyers ofjUrmlees insects which In turn destroy

,asects dangerous to plant life. It

and lace ankle, three pairs for... $1.00

CHILDREN'S HOSE.Alo is superior in every way. In its aroma and delicacy of

flavor it etand3 unequaled. All other standard flavors of Soda Water.

Phone Blue 187LSuperior quality, fast-blac- k; sizes, Co,etropolitan Meat5 to 9'2. 3 pairs for 50c

Should be read by every one InterestedIn agriculture in Hawaii, as intelligent 2LIMITBD.

TELEPHONE MAIN 45.mmaction on the lines sueeested by Mr. sicS "the. j4dv6ft3srPerkins is vital to agriculture in thisTerritory. Cor. Fort and Beretania Sts. 0


Page 10: I MA mtm...ft I ir! ri oM ' MA7v. n mtm mm r 7 V-V.4 M M U M M U M M M M ' WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. t SUGAR 96 Centrifugals. 3.5(In "i Fresh trades md unsettled. New York. M M M

i ll


CABLE ADDRESa"HALSTEADI Classified AdvertisemcaK Honolulu stock exchange.WtfXARD E. BEOWN--

,Member. Hon. RW.Honolulu. April 11, 1903.Canadian-Australi- an Royal Mail Line "COL," LAKE

FOB REHT..Co. Bid Aek.HAHJt OS 8TOCX Capital Tl8tamers running la connection with the Canadlan-I".- c jc RailwayDn at Honolulu on or about the following- - date:

Halsiead & Co., Lid.Stock and Bond Brokers,

Local securities bought end sold.Correspondent San Franei

afXBOABXILarn rr ivn ArsTRALIA. FOR VA4LUUv wi. RRESTED4 M4J..TJ.400l,PO0r000 1W

60 and Bond Exchange.FURNISHED A new cottage..May aiAoransri. .....Mayf..June 6 I Moana , June 2

..July llMiowera ..July 1;i;iIfoana -

C. Brewer A Co. ......L. It. Eerr Co., Ltd....

Ivi,Haw. Azricultorfcl Co.


at Haiku. Maui, by the month or forthe summer. - Just the place for anmuting. 500.00 per month. Apply toC. H. Dickey, S3 King street.

' United State, and Suiwe.TfcrousU tlciet. Issued to U point, la Canada. 2S0, 2'J50Haw. Com. A riug. Co,


104'Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.General Ae?nts.


Police Raid Queen JEm-m- a

Hall and StopSome Fun.

Trust funds to loan on good real estatasecurity. . Large or small amounts.

Loans on sugar stocks negotiated.

For Sale

Haw. &ugr Co. .......Honomu ..........HonokaaHaiku.Eahuku ....Kihel Plan. Co., L'd..KipahoiuKoloaMcEryde Bus. Co. La

IF you Want a cool, mosquito proofroom go to HELEN'S COURT, rearof Elite Building, . Adams lane.Rooms $2.50 and up per week. 6449




103. I 106uabu Kugar uo. We offer for sale acres, the who!








A FIVE-roo- m cottage at cottage -- Iu of Block 20 of the College Hill Tract,Grove. King street: mosquito proor, 1 Ookala





500.0C05,0i 0,000





700,000. 262.000

..AOla Sugat Co. LtdOlowalu

Pacific Mail S. S. Co., Occidental & OrientalS. S. Co., and Toyo Kisen Kaisha

Bteamer of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave thirt e or about the dates below mentioned:



Faanhau Sugar Planjust papered and painted. Free use oftelephone; electric light. Use of bathhouse on the beach. All $25.00 permonth. Address F. E. King, CottageGrove. - - . 6451


iu sum aa a wnoie or in lots tosuit. This property was bought at th.eoriginal auction sale of the College HI JigLots, and is unquestionably the choi-cest building site of the entire tractIt will be gold for what It actuallycost.

tation co. .....Pacific

Pepeexeo ........Pioneer ..Waialu Ac. Co.

17599 10-- ;

tinvnvnvn MARU APRIL 29 DORIC Afiuu u.THREE nice housekeeping' rooms.MAY 1 Waiiutu ....




MAY 16mosquito proof lanai, every conven-ience. 1264 Emma street opposite Em-ma Square. 14

! S For Sale1301C5100

108500,000600.000 120TWO-stor- y cottage, 'with one-sto- ryTt further Information apply to


When the Police Court convenes thismorning there will be an array' of malesand females before the judge who were

arrested for disorderly conduct atQueen Emma hall on Nuuanu street on

Saturday night by Deputy Sheriff Chil-lingwo- rth

and several officers. Thealleged proprietor of " the place is"Colonel" J. W. Lake, and he is charg-

ed with keeping a disorderly house andwith selling liquor without a license.Nine Hawaiian girls were arrested in

the house, some of whom rent rooms in

the place, paying Lake, they say, atthe rate of 32 a week for their use,

which is questionable. There were also

sixteen men, Hawaiians and Xaoles,who fell Into the police net.

