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Highly sensitive and flexible inkjet printed SERS sensors on paper

Eric P. Hoppmann∗1, Wei W. Yu†1, and Ian M. White‡1

1Fischell Department of Bioenginering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740

17 July 2013


Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has the potential to be utilized for the detection of a broad range of chem-icals in trace quantities. However, because of the cost and complexity of SERS devices, the technology has been unableto fill the needs of many practical applications, in particular the need for rapid, portable, on-site detection in the field. Inthis work, we review a new methodology for trace chemical detection using inkjet-printed SERS substrates on paper. Thedetection performance of the inkjet-printed SERS devices is demonstrated by detecting 1,2-Di(4-pyridyl)ethylene (BPE) ata concentration as low as 1.8 ppb. We then illustrate the primary advantages of paper SERS substrates as compared toconventional SERS substrates. By leveraging lateral flow concentration, the detection limit of paper SERS substrates canbe further improved. Two real-world applications are demonstrated. First, the inkjet-printed SERS substrates are used as“dipsticks” for detecting the fungicide malachite green in water. Then, the flexible paper-based SERS devices are usedas swabs to collect and detect trace residues of the fungicide thiram from a surface. We predict that the combination ofultra-low-cost fabrication with the advantages of easy-to-use dipsticks and swabs and the option of lateral flow concentra-tion position ink-jet printed SERS substrates as a technology which will enable the application of SERS in solving criticalproblems for chemical detection in the field.

1 Introduction

Today there is significant interest in the developmentof portable and highly sensitive chemical analysistechniques for use in the field at the point of sam-

ple acquisition. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS) has been intensively studied for applications inchemical detection. SERS offers sensitivity comparable tothat of fluorescence spectroscopy [1] while also providinghighly specific information about the analyte. In Ramanspectroscopy, photons from a laser source are inelasticallyscattered at frequencies related to the vibrational energieswithin the analyte molecule, and thus the measured spec-trum uniquely identifies the analyte molecule. AlthoughRaman scattering alone is a weak effect, SERS utilizes opti-cal and chemical enhancements from gold or silver nanos-tructures to provide a tremendous boost to the Raman sig-nal [2-7]. A driving force behind SERS research has beenthe sum of reports from over a decade ago showing thatSERS enables single molecule identification [1,8-10].

Today, the most common method for performing SERSmeasurements is to deposit a droplet of a liquid sampleonto a rigid silicon or glass substrate that has a nanostruc-tured noble metal surface. When the sample dries, analytemolecules within the sample adsorb onto the nanostruc-tured metal surface, where they will experience the plas-monic and chemical enhancement associated with SERS.These SERS-active surfaces can be fabricated through anumber of possible techniques, including self assembly[11-14], directed or templated assembly [15-18], thin filmgrowth [19], and nanolithography [20-22]. While nano-lithography approaches tend to have high SERS enhance-ment factors and superior uniformity, they are complexand expensive to produce. Growth and assembly ap-proaches are less expensive, but they suffer from problemsof low throughput. Hence the techniquesmentioned aboveare not optimized tomeet the needs ofwidespread, routinedetection of chemical species in the field.

Recently, we reported the fabrication of SERS sub-strates by inkjet printing silver nanostructures onto pa-

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per using a low-cost commercially available desktop piezo-based inkjet printer [23]. Other groups have reportedthe fabrication of SERS devices on paper and other flexi-ble substrates through soaking [24,25] and screen printing[26]. The SERS substrates on cellulose paper demonstratean enhancement factor of about 105 to 107, which is on parwithmany of the self assembly anddirected assembly tech-niques. In addition, the paper SERS devices have a num-ber of advantages over rigid SERS substrates. First, liquidsamples can be quickly loaded into the paper SERS deviceby capillary forces (wicking) simply by dipping the paperinto the sample. Second, powders and residues, whichare incredibly difficult to detect with rigid substrates ormicrofluidic devices, can be loaded into the paper SERSdevice by swabbing the inherently flexible device across awide-area surface of any topology. Finally, analytes loadedinto the paper device through dipping or swabbing can beconcentrated into a small SERS sensing region by leverag-ing the concept of lateral flow paper fluidics. Thus, whencombining the low fabrication cost of inkjet printed SERSsubstrates with the fluid handling properties and ease-of-use of paper-based analytics, this new paradigm repre-sents a significant advancement in on-site analytics, andenables SERS to be much more accessible in terms of costand usability.

