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VV College of Engineering Tisaiyanvilai, Tirunelveli District

HS2161 Technical English – II

Two Marks Questions and Answers

(Based on Anna University Syllabus)

A. Technical Vocabulary

1. nutrition - nourishment

2. holistic - seeing as a whole

3. indispensable - necessary

4. amalgamation - bringing together

5. stagnant - not moving

6. alternative - substitute

7. constructive - useful

8. glorify - praise

9. aggregate - intensity

10. assets - property

11. panorama - a view of landscape

12. inedible - unfit to eat

13.abnormality - required by written law

14. repercussion - a reciprocal action

15. breeder- producer

16. distress – suffering

17. extraction – taking out

18. collateral – property pledged by a borrower

19. plying – move between places

20. stringent – severe

21. stray – wandering

22. enforce – make sure something is followed

23. fatal – resulting in death

24. congestion – abnormal accumulation of people, traffic

25. pedestrian – a person who walks

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26. violation – non- observance

27. Regulations – rules

28. complex – intricate

29. Device – instrument

30. diversion – turning aside

31. capacity – ability

32. erosion – wearing away

33. permeability – passing through

34. significantly – markedly

35. augmentation – increase

36. implement – tool

37. consumption – use

38. spell – a condition caused by magical power

9. nucleus – central part of the atom

40. uranium – metallic element

41. fission – division of the atom

42. disposal – getting rid of

43. core – the innermost part

44. coolant – cooling fluid

45. radiation – giving out rays

46. contamination – pollution

47 chip – device composed of silicon 48. fiction – not factual 49. fantasy – wild imagination 50. extraterrestrial – not belong to the earth 51. jeopardy – danger 52. innovations – introduction of new things or changes 53. indigenous – native 54. ballast – crushed gravel 55. conventional – traditional 56. sophistication – complexity 57. inadvertently – without paying attention

58. tranquil – calm, peaceful

59. spectacular – grand appearance

60. intact – whole , unaffected

61. exotic – strange , unusual, attractive

62. repository – a place where things are stored

63. lush – growing thickly

64. diversity – variety, having difference

65. exploitation – using,usually unfairly, for one's own benefit

66. coagulum – obtaining juices by crushing , boiling

67. husk – dry outer covering of grain

68. technology – scientific knowledge needed for industry

69. appropriate – suitable

70. indispensable – necessary

71. anticipate – consider beforehand

72. casually – unplanned, careless manner

73. feedback – response

74. instantly – immediately

75. informal – relaxed and friendly

76.Catchment – reservoir

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77. repercussion – reciprocal action

78. submergence – being placed under water

79. conservation – preservation

80. afforestation – expansion of forests


Noun Adjective Person concerned

1. Chemistry Chemical Chemist

2. Science Scientific Scientist

3. Education Educational Educationalist

4. Geology Geological Geologist

5. Astronomy Astronomical Astronomer

6. Nature Natural Naturalist

7. Botany Botanical Botanist

8. Biology Biological Biologist

9. Contribution Contributory Contributor

10. Projection Projective Projector

11. Organization Organizational Organizer

12. Ecology Ecological Ecologist

13. Technology Technological Technologist

14. Sociology Sociological Sociologist

15. Physiology Physiological Physiologist

16. Zoology Zoological Zoologist

17. Statistics Statistical Statistician

18. Drama Dramatic Dramatist

19. Action Acting Actor

20. Magic Magical Magician

21. Competition Competitive Competitor

22. Production Productive Producer

23. Photograph Photographic Photographer

24. Economics Economical Economist

25. Bakery Baked Baker

26. Office Official Officer

27. Optics Optical Optician

28. Industry Industrial Industrialist

29. Mathematics Mathematical Mathematician

30. Electricity Electrical Electrician

31. Mechanics Mechanical Mechanic

32. Environment Environmental Environmentalist

33. Tradition Traditional Traditionalist

34. Biography Biographical Biographer

35. Physics Physical Physicist

36. Building Building Builder

37. Entertainment Entertaining Entertainer

38. History Historical Historian

39. Politics Political Politician

40. Linguistics Linguistic Linguist

41. Semantics Semantic Semanticist

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42. Psychology Psychological Psychologist

