
[Handover Document] UA HANA - HANA 1.0 + Windows frontend with SBOP server and clients

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Documentation SAP - SaKP Managed Services Team


Brief Introduction to SAP HANA .................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction to SAP HANA University Alliance Landscape ........................................................................... 4

Users & Passwords for University Alliance Landscape ................................................................................ 5

Brief Introduction to SAP HANA Studio ........................................................................................................ 6

SAP Business Objects .................................................................................................................................. 9

SAP HANA AWS System Landscape Service & Support Concept ............................................................ 10

How will I get started? ................................................................................................................................. 11

Adapting ‘hosts’ File to Windows Frontend ................................................................................................. 12

Frequently Asked Questions: ...................................................................................................................... 14

Brief Introduction to SAP HANA

High-Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA)is an In-Memory Database from SAP to store data and analyze large volumes of non-aggregated transactional data in Real-time with unprecedented performance, ideal for decision support & predictive analysis.

HANA Database Features

Important database features of HANA include OLTP & OLAP capabilities, Extreme Performance, In-Memory , Massively Parallel Processing, Hybrid Database, Column Store, Row Store, Complex Event Processing, Calculation Engine, Compression, Virtual Views, Partitioning and No aggregates.

The In-Memory Computing Engine is a next generation innovation that uses cache-conscious data-structures and algorithms leveraging hardware innovation as well as SAP software technology innovations

For detailed information on SAP HANA:

Introduction to SAP HANA University Alliance Landscape

University Alliance landscape consists of SAP HANA system residing on Suse–Linux and BOBJ with Client tools residing on Windows Server.

So the users can login to the Windows terminal server and access HANA Studio and SAP Business Objects.

Users & Passwords for University Alliance Landscape Windows Frontend Users: Users: User00 – User19 Password: UA201x! HANA Studio: User: SYSTEM Password: manager SAP HANA Users: Lecturer User: MASTER Initial password: HANAmaster02 Student Users: STUDENT00 - 19 Initial Password: HANAinit02 Business Objects Users (valid for both Data Services AND Business Objects Explorer) Lecturer User: Master_bo Password: BO_master Student users: BO_student00 - 19 Password: hanabo2012

Brief Introduction to SAP HANA Studio The SAP HANA studio is a collection of applications for the SAP HANA appliance software. It allows us to manage the SAP HANA database for example to Create and Manage User Authorizations, and to Create new or Modify existing Models of data in the SAP HANA database GUI Introduction

Overview in HANA Studio with some Systems added and main Information of the connected DB

Navigator Pane (Adding Systems, License, Start/Stop):

Right Click > Add System… in the Navigator Pane on the left side.

Default Admin User is always SYSTEM Password can be found under Users & Passwords for University Alliance (page 5)

Once added you can right click on a System Entry to simply restart the HDB or to open properties to change the Logon credentials or for License install/exchange.

HDB Content (Users/Schemas):

If you extend the list under your newly created System on the left side you can directly see all Users, Roles and Schemas on the Database.

If you extend the users list and double-click on one you get full details in the main pain, were you can easily set a new initial password for the user, deactivate/lock it or unlock it in case its locked in the upper right corner.

System Overview:

After adding simply doubleclick the target System in the Navigation pane on the left side and you will get the System overview Screen on the main pane

1.) Here you can see quickly if all Services are operational including the start time. You also get the full Version string including Weekstone Number.

Different Date on Start Time of Latest Started Service might indicate some services had problems or were manually reset without a DB restart

Via the Hyperlink on Version you get a history of previous versions and when those where updated e.g. to check if it was recently updated when availability problems are reported

2.) Current Memory/CPU usage on the left side and File system consumption/allocation on the right side.

Permanently maxed out Physical Memory could indicate the need of hardware upgrade

Permanent CPU Load could indicate overloaded DB (too many systems/user connected to the DB)

Standard DB Issues: Full Data (increase needed), Full log (log backup might not working)

3.) The HDB provides you already with current and upcoming basic problems including a history of those.

Expiring License, Too many connections, Wrong Log Mode, failed backups


If not all services started (on Overview Page) you can clearly see which services are not running and get detailed information about their exact memory consumption.

You can also stop individual Services, kill hanging Services or restart missing/stopped ones

{For more info on getting started check under the section How will I get started ?(Page 11)}

SAP Business Objects


SAP Business Objects BI platform provides enterprise-level analysis and reporting tools. The platform allows you to analyze data from a variety of database systems (including text-based systems and multi-dimensional OLAP systems), and publish reports in different formats to a variety of publishing systems.

Data Access and Semantic Layer tools allow you to configure connections to your databases, tune the federation of multiple data sources, and design universes to provide users of SAP Business Objects analysis and reporting tools access to data via a business-oriented semantic layer.


Overview of BOE release/maintenance schedule: Official Installation Guides, Master Guide, Restrictions, etc.:

SBOP SDN Articles: Official Product Tutorials:

SAP HANA AWS System Landscape Service & Support Concept

The diagram gives the planned Service and Support for University Alliance landscape. For all queries and doubts please send mail to DL SaKP ManagedServices UA Support (External)

How will I get started?

1) You can access this ready-to-use landscape using RDP via Remote Desktop Connection and by entering the IP Address of the Windows Frontend mentioned in the Handover email :

2) There you can find the SAP HANA Studio (for Exercise 2) and the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Java BI Launch Pad (Exercise 1).

3) To logon to the SAP HANA Studio, you need following entries (before this step please make sure you have adapted the hosts file as per the document under Adapting ‘hosts’ File to Windows Frontend(Page 12) ):

4) After step 3, the system will ask you to logon to the SAP HANA Database. You can find the user information under Users & Passwords for University Alliance (page 5) .

Adapting ‘hosts’ File to Windows Frontend Please follow the screenshots below to adapt the ‘Hosts’ File.

Open the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Once done save the file.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) When we try to logon to the Data Services Designer we get the following error message: LOGON FAILED TO THE SPECIFIED SYSTEM Check system name, port number, user name, password, authentication method, and try again. Additional information: <Session: SDK failure> Solution: Within the Logon-Screen for the Data Services Designer you need to provide directly the Amazon hostname not the IP address(eg: AMAZONA-XXXXXXX:6400)