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1. Detailed map of Renaissance Italy

2. Introduction

3. Which cities to visit

4. How to get around

5. Local customs and manners

6. What to wear

8. Where to stay (provided as sample)

9. Where to eat

10. How to stay safe and healthy


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Hello! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to visit and travel italy? Well, if you’re reading this, you’re probably planning to do so! Italy is a beauti-ful place to see! Here, you can find the most beau-tiful sights, friendliest people and luxurious stays! At around the 14th or 15th century, Christianity was what ruled almost every aspect in life, and ba-sically, people followed the bible for almost every-thing. Their life revolved around christianity and new generations were taught nothing new. People who needed medical help weren’t treated right, they believed just reading the bible will cure them! People who disagreed with this system would have to face serious charges and “consequences” It was then when people started to open up, and realize that the bible can’t do everything for them and maybe they needed to explore what they as humans can do to help themselves. In this Travel Guide, you can learn all about this Renaissance period, the rebirth.

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Rome was not the beautiful, glorious city that we visit today. Around 1350 Rome was abandoned because of the transfer of the Papal court to France. That caused sever economic crisis and it forced the residents of rome to abandon their city. It was basically in poverty with it’s crumbling buildings, nobody would think of go-ing there seeing the beggars and muggers roamed the streets. Everything changed after the pope in 1377 came back from French captivity. Rome was renovated, and brought back to life! It became the center of develop-ments in Architecture! It regained it’s power and people in just around 100 years.

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Florence, like many other cities during/of the Ren-aissance was built over many years and it was also home to numerous churches, beautiful buildings and houses with amazing architecture. Therefore, when a revival of classical styles became popular, new large buildings in the classical styles were built next to build-ings with other styles Many Florentine Structures that exemplify architec-ture fore earlier times also house interiors, paintings and sculptures typical of the Renaissance. An exam-ple is the church of Santa Croce. On the outside, Santa Croce is an example of Gothic Architecture, but on the inside is Renaissance in design because of Brunelleschi’s careful use of proportions.

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BY FOOT:Walking was of course the cheapest way of traveling since you don’t have to pay for anything. It’s also very versatile if you’re going to a nearby place of city, you can take shortcuts. Journeys had to planned carefully since if you are traveling on long roads there could be theives or killers on the way, travel in large groups. It’s probably better to travel in a carriage, easier.

BY CARRIAGEAlthough it is way easier using a carriage than to walk, carriages are very expensive during the renaissance period because of the usage of horses and needing a driver for rich people and royal blood. For the wealthiest, you can be carried in a small cabin mby people. They are very comfortable on the inside but you could get sick if not used to small places.

BY ANIMAL I think that the best way of transportation on land is riding or being pulled by an animal.The price depends on what you and your animal use. Horses are very expensive and mostly for rich people. Oxen and donkeys are cheaper and maybe even free if you live on a farm or own one, but they’re not as fast as horses and more dangerous if they turn on you. They can pull more things per animal than horses.

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HOW TO GET AROUND: WATERBy Boats/Ships/GondolasWater transportation is a must if you life in other continents or there are large objects on the way (water, mountains, etc) in be-tween where you live and Italy. The speed of transportation varies throughout places. The main transportation varies throughout places. The main transportation in Venice is also by gondolas (a type of flat bottom boat). Depending on what quality and type of boat, the cost varies but it is usually cheap since wind is free.

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LOCAL CUSTOMS AND MANNERS The first impression in Italy is very important, you have to make a good first impression and it is very important that you be humble and respectful. Greetings in Italy are very unique, quick yet formal. There are some things not to give while giving a gift. Do not give Chrysanthemums or wrap gifts in black as they are given in funerals and symbolize mourning. Purple represents bad luck so don’t wrap things in purple either. Do not give red or yellow flowers because they mean secrecy and jealousy. It’s quality, not quantity when giving any kind of presents, espe-cially when you give wine. The gifts are usually opened straight away so do not give something private. If you are invited to dinner or a meal, make sure to bring gifts such as flowers, wine or chocolate. When invited to eat, remain standing until the host invites you to sit down, maybe to a certain seat.Allow the host to start eating first and then follow. ˇhe host may give the first toast and then offer women can then offer toasts. While eating, it is important to hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand and do not put your elbows on the table since it is considered rude.

