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ISLAMIC 1. How many Suras are in Holy Quran? (114) 2. How many Verses are in Holy Quran? (6666) 3. How many stages Quran contains? (7) 4. How many paras of Holy Quran? (30) 5. How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran? (70) 6. Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran? (Al-Baqarah) 7. Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran? (Qausar) 8. Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran? (Sura Hamd ) 9. How many sura are Macci? (Macci 86) 10. How many are Madni? (Madni 28) 11. Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran? (Yaseen) 12. Which sura is on the name of one Holy war? (Sura Ahzaab) 13. Which sura does not starts with Bismillah? (Sura Tauba) 14. There are how many pillars(irkan) of Islam? (5)

Kalima, Namaz, Roza, Zakat, Haj 15. Who was 1st Khaleefa of Islamic State? (Hazrat Abu Bakar) 16. Who was 2nd Khaleefa of Islamic State? (Hazrat Omar Farooq) 17. Who was 3rd Khaleefa of Islamic State? (Hazrat Usman) 18. Who was 4th Khaleefa of Islamic State? (Hazrat Ali) 19. Which is the first Mosque (masjid) of Islamic state? (Quba) 20. In which Hijri “Battle of Badar” took place? (2 hijri) 21. In which Hijri “Battle of Ohad” took place? (3 hijri) 22. In which Hijri “Battle of Khandaq” took place? (5 hijri) 23. In which Hijri “Battle of Khyber” took place? (7 hijri) 24. In which Hijri “Conquest of Makkah” took place? (8 hijri) 25. There are how many sunats of Wuzu? (12) 26. What is meaning of “Zakat”? (Purification) 27. There are how many heads (masarif) of Zakat? (8) 28. When Roza was made compulsory for Muslims? (2 Hijri) 29. When Jehad became mandatory? (2 Hijri) 30. In which Hijri Zakat was made compulsory to be paid by Muslims? (2 Hijri) 31. At which occasion Namaz became obligatory? (Mairaj) 32. There are how many Farz of Ghussal? (3) 33. What is meaning of “Tehlil”? (Reading of Kalima) 34. For what purpose, Namaze Istasqa is prayed? (Rain) 35. In which Hijri Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) performed his last hajj? (10 Hijri, Hijjatul Wida) 36. There are how many Farz of Wuzu? (4) 37. What is rate of Zakat on gold and silver? (71/2 , 52 1/2) 38. When tayammum was introduced? (4 Hijri) 39. There are how many Farz of Tayammum? (3) 40. In which year 1st Eid Prayer said by PBUH? (2 Hijri) 41. In which Hijri The treaty of Huddaibiah took place? (6th Hijri) 42. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice? (Sura Namal) 43. Who collected Quranic verses in one place? (Hazrat Usman)

*Note: Question 30 to 38 were given in PAEC test for the post of “Accounts Officer” in August, 2010.

44. In which hijri Hazrat Ali married with Hazrat Fatima? (2 Hijri) 45. When Moajza “Shaqul Qamar” took place? (8 Nabvi) 46. When Haj was made compulsory for Muslims? (9 Hijri) 47. When drinking of Wine (sharab) was made haram for Muslims? (4 Hijri) 48. What is relationship between Hazrat Ishaq and Hazrat Ismail? (Brothers) 49. AT what age Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) travel towards ‘Taif’ for 1st time? (12 years) 50. Which prayer is required to be prayed at time of ‘Sun Eclipse’? (Namz Kasoof) 51. IN which Hijri Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) died? (11 Hijri) 52. How many times, advice for Namaz is made in Quran? (700 times) 53. What was age of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) when his mother was died? (6 years) 54. What was age of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) when his grandfather (8 years) ‘Abdul Muttalib’ was died? 55. Among Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Haroon, who was elder brother? (Hazrat Haroon)

Prepared By: Farooq Hassan Dated:- 29-05-2012

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56. What was age of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) when he married with Hazrat Khadeeja? (25 years) 57. Which two suras of Quran are known as “Maoozteen”? (Last two suras) 58. There are how many Khutbas during Hajj? (1) 59. In which Sura of Holy Quran, a Muslim man is given right to marry (Sura Alnisa) With four women? 60. Who is the first martyred woman in the history of Islam? (Hazrat Sumaiyya) 61. There are how many Sahaba’s who are called Ashra Mubashra? (10)

Ashra Mubashra are those fortunate companions of Prophet S.A.W who were declared heavenly persons by the Prophet (SAW) during their lives. Hazrat Abu Bakar, Hazrat Umar Farooq, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abu Talha, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Abu Obaida bin Jarah,

Hazrat Abdul Rehman bin Auf, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas, Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid

62. Who is Abu Lolo Faruzoo? (Killer of Hazrat Umar Farooq) 63. The event of Karbala took place in which Hijri? (61 Hijri) 64. Which Sahabi is called “"Saif Ullah (sword of Allah)"? (Khalid Bin Waleed) 65. Which is the first month in Islamic (Lunar) calendar? (Muharram) 66. When Islam was founded? (622 CE or 7th century) 67. On which date during month of Hajj, Pilgrims performed their ‘Tawaf’? (7 Zulhajja) 68. On which date, ‘Wukuf-e-Arafat’ is performed by Pilgrims? (9 Zulhajja) 69. There are how many IMAMS of Islam / Muslims? (4) Imam Abu Hanifa , Imam Malik, Imam Shafi, Imam Hambal Imam Abu Hanifa

Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa full name was ‘Numan bin Thaabit bin Zuta bin Mah’. He was born in Kufa in Iraq in 80 A.H. In the Month of Rajab 150 A.H., Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa passed away. He had been poisoned by the orders of Caliph Mansur. His Janaza was performed six times and each time 50000 people took part. People continued to come and pray for him for 20 days after he was buried. He was 70 years old. Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa earned his living by trading. Every Friday, he distributed 20 gold coins to the poor for his parents soul. For 40 years Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa performed the Fajr Salaah with the Wudu that he made for the Esha Salaah. He performed Hajj 55 times. He used to recite the entire Holy Quran once every day and once every night. Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa had so much of Taqwa (Piety) that for 30 years he fasted every day (except for the 5 forbidden days).

Imam Malik Imam Maalik was born in 93 A.H. His full name is Maalik bin Anas. He was a great "Muhaddith" (A Scholar of Hadith). He was very careful in selecting Hadith, and after examining them thoroughly used to record it in his Muwatta. As a Jurist, he was not afraid of giving a "Fatawa" (Legal Islamic Ruling) even if it was against the Caliph. He was once flogged for doing so. He passed away on the 11th of Rabi-ul-Awwal in the year 179 A.H. He was 86 years old. Imam Maalik (radi Allahu anhu) is buried in Janatul Baqi in Madinatul Munawwarah.

Imam Shafi Mohammed bin Idris Al Shafi famously known as Imam Shafi was born in 150 A.H and belonged to the Quraish tribe. When he was 10 years old, he came to Makkatul Mukarramah from Palestine where he grew up. He memorized the entire Holy Quran at the age of 7. "Kitaabul Umm" and "Ar Risaalah" are the two famous books on Islamic Fiqh written by him. Some reports say that he was injured seriously by a person called Fityan, while other reports mention that he passed away through natural illness on the last day of Rajab in the year 204 Egypt.

Imam Hambal

Imam Abu Abdullah Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Hambal was born in Marw on the 20th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 164 A.H. His father, Sayyiduna Mohammed was a warrior (Mujaahid) and lived in Basrah, Iraq. Imam Ahmed bin Hambal began studying Hadith literature at the age of 16. His most famous book is his "MUSNAD", a book in which he collected about 50000 to 70000 Ahadith. Imam Ahmed bin Hambal in the later years of his life, was imprisoned and tortured by the ruthless rulers who went against him due to their un-Islamic beliefs and practises. Caliph Mutasim billah forced the Imam to accept the beliefs of the "Mu'tazalis" (a corrupt sect), but he refused, and was beaten to such a degree that his joints were dislocated. He was kept in heavy chains for 30 months in a prison in Baghdad. He passed away in the year 241 A.H.

Name of Holy Books:- i) Torat:- Hazrat Mosa ii) Zaboor:- Hazrat Dawood iii) Injil:- Hazrat Esah iv) Quran:- Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

Name of Angels:- i) Hazrat Jibrail ii) Hazrat Meekail iii) Hazrat Israfil iv) Hazrat Izrail

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70. What is old name of religion Islam? (Deen-e-Hanif) 71. Before ‘Kaaba’, which was qibla of muslims? (Baitul Muqaddas) 72. About which city Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) announced that the (Qustuntunia)

person who will conquer this city will go to heaven? 73. When Allah ordered to change Qilbla from Baitul Muqaddas to ‘Kaaba’? (2 Hijri during Zuhar Prayer) 74. Who is the muslim person whose four generations are considered Sahabi? (Hazrat Abu Bakar) 75. What does mean by ‘Sahaa Satta’? (6 books of Hadith) 76. Which “Ummul Momineen” was alive at the time of ‘Karbala’ event? (Hazrat Umme Salma) 77. Who was the youngest muslim person ever to be appointed as General (Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid)

by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in battle? 78. Along with Hazrat Amina and Hazrat Haleema Saadia, who was third (Hazrat Sobia)

foster mother of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)? 79. How much is the distance between Makkah and Madina? (250 miles) 80. Who was the person to whom Prophet (PBUH) ordered in his dream (Hazrat Khuwaja Moeen-

to spread Islam in India (Hindustaan)? ud- Din Chishti Ajmeri)

Explanation:- One night, while in a trance. He was ordered by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) “O Moeen-ud-Din! You are a prop of our faith. Proceed to India and show the path of truth to the people there”. In compliance with the above spiritual command,

Khawaja Sahib left Madina for India.

81. What is old name of Madina? (Yasrab) 82. What is old name of Makkah? (Batha or Bakka) 83. Who was the Khaleefa having longest time period of khilafat? (Hazrat Usman 11 years & 11 months) 84. Which battle was first fought; Khandaq or Ahzaab? (Both are names of same battle) 85. How many prayers were performed in the early period of Islam? (2 prayers Fajar & Maghrib) 86. When five prayers a day were made obligatory for Muslims? (Mairaj 11 Nabvi) 87. What was name of Hazrat Maryam’s parents? (Imran & Hinna) 88. Which is the most trustworthy book on earth after Quran? (Sahih Bukhari) 89. Who insert “Airaab” in the Holy Quran during period of (Nasr bin Asim and Hajaj Bin Yousaf? Yahya Bin Yamur) 90. Who was first martyred muslim man of Battle of Badar? (Hazrat Muhajima) He was slave of Hazrat Umar Farooq 91. Who was youngest martyred muslim of Battle of Badar? (Hazrat Umair) 92. Which Prophet is famous for his beauty? (Hazrat Yousaf) 93. Who was the Prophet who understands language of birds and animals? (Hazrat Suleman) 94. When Hazrat Jibaraeel bring teachings of Allah for Hazrat Muhammad (Hazrat Wahiya Qalbi)

(SAW), he usually came in which Muslim person’s getup? 95. Who is the woman to whom Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said that (Hazrat Umme Aiman)

she is his mother? 96. Name the poet who first read Naat or who is Court poet to Prophet (Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit)

Muhammad (SAW)? 97. At which place Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) took oath from people after (Koh-e-Suffa)

conquest of Makkah? 98. Name the person who was sitting on the same camel on which Hazrat (Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid)

Muhammad (SAW) was sitting after conquest of Makkah? 99. Where is ‘Bab-ul-Rayyan’?

