Page 1: Holly Ridge Middle School HORNET HEADLINES

Holly Ridge Middle School


February 2016

Sikh and Tired Pg 2

Zika Virus in Virginia Pg 3

Peyton Manning Allegations

Pg 4

The Twinkie Effect Pg 5

Aiimbo Pg 6

Sweet Traditions Pg 7

News from the Ridge Pg 8-9

Inside this issue:

A St. Louis mother was in tears

when she heard the terrible news

that her eight-year-old son was

rejected from going to the charter

school of his dreams because of

his skin color. Edmund Lee White

is a third grade African-American

student who was denied his

enrollment into the Gateway

Science Academy due to his race.

School officials would like to do

anything about it, but ultimately

can’t due to the regulations

made decades ago. These

regulations haven’t changed.

La’Shieka White, the very upset

mother, launched a petition to

draw attention to the issue. Even

some staff members have signed

White’s petition.

“To not see his face in the halls

next year would be extremely sad,”

said Edmund’s third grade teacher.

“I don’t want it to be just about an

African American boy,” White

noted. “I want it to be about all

children.” White has taken many

actions and the petition is currently

at 43,726 signatures as of late

February, 2016.

Justice for Edmund By Leah Nepo

“Women Propose to Men”

Irish legend has it that St. Brigid made

a deal with St. Patrick for women to

propose to men on February 29.

Gloves Hide Naked Ring Finger

Leap day in some places is known as

“Bachelors Day”. Men are supposed

to pay a penalty if they refuse a

proposal from a woman on Leap day.

Unlucky in Love

In Scotland, being born on February

29th was unlucky, similarly to if one

was born on a Friday the 13th.

We’re making

some changes to

the Hornet

Headlines! Tell us

what you think!

-Student Editors

[email protected]

Leap Year By Evan Brown

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Page 2 Hornet Headlines News

Sikh and Tired

By Leah Nepo

Waris Ahluwalia is a famous

Sikh actor and designer who has

accomplished many things in his

career. Ahluwalia was even the

first Sikh man to be featured on a

GAP ad, but with success doesn’t

mean he gains it all. This includes

his rights. Ahluwalia has been

patted down and he has had to deal

with ridiculous airport security

checks for a while. Many airports

see his turban, an article of cloth-

ing, as a threat to America.

On February 8th, 2016, Ahluwalia

was boarding an Aero Mexico

flight when he was asked to take

off his turban due to a concern.

Ahluwalia, feeling offended,

refused to take off his turban. As a

result, he wasn’t allowed onto his


Ahluwalia took action through

social media, urging his followers

and fans to understand the situation

that had just occurred and the

racism behind it. He stayed in

Mexico City, not allowing himself

to go back to New York for fashion

week until he received an apology

on February 9th.

The airline agreed that future steps

would be made to make sure

discrimination against any race

does not happen again. Ahluwalia

is going to make fashion week,

wearing his very fashionable tur-

ban and suit.

National Prayer Breakfast

By: Eurusalem Gebire

President Barack Obama spoke at

the National Prayer Breakfast on

February 5, right after he made a

remarkable visit to the Baltimore

mosque. “Fear can lead us to lash

out against those who are different

or lead us to try to get some sinis-

ter ‘other’ under control,” said

President Obama making reference

to a decisively long speech on the

presidential campaign trail.

Last year, the President was

under fire for speaking about the

Crusades as an example of

violence committed in the name

of Christ, making the case for

religious violence not being

limited to any one religion or time.

Syrian Civil War By Roselyn Velasco

Bashar al-Assad is the leader who

caused the anti-regime uprising and

pro-democracy protest that erupted

throughout the country. The war

started on March 15, 2011 in Syria,

mostly because of religious beliefs

of the people. The result has been

that eleven million Syrians have

fled and many civilians have been

killed. Of those Syrians who have

fled their homes, three million

migrated to Turkey, Lebanon,

Jordan and Iraq. Syrians have to

cross the Mediterranean Sea from

Turkey to Greece, and not all of

them make it alive; they cross so

they can have a better life. Many

refugees have died from hunger

and cold; they are without

electricity and running water.

In February, a total of 522 more

people were killed including young

children. One million Syrians are

trapped. People are risking their

lives because of the fear of the war.

People have to walk at night to

avoid being shot and men fear

being captured and forced to join

the Regime.

