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FXB Center Update Issue: August 6, 2008

In this Issue:

1. Training 2. New Resources 3. In the News 4. In Focus: FXB Teen Center

The new FXB Center Mission Statement The François-Xavier Bagnoud Center is committed to improving the health of vulnerable women, children, youth and families – including those infected/affected by HIV – and to building capacity in the communities and systems that serve them. The Center provides culturally competent models of clinical care, education and consultation statewide, nationally and globally. 1. TRAINING IMPAACT Clinical Trials Training

In March, Mary Jo Hoyt conducted training for a new IMPAACT site in Botswana for IMPAACT research team members and the Community Advisory Board (CAB). Training for clinicians and investigators was heavily focused on tuberculosis in HIV-exposed and infected infants and children. For the CAB, the training included an overview of the CAB curriculum and role of the CAB within IMPAACT, presentations on clinical trials methodology, protocol review from the community perspective, informed consent and counseling, and interactive exercises and role plays. A total of 36 research team members and 12 CAB members participated in the training.

In April, Mary Jo coordinated and presented at the IMPAACT Site Leadership Training Program in Maryland. The program, for IMPAACT site leadership, aimed to offer appropriate, practical and relevant training to optimize site functioning and the highest quality implementation of IMPAACT protocols; provide an opportunity for training all site personnel to meet the regulatory standards and requirements in implementing clinical trials and skill development; allow an opportunity for site staff to interact, problem solve, share ideas, and form working relationships; and provide continuing education credit. The program was well attended by more than 300 investigators, nurses, pharmacists and data managers. Thanks to the FXB Center production team, every participant received a training binder. For more information on IMPAACT, please contact the FXB Center’s new IMPAACT Program Manager, Dr. James Ignas Koola, at 973-972-8110 or [email protected]. Capacity Building for the Health Training Institute (HTI) in Botswana The FXB Center has reached a milestone in its capacity-building initiative with the eight Institutes of Health Sciences (IHS) that comprise the HTI in Botswana. HTI trains the healthcare workforce for the country and the FXB Center faculty exchange program is collaborating with UMDNJ School of Nursing (SN) faculty to provide technical assistance to develop HIV/AIDS competencies for seven of the disciplines offered at the eight IHS campuses. In June 2008, Dr. Dula Pacquiao, Director of the SN Center for Multicultural Education, completed the facilitation of two additional HIV/AIDS competency workshops for Dental Therapy and Natural

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Sciences, and Pharmacy Technology and Environmental Sciences. General Nursing and Health Education program competencies were completed earlier this year. With these sessions, more than half of the targeted disciplines have identified HIV/AIDS competencies for their graduates and proposed the inclusion of this material in specific course plans for each of the three years of the training programs. The integration of HIV/AIDS competencies into the training programs for Botswana’s healthcare workforce has the potential to greatly enhance the quality of care and treatment provided to persons living with HIV/AIDS throughout the country. Study Tours Tanzania and Zanzibar PMTCT Units

In April, Melody Corry and Carli Rogosin accompanied 12 national and regional managers from the Tanzania and Zanzibar PMTCT Units of the Ministries of Health and Social Welfare to Gaborone, Botswana for a five-day study tour on best practices in PMTCT hosted by the Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care of the Botswana Ministry of Health. The FXB Center works with Botswana, Tanzania, and Zanzibar Ministries of Health to support capacity-building activities in PMTCT service provision. Having observed country priorities and strategies in implementing PMTCT program activities, the FXB Center facilitated this

learning exchange for the PMTCT programs with the goals of discussing transferable best practices at the management level through site visits and group discussions; developing understanding through direct clinical visits of day-to-day supervision and facility-level management in Botswana; and establishing sustainable linkages and continued exchange between sister PMTCT programs. Topics covered during the study tour included PMTCT program implementation, supervision at service delivery points, clinical links with pediatric HIV care and treatment, monitoring and evaluation. Please contact Melody Corry for more information, at [email protected] or 973-972-8479. Kenya