It’s a door of heaven from which the fasted People (Rozadaar) will enter in Heaven

100. In which Mosque Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) have been commanded to (Mosque Al-Qiblatain) change the direction of prayer (qibla) from Jerusalem to Makkah?

101. Who was first hafiz of Holy Quran? (Hazrat Usman bin Affan) 102. Who is known as ‘Imam-ul-Ummat’? (Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique) 103. What name of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was written on the (Muhammad bin Abdullah) agreement of Hudabia? 104. Who was known as first writer of Holy Quran? (Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed) He wrote Bismillah. 105. Who was first martyred man in the history of Islam? (Haris bin Abi Hala) 106. Which king came with forces of elephants to destroy the Kaaba? (Abraha al-Ashram) 107. During the journey of ‘Mairaj’ at which place Hazrat Jibraeel apologized (Sidrat al-Muntahā) that he is not allowed to go forward and Muhammad (SAW) has to go forward alone?

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108. Which Sura of Islam was delivered as complete Sura? (Sura Fateha) 109. On which mountain, boat of Hazrat Nooh was stopped? (Koh Ararat, Turkey) 110. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) belongs to which family / tribe? (Banu Hashim) 111. Who was first “Muezzin” of Islam? (Hazrat Bilal) 112. After event of Karaba, only one male child was left alive who (Imam Zainul Abidin) was sick at that time, what was his name? 113. How many times word “Allah” is repeated in Holy Quran? (2698) 114. Which Prophet is known as “Rooh Allah”? (Hazrat Esah) 115. Which Prophet is known as “Khalil Allah”? (Hazrat Ibrahim) 116. Which Prophet is known as “Zabih Allah”? (Hazrat Ismail) 117. Which Prophet is known as “Kalim Allah”? (Hazrat Moosa) 118. Which Prophet is known as “Sheikh-ul-Ambia”? (Hazrat Nooh) 119. Which Prophet is known as “Abu-ul-Ambia”? (Hazrat Ibrahim) 120. There are how many types of hadith? (3) 121. What is the name of camel which the Holy Prophet (SAW) (Qaswa) was riding in the migration to Madina? 122. Hazrat Yousaf remained in the Well for how many days? (3 days) 123. Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed (Hazrat Moosa) most in Quran? 124. What was age of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) at the time of ‘Hijrat Madina’? (53 years) 125. There were how many verses in 1st Wahi of Holy Quran? (5) 126. Who is known as “Abid-e-Beemar”? (Imam Zainul Abideen) 127. Which son of Hazrat Adam killed his brother? (Qabeel killed Habeel) 128. Hazrat Heleema belongs to which tribe? (Tribe Huzan family Banu Saad) 129. ‘Prayer of Khaleel’ and ‘Naveed-e-Masiha’ are known for whom? (Hazrat Muhammad SAW) 130. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is buried at a place which was house of (Hazrat Ayesha)

one ‘Ummul Moamineen’ at that time, what is her name? 131. Where is tomb of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) father’s? (Madina) 132. Where is tomb of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Mother? (Abva) 133. During journey of Mairaj, who was the Prophet to whom Hazrat (Hazrat Adam)

Muhammad (SAW) met first? 134. How many muslims were martyred in battle of Badar & Ohad? (14 & 70 respectively) 135. Who gave last ghussal to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)? (Hazrat Ali) 136. What was age of Hazrat Fatima at the time of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (29 years)

death? 137. For how much period, Hazrat Fatima remained alive after death of (6 months)

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)? 138. Famous graveyard “Jannat-ul-Baqi” is in which city? (Madina) 139. How many battles took place during khilafat period of Hazrat Ali? (3) Jamul, Sufain, Neharwan 140. Who was the Khaleefa having shortest time period of khilafat? (Hazrat Abu Bakar 2 years & 3 months) 141. Agreement ‘Meesaq-e-Madina’ took place between whom? (Muslims & Jews) 142. At the time of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) death, how many Sahabas (22)

were complete hafiz of Quran? 143. Who was the woman who claimed to be a prophetess during the khilafat (Sajah) period of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique? 144. The treaty of Huddaibiah is also known as? (Fateh Mubeen) 145. Which Sura is known as ‘Salasul Quran’ (Sura Ikhlas) 146. What is the name of the black cloth that covers the ‘Kaaba’? (kiswah or kaswa) 147. How much cloth is required to cover ‘Khana Kaaba’? (1000 Gaz) 148. Which was 1st and last battle of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)? (1st Abva & Last Tabook) 149. How many times word ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ is repeated in Azaan? (6 times) Name of Kalimas:-

i) Tayyaba, ii) Shahadat, iii) Tamjeed, iv) Toheed, v) Astaghfar, vi) Rade kufar

Daughters of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH):-

i) Hazrat Zainab ii) Hazrat Rukayia iii) Hazrat Ume Qulsum iv) Hazrat Fatima

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1. When was UNO formed? (1945) 2. Who was the first president of USA? (George Washington) 3. Which city is known as ‘city of channels’, ‘city of canals’ & ‘city of bridges’? (Venice) 4. Who discovered Australia? (James Cook) 5. Which is the highest waterfall in the world? (Angel, Venezuela) 6. Which country is known as “land of white Elephant”? (Thailand) 7. Which place is known as “roof of the world”? (Tibet) 8. Which is the highest mountain of the world? (Mount Everest,29028 ft) 9. What is the height of K-2? (8611 meter, 28250 ft) 10. What is the second name of K-2? (Godwin Austin) 11. Which is the third highest mountain of world? (Kinchan Changa) 12. Which is the largest planet? (Jupiter) 13. What is the name of sea in which person cannot drawn? (Dead Sea) 14. Which country is known as “Country of Mosques (masjid)”? (Bangladesh) 15. When did the first man go into space? (1961) 16. Where did the first atomic bomb explode for the (Hiroshima, in 1945)

first time in Japan? 17. When did the First World War start? (1914) 18. When did the 2nd World War start? (1939) 19. Did Neil Armstrong put his l. or his r. foot on the moon first? (left) 20. Who was the first man on the moon? (Armstrong) 21. Where is UNO Headquarter? (New York) 22. Which is the world’s most populous country? (China) 23. Which is biggest Muslim country according to population? (Indonesia) 24. What's the name of the famous big clock in London? (Big Ben)

Note:- Question No. 21 to 24 were given in the test of ABL for post of MTO in October, 2010.

25. When did the American Civil War end? (1865) 26. Which is the largest continent of world? (Asia) 27. Which is the smallest continent of world? (Australia) 28. Which is the coldest continent of world? (Antarctica) 29. Which is the largest ocean? (Pacific) 30. Which is the 2nd largest ocean of world? (Atlantic Ocean) 31. Which is the 3rd largest ocean of world? (Indian Ocean) 32. Which is the smallest country in the world? (Vatican City) 33. Which is the largest city in India? (Bombay) 34. Which is longest highway in the world? (Trans Canada, 8000 km) 35. Which German city is famous for the perfume it produces? (Cologne) 36. Which country has the largest area: Australia, Brazil or India? (Brazil) 37. How many continents are there in the world? (7) 38. How many countries are member of SAARC? (8) 39. Which is the longest artificial canal of the world? (Suez Canal, Egypt) 40. When Suez canal was formed & what is its length? (1869), (Length 163 km) 41. Which two seas are linked by Suez Canal? (Read Sea & Mediterranean Sea) 42. Which is the 2nd longest canal of the world? (Panama Canal, America) 43. How many daughters Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) have? (4)

Hazrat Zainab, Hazrat Ruqaia, Hazrat Ume Qalsoom, Hazrat Fatima 44. Which is the largest lake of the Asia? (Caspian Sea) 45. Where is the largest and beautiful harbor of the world? (Sydney, Australia) 46. Which country is known as “Land of rising sun”? (Japan) 47. Which country is known as “Land of Midnight sun”? (Norway) 48. Which is the world’s oldest city? (Damascus, Syria) 49. Which is the largest river of Asia? (Yung Sea Kiang, China) 50. Which is the deepest river of world? (Amazon) 51. Which is the longest river of the world? (Nile) 52. Which is the 2nd largest river of the world? (Mississippi) 53. Which is the largest desert of world? (Sahara) 54. Which is the coldest desert of world? (Desert Gobi) 55. In which country, there is largest airport of world? (Saudi Arabia) 56. There are how many States in USA? (52)

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57. Which is the largest island of world? (Green Land) 58. Which country has highest number of mountains? (Switzerland) 59. Which is the largest dam of world? (Bold Dam , America) 60. US capital “Washington DC” is in which state? (Columbia) 61. How many countries are there in world? (201) 62. Which is the world’s most populous city? (Chinghai, China) 63. Hamburg is the sea port of which country? (Germany) 64. In which country, people are not needed to pay Tax? (Kuwait) 65. “Cool Chain System” indicates what for? (Ice Cubes) 66. “Eire” is old name of which country? (Ireland) 67. Last G-7 meeting held in which city? (Lyon, France in June 1996)

It was 22nd meeting after which G-7 (Group of Seven) was converted into G-8. G-8 represents group of eight richest industrialized countries which are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Russia.

68. Who is the author of “Asian drama”? (Gunnar Myrdal) 69. What is a non-working male bee called? (Drone) 70. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya’s Dargah is located where? (Delhi) 71. Which is the largest bay in the world? (Bay of Bengal) 72. Which city is the birth place of Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib? (Agra) 73. Where is the seat of International Court of Justice? (The Hague, Netherland) 74. The name United Nations was suggested by whom? (F.D.Roosevelt) 75. Where is Dal Lake? (Srinagar, Jammu Kashmir) 76. World Environment Day falls on which date? (June 5)

Note:- Question No. 68 to 76 were given in the test of ISI in year 2009-2010. 77. Who is the world’s largest producer of uranium? (Kazakhstan) 78. Petronas towers are located where? (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 79. Which is oldest University of the world? (Al-Azhar University, Egypt) 80. Which is the longest mountain range of world? (The Andes, South Africa) 81. Which is Deepest Lake of the World? (Lake Baikal) 82. Which is the largest country in Africa? (Sudan) 83. How many countries have the power of veto in the UN Security Council? (5)

China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States 84. Where is the permanent secretariat of the SAARC located? (Khatmandu, Nepal) 85. Eighth UNO secretary General Ban Ki Moon belongs to which country? (South Korea) 86. World largest water park is situated in which country? (China) 87. According to the international standard about what percent of area (25%) in a country should be covered by the forests? 88. Write names of famous novels of Jane Austen?

