Page 1: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be

. - .

Grayson County Animal Control OrdinanceRabies Control and Dangerous Dogs

[2itlal Coart Order, Co:11i1slon1rs Co1rt bcorda, Gr17ion CoantJ, Volm 2,, Page 128, Pshraary 13, 1978.

uudae1t I, Couiaaion1r1 Court Records, Gra7sou CoutJ, Volw ll, ,ages ]05·]09, Dawber 21, 1192.

mouaat u, Coutuioner, Court !acord1, Gn1101 CoutJ, Volue ],, P1ge1191·10 0, 10,war 7, 1994.

l1e1da1t III, Coula1ion1rs Court !acord1, Gr17�on CoaltJ, Volu2e ]4, Pigu 123-12!, !01ubar 1,, 199\.

S!CTIO� 1. DltIJifIOiS. lfheA aaad lD this Order, t�e fo!l3vi�g �or4a and taru, ul�aa the coatut lidleataa a dl!farant naaing, shall be l1tarprattd 11 follo111:

. 1.1 cvm: 111 person who has right of property 11 an aaiJal, or who harbou 111 uiula, or alloua an ubal to ru1in atout hJ1 pruises for a period of tan (10) days.

1.2 11.<BORl»C: T�e act of keeping and caring for u 1niJal, or of pro,iding a pruiae to lfhich the inilal

· Htiru br food, shelter, or cars for a period of tu(10) days.

1.3 DC!f!STIC UI!!L: Shall iic!ada all speci!a ofanllala cwoalJ ud 20i,ersaily acuptad 11 beilf doteatieited.

!.4 1ILD 13IUL: Shall lmcl�de all species of a3ilala tthlch e1iat in a nat;ral uco1flned state and not aaaally doaasticated.

1.5 PIT utm: Shall inclade doga, cats, rabbits, · rodenti, birds, reptiles, ud anJ other apeclas of a1laal�hich ls aold or retained aa a household pet, bat shallnot lnclade stum, nonhua1 priiates, and anJ others;eclea of �ild, aiotlc or canii,oroua aaiaal that ,a, beiirtller rastrictad in this law.

1.5 DOC: .l doaaatic canine of either ae1, hchdlng oae ieutered or atarillied.

1.7 CAT� A doaeatic feline of either au, including one neutered or 1ter1liud.

U flilHS DAJ§DOJS Ul,ML: !AJ aniaal that coulta an oapro,oted atta� apo1 a person 01 pahllc or pri,ate propertf, or that attacks, threataas to att!ck or terrorisea a ·perio1 oa·p1blic propertJ or in a pablic place.

1. 9 DAXCIRgOS' DOG Kill: � ,:·•I


(1) Aa7 dog that, whan upro,otad, hfllctabodilJ injarr or death to a persona, or bitaa or att1cks 1 peraon 01 public or pri1ata prop1rt1� or

(I) 117 dog that has killed or injurld a do sesti�anlnal without pro,ocatio1 vbile off the o�ner's property: or

(C) l4J dog which, 1h11 pro1oh4, chuu orapproachea a perso1·upo1 the streets, stdevalks, or 111 public or-prl,ate propertr ia a 111aci19 fiahl= or apparent attitude of attack auch tllat the per�n raasonablJ belle,es that the an!ial vlll c1ASe pb7slc1l lnjary to the persons: or

(D) laJ iaditidual dog with I iucva propeusity,tudeacy, or disposition to attaci upro1o�ad, to c1�sa hjary, or to otharvise threaten the ufetr of �mas or doaestic aai1ala •

}.9 STR.\T AJlllL: bJ a2iJal for uhieh �rats �o ldentiflable oner or harborer.

1.10 RtrHUG 1T WCI: Shall ;ertlh t� � ul.u! off t�e prn!ses of t�e owar a:id not uder �e, 1ial)le or audibla coutrol of the oner or his ,Jt�ori1�d rapreseat1tt,e. !a 1ai11l lntr�dilg �,01 the ,rlperty of aaother person than t�e ovner shall be tened 1ru,l�g at l1rge.' la anlal ,lt�in a autcaoblla or �t�?! 1!�icle ot its O\IDer shall aot be deued •n�ni�g at l1rge.'

1,Jl MBIBS YlO:I�lTIO!: Sha!l 1ean t�! 1acciaation of.a dog, cat, or other doaeatic in!sal vith 1111t1· r1bi!s ,accine approved bf tha Unit!d St1t!s �epartJent oi lgricnlture and ad&iniatarad bra ,eterinarian lice�aed bf the Stata of faiu.

sgaro, 2, WIBS coiTSOL.

