Page 1: Filling the Gap - Amazon S3...Filling the Gap and that is the source of our hope and faith! This NEW Covenant does-n’t simply offer you the guidelines to a better life; it offers
Page 2: Filling the Gap - Amazon S3...Filling the Gap and that is the source of our hope and faith! This NEW Covenant does-n’t simply offer you the guidelines to a better life; it offers


a journey of discovery. Some long-ingly look to the Book of Acts and naively pine for the Church to be as it was then. What they fail to see from Acts is that for about the next 60 years the Church continued to wor-ship in the synagogues. They had lit-tle understanding of our identity in Christ. They had not yet read and believed the truth of Ephesians, Gala-tians, Philippians, and all the other New Testament books. The Church in most of Acts was infantile in their knowledge of the New Covenant.

The glorious Church was not the Church at Acts. The glorious Church will be the one that fully real-izes who we are in Jesus, and that every aspect of our faith is rooted in His finished work and our position in Him! The issue is not that everyone else has been wrong; the issue is that they were making a journey. They took us as far as they had the heart to go. We have built upon their revela-tions, trials, and errors to reach this place of simplicity of faith: Christ in me is the Hope of Glory, me in Him is the source of New Life!

If we became a new creation in Christ, who did we become? As


Filling Filling

the Gap the Gap

and that is the source of our hope and faith!

This NEW Covenant does-n’t simply offer you the guidelines to a better life; it offers you a new life with a new identity. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have be-come new. (2 Cor. 5:17) If you were not new the past would not go away! The past still exists but it no longer has power over you. That person is now dead. You have been raised up in Christ as a new crea-tion! The identity we have received in this New Covenant is one where we maintain all of our emotional sense of self, but we gain a new spiritual sense of self. This new identity is based on the fact that we are now in Christ. Spiritually we are as He is now, resurrected from the dead, accepted by God, victorious over the devil, heir of all the prom-ises, and filled with all the power. Like all other New Covenant stipu-lations this is activated by the fact that we are in Him and by our faith being rooted in that fact!

Since the resurrection of Christ the Church has been making

The New Covenant is just

that: NEW, thereby making the old outdated, ineffective, and no longer in force. The writer of Hebrews said it like this: In that He says, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. (Heb. 8:13) It is not a re-vised covenant, it is a NEW Cove-nant; any similarities to the Old are based on the fact that the old was a type, a shadow, but not the real thing! For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things… (Heb. 10:1) As such, every aspect of application in this Cove-nant is totally different from the Old.

The promises in this New Covenant include all of those of the Old, (2 Cor. 1:20) but the stipula-tions are different. All promises of the New Covenant are contingent upon us being in Jesus and that be-ing the source of our hope and faith. In this New Covenant we are deliv-ered from all curses of the Old. (Gal. 3:13) The contingency for that protection is the same as the stipula-tion for the promises, we are in Him

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previously mentioned, we retained all of our memories, our sense of humor, and all other aspects of our life experi-ence. But we received a new righteous nature. The word “righteous” has so many aspects of reality, but its most simplistic definition is “as it should be.” In Him we became as we should be. This is how God sees and relates to us. The struggle is understood in this question: is this how I see and relate to Him?

Man’s struggle has always ex-isted in the gap between how God sees us and how we see ourselves. Religion was formed to fill that gap and sin was conceived in that gap; in reality, every struggle of man exists in this gap. In fact, the first temptation, which is the basis for all temptation, found its foot-ing by creating the gap. Like Adam and Eve, the one thing that makes us susceptible to any temptation is the dissonance between how God sees us and how we see ourselves.

Genesis 3:4-5 gives us the heart of the deception in the Garden. Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." The one thing Adam did not believe was that he was already like God. The one power he believed would make him like God was the freedom to choose good and evil for himself!

The two greatest areas of trust (faith) with which we all struggle is: “Will I see myself the way God sees me?” and “Will I see good and evil as God sees it?” Adam was moved from his sense of identity which immedi-ately drove him to fear, and fear pro-voked the need to be in control (choose good and evil for himself!) The mo-ment we lose our sense of connection with God fear drives our decisions. Our sense of connection is lost when we doubt how He sees us.

Jesus, who modeled every as-pect of our life of faith, launched into His destiny with the one challenge that would face Him at every turn: If You

are the Son of God… (Matt. 4:3) was the devil’s taunt. The issue was not the temptation to turn stones into bread; it was to prove His identity by His per-formance!

Proving our identity by our performance (works) is the product of not believing we are who God says we are. It was the first temptation, it was the primary assault against Jesus, and it is the daily battle we all fight! Knowing I am as I should be (righteous) because I am in Him frees me from any feeling of emotional lack. In the absence of lack there is no basis for temptation.