Pride & Prejudice, Emma, Sense & Sensibility, Persuasion

Note:- Question No. 85 to 88 were given in the test of MCB on Sep.26, 2010. 89. When “Burhan ud din Rabbani” was killed in kabul? (20 Sep. 2011) 90. What is the height of world’s tallest building “Dubai Burj”? (829.84 meter (2,723 ft)) 91. The famous Drama "HAMLET" was written by whom? (William Shakespeare) 92. Who is creator of fictitious character “Harry Potter”? (Joanne Kathleen Rowling) 93. Which country is largest producer of Oil? (Saudi Arabia) 94. ‘Statue of Liberty’ is situated in which country? (USA, New York) 95. KGB is the national security agency of which country? (Russia) 96. ‘DAS Kapital’ is a book written by Karl Marks on political economy. (German) In which language this book is originally written? 97. There are how many official languages of United Nations? (6)

Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish 98. The Head of Government in Germany is called? (Chancellor)

Note:- Question No. 89 to 95 were given in the test of NBP on Feb.20, 2011.

Prepared By: Farooq Hassan Dated:- 29-05-2012









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99. Transparency International is located in which country? (Berlin, Germany) 100. In which city India is constructing Kishanganga Dam? (Jammu & Kashmir) 101. WAFA is the news agency of which country? (Palestine) 102. May 3, each year is Internationally observed as? (Press Freedom Day) 103. Qantas is an airline of which country? (Australia) 104. In which country “Darfur” conflict arises? (Sudan)

105. Where is the head quarter of the Amnesty International located (London) 106. Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in: (1966) 107. Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement? ………. 108. Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987? (Sheikh Ahmen Yassin) 109. In which month does the UN General Assembly usually meet every year? (September) 110. The term of office of a judge of the International Court of Justice is? (9 years) 111. Alliance among Indian, Germany, Japan and Brazil to support each (G 4) others bid for permanent seat on UN Security council is called? 112. After “Pushtuns”, which is the largest – ethnic group in Afghanistan? (Tajiks) 113. Which is the hardest gemstone in the world? (Diamond) 114. Who said these words "Justice has been Done" at the death of Bin Ladin? (Barack Obama) 115. Which country banned High speed internet? (Iran) 116. Which is longest day of year? (21st June) 117. What is normal temperature of human body? (37 degree centigrade)

Note:- Question No. 110 to 114 were given in the test of MCB on June. 2011.

118. For how many years do Qaddafi ruled? 41 years (1 September 1969 – 20 September 2011) 119. On which date Osama Bin Ladin was killed? (1 May, 2011) 120. Which new missile is tested by India on 24 Sept 2011? (Shorya Missile) Range of 700km 121. Which new missile is tested by India on 26 Sept 2011? (Prithvi II) 350 km range 122. The world highest Mountain “Mount Everest” is in? (Nepal) 123. On the map of the world which country appears as long shoe? (Italy) 124. Where is the Headquarter of “Red Cross”? (Geneva) 125. When the AFPAK policy was announced? (2009) 126. Ship mounted energy project (activated in Pakistan: 2010) is (Turkey)

sponsored by which country?: 127. When “World Trade Organization” was established in? (1995) 128. The founder of Wikileaks scam belongs to which country? (Australia) 129. There are how many non permanent members of Security Council? (10) 130. Shintoism is the religion of which country? (Japan) 131. ‘Analects’ is the sacred book of ? (Confucianism) 132. Peking is the sacred place of? (Taoism) 134. When Budhism was founded? (5th century) 135. What is real name of Buddha? (Siddhartha Gautama) 136. Who is first muslim noble laureate ? (Abdus Salam) 137. 2008 was declared as? International Year of sanitation 138. Which country is the world’s largest emitter of CO2 in atmosphere? (China) 139. There are how many bones in a new born baby? (Over 270 bones) 140. There are how many bones in an adult man? (206) 141. Which city is known as “City of Golden gates”? (San Francisco) 142. Earth is represented nearly perfect by? (Globe) 143. Which is the brightest planet in Solar System? (Venus) 144. Humidity when expressed in percentage, it is known as? (Relative Humidity) 145. Lunar eclipse occurs during full moon or half moon? (Full Moon) 146. Bahadur Shah Zafar was son of whom? (Akbar Shah) 147. When SAARC was established? (8th Dec, 1985)

Prepared By: Farooq Hassan Dated:- 29-05-2012





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148. Which country is known as ‘country of copper’? (Zambia) 149. Which is the coldest place on earth? (Verkoyansk in Siberia) 150. Which city is largest producer of Rubber in the world? (Malaysia) 151. Peking is the old name of which city? (Beijing) 152. Which is national flower of Italy? (Lily) 153. ‘World Literacy day’ is celebrated on which date? (8th September) 154. Which city is known as ‘City of Skyscrapers’? (New York) 155. Big Apple is nick name of which city? (New York) 156. Which country is known as ‘Land of Morning Calm’? (Korea) 157. Which is largest library of world? (United States Library of Congress, Washington DC) 158. How many legs do butterfly have? (6) 159. According to area, which is the biggest State of US? (Alaska) 160. Which is largest mammal in the world? (Blue Whale) 161. Which is smallest ocean in the world? (Arctic Ocean) 162. What is the last letter of Greek alphabet? (Omega) 163. What was the classical standard language of ancient India? (Sanskrit) 164. What type of puppets are those whose movements are controlled by strings? (Marionette) 165. Which drug is best known for its use in preventing malaria? (Quinine) 166. Which is the only continent occupied by one nation? (Australia) 167. Name the only boxer to knock out Mohammed Ali? (Larry Holmes) 168. On what date to Americans celebrate their Independence Day? (4th July) 169. Which was the first ship to reach Titanic after the disaster? (The Carparthia) 170. What ancient unit of measurement is supposedly the distance from the elbow (The Cubit) to the tip of the index finger? 171. Which company that developed the pentium processor for computers? (Intel) 172. Who was first woman in Space? (Valentina Tereshkova) 173. Which planet has the longest year? (Pluto) 174. What term is used to describe the wool cut from around sheep's eyes? (Eyeclip) 175. What colour are the towers of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge? (Red) 176. How many Earth years does it take Pluto to orbit the sun? (248)

PAKISTAN: 1. What is the name of First newspaper of Pakistan? (Zimindar) 2. With how many countries Pakistan share its border? (4) 3. Which country is on the east of Pakistan? (India) 4. Which country is on the west of Pakistan? (Afghanistan) 5. Which country is on the north east of Pakistan? (China) 6. Which country is on the south west of Pakistan? (Iran) 7. What is total area of Pakistan? (796,096 sq km) 8. What is official name of Pakistan? (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) 9. Which is the national flower of Pakistan? (Jasmine) 10. Which is the national game of Pakistan? (Hockey) 11. Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan? (Quaid-e-Azam) 12. Who was the 2nd Governor General of Pakistan? (Khawaja Nazi-ud-Din) 13. Who was the 3rd Governor General of Pakistan? (Malik Ghulam Muhammad) 14. Who was the 4th and last Governor General of Pakistan? (Sikandar Mirza) 15. Who was the first president of Pakistan? (Sikandar Mirza) 16. Who is the first Prime Minister of Pakistan? (Liaqat Ali Khan) 17. When was Liaqat Ali Khan assassinated? (16, Oct. 1951) 18. When Benazir Bhutto was assassinated/ martyred? (27th, Dec. 2007) 19. Who wrote the National Anthem of Pakistan? (Hafiz Jalandhari) 20. Name the country that recognized Pakistan as an independent (Iran)

country first of all? 21. On which River “Tarbela Dam” is constructed? (River Indus) 22. On which river “Raval Dam” is constructed? (River Korang) 23. On which river “Mangla Dam” is constructed? (River Jehlum) 24. When Pakistan became a member of UNO? (30th September 1947) 25. When Pakistan became an atomic power? (28th May, 1998) 26. At which place Pakistan did the first atomic experiment? (Chagi, Baluchistan) 27. Which is the largest mosque of the Pakistan? (Shah Faisal Mosque) 28. When Benazir become first time Prime Minster of Pakistan? (December 1988)

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29. When Benazir become 2nd time Prime Minster of Pakistan? (July, 1993) 30. When Zia-ul-Haq was martyred in aeroplane crash? (17th August, 1988) 31. When Indus Water Treaty was take place b/w Pakistan & India? (1960) 32. When first time Marshalla was imposed in Pakistan? (Oct. 1958 by Ayub Khan) 33. When 2nd time Marshalla was imposed in Pakistan? (March 1969 by Yahya Khan) 34. When 3rd time Marshalla was imposed in Pakistan? (Sept. 1978 by Zia-ul-Haq) 35. Who is the Prime Minster in the history of Pakistan elected (Nurul Amin)

only for 13 days? 36. Which is the largest city of Pakistan? (Karachi) 37. Which is the oldest city in Pakistan? (Multan) 38. Which is the most populous city of Pakistan? (Lahore) 39. Which is the largest desert of Pakistan? (Thar) 40. Which is the largest river of Pakistan? (River Indus, 2896 km) 41. Which is the smallest river of Pakistan? (River Ravi, 901 km) 42. Which is the largest lake of Pakistan? (keenjhar Lake, Sindh) 43. In which city there is largest library of Pakistan? (Lahore) 44. Which is the largest Province of Pakistan according to area? (Balochistan) 45. Which is the smallest Province of Pakistan according to area? (Khyber Pakhtonkhuwah) 46. When the first constitution of Pakistan was enforced? (1956) 47. When the 2nd constitution of Pakistan was enforced? (1962) 48. When the 3rd constitution of Pakistan was enforced? (1973)

Constitution of 1956 and 1973 was parliamentary while 1962 was presidential.

49. Who present “Qirar dade Pakistan”? (Molvi Fazl-ul-Haq) 50. What is 2nd Muslim name of Province Sindh? (Babul Islam) 51. Who was founder of Pakistan’s name? (Ch. Rehmat Ali, 1933) 52. When Qirar dade Maqasid was approved in assembly? (1949) 53. How many times elections are held in Pakistan? (9 times) 54. What is the length of Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan? (1800 km) 55. What is the length of Pakistan’s border with Iran? (900 km) 56. What is the length of Pakistan’s border with India? (1600 km) 57. How many canals are made on Sakhar Bairaj? (7)

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58. In which city 1st medical University of Pakistan was established? (Karachi) 59. In Urdu language, words of which 2 foreign languages are mostly used? (Persian and Turkish) 60. Which is the largest canal of Pakistan? (Allied Canal in Sindh) 61. Which cities are known as “Doors of Pakistan”? Ans:- Hyderabad, Sialkot, Sargodha, Karachi, Lahore 62. When East and West Pakistan were separated? (16 December, 1971) 63. Name the first bank opened in Pakistan? (Habib Bank Ltd.) 64. Who is the writer of famous Pakistani drama serial ‘Khuda ki Basti’? (Shoukat Siddique) 65. Which city is known as “Manchester of Pakistan”? (Faisalabad) 66. Among top speaking languages in the world, Urdu number is? (10) 67. What is the Official name of borders separating Afghanistan and Pakistan? (Durand Line) 68. Pakistan Navy Headquarter is in which city? (Islamabad)

