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Page 1: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test called?Cooper’s 12 minute run

2. What component of fitness was being tested?Cardiovascular Endurance

3. What was your score?36 laps (2520m)

4. How does this compare against national averagesMy score for this fitness testing was average.

5. How do you actually do the test?There will be four cones set in a rectangle shape; you will start on one of the cones. When told to you will start to run round the whole circuit (around the outside of each cone) you have set up. You will run the circuit at high intensity for 12 minutes, keeping in mind how many laps you have done.

6. Is there any equipment you needCones, whistle, stop watch, 400m track or a decent size sports hall and also measuring equipment.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? i.e. what works well and how could the test go wrong.Advantage: Great way to test how far you can run within 12 minutes + its simple to set up and runDisadvantage: You may have to run two separate tests if you have a large quantity of people + you need to have enough space so it prevents barging and tripping. E.g. a 400m track or a sports hall

Fitness Testing

Page 2: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test calledThe 35 metre sprint

2. What component of fitness was being testedSpeed

3. What was your score4.44 seconds

4. How does this compare against national averagesMy score compared to national averages is excellent

5. How do you actually do the testYou measure 35 metres indoors/outdoors then you put 2 cones and each end, making sure they’re spread evenly apart. You then start at one end and when you are told so, sprint your fastest to the other end, you will then be given a time.

6. Is there any equipment you needCones, measuring equipment, nonslip floor (not necessary if participating outdoors) whistle and a stopwatch.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? i.e. what works well and how could the test go wrongAdvantages: Quick and easy to set up + if you have a large group you can get the test done for each person in good timing. Disadvantages: You cannot be accurate when stopping the stopwatch so score won’t be 100% accurate (as it’s a human error) + people may not try their best.

Page 3: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test calledIllinois Agility

2. What component of fitness was being testedAgility

3. What was your score19 seconds

4. How does this compare against national averagesMy score for this is below average

5. How do you actually do the testThe picture on the right shows the Illinois agility circuit. You will need to arrange the cones in this pattern and most importantly the correct distance. You will start laying face down on your stomach to someone says ‘GO’ once that has happened you will run your fasted to the cone at the end then back to the cone NEAR where you start, then run in and out of the middle cones the repeat the same exercise on the way back, then again sprint to the end of the other cone and back, then you’ve finished!

6. Is there any equipment you needCones, measuring equipment, whistle, nonslip floor and a stopwatch.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? i.e. what works well and how could the test go wrongAdvantages: An easy a simple test to set up and run + fun and entertaining way to test your agility.Disadvantages: May not have the correct measuring equipment + it can take some time to complete if you have many people.

Page 4: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test calledSit and Reach Test.

2. What component of fitness was being testedFlexibility

3. What was your score25

4. How does this compare against national averagesMy score is excellent compared to national averages.

5. How do you actually do the testYou need to get 2 boxes, one big and one small to put your feet against and another to push. You then put the big box on the floor and the other small one on top of it, next to the box on top put a ruler there, before starting make sure the boxes are inline and not out of place. Then sit down with you legs together and completely flat on the ground. You will then try attempting to push the top box your furthest without bending your legs. Once you pushed your furthest you then stop and see which score you have, the scores are calculated in centimetres.

6. Is there any equipment you needOne big + one small box and a ruler

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? i.e. what works well and how could the test go wrongAdvantages: Don’t need much equipment, should be easy to find 2 boxes and a ruler + easy and simple to set up and run.

Disadvantage: People may not stretch their furthest (not fully participating) + injuries may occur for over stretching and not properly warming up.

Page 5: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test called

Ruler Drop Test

2. What component of fitness was being tested

Reaction Time

3. What was your score


4. How does this compare against national averages

Above Average

5. How do you actually do the test

You get a ruler and hold it in-between the thumb of the participant, make sure you have the 50cm section lined up correctly to their thumb. Then when told so you will let go of the ruler and see how long it takes for the participant to react and stop the ruler from falling. So for example, the participant caught it on 62cm, which means he caught it in the space of 12 cm, so 12cm is his/her score. It’s that simple.

6. Is there any equipment you need


7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? I.e. what works well and how the test could go wrong.

Advantages: you cannot cheat, its one of the fairest test’s and you only need a ruler to do the test, not other equipment is needed

Disadvantages: the person holding the ruler can make it obvious when he/she is going to drop it, making the participants score amazing. Also they might get the measurements wrong.

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test called

Grip Dynamometer

2. What component of fitness was being tested


3. What was your score


4. How does this compare against national averages

My score is excellent compared to national averages.

5. How do you actually do the test

You put either your left or right hand in the hold of the dynamometer, then you raise it above you head (not pressing anything) and then when your ready press the dynamometer you hardest whilst slowly lowering you arm. But don’t try to press it more than twice.