It is this very issue that caused the Apostle Paul to put so much em-phasis on the in Him, through Him, by Him concepts presented throughout his writings. This apostle knew that the mystery of the Gospel is Christ in us (Col 1:27) and our faith that we are in Him. (Eph. 1:17-22)

If we had to simply make an intellectual decision about these facts it would be pretty simple: decide it is or is not true. But wait a minute! Would-n’t that be sort of like choosing good and evil, thereby judging God? The issue really isn’t as simple as “Will I agree with God or not?” This issue is “Will I believe this in my heart so that it becomes the sense of who I am and the root-power of my life?”

Nothing affects your life if you don’t believe it! The moment we be-lieve something we start acting as if it is true; but belief can go even deeper. Once I believe something in my heart I start feeling like it is who I am. Heart beliefs ALWAYS affect our sense of identity.

Salvation occurs when we be-lieve in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and when that belief is heart-based our entire sense of self changes. Everyone can remember what

it was like to be a new believer. At that moment the Bible says that God gives us a new heart and a new mind. I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts. (Heb. 8:10)

If we had no freedom of choice or power to influence our heart life from that moment would be without hardship or struggle. But God does not control our mind (thoughts) and we still have influence over the beliefs of our heart.

The heart seems to be some combination of spirit and soul. (It is impossible to be completely specific.) But we know that our spirit man is made righteous, brand new, and blame-less. But since the heart is part spirit and part soul we still have freedom of choice, particularly as it pertains to our thoughts. This is why Paul said …be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. (Eph. 4:23-24)

The renewing of the mind is all about filling the gap between how God sees us, who He has made us to be, and how we see ourselves. If we continue to think about ourselves as we were we will influence our heart (sense of self.) If we choose to believe we are who God has made us to be in Him we live a sense of identity that parallels the great work which has been done in our inner man.

The Bible is full of passages about writing on our heart, influencing our heart, and establishing our heart. Even the writer of Hebrews goes on to say: For it is good that the heart be established by grace. (Heb. 13:9) As in every case about affecting our heart, the responsibility falls to the believer. We either invoke our freedom to be “god of our own world” and determine righteousness (good and evil) for our-selves, or we accept God’s righteous-ness. It is then through the process of contemplation, pondering, considering, and meditating that we influence our heart to maintain the truth that God has put in our spirit! We are in Christ,

Proving our identity by our performance (works) is the product of not believing we are who God says we are.


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you just have new rules added to the Old Covenant!

The Apostle Paul said The strength of sin is the law. (1 Cor. 15:56-57) Lao Tzu, a famous Chi-nese philosopher, said it like this, “Too many laws corrupt the people.”

In our country, just like in the Church, there has been a tendency to believe: man cannot rule himself! The result has been, in both civil and church government, for those who consider themselves enlightened or anointed to feel obligated to take the reins. In direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus the enlightened ones attempt to rule the behavior of man through laws. You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. (Mark 10:42-43)

Our Constitution (in its origi-nal intent) and the New Covenant actually embrace many of the same values. One of the most common is: man should govern himself! The great American Experiment revolved

It is sometimes hard to piece together the destructive dynamics of legalism. We obviously need rules or society falls apart; but how do you have rules without legalism? While there is a phenomenal awakening to grace, liberalism seems to be grow-ing in tandem with that message. Lib-eralism, whether political or spiritual, is a diabolical counterfeit that looks so much like the real thing it is unde-tectable to the non-discerning.

I often read quotes by well-meaning people about grace that are actually more about liberalism. Lib-eralism uses the same terminology as grace. One of the major differences, however, is responsibility. Grace pro-motes personal responsibility while liberalism espouses a freedom that seems to have no responsibility. The first few steps in either direction are taken upon the same path, but soon part ways and the unsuspecting be-liever finds himself somewhere he never bargained for! The legalist reacts to the per-version of the message of grace by rejecting a principle that is so central to New Covenant thought and pur-pose that without it you actually have no New Covenant; you simply have new rules wherein the bar has been raised even higher. Without grace you do not have a New Covenant,

around one question: Can man rule himself? The New Covenant says No more will any man teach his brother to know the Lord. (Heb. 8:10-12) God Himself would make communi-cation with the believer. In the end, each person would have to be respon-sible for his own behavior and choices.

