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HSIC August 9, 2014:

Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes: Market Wrap (4:15)

There has been a real plunge this week followed by a rally. S&P 500

We've been in a general uptrend in the S&P500, but plunged from about 1992 to about 1900, and then it rallied back up to 1930 which was surprising as it was a Friday.

Even with the rally, we're still in a downtrend, keeping below the 50 day moving average.

The only good news was that Russia ceased military activity on the border of Ukraine. The market was going down because they were anticipating Russia to invade Ukraine.

We're focused on this because of the prophetic revelation surrounding it.

We feel the Lord has been setting us up for this season for several years.

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Revelation: S&P Down 15%

From Michael Goforth on the IWI Forums:

Ken’s response was:

(view the whole thread here:

Review of past prophetic trades:

1) "FAZ 17.50." - In 2009 Lance McGinnis heard this phrase from the Lord. - FAZ hit this mark on 10/14/09. - Other revelations that were coinciding with Lance's word were:

- "Goldman Sachs 192," - "DOW 10,000," and - “Oct 14.”

- All of those words were fulfilled within 15 min of each other! - FAZ has since gone through restructuring, but recently hit 17.50 again, right

around 7/25/14. Is this another marker? 2) In 2011, there was a prophetic revelation that the market would fall 20% on 7/27.

- This became known as the "727 Trade" - This word coincided with the "Christmas in July" (7/25) word. - We believe there is something on this again this year. - Michael Goforth posted his call of a 15% drop on 7/25/14. - We have been long due for a correction. - The market doesn't necessarily respond rationally to world events - meaning

though it should go down, it is possible that it would go up because of manipulation.

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Jobs Report (18:00)

This is the first month where there were more good jobs created than bad jobs.

Though the most jobs created were minimum wage jobs.

The high wage jobs are likely from the oil fracking industry.

The good news is, the “fundamentals” are good:

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Car Sales

Reports are coming out about how great it is that car sales are up.

The chart shows more people are leasing instead of buying. People can't afford the down payment on a car purchase.

This is essentially creating another sub-prime bubble, allowing people with bad credit to lease cars.

They’re doing this to keep manufacturing going.

ZeroHedge: The Mystery Behind Strong Auto “Sales”: Soaring Car Leases

It seems just about everything we hear in the market news is not the full picture. The “Warning Flag” for the Market (24:30)

This chart shows that as the Fed goes deeper in debt, it matches the slope of the S&P

directly. The growth of the S&P is completely dependent on Quantitative Easing (QE).

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ZeroHedge: Deutsche Bank “Raises the Warning Flag”: What the Most Important Chart for the Market Reveals

…the correlation between the Fed's balance sheet and the S&P 500, has confirmed that virtually everyone - even the Treasury itself - has agreed that the only marginal driving force for the world's largest stock market - i.e. the catalyst for the biggest artificial bull market rally in recent history - is the Federal Reserve, specifically the amount of debt monetized/liquidity injected. It is time to revisit this chart because as Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid reminds us, the days of relentless Fed balance sheet, and thus S&P, growth are over, thus the need by Deutsche Bank to "raise the warning flag".

“This is important as virtually all of the mega rally in the last 5 years has come in the Fed balance sheet expansion periods.”

We are in a global market now, and the Japanese, European, Chinese, etc, liquidity also feeds into global liquidity.

They will always look for another source of income, so if the market doesn't go up, it will go down. No one will accept a sideways market.

We have a market that is getting ready to go down.

We expect the Fed to continue to taper their QE until October.

There is a saying, "When the money stops, the market goes down." Silver Price Rigged (29:30)

Kitco: Three Banks Accused of Rigging Silver Price in Lawsuit

HSBC, Deutsche Bank and the Bank of Nova Scotia have been accused of attempting to rig the price of silver in the latest price fixing scandal to rock the banking industry. The banks are accused of conspiring to rig the daily global silver price in a similar way to the gold price fixing scandal, which led to Barclays being fined pounds 26m… Barclays was also fined pounds 290m for rigging the Libor rate, an important bank interest rate that influences the cost of loans and mortgages.

The banks are going to be squeezed. They can no longer cheat their customers, so they have to find new ways to make big profits.

It's been proven and publicized that the price of gold has been fixed, Libor has been fixed, and now that silver has been fixed.

Now they have higher reserve ratios, and the Fed is cutting their mortgage-backed securities purchases - these things all hurt banks!

FAZ is a 3x short on the banks.

Big banks have been laying off hundreds of employees in mortgages since the Fed announced no more purchase of mortgage-backed securities.

These things hurt banks, but they will eventually find new ways of making up for it.

Bank of America (BAC) was just hit with a $17b fine.

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The banks made tons of money from the bailout; now the government is taking some of that back in fines.