2.1 VlCCIJlfIO!S: !1er, oVDer of a dog or Clt tme 1onths of age or older shall have such aaiaal tlCciaatad aga!11t rabies. 111 dogs or cats ,accinated (bJ Ue till the aniial ls fo1r aontlls of age and at regular l1tanala thereafter as preacribed bf Board rule, laudJest Io, 7, 90 at three 101ths of age or older shall be rancciuted at one rear of aga and auuallJ t�ertafter. s�ch rontl2e ra,acclnation should be perforied d1ri:g the ,ocths of January and February daring eacb caludar 1ear. AIIJ parson 10,ing into the coutr froa a location 01tsi4e of the cout7 shall coaplf with thia ordinance vithln tan (10) daJs after hniDg aoted into the coutJ. If the dllgor cat has lnflicted a bite on 101 person, or 1noturaoi1al, 1ithi1 the last ten (10) days, t!le owner of sai4dog or cat shall report such fact to the ,eterinartan, 3D�no rabies ncche shall be a411Dlatered util after thelO·day obse"attoa perio,.

Page 2: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be

LL cxwnuu o, v1c,IJi!101: lpon nccint101, the ntarharlu shll euc;te ud hnhh to the OYDer of tba d09 or cat a1 e,idenca thereof, a cartiflcata upo1 a fora hnhhad hy the vttarbari11. the vetariuriu ,��11 r3ta!s a dnplicat! copf JJd ou cop7 tlet!of 3!1.lll ha fil!d •1th the County Bealt� Deparbant. S�ch cet·uuc1te shall coDtaiA the folloviDg iDfooatton:

l. r�a nue, address, aud t!laphoaa nmar of theovur of the ncciutad dog or cat;

J� t� data of ,acciDatioD; l. ·,ia type of rabies ,1cci1a ued;4, !ha Jeat aud uabar of rabies hg; nd5. The bread, age, color, and se1 of the

v1cciuatad dog or cat.

2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac�i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca�sa to be atticbed to tla collu or haness of tha nccbatad dog a 1etal t1g, serially nUlharad to corraspond vith t�a racchation cartificata nabar ad bearing t� rear of issuanct ud the aw of the iasuing ,atarinari1D and bis addrass. T�e O'JDer shall c1nie the coll1r or harD23S, vit� tja attached ntal t1g, to be ,on b7 bis deg ijheuner aaid dog ls rmilg at luge.

2,! D�lt!Of! flCJ.: la the ettDt Df lass or uttr;ctio? of the or!gilal tag provided in Sact1oa 2.3, t�e o�ner of the dog shall abt1ii a dupliclta tag.

2.5 PlCOf: It shall be ula»ful for an7 person who ?�s or barbers a ,ac:i"t!d deg or cit to ft!l o: raf13a to e:hibit his copy of the certiflc1te of ,accflatioD �poD �e11ad to anr person charged vith t�e e2i�rcaJut oi t�i1 Order.

2.6 lll.'UOl[JC ax,1CCIYlfiD lJP.lLS: It shall� unlavf2l for aDf persoa to harbor uj dog or c1t ihio has not te ,accinatad against rliias, as pro,ldad herein, or »hi:h cannot be fdutilied a1 ha,t2g a c2rrut ,1c:ilatlolcarti ficata.

2.1 UiltlLS ll?GSID to Rl.BilS: la7 per10D ha1i�g i!owldge oi tile uist!llci of au7 a2iiil bow to llan beet, or nspected of being, eipoaed to rabies sust luedlatsl7 rapoit sucb to� Dlractor of P1blic aaalth, gt,l:19 ht1 ur i1foaatioD which be say raquira. for an7 uiial �2on to ha7e bee1, or auapectad of bei�g 11posad to rabies, tbe foll01i21 rnlu ·sut appl7:

a. hi1als bating a c2rrut, ,alid r1bies,accinatioD ,hiei baa bees recsiied less than 30 da7s prior to aaid e2poaure 1ast be re,acclnated iui1tal7 and confined according to the 1ethod preacrlbed by the Director of P1blic lealth for a period of not lass than 90 dars.

) ....

b, biJala �ot ha1lng curmt ,alid_ ,1ccf21tioa o: 1 ricciaatioa ttiat via rtcel,ad at lust·30 da7s prior to said e1pqsura shoaJd be buaual7 d!stro7ed, !o-4e11r, if the 01a1r of aach u anf1al alact1, lit 117 at hi1 e1pense, la a 1awr a�d for a l!�gth of tile pr�icri�ed hf the Director of P�bllc laaltb, coafl�e said a�iJal. If at the end of this period, a lic2asad ,etarin1ri12 declaru the anl1al to be fraa of apptosa of rlhlls, the ul1al 1a7 theu be ,acci�atad agiiust rabies b7 a lici�sed ,,tarinariu and recanfi1ed for as additional 30 da71. If at the end of the additional 30-day confineent, a licensed ,aterinarian fi2da that tie ui1al r!ia!�s free for all 171ptou of r1hies, the uiul 117 then be raleased to the oeer.

ss,uo1 l. WOl?I!G B[ftS FlO:t llI!lL SIJSCJ2Tl3U TO wtas: RJUUD UCCIDORJS:

l.l Dort' ro RliPORT: h7 per101 ba,1�9 k2ovlasige t�at u auiial ba1 bittan a huan being ahall i.uedi1t1l7report tha i2cident to tha Director of Public !�alth,lDbel Control Officer, or to t�e Taus Depart.Jent ofiealth Resourcas. i1err ph7siciaD or ot�er ledicalprJctitioner �ho tr?ltl a perJon or �ersoms for sich �!tlsshall �ithi2 tial1e (l?I hcurJ r!�ort sic� tr?Jtl!Jtl tot� Director of Pulte Jealtb, lJi1al Control Officar, octo the fe13s Deparb�t of 1ealth !asearcas, �i1i1g nJJe,age, su, ind pracise loc1tfoD of t�a bitten per101, orperaons, and such ot�lr inf�oati1n ai t�3 ofti�Jr orag�c7 1a7 require.

