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Presented by: Guided By:Asst. Prof. Alpa Parmar Dr. Chhaya Patel

PhD StudentBatch: ( 2014 )

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Definition of globalization.Globalization and Social work education:Impact of globalization on social work educationImpact of international social workChallenges of social work education and practice in 21st century Impact of globalization on team Global Factors impact effectiveness of team has been identified.Social work Contribution to Effective Teamwork Summary



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Globalization is a "Process of global integration in which

diverse people, economics, cultures, and political processes are increasingly subjected to international influences ... [and] also refers to a greater awareness of the role of these influences in every day experiences" (1997, p. xi).

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Globalization and Social work education

Areas of the curriculum for the infusion of content on globalization include human behavior in the social environment, comparative social policy, community development, and sustainable development courses (Rotabi et aI., 2007).

To make globalization relevant in all aspects of social work education, defining the phenomenon by its positive and negative consequences or as an interdependence of economic, social, and cultural systems around the world.

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Impact of globalization on social work education:

The impact was seen as increasing the need for more international and intercultural knowledge, including foreign language competencies and training opportunities abroad.

Impact of international social work: “To understand international social work, one

must know the context for social work in underdeveloped countries. While high rates of economic growth have reduced the numbers of the poor in large parts of the world, many still lack access to basic social services.

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Challenges of social work education and practice in 21st century :

In the 21st century, globalization leads to changes that challenge social work practice and education, and the idea of postmodernism challenges the validity of a universal knowledge base. This is because where societies are built on different cultural and social assumptions postmodernism raises questions about the dominance of any particular set of ideas, both generally and in social work.

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Challenges of social work education and practice in 21st century :

Walton and el Nasr (1988) suggested that two parallel processes of interaction between international and local forms of social work may occur:

Indigenization of non-local social work practice, by adapting imported ideas to make them relevant to local practice

Authentication of local practices to form a new locally-relevant structure of ideas.

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Challenges of social work education and practice in 21st century :

Gray and Fook (2004) propose that in considering international social work, we should think about four tensions, between:

Globalization and localization – the tendency for globalizing and localizing tendencies to occur together.

Westernization and indigenization – the balance between Western and alternative conceptions of practice

Multiculturalism and universalization – the implication and response to inbuilt cultural biases

Universal-local standards – the incorporation of both universal and localized conceptualizations of social work within our thinking.

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Local aspect of Social work’s education contribution to teamwork Social work values and ethics Social work theory Characteristics of the profession:

1. Beginning where one’s colleagues are, 2. Respecting differences in values,

knowledge and problem-solving styles, 3. Willingly sharing one’s own knowledge

values and skills even when they may conflict with those held by others,

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Impact of globalization on team:

“A Multicultural team is a group of employees selected from two or more countries who are brought together to coordinate, develop, or manage some aspect of a firm’s global operations” (Steers & Nordon, 2006).

Multidisciplinary teamwork involves professions working independently towards their common goal of serving clients.

Interdisciplinary teamwork is defined by Carlton (1984) as: “practice by two or more practitioners from two or more fields of learning and activity, who fill distinct roles, perform specialized tasks, and work in an interdependent relationship toward achievement of a common purpose” (p.129).

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Global Factors impact effectiveness of team has been identified.

Management structures: a shared model of team management be considered as a factor in promoting team cohesion (Hannigan, 1999).

Alignment of employment contracts of team members with broader employment policy:The effectiveness of teams is limited unless they have a clear role and position in the organisational structure of the service (Harris & Beyerlein, 2005).

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Global Factors impact effectiveness of team has been identified.

Balancing generic vs specific professional roles

An important factor is whether individual professionals feel valued for the unique expertise and commitment they bring to the team, if the team can successfully identify shared core roles and responsibilities, and distinguish these from the specific unique skills that individuals and disciplines contribute, this can facilitate the success of multidisciplinary team operation.

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Global Factors impact effectiveness of team has been identified.

The client group of the team Conflict resolution Training and preparation for

working in multidisciplinary teams Information sharing and

communication Insufficient nurturing of teams Interpersonal skills

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Global Factors impact effectiveness of team has been identified.

Multicultural teams have the potential to achieve higher productivity than homogeneous teams, but they also risk experiencing greater losses due to faulty process.

Diversity makes team functioning more challenging because team members find it more difficult to see, understand and act on situations in similar ways.

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Global Factors impact effectiveness of team has been identified.

To compete in the globalized world companies need to adapt them to the ever evolving external environment. The ability to respond to changing scenarios determines the ability of a firm to compete in this era of uncertainty. Multicultural teams are formed to enhance the efficiency of an organization by making effective use of the diversity of viewpoints.

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Social work Contribution to Effective Teamwork

Team members can be a source of leadership (Abramson, 1989), can support the team leader in his or her role, can facilitate team identity, can support problem solving, and can work towards goal achievement.

Social workers are skilled in all of these areas, and can enable the team to work effectively by facilitating communication, cooperation, compromise, and coordination within the team (Skidmore,1995).

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It can be concluded that globalization has great impact on social work education and team work . Team climate mainly depends on working environment of companies and now a day we can observe multinational companies have multicultural teams, interdisciplinary teams as well as multidisciplinary teams.

Most of the team have base from group and they work from that dimension at local stage but with fast moving globalised world teams are changing and handling teams is getting difficult therefore how to develop a effective teams is big question in upcoming time.

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As a team member social work education helps in team effectiveness by:

• maintaining a sound professional identity and making competent professional judgments reflecting social work values,

• monitoring and evaluating team dynamics and encouraging the team to look at important issues which are affecting its functioning,

• supporting other team members who challenge the group or who question group norms,

• assisting the team to attain a sense of cohesion through positive reinforcement of other members,

• adding to the creativity of the team by freely expressing new ideas which can stimulate others’ thinking while modeling respect for differences within the team,

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