In this work, we illustrate in detail the methods forfabricating paper-based SERS devices and utilizing themfor applications in chemical detection. After detailingthe methods for utilizing a commercial inkjet printer forfabrication, SERS spectra are presented for a range ofmolecules on these ink-jet printed substrates. Detectionof the common model analyte 1,2-Di(4-pyridyl)ethylene(BPE) is demonstrated at a concentration as low as 1.8 ppb.The advantage of utilizing the lateral flow concentrationcapabilities of the paper device are then quantified. Fi-nally, we demonstrate two high-impact applications of thepaper SERS devices. First, trace quantities of the fungicidemalachite green in water are detected when the sample isloaded simply by dipping the paper SERS device into thewater. Second, trace residues of the fungicide thiram aredetected by swabbing a surface with a paper SERS device.This collection of results provides an in-depth view of thisnew low-cost and easy-to-usemethod for on-site analyticalchemistry.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Inkjet printed SERS substrates

Chromatography paper (0.19mm thickness) was pur-chased from Fisher Scientific. Nitrocellulose membraneswere purchased from Bio-Rad Laboratories (Hercules,

CA). Chloroauric acidwas obtained fromAlfaAesar (WardHill, MA). Sodium citrate and glycerol were obtained fromSigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Common commercialreagents were of analytical reagent grade.

The gold colloid is synthesized according to themethod of Lee and Meisel [27]. Briefly, 80 mg of chloroau-ric acid is added to 400 mL of DI water (18.2 MΩ) andbrought to boil in an Erlenmeyer flask. While stirringrapidly, 80 mg of sodium citrate is added. The color shiftsrapidly to a deep purple. The solution is allowed to boil for20 minutes and then removed from heat.

The gold ink is formed by first centrifuging the goldcolloid at 6,000g to concentrate the nanoparticles. After re-moving the supernatant the pellet of nanoparticles is sus-pended in water to achieve a final concentration factor of100X. Finally, the ink is created by adding glycerol andethanol to the concentrated nanoparticles, with a final vol-ume ratio of 5:4:1 of concentrated nanoparticles to glycerolto ethanol. In separate work we have reported the use ofsilver nanoparticle ink as well [23,28].



Figure 1: (A) A printed array of SERS substrates. Printedarrays of SERS substrates can be cut as demanded by theapplication, with the goal to create a conformation thatmost benefits analyte collection, concentration, and detec-tion. (B) Ink-jet printed gold nanoparticles for use as a gen-eral SERS substrate. (C) Substrates for use in lateral flowconcentration experiments (D) A substrate with a largewicking region for use as a dipstick. (E) Substrates usedas surface swabs.


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For printing, the ink is injected into refillable print-ing cartridges. The open source vector graphics editor,Inkscape, is used to define the SERS-active regions for theprinted substrates. An inexpensive consumer piezo-basedinkjet printer, the Epson Workforce 30, is used to printthe SERS-active substrates onto untreated chromatographypaper, as previously described [23]. Substrates are printedat least four times to increase the nanoparticle concentra-tion in the paper. The flexibility of ink-jet printing allowsarrays of SERS-active regions to be printed in any shape.In Fig. 1A we show an array of triangular sensors printedfor use in dipsticks. After printing the array, devices arecut from the paper to the appropriate size. Various paperSERS devices are displayed in Fig. 1B-E.