3.2 IJCLOStOXS: 3uu �ita, frc2 r:duts, rl�biti, �ir�s

! -inf r.aptUas U! e:chded froJ t�e r!?Otthg

r,quirmnt3 of this JCtioD.

313 SU!P!Cm WllS: 137 ,2tari2atill ¥ho cli2!cill7 diagnosu r�las, or uy peraon 1�0 s1s;act1 r1bles 12 a dog, cit, or otjar 4ojest1c or ufld aliJal shell l2aediatel7 ra;ort Us i1cidut to t�e Dir�ctor of P�blic lealth, or hisal Control Dfficer,·or to tha faias Depert2ent of lealth R3sonrces, stati1t pr!cl3al7 ihat! such anlul Hf be foud. If a bon or a�pect'ad'° nbii u11a1 bitas or attack� a dc:auuc aiiul, ·nch llCiJi?:it shall al10 be reportad as r3q'lited �o,e.

J.4 COi7Il!!Xff 01 DOGS ill Q!S: 1a7 doi Ot cat,bich has bitten a persoo shall be obuned ror a period of tao (10) da7s· fr01 the Jata of t�e bite. 'ri!a pt�tad�ra and place of obsenati�D shall be desig!lated by t�e lA1estigatiDg officer or raspaaslble agenc7. If t�e dog or cat is 11ot confiud on the owner's prwaes, confinuent a�all be by i1poandaut la the Gra7soa CoGDtf lai1al Shelter, or at an7 ,eteJiDary hospital of the oner'a choice. Such confiuaeat shall be at the O'Jnar's eipense. Stray dogs or cats :rhose mers cuuot he locatid Jhall be CODfi3ed il the GrlJSOI COA1t7 hiJal

Page 2

Page 3: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be



Sheltar. tlle:�nar of 41J deg or_ Clt t�at· has b!eD rtportad·to ha1e isflfctad a bite OD aoy per103 sball ao duaod pro do ct said. dog __ or cat_ for l1po1JDd2u t, u prsscribed io thli section: Refusal to prodact said deg or cat coutitates a ,iohtion of this sectioo, ud ncb day of aach refusal shall coutitata a 2aparat11ad lnditidaal ,iolatio1.

}.5 RSO!lL OP �gs UD Cl?S !!OK �O!ll2MJI: It shall ·be ulnhl for uy peraoD to ruon fro1 111 phce of coofio5.3ent a11 dog or cat ibicll baa been confilGd, or l1poud1d, a1 a�thoriied by thia ordioaDce, 1ithoat tha count of tha bpondbg 11ucr.

,l.6 PR�!OUUS 701 OTm lJIW. BITX3: a7 wild · anisal (other thu rodents, rlbbits, bltda, and rsptilas)�hlch has bltteD a persoo shall be ClDght and tillP.d, lfposalblt, a1d the br1i1 swittad ill!edi1t!i7 to aq2allfled lahor!tory for ribi:s Uilliaaticn.


t 1 irEiOiS DUGDOOi !JlllLS: lo person shall howbglr ow or har�r I tiehu 4aogeroas ao!Jal as t.hat tan is defined lit' s�t1011 1.8 ."ithll �n71on Cl}uty. Sach ao ulJal shall be ilpcuded as I pabllc ua13ance. !t i2poiuoot of 1aid aoisal no�iog I lar1a cannot be,ade Yit1 saf!ty t� the 1111111 Control Offlcar, or ot!ler,ersona actlag n,der �11 dir2ctfco, the aoilal llf bedsstroytd vitboat aotice to t� ovoer or hlrbotar.

4. 2 GmD D.2!S: It tball �e ulavhl to phcs or�ai1bi1 IDT dog �hieh bas bee1 s;ecifically trii�ed to 1ttaek,'. b uy ana for the protactioo of peraoa or property, nolass t�e dog is physie1ll7 confined to a 1p�ci(ic aria, or is uader cOJpl!ts ud ab�olita control.

. T�e Ull or praises ii vh!ch a guard dog h COillined JIit be c0llspic2oasl7 �stid 11th waniag sig�a baarilg tatters act lesa than tvo (2} inches high.

Ll !BllDOlI�G llIUJ.S: lt ls henby prohi�!ted s1d sball be uhvful hr aoy pencn to uwillflllly abandon any aniul. or to withhold food or water froa aor aDiJal s�ch that its health is es4aagered, or it is caased to · sutf er udol J.