6. Is there any equipment you need


7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? I.e. what works well and how the test could go wrong.

Advantages: Easiest way to test your strength, only need one piece of equipment and the exercise can be finished in seconds.

Disadvantages: People try to press it more than once and they might no try their best. They could get the measurement markings wrong, giving a more better/worse score.

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test called

Hand Wall Ball

2. What component of fitness was being tested


3. What was your score


4. How does this compare against national averages

My score compared to nation averages comes under ‘high score’ which means excellent.

5. How do you actually do the test

You need to get a tennis ball, stopwatch, assistant and a hard flat wall. Firstly you need to stand an appropriate distance away from the wall, when the assistant says ‘go’ you will throw the ball either over arm or under arm at the wall, making sure you catch it each time. But make sure you catch it with each hand when it hits the wall. As soon as you drop the ball the test ends and you take your finally score, but if you don’t drop it you get 30 for the exercise.

6. Is there any equipment you need

Tennis ball, stopwatch, hard flat wall and an assistant.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? I.e. what works well and how the test could go wrong.

Advantages: Assistant can be un-accurate when stopping the stopwatch as it’s a human error, it’s a fun test and it’s suitable for everyone.

Disadvantages: people may not be that good at catching with their weak hand and they might loose count.

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test called

Stork Blind Test

2. What component of fitness was being tested


3. What was your score

12 seconds

4. How does this compare against national averages

I have 2 points when is comes to national averages, I am unsure what that means, most likely not very well.

5. How do you actually do the test

Basically, you stand on one leg (left or right) and you bring the other foot up so it is resting on you knee (make sure you foot is laying flat on the side of your knee) and when the assistant says go you will try see how long your keep your balance for. Once you’ve lost you balance and put the other foot on the ground, the test ends.

6. Is there any equipment you need

Stopwatch and an assistant.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? I.e. what works well and how the test could go wrong.

Advantage: You only need a stopwatch, easy and simple test.

Disadvantage: People may not have great balance due to their eyes being closed. The score wouldn’t bee accurate due to the human error.

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. What is the test calledStanding Broad Jump

2. What component of fitness was being testedPower

3. What was your score

4. How does this compare against national averages

5. How do you actually do the testYou stand with two feet together at the start on the pit, then when your ready you will do one massive jump your furthest (one jump only!) and then the assistant will take your score.

6. Is there any equipment you needLong Jump pit, 30 metre tape measure and an Assistant

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the test? I.e. what works well and how the test could go wrong.

Advantages: Easy to set up and run and also a fun exercise

Disadvantages: People may not try their best as its standing still and there might not be any measuring equipment available for that type of distance.

Test Component of fitness being tested

How was the test carried out My Score Comparison against normative data

BMI Test Body composition

Online BMI calculator 24.8 My BMI is average (Healthy Weight)

Resting HR test

Overall Cardio Vascular Endurance Fitness

Lying on back, find pulse on your neck or wrist and count the beats for one minute.

58 BPM My resting hear rate is classed as ‘excellent’

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma


1. What is VO2 MAX?VO2 max is how much oxygen an athlete can inhale during exercise. The oxygen is measured in millilitres used in one minute per kilogram of body weight.

2. How is a VO2 max test conducted on a treadmill?This test is carried out in a laboratory as the equipment is very expensive. You will have to wear a face mask and also a heart monitor. The mask is fitted around you mouth and collects the oxygen you are breathing out. The treadmill will increase in intensity making you gasp for more and more oxygen.

Field based vs. Lab based tests

Field Based


Easy to set up and run It can be finished in seconds/minutes Easy to get hold of equipment Certain tests can be completed near enough everywhere


Human errors, so its not 100% accurate Don’t have all the equipment to complete the tests People might not try their best Might not have the facilities to carry out specific tests.

Laboratory Based


More accurate Scientifically proven State of the art equipment


Expensive Time consuming Uncomfortable May not push yourself

Page 11: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

1. State a test that is easy to set up and one that was not easy to set up and run? Explain why?The ruler drop test was by far the easiest test to set up. All you need is a ruler and an assistant to drop the ruler for you. Everyone should have a ruler and they are easy to get hold of, you can perform the test anywhere.

2. State a test that needed lots of equipment and one that needed very little?Lots of Equipment: Illinois agility test. You need a range of equipment (cones, non slips floor, stopwatch, assistant)Very little equipment: Ruler Drop test, all you need is a ruler.

3. Did any tests require a cost? Equipment cost, electricity cost etc.?Tests such as coopers 12 minute run, Illinois agility, 35 metre sprint, sit ad reach test and hand wall ball all require a cost of using electrical equipment (lights) this is so that participants have good vision whilst doing the test. Also the equipment cost money such as the balls, cones and stopwatch.

4. What facilities did you use whilst conducting the tests?All tests where carried out in the sports whole on the BCA campus.