LTD AGENTS. cottasre in rear, on King street, at

Stsabship Co't

Wilder 8. 8. CoInter-XiUn- d 8. 8. Go..


Hawn Electric Co....Hon. ft. T. AL. Co.Mutual Tel. CoO.B.AL. Co

On Green street, two places Ewa ofVictoria street, a comfortable housewith two bedrooms, electric lights, se-rvants' quarters. This house was com-pleted last week. The situation ia ihigh and healthy one. The neighbor,hood all that could be desired. J3.C00 .01.







present occupied by Dr. Burgess.Open for Inspection after April 24th.Possession given May 1st. Apply toAllen & Robinson, Ltd., 55 Queenstreet. - 6443

FURNISHED room with all modern

American-Hawaiia- n Steamship Company.Direct Monthly Service Between New York and Honolulu via




flaw. Govt. 5 p. oHUOK. &. C0.6P.C,Hon. K. T. 4 L Co.

CS R irinnv9ka. to all about .Arril 20 CISCO. 6 Cm

100 101105

Castle & LansdaleReal Estate, Life, Fire and Plate Gk

Insurance, Investments.

. 104HS. S. Nebraskan, to sail... .....April 18

S. S. Nevadan May 5

Freight received at Company's wharf.

Ewa Pl'n 6 p. eO. A li. Co.. .......Oahn Pl'n 6 p. oOla Pl'n 6. p. eWalalua Ag, Co. 6 p. 0.Kahnku 6 p. c.........Pioneer Mill Co

S. S. Alaskan, to Bail about May 15S. S. Calif ornian . June ..

Freight received at Company's wharf.42d street. South Brooklyn, at all times.

FROM SAN FRANCISCO.8. S. Nevadan, to eall.... .April 17S. S. Nebraskan May 5


The police have been watching theplace for the past four weeks and

conveniences, at 1558 Kewalo street,corner Wilder Avenue. 6448

A FEW cottages, furnished or unfur-nished, on Fort street, just aboveVineyard. Apply at New Era. Hotel.


A'snc-roo- m cottage, corner of Hoteland Punchbowl streets, newly paint-ed throughout. Rent, $25 per month.Apply Jno. S. McGrew, cor. Lunaliloand Hackfeld streets. 6435

fStewart Street Pier No. 20.


S. S. Hawaiian, to sail about.. ..April 13

Stang'enwald Building', Rooms 04 and507, Fifth Floor. J Telephone Main 70.

SALES.. Fifty H. R. T. & L. Co.. $75; 40 Ewa,

waited a favorable opportunity tocatch the proprietor red-hande- d. OnSaturday evening the police watchedth house from the shadows, and whenthe entire aggregation was engaged inhaving a hilarious time In a down

p.LTD., AGENTS.And every 16 days thereafter. ;

H. HACKFELD & COMPANY,C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent.

$23; 25 Pioneer, $100; 57 McBryde, $4.75;$12,000 Pioneer bonds, $100; $6,000 do$101; $5,000 Haw'n Govt. 5's. $98.00.

PHOFESSIONAI CARDStGEM cottage, Keeaumoku and Youngstreets. Apply H. W. Green, 828 Fortstreet. 6429

ARCrflTECl.Ocoanlo Stoornahlp Co.

THVH3 TAnTiBTie fine passenger steamers of this line will arrive and leave this port.ruodr:


stairs room devoted to dancing, andwere drinking beer bought from andserved by "Colonel" Lake, the policequietly entered and joined in the merri-ment. There was a rush for doorwaysand windows but all these exits badbeen guarded and there were no es- -

near School street. Apply Room 603, 1 Young street.Stangenw&ld Building. 63u


...APRIL 22

...APRIL 23 ATTORNEYS.COTTAGES; Christley laneoff Fort St. jjENRY E. HIGHTON-Attorney- -at-

capes. Various apartments showedALAMEDA , MAY 13


- Law. southwest cor. u ort ana King.ALAMEDA MAY 8


VENTURA JUNE 4signs of occupancy, women's clothes




DR. M. J. J. MARLIER DE ROUTON.Rooms 27 and 28 Young building.

DR. R. L MOORE. Dentist; room 405,Parrott building, San Francisco.