In May, the FXB Center hosted Esther Induswe and Laban Kibet, two clinicians from Kenya, for a study tour focused on preparing them to become PMTCT preceptors in their local regions. Esther Induswe is a Registered Nurse and Midwife from the Bungoma District Hospital located in the Western Province of Kenya. Laban Kibet is a Registered Community Health Nurse and head of a health dispensary in Lungalunga in the Coast Province of Kenya. The tour focused on enhancing their existing skills, their knowledge of reproductive health and infant feeding in the context of PMTCT, and their capacity to implement less familiar teaching methodologies. Both Esther and Laban directly observed and conducted teaching activities in clinical

settings at UMDNJ-Newark, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and Montefiore Hospital with experienced preceptors with strong teaching skills, and created a draft program plan for implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Special thanks to everyone who helped make their stay pleasant and informative. For more information on Kenya programs, please contact Rebecca Fry at [email protected] or 973-972-9225. Botswana The FXB Center has an intensive twinning partnership with the Botswana IHS campus in the capital city of Gaborone (IHS-G). The goal of this partnership is to offer technical and human resources that enhance the capacity of IHS faculty to provide state-of-the-art healthcare education that prepares healthcare workers to meet Botswana’s need for HIV prevention, treatment, and support services. In June 2008, two faculty members from IHS-G, Boitumelo Merafe-Oarabile and Yvonne Moatlhodi, visited the UMDNJ campus in Newark to collaborate with SN faculty members, Dr. Dula Pacquiao and Cruz Ortiz, to develop a Seminar Series on

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evidence-based practice that they will jointly teach to IHS-G faculty in October 2008. The October Seminar will be the second of three Seminar Series offered as part of the twinning partnership this year. Webcasts Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby: Routine and Rapid HIV Testing in Healthy Start On March 25, the HRSA Maternal Child Health Bureau, Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services sponsored a webcast entitled Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby: Routine and Rapid HIV Testing in Healthy Start. Presented by Elaine Gross, this webcast focused on factors influencing perinatal transmission, the role of Healthy Start in routine and rapid HIV testing, educating women about HIV testing/giving results, and HIV testing in the community. The session included role play and case discussions with audience participation. The webcast is available at Please contact Elaine Gross at [email protected] or 973-972-5324 for more information. Improving the Management of HIV Disease On May 13, the International AIDS Society-USA (IAS-USA), in collaboration with the AETC National Resource Center, hosted a live webcast — Improving the Management of HIV Disease: An Advanced CME Course in HIV Pathogenesis, Antiretrovirals, and Other Selected Issues in HIV Disease Management. This is the first time that the AETC NRC coordinated a full-day webcast offering continuing education credits. This course is available online at through May 2009. A maximum of 7.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits can be earned. For more information, please contact Supriya Modey at 973-972-5414 or [email protected]. Presentations 14th Annual Voices Conference — Defining Change Voices is a forum for consumers and providers to come together and discuss HIV care, treatment and pressing policy issues. Elaine Gross presented Before or In Between Babies: Preconception Care for HIV-Positive Women at the 14th Annual Voices Conference, sponsored by the AIDS Alliance and held in Arlington, VA from May 6– 19. This interactive workshop presented recommendations for care (family planning, care and treatment, etc.) and included a discussion session with women living with HIV on these issues as they have experienced them. For more information, please contact Elaine Gross at 973-972-5324 or [email protected].

From May 28-30 in New Orleans, more than 100 representatives of the federally-funded training centers (4TCs) gathered for the third biennial 4TC Collaboration Meeting. The work of the Curriculum Update Subgroup of the AETC Women’s Health and Wellness Workgroup was showcased as part of a plenary panel presentation entitled Key 4TC Accomplishments and Successes. Over a period of 13 months, this subgroup, which was coordinated by the AETC NRC and included representatives of the AETCs and Regional Training Centers for Family Planning (RTCs), updated a curriculum entitled HIV Screening and Women’s Health. The curriculum aims to promote early diagnosis and care of HIV by encouraging HIV screening of all clients in family planning clinics. The presentation highlighted the collaboration timeline and process for updating the curriculum, as well as lessons learned about the benefits of collaboration among the 4TCs. The presentation is available at For more information, please contact Jamie Steiger at 973-972-9646 or [email protected].

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Minority AIDS Initiative Provider Summit

On May 19, Veronica Jones exhibited AETC educational resources at the Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Provider Summit in Connecticut. Approximately 100 providers attended this day-long event sponsored by the New England AETC-HIV Education Consortium. The Summit served as "a call to action for clinical providers of color and providers serving HIV-positive people of color across New England." Morning plenary sessions focused on disparities in HIV/AIDS by race/ethnicity and specific perspectives on HIV in communities of color in Connecticut and Massachusetts. The afternoon included a networking lunch followed by breakout sessions on building capacity with HIV clinical providers and cultural competency. For more information, please contact Veronica Jones at 973-972-5589 or [email protected]. New England MAI programs and events are highlighted at