Interestingly, the New Cove-nant only works when men connect to God in their own hearts and ex-perience His grace. This must be done on an individual basis. Any-thing that comes from the outside will become law, and law always neutralizes the power of grace. (Gal. 2:21) The founders of the Constitu-tion openly stated that it would not work apart from godly morals and values dictating behavior. While they recognized the need for minimal civil law that protected our freedoms, they also recognized that moral control from the outside would result in de-struction. But civil law was never designed to force me to be moral; it was only designed to keep me from imposing my will on another, thereby violating his freedoms.

In every aspect of life we will be controlled by legalism falsely jus-tified by liberalism, or empowered to live a godly life by grace. The mo-ment truth is forcibly used to control someone’s behavior it is legalism. The moment freedom is used to jus-tify ones lack of appropriate behavior it is liberalism. But grace is experi-enced when a man chooses to live by God’s immutable laws.

Contrary to liberal thought, the New Testament is governed by laws but not by legalism. Jesus, Paul, and the Apostle John addressed the issues of the laws that should govern man. John concisely and accurately described these two governing laws: And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one an-other, as He gave us commandment. (1 John 3:23) Faith and love are both

Grace, Liberalism, or Legalism?

In direct opposition to the teach-ings of Jesus the enlightened ones attempt to rule the behavior of man through laws.

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Identity in Christ is the functional heart of the New Covenant. All the right “doing” of the New Covenant

should be the product of being! Identity makes the difference between dead works and good works; one

emerges from who you are and the other is an at-tempt to make you become what you are not. While the revelation of identity has been present in the

body of Christ for quite a long time, it has never been understood from the concept of the heart. Until identity is a belief of the heart it is just another powerless doctrine that adds nothing to the quality or character of our life.

In these ten powerful messages Dr. Jim Richards unfolds Paul’s Ephesians prayer in a manner unlike anything we have ever heard on the subject of identity.

Discover Creation’s need for us to discover our identity Feel the presence of resurrection power See your calling in Him as you have never seen it Understand the essential secret to ultimate faith Experience power over the devil through the resurrected victory Transform your entire sense of self Finally feel right about yourself Learn new insights into the workings of the heart

Paul prayed that we would get the revelation of resurrection power. He saw it as the key to living in the power of the res-

urrected Lord. Christ’s victory over death, hell, the grave, the devil, sin, and the curse of the law is just powerless doctrine until we experience these victories as our own!

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Identity:Identity:Identity: Filling the GapFilling the GapFilling the Gap

(con’t from page 3)

therefore we are righteous! Thereby, I put on righteousness; it becomes my way of life because it is my sense of who I am!

The great struggle of faith in the New Covenant revolves almost totally around identity. Are we in Him, is He in us, and are we a new creation?

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TestimoniesTestimonies Grace: The Power to Change Thank you so much, Dr. Rich-ards, for your nuggets of love and wisdom. I won't go into all the details, but I recently stepped down from pastoring a church. It has been a very lonely and degen-erative time in my life. I have never experienced this degree of lowness as a Christian. I don't believe in it, and I don't want it in my life. I am facing some things in my life now that I am not strong enough for. Your encour-agement on endurance and "showing up" have given me a great push in the right direction. Just recently, the Lord has brought me back in touch with your ministry. While I was in Bible school I read your book, Grace: The Power to Change. I consider it the best book I have ever read. I also got out of my closet a tape series about Dignity and Worth. My Lord, Je-sus!!! Why didn't I remember this series? Where has it been all my life? It has been like living water. Nothing ever felt so help-ful to hear your words, "Every conflict in your life is because of you." It hurt so good to hear this truth. I have been blaming others my whole life and not been ac-countable for my actions. I knew the scripture in Proverbs that only by pride comes contention. I just thought it was always because of other peoples pride. :o) I am not out of my mess yet, but I am on my way thanks to your ministry. Thanks for telling me the truth that will set me free. I love you and so appreciate your endurance to run your race. God bless you, your staff ,and your church. SM

Sharing the Message!

My husband and I are devouring your mate-rial. We are listening, reading, watching on Impact TV, and shar-ing with friends who are now tuned in to Friday nights and your materials. Your understanding of heart, and your ability to communicate that understanding to us is the most valuable con-cept and understand-ing I've received in my many years as a Chris-tian. We are mailing a gift to the ministry to-day, and wanted you to know how your teachings have im-pacted us. We want to be a part of getting it to the world. Thank you! CQ


I just wanted to contact Dr. Richards and thanks him so much for doing the 3 Days That Changed the World series. I have been saved for some 28 years and I have never felt so assured and free in the un-derstanding in my heart of what being saved really means. Bless you, sir, in all you do, and I pray the church of Christ will also receive this revelation that is not hidden. Bless you. DT

How to Stop the Pain

God has used your ministry to heal, encourage, and teach me. I’ve read so many of your books, but How to Stop the Pain has been a life saver!