IN BREWER building, Queen street,on reasonable terms. Appls' to CBrewer & Co., Ltd.

ALAMEDA JUNE 13 1 ...A....'.la connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the agents are pre-lir- 4

te Issue, to Intending passengers, Coupon Through Tickets by anyXUErota, frczn San Francisco to all points In the United States, and fromHew York by any steamship line to all European porta.


hanging on the walle, and there was anindiscriminate mixture of male and fe-

male headgear scooped in by the policefrom the various roomsl There weretwo patrol wagon, loads of the merry-makers and another load consisted ofa few dozen bottles of beer and a largequantity of empties.


ARTHUR C. ALEXANDER. Survey LOTS 00x120be divided If necessary. Rent reasonor and Engineer, 409 Judd bldg.; Warehouse in back. For par

THE PACIFIC METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. O. box 7J2Tticulars Inquire of W. O. Smith. 6351 C9000




CATTOV. NTCTTr. & PO T.TTV. .Vntri- - I

The girls were questioned by theDeputy Sheriff as to their reason forliving at the hall and their evidencewas to the effect that meet. of themhad been requested to come there by"Colonel" Lake. One girl had eone

Commercial AdvertiserSttrd at the Post Office at Honolulu.

By the Government Survey, PublishedEvery Monday. neers, Electricians and Boilermakers. JtfASI TERMS IF DESIRED

FOR LONG LEASE.EXTENSIVE building site, frontages

on three streets. Thirty-seve- n storeseach with frontage of 15 feet could beerected, leaving a 33-fo- ot entrance tolarge yard in which a building nowstands; also a fine tract of land suit

to INSURANCE.3.TESBJf.BASOM.T. IL, as second class matter.


there as housekeeper for Lake, but even THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCECO. OF NEW YORK. HcGufh;then had to pay her room rent ander year 112.00

S. B. ROSE, Agent : : : Honolulu.Six month f.00 divide money --which she received from9 able for cutting up for grazing, cul-tivation, etc. Apply "Corous," P. O.Box 464. 6436

MUSICIANS.male frequenters of the place. , Othergirls testified in like manner, also stat0 ot KB 44 80.0120 95

5 30 03 29 W J 42 95 10-- 8. Kbaa

TCOOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Buildit t8 80 0

Land Co., Ltd.201 Judd BoildlnjE.

2 4 ing that. Lake sold the beer they had0 43 70 9 KS0 01 7 10 4 KB

Advertising rates on application.

Published every morning except Sundayby the

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD.,Holt Block, No. 65 South King St

A. W. PEARSON. Manager.

7 30.05 29 W 7030 07 29 87 68

9 3 ) 02 29.88 640.08 68 4

344-- 1

ing, Fort street.

PHYSICIANS.drank. Several of the men said theyhad bought beer from Lake and paid


FOR SALE.TWO lots each containing about 4 acrea

with frontages on Nuuanu Arenu",10 80 Oi 29 96 68

74 (0 0" 71 478 ,0 16 59 8-- 2


8--6J I I DR. MARY F. BARRY. Offloe and

residence No. 144 Beretania street.Barometer corrected to 32 F. and seathe money therefor into his hands. OneHawaiian damsel eaid she was the"barkeeper." Those arrested were J.

also lot about 9 acres on Liliha sf ,ft.Apply "Corous," P. O. Box 464. 6436 TeL Blue 482.leve. and for standard gravity of Lat. 45.railvay"&Landco. This correction is 06 for Honolulu. DR. K. HAIDA Office and Residence.WANTED. Beretania near Emma. Office hours:

TIDES. SUN AND MOON. Apply 9 to 12 a, m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone WhiteTHREE first class teamsters,to Lord and Belser. 355L

TIME TABLEFrom and After Jan. 1, 1903.

OUTWARD.5iSi Pi Pi a

ao "IP 4 to S a? Up

W. Lake. Louisa Miller, Lily Kinilau,Lucy Kelliwai, Julia Halekahl, AnnieNahoolewa, Mrs. Joe Green, Mary Ke-awep-

Emily Peter, Mrsv Rebecca,Oscar Detert, Charles Rosendorff,Frank Form, John Korth, Ant. Iverson,Arthur Rider, Wm. Hale, ManuelGomes, E. L. Sherrett, George Smith,Philip George, David U-- a, David Ka--

DR. T. MITAMURA Office 68 Kukulu f lao5a.