They probably made a trillion dollars on the deal that cost them a $17b fine; it's just a slap on the wrist.

The market is about to face some serious problems.

Cheap energy in America is resulting in a little manufacturing coming back, helping to counter the negative situations in America.

Russia & The New Cold War (36:15)

CNBC: Putin Urges Economic Retaliation for Sanctions

The US originally accused Putin of shooting down the Malaysian jet, but then shifted blame to rebels, but was eventually watered down to a "mistake."

There is a flight path from Amsterdam over Ukraine.

When the plane crossed into Ukraine airspace, the flight path deviated and went 14 km north.

The day the plane was shot down, the administration seized the recordings of conversations between the plane and air traffic control.

Witnesses on the ground saw Ukrainian bombers flying above the commercial jet, went below for a small time to make a bombing run, then went back above the passenger jet.

It appears the commercial jets were being used as a cover for the military jets to make their bombing runs.

Because of the war going on, several countries have satellites watching this area closely; we know there's info on it, but no one's talking about what’s really going on.

This theory could be wrong, but it is our working theory.

When a radar unit locks on a plane, it alerts many different people/organizations watching the area.

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It appears it was the Russian separatists that shot the plane down, but who is really at fault? The whole thing is such a mess, it's hard to tell.

The US is picking a fight with Russia over Ukraine because it is the area of oil transit to Europe.

Putin is negotiating a deal with Germany over oil. It is rumored that Russia would pull out of Ukraine and recognize a new government in Kiev, and Germany would recognize Crimea as a new Russian state.

This would allow natural gas to flow from Russia through Ukraine to the rest of Europe.

If this happens, there will be a rally in the market - peace, prosperity, cheaper energy. CNBC Quote:

Russia should retaliate against the economic sanctions being imposed on the country over the Kremlin's Ukraine policy, President Vladimir V. Putin said Tuesday. His was the strongest endorsement yet for calls in Russia to ban everything from major Western accounting firms to overflights by European airlines to frozen American chickens.

They’re talking about canceling all Western flights over Russia, as well as American chicken because of the hormones used.

If Western nations can't fly over Siberia, many flights would become much longer and more expensive.

Boeing is scrambling because some of their components are being manufactured in Russia.

As the US cuts off Russia, they're creating their own financial system with the BRICS nations.

ZeroHedge: Ukraine Prepares to Impose Russian Gas Transit Ban, Commit Economic Suicide

While Ukraine has long since ceased being a customer of Gazprom (for the simple reason being that it can't afford to pay for historical gas purchases let alone future ones, and with a long cold winter just 3 months ahead, Kiev is praying that its brand new Western "allies" will give it the loans it needs to buy Europe-sourced gas), the bulk of Russia-sourced gas into Europe still transits through Ukraine. Not surprisingly, Ukraine correctly understands this is the last trump card it has in any negotiation with the west, or the east. It is this trump card that went into play moments ago when Ukraine's Prime Minister who recently resigned and whose resignation was not accepted, said that Ukraine is considering banning the transit of all Russian "energy resources", i.e. European gas.

More: Ukraine ready to impose sanctions against any transit via its territory, including air flights and gas supplies to Europe, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Friday. Ukraine's Parliament will vote on the sanctions on Tuesday. Kiev has also prepared a list of 172 Russian citizens and 65 companies predominantly Russian to put under sanctions for “sponsoring terrorism, supporting the annexation of Crimea, and violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Yatsenyuk said at a briefing on Friday.

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However there is a big unknown: the Bulgarian government, which has been on the fence whether to support Russia, or Europe's bureaucrats (if not corporations) who want South Stream halted for now as that would mean their entire "investment" in Ukraine has been for nothing. Although should Ukraine truly proceed with cutting off Russian gas transit, Europe will have no choice but to give its blessing to the South Stream. In the process Ukraine will shoot itself in the foot and commit leverage suicide.

Right now gas is going through Ukraine, and they're getting cheap gas too.

If/when the South Stream line becomes operational, Ukraine could go bankrupt and become a liability for the US and EU.

The South Stream pipeline would come out of Russian territory, through Crimea, Bulgaria, and Romania.

These events affect whole nations, and billions of dollars in the world economy.

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Crisis in Iraq (54:15)

CNBC: ISIS State Fighters Seize Iraq's Biggest Dam

Islamic State fighters seized control of Iraq's biggest dam, an oilfield and three more towns on Sunday after inflicting their first major defeat on Kurdish forces since sweeping through the region in June. Capture of the Mosul Dam after an offensive of barely 24 hours could give the Sunni militants the ability to flood major Iraqi cities, sharply raising the stakes in their bid to topple Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite-led government. The group, which has declared a caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria, poses the biggest challenge to the stability of OPEC member Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. Critics describe Maliki as an authoritarian leader who has put allies from the Shi'ite majority in key military and government positions at the expense of Sunnis, driving a growing number of the religious minority in Iraq to support the Islamic State and other insurgents. He is also at odds with the Kurds.

