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Friday 4 December 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am delighted to report to you that the external analysis of our exam results is now in, and it makes extremely positive

reading. Each school receives a value added score based on the progress that their students make from Key Stage 2

to the end of Key Stage Four. The average score for schools is 1000 and our score for this year is 1034, which is

regarded as statistically significant and the Fischer Family Trust, who also provides an analysis of our results, has placed

us in the top 6% of schools in the country. For context, our score last year was 1027, which placed us in the top 100

non-selective state schools in the country and in the top 13% for our results. This year in English, Maths, Science and

in the Ebacc subjects we have also been graded in ‘green’ which again indicates that the progress in those subjects is

significantly higher than the national average. It is worthy of note that our English results place us in the top 2% of

schools. Every member of the school community should be very proud of these excellent outcomes, which are

underpinned by tremendous endeavour by staff, students and parents. These external validations are very pleasing

indeed, but we strive to be even better and know that there are several areas which we need to address to ensure we

continue to improve and enhance the daily experience of our students, which in turn will ensure they all leave

Rosebery with the opportunity to fulfil their dreams.

Fatigue tends to set in at this stage of this very long term, and therefore it has been even more impressive to witness

the efforts of the staff and students involved in our fantastic Christmas concert at the Playhouse on Thursday. I was

extremely proud of the over 140 talented youngsters who gave such joyous, moving and uplifting performances! Our

Year 10s have prepared extremely hard for their French and Spanish controlled assessment this week; Year 9s have

attended the Surrey Skills Fair; and staff and students have once again organised a number of charity events from cake

sales, to obstacle courses, to Dodgeball games for Winston’s Wish and Movember.

Communicating between parents and staff

I know that communication is a source of frustration for some parents and we have tried to ease this by providing the

email address of every teacher in the school so you can contact them directly, something that lots of schools do not

provide. Email is a very direct but impersonal form of communication and, in my experience, can lead some to write

in a tone in which they would never actually speak to someone. There is also a perception that an email can be

responded to immediately. Even with the best intentions, if a member of staff has a 5 period teaching day, a revision

session at lunchtime, followed by training after school, there is simply no opportunity for them to review and respond

to their emails straight away. Equally, an email sent late at night will not elicit an immediate response the next

morning, as again staff are caught up in lessons activities from the moment they come into school. Finally, there is a

temptation to cc an email to several members of staff who might have an interest in the issue being communicated.

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Can I make a plea that any email is only sent to those staff for whom it is directly relevant; it is then much more likely

that the right person will respond in a timely way. It would also be very helpful if the ethos expressed in The Rosebery

Way could be adhered to; we are working hard to make sure that all members of our community, including staff and

students, communicate with each other respectfully and constructively at all times. As ever, I am always willing and

ready to receive any concerns and continue to work with staff to ensure that you do receive appropriate, helpful and

timely responses. Thank you for your support with this issue.

Thank you

Finally, this week a huge thank you to all of you who attended the Christmas Fair last Friday. Your

contributions are invaluable to the school and I am hugely grateful to Mrs Blake and her wonderful

PSA team for all they did until the small hours to create such a great event. Special thanks must

go to Mrs Waters for whom this will be her last Fair and who has worked tirelessly for the school

in a variety of ways, but particularly on the Fair and is therefore responsible for raising thousands

of pounds for Rosebery which has benefited hundreds of students.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ros Allen @RoseberyHT


Dates for your Diary (subject to alteration)

Wednesday 9 DECEMBER Years 12 and 13 Physics in Action Trip

Monday 7 to Tuesday 15 Year 11 Written Mocks

Thursday 10 Year 12 Parents’ Evening 4.30-7.30pm

Dates for your Diary Page 2

Headteacher Commendations Page 3

Senior Maths Team Challenge and Student Kickboxing Success Page 4

Singing Success and Year 7 Helping Hands Page 5

Film Media Academy Showcase (flyer on page 15) Page 6

Letter from our PSA Page 7

Examinations Page 8

Rosebery DT visit to Harry Potter’s World Page 9

PSA News Page 10

Christmas Carol Service and Mr Chris Grayling’s Visit Page 11

Adverts Pages 12 - 15

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Tuesday 15 Year 13 Theatre Studies exams and evening