�CT!Olf C. DAJGlaOUS DOGS. �ecaaber 21, 1992 llmdlut I).

4.1 DIT!DIIAfIOI OI ougmus �GS:

(ll l dog is aato1atlcall1 declared to be a daageroas dog aoder Section 1.8 (1) and (B).

(B) Tbe Couty bital Control HJ find uddeclare a dog to be a dangeroas dog if they ha,e caa1e to

belia,e that a dog ls a da1geroas do9 uder Sactioi 1.1 (C) or (D),

(C) apo� recsipt of ao 1ffida,it of celpl1iatsig�ad by one or :ior2 i1dl1idaals aada 1:dar ��ta ur�t! 11 bdhldaal nUorhad_ bJ law to tut non atita�nta, or 2ad1 to the hiJal Control Officer satti!g flrth tha oatura and the data of the act, the location of the e1e2t, the owner of the dog, t11a·1ddros1 of the OYDer, and the description of t�e dOf 4o1Jg sach act, the Couty bllal Cootroi shall iamtlgate �e co.iplaiat and aay d�ttolua that a dog ls daogeroa1 uder Section 1.8 (C) 12d (a).

�.:L 1ou11gn�1 or oscim,r�s o, 1 01:t.Gttoas_c�_:

(1) ,itllin fi1e (5) vortiog dars of dacl1ri19 adog daogaroaa, tba Couty 12inl Control will iotif7, by cartifisd Jail, rat�ra rlcaipt r2qaest!d, t!ia ierJoD oniig the dog of ltJ desiguatioa as I daageco13 a�iJal bt lssuanca of a cit1tioo.

{B) If the dog is declared to be da�g!roas imdtr 3tctioa 1.8 (C) or 1.8 (D), the ootice sball 11!0?1 t:U olfAer of the dog that I Detsr1iDat1oo !eari29 1ar be req�estad to coatast t!le declarati�n. f!le r��3jt for 1 Deter1iDatioD leariag nst bi ia vritiag and 1ut ha raca11-.d hr t!ii Oir!ctorJ ol Gr11100 Cout1 !�!t� DepartJaot or hia/�ar desig�ee DO latar tbio fir! (5) iorll�g days fros racelpt bJ the o,aer of tba dJ!g�rclll dog decluatJoo. Fa!l1re to appeal Ue declarlti�o of deg 1inh fin (5) -vorU�g d37S ahall nnlt i:I t::.J lJ!.ul Cootrol declaration as fi1al.

t.l 9KTS!l!flllTtOtt SWIJC:

(l} 1pOll t!le »rit�s reqae�t for a �et�"lioa:!oo3eariDg bf t�e ouner of a 4og declared duger�a, ,ndar S�ction 1.8 (C) or 1.8 (D), the Diractory o! t�a !�alt� Deparuent or bis/her desigaee shall 1chedale said heart11 before a Jastice of the Peace. file Deteaiution 3earilg shall be cond;ct2d vitbln tu (10) worki1g da71 of Ue raceipt of the raqaeat for sach heari1g.

(B) The 012er 1hall be notified of said �earl�gby certified sail, retoro r!caipt req�ested. l1!l1r1 of the ovDer of the dog to appear at the Deteai33ti�D aearin9 shall resalt iA the hf1al Coatrol dacl1r1tioa as fi�al. Pending the oatco1e of tha Deteraiaatioo l!ati1q, t�e aa12al ast be sec�r2l7 conttaed 12 a huue :u,,er with a ltcansed vatettaariu, or ta the Sherm h11al Shelter. The costa of 1acarl1g said dog peadlng th! Oeter2iaatioa leating shall be borne bJ the owar.

(C) fbe Jostle, of Ua Peace shall dateni�evlletber to declare the dog to be a dangetoa1 uilll s:der this Chapter baiad apoa etideace, affida,it1, aod testiJODf preseated at tbe tfae Of the beari19 by tht

Page 3

Page 4: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be

C'lD!r, ,i tl18is!s to u7 i�cidut ,hich !aJ be geri1a1 ta aach penoDlel, police or 127 other person pomsshg iofor1ation perti2sat to s=ch datarJiaatioo. Yhs J91tica of the Puca shall issaa flsdla9s viUla t1,, (51 wrkiog da71 aitu the Detenintioo laari11g.

f,i D!fflllS 12 osg,.wu.91 9.1 ! DMGi!i1'.lii �: I t is a defeue to the deteniHtioD of a d09 u dugerou and to the pr02ecati01 of the oner of a dog prs,to;JlJ decl1nd to be dugeroas:

(11 If the thr2at, i1j1r7, or duage ,as sasta1oad b7 t persoD vho at the vas couittiDf a willf}l trupasa or ot�er t�rt upoa the pruisea oc:2pied by tli cvnu of the dog; or

(Bl If the per3oD !as taasi�g, torieotiog, abaaiog, or asaaaltiog the def or has, ID t�e past, beaa obser,,d or reportad to hat! tsued, toriutad, ahu�ed or assa�lted the dot: or

