
History ofGamma Epsilon Chapter

OfBeta Theta Pi

1914 - 1974

The Tribe of the Sphinx was founded at Kansas State on the 14th of October, 1901 at 617 Leavenworth. The Tribe of the Sphinx, known publicly as Tau Omega Sigma, was the first Greek letter fraternity to be instituted at Kansas State. The twenty-two founders were Elsmere J. Walters, Leland A. Howell, John M. Lyons, Andrew M. Paterson, Thomas D. Lyons, Stanley A. Smith, Frank Sidorfsky, Harry M. Ziegler, William O'Connell, Harry 0. Ashley, Frank B. Sherrill, Freeland T. Boise, Lewis E. McGinnis, Howard 0. Wagner, Evan L. Jenkins, Earl O'Connell, Nicholas F. Enns, John H. Welsh, Fred Stevenson, Ralph P. Howell, Ralph A. Shelly, William H. Broberg. The society was based upon the objects of social improvement, spirit of fraternity, and mutual problems and enjoyment.

Tau Omega Sigma did not have any actual chapter house until 1906 when a ten-room house was rented at 728 Poyntz. The strength of Tau Omega Sigma continued to grow to such an extent that in 1908 a seventeen-room chapter house was constructed at 823 Osage. In 1911 the chapter moved its home to 611 Poyntz where it remained until after Tau Omega Sigma became Gamma Epsilon of Beta Theta Pi.

In 1913, Tau Omega Sigma submitted a petition for membership in Beta Theta Pi. The Board of Trustees of the General Fraternity considered the petition from Tau Omega Sigma, and submitted it to the convention without recommendation. It is believed that the opinion of George M. Chandler, Michigan, '98 was against granting the charter to Kansas State because of the nature and location of the institution, and of Kansas State's reputation as a "cow college". The report of the committee on charters recommended the granting of the charter to Kansas State. The vote was cast with a 59 to 13 vote in favor of granting the charter with three chapters abstaining.

The installation of Gamma Epsilon into Beta Theta Pi took place on Oct. 17-18, 1914 with Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, Denison, '82 presiding. He was assisted by representatives from Nebraska, Missouri, Washington, Westminster, and Vanderbilt.

In the fall of 1916 the men of Gamma Epsilon moved into their chapter home at 1616 Fairchild, which, with the help of W. M. Jardine, who was then president of the college, and a charter member of the chapter, they had acquired for $9,000.00.


In 1917 only thirteen Betas returned, and eighteen Gamma Epsilon undergraduates were serving in the armed services. Seventy-four out of a chapter roll of one-hundred thirty-one Gamma Epsilon Betas served in World War I.

Housebills for 1917 totaled $10.00 for men living in the house, and $5.00 for men living outside the house.

By 1922 the house, now fourth largest of all fraternities on campus with thirty-two actives, placed first in scholarship. This was helped by the fact that in 1922 Beta Theta Pi was the only fraternity on campus to have 100 percent of its freshmen pass 100 percent of their college work.

In the years 1924, 1925, and 1926 Gamma Epsilon maintained a respectable position in scholarship, ranking first in 1924, dropping to seventh in 1925, but coming back up to first in 1926.

The chapter house was refinished and decorated, and Gamma Epsilon Betas were active in such activities as athletics, politics, debate, dramatics, and livestock judging. In 1925, District Chief W. E. Kemp said that the K-State chapter was the best in the district in some respects.

In 1927 the chapter won cups for house and float homecoming decorations and did well in Panhellenic debate.

In 1929, a scholarship committee was set up by the house to try to improve the overall scholastic rank. Also in 1929, Gamma Epsilon had its first Rhodes Scholar, Paul E. Pfeutze. Hell Week was abolished and a Mothers' Club was organized. By 1930 the club was known as the Beta Sphinx Club.

The Inter fraternity sing began in 1930, an event which Beta was to dominate for years to come. The scholarship ranking was slightly improved, and construction was begun on a new fifty-five man chapter house at 500 Sunset. On Friday and Saturday, February 19th and 20th, this new house was formally dedicated by President Francis W. Shepardson and District Chief H. Merle Smith.