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Grace, Liberalism, or Legalism? (con’t from page 4)


issues of the heart. No external pres-sure, even when it produces identical behavior, can produce the same fruit.

As believers, as part of the Church, and as citizens of this coun-try we must either live by grace or be controlled by laws. Freedom is only found and kept to the degree we ac-cept the personal responsibility to treat each other with the dignity and respect that God’s love expects!

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Reoccurring negative thoughts and feelings is a struggle everyone faces. These thoughts and feelings then drive destructive behavior. Why is it that no matter how hard we try, how many times we “recommit,” or how sincerely we repent, they still reoccur? Simple: Limiting Beliefs! All negative, destructive behavior is rooted in a negative limiting belief. Limiting beliefs form the boundaries that seem to define the limits of our success, joy, and happiness. The heart is like a ther-mostat; no matter what we do, it is designed to bring us back to the level of our beliefs about ourselves. Only by influencing the heart do we have any hope of overcoming those repetitive destructive behaviors that limit our life. In this powerful Heart Physics Module you will learn secrets that will unlock the mysteries of changing your beliefs. You will participate in a 20-minute Heart Physics exercise that empowers you to not only “put off” the limiting belief, but also helps you identify how and when you created the belief. But it doesn’t stop there! In the Limitless Living Heart Physics exercise you will access the grace of God in a powerful way that writes a new truth on your heart and gives you the grace to live it effortlessly! “I have used these exercises with more people than any other Heart Physics module I have ever developed. I have seen nearly in-

stantaneous transformation in almost every case!” Dr. James B. Richards

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The Insanity of Legalism! Legalism and its effects are seldom fully understood. The legalist sees it as a cure for ungodliness. Legalism, like all religious thinking, always leads to an alienation of the life of God. Behavior may be changed, but hearts remain the same! Legalism of any kind produces the ultimate hypocrisy and corrup-tion. Regardless of our opinion or what we think we know, God’s Word says ...the strength of sin is the law. (1 Cor. 15:56) In our nation belief in God, living by faith, and moral values have been rejected and all but removed from public life. One who embraces these val-ues will be ridiculed and excluded from places of power. But the more we alienate people from the values inherent to common decency the more laws we have to pass. There was a time when should you come upon someone who was dying on the streets you would offer them aid.; then, lawsuits were filed against those who offered help. The law-yers decided your behavior should be controlled by others and the end result was a fear to act on the common laws of decency. The common sense law of self-protection (which is a biblical and constitu-tional right) has been stripped away from people in many states; so now if someone breaks into your home you should flee in to the night and allow them to steal what they want or do harm to your family and wait for a judge to decide what would be the fair outcome. You will never get back what was stolen and the perpetrator may go free, but the law has prevailed! I couldn’t believe my ears when I saw a newscast that reported of a woman who had harassed a sick and dying neighbor for months. Then she

deliberately ran over someone who, I guess, was a friend of the person she had been harassing! She should have been charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter, aggravated assault, and other serious charges. Instead, she was given 18 months proba-tion. In the same newscast they reported a young boy in school who was shooting spit balls through a straw. The school, acting on its “no tolerance for violence” rule expelled and charged him with some ridiculous charge that will follow him the rest of his life, possibly destroying his academic future. This is not unlike people who refused a federal directive that would have pre-vented Hurricane Katrina victims from receiving water. It was the disobedience to a rule that didn’t work. They violated the rule, delivered water and were charged with a federal crime. Where is the reason? Where is the righteousness? As our nation has become a nation of laws, you see the exact thing occur that the Bible warns ...the letter (of the law) kills, but the Spirit gives life. ( 2 Cor. 3:6) I grew up in a time when judges and others in law enforcement understood that the spirit of the law was the real application of law. Sadly, we have elected lawyers to hold offices instead of business people, civic lead-ers and true spiritually-minded people. We have become a duplication of the nation of Israel ruled by the scribes and Pharisees. They had so missed the point of God’s Word they had hundreds of daily laws that controlled their every move! You must remember that living or ruling by the letter of the law is always the attempt of one person to rule over or take ad-vantage of another. In our nation the goal of destroying moral values was to create a society where the elite ruled over the com-mon man by way of laws. It is no different in legalistic churches. Men control those whom they do not believe God can rule. The elite became the ones who determined good and evil. Once those who control by law create massive chaos and inequity, once they have taken away our freedom to act, we will cry out to them like the children of Israel and say give us a king! (1 Sam. 8:5) Their solution will be to take away more of our free-doms and create more laws - laws that will always fail to produce what they promise. Remember, law always causes sin to grow. Law always corrupts people.! But worst of all, law always alienates people from God! Law is for lawbreakers. But laws never make people righteous. The silent majority, the average person who just wants to make a living and raise their family, is being quietly and methodically overtaken. Is it coincidence? No! We live in an evil world where the powers that seek to rule our lives seek to destroy our relationship with God, our basic Christian values, and the freedom to follow our heart. Laws should only keep one person from violating the freedoms of another. They should never give any person privilege, more rights, special protection, or exemption. The church has played a role in conditioning people to give away their freedoms. It is time for the church to entrust people to God. Empower people to live righteous. Connect people to grace! We need a restoration that begins in the hearts of every be-liever. We need to be the change we hope to see. We should live lives of love that do not need to be ruled by law. And we need to turn our churches and our country back to freedom where the spirit of the law is the law!