(Cl If the peaoo raa comaittiag or attuptiog to co:uit a cri2e: or

(Dl If tha dcmtic uf1al killid na at tlla ti1e t�as!sg, tormti3g, l�3:12g, o: aaa�alt139 ths deg; or

(ll If tha dog vu protscti1; or defudilg a �ersOD ,i�iD the is:aediata ,tei2ity of the dog fro! u iajustiiiad attaci or us3alt; or

(I} !! the deg ias i2j11tsd ud rsspoadilg to

4.5 O[S10Sl?IOI O? DSCtillftOJ Ull!l�:

(11 Io the e,eot tha dog is dsterii�ed to be daoguoas th11 J3£Uce of the Puca !if order tH dof to be eut�aoissd ii a safe and bwta uwr bf a 1etarioariao or at the Sherm hisal Sllelt!r b7 a trai:ed b�muiafac!lliciao. ·

·· ·

{il t�a Justice of t!1e ;,ace liJ fild tut t�e dog il f,IUtioo ia 1Dugerou: 1 If the dog iJ d1ogeroaa, tlle ovuer uut adhere to tbe foll01lllf raquinaaat1:

(ll The dog illltt be ragi1tered I� a,cor&iaca viU Sectioa 4.8 of this Ordioaoe1; ud

(21 The dangerous do9 mt be ��pt lo a proper enclosare; ud

(ll !he ouoar sast prueot to the Couty leaith Deparuut a Certificate of Public �ia�illt:J Iassrucs ID the a�oaot of One Kaodrad Thousand Doll1rs ($100,0001 to co,ar ao7 dw9e1 caaaed bJ the da1g1roaa dog. !�e iuur11ca shall be for a t'4elve (121 nooth

period raoeiable ead 711r aad ahall aot be ca�cal!d aolisa the dog is no loager �apt b7 the cvner: aAd

(41 the dangerous dog, vbal taksa oatsid� tba uclosure, 2ast be secaralJ muslad 12 a Jaa�3r t�Jt will uot cause i1j1r7 to the pote1ti1ll7 dugarous ui13l nor iutarfare vit� its risiou or raspiratiou bit s�1ll pra,aot it fro2 bitia9 &DJ person or other aaiial; and tha dau9arous dog 11st be re1trai1ad by a s1bstutial c!13!1 or cule leash ba,t1r a Jla!Ju temsila s trength of oae thcuaaod poud (1,000 lbs,) ud iot to aicesd sii fa!t (6 1 ) ID l1ogth; and

( 5} the oner shall post a siia 011 his/har pruisas vamiog tha� t,era la 1 4ugerous dog on the propert7. fhis alga shall be ,1stblt aA4 cipabls of tel29 raad froa the public street o r hlghiar. Ia additloo, the omer sha!l coupicaouly displar a alga 11th a s7lbol raro1�9, uderatilldable bf mll Qildra1, er t�a ;ra3a1t of a da:agerou dot: and

(6) rortllar idutificatiOD 2a7 be raq1ir2daad designated bJ the Cout7 iaiJal Control Officar.

(71 1 set of pbototriphs dapi�!i2q coipliuca �!th or�iaa�ce !9St ba pr!seotad vith ngistratioo.

(Cl If t�e 01oer of tla dog d2cl1r?d b ba daageraas QDder thia article is Wbl! or u1illilg t� co�pl 7 ,i th tlle OlD3r3hip Ul)'liruntJ li1t2d lbo1e, th� dog shall be ea thui�ed bf tht h1Jal Control S�eltir !athaaas11 fachDiciu or a li=aed ,ataril3r!u. 1 degdeclare� to be daagerous IUdar this lrti:la s�all :ot b�offered for adoption or sale.

t.& IOTI1ItlTIOi OF C!:\!GI 9,P Sf}TDS: De DVD er/keeper shall not! fJ the Director of Ua Gn7soa CoantJ !aalth DepartJtot of his/her designaa 1itM1 t�eotr�tcar (24) boars if a d12geraus dog is loose, aocoofi1ed, has attached uother aoi1al, or baa attic�ad 1 pars01, or has died, or bas beu sold or gl1eo a�a7. t� o,oer/keeper ahall pro,ide the Director of the Gr17s01 Cout7 Health DepartJeot or his/her deaigsaa rit� U2 aaJe, address, and talepbooa auoer of the 231 owoer/kie9er. The D!» o�oar/\eeper sast siga a tror1 latariied ,tataaeat that ha/aha rill coapl7 vit� 111 cf the raquiruuta of mers of daogeroaa dogs. f�t ��oer/�etp!r 11st c0apl7 rith the req11iraseot11ith!l t1a ( 10) da7s of rmership of a dugeroas dog.

4,1 l!JllTliS 12! V!OLAftOI llD P111lTllS:loff2he, lC, 1994 {AJeodaut III).