ISIS is threatening to open the dam and flood major Iraqi cities. This could put Baghdad under water.

ISIS poses a threat to all of the Middle East, not just Iraq.

Where did ISIS come from? How did this army seemingly come out of nowhere?

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The US military armed and trained thousands of militants to fight against Assad in Syria.

The US gave them money, munitions, and training.

They took their training and weapons and instead of fighting Assad, they invaded Iraq.

During “the Surge” in Iraq years ago, the US bribed the Sunnis $400 million in cash to fight alongside the US and Shi’as.

When the group from Syria invaded Iraq, these bribed Sunnis, offended at the new government, joined the Syrian army.

They've gained another $100mil from ransom money from kidnappings, and $400 million more from looting the bank in Mosul.

These radical Sunnis are Saddam's ex-army; they're experienced in military tactics and administration.

Now the US is bombing all these things that we paid for because they’re using them against us!

Now the Sunnis from Syria and Iraq are trying to create a new state: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq & Syria).

ZeroHedge: ISIS Demands American Blood: Jihadists Call for Attacks on US Interests Worldwide

It was all fun and games with the West's ever escalating sanctions against Russia until Putin finally retaliated, sending the German stock market into a correction and German bunds to record highs. Now, following Obama's official latest military incursion into Iraq, it is time for ISIS, that ultra-aggressive spin off of Al Qaeda to do the same, and following last night's Obama announcement ISIS has called for attacks on US interests worldwide.

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These mosques were paid for with the Petrodollar.

Our agreement with Saudi Arabia to only sell oil only in USDs left the Saudis with billions of USDs.

With this money, they've built mosques in the US, "as a gift to America."

ISIS is calling for these networks to be activated.

This is a time for prayer! America needs prayer!

The terrorists coming out of ISIS are more daring and ruthless than ever before.

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The above map is showing the Islamic extremists (in blue) as well as the US military presence in Africa.

Ebola Epidemic (1:11:15)

Ebola is in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and now Nigeria.

There are about 1,700 known cases of it, with about a 60% death rate.

Airline industries will eventually be hit hard because of this crisis.

ZeroHedge: Ebola Deaths Go Exponential; Nigeria Demands Experimental Drug from US, Saudi Death First in Arab World

The official Ebola death toll is now at 932 with over 1,700 reported cases but as the WHO reports, in the last 48 hours, deaths and cases have exploded (48 and 108 respectively). As the charts below show, this epidemic is going exponential.

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They’re concerned that if this spikes anymore they won’t have the resources to inspect


They say it is not airborne, but is transmitted through bodily fluids.

However, droplets coughed into the air are still bodily fluids, so it still has a chance to spread that way. Also urine carries the virus.

The Liberian president has called for 3 days of prayer and fasting. Timeline Review (1:16:45)

We work from the known to the unknown...

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Nov 4 elections: Things change, markets rally maybe.

Mar 15, 2015 - Debt ceiling cap. Since this last spring, we've been in unlimited debt ceiling.

Some say they're just delaying the debt ceiling debate until a new congress can deal with it.

Ken believes they see a crisis coming and are preparing to mitigate the damage with unlimited debt.

Oct - End of Fed taper; no more mortgage-backed securities purchases.

Jan 2015 - Planned implementation of IMF 2010 Quota Reforms and SDRs.

The G20 has said they will not delay another year, but will do what it takes to implement the new system.

This new system will hurt America and help the rest of the world.

These seemingly innocuous reforms will mean that the US will no longer be able to control the IMF. The quota change means the US percentage will drop, and lose controlling portion.

The SDR would become the new international currency. It is being used now, but in addition to the USD. They intend it to replace the USD as the world’s reserve currency.

They are attempting this now with the BRICS Bank. This is their way of getting around the US's block.

If/when this happens, the US won't be the world's watch dog anymore. It has been the USD as the world reserve currency that has enabled us to afford to have military bases around the world.

Whoever controls the world reserve currency is the world super-power; this power will shift to the UN.

These reforms have been approved by 188 nations, and not approved by 1 - the US.

Ken expects these global forces will try to make our markets fall in the coming months so that the US will be forced into approving the Reforms.

There are rumors about a new currency coming, such as the "Treasury Reserve Note" and/or the "Amero" (currency with Canada & Mexico).

Daniel Dean saw in a dream that there would be capital controls instituted this October.

He said they would be "means tested," meaning the bank would determine if a person really needs the money their requesting. Then if approved, the bank would control when/how the person is able to withdraw it.

Capital controls are an indicator that banks aren’t making money.

We don't see how the market could go up under these conditions, but there is always the possibility of market manipulation.