In 1932, at the height of the depression, it cost a Beta about $500 dollars a year to attend K-State, while an independent could attend for about $450 dollars.

In 1933, housebills could rarely be collected on time and Gamma Epsilon reached a low in scholarship, ranking 18th of 23 fraternities. Alumni relations were poor and that year could be termed the low point in Gamma Epsilon history. But the quality of men in the house could not be overshadowed by environmental conditions. The brothers attacked each


problem to try to bring about its solution. Study halls were set up for freshmen and actives were encouraged to attend. This problem was well on its way to solution by the next year, 1933-34, as the chapter placed sixth in scholastics. Membership had grown from about twenty in the early 1920's to an average of thirty-f ive to forty actives in the mid 1930's.

By the school year of 1934-35, Gamma Epsilon was again on the upswing. The chapter made a good showing in athletics, and had two chapter members, Dan Portner, '36, and Oren Stoner, '35, on the Big Six Championship Wildcat football team. But finances were not in as good a shape as they should have been, and alumni relations still left a great deal to be desired.

In October of 1935, Chief of District 18, H. Merle Smith, visited Gamma Epsilon on the eve of its 21st anniversary, almost 21 years to the hour after Dr. Shepardson had installed the chapter in 1914. It was reported to have been said that Gamma Epsilon had progressed to the spot of the leading fraternity at Kansas State and was in excellent condition, despite the depression. New grass, trees, and shrubs were pleasant additions to the new chapter house at 500 Sunset during this year.

Some of the programs initiated by the Gamma Epsilon members during these years of the 1930's are still an important part of Beta today. For example, the forerunner of the present Kansas State & Kansas University Beta Duo was begun in 1937 when a program of weekend exchanges per semesters were initiated. It was during this time also, that Gamma Epsilon began to really set the impressive scholarship records. It is interesting to note that 11 of the 41 members of Gamma Epsilon belonged to honorary scholastic societies of some kind.

The early 1940's showed a continuance of the leadership and the power that Gamma Epsilon had shown in the years before. The Betas had come a long way towards solving such local problems as finance and pledging. These efforts were recognized by praise from the General Convention of 1940.

The years 1943 through 1946 admittedly belong in a section by themselves. As was the case with the General Fraternity, these years were some of the darkest years in Gamma Epsilon's history. But they also should be remembered as something more than dark clouds over Gamma Epsilon. These years showed the courage and devotion of all Betas, Gamma Epsilon Betas included, to the cause for which our country struggled. To the Betas who gave their lives for their country during World War II, we owe a special consideration. While the War was progressing, only a small nucleus of perhaps a half dozen men were able to keep the chapter alive. The chapter house had been leased to the college


housing authorities for war relief purposes. From there, lease holdings fell into the hands of the Air Corps for their use. During this time, the small nucleus of men held chapter meetings and a dinner together faithfully every Wednesday evening in a downtown motel.

The post war era brought new need and new impetus for improvement to the men who loved Beta Theta Pi. The chapter house needed to be made a home again, new challenges in campus leaderships had to be met, and most important, a new system for the selection of new men needed to be initiated. Here one can see a revival in Betas' interests in good rushing procedure. These latter years of the 1940's truly saw the rebirth of a fraternity that rated high in such things as scholarship, athletics, intramurals, and singing. In fact, singing was so important that victories in the annual Inter-fraternity Sing became almost a matter of course. In this respect, Gamma Epsilon of Beta Theta Pi adhered to the sound principles of "A Good Chapter Is a Singing Chapter". As far as scholarship and athletics are concerned, the rolls of Phi Kappa Phi, the memberships of Blue Key organization, and the lists of all-Beta sports teams saw many names from the chapter rolls of Gamma Epsilon.

The 1950's began for Gamma Epsilon in great style with the house winning intramurals and the Inter-fraternity Sing for the seventeenth time out of eighteen sings. As an example of Beta singing status, District Chief Arthur Hayes, said that Gamma Epsilon was the finest singing chapter that he had ever heard.