(1) ID additiOD to aAJ other ,1011tioa,, it shallbe a ,tolatioa of t�i1 Cbaptar for the 01oer of 1 daogsroos ·dog to:

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Page 5: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be

. .. " -

· • ( 11 rail to ha,e 'dugeroa, dog registar3d lo1cco:�uc1 with thia Chapter; or

(21 aa,e a da4ger0Gs dog oGtslde the aoclosare u3l1ss ,usled ud r!itraioed oo a leas� or chain as sat oGt 1D Sactioo ?;

( l I rail t o hne proper aocl onra to ccaf hat!ie daogerou dog: or

(41 rail to poat aigoa around the �mises 111th clur '1sibl e signs that t!lare ls a dangerous dog oo tu pruisea; or

(5) 1111 to secue aad .utotaiD pullcliability lasaraoce of at lsast $100,000 ; or

(6) rail to ha,, tha daogerou dog oeatere4or sprayed; or

(71 Pall to oatlfy the Co1111t1101.111 Control of a ch3oga of status as sat oat lo Section I.

(J} l ,tolatioo of this order ls a clu3 C slsdueanor u provide by St3te Lav.

(Cl Kwptlooa: the pro,laioai uder this Secti�D aball not applr to aor la• eoforceunt agency 'lhua 11 ulJal is behg aaed for h:t eoforc!leot.

,u �msTU?[OK R!glJI�tm?S:

(l) T�e oyaer of l 4aogerons do9 ahall al!A�all7r2g1at2r t�e a2i2al v!th t�e Coanty blia! Control, and

(11 Prese1t proof of: (a) t13bilit1 i2aaraoca or fi�asclal

responaihilitJ u raqlired bf Section 822.042 of aealth .J!ld Safat7 C�des;

( b} CJrr2ot rabies vacc lilati oa of the d3�geroaa dogs; ud

(c) T�e secora encloau.e JD ih!ch t�siaogeroas deg rill be kept; and

(di Depiction b7 photographic 11ldanc3 of co1plluce ,erlfied by i1specttoo br 1Di9a1 Coatrol.

(2) hya u waal regiatratioo he rl$50.00.

(8) The !oiaal Control !athority shall pro,ide tothe ovur regiatarhg a dugarou dog a ugiatratioo tag. ne ouer uat place the tag Oil the dog's collar.

(Cl lf air mer of a reqiatered dugeroas dog aella or no,ea the a1i1al to a 011 addraaa withiJ Gnysoo Couty, the oner, 1ot later thu t�e lHh day aft!r the sale or :so,e, shall notify the biaal Cootr�l l�thorltr for the area l1 which the on address ia located. On presentation hf the current ower of the daogero11 dog's

· ·· prior reglatratioo tag and payseat fee o f $25.00, the1Ali1l Control lathoritr s!iall issne a oav reglatratio11 tag to be placed 011 the dugerou dog's collar.

(DJ la ovoer of a registered daoge:oas dog aball

notify tha office 1D 'Illich the daogerou dog uiaa 011 people.

4.! CUA� D,QiS: I! shall be aol nhl to pbce or niDtaiD ur deg vhlch hu teen specifically tnhtd to attack, fa anr araa for the protactio11 of persoa or property, 011les1 the dog is phy slcallf coafintd to a &pacific area, or is ooder coaplate and abaolate control. flle area or pruises 111 uhich a gu ard dog is collf hed iut be co1spica0Gsl7 posti4 with vir11i11g 11911 beari29 lattera aot less t!lao t110 inches (2 1) high. T�is aectloo �ces aat apply to dogs of 13, enforcmnt agncles.

4.10 lBAYDOKtJC UI!ULS: It ls hereby prohibltad aad shall be uolavfol for a17 person to 1illf1ll7 abaadoo 127 aal Jal, or to v l t�hold food or ntar fros u1 ubal sucll that its health ls a2da11gered, or it is ca�sad to ,�ff�r 1ndd1,


5.1 IlPCBlDit!it: lni1als owed or harbored 11 ,101at1011 of Uis order, or aar other ordlDaacs or hv of t�e StJte of Ttsas, sllall be tJ�aa into 1:1stcd7 �J a1 lDbal Co11t1ol Officer, or oUar desiioatad offl:ill, a:d l3Pounded. StrJy aoi,als shall be si1llarl1 ilpOQaded.

5.2 Ut!fl� Sa!tfilt: 1 suit1ble 1nisal sbeltar s�ll be provided for the parpose Of boardi,g 111d C3lilg for J�J anl1al i1ponnde4 uder the pro,isiou of this Or!ar. S�Cl shelter sha ll be c�ostncted io accordanca vith recone!ldatioo froa tlle fuJJ D�part:aelt of !ealt� Resoarces. · lo lien of coostructi�g a sheltar, tle CoaotJ 117 coitrJct 11th aor licensed ,eterilaria11 to ,r�Tlde t�is 1er,1ca at a fae aut1a!l7 agreed apoo ud reoeied oa aa a:mal basis, or sa1 contract with HJ charted huue soclet1 orgaaiut1011 �nhg a suit3ble facility 11itli1 Cra711011 Coaity t�at has been approved by the fesls Deparwnt of aealth i2so1rces.

