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Jessica Anderson

Professor Rieman

English 1102-026

April 30, 2011

My Sponsors of Literacy

Self Assessment: I first had trouble having to focus to re-write this since it was so long ago that I had 

written the previous draft. I finally got focused and started writing and I left out many things that were

in my previous draft and I added in better examples. I also combined some of my sponsors into one

area so that I would not be repetitive so much. I believe that this paper is now easy for the reader to

read and that whoever reads this will understand who my sponsors of literacy are.

Anyone who has accumulated the knowledge of how to do something whether it was

reading, riding a bike, or learning how to play an instrument etc. has a sponsor of their certain literacy.

The definition of a sponsor of literacy is “any agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable,

support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy-and gain advantage by

it in some way” (Brandt 407). In my eighteen years of life, I can think of many people who have been

my sponsors of many literacies. My sponsors of literacy have been and still are my parents, my

grandparents, my pastor, my Sunday school teachers, my youth leaders, and my school teachers. All of 

these people have been my sponsors through out my life religiously, academically, and musically.

My parents and grandparents have taught me so many things through out my eighteen

years of life and I consider them to be my biggest sponsors. When I was younger I remember when my

mom or dad would read to me every night; I was taught early on that reading was very important.

Before going to kindergarten, I already knew all the basic things that children are supposed to know

 before you attend kindergarten and since I did not attend pre-school, I learned all of that knowledge

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from my parents. Both of my grandmothers love reading and they inspired me to read for fun. They

shared with me books that they thought I would enjoy and I was never able to put the books down.

My parents and grandparents also taught me manners and people to this day still

commend them about how well mannered I am. I always remember how nice and polite my mom was

to everyone and she still is to this day. Ever since I was little, I have always tried my best to remember 

to use “yes ma’am,” “yes sir,” “please,” and “thank you” etc. when the time is appropriate. I was taught

using manners was very important because if someone does not use manners, it shows that they are rude

and do not care for anyone else but themselves.

Every Sunday morning and evening, along with every Wednesday evening, my parents

would drag me to church whether I wanted to go or not. I was the kind of kid who loved going to

church but I was taught that going to church was important in order to have a closer relationship with

God. I also remember my parents reading their Bibles’ every night and they would tell me “the Bible is

our guide to serve Jesus and we must go by every word in this book.” Every time I would do something

wrong, my parents would tell me that Jesus would not be pleased and would read me a certain Bible

verse that went along with the lesson they were trying to teach me. Both of my grandmothers have

always encouraged me to let the Lord lead me in the right direction and to hold on to Jesus no matter 

how hard it may be. Now that I am an adult, I still go by the morals my parents and grandparents taught

me such as staying in church, reading my Bible and praying daily, and letting God lead my life in the

right direction.

My pastor, Sunday school teachers, and youth leaders, have also sponsored my literacy

spiritually. The church I attend now is the church I have been attending since I was four years old, so I

have grown up with a lot of my friends that I have now. When we were younger, we would always play

church and we would do exactly what we saw in our church services. As kids, you just consider this

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 playing but once you get older you realize that you were gaining a literacy of how church services

should be.

My pastor inspires me everyday to continue my walk with Jesus. He seems to know the Bible

inside and out, and he bases our churches teachings from every word in the Bible and I am so thankful

he has still stuck to the standards that our church was built upon. I have heard him preach many

sermons in my lifetime and certain things he has said have stuck with me. One of the things that have

stuck with me is that he tells us that you cannot just go to church and think you can make it to Heaven

 because you must have a personal relationship with Jesus and that it takes putting god first and praying

and reading our Bibles daily. I have never seen anyone who prays as much as my pastor. I date his

grandson and when we go to the parsonage, most of the time he is usually always praying, reading his

Bible, or studying his sermon. My boyfriend also said that when he stays the night with him, my pastor 

sometimes wakes my boyfriend up early in the morning because my pastor is praying. My pastor is so

dedicated and I can tell that he has a burden for lost souls and for the people of his church. As a

Christian, my main goal is to win lost souls to Christ and my pastor taught me that in order to lead lost

souls to Jesus, I must try to live my life just as Jesus did and go by all the commandments in the Bible.

My Sunday school teachers and youth leaders have sponsored my spiritual literacy as

well. I love going to Sunday school because my teachers seem to know so much about God’s word and

I always learn something new. They base their teaching on my age group and they encourage us that no

matter how hard it is to live for Jesus in our age group that we must keep pressing on. They also taught

me that I need to always lead a Christ like life and to be an example of a true Christian. My youth

leaders are always teaching me new things as well; they have gave me knowledge of what a real

Christian is supposed to live like and set great examples for my youth group and I.

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My high school chorus teacher taught me everything I needed to know musically. She

always made my class learn anything and everything about music that you should know if you’re a

musician. When learning all of this musical knowledge, I would get frustrated and I would be thinking

that I was never going to use any of these musical facts but now I am in a liberal studies music class and

a lot of the material was just review because I had learned it in my high chorus class thanks to my

chorus teacher. I am now so thankful that I have a music literacy that my music teacher forced me to


Sponsors of literacy are different for everyone and the literacies people have are different

as well. A sponsor of literacy could be anyone who has contributed to a certain knowledge in any

category. When I first started writing this paper I did not think I had many literacies, but now I realize

that the literacies I do have make me who I am and I would not change a thing except gaining the

literacy of how to play the guitar. My sponsors of literacy through out my life have been my parents,

my grandparents, my pastor, my Sunday school teachers, and my youth leaders.