Virginia Allread represented the FXB Center at the annual HIV/AIDS PEPFAR Implementers’ Meeting, held this year in Kampala, Uganda from June 3–7. In addition to promoting the global identity of the FXB Center and participating in networking meetings, Virginia was invited to present a poster on Capacity Building: Supporting PMTCT and Pediatric HIV Program Sustainability Through a Centralized Website. The poster summarized the challenges faced by PMTCT and pediatric HIV care programs, and interventions and responses provided through the FXB Center website, The poster concluded that the steady growth in the number of visitors and bookmarks provides a clear indication of the site’s value to users as a cost-effective mechanism to disseminate up-to-date information and lessons learned. We would love to tell you that the poster was well received, but the truth is — thanks to the airlines — it was still lost luggage on the day of the poster presentation. So maybe the true lesson learned, for us at least, is the importance of flexibility when traveling, particularly internationally. For more information, please contact Virginia Allread at 973-972-9222 or [email protected]. 2. NEW RESOURCES

The Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Solomon Islands PMTCT Training Package Last fall, Virginia Allread and Pria Sarma traveled to the Fiji Islands to conduct a trainer orientation and pilot test of the first draft of the PMTCT Training Package for Fiji Islands, Vanuatu, Kiribati and the Solomon Islands. Virginia and Pria finalized the training package — which includes a Participant Manual, Trainer Manual and Presentation Booklet — in April 2008. This is the first adaptation of the updated Generic Training Package (GTP) — which incorporates lessons learned from the original GTP (2004) and the multiple adaptations of that document across the globe. The project was sponsored by UNICEF. For more information, please contact Pria Sarma at 973-972-8638 or [email protected].

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3. IN THE NEWS FXB Center Strategic Plan In January, the FXB Center initiated a strategic planning process to further develop the Center’s component of the School of Nursing strategic plan developed in 2007. The goals of this process were to reassess the Center’s Mission and Vision and to develop strategies and objectives to address the Mission and confirm the Vision. On June 10, at the FXB Center’s 5th Annual State of the Center meeting, the official strategic plan was distributed to all staff and overviews of the plan were provided by department managers. International Advisement Committee Interim School of Nursing Dean Susan Salmond has constituted an International Advisement Committee to work with the FXB Center on legal, fiscal and human resources issues for international programs. Included on this committee are representatives from UMDNJ legal management, finance, human resources, risk management and supply chain management. The committee has convened twice and has provided valuable advice on issues related to FXB Center activities in Botswana, Guyana and Tanzania. Committee members work with the FXB Center on an ad hoc basis as specific issues arise. Recently, legal management supported the FXB Center in its application for legal status to operate in Tanzania. FXB-Tanzania will open an office in Dar es Salaam in the near future and will hire a full-time employee to coordinate activities in country, under the direction of Melody Corry. Staff Updates James Ignas Koola, MD, MPH On June 30, Dr. James Ignas Koola joined the FXB Center as IMPAACT Program Manager. Dr. Koola received his MPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in May and has an MD degree from the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. He has worked as Research Medical Officer for Kemri/Wellcome Trust Research Unit in Kilifi, Kenya, where he provided clinical care to pediatric patients and enrolled clients in clinical research projects. Prior to this, he was an Intern Medical Doctor at the Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es Salaam, where he worked as an HIV clinician for half of his two-year tenure with the Hospital. Dr. Koola has served as an editor for McGill Journal of Medicine in Montreal, Canada, reviewing scientific manuscripts. He is fluent in Swahili. Mpho Mogodi, MBChB, MPH On July 23, Dr. Mpho Mogodi joined the FXB Center as Country Manager for the Botswana program. Dr. Mogodi received her MPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in May and has an MBChB degree from the University of Nairobi in Kenya. Dr. Mogodi has experience in HIV clinical management, clinical HIV research, public health policy and capacity building and was most recently the Medical Officer for Care and Treatment with the CDC in Botswana. Prior to that, she served as Public Health Practitioner with the Botswana Ministry of Health. As Country Manager, Dr. Mogodi is based in Gaborone and collaborates closely with our partners in Botswana to ensure the timely, high quality completion of the FXB Center's workplan activities. She is fluent in Setswana. In September, Dr. Mogodi will be at the FXB Center in Newark for several weeks of orientation. Julia Torres On May 5, Julia Torres joined the Child Health Program as Staff Assistant. She provides administrative support services to CHP and assists in the planning of program activities. Prior to joining the FXB Center, Julia worked in the UMDNJ Compensation/Labor Relations Department. Andrea Lambert, MD Dr. Andrea Lambert joined the FXB Center on March 17 as FXB-Guyana Director of Care and Treatment. Dr. Lambert works closely with the FXB-Guyana Chief of Party to manage clinical activities. She joins us from Kings County Medical Center and the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn, where she served as a clinician and clinical instructor. Dr. Lambert also worked with the Ryan White program at South Brooklyn Medical Center as an HIV Specialist in internal medicine and pediatrics. She received her MD degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and certified in HIV care.