Figure 2: (A) Scanning electron micrograph of a printedgold nanoparticle region on cellulose paper. (B) Clusteredgold nanoparticles on the cellulose fiber (from box in (A))

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a typ-ical ink-jet printed gold substrate is presented in Fig. 2,showing the clustering of gold nanoparticles in the paperfiber pores. This clustering of nanoparticles is responsi-ble for the high SERS activity of the substrates. While therandom aggregation of nanoparticles seen in Fig. 2 resultsin local variability of the SERS signal, the large number ofnanoparticle clusters capturedwithin the focused region ofthe fiber optic probe (≈100 µmdiameter spot) allows aver-

aging over a multitude of nanoparticle aggregates, lower-ing variability and enabling quantitative results.

2.2 Analyte Preparation1,2-Di(4-pyridyl)ethylene (BPE), malachite green oxalate,and thiram were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis,MO). BPE, malachite green, and thiram were dissolved inethanol, water, and acetone, respectively; all samples werediluted with water to various concentrations for use as testsamples.

2.3 SERS measurementsSERS measurements were performed using a 785 nm laser(17 mW) for excitation, a QE65000 (Ocean Optics) portablespectrometer for detection, and a fiber optic probe (InPho-tonics) for delivery of laser light and collection of scatteredphotons (Fig. 3). The 785 nm wavelength was chosen dueto the low cost and portability of 785 nm laser diodes, aswell as the reduction in background fluorescence gainedby operating at long wavelengths. An integration time ofone second was used for all measurements; signals repre-sent the average of three measurements. This averagingstep reduces the random background noise contributed bythe detector; we found that averaging across three signalswas sufficient to reduce a large fraction of the noisewithoutcontributing a significant amount of acquisition time. Us-ing a linear translation stage the fiber probe was focusedto maximize signal intensity for each sample before dataacquisition.

A BFiber optic cable

Paper strip

Fiber optic probe

785nm laserdiode


Fiber optic probe

785nm laserdiode


Figure 3: (A) Schematic of SERS detection using a smalland portable spectroscopic setup. A fiber optic probe isused for delivery of laser light and collection of scatteredphotons, which are delivered to a portable spectrometer.(B) Photograph of actual setup.

For each measurement, the spectrometer records aspectrum inwhich the Raman scattered photons are repre-sented by spectral peaks; the collection of peaks are used toidentify the analyte. To quantify and analyze these resultsfor sensing purposes, the following steps are taken. Themagnitude (in photon counts) of the most prominent peakin the spectrum (e.g., 1207 cm−1 for BPE) is determined bytaking the difference between the value at the peak and thevalue at the nearest local minimum. This spectral “peak


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height” is considered as the signal intensity. To determinethe detection limit for BPE, the signal intensity is plottedagainst concentration and a linear fit of the 3 lowest con-centration data points is performed; the concentration atwhich this fit is equal to 3 standard deviations of the meanintensity (1207 cm−1) of the blank samples is considered tobe the detection limit.

In order to obtain reference spectra of the three ana-lytes malachite green, thiram, and BPE, 2 µL droplets ofeachwere applied to 4×8mm sections of printed gold sub-strates (Fig. 1B, total device size 4×15 mm). Substrateswere then dried in ambient conditions for 20 minutes andSERS measurements were taken as above. Each substratewas interrogated at six or more locations uniformly spreadacross the entire SERS active region; these spectra wereaveraged before plotting. SERS data from typical deviceshave relative standard deviations, |σ/µ|, that range from15% at low analyte concentrations to 5% at high analyteconcentration. Cellulose paper and nitrocellulose mem-branes were both utilized to demonstrate the concept.

2.4 Lateral Flow ConcentrationFor the lateral flow concentration experiments, 30 µL of 10ppb BPEwas applied uniformly to the entire 25×5mmpa-per strip (Fig. 1C); this volume had been pre-determined tosaturate the paper strip. After drying for 20minutes in am-bient conditions, baseline SERS measurements were takenacross the 4×5 mm gold region at the top of the paperstrip. The bare paper end (no gold) of the dipstickwas thendipped into methanol for 2 minutes, allowing the loadedsample to concentrate in the gold region at the top of thepaper strip. Methanol was selected as the mobile phase forits high vapor pressure (faster concentration) and for thehigh solubility of BPE in the solvent. After the paper stripdried, the SERS signal was measured.