5,l DISPOS[TIOI or lX?OU�DBD l!IULS: ls aeon a2 pncticable after hpounbent, if the owner of t�e hpoDDdad ubal ls ho11n,.- imdiate notice shall ba ghe11 to bi.t. b7 bpouded uiJal HJ be redewJ ipoa paymt of the care and feeding charges, ,eterioary chargas, rabies ,accioatio11 charges, and aach other costs as 1et by the CDasissioners' Court. If sicb a1111al ls not redeued vithia thrae (31 days, if shall be deaaad abaodooed, and aa1 be placad for adoption, allhje:t to payuut of tha l1po1odJeot- fee;·c3re aad feeding charges, ,eterl11ar7 charges, and sach other cost as set bJ the Conissioaers' Court, or t�e lDaal Control Officer HJ waoely eathaoise said a11iul aoder the snpenisloo of i liC3osed ,eterl:mi111.

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Page 6: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be

5. 4 D{3P�[ !COB 01 DliWiD lltiU!,!: hf uinlh�e11 hto cutodJ by t�e l:ti.ul Control Offf car, ucept tlou a11i1ah rhich ban iafUcted hw� bites dur1:ii the pracadlDg tan (lD) da7a ud that are Yisibla afhctad wtth 1ii1 si911 of co!mlicu1a disaua ot�ar t�u nbiu iJbic� are being held at the bpoudhg hcil1t7, aa, lutaad of being l1poaadad, be lmla11el1 de1tro7ed pro,ided that a27 anlJal ihich ha1 l2fllctsd u7 wa11 or ulnl bit3 d2rlag the pracadbg tu {10} d17s bate lta head ruoud bt t�e .blaal Control Officer ud amittad to the l�bontorr for ubles a1uiut1011.


&.l !flllL COl!!OL DCiISIOI: r�era ls lleral>t created a11 lDiJal Co11trol 01,12101 of the Gri7JOD Coa2t7 aaalt� �epa:tl!3t, T�e Diractor of P1blic Jeilth a�all, �it� tha count ud appronl of t�s cmusf ours' Cout of gr11s01 Coa11t1, appoint u llt1Jal Coatrol Officer Yho shall be sapenised b7 and risponsibls to the Gr17,c11 CoHtJ !ulth Oeparuut.

u ijUBLrsmn o, HUS m ltlGIJUftOlfS: �eGu7so!l C1m1t7 !ealt�- wparbeat ihall proa11l2ah nlu- --·. .. for i�d i1pluut t�oaa procadQras �ecaasur to t!la �1iimalut of ud il acc�rduce Ii t� eich u�inta saction of tMs Order.

&.l F&BS-LIC!lS!S·lmITS: The Gn1so11 C0aat7 Stalth �aparbe11t wit� couut ud appro,al of tla Ccm1aio11ers' Court, and sabject to annul n,h, ud .rnis!on, �ill adopt 1 sched:11! of hes for ilpoud:mt.

6 ; j· 8XCORDS: It shal l be t� dat7 of tlla Guison CoantJ !eal th Ueparbelt to aaint1i3 such UCDrds as daued 1eceasar7 to the uforcueat of ill pro,fsioas of this Order 3Dd·lta,e those records a,ailabla f�r displa7 to the Couiisioners' Coart. or to the public, at a17 tiles darilg r2galar business hours of the !ealt� Deput1e!lt.

S?C?IO! 7. smn PlOV13101S.

7.1 Sl'llaAICZ CLlDSI: If a117 section, aabaection, aa:1t11ca, claise, or phrase of Uis Order is, for u1 rusoa, !»tld to be hnlld, nch decision shall not ;ifhct the ,alidit7 of the r!!ailliilg portions ot this Order.

· 7.2 R&PUUR: lll other orders ud parts of theorders 13 co11flict herewith are herahJ rape1led.

Ll: Tbw ragalatiou shall aot appl7 vitlli the co rpo,ata li 11it1 of i acorporated Jnicipalitiu (or �itbiD the li1its of aof 1al11cocporated citf or ton operating 111der the g!111ral lava of tbe State of ?uu) 'llthill the

Cou2t11:1less ald ailtfl adoptaa 117 SJid aani ci�ilitr, clt7, or ton. • ...


iGtlS P!OVIDIXG FOR W!!S COX!lOL, 10,e!her 7, 1!1� (.l111d.1e2t II).


1, 11llJal 1 aeau a var1-blocded uiul.2. 'Board' !IW th! Tun Beard of lulth •.3. 'Cat' ,eans l!lis �atus,4. -Coui ssiour seaas the Cc.miss four o f !ealth.5. •nepart1e2t 1 taus the Tuu Depart1a11t of l�alth6. 'Dog' am Canh fa:siliaria.1. •ti cailsad 1�t!riudn1 uau a n tari:ia:il!l

llcused to pnctice ntarilacy 111 ou or :1on �f t� S� states.

9. •ovner• 1eau a perso11 uho ovns or has c2stcd7 orcontrol of the dog.