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Chelsea Gilts On July 14, Chelsea Gilts joined the National Resource Center team as Staff Assistant. Chelsea graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX in May with a BA in psychology and religion with honors. She held several research assistant positions while at Trinity and was a peer tutor for statistics and measurements classes. Jesse Zatloff Jesse joined the FXB Center on May 27 as a summer volunteer. He enters his senior year at Rutgers University in the fall, majoring in Women’s and Gender Studies, and South Asian Studies. Jesse has studied Indian Literature, Indian Economics, and Political Theory at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University-Delhi, India. At the FXB Center, Jesse is working on the Title IV self-care needs assessment survey of women in the Newark area, the WHO PMTCT Inventory, and the South African PMTCT Training Package. Monique Valentine Sadly for us, Monique Valentine has accepted another position at UMDNJ. Her last day was July 29. Monique is now Manager of Primary Care Loan Redemption in the Primary Care Loan Redemption Program Department. She’ll be in ADMC-1 and although we’ll miss her, she’ll be close by! For more information about this program at UMDNJ, please visit Katrina Wooden We are also sad to announce that Katrina Wooden has resigned from UMDNJ and the FXB Center Health Care Connections group effective August 1. Unfortunately, Katrina won’t be close by — she’s moving to Virginia with her family. We wish Katrina the best and will miss her. Funding For the second year in a row, the FXB Center has received funding from the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) to support This funding enables the FXB Center to continue to provide online resources on the prevention and treatment of HIV infection in women and children, targeted at health workers, program managers, and policy makers in resource-limited settings. Visit for more information.

ICAP–South Africa The Columbia University International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) recently awarded a subcontract to the FXB Center to develop materials for pediatric HIV care and treatment training to support indigenous capacity building in South Africa. The goal of the program is to support country teams to enhance and develop technical and practical skills to successfully initiate and implement comprehensive pediatric HIV services. Program objectives are to train healthcare professionals in all aspects of pediatric HIV care and treatment using a comprehensive family-focused model of care and to transfer key pediatric HIV care and treatment knowledge and skills to visiting teams. For more information, please contact Mary Jo Hoyt at [email protected] or 973-972-9230. CDC–South Africa The FXB Center has received funding from CDC–South Africa to provide technical assistance on updating South Africa’s PMTCT training manual and adapting their Testing and Counselling for PMTCT Support Tools. Both products support the rollout of PMTCT services in South Africa through development of a comprehensive, user-friendly curriculum and a set of flipcharts for use in antenatal care to support HIV-related pre- and post-test information and counselling. The team expects to pilot test the flipcharts and PMTCT Training Manual in the early fall 2008. For more information, please contact Pria Sarma at 973-972-8638 or [email protected], or Virginia Allread at 973-972-9222 or [email protected].

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4. IN FOCUS: FXB Teen Center

On May 22, the FXB Center celebrated the grand opening of the Teen Center, located in the FXB Center Clinic. Darlene L. Cox, MS, RN, President & CEO of University Hospital, Susan W. Salmond, EdD, RN, Interim Dean of the School of Nursing, and Mario DiNatale, Co-Founder and Trustee of the Alicia Rose “Victorious” Foundation, officiated at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The Teen Center is funded through the generous support of the Alicia Rose “Victorious” Foundation, whose goal is to support a teen center in every pediatric hospital in the U.S. The new center is equipped with a large plasma television, DVD and CD players, and computers with internet access and video arcade games.

The Teen Center seeks to provide a common space for teens and young adults to meet and spend time together. The space will be used to promote the formation and strengthening of relationships between teens and young adults and seeks to enhance the overall health and wellbeing of all participants. The Teen Center will serve as a venue to foster personal growth and development in areas such as schoolwork, college applications, job applications and life skills development. Peter Oates and Heather Rudolph were instrumental in developing the plans for the Teen Center and ensuring these plans were realized. Please contact Peter Oates for more information at [email protected] or 973-972-4150. Please contact Cathy Dale at [email protected] with any changes or items for the next update, scheduled for October.