2.5 DipsticksAn isosceles triangle with a 4 mm high SERS active regionat one tip was used as a dipstick (Fig. 1D, 28 mm base andtwo 20 mm sides). The gold-printed region of the dipstickwas dipped into a vial containing the sample of interest (inwater), allowing the dipsticks to soak up liquid for either 1or 30 seconds. After drying, the SERS signal wasmeasuredat 9 points forming a grid across the SERS-active regionand averaged. Averaging across a relatively large num-ber of points is necessary for two reasons: (i) SERS is infa-mous for signal variability when nanoparticle aggregatesare used, and (ii) the analyte molecules are not uniformlydistributed throughout the sensing region, a result of thelocation dependent rate of sample collection and concen-tration. This averaging methodology enables a represen-

tative picture of analyte collection and concentration evenwith these high-variability factors (0.33 coefficient of vari-ation).

2.6 Swabs

For the swab experiments, strips of paper with 4×8 mmSERS-active regions at one end were used (Fig. 1E). Thepaper was folded 90 degrees where the gold region ends,and the bare end (no gold)was used to hold the swabwhilewiping the SERS-active region across the surface. The an-alyte (thiram in acetone) was applied to a clean glass slidewith an approximate surface density of 1.25 ng/mm2. Af-ter allowing the slide to dry, the entire swab was dipped inacetone and then carefully wiped across the entire sample-containing region of the slide twice. After drying, SERSmeasurements were taken across the entire SERS-active re-gion (n=9 in 3×3 grid) and averaged to reduce variabilitydue to uneven sample collection. A background spectrumfromanunused SERS substratewas recorded as a referenceand subtracted from the recorded data.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Identification of chemicals with paperSERS

To demonstrate that the SERS-active paper devices can beused for the spectroscopic identification of chemicals, sam-ple droplets (2 µL) were deposited onto the region of thecellulose strips onto which nanoparticles has already beenprinted. Three model analytes were utilized: malachitegreen (1 ppm), thiram (240 ppm), and BPE (180 ppb). Therespective spectrum for each analyte is presented in Fig. 4(the upper black trace in each figure). The unique land-scape of Raman peaks within each spectrum can be usedto identify each molecule.

Results are also shown for the same three model ana-lytes deposited on nanoparticle-functionalized nitrocellu-lose, rather than cellulose paper (the lower red traces in Fig.4). The SERS-active nitrocellulose substrates yield strongRaman signals for BPE and thiram; however, for mala-chite green, the signal is significantly lower as comparedto SERS-active cellulose paper. This collection of resultsindicates that in general, inkjet-printed SERS-active nitro-cellulose membranes can also be used for chemical iden-tification, but some molecules, such as malachite green,may have strong interactions with the nitrocellulose thatinhibit adsorption onto the metal nanoparticles. Neverthe-less, this demonstrates the viability of using alternate pa-per types for ink-jet printed SERS substrates, which pro-


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vides an excellent avenue for additional assay optimiza-tion.

Figure 4: Representative spectra of target analytes. In eachfigure, the top black trace is acquired using gold on cellu-lose substrates, while the lower red trace is acquired withgold on nitrocellulose substrates. (A) SERS signal from a2µL of 1ppmmalachite green. (B) SERS from 2µL 240ppmthiram. (C) SERS from 2µL 182ppb BPE.

To further quantify the performance of the paper-basedSERS devices, SERS measurements for BPE were repeatedover a range of concentrations. The magnitude of the 1207cm−1 Raman peak is plotted versus BPE concentration inFig. 5. The data points are fittedwith a Langmuir isothermwith an R2 of 0.99, which demonstrates the repeatability ofour methodology. The Langmuir isotherm describes the

chemical equilibrium of the interaction between BPE andthe substrate, and is based on the assumption that there ex-ist a fixed number of potential surface binding sites. Thisresult implies that these paper-based SERS sensors can per-form quantitative detection of chemicals. The detection ofBPE is shown at the low concentration of 1.8 ppb (Fig. 5, in-set). The limit of detection was calculated to be 1.1 ppb (12femtomoles), which compares well with other substratesproduced through directed and self-assembly, though it isnot as at the same level as some reports that use sophisti-cated nanofabrication techniques [29-31].