43. Diplomacy Diplomatic Diplomat

44. Genetics Genetic Geneticist

45. Cardiology Cardiologic Cardiologist


1. supersonic : having a speed greater than that of sound

2. ultraviolet :having wavelength beyond the violet end of the spectrum

3. substandard : not having the required or normal quality

4. hyper tension : Abnormal blood pressure

5. sub continent : Large mass of land, but smaller than a continent

6. Sub zero : Less than zero

7. super conductivity : Having zero resistance

8. Ultrasonic : having a pitch above the upper limit of human hearing

9. super heat : Heating above boiling point without causing vaporization

10. infra red : hose invisible rays below the red end of the spectrum

11. subsonic : below the level of audibility

12. international : Going beyond national limits

13. multiracial : a nation having many races of people

14. impractical : not practical

15. para staff : supporting staff

16. malfunction : not working properly

17. undervalue : value something below the level

18. belittle : make something unimportant

19. empower : give more power

20. sub sect : division within

21. unofficial : not official

22. supermarket : store where everything is available

23. abnormal : Below normal

24. immaterial : No reason accepted

25. hyper sensitive : Excessively sensitive

26. under estimate : Misjudge

27. asymmetry : Not equal

28. ambiguous : Two meaning/ not clear

29. circumnavigate : Go round the earth

30. dismiss : To send away

31. disparity : Difference of opinion:

32. anti pollution : Against pollution

33. multipurpose : Used for many purpose

34. multimillionaire : One who owns millions of money

35. multistoried : Having many floors

36. preheat : heat before hand

37. bilingual : speaking two languages

38. faultless : without fault

39. semiprecious : less valuable than a precious stone

40. subtropical : near but not in the tropics

41. ultramarine : brilliant deep blue

42. underdeveloped : a country which is not very highly developed

43. .underpaid : not earning enough

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44. interstate : between states

45. megastar / superstar : very big star

46. mismatch : wrong match

47. disown : refuse to own

48. unbearable : that cannot be tolerated or endured

49. self governing : autonomous

50. ultravenous : in or into veins


1. Cell phone: A Cell phone or a Cellular phone is a telephone that does not have any wires. It

works by radio. One can carry it anywhere and use it. It is otherwise called a mobile phone. It

helps in communication from one part of the world to another part of the world.

2. Calculator: A calculator is an electronic device used to perform arithmetic and logical

calculations. It works on solar energy. It is small and handy. It is portable. It is of different sizes

and shapes. There are two types of calculators’ scientific and ordinary calculator.

3. Solar cell: A solar cell is also called photovoltaic cell. It is a solid state electrical device that

converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect .The energy

generated from these solar modules, referred to as solar power, is an example of solar energy

4. Barometer: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric

pressure. It can measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere by using water,air,or mercury.

Pressure tendency can forecast short term changes in the weather.

5. Seismograph: A seismograph is the device that scientists used to measure earthquakes. The

goal of a seismograph is to accurately record the motion of the ground during an earthquake. It

measures ground oscillations by recording the relative motion between a pendulum and the


6. Microprocessor: A microprocessor is a silicon chip which can do the same jobs as the parts

inside a computer. It is a programmable logic device that had computing and decision making

capability in the CPU. The first microprocessors emerged in the early 1970s and were used for

electronic calculations.

7. Lap-top: A lap top is a portable computer. Hence it is very convenient compared to the other

systems. And for this reason, a lap top is a store house of information as it serves as a ready

reckoner. There are varieties of lap tops available in the market. Some of them are very light

and small.

8. Blue tooth: Blue tooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short

distances from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks with high levels of

security. It is a wireless communication with PC input and output devices.

9. An in-jet printer: An ink-jet printer is a device which cans printout information from a

computer by firing tiny jets of ink on paper. It is an output device that helps to take hard copies

of the typed matter or any visuals. The cost of ink-jet printer is cheaper compared to the laser


10. Solar water heater: Solar water heater is heated by the use of solar energy. The system may

use electricity for pumping the fluid, and have a reservoir or tank for heat storage and

subsequent use. The systems may be used to heat water for a wide variety of uses, including

home, business and industrial uses

11. Robot: A robot is a machine designed to execute one or more tasks repeatedly, with speed and

precision. It can be controlled by a human operator, sometimes from a great distance. But most

robots are controlled by computer.

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12. i-pod: An i-Pod is a portable device for storing and playing audio files encoded by MP 3. The

larger i-Pod and the i-Pod Mini use an extremely small hard disk for storage. An i-pod is much

more than “just a little boombox”

13. Compressor : The compressor is the first component in the engine core. It is made up of fans

with many blades and it is attached to the shaft. The compressor squeezes the air and creates an

increase in the air pressure. The squashed air is forced into the combustion chamber.