Note:- Question No. 64 to 68 were given in the test of ABL for post of MTO in October, 2010. 69. “Hayat-e-Jawed” is written by whom? (Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali) 70. “Raja Gidh” is written by whom? (Bano Qudsia) 71. “Aag ka Darya” is written by whom? (Qura-tul-Ain Haider) 72. “Bahishti-Zewar” is written by whom? (Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi) 73. “Chah-e-Yousaf Se Sada” is written by whom? (Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani) 74. “In the line of fire” is written by whom? (Gen. Parvez Musharraf) 75. Aik mohabbat 100 afsanay is written by whom? (Ashfaq Ahmad) 76. The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan comes through? (Thermal (69.1% of total electricity) ) 77. When an American “Raymond Davis” shoot two Pakistanis in Lahore? (26th January, 2011) 78. Diamer-Bhasha Dam has been planned on which river? (River Indus) 79. In which province of Pakistan, Mirani Dam exists? (Baluchistan) 80. In which year Pakistan became ‘Republic’? (1956) 81. Who was the first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly (Mumtaz Daultana)

constituted under the 1962 constitution of Pakistan? 82. First session of All-India Muslim League was held on 29-30 December (Karachi)

1907. Where was it held? 83. Which Muslim leader left the politics after the cancellation of Bengal partition? (Nawab Salimullah) 84. What was the designation of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in (Secretary, Managing Committee)

M.A.O school at Aligarh? 85. Who for the first time translated the Holy Quran in Urdu language? (Shah Abdul Qadir &

Shah Rafiuddin) 86. Who was formal teacher of Syed Ahmed Barelvi? (Shah Abdul Aziz) 87. What was the real name Shah Wali Ullah? (Qutubddin Ahmed Faruqi) 88. Who recalled Muhammad Bin Qasim from Sindh? (Caliph Sulaiman) 89. Pakistan has manufactured “Saab-2000” with support of which country? (Sweden) 90. What is the record highest level of 100 index in the history of Karachi (14814 points) Stock Exchange? on 26th Dec, 2007 91. Sugar cane crushing season in Pakistan lasts for how many days? (120 days) 92. Who was first acting Governor of Gilgit Baltistan? (Qamar Zaman Kaira) 93. What is the name of the only Pakistani who won a Nobel Prize? (Dr. Abdus-Salam) 94. What is name of Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline? (Peace Pipeline) 95. President of Pakistan has no power to appoint which of the following (Chief Minister) Chief of Army Staff, Chief Minister of Province, Head of Defence Forces, Governor? 96. Rikodeck gold mines are found in which province of Pakistan? (Baluchistan) 97. In which city Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Airport is established? (Islamabad) 98. What dengue fever is commonly called? (Breakbone Fever) 99. Test for dengue is called? CBC(complete blood count) 100. Dengue fever affects which cells in blood? (Platelates) 101. Who was first Governor of State Bank of Pakistan? (Zahid Hussain) 102. When Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points? (March 1929) 103.Which is the largest park of Pakistan? (Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi) 104. When did the Pakistan hold the post of the UN’s General Assembly (1962) Presidentship? Sir Zafarullah was selected 105. Which is the major cash crop of Pakistan? (Cotton)

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106. When Quaid-e-Azam took oath as first Governor of Pakistan? (15 August 1947) 107. Which is the highest civil award of Pakistan? (Nishan-e-Pakistan)

Explanation:- The Civil Awards comprise five Orders, each with four descending categories: Nishan, Hilal, Sitara and Tamgha as follows:


(The Order of Pakistan)

Nishan-e-Shujaat (The Order of


Nishan-e-Imtiaz (The Order of


Nishan-e-Quaid-i-Azam (The Order of the Great


Nishan-e-Khidmat(The Order of


Nishan-e-Pakistan Nishan-e-Shujaat Nishan-e-Imtiaz Nishan-e-Quaid-e-Azam Nishan-e-Khidmat

Hilal-e-Pakistan Hilal-e-Shujaat Hilal-e-Imtiaz Hilal-e-Quaid-e-Azam Hilal-e-Khidmat

Sitara-e-Pakistan Sitara-i-Shujaat Sitara-i-Imtiaz Sitara-i-Quaid-e-Azam Sitara-i-Khidmat

Tamgha-i-Pakistan Tamgha-i-Shuja’at Tamgha-e-Imtiaz Tamgha-e-Quaid-e-Azam Tamgha-i-Khidmat

108. Who is considered as 1st poet of ‘Pushto’? (Amir Karore) 109. How many languages are spoken in Pakistan? (30) 110. When the position of Governor General was replaced with (1956)

President in Pakistan? 111. The total cultivable land area of Pakistan is? (80 million hectares) 112. How many soldiers of Pakistan are given Nishan-e-Haider? (10)

Captain Muhammad Sarwar, Major Muhammad Tufail, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, Major Muhammad Akram,

Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas, Major Shabbir Sharif, Sowar Muhammad Hussain, Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz, Captain Karnal Sher Khan, Havaldar Lalak Jan,

SPORTS 1. In which year Pakistan won 1st Olympic Gold Medal in Hockey? (1960) 2. How many times Brazil won FIFA World cup? (5) 3. Which country is known as Founder of Cricket? (England) 4. Which Pakistani cricketer is known as “Little Master”? (Hanif Muhamad) 5. How much is the width of a cricket bat? (4 inches) 6. How many batsmen hit 6 sixes in one over in an International match?

(Sir Garry Sobers, Yuvraj, Gibbs) 7. Which batsman hit most sixes in One day International? (Shahid Afridi, 295 sixes)

upto February, 2012 8. Who is the batsman having made fastest century in ODI match? (Shahid Afridi) 9. Who is the wicket keeper having most number of outs behind the wickets? (Mark Boucher, South Africa) 10. Who has highest number of wickets in test cricket? (Muttiah Muralitharan, 800 wickets) 11. Who has highest number of wickets in One day cricket? (Muttiah Muralitharan) 12. Who is the batsman having made double century in an ODI match? (Sachin Tendulkar) 13. Which Pakistani player is called ‘Hero of Oval’? (Fazal Mehmood) 14. There are how many players in each team of basketball game? (5) 15. There are how many players in one team of Polo? (4) 16. Who is the bowler in the history of cricket having 4 wickets on 4 balls? (Malinga, Sri Lanka) 17. Who is the winner of FIFA world cup 2010? (Spain) 18. FIFA 2010 world cup was the _____ world cup? (19th) 19. Who is the batsman having made fastest century in World Cup? (Kevin O’Brien, Ireland) 100 runs on 50 balls against England 20. Who won the Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Cup 2011? (Australia) 21. What is the name of Shoaib Akhter’s book? (Controversially Yours) 22. Pakistan won South Asian football federation cup 2011 by (India) with 2-1 goals defeating which country on 10 August, 2011 in Nepal? 23. Pakistan National T20 tournament 2012 won by which team? (Sialkot Stalions) 7th time 24. Which Pakistani Umpire won three consecutive “ICC Umpire (Aleem Dar) of the Year awards” ?

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Countries & Their Capitals

Countries Capital

Countries Capital

Afghanistan Kabul Albania Tirane Algeria Algiers Angola Luanda Argentina Buenos Aires Armenia Yerevan Australia Canberra Austria Vienna Azerbaijan Baku Bahrain Al Manama Bangladesh Dhaka Barbados Bridgetown Belgium Brussels Bhutan Thimphu Bolivia La Paz Bosnia Sarajevo Brazil Brasilia Brunei Bandar Seri Bulgaria Sofia Burundi Kitega Canada Ottawa Chile Santiago China Beijing Colombia Bogotá Congo Brazzaville Costa Rica San Jose Croatia Zagreb Cuba Havana Cyprus Nicosia Czech Republic Prague Denmark Copenhagen Ecuador Quito Egypt Cairo Ethiopia Addis Ababa Fiji Suva Finland Helsinki France Paris Georgia Tbilisi Germany Berlin Greece Athens Guatemala Guatemala City Guyana Georgetown Haiti Port-au-Prince Hungary Budapest India New Delhi Indonesia Jakarta Iran Tehran Iraq Baghdad Ireland Dublin Israel Jerusalem Italy Rome Jamaica Kingston Japan Tokyo Jordan Amman South Africa Pretoria

Kazakhstan Astana Kenya Nairobi Korea, North Pyongyang Korea, South Seoul Kosovo Pristina Kuwait Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Latvia Riga Lebanon Beirut Libya Tripoli Luxembourg Luxembourg Madagascar Tananarive Malawi Zomba Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Maldives Male Malta Valletta Mauritius Port Louis Mexico Mexico City Monaco Monaco Morocco Rabat Mozambique Lauren co marques Myanmar (Burma) Rangoon Nepal Khatmandu Netherlands Amsterdam New Zealand Wellington Niger Niamey Nigeria Abuja Norway Oslo Oman Muscat Namibia Windhoek Pakistan Islamabad Panama Panama City Paraguay Asuncion Peru Lima Philippines Manila Poland Warsaw Portugal Lisbon Taiwan Taipei Tajikistan Dushanbe Tanzania Dodoma Thailand Bangkok Turkey Ankara Turkmenistan Ashkabat Uganda Kampala Ukraine Kieve UAE Abu Dhabi United Kingdom London USA Washington D.C. Uzbekistan Tashkent Vatican City Vatican City Vietnam Hanoi Yemen Sanaa Sudan Khartoum Suriname Paramaribo Sweden Stockholm

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APP Associated Press of Pakistan EU European Union SBP State bank Of Pakistan OIC Organization of the Islamic Conference IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency UAE United Arab Emirates ISI Inter Services Intelligence FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation CPU Central Processing Unit OD Overdraft NIT National Investment Trust FDI Foreign Direct Investment FX Foreign Exchange CIA Central Intelligence Agency WHO World Health Organization UNO United Nations Organization NHA National Highways Authority FAQ Frequently Asked Questions FWBL First Women Bank Limited DFA Draft for Approval NFA No Further Action PUC Paper Under Consideration IMF International Monetary Fund NFC National Finance Commission ATM Automated Teller Machine CFS Continuous Funding System CBR Central Board of Revenue FBR Federal Board of Revenue Forex Foreign Exchange FY Fiscal Year BAFL Bank Al Falah Limited COT Carry Over Transactions EFT Electronic Funds Transfer GDP Gross Domestic Product IBP Institute of Bankers Pakistan PAYE Pay as you earn MFB Micro Finance Bank OTC Over the Counter ROA Return on Assets ROE Return on Equity TFC Term Finance Certificate VAT Value Added Tax WWF Workers Welfare Fund VGA Video Graphics Adapter WASA Water and Sanitation Agency

KIBOR Karachi Inter-bank Offered Rate PLS Profit & Loss Sharing FATA Federal Administered Tribal Areas CDA Capital Development Authority HEC Higher Education Commission NAB National Accountability Bureau OIC Organization of Islamic Conference NWFP North Western Frontier Province USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics CD ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory EBIT Earning Before Interest and Taxes UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation NIBAF National Institute of Banking and Finance UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund NADRA National Database and Registration Authority IDBP Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan ADBP Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan CDWP Central Development Working Party ECNEC Executive Committee of National Economic Council UNDP United Nations Development Program PICIC Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation PIDC Pakistan Industrial Developmental Corporation NRO National Reconciliation Ordinance IRSA Indus River System Authority PIN Personal Identification Number IOU I owe you OGRA Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority ADB Asian Development Bank CPI Consumer Price Index FED Federal Excise Duty PASSCO Pakistan Agriculture Storage & Services Corporation RGST Reformed General Sales Tax TCP Trading Corporation of Pakistan