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Page 3

Hornet Headlines News

Zika Virus in


By Emma von Koch

On February 3, 2016, a mother in

Richmond, Virginia came down

with the Zika Virus, which is simi-

lar to yellow fever and spread by

mosquitoes. Heather Baker loves to

help others and even spent a year in

Haiti. In 2014, she traveled to

Zacapa and Guatemala to help spe-

cial needs children. Three days af-

ter she returned home, she thought

she had the flu. Unfortunately,

Baker is the first known person to

bring Zika to America. She began

to experience the symptoms. “Body

aches started, light sensitivity,

fatigue, brain fog, just a variety of

things, nothing completely severe

enough. I knew something was

wrong,” Baker said. 75%-80% of

people with Zika report no

symptoms. If you do end up with

symptoms, you will probably have

a rash, and your lymph nodes will

be severely swollen. They usually

last about a week or so, if not

shorter. Dr. William Schaffner told

Baker, “We don’t know if the virus

can persist or if it can set up an in-

flammatory response that can con-

tinue to make you ill for a period of

time.” Heather Baker is fortunately

not Zika causes problems for preg-

nant women who contract the virus.

pregnant. Infants are born with re-

markably smaller heads.

An Oscar! Finally! By Leah Nepo

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the

best known male actors in Holly-

wood. The roles he plays are icon-

ic, such as Titanic, What’s Eating

Gilbert Grape?, Inception, and

The Great Gatsby. As a famous

and successful actor, it is surpris-

ing that he had never before won

an Oscar. The Oscars is an annual

American award ceremony that

recognizes actors and motion

pictures. Most people could not

believe he had never been awarded

one yet for he has consistently

made huge movie hits.

Some argue that he deserved his

first Oscar in 1993, at the age of

nineteen, after his first major role

in the film What’s Eating Gilbert


At the 2016 Oscars ceremony

this year, DiCaprio finally received

his well-deserved prize, an Oscar!

He claimed Best Actor for his role

in The Revenant, portraying a

frontiersman from the 1800’s. It

was released last Christmas and

has received a huge amount of

positive feedback. He attended

with his previous co-star, Kate

Winslet from Titanic and made

several lighthearted jokes about

how long it took him to receive an


Great job, Leo!

Presidential Race

By Jack Blazer

As Super Tuesday ends, presiden-

tial nominees with enough momen-

tum to win this race are elected for

the primaries. The presidential

ballot includes Donald Trump win-

ning almost every state, and Hilary

Clinton almost doing as well. Don-

ald Trump has 316 Delegates, and

he has almost a 90 point lead over

Ted Cruz. He needs 1,237 to win

the nominee for the republicans.

With the democrats, Hillary Clin-

ton has about 700 delegates over

Bernie Sanders, counting Super

Delegates. Hilary Clinton has 1,001

delegates putting her half way to-

ward being the elected democratic

nominee for the presidential race.

Overall, Bernie Sanders needs to

slow Hilary Clinton down to be

included in this race. Ted Cruz and

the other candidates will need to

start winning more states to slow

Donald Trump’s lead over them if

they want to

have a chance

in this race.

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Page 4 Hornet Headlines Sports

Peyton Manning

Allegations By John Duncan

A few days before the Super

Bowl against the Panthers, the

Broncos’ quarterback Peyton

Manning is being accused of using

performance enhancing drugs

called human growth hormones.

Manning said that the allegations

are junk and straight trash. The

NFL has spoken and are going to

start the investigation after the

season is over. This makes Patriot

fans angry because they could have

been going to Super Bowl 50 if the

allegations are true. They have

evidence from an Al Jazeera docu-

mentary reporter Charlie Sly who

spoke about giving professional

athletes medication to help them

cheat. Inside one of the scenes Sly

talks about giving NFL star Peyton

Manning HgH which stands for

Human Growth Hormone. Peyton

has responded by hiring private

investigators. Peyton has asked

why someone would publish a fake

story and wanted to find the source

of the story. Peyton’s investigators

discovered it was Charlie Sly, a

pharmacist. Sly has now said that

those allegations were not in the

documentary. Peyton’s career

could be ending with a drug scan-

dal, but that is beside the point.