Company Updates (1:32:00) Liberty Star Uranium (LBSR)

They are trying to keep interest up because they are in negotiations.

They're putting the news out there to get the share price up.

NR: Additional Expressions of Interest in Liberty Star’s Copper-Gold-REEs Hay Mountain Project, Southeast Arizona and Uranium Assets at North Pipes, Arizona

Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp is pleased to announce that one international mining entity and three domestic investing groups have

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expressed interest in continuing due diligence and possible negotiations for financing Phase 1 drilling, on the Company’s Hay Mountain Project in Cochise County, southeast Arizona. Another company has expressed an interest in the North Pipes Project for uranium and other minerals in northern Arizona. In all cases, these are preliminary expressions of interest but these discussions are underway.

NR: Liberty Star Signs Comprehensive New Agreement with Naru Capital a Division of naseba, Extending Successful Partnership to a 4th Term, from July 10 to Dec. 31, 2014

They are going to have meetings with Middle Eastern potential investors in Tucson, AZ in mid-September.

Jim Briscoe is going back to the Middle East in October for additional presentations.

Why would he do this if he already has a good offer on the table? He wants several offers competing for the deal.

There have been many dreams and words about LBSR in the past; some have seen the stock around $0.14 or $0.18 per share.

Could it be these prophesies are fulfilled because the dollar worth less so the stocks become worth more?

The SDR is currently backed by USD, Japanese Yen, British pound, and the Euro.

The IMF Reforms will add the BRICS currencies to the mix, but also the currencies will be backed by commodities, not just fiat currencies.

Nations would then get loans through SDRs, but only by balancing their budgets.

This program of getting their house in order is called "SDRM."

The USD, Euro and Chinese renminbi would be backed by gold.

There is a lot of behind-the-scenes wealth in the world.

There was a lot of gold confiscated from the Nazis and Japanese during WWII, but is not accounted for on nations' books.

There will also be an Arab Accounting Dinar.

The American dollar is strong now because of chaos in the world.

These events will cause gold to go up in the future. International Stem Cell (ISCO)

NR: International Stem Cell Corporation Launches Stroke Program with Tulane University

International Stem Cell Corporation, a California-based biotechnology company developing novel stem cell based therapies, announced today that it has launched a new Stroke Program. Together with Tulane University, ISCO will study the impact of human parthenogenetic neural stem cells (hpNSC) transplantation in a pre-clinical rodent model of ischemic stroke as a first step toward the clinical development of a potential stroke treatment.

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Cut off by fire alarm before meeting close: MarketWired: PetroLuxus Technology Converts Environmental Toxic Waste Stream into Recoverable Saleable Crude Oil Nautilus Minerals Announces Financial Results for Q2 2014 Chat Log drmike1940: Good morning Ken and all kensotr: Good morning! BeFree: Anyone getting anything prophetically on LBSR? Anyone buying shares or recommending it to friends and family? BeFree: New revelation in particular.... BeFree: thank you kensotr: sure! azure: What curriencies would be the best to invest in when this happens? Consistent: Love you all. kensotr: Thank you all! Sorry for the abrupt ending! See you next week! These notes are very basic and include links to the primary news, charts and graphs used in our discussions and news releases by companies on our many Watch Lists. They are best used in conjunction with listening to our MP3s or viewing the video. Please see our web site for the full disclaimer. Notice: This analysis and forecast is for the exclusive use of Investing with Insight's paid members and should be considered private and confidential. It is for the personal use of members only. The forecasts are those that are used by our Chief Market Analyst, Ken Storey, for his personal investing and should not be considered financial advice. Please see our disclaimer below. You can also post on Join Other Members of Our Community on a Live Prayer Call: Jocelyn Carson is the prayer coordinator each week. Please join her and the community in praying for investing revelation, our companies, our nation, etc. Date: Mondays @ 12:00 PM EDT Dial: (724) 444-7444 Enter: 64627 # (Call ID) Enter: 1 # or your PIN

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You can also join the call from your computer. Please email Jocelyn at [email protected] for instructions. As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey. Blessings,

Ken Storey CEO, Investing With Insight Zedek Publishing is not a registered investment adviser or registered broker-dealer nor does it endorse or recommend the services of any investment adviser or brokerage company or provide any investment advice or brokerage services. Zedek Publishing operates as a publisher and all information provided in our articles and on our website is impersonal and for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. You should always conduct your own due diligence and consult with your own licensed investment professionals, attorneys and accountants before making any investment decision. While a security's past performance may be analyzed in our articles, past performance should not be considered indicative of future results. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Zedek Publishing disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations in our articles or o n our website prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses. Zedek Publishing, or its officers, directors, analysts or other employees may have positions in securities or speculations referenced in our articles.
