Page 1: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam





PRODUCTIVE ADULTS. Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids

Khafayah Abdulsalam

Page 3: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Do your children know their relationship with their Creator?

Page 4: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Ask yourself: What are you doing to ensure that your children’s book will reflect righteous deeds, good character and true success?

Page 5: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Ask yourself: What are you doing to ensure that your children’s book will reflect righteous deeds, good character and true success?

Page 6: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

How confident do you feel about reporting back to Allah and being able to say:”Allah I raised my children with ihsan (excellence) to the best of my ability in accordance and obedience to Your laws.”

Page 7: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

How do we perform the most important task on


Page 8: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

To establish the oneness of Allah in their hearts

To love the Prophet

To teach them life skills and values that will see them into adulthood

Our goals should be:

Page 9: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

But where do we start?

Where Luqman [as] did! His main focus was to establish Allah in his son’s heart

Page 10: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

That God (Allah) is One, and the Only: He has no partners or associates

That Allah knows everything in the heavens and the earth and is aware of everything you do

To have and develop clear goals in life

We start by teaching them

To have a clear vision and focus of life

Page 11: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

The Unique Child

Embed Love of Allah


Extreme Importance of


Beneficial Activities

Families eat together


Discipline Routine Role Model

Tourism Du’a

Page 12: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

The Unique Child

Each child is born with individual, inherited personality traits that are beyond our control as parents.

It’s for us as parents to identify the unique characteristics and behavior of our children

Also know that children cannot be molded or pushed in directions we like

Page 13: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings


Teach them to say “la-illaha illa Allah” (there is no god but Allah) as a start of establishing the love of Allah.

If they ask you for something, ask them to pray two rakaahs with you and make du’a to Allah to provide whatever they want.

Instill in them the belief that all things happen by the will of Allah

Page 14: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Extreme importance of Salaah

The Prophet said: “Teach your children to pray when they are seven and punish them for neglecting it when they reach the age of ten.” [Abu Dawud]

Be punctual with your salaah, get into the habit of praying at the earliest hour, teach this to your children

Make them aware that when they pray they are should be ready to speak to the King of kings with full concentration

Page 15: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Beneficial Activities

Expose your children to Allah ’s creation and by taking them for walks in the parks, visiting the zoo, or watching the sunset

Teach your kids swimming, horse riding, gardening, karate, football.

Cut the electronic baby sitter to a bare minimum –I mean the television, computers etc

Page 16: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings


Speak to children according to their level of understanding.

Try it out: next time your child comes to you, either kneel down to speak to them or get the child to sit next to you

Consciously make eye contact when speaking to your children so that they have your even though you may be tempted to multi-task.

Page 17: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings


Discipline and self-restraint are important characteristics of a Muslim. We learn this through fasting and refraining from things Allah has told us to stay away from, like eating pork for instance.

Identify what you want your child to do instead of what you don’t what them to do. Say Fatima can watch tv for 30 mins on Saturday instead of saying Fatima don’t watch tv.

Always be consistent and stick to your promises, otherwise you will not be trusted!

Page 18: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings


We have many routines for our children including morning, school, homework and bedtime routines. How much emphasis do we put on Islamic routines?

Teach your children to stay awake after fajrRead Qur’an in the morning

Get them in the habit of reading the du’aas the Prophet read before going to bed, waking up from sleep, eating, etc

Page 19: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Role Model

Our Prophet Muhammad is the best of all role models

Teach them from an early age about the sahabah and other great heroes of Islam

As we see today kids take sportsmen, actors as their role models. Teach them love for Abu Bakr, Omar, Aisha etc.

Page 20: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings


Visit historical Muslim cities such as Makkah, Madinah

Take them to countries like Turkey, Spain, India to show them Muslim Heritage.

Visit the local masjid to teach children the etiquettes of the masjid

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Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Families Eat Together

A lot of important information is exchanged over meal times because everyone comes together to share their day, their plans and experiences

Eating together in groups is Sunnah and it is a cause of Baraka (Blessing) in the meal. Abu Dawood

Good time to tell your child how much you love them or to resolve and issue amongst the kids.

Page 22: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings


It was the practice of the Prophets like Ibrahim [as] and Prophet Muhammad as well as pious men like Luqman to constantly make du’a for their offsprings.

و�م�ن ال�ة� الص� يم� م�ق� ع�ل�ن�ي اج� ب� ر�د�ع�اء ب�ل� ت�ق� و� ب�ن�ا ر� ي�ت�ي ذ�ر�

ة� ر� ق� ي�ات�ن�ا ذ�ر� و� ن�ا اج� و� أ�ز� م�ن� ل�ن�ا ه�ب� ب�ن�ا ر�   ا ام* إ�م� ين� ت�ق� ل�ل�م� ع�ل�ن�ا اج� و� أ�ع�ي�ن-

Page 23: Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Raising Productive and Confident Muslim Kids Khafayah Abdulsalam Khafayah Abdulsalam

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings




Khafayah Abdulsalam