9, 1Q�ara11tile• aeiu strict confi:iesat of aa aniJal apecif hd 12 u order of the Soard or its desi1u1:

l, OD t!la prf13ta �r:ui2e3 of tha i:lf1al 11 0Ua2r or at a hcilft7 appmad bf t�a Beard or its d.ui1�ee: ud,

9. U�der r21tr1i1t �1 clo3ad clg! or padd�c� oril inf ot�ar :ianur apprond bf Ue aoard nh.

10. 'hbfas• !leans an ac1ta ,1n1 di.susa of 1.u a:1duiiai affactillg t!te c!11tral ner,oas s7stu and ua1ll7 tn11S21ttad by � uilal bite.

11. 'RutnhJ 1ms t� pn1e?1t, �1 ai17 1a3:iar, u2dog fr_C_j


laning tha Ot1Der's propert7. 12, 1Stra7 1 aaus roa.2i1g with 11� physical r1,trJi1t

be7011d the prasises of an ubal 'a au:iar or ieeper.


1. !1ec1 oner ihall raatriin his or her deg 12 sue�a 1u11er as to pre,eat t�e d�g froi laa,ing the O�!ler 1s propert7. lacb 0111er ahall nstniD his or �er deg 011 a leasb 2ot JOr! thu 6 foot fl l!Dgth rbile off th2 c�2er'1 property; dog1 are 11ot raqairad to ca 02 a laish voiie befog osed 111 c0111ectioa vlt� h;ntfng or under t�e eloae super,isic11 ind control of th! huter and th4 hut!ig 11 beillg do111 vitll the per2lsaion of the owur or lessee of the laid: dcgs au 2ot reqli red to be 011 a laash 'lhila being ased 11 coanectioa with ranching and/or faai2g, ira under the close upar,isioD and control of the ruc�er or faaer, ud the dog h 11ot 011 the land of aaother vitho1t the peaissio1 of the �ur of the lud or the lesse! of the land. Dogs are not required to be 011 a leash vhi14 bei11g ased bf lav enforcuent or to aid a perso: with sight or heariDg.

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Page 7: Grayson County, Texas · 2 .3 IUBU! TlG§: Coacunnt wit!& the iumca and .dall,eq of the certificate of ,accinatloa rafsrred to iD Sac i91 2.2, the ouar of the dog shall ca sa to be

2. Sach stra7 d�f is d�clarad a poblic aaisanci.

3. !ac!l dog that is aot restraind aa req�!red 1D (1)abo11 shall be detai1ad or (1pouded b7 Cra7so1 �a1t7 Coiltrol Officer for a period of 72 hoars nlus pr1,1011lr clal�ed b7 tha mer.

4. hcb dog tbat ls ll11ouded or detalud shall beqQaraatl�ed for a ,1011tio1 of Tlia Stat. Rabiss let of U81 ud be qsaraaUud u raquirad br tbe State !IDbies let.

5. T�e aaisal shelter v�ich ta holdi19 the atraJ dogshall uke a lluue dtspositioA of eacb uaclaiJ!d strar deg on t�e esplration of the raquir!d llpou4:!ut period.

6. ?he ui1al shdter rhicl Is boldilg t� 3tra1 dogshall 1ot nlaaae a dOIJ to tha 011Du without proof of :�ru rn::inU 'la.

m. SIPORCWl'l li"110Rin. the e1forcueat nt�oritruder tbia ordar shall be the Gn1son Coantr bbalControl Officer or Gra7son Coant7 !ealt� Depart1t1t 1 sdaSiin&e,

n. VACCI:UfIO! Ol oocs !JD CltS �!QOil!n.

l. Btctpt as oth.er1i3e pro,idad by 3oard r3l!, theOl.fnBr at a dog or cat 11 Crarioa Cauatr shall ha,a t!la a.ui1al ,1c:ilated a�ailat rutu b7 the ti1e t�e aai1al is four eoatlls of 191 ud at r!91l1r l1terTill thanaftar u �rucri�ed bJ Board nla.

!. 1 nterturtu who ncciutas a dog or cat a93iut n�iu a�ll hsu! to the aaiial 's owar a ncciaatioa �artificatg in i fon thit 1eets t�e AimiJU atasdirda appro,ed bJ tbe Board.

V. laStllII; CRI:tll.U. P!l.lLU.

A. l panoa couiti aa ofiwa if:

1. The par3oa fails or t!fuses to reatnii ad�i!l Graysou CoQ!ltJ Tuia, cned bJ t� penoa; and,

2. ne aciul is reqlinii to be nstrabed udet this order.

S. An off ease ,oder this iectioo is a Class Csi sdeseeor.

VI. UCCU1fIOII: CRI!l�lL m.u.n.

A. A penoa couits u affuse if tba parson fails or) ref uea to hue uch dof or cat oned bJ tbat person

,accinated against rahles aad the uiaal la reqaired to be ,icclaated 1a der:

1. Sact101 12'.021 nd 3oar4 nles; or2. Thia Order.

B. u off1�se uder this section ta a Claii C1[$deu.uor.

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