Super Bowl 50 Champions

By Giovani Vazquez

Around the world, people believed

the Carolina Panthers were going to

beat the Denver Broncos, but it was

the other way around. The Denver

Broncos were Super Bowl 50

champs. They won 24-10 against

the Carolina Panthers. Carolina

never had the lead. In the first half,

the Broncos scored thirteen points

and Carolina scored seven points.

In the second half, the situation

worsened for the Panthers. Their

quarterback Cam Newton was

sacked seven times, one leading to

a fumble and a touchdown at the

beginning of the game. Cam

Newton threw one interception, but

managed to get 265 passing yards.

Bronco’s quarterback Peyton

Manning also threw one

interception, but had 141 passing

yards. The Most Valuable Super

Bowl player was the Broncos

linebacker Von Miller. He sacked

Cam Newton twice and both lead to

a fumble. Cam Newton was named

the Most Valuable Player for the

season. This was Peyton Manning’s

second Super Bowl win; the other

one was when he was with the Indi-

anapolis Colts. Is this Peyton

Manning’s last rodeo?

Player Transactions

By: Jacob Scannell

Name Position Team Transaction

Randy Starks DE Browns Terminated

Jim Dray TE Browns Terminated

Jared Allen DE Panthers Retired

Tavon Rooks OT Chiefs Non-Football Injury

Richard Gordon TE Ravens Free Agent Signing

A. J. Cruz WR Bears Free Agent Signing

Roy Philon DE Lions Free Agent Signing

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Page 5

Hornet Headlines Editorials

The Twinkie Effect

By Leah Nepo

Big Macs and Twinkies sure are

delicious, but after a while of

eating them, the result is potentially

gaining weight. So much weight

that some overweight people have

to be forklifted with their bed into

a hospital for help. Sounds ridicu-

lous? Well, kind of, but it isn’t


Khaled Mohsen Al Shaeri is a

young man who lived in Saudi

Arabia. Is it really living if you

haven’t left your bed in three

years? Al Shaeri had weighed

over 1,300 pounds and hadn’t

left his comfy room for the past

1095 days.

After gaining so much

controversy…and weight, the

king of Saudi Arabia decided

he needed medical attention.

The past three years have been

difficult for Al Shaeri, but

hard work, determination, and

daily exercises have helped

him lose seven hundred

pounds. He still weighs 600 lbs.

and has a long way to go, but this is

miraculous and a healthy weight is

in his future. He even walked in

February 2016 for the first time

since 2013.

What a Nice Surprise... By Olivia Friend

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s an


Joshua James, a 23 year old man

is charged with aggravated assault

with a deadly weapon. He also is

being charged with second-degree

larceny petty theft.

According to the police report,

Joshua James illegally stole

and threw a 3 ½ foot alligator

through a Wendy’s drive-thru

window. James was arrested

by the Florida Police and will

be serving jail time for a

while. As for the Wendy’s

crew, well they must feel a

little scared for their next

drive thru surprise.


A Fishy Museum By Leah Nepo

Museums are a great way to

showcase history and art. Some

more famous ones are, the Louvre,

Metropolitan Museum of Art, and

the National Gallery in London,

but none are quite like this one.

British artist, Jason deCaires

Taylor has decided on opening

his own museum…underwater.

He has already been successful in

dropping nearly 500 sculptures

down into the Atlantic Ocean.

Located around fifteen meters

underwater, you can view sculp-

tures of humans and animals, all

done with great detail. He even

captures the chaos of the current

civil war going on in Syria, paying

tribute to the fallen refugees, escap-

ing it. Taylor has other museums

open also, such as the museum off

of the island of Grenada that was

named one of the 25 Wonders of

the World

in 2006 by




crafts all of

his statues

out of an

eco-friendly concrete. These statues

can act as artificial reefs. They are

home to all kinds of coral. This job

takes time though, and the museum

is set to open off the coast of

Lanzarote, in 2017.

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Page 6 Hornet Headlines Editorials

Amiibo are the new-old toy line

that includes a huge array of

characters from Super Smash Bros,

Splatoon, Mario, and Animal

Crossing. Amiibo act as computer

players to fight; they can unlock

bonuses, and can even add new

levels to certain games. The most

popular amiibo to date is the

Smash Bros. Link figure in the

U.S. and in Japan the Splatoon line

of amiibo is the most popular,

including the Inkling squid, girl

and boy. Amiibo have sold 21.3

million units worldwide! Many like

to collect amiibo in boxes, but they

cannot be used because they have a

sticker directly under their base

that prevents them from being

scanned. However, the Shovel

Knight amiibo does not have this

sticker on the bottom, so it can be

scanned in the box. Sticking with

the topic, the Shovel Knight amiibo

unlocks the ability to customize

Shovel Knight in the game. You

can change his color, armor style,

power ups, and special effects.

