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    How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

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    Deluge International Playboy


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    How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    A deep voice is an inherently masculine strait, being a symptom of both size and

    testosterone levels. Deep voices elicit attraction from women and respect from men. I

    was born a charismatic public speaker but with a typical, merely average pitched

    voice. I was also born with a perfectionist streak which when met with discovering

    game and self-improvement meant maximizing all my attributes as best I possibly

    could, so having a merely average pitch voice was no longer good enough.

    Unfortunately doing stuff like speaking from your diaphragm will only do so much, and

    really only make your voice sound fuller and richer rather than actually deeper per se.

    Since I have no interest in smoking my way to a deeper voice, this is where my

    exercise came in.


    1. As far as I am  aware it is impossible to permanently deepen your voice. The

    method I use lasts for roughly a day and a half before my deeper voice fades away

    and the exercise must be repeated.

    2. I've been doing this exercise once a day 3-4 times a week for over 2 years and

    have never had any problems with or damage done to my voice. No one I've ever

    shared this exercise to has ever done any damage either. That said, I make no

    guarantees as to that here, do this exercise at your own risk.

    How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Step 1: Tilt your head back as far as you can.Step 2: Recite the sentence "Bing, Bong. Ding, Dong. King Kong." slowly,

    stretching/elongating the "ng" sound for each.

    Step 3: Repeat step 2 but at a deeper pitch

    Step 4: Repeat again, this time at your deepest possible pitch.

    Congratulations, you now have a deeper, manlier and sexier voice. At least for the

    next day or so. Enjoy.

    (This post was last modified: 09-18-2014 08:02 AM by Deluge.)

    09-18-2014 07:56 AM  

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    Marlfox Beta Orbiter


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    I remember seeing this elsewhere (perhaps Roissy?). I've been meaning to start this

    for ages, I'm surprised that you say there's been no positive permanent change, but

    good to hear of no negative effects either. Do you think there might be very small but

    continuous improvements to your voice from this method that are imperceptible?

    09-18-2014 08:52 AM  

    Brisey Recovering Beta


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    I recently did a course (book and DVD set) from Voice Dynamics  to improve my voice.

    I spoke a bit too fast and as I live in a country where English is not the first language,

    some had issues with my articulation and volume.

    The material began with ensuring you breathe from your diaphragm (I think Soup has

    covered this in some of his posts) and finding your perfect pitch. There were exercises

    that you do to feel the resonance in your chest as you speak and then you know you

    have it. I also had a few Skype video chats with the author of the course for no extra

    cost. Since I completed it there's a big change between by before and after voice.

    09-18-2014 09:16 AM  

    The following 1 user Likes Brisey's post:Downunder

    Deluge International Playboy


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Marlfox Wrote:

    I remember seeing this elsewhere (perhaps Roissy?). I've been meaning to start this

    for ages, I'm surprised that you say there's been no positive permanent change, but

    good to hear of no negative effects either. Do you think there might be very smallbut continuous improvements to your voice from this method that are imperceptible?

    I have no clue where it comes from since I found it so long ago. I would've

    remembered if it was from Roissy though, did a search on his blog and nothing came

    up. I don't think my voice has changed permanently. If it has, I haven't noticed it

    personally. However I'm so used to having a deep voice now that I feel odd when I

    talk without the effects of the exercise, my normal voice doesn't feel quite like my

    own anymore.

    09-18-2014 10:43 AM  

    The following 1 user Likes Deluge's post:Marlfox

    Marlfox Beta Orbiter


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Deluge Wrote:

    Marlfox Wrote:

    I remember seeing this elsewhere (perhaps Roissy?). I've been meaning to start

    this for ages, I'm surprised that you say there's been no positive permanent

    change, but good to hear of no negative effects either. Do you think there might be

    very small but continuous improvements to your voice from this method that are


    I have no clue where it comes from since I found it so long ago. I would've

    remembered if it was from Roissy though, did a search on his blog and nothing came

    up. I don't think my voice has changed permanently. If it has, I haven't noticed it

    personally. However I'm so used to having a deep voice now that I feel odd when I

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    (09-18-2014 11:15 AM)

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    (09-18-2014 11:47 AM)

    (09-18-2014 11:15 AM)

     Post: #8

    talk without the effects of the exercise, my normal voice doesn't feel quite like my

    own anymore.