The mid-1950's found Gamma Epsilon accelerating in the direction of an even bigger and better fraternity. The "hut" received a complete redecoration from basement to roof with new furniture, new carpets, and many other things added. During the '54-'55 school year, one criticism of inefficient financial management was alleviated by the adoption of the services of the Fraternity Management Inc. This same year saw the successful celebration of Gamma Epsilon's 40th anniversary by alumni and members of the fraternity. These facts, coupled with others prompted acting District Chief E. Weston Colbrun, Jr., to say, "All indications point to the continuance of Gamma Epsilon as one of the most balanced and effective chapters in our fraternity."

1956-57 was a year of good representation of Gamma Epsilon's achievements during the latter half of the 1950's. The men of Gamma Epsilon placed first in scholarships, first in intramurals, and first in the sing. These years also produced Beta's share of varsity athletes and campus leaders. The most improvement by the brothers was shown in intramural competition and the rushing program. It was during the 1957-58 year that the summer rush program became effective. The last half of the 1950's went by and


Gamma Epsilon of Beta Theta Pi had been busy solidifying its position as number one on campus.

The most recent additions to our chapter history are as important as any era in the past. The 45th anniversary year of 1959-60 was climaxed with firsts in intramurals, chariot relays, and the Inter-fraternity Sing. Second place was captured in scholarship for both semesters. All of these prompted the District Chief to single out Gamma Epsilon as one of the excellent chapters in "Beta's broad domain." It was during this year also that a new dorm wing became an addition to the house

The early 1960's was a continuation of the past. Beta had record membership in Blue Key, strong intramurals, a record of scholarship high above the all men's average which earned the Summa Cum Laude Award, and showed strong vigor and Beta spirit.

The year 1963-64, was another outstanding year for Gamma Epsilon. In scholarship Beta ranked second both semesters. In intramurals, a new all-time high record was set by Beta teams sparked with lots of spirit. This was Beta's 5th intramural victory in 7 years. In the chariot relays the Beta team made it seven straight victories in the competition. Gamma Epsilon also won its 25th first place out of 31 times in the Inter-fraternity Sing. Also in '63'64, the chapter cut a full record of chapter songs, becoming the first chapter to accomplish such a feat.

The years '65-'66 proceeded in much the same direction with Gamma Epsilon placing second in scholarship in the fall, and first in grades in the spring. Intramurals remained much the same with a flag football fraternity championship and the 8th straight victory in the chariot races.

In '68-'69, the chapter again won the Summa Cum Laude Award and placed first in fraternity scholarship for the second consecutive semester. The chapter continued to hold their dominance in intramurals as they took the overall point total in intramurals and again won the chariot races. In '69 Gamma Epsilon also were champions in the Kansas State University Quiz Bowl.

Intramurals were again dominated by the chapter in 1970-71 with Gamma Epsilon taking 13 out of 15 intramural trophies offered. Again the overall point total was captured by the Beta's for the 5th year in a row. During this year the chapter also helped cut a National Beta record. Scholastically our chapter was again strong, placing 2nd both semesters.

As in 1971, Gamma Epsilon again finished 2nd in grades with a 3.00. The Engineering Magazine at Kansas State was dominated by the chapter with Beta's holding nearly every


position on the staff. Intramurals were won again with championships in five different sports.

In 1972-73, the chapter started a trend towards improving alumni relations. Alumni letters were sent out at the end of that year and have continued to be sent out since then. Plans for an Alumni Banquet for the next year were also formulated at the end of the 1972-73 year.

1973-74 seemed to bring about an awakening in the brothers towards campus activities. Student Senate, Arts and Science Council, Yell Leader, Honorary Fraternities, Officer of Inter-fraternity Council, K-State Rugby Club, and Blue Key were some of the organizations that were participated in by Beta's. Also several brothers were admitted to various professional schools including Veterinary, Dental, and Law. The previously planned Alumni Banquet was also held in the spring of the year and was a success not only in the number there but also by the rekindling of old friendships. It seemed to prove the statement made by a delegate at the 1974 General Convention, "Once a Beta, always a Beta, everywhere a Beta."