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Rich people are care a lot about their clothes and fashions, they loved their embroided clothes, made out of beauti-ful fabrics such as velvet, satin or bro-cade. Yes, it could be hot, but with choosing the right fabrics, they are very comfortable. The rich people’s clothes are very different and more compli-cated than the poor. Men and women had different fashions and styles. They cared a lot about how they looked and they would literally “wear their wealth”.


Of course, the poor could not afford to look fancy all the time and you could very easily tell the difference between the poor and the rich. The poor wore very simple and plain, they also looked very dull with colors such as brown and grey. Since the materials were very cheap and un-comfortable, their clothing was very loose and very simple.

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WHERE TO STAY When you’re traveling, it is most likely to take a very long time to get to your destination, your are mostly likely to spend at least a night somewhere.

LOCALS If there aren’t a lot of inns around, you might have to sleep in a Local’s house. These locals will charge little to no money for a stay or maybe just exchange for a few stories or news from other places Their houses aren’t clean nor tidy, in fact, just to keep warm, there might be a giant dung heap used to burn. The in-side is not very big because cram everything in there, a barn, kitchen, storage and a bedroom. The earth floor is filled with decomposing garbage, vomit and the air is damp, smelly and dirty. You probably won’t even get your own bed. Everyone sleeps on the bug-infested matress when its time to go to bed. I think you’re better off in an old shack or even under a tree or something than staying in that dirty place.

INNS The inns aren’t much better than the locals unluckily. You rarely find clean inns, most were very dirty. If you come into the inn at night, it’s a bad idea since there’s usually bad peo-ple who roam the streets at night and innkeepers will be likely to get a bad impression on you. A lot of inns aren’t any better than the streets. You’re at a risk of murders or robbery. Some innkeepers actually set you up for a robbery, your valuables

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If you are very lucky, you can get to stay at a mer-chants house. Sometimes the merchants have the bottom floor for their shops, kitchen and dining room and the top floor for bedrooms. the house is tiled or carpeted and the house is decorated with fine and beautiful things. There are precious paint-ings and carvings for decorations in the luxurious, comfortable rooms and places for your valuables and things.

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WHERE TO STAYMONASTERYIn the event that if you no money of very little you can stay in a monastery for free. A monastery is much better than staying at a local or an inn! You get meals housing and you can meet lots of new people and great travelers there! It is considered very mannered to make a donation before you leave as a do-nation for the nice stay you got.

ARISTOCRATSYou will be the luckiest of all if you get to stay in a big luxuri-ous town-house called a Palazzi which is a rich person’s house. The palazzi has column, arches and a big courtyard in the middle. They have everything in there! They have instru-ments, suit of armor and crossbows and other weapons, just for your entertainment and your use. The decorations in the merchants houses are nothing compared to the aristocrats! Their carpets are even weaved with real gold thread and their walls are covered with precious gemstones and spices of a divine smell!

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WHAT TO EAT One of the most famous things in Renaissance Italy was their food. The poor people or less fortunate people had a very regu-lar and very constant diet. It was very simple and plain, just like their clothes. They usually had food like baked bread, po-ridges, stews and vegetables. They couldn’t afford to have meat for their meals regularly. They only had meat occasion-aly, like during a festival or a feast. If the peasants live near water, they can fish and they grew most of their food like fuits and vegetables. The rich people of course had a very different diet and meals compared to the poor. They had a lot of meats and pro-teins like pork, mutton and chicken, they even ate peacock and other game birds! They did not have a lot of fruits and vegetables nor dairy products as they believed it was eaten only by the poor (poor people’s food). As for drinks, they had a variety of grape wine, apple cider and beer as much as they liked!

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HEALTHY AND SAFE WHILE TRAVELINGWhile traveling you should always be prepared and ready for what’s coming. If you cut yourself or get hurt, you could be at a risk of an infection, have some water to clean your injuries and bandages to keep them clean from infections.

HYGENEHygene is a very important. You need to bathe regularly (al-most everyday) and wash your hands at least 3 or 4 times dur-ing the day to keep yourself clean

FOODIt is essential to keep a well balanced and healthy diet. You should wash your vegetables before cutting/cooking them and if your cutting them, make sure to clean your cutting board and cutlery. Also, you should keep your meats clean from bad bac-teria and wash it before cooking it.

THE PLAGUE The plague or also called the black death is a deadly disease carried by black rats who have traveled from asia to Europe on merchant’s boats. It killed 30-60% of Europe. It has died down, but just incase in comes back, and even if it doesn’t, you should follow the health instructions above.