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Spain Madrid Somalia Mogadishu Sri Lanka Colombo Zimbabwe Harare Tibet Lhasa Venezuela Caracas

Sierra Leone Freetown Switzerland Bern Syria Damascus Zambia Lusaka

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BoP Balance of Payment COD Collection on Demand HRI House Rent Index RPI Relative Price Index SPI Sensitive Price Index WPI Wholesale Price Index DSC Defence Saving Certificates NGOs Non Governmental Organizations POL Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants USAID United States Agency for International Development

FCAs Foreign Currency Accounts FDI Foreign Direct Investment FE Foreign Exchange GST General Sales Tax ILO International Labour Organization MOU Memorandum of Understanding NDMA National Disaster Management Authority SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development WHT Withholding Tax

Countries and their currencies

Country Currency Country Currency Australia Dollar Canada Dollar USA Dollar Fiji Dollar Newzealand Dollar Chile Peso Cuba Peso Argentina Peso Colombia Peso Mexico Peso Philippines Peso Kuwait Dinar Bahrain Dinar Iraq Dinar Serbia Dinar Bangladesh Taka China Yuan UK Pound Japan Yen Kyat Myanmar

SriLanka Rupee India Rupee Pakistan Rupee Mauritius Rupee Nepal Rupee Afghanistan Afghani Iran Rial Saudi Arabia Rial Oman Rial Yemen Rial Austria Schilling Belgium Franc France Franc Germany Deutsche Mark Italy Lira Netherland Guilder Malaysia Ringgit Indonesia Rupiyah UAE Dirham Russia Ruble

Informative:- White House:- White house is the official residence and principal workplace for the President of United States. It is in the city Washington DC. Its old name was “President’s Palace” but during war of 1812 between US and British, the President’s Palace also got damaged and when it was repaired, its walls were painted white to cover the burn marks which given the house its familiar name and colour. The name “White House” was officially adopted in 1901. INTERPOL:- INTERPOL is the popular name of International Criminal Police Organization. It has 188 affiliated countries which have joined through it to fight against international crimes. INTERPOL has it’s headquarter in Lyon, France. Its major work focuses on public safety, terrorism, organized crime, crimes against humanity, war crimes, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking, money laundering and corruption etc. Taj Mahal:- The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, India on the bank of river YAMUNA. It was built by Mughal King Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is considered the finest example of Mughal architecture and it was built in 1653. It is considered one of the seven wonders of world.

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Value Added Tax (VAT):- Value added tax or VAT is an indirect tax, which is imposed on goods and services at each stage of production, starting from raw materials to final product. VAT was introduced to arrest the increasing smuggling and cheating, which were resultants of high sales tax and tariffs. Initiated in France, VAT is used as an instrument of taxation in all the member states of the European Union. Indus Water Treaty:- The Indus Waters Treaty is a water-sharing treaty between the India and Pakistan. The Indus Water Treaty was signed in 1960 at Karachi by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and President of Pakistan Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan. The World Bank was also a signatory as a third party. According to this treaty three western rivers i.e Jhelum, Chenab and Indus have been awarded exclusively to Pakistan while three eastern rivers i.e Sutlej, Bias and Ravi have been awarded exclusively to India. Gwadar Port:- Gwadar Port is a first deep-sea, warm-water port situated at Gwadar in Balochistan province of Pakistan at the apex of the Arabian Sea and about 460 km west of Karachi. Gwadar Port started its operations in 2008 when the first ship to dock brought 52000 tonnes of wheat from Canada. Karakoram Highway Karakoram Highway is the highest paved international road in the world. It connects Pakistan and China across the Karakoram Mountain Range through Khunjrab Pass. It connects China’s Xinjiang region with Pakistan’s Gilgit Baltistan Province. Its total length is 1300 km. This Highway is also known as KKH and within Pakistan it is famous with name “N35”. National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) The National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) was an ordinance issued by the former President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, on October 5, 2007. It granted amnesty to politicians, political workers and bureaucrats who were accused of corruption, embezzlement, money laundering, murder, and terrorism between January 1, 1986, and October 12, 1999. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on December 16, 2009. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: This is a treaty to limit the spread (proliferation) of nuclear weapons. The treaty came into force on 5 March 1970, and currently there are 189 states party to the treaty, out of which five are recognized as nuclear weapon states: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China.

Pakistan – China Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement:- Pakistan and China signed a civil nuclear cooperation agreement on September 1986 at Beijing. The ceremony was attended by the then Chairman PAEC, Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan, a representative of CNNC, and the then Chinese Prime Minister. The agreement was signed by the Pakistan Foreign Minister, Sahibzada Yaqub Khan and the Chinese counterpart. The agreement opened the way for the 1989 Chashma-1 nuclear power plants and subsequent three more power stations. The first & second stage of Chashma power stations has been completed. The Pakistan is facing acute shortage of electricity which restricted the economic development of country. Building nuclear power stations is an important solution of this problem. A $2.4 billion nuclear cooperation deal has recently been took place between Pakistan and China aiming at reducing the energy problems of Pakistan. According to this deal two 650 Megawatt nuclear power plants will be established in Pakistan. Diamer-Bhasha Dam:- Diamer-Bhasha Dam is under-construction on River Indus in the region Gilgit-Baltistan. Its total electricity generation capacity will be 4500 mw and water storage capacity of Dam will be 8,100,000 acre feet. The estimated cost of Project in 2011 is US $13 billion and estimated completion time of Diamer-Bhasha Dam project is 12 years.

Lake Saiful Muluk Lake Saiful Muluk is a lake located at the northern end of the Kaghan Valley near ‘Naran’. It is in the north east of Mansehra District in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan. At an altitude of 3,224 m (10,578 feet) above sea level it is amongst one of the highest lakes in Pakistan. This lake’s shape looks like “Pyala”.

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Current Affairs: May, 2012 - - - -) Chief Ministers & Governors: Chief Ministers Governors

Punjab Shahbaz Sharif Sardar Latif Khosa Sindh Qaim Ali Shah Ishrat-ul-Ibad Balochistan Aslam Raisani Zulfiqar Ali Magsi Khyber Pakhtonkhuwah Ameer Haider Khan Hoti Barister Masood Qausar Gilgit Baltistan Syed Mehdi Shah Syed Pir Karam Ali Shah

Chief Of Army Staff: Gen. Ashfaq Pervaiz Kiyani Air Chief Marshall: Muhammad Tahir Rafique Butt Chief of Naval Staff: Admiral. M Asif Sandila President of Pakistan: Asif Zardari Prime Minister of Pakistan: Yousaf Raza Gillani Chief Justice of Supreme Court: Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Attorney Journal of Pakistan Justice (r) Maulvi Anwar ul Haq

Who is the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States? Sheeri Rahman Who is Speaker of National Assembly (Lower House)? Dr. Fahmida Mirza Who is Chairman of Senate (upper house)? Nayyar Bukhari Who is Governor State Bank of Pakistan? M. Yaseen Anwar What is current banking discount rate in Pakistan? 12% What is current literacy rate of Pakistan? 57% Who is Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee? General Khalid Shameem Wynne By the use of ‘Watan card’ how much money per person is given to Rs. 20,000 flood effecters? Who is opposition leader in National Assembly Pakistan? Ch. Nisar Ali

Note:- The above nine Questions were given in the test of NBP for post of MTO on 20th February, 2011.

Who is Deputy Speaker of National Assembly? Faisal Karim Kundi Who is Accountant General of Pakistan? Shahnawaz Khan What is total amount of kerry lugar bill? $ 7.5 billion (1.5 billion $ per year) What is the current electricity short fall in Pakistan? 8000 MW (on 31st May, 2012)

Who is Chairman of PCB? Zaka Ashraf What is new vote quantity of Pakistan in 2011? 80.72 million Who is head of Abbotabad inquiry Commision? Justice Javed Iqbal Which country gave Gen. Ashfaq kayani higest military award? Spain (in September 2011) What is the amount of Pakistan black money in Swiz banks? $97 billion Which new missile is tested by Pakistan on 5th March 2012? Hatf-II (Abdali)

Pakistan Budget 2011-12 1) Who present the budget 2011-12? (Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh) 2) When the budget was presented in National Assembly? (3rd June, 2011) 3) What was total amount of budget? (Rs. 2767 billion) 4) Development Budget (Rs. 730 billion) 5) Defence Budget (Rs. 495 billion) 6) Benazir Income Support Program (Rs. 65 billion) 7) Deficit (Rs. 850 billion 4% of GDP) 8) GST (16%) 9) Tax Rate (Banking) (35%) 10) Increase in salary of Government employees (15%) 11) Income exempt from tax (Rs. 350,000) 12) Money transfer to provinces, NFC (Rs. ……. billion) 13) PSDP (Rs. 730 billion)

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List of Federal Ministers of Pakistan

Name of Minister Ministry

• Ch. Pervaiz Elahi (Senior Minister) Defence Production, Industry • Makhdoom Amin Fahim Commerce • Dr. Arbab Alamgir Khan Communications • Mir Changez Khan Jamali Science and Technology • Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar Defence • Dr.Abdul Hafeez Sheikh Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs • A.Rehman Malik Interior • Qamar Zaman Kaira Information and Broadcasting • Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Affairs • Syed Khursheed Shah Religious Affairs • Moula Bakhsh Chandio Political Affairs • Sardar Al-Haaj Mohammad Umar Gorage Postal Services • Ghous Bux Khan Mahar Privatization • Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour Railways • Shaukat Ullah States and Frontier Regions, Sports • Makhdoom Sahhabuddin Textile Industry • Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar Foreign Affairs • Syed Naveed Qamar Water & Power • Ch. Anwar Ali Cheema Production • Senator Baber Khan Ghauri Port & shipping • Dr. Asim Hussain Petroleum & Natural Resources • Farooq Sattar Overseas Pakistanis • Haji Khuda Bux Rajar Narcotics Control • Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat Housing & Works • Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada Professional and Technical Training • Chaudhry Wajahat Hussain Human Resource Development • Samina Khalid Ghurki National Heritage & Integration • Mir Israrullah Zehri National Food Security & Research • Nazar Muhammad Gondal Capital Administration & Development • Rana Muhammad Farooq Saeed Khan Climate Change • Raja Pervaiz Ashraf Information Technology • Farooq H. Naek Law & Justice • Dr.Firdos Ashiq Awan National Regulation & Services • Hazar Khan Bajrani Inter-Provincial Coordination

World Current Information:- Country President Name Country President Name

Iran India Afghanistan Egypt China Israel Russia

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Pratibha Patil Hamid Karzai ……………….. Hu Jintao Shimon Peres Dmitry Medvedev

Bangladesh France Syria Turkey UAE South Africa US Sri Lanka

Zillur Rahman Nicolas Sarkozy Bashar al-Assad Abdullah Gül Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Jacob Zumal Barack Obama 44th President