14. Battery:The battery is a device that provides electric current by converting chemical energy

into electric energy. It is a collection of multiple electrochemical cells

15. Thermometer : A thermometer is a device that measures the temperature of things. The name

is made up of two smaller words: "Thermo" means heat and meter means to measure.

16. Flow Chart: A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in

the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process

step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow


17. Computer printer: Computer printer is a machine for printing text on paper . It is connected to

the computer. All required matter can be typed or drawn on the monitor and the same can be

taken as a print out using a computer printer.

18. Computer software : Computer software is a collection of computer programs and related data

that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do and how to do it. In other words

software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation.

19. Computer Key Board: A Computer keyboard is a data input device for computers. In

computing, a keyboard is a typewriter keyboard, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys,

to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches.

20. Compact Disc: A compact disc (CD) is a small, portable, round medium made of molded

polymer for electronically recording, storing, and playing back audio, video, text, and other

information in digital form.

21. Computer virus : A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one

computer to another computer. A computer virus may corrupt or delete data on a computer, use

an e-mail program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard


22. High Technology: High Technology is the technology based on modern machines. It is a high

cost technology. Since it involves high cost machines maintenance becomes difficult. It

involves trained persons because it may cause some environmental damage.

23. Appropriate Technology - Appropriate technology is a low cost technology which uses local

resources available. It is eco friendly. Since it uses the local resources it is easy to use. Its

maintenance is also easy. It works on human power.

24. Laser Technology is the processing and welding of materials with laser radiation. Solid-state

and gas pulsed and continuous-wave lasers are used. Laser technology basically uses the

infrared lights produced from a laser to destroy some body or mass in relation to health care.

25. Traditional technology is the oldest technology which uses the men and material. It is the

oldest form of technology. It uses the local resources available. It is a rustic form of technology.

The sickle, plough etc are examples of traditional technology. Since it uses local resources it

doesn’t need any training. It doesn’t need high level maintenance. It is environmentally


26. Antenna :An antenna (or aerial) is a transducer that transmits or receives electromagnetic

waves. In other words, antennas convert electromagnetic radiation into an electrical signal and

vice versa. Antennas are used in systems such as radio and television broadcasting, point-to-

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point radio communication, wireless LAN, cell phones,radar,and spacecraft communication.

27. A transformer is a static device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another

through inductively coupled conductors—the transformer's coils. A varying current in the first

or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core and thus a varying

magnetic field through the secondary winding. This is used to step up or step down the voltage.

28. Hardware: Hardware is a general term for the artifacts of a technology. It may also mean the

physical components of a computer system , in the form of computer hardware. Modern

hardware stores typically sell equipment such as keys, locks, hinges, latches, corners, handles,

wire, chains, plumbing supplies, tools, utensils, cutlery and machine parts, especially when they

are made of metal.

29. Microphone :The microphone works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It converts

sound waves into electrical signals. Microphones are used in many applications such as

telephones, tape recorders, hearing aids, radio and television broadcasting and in computers for

recording voice etc.

30. Electrical generator :Electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy. A generator forces electrons in the windings to flow through the external

electrical circuit.

31. Computer : A computer is an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information,

do calculations and control other machines. With the internet connection, computers help us to

have international network. It is a versatile machine.

32. Offset printing is also called offset lithography, is a method of mass-production printing in

which the images on metal plates are transferred (offset) to rubber blankets or rollers and then

to the print media. The main advantage of offset printing is its high and consistent image


33. Lithography is a method for printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely smooth

surface and treated to retain ink while the non image areas are treated to repel ink .It can be

used to print text or artwork onto paper or other suitable material

34. Printer is a peripheral which produces a hard copy of documents stored in electronic form,

usually on physical print media such as paper. Many printers are primarily used as local

peripherals , and are attached by a printer cable or, in most newer printers, a USB cable to a

computer which serves as a document source.