 Origin and History of Gamma Epsilon

FraternityAnd Gamma Lambda Epsilon Sorority

 Some people believe fraternities’ traces

their roots to the oldest fraternal organization in the world, the Freemasonry. No one knows just how old it is because the

actual origins have been lost in time. Probably, it arose from the guilds of stonemasons who built the castles and

cathedrals of the middle Ages. Possibly, they were influenced by the Knights

Templar, a group of Christian warrior monks formed in 1118 to help protect pilgrims

making trips to the Holy Land. 

The origin of having organizational secret rites and other confidential activities are strongly said to be first practiced by the Masons and was adopted later on by

societies on the early part of the 1700s although some declined after the first attempt of their founders, it was revived on the 1800s with more deliberate activities. This was the time of the pioneers of what is better known now a

day as “fraternities and sororities”. 

Similar to the above-mentioned subject, fraternities and sororities have their own secret rites, rituals, cultures

and traditions not usually practiced by other organizations. The unique practices of these groups were passionately

planned, done and preserved by its members and inherited by each and every generation. This is the reason why groups like these are still existing and still playing its active

role in their different communities up to this date. 

During the 1960s, Filipino students from the Royal Pontiphic University of Sto. Tomas in Manila created a formal

organization called Gamma Epsilon Fraternity, a service fraternity with the ultimate purpose that is to lend a

helping hand to the needy fellow Filipinos. The turbulent times of 60s triggered these young nationalistic gentlemen to form their own brotherhood anchored by the three major principles: Courtesy, Obedience and Truthfulness. Since then, Gamma Epsilon has spread throughout the archipelago

paving the way towards the creation of Gamma Lambda Epsilon Sorority on 1965.

 In the 70's, the first chapter of Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Lambda Epsilon outside the country was established at the Central University of Madrid, Spain. Next came the opening of Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Lambda Epsilon chapters at the

University of Honolulu and University of Canada. Presently, there are also chapters chartered at Cholalonkorn University

in Bangkok, Thailand, and in different colleges and universities in California, USA and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.




Omega Alpha, Omega Chi, Omega Delta Chapter


Gamma Epsilon was one of the active organizations participated during the People Power Revolution, which was a very significant event happened in the Philippine history

that led to the freedom of the Filipinos against the inhuman administration of the late president Ferdinand Marcos, the

dictator. Until now, this growing family of Falcons is still active in different community service activities, sports, advocacy, and other related activities that are vital in

nation building. 

Gamma Epsilon is a proud Filipino made organization where we should give our valuable support as Filipinos as it takes

the challenge to produce more Filipino leaders in the arena of global competition.



Our Purpose

Here we will explain the purpose of our organization. We may also include our mission statement on this page.

Organization Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to increase the popularity of our common interests. We hope to add new members so we will be able to grow and expand. We also want to have fun while when we are together and working on projects. By developing relationships and friendships, the organization will become even stronger.

mission is to further promote the interests of our

GE CDO at Maxis Grill

Omega Delta with Bro Eli of Laguna


organization and our members to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public and expanding our reach.



42nd Founding Anniversary

Gamma Epsilon


Becoming a Member


 This presentation provides an introduction to Gamma Epsilon

Fraternity and Gamma Lambda Epsilon Sorority, one of the oldest fraternities and sororities in the Philippines, and is intended for those persons interested in joining it or who have a general

interest in the subject. 

What are Gamma Epsilon Fraternity and Gamma Lambda Epsilon Sorority?

 One of the oldest fraternities and sororities in the Philippines dedicated to friendship, morality, and brotherly/sisterly love that propagated throughout the Philippines and abroad. This

organization extended its membership through times from college individuals to professionals who are now active nation builders

of our country. 

It is NOT... 

A Religion - although to become a Falcon, a man must believe in a supreme being.

A Charity - even though Falcons contribute considerably to worthwhile charities.

A Subversive Organization - a Falcon must be a peaceful, law abiding citizen.

A Political Party or Action Group - although you will find prominent Falcons leading our government.

A Gang - although most gangs trace their roots back to fraternities.

