
Effectively Using Storytelling in !

Your Life and Work

by @MattRagland !

Table of


1. Personal

2. The



3. Business:



4. Business:


Who knows !what is good, !

and what is bad?

Story Structures

Donald Miller

Once upon a time there was _____. Every day, _____. One day, _____. Because of that, _____. Because of that, _____.

Until one day, _____

A character is presented with a challenge. He seeks (or is given) help from mentors and collaborators. He formulates a plan and begins the journey. Along the way, he experiences success, failure, and is changed. Upon completion, he returns, ready to help others change.

I want ____, but need ____ in order to ____. ____ is in the way, and I need help from ____ to overcome it and achieve my goal.

Choose your Storyline

Athletic challenges are popular !because they offer absolute clarity.

I want to run a half-marathon, but need to get in better shape. My

priorities and fitness habits are in the way, and I need help from a

coach or training plan to overcome the challenges and finish the race.

I want to write a book, but need a plan and a practice. My choices on

how I spend free time are in the way, and I need help from other

writers and teachers to overcome the resistance and do the work.

Why stories

are so


“Stories have the power to transport us and affect our beliefs. Storytellers are often more believable and their mistakes are less apparent than data-dumpers. Furthermore, stories help make information and lessons easier to process and retain” !

Green & Brock Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000

“A story is a trick for sneaking !a message into the fortified !citadel of the human mind”

Have you ever been told it’s time to move on?

Smoke Signals !

1. Great characters understand challenges and responsibility!!

2. Great characters understand conflict and the role it plays!!

3. Great characters in great stories show vulnerability and seek help


“Cultivating vulnerability in a relationship or organization is like turning on the lights in a dark room. It’s best to turn on a string of little lights than blind someone with a flashlight.”!- Brene Brown in Daring Greatly

Effective Storytelling for Your Business


Company Focused

Problems and Challenges

The champion for the common man, making air travel affordable & democratic

Healthy, ethically-sourced food should be

accessible, affordable, and delicious

We are dedicated to collaborative and independent creativity, continuously seeking to remove the barriers

which impede such work.

We want our gear to integrate and connect with the outdoor experience, not conquer it. !


“We want Topo gear to do exactly what is needed in your outdoor adventures, but nothing more. The pack should be a integrated in to the

experience, and not conquer it. In a way, we want the gear to get out of the way and allow the

outdoorsman to take in the majesty of the outdoors without fussing with his pack”

Jedd Rose, Founder

Finding meaning in your work

Great Stories are Everywhere

4 S words

1. Solving the StoryWhat problem are they solving?!

What challenges are being overcome?!What are the obstacles & conflicts?!

Can anyone else help guide/teach us?!Who else is on the journey with me?

2. Simplify the Story

Now, simplify your answers down to a few sentences.

3. Scaling the Story

What can we do this !day/week/month/quarter/year?

Hint: Start small

4. Sharing the Story

Is your team sharing the same, clear story? !

if not, here’s more help…




from Simon Sinek’s book Start with Why

Rockmont StoryWhy we do camp How we do camp

What it looks like (at camp, away from camp)

1. Why we do the work we do

2. How we do the work we do

3. What the work looks like

Customer Focused


Problems and Solutions

• Is the problem and solution clear to the customer?!

• Is it a problem they need help with?

Shift in Mindset and Responsibility

You are the Guide !with a plan…

…they are the Hero with a challenge

The best opportunities lie in our

deepest struggles

Thank [email protected]!

@MattRagland! - Where I Talk! - Where I Work!

Reflect and Project

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