Figure 5: BPE SERS signal intensity vs. concentration. Sig-nal intensity is measured at 1207 cm−1. Data is fitted usingthe Langmuir isotherm. Error bars represent the standarddeviation of the 1207 cm−1 peak height, as measured at 6locations distributed across the SERS active region. Inset:recorded signal for 1.8 ppb BPE. Asterisk marks the 1207cm−1 peak.

3.2 Effect of number of print cycles on perfor-mance

The amount of gold nanoparticle ink deposited on the cel-lulose substrate has a direct effect on the detection sensi-tivity of the substrate, and is thus an important parame-ter to optimize when fabricating paper-based SERS sub-strates. To assess the impact of the number of print cy-cles, 2 µL droplets of 1 ppm BPE (11 pmol) were appliedto inkjet-printed substrates fabricated with varying num-bers of print cycles. As expected, the data in Fig. 6 showa trend of increasing signal intensity with increasing printcycles, which peaks at 12 print cycles. Beyond 12 cycles,however, the measured signal begins to decline with ad-ditional print cycles. This biphasic trend appears to implythat an increasing number of nanoparticle clusters initiallyimproves the signal, but after 12 cycles this effect is coun-


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tered by interference due to excess amounts of other com-ponents in the ink. Naturally, this optimal cycle numberwill vary for different printers and different ink formula-tions.

Figure 6: SERS signal intensity for BPE at 1207cm−1 vs.number of print cycles. Error bars represent the standarddeviation of the 1207cm−1 peak height, as measured at 6locations distributed across the SERS active region.

3.3 Lateral Flow Concentration

The data in Fig. 5 demonstrates that the paper-based SERSdevices can be used for the quantitative detection of tracelevels of analyte in solution. Additionally, as describedabove, paper-based SERS devices offer a unique advantageover rigid SERS substrates; after loading a relatively largevolume of liquid sample into the paper device, the ana-lyte molecules within the paper can be concentrated intoa small sensing region through lateral flow concentration.To illustrate the advantage of the lateral flow concentrationstep, 30 µL of BPE in water (10 ppb) was uniformly loadedinto a paper stripwith a pipette; Aunanoparticles had beenprinted at one end of the to define the sensing region. Afterdrying the paper, the strip was dipped into methanol suchthat the methanol wicked into the paper and carried theanalyte molecules up to the SERS-active tip of the lateralflow dipstick.

The BPE spectra before and after lateral flow concen-tration are presented in Fig. 7. The signal magnitude in-creases by nearly an order of magnitude due to the concen-tration of BPE molecules into the sensing region upon dip-ping the paper strip into themethanolmobile phase. Thus,while the inkjet-fabricated SERS substrate was shown tobe highly sensitive, the inherent concentration capabilitiesof the paper can be leveraged to provide a significant im-provement in the detection limit.

Figure 7: Comparison of SERS intensity before and afterlateral flow concentration.

3.4 Application: detection of fungicide in wa-ter

Malachite green is a highly effective fungicide used in fishfarms by the aquaculture industry. However, malachitegreen and its metabolite leucomalachite green are sus-pected mutagens [32], and are stored in fish tissue for ex-tended periods of time [33]. As a result, malachite green isbanned in many countries and thus its use must be moni-tored. To analyze a water sample for malachite green witha rigid SERS substrate, two approaches could be utilized:(i) a droplet (≈2 µL) could be spotted onto the substrateand dried, or (ii) the substrate could be submerged andsoaked in the water sample such that target analytes maydiffuse to the substrate and possibly adsorb. In contrast,with paper-based SERS sensors, the paper strip is simplydipped into the water sample, allowing the sample to bewicked into the sensing region. This ease of use is partic-ularly well suited for the detection of pesticides and othertoxins in environmental water samples at the point of sam-ple collection.