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While I have long been a serious student of end-time events, I do not speak publically about them very of-ten; but the time has come that we must arm ourselves with knowledge. The concepts we have embraced about the new world order are some-what mystical and unrealistic. In fact, the most commonly embraced teach-ing about the end would cause many to inaccurately read the signs of the times. Our ability to prepare is directly related to our understanding of the times, and while the Bible clearly teaches that these days will come like a thief in the night to some, to others it will be as a flash of lightening. Jesus said, But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt. 24:37) He then describes the condition of the world who ignorantly goes about the affairs of daily life with no clue what is coming. But we forget that Noah knew and warned others! Noah made preparation! Prepara-tion was the only difference between those who survived and those who were destroyed. Jesus follows His teaching about the end-times in Mat-thew 25 with a series of parables about getting ready. The one clear message is that preparation is the dif-ference between destruction and sur-vival. It is time for believers to know and prepare! I have known for many years that the accepted evangelical interpreta-tion of end-times was seriously

flawed. Typically, evangelicals have believed that the Catholic Church was the false religion, the pope was the false prophet, and the Roman Empire was the ten league of nations. This could not be farther from what the Bible clearly presents. The ten league of nations will be the Middle East that emerges as a Caliphate. The apostate religion will be Islam, and the anti-Christ will be the Mahdi or Caliph, under whom these nations unite! With this basic knowledge, for over 30 years I have kept an eye on the Middle East with special regard for what occurs in Egypt. Daniel teaches that it will be a conflict between Egypt, the King of the South, and the King of the North that will bring about the appearance of the man who brings the false peace. The King of the North will comprise some part of Syria. I have spent the last week reading the Koran and studying their views of the end-time. They, too, are looking for the return of Jesus who they be-lieve will come, repent of calling Himself the Son of God, and along with the Mahdi lead a war against Israel. They will then give Christians the option of converting to Islam or being beheaded! They believe most of the end time prophecies in the Bible, they just be-lieve they have been twisted to favor the Jews and Christians. So what we see as signs that should cause any non-believer to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, they see as proof they are right. Instead of inspiring repentance, these events will embolden them to be-come even more radical and more confident in their cause! Among the many disturbing things they believe is the idea that they can hasten the coming of the their mes-siah, the Mahdi (Caliph or 12th Imam.) They actually believe they must wage war on Israel and Chris-tians before he will appear and de-liver the world into their hands. They

have a reason to desire war. The news media and the West’s ignorance of their beliefs have been part of the basis for constantly misin-terpreting what is happening in the Middle East. The Egyptian riots are not a peace-ful move toward democracy. While that may be what some desire, it is not what the most predominant pow-ers intend, and it will not be the ulti-mate outcome! The majority of Egyptians want Shari law. Shari law is incompatible with democracy. The primary organ-izers of the riots are calling for war with Israel and a Caliphate, a one- Muslim nation, ruled by Shari law, one prophet, and committed to the destruction of Israel. At this very moment ships from Iran are in route to Syria. The presi-dent of Iran and their spiritual leader say they are in communication with the 12th Imam (The Islamic Mes-siah.) They believe they can hasten his appearing by waging war on Is-rael and uniting the Muslim world. We can close our ears because we are afraid, but Jesus warned against fear. Fear will always cause us to act in ways that bring about the very de-struction we fear! We can become reactionary revolutionists and be-come part of the problem. We can do what the world usually does: deny the obvious and discount the signs as fear-mongering rhetoric. Or, we can experience the grace (ability and strength) to soberly face the issues and prepare! How quickly these things will un-ravel is anybody’s guess. We can play a role in our country as to how and when we will be affected by all this. But as sure as Jesus came the first time, by clear prophesies that were ignored by most, He’s coming again. Once again the very people who pray for His coming will be taken unaware unless we are willing to see! Join me every week for my new series and you’ll be ready!

The New World Order

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