E. Make the sentences express purpose using the hints given below :

1. Thermostat : maintain temperature at a constant level

Thermostat is used to maintain temperature at a constant level

2. Barometer: Measures atmospheric pressure

Barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure

3. An experiment : demonstrates a principle

An experiment is used to demonstrate a principle

4. A feasibility report: makes recommendations

The purpose of a feasibility report is to make recommendations

5. Litmus test: identifies acids and alkalies

Litmus test is used to identify acids and alkalies

6. Constructing a bypass road: reduces traffic congestion

Constructing a bypass road is to reduce traffic congestion

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7. Sending telegrams: ensure message reaches quickly

Sending telegrams are used to ensure message reaches quickly

8. A flow chart : represents a process as a series of steps

A flow chart is used to represent a process as a series of steps

9. Safety valve : release excess pressure

The purpose of a safety valve is to release excess pressure.

10. Tempering steel : make it harder and less brittle.

The purpose of tempering steel is to make it harder and less brittle

11. Catalyst: speed up chemical reaction

Catalyst is used to speed up chemical reaction

12. Camera : take photographs

Camera is used to take photographs

F. Give the numerical expressions for the following :

1. a motor bike weighing 150 kilograms – a 150 kilogram motor bike.

2. a tank with a capacity of 250 liters – a 250 liter tank

3. a D.C. supply of 240 volts – a 240 volt D.C

4. a lamp of a power of 60 watts – a 60 watt lamp

5. a cricket match lasting three days – a three day cricket match

6. a ten feet wide road – a ten foot road

7. a room with a capacity of forty members – a 40 member capacity room

8. at interval of ten minutes – a ten minute interval

9. a spectrum of 7 colours – a seven colour spectrum

10. a lecture for 3 hours – a three hour lecture

11. a pipe with a length of 10 metres – a ten meter pipe

12. a walk of five kilometers – a five kilometer walk

G. Make sentences using the following words as nouns and as verbs 1. object

Place the object in front of the light (N)

He objects my decision (V)

2. convict

He is a convict (N)

He was convicted on a crime (V)

3. conduct

His conduct is good(N)

He conducts the programme (V)

4. last

He was the last to leave. (N)

The bad weather lasted for three days.(V)

5. Export

The export of the country had decreased (N)

We export petrol. (V)

6. contrast

Increase the contrast of the picture (N)

His brother contrast him (V)

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7. produce

The produce was distributed. (N)

They produced good result.(V)

8. record

He has finished writing the record (N)

She recorded the voice (V)

9. perfect

He is perfect in his activities (N)

He perfected the matter (V)

10. project

The project was successful (N)

He projects the images on the wall (V)

11. purchase

He went to purchase a car (N)

He purchases car every year (V)

12. trap

The trap was well laid (N)

He trapped the deer (V)

13. rebel

Rebels are sent to jail (N)

He rebels on hearing the rules (V)

14. answer

I know the answer (N)

I answered the question (V)

15. demand

There is a demand for jobs (N)

I demand an explanation. (V)

16. progress

There is no progress in the work (N)

He wants to progress in his life (V)

17. contact

He keeps in contact regularly (N)

I contact my friend over phone (V)

18. subject

English is a subject (N) He subjected me to severs threat (V)

19. defeat

He cannot accept defeat (N)

I defeat him always (V)

20. book

This is an interesting book (N) He booked the ticket (V)

H. Change the following sentences into reported speech

1. The announcer said, “ The Cheran Express is late by two hours”

The announcer said that the Cheran Express was late by two hours

2. The director said, “ The company has not been able to achieve its production target this year”

The director said that the company had not been able to achieve its production target that year

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3. Veena said to Meena, “ I have bought a dictionary”

Veena said to Meena that she had bought a dictionary

4. Ram said to Sam, “ Don't play football in the garden”

Ram ordered Sam not to play football in the garden

5. Josh said Peter, “ Give me a cup of orange juice”

Josh asked Peter to give him a cup of orange juice

6. David said to John, “ Don't waste my time”

David advised John not to waste his time

7. Sita said to Veni, “ Please lend your book”

Sita requested Veni to lend her book

8. Sam says, “ I am listening to western music”

Sam says that he is listening to western music

9. Raj said to Jeya, “ When did you attend the meeting ?”

Raj asked Jeya when she had attended the meeting

10. The shop keeper said to the customer, “ When will you pay the bill ?”

The shop keeper asked the customer when he would pay the bill

11. She said to Kiruba, “ Are you going to buy a new car ?”

She asked Kiruba if she was going to buy a new car

12. Ram said to his father, “ Can you switch off the T.V after an hour ?”

Ram asked father if he could switch off the T.V after an hour

I. A. Make cause and effect expressions with the following

1. IT industries provide employment. Thousands of students join in IT courses

As IT industries provide employment, thousands of students join in IT courses

2. The traffic increased many fold. Over bridge is constructed to reduce traffic

As the traffic increased many fold, over bridge is constructed to reduce traffic

3. The stream from the boiler is wet. It has to be passed through a super-heater

As the stream from the boiler is wet, it has to be passed through a super-heater

4. The air filter gets clogged with dirt. It must be cleaned regularly.

As the air filter gets clogged with dirt, it must be cleaned regularly.