 Neither interferes with religion or politics. Gamma Epsilon &

Gamma Lambda Epsilon strives to teach a man the duty he owes to his God, his neighbor, and himself.

 What do Falcons do?

 Enjoy Brotherhood and Sisterhood - through social functions and

group activities.


Build their lives and character - just as a carpenter builds a house.

Quietly volunteer considerable time and money to Charities - through foundations and other institutions like Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Red Cross, community ministries, College scholarships, and neighborhood youth sports teams. Falcons also lend a helping

hand to others who are less fortunate; e.g., victims of disasters, the handicapped, widows, orphans, and the elderly.

 What do Falcons believe?

 Although Gamma Epsilon & Gamma Lambda Epsilon recognizes each man

is different, there are certain traits all Falcons have in common:

 1.       Falcons believe in the existence of God. No atheist

can become a Falcon. Falcons do not care what your individual faith is; Falcons include Christians, Jews,

Muslims, etc. 2.       Falcons believe in responsibility, honor, morality,

and ethics. 3.       Falcons believe the world should be a better place

because we passed through it. 4.       Falcons believe a person should strive to be a good

citizen and that we have a moral duty to be true to the country which we live, and uphold and maintain the

principles of good government. 5.       Falcons see brotherhood & sisterhood as a form of wisdom, a sort of bond that holds men together. A private

friendship that tells us we owe it to each other to be just in our dealings.

 Who are Falcons?

 All walks of life and professions:

 Business Leaders, Entertainers, Inventors, Designers, Founders, Military Leaders, Pioneers, Explorers, Political Leaders, Sports Figures, Writers, Patriots, Judges, Justices, Students, Your


Who can become Falcon? 

Individuals with atleast graduating status in high school or older who...

1.       Believe in the existence of one ever-living and true God.

2.       Have never plead guilty or been convicted of any crime.

3.       Do not believe in the overthrow of the government, which they live by force or infiltration, or has been a

member of an organization who advocates the same.4.       Willing to serve the community where he lives in.

 Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Lambda Epsilon will also entail certain financial obligations, which you should be able to discharge without detriment to yourself or those dependent on you. In addition to the fees payable on your entrance, there will be

monthly dues for the support of your Chapter.  

How do you become a Falcon? 

To become a good and bright Falcon, it is necessary that a Man be of sound mind and retentive memory. There are four symbolic

degrees to learn in becoming a Falcon. These degrees represent lessons of Falcon.

 1.       Pledgee – beginner

2.       Half Brethren – intermediate3.       Full-Pledged Brethren – accepted

4.       Alumnus/Alumna – professionals/experts 


How do I begin? 

To be one, ask one! Simply ask a Falcon and he/she will help you begin the process.The steps include:

 Ask someone you know who is a Falcon to sponsor you into the


Have atleast one reference that knows you to be of good morals and strong character.

 5.       The members vote on its acceptance and an

investigation committee is formed. 6.       The investigation committee will discuss it during meeting, go over your petition and will conduct a screening

process through votation.7.       Approximately a week from the time your petition is accepted, the report of the investigation committee and your reference, will be read during the chapter meeting, and then

the body will decide on the pledgeship period. 

The Response of the Membership was Favorable: 

8.       You will then be invited to attend Chapter Meeting and be initiated as Pledgee.

9.       The Master Initiator will teach you the meaning of the degree you have gone through. After successfully presenting your proficiency, you advance to the Half

Brethren Degree and so on until you have completed the three degrees and have attained the sublime degree of Full-Pledged Brethren, and hopefully, the Alumnus (for male) or Alumna

(for female) later on.

The Organization of Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Lambda Epsilon

Falconic government is relatively "flat", meaning it has very few layers of bureaucracy. Within the Philippines, we have:

National Council (nationwide) – governed by an elected National Grand Archon (two year term).

Regional Council (region-wide) – governed by an elected Regional Grand Archon (two year term).City/Municipal Council (city-wide) – governed by an elected Council Chairman (one year term).

Chapter (campus-wide) – governed by an elected Campus Grand Archon (one year



Members Page

We hope to use this page to keep members updated on each other and on the latest happenings within the organization.