To illustrate this application, a paper-based SERS de-vice was dipped into malachite green (1 ppb in water).In this case, the nanoparticle-printed region of the paperstrip is submerged into the sample, while the rest of thepaper strip acts as a reservoir to wick in the water; asthe water is drawn into the paper strip, malachite greenmolecules pass through the nanoparticle-printed area. Thespectra recorded after a 1-second dip and a 30-second dipare shown in Fig. 8. Even after only a 1-second dip, thespectral signature of 1 ppb malachite green is clearly visi-ble. As expected, by leaving the paper in the water samplefor additional time, malachite green is continually drawninto the SERS active region, which results in an increased


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signal magnitude. The rate at which the analyte is drawninto the region - and thus the potential enhancement dueto additional soaking time - will depend on the size of thepaper reservoir. We anticipate that the paper size and diptime can be optimized based on the particular field use ap-plication and the required detection performance.

Figure 8: Comparison of signal intensity for 1 and 30 sec-ond dipsticks (1ppb malachite green in water).

3.5 Application: detection of fungicideresidue on a surface

Potentially the most significant advantage of paper SERSdevices as compared to rigid SERS substrates may be thecapability to detect residues on surfaces. One can intuitthat a silicon or glass SERS device cannot be used reliablyto collect trace quantities of molecular residues directlyfrom a surface, e.g., pesticide residue on a produce item.In contrast, flexible SERS substrates can be used to wipesurfaces of complex topologies. In addition, the paper canbe wet such that surface-bound residues can be drawn intothe paper.

To illustrate the use of paper SERS devices in this ap-plication, the fungicide thiram was deposited in knownquantities onto a glass surface and allowed to dry. Then,a paper-based SERS substrate that had been wet with ace-tone was used to swab the surface. The Raman spectra col-lected for 10 ng, 100 ng, and 300 ng of thiram depositedonto the surface are shown in Fig. 9. Even with only 10ng of fungicide present on the surface, the thiram Ramanpeak at 1384 cm−1 is easily detectable. Thus, it is evidentthat paper-based SERS devices can be used to easily detecttrace chemical residues directly from surfaces. This capa-bility is expected to lead to a range of new critical applica-tions for SERS detection in the field.

Figure 9: SERS signal obtained by swabbing glass slideswith various amounts of thiram deposited on the respec-tive surfaces.

4 ConclusionWe have developed a new method for the fabrication ofSERS substrates by inkjet printingmetal nanoparticles ontopaper. These devices, which are highly sensitive andyet low in cost to produce, are optimized for rapid andportable chemical detection in the field. The sensitivityof the paper SERS devices was verified by detecting BPEin concentrations as low as 1.8 ppb. In addition to lowcost and high sensitivity, the paper SERS devices featureunprecedented ease of use. Two real-world applicationsare demonstrated to illustrate the ease of use for chemi-cal identification at the point of sample. First, the fungi-cide malachite green in water (1 ppb) is detected by simplydipping the paper SERS device into the sample, causingthe analyte to be wicked into the sensor. Second, residueof the fungicide thiram is detected on a surface. A clearsignal is observed even when only 10 ng of the fungicideis present on the surface. Importantly, these results areachieved with a low cost portable spectrometer, furtheremphasizing the application of the paper SERS devices forportable on-site detection. We believe that in the near fu-ture this new method of chemical identification has greatpotential to fill critical needs in food safety, environmentalprotection, and security.

AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by the National Science Founda-tion, ECCS1149850. The authors acknowledge the supportof theMarylandNanoCenter and its NispLab for the use ofthe Hitachi SU-70 Analytical UHR FEG-SEM. TheNispLab


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is supported in part by the NSF as aMRSEC Shared Exper-imental Facility. In particular, the authors thank Che-KuanLin for assistance with obtaining the SEM images.

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