Prize Giving Sixth Form/ex students

Wednesday 16 Christmas Carol Service at Christ Church 6.30pm

Thursday 17 Years 7 to 10 Reports issued

Friday 18 End of Term Early closure

Tuesday 5 JANUARY 2016 INSET

Students return on Wednesday 6 January

Staff only

Headteacher Commendations

It is a pleasure to see so many nominated this week; many congratulations to them all!


It was a pleasure to meet with the swimmers who gave up their time a couple of weekends ago to swim lengths to

raise a great deal of money for the Rotary, Children in Need and the Juvenile Diabetes Trust.

Year 7- Miss Lowe has nominated Nikcheya Kuganesan in 7RX for her incredible efforts to sell our charity Christmas decorations and Elena Belisario 7SX, Zoe Davies 7RX and Marissa Malcolmson 7RX for their efforts at the Christmas fair. Mr O’Reilly has nominated Niamh Collins and Charlie Compton in 7DY for their enthusiasm and contribution in form time. Mrs Hartridge has nominated Aba Mensah, Ophelia Cornell, Poppy Imms, Leyah Stone, Rebecca Gibbs, Megan Cole, Freya Mayo and Emma Fisher, all in 7SY, for their excellent effort and presentation of sketchbooks.

Year 8 - Mrs Hanly has nominated Ellie Mannering 8RY and Miranda Pratt 8DY, who have created inspiring designs in Textiles, and Mrs Little has nominated Jess Winder and Anne Howlett of 8EY for helping to choose the books for the Library Book Sale at the PSA Christmas Fair. They put together a selection of good quality books that filled 9 boxes. Year 10 - Mrs Hanly has nominated Grace Barnes, Beth Sheehan and Ellie Sloan from 10RY, who have been dedicated peer supporters visiting 7RY every Friday registration this term, always with a smile, lots of ideas and endless patience. Mrs Boddy has nominated Katie Evans 10SX for her fantastic attitude to learning. She has made excellent progress this week and deserves real congratulations for her effort which, if she continues, will secure her a higher grade. Miss Scarff has nominated Hannah Fisher 10SX, Anwen Evans 10EX and Jorden Sundborg 10EX for all having a positive change of attitude in Maths and a good attitude to learning. Miss Gatt has nominated Casper Richards in 10EY for his fantastic assessment and insightful class contributions in English and Janaka Viyakesparan in 10SX for her consistent efforts in English, particularly in her most recent assessment. Mrs South has nominated Nia Thomas, Anna Elphick, Mae Evans, Ellie Sharp, all in 10EY, and Jan Brondo, Natalia Chemaitelli, Leana Greenstein, Lola Forsyth, Lorna Kennedy, Maddie Saunders, Freya Hawken and Kesiya Johny, all in 10DY, for their brilliant assembly on their discovery space balloon, which sparked so much interest among all the students that heard it. Year 11 - Mrs Boddy has nominated Bethany Bell 11SY for her superb independent revision in Maths. She is giving herself the best chance of doing well in her exams. Mr Celine has nominated Georgi Mumford 11DY and Serenah Oliver 11DY for their excellent attitude and independent motivation for Mathematics in the lead up to the mocks.