Mahinda Rajapaksa

Who is Prime Minister of India? (Manmohan Singh) Who is Defence minister of India? (A.K Antony) Who is Defence Secretary of US? (Robert Gates) Who is “Secretary of Sate” of US? (Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton) She is responsible for Foreign affairs. Who is the special representative of USA for Afghanistan & Pakistan Affairs? (Mark Grassman) Who is US Ambassador to Pakistan? (Cameron Munter) Who is Secretary General of UN? (Ban ki-moon) Who is President of World Bank? (Robert B. Zoellick from USA) Who is NATO commander in chief in Afghanistan? (General David Petraeus) Which country is presently holding seat of Chairman of SAARC? (Sri Lanka) Egyptian Ex-President Hosni Mubarak resigned on which date? (11th February, 2011) Who is Winner of Bangladesh Premier League T20, 2012? (Dhaka Gladiators)

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Synonyms More than one synonym is written in front of every word. S.# Word Synonym S.# Word Synonym 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

116 117

Usury Lending Money, Overcharging, Amortize Pay Back, Pay off Retract Draw back, Withdraw Credible Trustworthy, Reliable Adroit Skillful, Competent Hamper Basket, Slow Down Pungent Strong, Sharp Boisterous Energetic, Noisy Affiliate Join, Member Indolent Lazy, Idle Preponderance Hold Entitlement Right, Claim Alien Unfamiliar, Unknown, Strange Affront Disrespect, insult Apprehensive Worried, Nervous Belligerent Aggressive Conglomerate Firm, Company Content Happy Curtail Restrict, Limit Concurrence Agreement Dubious Doubtful, Questioning Evident Clear, apparent Fatigued Exhausted, tired Germinate Grow, Develop Initiate Start, Begin Mortality Humanity Persevere Carry on, continue Prologue Introduction, initial remarks Pertinent Relevant, important Reluctant Unwilling, Hesitant Statutory Constitutional, Legal Parity Equality, Similarity Superfluous Extra, Surplus Inordinate Unwarranted, Unreasonable Cosmopolitan International, Multinational Fraudulent False, Fake Requisite Mandatory, Necessary Ambiguous Unclear, Uncertain, Vague Veracity Reality, Truth Lenient Merciful, Soft Arrears Amount overdue, Debt Erratic Unpredictable, Irregular Collateral Security, Guarantee Renovate Modernize Collusion Involvement, Agreement Cede Surrender, Relinquish Nettle Irritate, Annoy Paucity Scarcity, Small number Hoodwink Deceive, Trick Elicit Draw out, Extract Malign Criticize, Defame Sagacity Wisdom, Reasonableness Hackneyed Tired, Dull Estrange Make unfriendly, Alienate Explicit Plain, Clear, Unambiguous Vociferous Loud, Noisy Cursory Quick, Rapid Daring Brave, Bold Debase Degrade, Lower in character

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 180 181

Abeyance Discontinuation, Suspension Brazen Shameless, Bold Abstemious Sober, Self disciplined Lurid Loud, Bright, Sensational Crass Stupid, Blundering Retort Rejoin, Angry Reply Free At no cost, Complimentary Secular Worldly, Material Penchant Liking, A bias in favour Ignite Catch fire, burst into flames Inherent Natural, In born Promptly On time, rapidly Hateful Intolerable, horrible Disgrace Shame, Dishonour Abrogate Do away with, close down, Abolish Acrimony Bitterness, Unfriendliness Adage Wise saying, Motto Affable Sociable, Easy to approach Avocation Diversion of attention, Additional work Appraise Assess, Evaluate Agglomerate Heap together, Pile Ailment Sickness, Illness Allusion Reference, Suggestion Amalgamate Merge, Mix Annihilate Destroy Arcade Walkway Ability Skill, Quality of doing something well Access Approach, Entrance Aggravate Make Worse, Increase Agile Nimble, Alert Affection Love, Liking Amicable Friendly, Polite Amorphous Shapeless, Formless Amphibious Living both on land and in water Apposite Appropriate, Proper Aural Audio, Relating to hearing Baffle / Bewilder Confuse, Frustrate Batten Plank, Strip of wood Benediction Blessing, approval Benevolence Kindness Bequeath Leave, Will Bibliomania Passion to collect books Blaspheme Issue oaths, Talk impiously Blazon Write is bold letters Beside Next to, Alongside Boisterous Energetic, Noisy, Active Buoyant Floating, Cheerful Bilateral Two sided Burnish Polish, Shine Bustle To hurry, activity, movement Cadaverous Resembling a corpse (dead body) Callosity State of being hard, Insensible Callow Inexperienced Capacious Large, Roomy Captivate Hypnotize, Fascinate Chasm Gulf, Yawning hollow Chiffon Evening dress Chromatic Belonging, Relating Concealed Hidden, Secret Cull Pick



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118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

Debonair Courteous, Gentle manner Decagram Weight of 10 grams Degeneracy Immorality, Corruption Deify Idolize, Worship Deleterious Harmful Desultory Random, Aimless Deteriorate Get Worse, Go down Dexterity Readiness, Agility Darkling Blindly Dauntless Confident, Fearless Dearth Lack, Shortage Delineate Outline, To represent by sketch Decisive conclusive, important Denounce Condemn, Criticize, Censure Defray Pay, settle, clear Drowsy Sleepy, tired Dwindle / Abate Decrease, fall, diminish, Ebullient Showing enthusiasm, Cheerful Edible Safe to eat Edify Improve spiritually or morally, To build up Efficacy Effectiveness, Usefulness Egregious Extreme Elucidate Make clear, Explain, Bring Out Embargo Ban, Restriction Embark To make beginning Embellish Decorate, Beautify Excavate Dig, Faction Group, People with same purpose Fallacious Misleading, Without logic Fastidious Hard to please, Choosy Fervor Passion, feeling Fictitious Imagination Fidelity Loyalty, Reliability Flagrant Open Flux Instability, Constant movement or Change, Foggy Hazy, Cloudy Forgery Fake, Counterfeit Frivolity Playfulness, Thought Fathom Figure out, Work out, measure Fatuous Idiotic, Silly, Stupid Felon Criminal, Murderer Formidable Alarming, Frightening Frailty Infirmity, Easily broken or destroyed Fortitude Strength, Courage Forte Strong Point Gallant Brave, Fearless Generic General, Basic Germinate Grow, Evolve Glimpse Quick look Gratification Satisfaction, Delight Gratify To please Gregarious Outgoing, Companionable, Guile Cunning, Trickery, Gumption Courage, Common Sense Gyrate Rotate, Revolve, Spin Halcyon Calm, Peaceful Havoc Destruction, Devastation Heedless Careless, Thoughtless Heptagon Figure with seven sides Hexangular Having six angles Hiatus Break, Gap Hostility Opposition, Enmity

182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221

222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229

230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242

Cession Yielding of property or rights to another Ceremonious Formal Ceiling Upper Limit, Inner roof of a room Commend Praise, Speak well Concede Grant, Admit, Allow Cord String, Rope Compulsion Force, Pressure, Compel Comprehend Understand, Realize or grasp meaning Inapt Irrelevant, Slow Laborious Hardworking, Lengthy, Difficult Languid Relaxed Latish Rather late Legitimacy Legality, According to law Lethargy Tiredness, Laziness Licentious Dissolute, Immoral Linguist One who know several languages Litigious Debatable, Controversial Loquacious Talkative Mallet Hammer Mania Craze, Passion Mantle Blanket, Cloak Marvel Miracle Matrimony Marriage Mellifluous Smooth Mentor Guide, Teacher, Adviser Mercantile Commercial, Merchant Mettle Courage, Guts Mite Bug, Small amount Norm Standard, Rule, Model Natal Biological, Birth Nomad Traveler, Migrant Numeration The art of reading numbers Necrosis The dead part of the body Neophyte Beginner, Trainee Optician One who deals in optical instruments Obsolete Outdated Opulent Wealthy, Rich Obviate Prevent, Oratory Art of public speaking Orthodox Holding the commonly accepted faith, Traditional Oscillate Move backward and forward, Swing Osculate To kiss Pastoral Rural Paternal Fatherly, Caring Pacify To bring into a peaceful state Pagan Worshiper of false Gods Pedagogic The science and art of teaching, Educational Pedant A scholar who makes needless and inopportune display of his learning Panorama Landscape, Scene Pediatrics The department of medical science Pare Cut, shave or remove Pennant Banner, small flag Yak Chitchat, Gossip Zeal Enthusiasm, Passion Eradicate Root out, Eliminate Loath Reluctant, Hesitant Expunge Delete, Erase Grim Harsh, Severe Ferocious Cruel, Violent Incipient Just beginning, Early Nebulous Vague, Ambiguous

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S.# Word Synonym S.# Word Synonym 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259

260 261 262 263 264 265 266

267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299

Humiliate Disgrace, Shame, Abase Hypocrisy Insincerity, Duplicity Hysteria Panic, Nervousness Iconoclast Image Breaker Ignominious Shameful, Dishonorable, Humiliating Illicit Illegal, Unlawful Illuminate Light up Imbibe Drink, Absorb Imbrue To make wet Immutable Unchangeable Imply Hint, Involve Impromptu Unprepared, Unplanned Censure Show disapproval Fidelity Loyalty Belated Late Pseudonymous False or fictitious Status Quo Current or existing circumstances Writhe Twist, Struggle Illumination Lighting, Clarification, Explanation Monotony Repetitiveness, Uniformity Atheist Doubter, Non-believer Fiasco Disaster, Failure, Debacle Peter To become exhausted Qualify Meet the criteria, Eligible, Succeed Abandon Vacate, Throw out, Discard Abdicate Relinquish, Give up Abhor Detest, Hate, Loathe Abnegation Rejection, Self Denial Axiom Maxim, A self-evident truth Bloated Swollen, Blown up Blemish Imperfection, Flaw, Disgrace Bizzare Strange Bawl Roar, Vociferate Bequeath Leave, Dispose of Cataclysm Disaster, Upheaval Cupidity Greed, Avarice Cumbersome Awkward, Clumsy Culmination Apex, Highest point or end, Peak Crestfallen Disappointed, Frustrated Deluge Flood, Overflow Artifice Trick, Deception, Pretense Crank Unusual person, Oddball Atrocity Murder, Crime, Killing Extravagant Wasteful, Excessive, Profligate, Habitual Customary, Routine, Usual Monotonous Dull, Tedious, Tiresome Mysterious Unexplained, Strange, Obscure, Oath Promise, Pledge, Sworn Ostentatious Showing, Dashy, Pretentious Radiant Bright, Glowing, Brilliant Robust Strong, Tough, Hardy, Seasoned Ruthless Merciless, Cruel, Pitiless Adore Love, Admire, Worship Inaudible Muted, Impossible to hear Optimist Positive Thinker Taciturn Silent, Quiet Abrupt Sudden, Unexpected