J. 3S H i 3 5" Lane. 8 to 10 a. m.; 6 to 7:30 p. m.--1 uLOST.

STRAYED from my home. CollegeHills, sorrel mare; white tail andmane. Reward on return to E. G.Keen. College Hills, or Board ofHealth. 6448

NURSE.Dm Ft. in.'i.a.'p.ra.l RiseMoa-- 18, 5.00 MRS. U. IIJIMA. Japanese Licensed1 7 , 4 86,10 24 11 38 5.43 6.19 8 12I I III Midwife.lolau, John Pua, John Samson. River street between Ku- - j 50x138 lot and cottage at Waikiki, C800Tnet. 14 5 4 1 7 5 1010 5 a.m 5.42 8 19 05 kui and Beretania."Colonel" Lake has run afoul of the ooxif lot ana uwelung on Alakea

Street........ S950ftTre la o Z4 1 5 47 11. Z 0 M 5.41 6.19 9.57

I I lP.u. tThnr. 6 7 10 1.6 A Si 12 oi i 99 sin s on in si police before. He was once arrested t--

U 51 1 OlnATtU UK blULLN.Krid-- 17 8 W. 1.5, 7 85 12.4i a 28 6.39 6.20 11 885 lots at Pearl City, 100,000 sq. ft... 8 800

Several fine rpsiflnfvs nlr nnimnrnv.and convicted of embezzlement and I tttp' -- rorifch h,nnni i i i Spaniel,ARNOLD DICKSON BROS., Amerl- - ed sites. Warehouse properties, salo or

. . .aa'p fin Jr.. I 13t... 18 8 87 1 4 9 01 1 47 1.87 5 88 6 20 a.m.

I I a in. p.m III3nn.. 19 10 00 1.4 10 4Y9 3 25.3t 2l 0.17Mon.. 2'J 11 Oil 1 4 11 5I! 5 25 t.iS 5 37 6 211 1 00

Answers to the name of "Taotai."Was last seen at Moanalua. Liberalreward given for return to Bishop &

served a term in Oahu Prison. Throughthe assistance of people of religiousleanings "Colonel" Lake was assistedupon his feet after his release, and

Dally Dally Daily Dally Dallyex. ex.

station. Sun. Sun.sum. a.m, a.m, p.m. p.m.

Honolulu ..7:10 9:15 11:05 1:15 6:10Alea .7:45 9:39 11:30 3:40 S:S(Pearl CIty.8:0J 9:48 11:40 3:45 6:30Walpahu ..8:15 9:55 11:47 3:54 1:57Ewa Mill.. 8:32 10:08 12:00 4:05 8:10Walanae - 10:60 4:45 ....Walalua 11:55 5:40 ....alahuku 12:32 6:15 ....

INWARD.Daily Dally Dally Dailyex.

Atatlocsd Sun.a.m. sum. p.m. p.m.

Xahuka 5:35 .... 2:08Walalua 6:10 .... 2:50Walanae 7:10 .... 3:55Ewa Mill 5:50 7:45 1:05 4:32Walpahu 6:02 7:58 1:18 4:45Pearl City 6:15 8:03 1:30 6:25 8:11 1:40 5:01Honolold 6:50 8:35 2:05 5:26


a laiuuus uieuiuuig uere. lease.Find out what the future has In Two magnificent Tantalus Heights lotsstore for you. They will give your One Kaalawai Beach lot 10x228.

name and without asking questions The above ate all bargains and on verytell you Just what you wish to easy terms,know. All about business chanees. For i n form af inn. nffion

Last quarter of moon on the 19th, 11

a. m. Sun on meridian. 12:00. several months ago started a Hawaiian-Am-

erican Club on Beretania streetwhich failed.

Times t the tide are taken from the FOR SALE. Investments, friends, sickness, letters.United States Coast and Geodetic SurO. F. PETERSON--


15 Eaahumanu St,the outcome of all love affairs, andvey tables.The tides at Kahulul and Hilo occur A SET OF FOWLER'S STEAM

plow machinery consisting of a pair of

anything else you wish to know.Readings, $1.; open every day 10 to 8.Messrs. Arnold & Dickson are ordain-ed by the Spiritualist Church, and

about one hour earlier than at Honolulu. 14 horse traction engines, balance plow,Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours 30 heavy and medium cultivators, and


U. S. Tug Iroquois, Rodman.MERCHANTMEN.

(This list does not include coasters.)

received gold medals In the Unitedminutes slower than Greenwich - fatates. Watch, papers for publicharrow.

The plant la in use breaking a saltmarsh in California; but will finish the

R. C-- A. Peterson,Selling Agent.


meeting. Office 794 South BeretaniaIng that of the meridian of 157 degrees 30avenue, near Alapal street.minutes. The time whistle blows at 1:30 work in June and will be sold for halfAlbert, Am. bk., Turner, San Francisco,m., which is the same as Greenwich, 9

April 11.hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are forlocal time for the whole gTOup. Admiral, Am. echr., Jensen, Newcas

tle, April 6.

its cost in England.Apply to

JOHN W. FERRIS.320 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal.