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Mr Styles has nominated Ellie Freeman 11EX for her outstanding homework completed in English this week and Mrs Tyler has nominated Freya Martin 11DX, who attended a Surrey Heads of English conference this week to recite a poem and be interviewed by the regional coordinator for the Poetry by Heart competition. Freya is a brilliant ambassador for Rosebery and for the competition in the county. Sixth Form - Mr Waight has nominated Tara Campbell 12B, Emily Davies 12E, Liuba Fisher 12A, Alex Harris 12B, Lucy Haustead 12D, Lorelin Howie 12A, Alexa Morgan 12D, Amber O’Neill 12B, Mary Prescott 12B and Millie Sancroft 12E for always been energetic and enthusiastic about Drama, making each lesson a pleasure to teach. Mrs Little would also like to commend Gaby Mayle 12B and Samantha Baker 12D for organising and helping on the book table at the Christmas Fair.

Senior Maths Team Challenge Competition

Congratulations to our Sixth Form students who took part in the Senior Maths Team Challenge Competition at Epsom College on Monday 23 November. Katherine Shepherd, Ellen Michael, (pictured) Morgan Morrison and Abigail Muller, accompanied by Miss Bailey, represented Rosebery in this tough competition testing mathematical, communication and teamwork skills. Our team did extremely well coming in the top 10 out of 18 local schools and colleges who took part.

Well done!

Poppy’s Kickboxing Success

Poppy Giles 7RX has finished her competition year and certainly finished on a high this weekend!! Over the last two weeks she has won 4 golds, 1 bronze and 2 grand championships in her kickboxing. This brings her total to 8 medals and means she is British Champion this year as in her category she is top in the country. Congratulations on your amazing achievements and mature attitude towards training from Miss Elwell and 7RX.

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Lauren Roberts’ Singing Success

Lauren Roberts 8SY has taken part in various singing auditions during the last four months and has been involved in a singing completion called OpenMic UK, which is a national competition introducing new singing talent in the UK. Around 20,000 people apply for this competition and Lauren got through the audition rounds and won the Regional Final back in September.

Last weekend was the Area Final and, whilst she didn't win, she was one of five singers who have been asked to meet with a top talent management company called Chart

Music/Future Productions in the next couple of weeks. All very exciting for her! She has been supported by a lovely group of Rosebery friends all the way through the competition rounds, which was really kind as they had to travel to Essex and Heathrow for the Regional and Area Finals. Very well done, Lauren!

Year 7 Helping Hands

A huge congratulations and many thanks to the Year 7 Helping Hands group who made and sold the most beautiful Christmas decorations at the school fair.

We raised £130.76 for Age Concern Epsom, our Year 7 charity.

Special thanks to Nikcheya, Elena, Marissa and Zoe who were a fantastic help on the night and to Abijah and Reeja who sold decorations in school. Also to our fantastic prefects, Rosie, Farhath and Selin, who were a great help! Let’s get thinking about what we can do in the New Year! Ms H Lowe

Head of Year 7


An additional INSET DAY has been granted for

Tuesday 5 January 2016

ALL Students will return to school on

Wednesday 6 January 2016

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Another exciting term has just finished at FilmMediaAcademy

(our film making after school club), where a large group of

students from Years 7 to 11 astounded and amazed us once

again with their level of creative ability. We worked with an

eclectic group of singers, musicians, actors, directors,

creatives, artists and photographers, all developing their

talents to create short movies and music videos, which they

got to keep on DVD with covers designed by themselves.

The term ended with a packed ‘showcase’ for parents and

students; everyone enjoyed watching all the movies and music

projects on a big screen and were awarded certificates of

accomplishment, and coupled with the popcorn on offer, the

event was a great success!

During the term, the students were given the opportunity to visit The

Farm Group in London, a TV production company, where they got to see

post production at its best. They met BAFTA winning audio editor Nick

Fry who introduced them to several editing studios where they met David

Walliams’ Director, who told stories from the set of his new film and got

to see how popular programmes like Downton Abby and the X Factor

were edited. This would not have been possible without Nick and

Johanna Fry and we would like to thank them enormously.

We are very proud of all the students who took part this term and look forward to working with them again in the

New Year, until then, we wish them all a very Happy Christmas!