    Interesting, thanks for the reply.

    09-18-2014 11:15 AM  

    Don Recovering Beta


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    So you do this exercise once a day, and you repeat the sentence only 3 times? Sorry

    if it's a dumb question, just wanna make sure i understand correctly.

    09-18-2014 11:15 AM  

    Marlfox Beta Orbiter


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Don Wrote:So you do this exercise once a day, and you repeat the sentence only 3 times? Sorry

    if it's a dumb question, just wanna make sure i understand correctly.

    Once a day.

    But not everyday.

    Leave a day between each time you do the entire exercise.

    Repeat the phrase three times, but getting deeper every time.

    I think that's right.

    09-18-2014 11:47 AM


    Deluge International Playboy


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Marlfox Wrote:

    Don Wrote:

    So you do this exercise once a day, and you repeat the sentence only 3 times?

    Sorry if it's a dumb question, just wanna make sure i understand correctly.

    Once a day.

    But not everyday.

    Leave a day between each time you do the entire exercise.Repeat the phrase three times, but getting deeper every time.

    I think that's right.

    That's correct. The main reasons I don't do it every day are because 1. my voice is

    still deeper than normal if I did it the day before 2. if I'm not doing much that day

    there's just no need for it and 3. sometimes I'll forget to do it during my morning

    shower. You could do it 7 days a week, it's just I've never tried that so I have no clue

    what the effects would be.

    Remember to do it slowly, hold the "ng" sound in word each for 5-10 seconds . Say

    it in your normal pitch the 1st time, a deep pitch the 2nd and then your all outmaximum deep the 3rd.

    (This post was last modified: 09-18-2014 12:35 PM by Deluge.)

    09-18-2014 12:34 PM

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    Lucario Chubby Chaser


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Made 4 years ago.

    09-18-2014 08:48 PM  

    Basil Ransom International Playboy


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    A lot of it is mental. Right now, most of you could comfortably do a vocal

    impression of someone where you dramatically lower your pitch. So you're

    definitely capable of speaking at a lower pitch. It's just a matter of becoming

    comfortable with it and accessing your natural voice at that lower pitch.

    Try singing songs by men with deeper voices. Frank Sinatra perhaps. This may

    be why my voice got deeper. I like fly me to the moon, come fly with me, and

    for a challenge, old man river. Try singing some Negro spirituals.

    09-18-2014 08:58 PM  

    The following 6 users Like Basil Ransom's post:ElBorrachoInfamoso, Princeton, zaqan, Druber, redbeard, GlobalMan


    True Player


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    I can't actually believe this works…

    It just sounds too ridiculous to be true.

    I still tried it…AMAZING!!

    09-19-2014 04:06 AM  

    The following 1 user Likes CrashBangWallop's post:


    Deluge International Playboy

    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Basil Ransom Wrote:

    A lot of it is mental. Right now, most of you could comfortably do a vocal impression

    How To Deepen Your Voice - Exercises To Make Voice De...

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    (09-19-2014 04:06 AM)

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    of someone where you dramatically lower your pitch. So you're definitely capable of 

    speaking at a lower pitch. It's just a matter of becoming comfortable with it and

    accessing your natural voice at that lower pitch.

    Try singing songs by men with deeper voices. Frank Sinatra perhaps. This may be

    why my voice got deeper. I like fly me to the moon, come fly with me, and for a

    challenge, old man river. Try singing some Negro spirituals.

    I'm skeptical that it's actually doable to fake it till you make it like that, to start

    speaking in a pitch different to your natural one all the time, without having toconsciously think about it.

    CrashBangWallop Wrote:

    I can't actually believe this works…

    It just sounds too ridiculous to be true.

    I still tried it…AMAZING!!

    09-19-2014 06:42 AM  

    Basil Ransom International Playboy


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    This is probably technically wrong, but anyhow... The pitch of your voice is

    determined by where you make the sound - the higher up you make the sound

    in your throat, the higher the pitch is. To speak at a lower pitch consistently,

    you must teach yourself naturally to speak from a place lower in your throat.

    When I try to simulate how I used to speak, my throat is virtually dead, and

    all the audio is coming from my mouth. Now, it comes from my throat.