5. Were there any tests that required a lot of time to complete?Coopers 12 minute run is the longest test listed.

6. Were there any tests that relied on the skill of the person actually carrying out the test (i.e. not the person doing the test)Some tests require accuracy, because when you need to stop the stopwatch you need to be as quick as possible to stop it on the time the par captor has finished the test. Its not humanly possible to stop it dead on, that’s why they call it a human error, its not 100% accurate.

7. What does “validity” mean? Give an example of how a test might become invalid?Validity means that the statement must sound real/believable. For example if you told someone you ran 100m in 12 seconds even though you hate running the statement will have no validity. Also it needs to test what you want it to, for example I was tested on flexibility and they made me do a Illinois agility test, the results wouldn’t be valid.

8. What does “reliability” mean? Give an example of how a test might become unreliable? Reliability means the test results need to be believable; this meaning that the participator has tried their very best or the test has been carried out properly. For example if the participator didn’t try the tests wouldn’t be reliable or if the circuit was set up correctly, the results won’t be reliable.

Bath Community Academy

Page 12: Fitness Testing 1 - 4

Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

Sport Diploma Unit 13 – TASK 3a

Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise, and the completion of PAR-Q is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your life.

For most people physical activity should not pose any problem or hazard. PAR-Q is designed to identify the small number of people for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or those who should have medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them.

Common sense is the best guide in answering these few questions. Please read them carefully and circle the correct answer opposite the question if it applies to you.

NAME: Reuben Caven1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a bone or joint problem, such as arthritis, that has been

aggravated by exercise or might be made worse with exercise? YES NO2. Do you have high blood pressure?

YES NO3. Do you have low blood pressure?

YES NO4. Do you have Diabetes Mellitus or any other metabolic disease?

YES NO5. Has your doctor ever said you have raised cholesterol (serum level above 6.2mmol/L)?

YES NO6. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical

activity recommended by a doctor? YES NO7. Have you ever felt pain in your chest when you do physical exercise?

YES NO8. Is your doctor currently prescribing you drugs or medication?

YES NO9. Have you ever suffered from unusual shortness of breath at rest or with mild exertion?


Is there any history of Coronary Heart Disease in your family?YES NO


Do you often feel faint, have spells of severe dizziness or have lost consciousness?YES NO


Do you currently drink more than the average amount of alcohol per week (21 units for men and 14 units for women)? YES NO


Do you currently smoke?YES NO


Do you NOT currently exercise on a regular basis (at least 3 times a week) and/or work in a job that is physically demanding? YES NO


Are you, or is there any possibility that you might be pregnant?YES NO


Do you know of any other reason why you should not participate in a program of physical activity? YES NO

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

If you answered YES to one or more questions If you have not recently done so, consult with your doctor by telephone or in person before increasing your physical activity and/or taking a fitness appraisal. Tell your doctor what questions you answered ‘yes’ to on PAR-Q or present a copy of your PAR-Q. After medical evaluation, seek advice from your doctor as to your suitability for:-

1. Unrestricted physical activity starting off easily and progressing gradually, and 2. Restricted or supervised activity to meet your specific needs, at least on an initial basis.

If you answered NO to all questions: If you answered PAR-Q accurately, you have reasonable assurance of your present suitability for:

1. A graduated exercise programme 2. A fitness appraisal

Assumption of Risk

I hereby state that I have read, understood and answered honestly the questions above. I also state that I wish to participate in activities, which may include aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and stretching. I realise that my participation in these activities involves the risk of injury and even the possibility of death. Furthermore, I hereby confirm that I am voluntarily engaging in an acceptable level of exercise, which has been recommended to me.

Additional Note: I have taken medical advice and my doctor has agreed that I should exercise.

Signature: Reuben Caven Date: 1st October 2012

Extension TaskWhy is it important to screen a person before subjecting them to a range of personal fitness tests?

They might be unable to participate in various exercises. If you push them into doing an exercise they are unable to complete it might harm their health and could end up in serious trouble.

Which fitness tests is it particularly important to screen before doing?

Coopers 12 minute run: The reason why you should screen this test is because the participator could have Asthma which makes it very difficult to breathe when it’s at its worst. It is essential that the participator has their inhaler on them at all times. Another problem could be that they may have a heart condition, so this isn’t the best exercise to carry out as the chances of heart attacks are increased and results can be fatal.

Sit and reach: when doing the sit and reach test its important to check if the participator has any damaged muscles, because if they are overstretching this is not good for the muscle which isn’t in working order you don’t want to over stretch it. Make sure you carry a decent warm up before starting the test.

Client’s Name: Reuben Caven Trainer’s Name:

Client’s Signature: Reuben Caven Trainer’s Signature:

Date: 1st October 2012 Date:

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Reuben Caven Sport Diploma

My Survey