5. Wind mills are installed in large numbers. Adequate power is produced

As wind mills are installed in large numbers, adequate power is produced

Wind mills are installed in large number as a result adequate power is produced

6. E-ticketing is introduced by the railways. The people get reservations easily.

As E-ticketing is introduced by the railways the people get reservations easily

7. Heavy rain, holiday declared for schools and colleges

Due to heavy rain, holiday declared for schools and colleges

Holiday declared for schools and colleges because of the heavy rain.

8. The oil tanker spilled large quantity of oil. Many sea birds died

As the oil tanker spilled large quantity of oil, many sea birds died

9. The machine was not maintained properly. The accident occurred

As the machine was not maintained properly the accident occurred

The accident occurred as a result the machine was not maintained properly.

10. The water from the rivers overflowed. Many villages were inundated

As the water from the rivers overflowed, many villages were inundated

Many villages were inundated due to the water from the rivers overflowed

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B. Write sentences using (a) consequently (b) because (c) due to (d )since to express causal


Ans (a) Glass is fragile consequently / therefore / as a result / hence we should handle it carefull

(b) He is successful in business because of / as a result of / on account of / owing to / his


J. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions

1. The story of the English language is typically one of the massive stealing from other languages.

That is why English today has an estimated vocabulary of over one million words.

2. Appropriate technology is a technology that is developed to cater to the basic needs of

economically poor people. Also, it is not concerned to only the small scale technology. Appropriate

technology lies somewhere from traditional and modern technology. It is particularly easy to

operate and can be maintained by less skilled persons. A special feature of this technology is that it

can be applied to a variety of rural needs.

3. a). The fire bells sounded, workers immediately switched off their machines and moved to safer


b) The skilled worker carried out many operations on a lathe with his supervisor

4. Artificial intelligence is the science of developing computers that can learn and follow instructions

with great accuracy and speed. An example of AI is the use of Expert system.

5. a) The ore is then transported to mills

b) The machine is very heavy in spite of its small size

c) One of the India's priorities is growing more food

d) Gold is rare metal with a beautiful yellow colour

6. The latest inventions in communications promote internationalism and facilities the unity of

mankind, and hence the promotion of internationalism, and by closer contacts, virtually eliminate

physical distances.

7. One of the important benefits of machine civilization is that our standard of life is improved. There

is much more variety of our lives. We have a wide choice of everything in wrist watches to flash

lights. Food from any part of the world can be obtained from any season of the year

8. The thorium reserves can be used in fast breeder reactors. A very small quantity of nuclear fuel

produces energy that can otherwise be produced by vast quantities of conventional fuels like coal

9. A National conference on “The Use of English in Colleges” was organized by V V College of

Engineering, Tisaiyanvilai at the auspices of The British Council. About 200 students from

different colleges attended the conference

10. Indian newspapers have undesirably a vital role to play and an important duty to perform , both as

voice of the people and a builder of public opinion

K. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles

1. Forests also play a vital role in regulating the flow of water through the ecosystem, which in

turn helps determine the local and regional climate

2. Liquid samples assume the shape of its container. The kinetic theory explains this property by

saying that there are no fixed positions for the molecules.

3. The energy given out by the sun is created by the process known as nuclear fusion

4. Learning is a process that every single human being undergoes. It is not just a yearly or even

monthly process, but a day-today one as well.

5. Technology is also a twin-edged sword. So everybody should take the development in the right


6. High Technology is the technology based on modern machines. It is a high cost technology.

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7. A printer is an output device attached to a computer. It helps to take hard copies of the typed

matter or any visuals available in the processor of the computer

8. a) He wears a uniform on Monday

b) Asha is the best student in the class

9. a) She is not an honourable woman

b) Please give me a sugar

10. We went to the temple and saw an elephant eating bananas