  • 1. Humber Internet Marketing RecommendationAmit Aggarwalhttp://ontariotourism.blogspot.caTuesday 24th , 2012MKGT 404-1M
  • 2. PerspectiveWhy Internet Marketing So Important ?
  • 3. Internet Marketing is an economic, high reach, effectively, &measureable alternate to expensive broadcast marketing andcumbersome and inefficient print marketing.It includes : Search engine optimization Viral marketing Email marketing Social Media marketing Mobile Applications Online games Banners Micro-Sites Pay-Per-Click Websites/portal/ecommerce Adwords
  • 4. Social Media
  • 5. Mobile Apps
  • 6. Games
  • 7. Blog Persona Blog post titles Social Media Performance summary
  • 8. Blog Ontario TourismThis blog Reflect my interests becausetravelling to different new places is my passion& through this blog , I get a opportunity toknow more beautiful tourist places in Ontario.
  • 9. Persona/Target Market Age 16 to 26 (teens & adult) - 45 + ( empty nester) Gender Male & Female Education High school, Graduated Location Canada Income Above $40,000 Interest Travelling, shopping ,adventure
  • 10. Blog Posts1. CN tower2. Niagara Fall3. Casa Loma4. Toronto Zoo5. Canada Wonderland6. African lion safari7. Ontario science centre8. 1000 Islands Canada9. Black creek pioneer village10. Collingwood & Wasaga beaches11. Royal Ontario museum
  • 11. Facebook
  • 12. Twitter
  • 13. Youtube
  • 14. Pinterest
  • 15. Performance SummaryTwitter Counter 89 followers 225 following 446 tweets Major traffic driven social media Overall twitter mertics result match is good.
  • 16. Facebook Insights Total 61 likes Mostly fans like come from target market (Canada). 28% female & 69% male fans like my facebook page 2nd highest traffic driven social media Overall facebook result is also good.
  • 17. Google Analytics Total 55 visitor out of which 32 unique Mostly traffic come from Canada Traffic source are blogger, direct, facebook, yahoo, bing, & google. 3rd most traffic driven social media Overall blog traffic is good.
  • 18. Blog GraderOverall average blog grade is 65 out of 100
  • 19. Youtube & Pinterest Total 7 subscriber join youtube channel & no video view. Total 18 followers & 34 following on pinterest. Overall youtube & pinterest perform under below the expectation & needs more improvement.
  • 20. Key learning: How to drive more traffic on blog How to make posts more attractingIndicated action: Post URL of blog on facebook, twiiter , & other online communities. See weekly review of blog grader & make some changes in blog post according to Hubspot grader suggestion.
  • 21. Key learning: How to make ads on facebook How to invite fans on facebook pageIndicated action: Post more & more on facebook wall, like other facebook pages related to your topic to invite traffic on facebook page. Link facebook update with twitter.
  • 22. Key learning: Twitter is very simple to use. How to increase fan following on twitterIndicated action: Tweet more & more everyday related to topic on twitter. Follow tweet back account
  • 23. Key learning: How to use pinterest and pins the favourite pics. How to create youtube channel Little bit difficult to bring on youtube & pinterest as compare to other social media.Indicated action: Create topic board on pinterest & pins more & more images related to topic. Add more & more videos on youtube channel & subscribe other youtube channel.
  • 24. BlogAdd more images to blog postAdd labels to each postWrite interesting blog postEach post at least 250 wordsUse poll to make blog interactive
  • 25. PPC PAY-PER-CLICKChoose suggested keywords related to blogCreate PPC campaignAvg cost per click is $0.20
  • 26. SEO Search engine optimizationAdd label to all posts.Choose keywords carefullyLinking URL to social networking sites
  • 27. Display ad Set effective bid & budget Make display ad more attracting using different template Ten to sites are yahoo, facebook, youtube, gmail, BBC news, CBC news, hotmail, google, Washington post, New york times.
  • 28. Email Marketing Sent email monthly to each subscriber
  • 29. PR Press ReleasePost press release every month on any current topic
  • 30. Social MediaFacebookTwitterYoutube Social media powerful tool of internet marketing to interact with consumers.Upload new videos on youtube channel weekly
  • 31. Affiliate MarketingNo need to apply on business right now due to budget problem.It costly to use affiliate marketing.
  • 32. Mobile MarketingAdd each social media tab in apps. Select carefully apps Icon image
  • 33. Rationale It is necessary to follow the recommendation to enhance the functionality of each internet marketing tools. Recommendation is based on the personal practical experience gain in internet marketing course.