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312

313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336

337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356

Biennial Occurring every two years Conceive Imagine, Think Diction Style of speaking, Pronunciation Credential Official document, Diploma Misnomer Wrong name, error in name Circumspect Careful, Cautious Modus Operandi Method or procedure, mode of operation Portable Movable, ability to be carried Curtail Restrict, Obstruct, Limit Ambiguous Unclear, Uncertain Reconcile Settle Apathy Lack of interest, indifference Demagogue Leader who works for common cause of people Precedence Priority, Preference Prattle Nonsense, To utter in simple or childish talk Manipulate Influence, Control, Operate Embezzlement Misuse, Misappropriation Perishable Lasting, Which cannot be preserved Implicate Involve, Connect, Associate Inadequate Insufficient, Too little Dereliction Neglect, Negligence Derogate Deflenerate, To take away Dormant Inactive, Inert, Sleeping Don Assume, Put on Exemplify Demonstrate, Illustrate Entrammel Hamper Emendation Rectification Elude Escape, Evade Exudation Percolation Frivolous Playful, Trivial Furtive Secretive, Cautious Fugitive Escape Fulminate Thunder, Clamour Frugal Thrifty Guile Deceit, Cunning, Dishonest behaviour Gluttony Voracity (Eating or drinking too much) Grandiloquence Verbosity (Using long or complicated words to impress people) Grief Sorrow Denizen Resident, Citizen, Occupant Arbitrary Random, Illogical Abjure Renounce, Reject, Forswear Abscond Run away, Escape, Hide Absolve / Pardon Forgive, Release, Free, Discharge Abstain Desist, Refrain, Withdraw, Give up Absurd Ridiculous, Silly, Stupid Abundance Plenty, Large Quantity, Abusive Rude, Insulting, Defame Accomplish Achieve, Complete, Finish Acute Keen, Sharp, Sensitive, Crucial Adamant Inflexible, Immovable, Sentimental Romantic, Emotional, Shun Avoid, Reject, Ignore Solitary Lonely, Friendless, Single, Tale Story, Yarn, Fable, Trifling trivial, Small, Tinny, Frivolous Urbane Sophisticated, Cultured, Polite, Courteous Wretched Miserable, Mean, Pitiable

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Following are some of the words having similar meanings and synonyms. • Abrogate, Eradicate, Abolish, Eliminate • Abandon, Discard, Vacate • Abominate, Abhor, Detest, • Fatuous, Absurd • Abundance, Exuberance, Profusion • Abusive, Malign, • Denounce, Accuse, Allege • Apex, Culmination, Acme, Zenith • Adamant, Stubborn, Obstinate, Obdurate • Maladroit, Cumbersome • Atrocity, Brutality, Outrage • Mitigate, Dwindle • Artifice, Ruse, Ploy • Denizen, Dweller • Sentimental, Maudlin, Sappy • Solitary, Isolated, Sole • Story, Anecdote

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Pair of Words S.# Word Meaning Sentence

1 Site Sight

Location Ability to see

This is the best site for a school building. His eye sight is weak.

2 Pray Prey

Request to God To hunt

I shall pray to God for your success. The hunter ran after his prey.

3 Root Route

Underground part of a plant A course, way

All trees have roots. The land route is safer than sea route.

4 Sole Soul

Under part of a foot or shoe Spiritual

Please mend the sole of my shoe. The soul is immortal

5 Stationery Stationary

Writing material To stand still

I bought stationery for the office. The earth revolves around the sun, it is not stationary.

6 Affect Effect

to change or make a difference Consequence

The incident did not affect his health. It did not have any effect on him.

7 Accept Except

Agree to receive or do Not including

I accept your proposal. All students were present in class except Asad.

8 Alter Altar

To Change Place used in religious services

We cannot force her to alter her mind. People brought animal to the altar.

9 Minor Miner

Under the legal age of full responsibility A person who works in mine

She is a minor girl. He is a miner by profession.

10 Bale Bail

Bundle Released as a result of having posted bond

There were large numbers of bales of cotton in the room. His application for bail was no accepted by Magistrate.

11 Birth Berth

Day of beginning (usually of life) a bunk in a train,

What is your date of birth? I reserved a berth in Shalimar.

12 Break Brake

To divide into pieces A device for stopping or slowing a


I cannot break this stick. The brakes of cycle failed on the way.

13 Canon Cannon

Rules A mounted gun

We should follow the canons of mortality. A Cannon was fired.

14 Cost Caste

Expenditure Social divisions

The cost of this pen is ten rupees. The Hindus are divided into four castes.

15 Die Dye

Pass away Coloring

Heroes never die. Please dye my shirt.

16 Dose Doze

Quantity of medicine Sleep

Have you taken one dose of this medicine? It is not right to say that I doze in class.

17 Dew Due

Moisture Outstanding

Dew drops fell at night. This bill is due next month.

18 Fare Fair

Cost of ticket Unbiased

Have you paid the railway fare. We must play fair game.

19 Gate Gait

A movable barrier Way of walking

Children were standing at the gate of their school. She has a graceful gait.

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S.# Word Meaning Sentence

20 Foul Fowl

Dishonourable A bird

We should not use foul language.

21 Feet Feat


I have two feet. We saw feats of animal in circus.

22 Floor Flour

Ground Finely ground meal of grain

The floor of this room is very dirty. Bread is made of flour.

23 Heel Heal

Back Part of shoe Cure

The heel of this shoe is too high. The wound will heal soon.

24 Idle Idol

Inactive Something that is worshipped

Do not waste your time by sitting idle. The Hindus worship idols.

25 Gaol Goal

Prison Target

The prisoner was sent to gaol. Ali was advancing towards his goal steadily.

26 Meet Meat

Get together Food (mutton, chicken, beef)

My friend came to meet me at airport. I like to eat meat.

27 Letter Latter

Correspondence the Second one

I have written a letter. Of wealth and health, the latter is more important.

28 Lesson Lessen

Message or something we learn Reduce

The first lesson of our book is very easy. Please lessen the speed of car.

29 Liar Lawyer

A person who tells lies A person whose profession is to represent

clients in a court

Ali always tells lies, he is a liar. I want to be a lawyer in future.

30 Medal Meddle

Award Interfere

Pakistan won first Olympic gold medal in hockey in 1960. Do not meddle with other people’s affairs.

31 Metal Mettle

Substance Bravery

Gold is a precious metal. Asad showed his mettle in the fight.

32 Necessity Necessary

Requirement Essentiatl

Food is basic necessity of our lives. It is necessary for students to do their homework regularly.

33 Hire Heir

To engage the services of a person for wages Inheritor

Most of our new hires are college-educated. You also have to enrich your heritage, to prove you are a worthy heir.

34 Prophet Profit

Seer Gain or earning

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was the last prophet. He made a huge profit in his business last year.

35 Populous Popular

Crowded Well-liked

China is the populous country of world. Akmal is very popular among his friends.

36 Principal Principle

The head of a school Fundamental rule, belief

The principal of our college is very kind. Quaid-e-Azam was a man of principle.

37 Pore Pour

A very small opening in the skin To cause something to flow

There are many pores in our body. Pour some tea in this cup.

38 Respectable Respectful

Decent Courteous

I belong to a respectable family. Adnan is respectful towards his elders.

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S.# Word Meaning Sentence

39 Rein Rain

A strap for controlling horse Water that comes down from clouds

The horseman pulled the rein of horse. It has been raining since morning.

40 Story Storey

a tale Level of building

I am reading an interesting story. I purchased double storey house.

41 Scene Seen

View Past form of saw

She has painted a beautiful scene of rural life. I have seen my friend after a long time.

42 Team Teem

Squad Be Full

There are eleven players in a cricket team. We are all teeming with preconceptions, including me.

43 Tail Tale

The hindmost part of an animal Story

The cat has a long tail. He related an interesting tale.

44 Sail Sale

Part of a ship Offering something for purchase

Sail is made of canvas. This car is for sale.

45 Ring Wring


The peon rings the bell. Wring this wet cloth.

46 Waste Waist

Spend carelessly The part of the human body between ribs and the hips

Do not waste your time by sitting idle. His waist disappeared in the water while crossing the stream.

47 Week Weak

Period of seven days Without strength

There are seven days in a week. He is weak in mathematics.

48 Adopt Adapt Adept

To take as your own To adjust Skilled

He has adopted a son. Adapt yourself to the new circumstances. Aslam is an adept tailor.

49 Yoke Yolk

Pair (usually of oxen) Yellow part of an egg.

He has a yoke of oxen. The yolk of egg is very nourishing food.

50 Marry Merry

Get married Happy

Kamal is going to marry Najma. Eat, drink and be merry.

51 Angel Angle

Messenger of God Direction

God send his message through angel. Draw an angle of thirty degree.

52 Loose Lose

To unfasten To be unable to find

It is fashion to wear loose shirts. Do not lose courage.

53 Temper Tamper

Particular state of mind or feelingsInterfere

He never loses his temper. It is a crime to tamper with the official record.

54 Elicit Illicit

To bring out Illegal

The police failed to elicit any information from him. He was arrested for illicit sale of wine.

55 Mourn Morn

To express sorrow or grief Morning

We are gathered here today to mourn Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. At early morn I went away with cheerful heart to work the day.

56 Prescribe Proscribe

Recommend To officially forbid something

He also tried prescribing antibiotics which were not helpful. A number of organizations involved in terrorism have been proscribed under the Terrorism Act 2000.

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INTELLIGENCE QUESTIONS 1. What number is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 800?

2, 5, 8, 10, 40 Ans. 10

2. If a tree branch can hold three people and John weighs twice as much as Adam, and Rachel weighs half as much as Adam, then Rachel, John and Adam can all sit together on the tree branch safely.

True or False

Ans. True

3. By taking the second letter of each word from the following sentence, you can spell the word "thinking": "At the time, interesting Ukrainians visited Andy's igloo." True or False

Ans. True 4. If X is better than Y, and Z are worse than W, Z must be better than Y if Z are better than X.

True or False Ans. True

5. In a class 32% passed the senior school certificate examination in A+ grade and the remaining 34 boys got B+ grade. What was the total number who appeared in the examination?

Ans. 50

6. In a race from point X to point Y and back, Jack averages 30 miles per hour to point Y and 10 miles per hour back to point X. Sandy averages 20 miles per hour in both directions. If Jack and Sandy begin the race at the same time, who will finish first?



..They tie

..Impossible to tell Ans. They tie

7. Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school? 50, 75, 99, 100, 101

Ans. 99 8. Two girls caught 25 frogs. Lisa caught four times as many as Jen did. How many frogs did Jen catch?

4, 5, 8, 10, 15 Ans. 5 9. A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old will his

sister be?

16, 20, 24, 28, 32 Ans. 20

10. NASA received three messages in a strange language from a distant planet. The scientists studied the

messages and found that "Necor Buldon Slock" means "Danger Rocket Explosion" and "Edwan Mynor Necor" means "Danger Spaceship Fire" and "Buldon Gimilzor Gondor" means "Bad Gas Explosion". What does "Slock" mean?

Danger, Explosion, Nothing, Rocket, Gas Ans. Rocket

11. If you rearrange the letters "ANLDEGN," you would have the name of a(n):

Ocean, Country, State, City, Animal Ans. Country

12. 30 years ago it took a worker five hours to make a chair. Today it takes him just 30 minutes.

Man has become more industrious. People work faster in order to avoid unemployment. Chairs have a shorter life cycle. Workers have more spare time. Productivity has increased.

