
How Can Homeowners Save More Energy Annually?

Start by making judicious use of your household

and kitchen appliances. And if

possible, have them replaced

with power- efficient ones in order to reduce

your energy bills substantially.

Get an energy assessment done of your home for figuring out the

most energy- guzzling features in your property.

Apart from saving energy,

you would also be able to reduce

wastage of water & money.

In case you have been planning to get your

home renovated, it can be a golden opportunityfor you to enhance the

energy efficiency of yourhousehold and thereby,save a lot on electricitybills. Make sure you hire

an experienced contractor who has

comprehensive knowledge of energy-

saving building techniques.

Adopting smart habits can also go a long way in helping you ensure

excellent energy efficiency of your home. Turn off all

your electrical appliances when they

are not being used. Buy a miniature power board for

reducing electricity costs.

Want top notch thermal assessment service in NSW?

Then contact -

Frys Energy Wise

02 9899 2825

[email protected]