Nintendo has also made amiibo

cards for the Animal Crossing

series. The waves of these cards

each come with one hundred differ-

ent ones to collect. They have even

made two Skylander amiibo, which

include Donkey Kong and Bowser.

And finally, at the end of February,

the gold Mega Man amiibo comes

out in a bundle with the

Mega Man Legacy

Collection, a collection of

all six Mega Man games!

With so many amiibo

characters coming out,

Nintendo’s product doesn’t seem to

be coming to an end anytime soon.

By Sam LaScola




By Angel Torrijos-Duran

Cory In The House is a TV show

that aired on Disney Channel on

January 12, 2007 and ended on

September 13, 2008. The character

of Cory was played by Kyle

Massey. Since then, Cory has

spread across the digital world,

including the Nintendo DS.

The Cory In The House video

game received a rating of 3/10 by

gaming’s best reviewer, IGN. The

game has gained a great reputation

on the Internet in the past three

years and is available for sale on

eBay. Cory has also become a

“meme” which is a term that is

given to a humorous character. This

live action TV series started out as

a Disney sit-com, and has now

become an “anime” as some refer

to him as. The Cory In The House

anime that others have been talking

about recently is not a real anime.

First of all, you may be wonder-

ing, what is an anime? Google

sources claim it as “a style of Japa-

nese film and television animation,

typically aimed at adults as well as

children.” If we look at what the

show Cory In The House has to of-

fer, we can see it’s a live-action

show. Anime is an animated car-

toon as mentioned, in which Cory

Baxter is not anime, because he is

not animated, but why do people

call him this?

Perhaps because the Japanese

dub makes him look like an anime

so people said that the Japanese

dub is the original show and the

English dub came later. A dub is

the anime term for something that

is aired in English, as well as in

Japanese. Is this true? No, Cory the

Anime started from a YouTuber by

the name Filthy Frank, who said in

one of his videos about anime that

his favorites are Cory In The House

and Thomas The Tank Engine. He

was obviously joking, but people

thought it was funny and it spread

quickly. There is even a Cory

Baxter Smash Brothers 4 trailer and

a fan-made digital amiibo.

Cory Baxter is still going strong,

gaining popularity for Kyle Massey

for better or


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Page 7

Hornet Headlines Editorials

February is the second month

and is also the month of a romantic

holiday. Valentine’s Day comes

once a year on February 14th, and

it is a day to show a bit of extra

love and affection to your special


One of the most popular

Valentine’s Day traditions is the

gift of chocolate. The beginning

of this sweet tradition started in

Japan in 1936 by a Kobe-based

candy company ‘Morozoff LTD’

when it ran the very first Valen-

tine’s Day ad in a local English

newspaper. By the 1950s, other

Japanese chocolate makers began

promotions to boost chocolate


Around the time of Valentine’s

Day, another common tradition is

receiving and sending Valentine’s

Day cards. The very first known

Valentine’s Day message was sent

in 1477 in letter form. Although

that may have been the first, the act

didn’t catch on until the 1500s.

With cheap postal rates in the

mid-1800s, sending cards became

the ultimate trend. By the late 19th

century, printed Valentine’s Day

cards were mass produced and were

being mailed across the nation.

New traditions are being started

every day and the more people that

participate in them, the more likely

the chance of them catching on.

Although old traditions continue to

be in use today, it’s never too late

to start making new traditions for

the generations ahead of us.

Sweet Traditions By Julia Kearney

DIY Valentine’s Day Chocolate Oreo Pops! By Olivia Friend

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here is a quick and easy recipe for Chocolate Oreo Pops!