    Try larynx exercises. Open your mouth and move your Adam's Apple

    downwards while taking in air. Focus on making that hole through which air

    travels in your throat as open as possible. At least when I do it, I sound a little

    like Darth Vader.

    I see it like posture - you must make a concerted effort to change, but real

    progress is possible.

    (This post was last modified: 09-19-2014 04:38 PM by Basil Ransom.)

    09-19-2014 04:30 PM  

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    L M McCoy

    Seanchaí Beta Orbiter


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    I'll give this a go, it seems too easy, but I will restrict judgement until I've tried it. I

    could definitely use this, I've been told I sound like a cartoon character

    "You see a mouse trap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge" Scroobius Pip

    10-06-2014 12:16 PM  

    el conquistador Recovering Beta


    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    This is great. Thanks for this.

    Does anybody have any drills/exercises to improve vocal projection?[email protected]/

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    Learn Spanish Game Latinas

    10-06-2014 03:30 PM  

    vilevigilant Male Feminist


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Nice, I will definitely use this. Thanks for sharing OP.

    10-08-2014 05:07 AM  

    Krusyos Banned


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    I think it works, but you sound like a retard when you do it.

    10-08-2014 09:39 AM  

    The following 3 users Like Krusyos's post:Seanchaí , Alpha, Kickb

    Seanchaí Beta Orbiter


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    I've tried it and it definitely makes my voice sound and feel different. It takes a

    brave man to make those noises with roommates in the house

    "You see a mouse trap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge" Scroobius Pip

    10-10-2014 06:33 PM  

    Deluge International Playboy


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Seanchaí Wrote:

    I've tried it and it definitely makes my voice sound and feel different. It takes abrave man to make those noises with roommates in the house

    Never considered this, I do it during my morning shower so the sound of the fan and

    the water drowns it out.

    10-11-2014 03:44 AM  

    The following 2 users Like Deluge's post:

    Seanchaí , Alpha

    Inspired Beta Orbiter

    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    The voice is a muscle. Use it or lose it. But the best way to deepen your voice is to

    sing. And do it loud and sing high. Do it in the car. Sing along to great rock songs.

    Your voice will sound rough and deeper.[email protected]/

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    10-11-2014 06:15 AM  

    The following 1 user Likes Inspired's post:El_Nasty


    Chubby Chaser


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    It works!!

    10-14-2014 03:52 PM  

    Seanchaí Beta Orbiter


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Deluge Wrote:

    Seanchaí Wrote:

    I've tried it and it definitely makes my voice sound and feel different. It takes a

    brave man to make those noises with roommates in the house

    Never considered this, I do it during my morning shower so the sound of the fan

    and the water drowns it out.

    How did I not think of that, thank you sir. You had to give the cigarette and light it

    too. I have been putting this into practice and it seems to be working. While talking

    to a few people lately over the phone they said they assumed I was older

    "You see a mouse trap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge" Scroobius Pip

    10-14-2014 10:22 PM  

    MikeS Chubby Chaser


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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Haven't tried it as I'm satisfied with the "deepness" (what's the technical term?) of my

    voice, but venturing slightly off topic I've recently started recording myself speaking

    and have very quickly been able to improve upon issues like speaking too fast

    (although moving to another country and still speaking primarily English to other non-

    native speakers who often aren't fluent like I am, had already helped with that),

    occasional very light lisping sounds, pauses with too many "... ehrmm"s instead of justsilence, and a few other flaws.

    So I can definitely recommend recordings of natural speech (not reading from a script,

    although including a bit of that can't hurt either) as a great method for improving an

    extremely important communication tool.

    I'm gonna start doing video recordings as well to improve facial and body language.

    10-14-2014 10:36 PM  

    Basil Ransom International Playboy


    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    Saw this vid, an interview of a YouTube personality which you may like:[email protected]/

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    As you can hear, the difference between his 'normal' voice and his character's

    voice is very different. I almost said his 'natural' voice, but there really is no such

    thing as your 'natural' voice - there's just the voice you choose to use at any givenmoment.

    10-17-2014 07:01 PM  

    The following 1 user Likes Basil Ransom's post:Benoit

    roid Recovering Beta

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    RE: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

    No fap

    Inject testosterone

    10-19-2014 02:54 AM  

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