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Page 1: I Am a Paulinian

I am a Paulinian. St. Paul lives in me.

To stand for Christ. To witness for Christ. To preach like Christ. To feel like Christ. To see like

Christ. To love like Christ. To live like Christ. 

I am a Paulinian.

I am formed as Christ-centered, integrated, environment-caring, and community-oriented

person. I am a Paulinian who is academically equipped and morally sensitive in the service

of my family, the Church, and my country. I am formed to value the finer and nobler things

in life, always conscious of the Gospel of Christ. I am formed to respect myself and to

recognize the dignity of others. I am taught to make responsible decisions and to use my

knowledge and responsibilities to help others. I am a Paulinian molded to integrate my

spiritual and moral values, academic, cultural, vocational, and technological knowledge in

my life particularly in fulfilling my various responsibilities in my home and in the community

where I belong. I am a Paulinian who upholds my identity, appreciates my cultural heritage,

and involves myself in issues geared towards community and nation-building.

This makes me different from all the rest. I stand tall and firm in a sea of people who care

less because I care more.

I am a Paulinian. I stand for Christ. I witness for Christ. I preach like Christ. I feel like Christ. I see like Christ. I love like Christ. I live like Christ. 

St. Paul taught me so. He made me so. 

And I am thankful because I am a Paulinian.

Ma. Isabel B. Barredo


Page 2: I Am a Paulinian

the 5 Paulinian Core Values

1. CHRIST — Christ was the center of Paul’s life and therefore the center of Paulinians’ lives. Like St. Paul, we consciously live, think, speak and act in imitation and obedience of Christ.

2. COMMISSION –- Like St. Paul, we are commissioned to share the good news of Christ by having a sense of purpose and mission in life. We lead and serve freely and generously without thought of reward.

3. COMMUNITY –- Paulinians belong to the Church, the community of all who believe in Christ. We also live with a sense of social commitment—sharing, cooperating, and working with the members of the family, church and society.

4. CHARISM –- Paulinians are grateful for their gift of talents. We bring the best of ourselves in every task or endeavor and we share them openly with others.

5. CHARITY –- Christ’s love is the motivating force, the power that drives Paulinians to relate with all warmly and to reach out to others compassionately especially to the poor and the suffering.