Next term will start on 12 January 2016 and will include

a visit from a top TV editor! If your daughter is

interested in joining our family of film makers, please

email: [email protected] or look out for

our poster at the bottom of this newsletter.

Linda and Marcus, Directors

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A letter from Susan Blake, Chair of PSA

Dear Parent Helpers, PSA, Staff, Governors, 6th formers and visitors to the fair!

I would like to extend my deepest thanks to you all for coming along and making the Rosebery Christmas

Fair such a fantastic event.

The 6th formers and Head Girls were fantastic (one even used her maths brain to work out the odds

on the chocolate tombola!!). I would like to thank Mrs Evans, Mrs Saul and Mrs Little for solving every

little issue that I put their way and for being such a great help with the 6th formers. I would also like

to thank our wonderful Santa and his three Elves for bringing a little bit of the North Pole to Epsom.

Without the continued hard work of the PSA Committee, there would not have been a fair, so thank

you all for your support from providing advertising, raffle, identifying sponsors, running the treasury,

100 club, to shopping and baking and putting on refreshments.

An extra special thank you must go to Debbie Waters, who works all year to source prizes, divide and

beautify mufti donations and keep on top of the PSA Shed of Wonder (which is no easy task). Debbie

will be leaving at the end of this academic year after an amazing five years – we will all miss her.

We haven’t got a final figure for funds raised yet but we think it is around £6000!

The next PSA meeting is Tuesday 8th December 7-9pm in the Staff Room, where we will be discussing

the Christmas Fair, what went well and what could be improved. You are all welcome to attend any of

our PSA meetings and I would love to have your feedback on the fair so that we can keep improving our


Thanks again to everyone involved.

Best wishes

Susan Blake, Rosebery PSA Chair

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Examinations Year 11 Mock Examinations Year 11 Mock Examinations begin on Monday 7 December through to Tuesday 15 December. A copy of the Exam

Timetable can be found on the Exam page of the school website, or click the link here:

All students should have a copy of their individual exam timetable; if you require another copy please come to the

Exams Office.

Students are reminded to check the Examinations Notice Board outside the Staff Room on a daily basis for the room

and seat number of their exam.

Year 13 Mock Examinations

Year 13 Mock Examinations will be taking place on Wednesday 6 January to Tuesday 12 January. Individual Mock

Examination timetables were given out to students via their Form Tutor this week. Students should check the entries

carefully and to raise any queries with the Examinations Office by Monday 14 December. A copy of the Mock Exam

Timetable can be found on the Exam page of the school website, or click the link here:

Students are reminded to check the Examinations Notice Board outside the Staffroom on a daily basis for the room

and seat number of their exam.

Summer 2016 Resit Requests

The deadline date for the return of exam retake forms for any student wishing to resit an exam in summer 2016 is

Friday 11 December. Students are reminded to pay for this service via ParentPay and to hand a copy of the receipt

along with the retake form to the Exams Office. Mr Carter, Head of Sixth Form must sign the form before it is handed

to Exam Office staff.

Summer 2016 Examination Timetable

The summer 2016 Examination Timetable has now been finalised. You can find a copy on the Exam page of the school website, or click the link here: Summer 2016 Examination Results

GCE exam results will be available for students to collect on Thursday 18 August 2016 and GCSEs on

Thursday 25 August 2016. Please be aware that results cannot be emailed to students so you must be available to

collect them or nominate someone over the age of 18 to collect them on your behalf. Alternatively, you can have

them posted home.