MEMBERSHIPSection 1. Members of the

Gamma Epsilon/Gamma Lambda Epsilon International

Collegiate Service fraternity/sorority shall be composed of

all male/female bonafide students of

the University. Applicants should

have taken at least 72 academic units duly accredited by the University

Registrar prior to the time at their applications.

 Section 2. Applicants shall

not have a grade of 5.0 the semester prior to their applications.

 Section 3. Applications shall

be admitted only after a through conferring of the

Screening Committee and after passing the initiation rights of



Section 1. Any resident members can be elected as an

officer of the fraternity/sorority.

 Section 2. It shall be the

duty of the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda to:

a.       Preside in all meetings of the fraternity.

b.      Have an Administrative

control over all the officers and members, chairmen of the different committees of the fraternity/sororit

y.c.       Executive’s

laws and regulations

implemented by the Board of Advisers.d.      Create Committees and appoint their respective


fraternity/sorority with the presence of

the Board of Advisers/ 

Section 4. It shall be the duties of the

members:a.       To obey the Constitution and By-Laws of the fraternity/soror

ity.b.      To abide with

the Code of Discipline of the University.

c.       To follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the University reckoned from time to time.  


Section 1. Any resident members who shall be found incapable of forming task and

duties and assigned to him shall be subject

to impeachment. 

Section 2. The bases of impeachment are the

following:a.       Negligence of

duty.b.      Violation of

any colleges or university’s

Code of Discipline.

c.       Violation of the Constitution and By-Laws of

the fraternity/soror

ity.d.      Inactiveness

on the affairs of the

activities of the


e.       3 succeeding absent during major meetings

shall be EXPELLED anytime

with the corresponding

chairman who may be beneficial to the affairs and

activities of the organization with the consent and approval of the members of the

Board of Advisers.e.       Ensure the

guidance and harmony of all members and

officers of the fraternity. 

Section 3. It shall be the Vice Grand Archon/Vice Grand

Lambda to:a.       Perform the

duties of the Grand Archon in case latter is

absent or incapable of doing

the task.b.       Perform such

duties functions as may be

prescribed by the grand Archon as it

is deemed necessary.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Keeper of the

Scroll to:a.       Gives notices

of all regular and special

meetings of the fraternity/sorori

ty.b.       Keep all permanent records

of the fraternity/sorori


Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Guardian of the

Coffers to:a.       Keeps all money belonging to

the fraternity/sororit

yb.      Collect fees

and dues and to pay all the bills of the fraternity.c.       Report in

detail the expenses and financial statement

accompanied by


letter that he/she is not

recognize in any chapters in the Philippines

f.        He/she will only be

UNEXPELLED if he/she promises to do the duties as a member of this group and as a pay of the inactiveness he/she will received five (5) paddles.

g.       3 consecutive absent during minor meetings shall undergo DA (Disciplinary

Action)h.       No Free Love

 Section 3. Any resident

members who are in subject to impeachment

must undergo impeachment trial and

pass under the jurisdiction of

Impeachment Committee.  


Section 1. The fraternity/sorority shall prepare a

semestral program of activities and shall participate in the

following:a.       Community

Serviceb.      Socio-

Cultural Activities

c.       Educational Service

d.      Spiritual Service

e.       Environmental Activities

 Section 2. It shall be the

responsibility of the Grand Archon/Grand

Lambda or his/her duly authorized

representatives to supervise and regulate the operations as well as the activities of the organization for

supporting papers to the members of

the fraternity/sorority during regular

meetings.d.      Disburse funds

as may be prescribed by the

officers and members as may be

needed by the organization. 

Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Checker of the

Coffers to:a.       Audit all the

records of the Guardian of the

Coffers.b.      Prepare a

financial statement of the

assets and liabilities,

disbursement and outstanding

balance of the fraternity/sororit


Section 7. It shall be the duty of the Guardian of the

Traders to:a.       Undertake all

business matters and undertakings of the fraternity.

 Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Herald to:

a.       Inform the ruling,

arrangement and requirements impose by the

Board of Advisers.b.      Make publicity

matters regarding the activities of

the fraternity/soro

rity.c.               Act as public relation officer of the


Section 9. It shall be the duty of Master Initiator/Lady

Master Initiator to:a.       Responsible

for giving the instruction on the


maximizing the utilization of their resources and efforts towards the attainment of the objectives.



 Section 1. The accredited

organization shall renew its authority (30) days after the start of the regular classes every school year. The failure of the organization shall

renewal of its authority to operate as provided herein

shall be considered a sufficient cause for the cancellation of

the organization from the Registry Book of Student Organizations

of the school. 

Section 2. When the dissolution of the organization is through voluntary action for its

members, each shall be the responsibility of the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda to formally

issue a corresponding written notice to the school administration, through the Dean of Student Affairs, and the proper notation of such dissolution shall be indicated on the Registry Book of the

School.Section 3. Whether the

dissolution of the organization is voluntary or

otherwise, it shall be the right of the President of the

University to require the officers to secure a clearance from the money and or property responsibilities from

the authorities concerned as may be

called for the

nature of the fraternity/sororit

y.b.      Impose disciplinary action to all

resident members.c.       Perform rules

and regulations regarding on

initiation rights of the


 Section 10. The officers of

the organization shall be jointly and

severally responsible for any damage or

injury to the school property or facilities arising form the use

thereof by the organization.


 Section 1. Regular meeting shall be held twice a week

every month. 

Section 2. Regular and Special meeting shall be fixed by the Grand Archon through the

publicity prepared by the Keeper of the


Section 3. Special meeting shall be called if it

may be deemed necessary. 

Section 4. Any resident members who shall be absent during the

stated meeting without any valid reason shall

pay an amount of twenty pesos.


 Section 1. Two-thirds (2/3)

votes of the total resident members shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1. All resident members shall be

nominated and elected


existing school rules.  



Section 1. The constitution and by-laws maybe

amended by a 2/3 votes of all resident

members and by Board of Advisers.

 Section 2. Propose amendment

must be represented in a written from five (5) days prior to

their consideration by the Board of Advisers.

 Section 3. Any proposed

amendments originating by petition shall be referred to the Board of Advisers for each



 Section 1. This constitution

and by-laws or any amendments hereof

shall be ratified by a 2/3 votes of all

resident members of the

fraternity/sorority and approved by the Dean of Student


Section 2. This constitution and by-laws shall be approved and shall take effect upon the

approval by the President of the


Section 3. The President of the University

reserves the right to abolish the GAMMA


FRATERNITY/SORORITY at any time during its existence, if in

his/her judgment, the

at the time of election. 

Section 2. Members who are absent during election cannot be elected to

any position, however, if he/she can present any excuse of a valid

reason shall be nominated or elected.



 Section 1. Election of

officers shall be by secret balloting.

 Section 2. The term of all

elected officers shall be for one year. They

can re-elect. 

Section 3. Annual Election shall be held every first week of April.

 Section 4. If any vacancy

occurs in the position, a special election shall be



 Section 1. Officers and

members of the fraternity/sorority

shall pay an amount of 30 pesos as semestral fee and 50 pesos as

membership fee. 

Section 2. Officers and members of the

fraternity/sorority shall pay a weekly due

of 5 pesos. 

Section 3. A book of Account shall be maintained by

this organization which shall indicate all collection and disbursement of this


Section 4. The fraternity/sorority

shall impose an


continuance of the said organization is

not anymore in conformity with the

rules and regulations of the University.

income-generating project for their





 Section 1. The different

committees shall be created by the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda. They are as follows:

a.       Screening Committee

b.      Disciplinary Committee

c.       Impeachment Committee

d.      Black and White Committeee.       Internal

Affairs Committee

f.        External Affairs Committee

g.       Business Affairs Committee

 Section 2. Each of these

different committees can promulgate its own rules and regulations

subject to the approval of the Board

of Advisers. 

Section 3. The term of office of the different chairmen of the

different committees shall be for one year.

Gamma Epsilon Cagyan de oro city

Omega Delta Chapter