White chocolate

Double stuff Oreos


Coffee Stirrers


Melt the white chocolate in a small bowl, once melted stir for

30 seconds

Pour the sprinkles onto a big plate

Remove one side of the Oreo cookie, put the coffee stirrer on

the filling side

Place the top of the cookie back on

Dip the cookie pop into the chocolate

Place one side of the Oreo Pop on wax paper, put in fridge for

about 20-30 minutes


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Hornet Headlines

Page 8 Hornet News

Science Fair

Regionals By Olivia Friend

On February 13th, the science fair finalists attended

the regional fair at Hillside High School. Ashleigh

Nicoll won 1st place in Broadcom Masters in physics

and astronomy. Olivia Friend, Jenna Hood and Tori

Steed won 1st place in Broadcom Masters in Biologi-

cal studies. Laina Hosey placed 3rd in Biological sci-

ence. Ryan Kuhn won the US Metric Association


The NASA Earth System Science Award went to

Kassie Jesrani and Deondre Partridge.

This was by far Holly Ridge Middle School’s best

year for science fair. Please wish Ashleigh Nicoll,

Tori Steed, Jenna Hood and Olivia Friend the best of

luck as they move on to the state science fair on April

2nd at Meredith College.


Gallery Walk By Cindy Martines

On Friday, February 12, 2016 the

eighth grade social studies classes

walked through a series of projects

focusing on immigrants who came

to Angel Island and Ellis Island in

the late 19th and early 20th

centuries. Students created a

collection of facts and documents

to describe how the process of im-

migration occurred during this

period in history. Presentations

included: identification card, a

work visa application, photographs,

drawings, and many other

necessary documents.

Did you know that 40% of

Americans can trace their ancestry

to their arrival at Ellis or Angel


Cheerleading Champs By Eurusalem Gebire

The Lady Hornet cheerleaders brought home an

impressive 1st Place trophy at the Wake County

cheerleading competition on January at Athens Drive

High School. Cheer Coach Waltz, an eighth grade

social studies teacher at the Ridge for five years

commented how she felt, “Very proud! The girls

worked hard, and they earned that trophy. I was excit-

ed to see their excitement!”

The team celebrated by having an ice cream sundae


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Hornet News Hornet Headlines

Page 9

Coach Behrend and the girls bas-

ketball team practiced every day

after school with dribbling and

shooting drills. Coach B, assisted

by Coach McMillan, believes they

had a really good season because

of their hard work doing drills in

practice which helped lead them to

victory. There were some challeng-

ing games, but the first game is

always the most challenging.

Everyone has improved since then,

but all the girls have improved in

different ways. Most of what they

have learned is off the court, which

he hopes had a big impact on them.

This group of players have all

grown throughout this season, and

the girls will continue to get better.

Although the losses can be painful

sometimes, it’s always great to win

games, especially several games

in a row.

Coach Behrend is extremely

proud of the girls. They worked

really hard to get to where they

were. The eighth grade players will

do really well in high school next

year knowing that they learned

what they learned from Coach

Behrend. The seventh grade players

who return next year will learn

even more from Coach Behrend.

Coach B and the Team By Braelyn Rathbun

Perfect Streak

By Evan Brown

Perfect losing streak in fact. The

HRMS basketball team had a lot of

talent, but they just didn’t have

enough luck this season to get a

win. The season just ended to a well

fought game against West Cary.

The team members, pictured

right, did a lot of fighting this

season. The starting line-up

included Seth Steinman, Connor

Marcus, Will Clemente,

Eric Patino, and Kyle

Crawford. The fifth quar-

ter team consisted of Joey

Phillips, Solomon Kiger,

Jake Blendermann, Gary

Williams, and Ben Aube.

There is still hope for

the HRMS basketball

team, because there is al-

ways next year!

Hornet Honor Roll

Recognition By Philasia Johnson

According to WCPSS Board

Policy 5522, principals have the

option if they choose to recognize

students’ grades. The selection of

honor roll students at the end of

each grading quarter is based upon

that grading period only, and is not

an average. Conduct

grades are not includ-

ed in the calculating

of grades. Principal

Emily Mountford led

the three grade-level

ceremonies on February 1, 2016.

Parents were invited to attend

and hear their child’s name an-

nounced by the team’s appointed

teacher leaders.

The printed out programs included

student names with A and/or B

Honor Roll color-coded for each

quarter’s grades; red first quarter,

and blue for second quarter.

A special thanks was noted to

all supportive parents and guardi-

ans for their hard work in contrib-

uting to these recognitions.

Congratulations to these Super