If you have any queries you would like to raise with the Exams Office please email: [email protected]. Thank you. Mrs C Webb

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Rosebery Design & Technology “muggles” take a magical trip to

Warner Brothers Studios and the wizarding world of Harry Potter…

The past two weeks have been very exciting in DT as we have seen our GCSE and A Level

students, from both Textiles and Food Technology, visit the Making of Harry Potter exhibit,

at Warner Bros. Studios. With the Christmas decorations out in full force, it was certainly


Whilst both parties marvelled at the wealth of costumes, props, sets and artwork on display, all were amazed at the

range of Design and Tech linked careers and opportunities that the film and media industry can provide… and, as the

course tutors reiterated time and time again, our students with their qualifications in Design and Technology, are in

demand. Since the film and media industry is the UK’s fastest growing industry, that was good to hear!

Our Textiles ladies took part in two workshops, where they not only got to handle actual costumes from the Harry

Potter films but also to explore the complete design process, including understanding the idea of costume creation

and story-telling, and the physical process behind costume distressing. It has offered our students a host of new

techniques to use and opened up their minds to a wide range of careers. Huge thanks to Anne Lean, Education and

Learning Officer at Warner Bros., for providing such fantastic workshops, and to our Textiles students for their

enthusiasm, maturity and impeccable behaviour.

Over to Food Tech and, whilst students were able to research and analyse the vast range of food products for sale in

the two Warner Bros. cafes, they also took advantage of a real privilege by meeting and taking part in a workshop led

by both the Head of Catering and the Head of Hospitality at the organisation. Helen and Martin spoke of their differing

routes into their respective industries, the experiences they have had, and the challenges they face on a daily basis,

running a facility that can cater for up to 2500 people at a time! Their knowledge was invaluable to our students and

we were extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to meet them – in fact, the Food Tech workshop was the first at

Warner Bros… something of a coup for Rosebery! Thanks to both Helen and Martin for their time and to our students

for taking part with such interest. Your behaviour was commended by the staff at Warner Bros, so very well done.

All round an extremely positive DT visit that we certainly hope to repeat in the future…

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On Friday 27 November, our local Conservative MP, Chris Grayling, gave up his time and paid us a visit to talk about

some topical issues to both the law and the politics classes. We were

given the opportunity to ask questions on anything that we wished

and, although he answered some of the questions like a true MP, he

was diplomatic with many of his other responses, and he did engage

in open conversation with all of us about the questions that we were

asking. A range of questions were raised about international relations,

in light of recent events, such as Syria and what his stance was on the

issue and whether we should conduct air strikes or not, and also the

refugee crisis. Local issues about the Oyster zone were discussed and

resolved by him promising to chase this up, as it was something that

he planned to do in the run up to the local election. The LGBTQ+ community also raised some issues about

discrimination as it is still present in today’s society and, although he tried to respond to the question, they felt that

he didn’t fully engage with the issue at hand.

The 5% charge on tampons and sanitary items was also mentioned as an important issue affecting women today, as it

has been highly discussed in Parliament as well as the media and he provided us some clarity on the issue. Highly

discussed affairs such as the tampon tax, also led onto further queries about matters such as the EU referendum,

which will be taking place in 2017.

Mr Grayling was happy to talk openly about this and provided us with some information that helped some of us gain

a further understanding of what the referendum was about. The Law class posed the question about the Human

Rights Act and the reasons as to why he wanted to scrap it. He reasoned with us and explained why he would rather

replace something that perhaps was not so relevant to us today, with a more fitting and appropriate document.

Mr Grayling then talked to us candidly about how he became an MP. This gave us a real insight into the world of

politics – this was advantageous for many, as some may be considering a career in politics, however it was also highly


We would like to thank Chris Grayling for being so open about answering our questions and for giving up his time on

Friday. We found it extremely useful to gain an understanding of the political world from someone so highly regarded

within it.

Written by Law and Politics student

Wednesday 16 December – Christ Church, Epsom Common

6.30 pm

ALL are warmly invited to join with the Rosebery choirs and musicians, Synergy students and Staff Fellowship in reflecting on the message of Christmas.

We will be gathering at Christ Church, Epsom Common, Christ Church Road, Epsom KT19 8NE. Carol Service with readings and community singing. We look forward to welcoming you there!

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