Pacific Transfer Co.Jas, H. Love, Manages.

Office, King St., opposite NtmYoung Block.

Alice Cooke, Am. schr.. Penhallow.WHARF AND WAVE.w

IApril 6.

Carrollton, Am. bk., Gordon, Newcas


LOAN ASSOCIATION.Judd Building, Fort street entrance.

ARRIVED.Sunday, April 12.

Kelloggs10 YearOld.

0. P. S.8 YearOld.

Stmr. Lehua, Naopala, from Molokal

tle, March 28.

Coronado, Am. bk., Potter, San Fran-cisco, April 11.

Haydn Brown. Am. bk Asplund, New-castle, April 3.

Plans are being prepared for a handports. some, up-to-da- te, two story building toStmr. Claudlne, Parker, from Maui De immediately erected by Mr. M. P.Robinson on the site of the old L. B.K ports. A Home Company.err store on Queen street. The InteStmr. W. G. Hall, S. Thompson, from

Kauai ports.IdEHelene, Am. schr., Christianson, San

Francisco, April 2.Matthew Turner, Am. schr., Treanor,

Newcastle, April 7.Mohican, Am. bk., Kelly, San Fran-

cisco, April 10.

rior of the building would be arrangedto suit a long-ter- m tenant. A ware-house and plenty ot rear yard space canalso be obtained. Plans may be seen atofflce of the architect, F. W. Beardslee,




TWO very desirable residences onThurston Ave. One on Magazinestreet. One on Proepect street. Afine house, with an acre of land atKalihi, one block from Rapid Transit.Also some desirable property at Wal-klki- ."

and building lots at Kalmuki.Also, a desirable residence on Bere-tania street.

A. BARNES,79 Merchant Street.

Id QoaDtitie. toSuit. Kiue Duildlng, Hotel street--Per stmr. W. G. Hall, from Kauai Paramita, Am. sp.. Backus, Newcastle,

Feb. 21 (in distress).Rosamond, Am. schr., Johnson, San

ports. April 12. J. Mann, Mrs. J. P.TOHOUSESEEKERSMendiola. F. Gay, Mrs. Nalava. J.

CAPITAL $50,000.Organized under the laws of the

Territory of Hawaii.$


Loans, Mortgage, Securities,Investments and IlealEstate.

Homes Built on the Install'ment Plan.

Home OfBce Mclntyre Bid- - Hono-lulu, T. IL

lockett. Chong Sing. Mrs. J. L. Hjorth,Sold by. W. Makekoa, A. F. Knudsen, Rev.

O. P. Emeneon, J. Nevlns, T. Baumann,

Francisco, April 6.

Trongate, Br. bk., Hutton, Nitrateports, April 9.

Watson A. West, Am. schr., Peterson,Newcastle. April 4.

W. H. Marston, Am. schr., Curtis, San

Kopke, Mrs. A.-- JF Knudsen, Rev. O.

COZY COTTAGES To Leton premises of SANI-TARY LAUNDRY. Con-tain A rooms; Bath; Pat-ent W. C. Free Hot and

Gomes & HcTigherhone Main 140.

All Orders Promptly Delivered.

CFTAS. BREWER GO 'SH. Gulick and 50 deck.I NEW YORK LINEFrancisco, April 2.The Record contains all of the officialcourt, corporation. torertwiT on r,..u .'...i'ja nership notices published in all of the A PAIN IN THE CHEST is nature'snewspapers published in th Tpr. warning or a threatened attack ofrltory.

pneumonia. Dampen a piece of flannel meiciiiRiiiBiii

FOOHNG SUEVSailing from


For freight rates apply toCHAS. BREWER & CO.

27 Kilby St., Boston,OB C BREWER & CO.,


Cold Water. Also FreeElectric Light. Rent $10per month. Mnst be eeento be appreciated. Particu-lars of

E. C.WINSTON.The Record contains all of the official,court, corporation, foreclosure, and part-nership notices published in all of theEnrlish newspapers published in the

with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bindA complete directory of the Notary


Goodyear Rubber Co.JL H. PEASE. President.

. Ban FraoeUco, CaL. U. S. A.

over the seat of pain, and another onPublic's of the Territory, is published into-da- Record. It will be found of great the back between the shoulders Ono

application gives relief. Try it. Benconvenience to those needing the servicesof a Notary.

L. K. KENTWELL,General Manager.

son, Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesaleagents, sell it.