Ans. Man has become more industrious 13. 87 kg of potatoes are distributed in two boxes. One box weighs 11 kg less than the other one. How many

kilograms of potatoes does the lighter box contain?

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Ans. 38

14. How many 9's are there which are followed by 19.

919919991991991919199911191919999191919991919191919191919191919191999991919991919191919 Ans. 9

15. Which of two digits between 80 and 90 read the same when placed in an inverted position as in the right

position. Ans. 88

16. The first odd number is 1 , the second odd number is 3 ,the third odd number is 5 and so on. What is the 200th

odd number ? Ans:___399_____

17. If a motion picture camera can take 6 pictures in a quarter of a minute, how will it take in 10 seconds?

Ans:____4____ 18. Friday is to August as Sunday is to __October__. 19. What is that which you see once in a minute, twice in a week, but never in a day, nor even in a month....?

Ans. e

20. If 312*225=54, 127*407=110, then 125*232= 56

21. The white dot moves two places anti-clockwise at each stage and the black dot moves one place clockwise at each stage. After how many stages will they be together in the same corner?

Type the number here? 4

22. Draw the missing figure shape?

23. Which is the next number in the series? 18, 13, 9, 6, 4, ?

1, 2, 3, 4 Ans:- 3

24. Which is the next number in the series? 79, 1012, 1315, 1618, ?

1861, 1816, 1921, 2118 Ans:- 1921

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9, 10, 11, 12

26. Which is the odd one out?


27. If you were to add all odd numbers between 1 and 11 (both inclusive), the result would be

Even, Odd, Impossible to say Ans. Even

28. Which city is the odd one out? London, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid Ans. Frankfurt

29. Which is the odd one out? Hockey, Exercise, Tennis, Football Ans. Exercise

30. If you divide 30 by 1/2 and then add 10 what do you have?

35, 70, 50, 90 Ans. 70

31. Frank is taller than John. Ralph is taller than Frank. Therefore, John is the shortest boy. Yes, No Ans. Yes

32. Complete the following series? 3-F-9-L-__15____

33. Pick the odd one out? i) Cat-Dog-Hamster-Pig

Ans. Hamster ii) Car-Bicycle-Motorcycle-Van Ans. Bicycle iii) Dollar-Lira-Quarter-Euro Ans. Quarter iv) Blue-Purple-Red-Yellow


v) Flower-Lily-Rose-Tulip Ans. Flower

34. Which number should come next in the series? 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 – 13- ?

8, 13, 21, 26, 31, Ans. 21

35. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? PEACH is to HCAEP as 46251 is to:? 25641, 26451, 12654, 51462, 15264

Ans. 15264

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36. Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series? 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 14 - 15 - 30

3, 7, 8, 15, 30

Ans. 8 37. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? Finger is to Hand as Leaf is to: Twig, Tree, Branch, Blossom, Bark

Ans. Branch 38. If you rearrange the letters "CIFAIPC" you would have the name of a(n): City, Animal, Ocean, River, Country Ans. Ocean 39. Choose the number that is 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/5 of 200: 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 Ans. 5 40. Choose the word most similar to "Trustworthy": Resolute, Tenacity, Relevant, Reliable Ans. Reliable 41. Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series?

1 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 13 - 26 - 29 - 48 1, 5, 26, 29, 48 Ans. 48

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In almost all  the  tests of Banks / Govt Offices   / Private Companies,  this portion  is  included but  the most important  thing  is  that  the  use  of  CALCULATOR  is  prohibited.  Calculator  is  not  allowed  to  solve  these questions, therefore, these are required to be solved manually on a ruff paper / sheet and then to tick the desired answer. So , a lot of manual practice is required to solve these questions. 

1) When an electric iron is sold for Rs. 76, the gain is 52 %. The gain, when it is sold for Rs. 74, is

…………… percent? a) 50 B) 48 c) 46 d) 44

2) If each bag of tokens weighs 53/4 pounds, how many pounds do 3 bags weigh?

a) 161/2 b) 153/4 c) 71/4 D) 171/4 3) By giving a discount of 10% on the marked price Rs. 1,100 of a sofa set, dealer gains 10%. The cost

price of the sofa set is? a) Rs. 1000 b) Rs. 981 c) Rs. 891 D) RS. 900

4) Find the value of x if the average of 1.0, 0.8, 0.2 and x is exactly 0.6?

A) 0.4 b) 0.2 c) 2.4 d) 0.66 5) A man sold a pen for Rs. 13.20 to make a profit of 10 %. In order to earn a profit of 15%, he should

have sold it for? A) RS. 13.80 b) Rs. 13.86 c) Rs. 13.58 d) Rs. 13.78

6) A man spent 15/16 of his entire fortune in buying a car for Rs. 7500. How much money did he

possess? a) Rs. 6000 B) RS. 8000 c) Rs. 8500 d) Rs. 9000

7) A tank 30 cm by 20 cm by 10 cm is 1/5 full of water. How much water is in the tank?

a) 3000 cm3 b) 6000 cm3 C) 1200 CM3 d) 1000 cm3 8) During the first year, the population of a town increased by 4% and during the second year it

diminished by 4%. If at the end of second year, its population was 2496, in the beginning it was? a) 2550 b) 2600 c) 2400 D) 2500

9) A solution of 27 gallons of acid contains 9 gallons of pure acid. How much water, in gallons, should

be added to produce a 25% solution of this acid? A) 9 b) 18 c) 27 d) 25

10) At the rate of 2 for 5 paisa, how many envelopes can be purchased for 65 paisa?

a) 32 B) 26 c) 34 d) 30 11) 8 years from now Babar will be twice the age he was 6 years ago. What is his present age?

A) 20 b) 12 c) 26 d) 4 12) A man insures 80% of his property and pays a 21/2 premium amounting to Rs. 348. What is the total

value of his property? a) Rs. 19000 b) Rs. 18400 C) RS. 17400 d) Rs. 1800

13) A piece of food weighing 10 ounces is found to have a weight of 8 ounces after drying. The moisture

content was? a) 25% B) 20% c) 40% d) 15%

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14) If Nasir must have a mark of 80% to pass a test of 35 items, the number of items he may miss and still pass the test is? A) 7 b) 8 c) 12 d) 26

15) How many miles does a car travel if it averages at the rate of 35 miles per hour for 3 hours and 24

minutes? a) 109 b) 110 c) 112 D) 119

16) The population of a town increases by 5% annually and its present population is 9261. The population

three years ago was? a) 9000 B) 8000 c) 9800 d) 8900

17) If 1200 men in a fort have provisions for 28 days. After 4 days, 300 men leave the fort. How long will

food last now? a) 30 days B) 32 DAYS c) 34 days d) 42 days

18) In an election, where there are only 2 candidates one who gets 43% of the votes is rejected by a

majority of 420 votes. The total number of votes polled is? a) 1920 b) 1720 c) 2100 D) 3000

19) If ?/28 = 63/? Then which of the following numbers replaces the question mark?

a) 14 b) 28 C) 42 d) 21 20) Simple interest on Rs. 400/- in 3 years at a rate of 5% p.a is:

a) Rs. 70 b) Rs. 80 C) RS. 60 d) Rs. 30 21) Asif and Zahid enter into a partnership. Asif contributes Rs. 4000 for 8 months and Zahid Rs. 6000 for

four months. Asif’s share in a total profit of Rs. 3500: a) Rs. 1500 B) RS. 2000 c) Rs. 2500 d) Rs. 2400

22) What is the average of 0.6, 6.6, 0.4, 2.4?

a) 2 b) 10 c) 1 D) 21/2 23) The regular price of a TV set that sold for Rs. 118.80 at a 20% reduction sale is: a) Rs. 158.40 B) RS. 148.50 c) Rs. 138.84 d) Rs. 98.04 24) 15 men can do a piece of work in 20 days, in how many days can 25 men finish the same work? A) 12 b) 15 c) 18 d) 20 25) Man bought shirt at a cost of 400 and sold it at Rs. 500, what is the % profit he earned?

a) 80 b) 30 C) 25 d) 45 26) 5 workers complete a work in 8 days, how many days require for 4 worker to complete the work?

a) 12 b) 9 c) 6 D) 10 27) Man bought a shirt at Rs. 24 and sold it at 30. For getting Rs. 1200 profit how many shirts he should

sell? a) Rs. 150 B) RS. 200 c) Rs. 250 d) Rs. 400

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Computer (M.S Office) (1) What is function of ‘Freeze Pan’ in M.S Excel?

Excel has a nice feature called Freeze Pane which allows us to keep information from scrolling off the screen when moving through a spreadsheet. Select the rows and columns which you want to freeze. Then Click “View” tab on the Menu bar and then click on “Freeze Pan”.

(2) How to put Organization Chart in M.S Office, 2007?

For Word, Excel & Power Point, method of Organization chart is same which is as under:- Insert Smart Art Hierarchy

(3) ‘INSERT’ tab in M.S Office 2007 can be used for which functions?

‘Insert’ tab can be used for a lot of functions but the most important are:- To insert 1) Table 2) Page Numbers 3) Page Break 4) Header & Footer 5) Text Box 6) Pictures 7) Clip Art 8) Word Art 9) Shapes 10) Charts 11) Date & Time 12) Symbol

(4) What are minimum numbers of Rows and Columns which can be inserted in M.S Word?

1 Row & 1 Column is the minimum requirement.

(5) When we insert an excel worksheet into a word document, then which one will be destination document? ‘Word’ will be the destination document and ‘Excel’ will be the source document.

(6) In Excel, formula always starts with which sign? = sign

(7) How many Rows are there in single work sheet? There are 65536 rows in single work sheet.

(8) How many Columns are there in single work sheet? There are 256 columns in single work sheet.

(9) How many cells are there in single work sheet 16777216 (65536 x 256)

(10) Bits, Bytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes (explanation) 4 bits = 1 Nibble 8 bits = 1 byte (B) 1024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte (KB) 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte (MB) 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte (GB) 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte (TB)

The smallest amount of transfer is one bit. It holds the value of a 1, or a 0 (Binary coding). Eight of these 1's and zero's are called a byte.

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(11) How to insert Excel Spreadsheet in M.S Word? Insert Table Excel Spreadsheet

(12) Write complete form of the following abbreviations used in Computer language?

URL Uniform Resource Locator ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit FTP File Transfer Protocol TCP Transmission Control Protocol ISP Internet Service Provider OLE Object Linking & Embedding RAM Random Access Memory LAN Local Area Network WAN Wide Area Network

Short Keys:

Ctrl + K Insert Hyperlink Ctrl + L Left Align Ctrl + M Left Indent Ctrl + N New Document Ctrl + O Open Document Ctrl + P Open Print Dialog box Ctrl + Q Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space) Ctrl + R Right Align Ctrl + S Save Document Ctrl + A Select All Ctrl + B Bold the selected text Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + D Font Dialog Box Ctrl + E Align Center Ctrl + F Open Find and Replace Dialog box Ctrl + G Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Go to Tab Ctrl + H Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab Ctrl + I Italic Ctrl + J Align Justify Ctrl + U Underline F7 Check Spelling

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