Page 1: February 2018 Treasure Linc · 2018. 2. 3. · Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ Treasure Linc Love INC of Treasure

Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ

Treasure Linc Love INC of Treasure Valley

February 2018

Our 2018 focus word is Renew and it has prompted me to reflect on Love INC’s mission to

mobilize local Christian churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ. As

I evaluated our partnership with local churches, these thoughts came to mind:

Churches can refer anyone to us and we clarify, verify and then mobilize the church to meet immediate legiti-

mate needs while pursuing relationships to address the deeper issues at the same time.

We accept product donations and restore and coordinate the distribution of the product appropriately.

We offer valid volunteer opportunities for people who want to serve others in their church’s name.

We unite churches across denominational lines bearing witness to the powerful impact the body of Christ,

working together, can make on a community.

We coordinate and oversee long-term relational programs that offer life-changing opportunities for people.

We know the resources in the community and whenever appropriate partner with other helping entities.

We offer our knowledge and expertise on how to help wholistically through training and ongoing support.

Love INC’s mission has always been about helping the Church enter into relationships that allow the hope of

Christ to be shared and has never been about just coordinating church resources to perform random acts of kind-

ness to faceless people. For generations people in need have unknowingly been suppressed under a cloak of com-

passion that addresses physical need but does nothing to restore them to wholeness and fullness of life. From my

perspective the Church’s greatest resource is the hope found in the love of Christ expressed through relationships.

I continue to believe we must guard against efforts to collect and distribute product to those in need when it al-

lows someone or something to stand in the way of forming relationships with those we serve.

I believe only the Church can effectively address the rampant and growing need situation in our nation. If Love INC

carries out its mission successfully, it will have helped the Church fulfill its heavenly calling—a calling so unique that

no other institution on earth can do it because it can only be done in Christ’s name.

In 2018 let us have a renewed awareness of the value found in working together, in the name of Christ.

Turn the page for information on a renewed vision

Renewing the Passion for our Mission

Meet our New Staff Melinda Cuvelier

TM Program Support Coordinator

Elizabeth Lambert

Donation Manager/Cloth Room

Jean Thomas

Program Coordinator/Case Manager

Lois Tupyi

Executive Director

Page 2: February 2018 Treasure Linc · 2018. 2. 3. · Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ Treasure Linc Love INC of Treasure

Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ

Renewing Our Vision

In 2007 we were given a vision of a community center and campus where the Church would come

together to serve those in need. Through the years we have seen much of that vision come to fruition,

but there is part of it we have not stepped into yet. Many of you, along with the leadership of Love

INC, have continued to faithfully believe that in God’s timing it would also be fulfilled.

Over the past year we have seen many participants of our relational programs struggle to apply them-

selves fully to the program because they are living in volatile housing situations, which complicate their

ability to learn and make the necessary changes. Without different housing options, it’s difficult to

stand against the negative influences around them and many quit the program before they should.

We have discovered that most local transitional housing options only assist the most vulnerable—

those living on the streets or in a shelter. Because those who enroll in our program frequently live

with someone and are actively taking steps to improve their lives, they aren’t considered vulnerable

which can disqualify them from receiving housing assistance.

We know the need is great. Perhaps the time for God to open doors and lead us forward in this part

of the vision is now. We think it is and we call it Transformational Housing.

If you want to know more or if God puts it on your heart to help make this happen, please communi-

cate with us as you carefully consider your next step.

Collective people served


Collective needs met


Collective volunteers


Collective hours offered


82 individuals from

28 affiliates attended a

National training at Love INC of Treasure Valley

Reprinted Redemptive

Compassion Study Guide

7,000 books

purchased since 2013

2017 Statistics

Estimated 2017 Total Ministry Value


Page 3: February 2018 Treasure Linc · 2018. 2. 3. · Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ Treasure Linc Love INC of Treasure

Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ

Debbie Dukes

August 2017

My debt problem stemmed all the way back to when I was a teenager and a young adult. I first

started “borrowing” from my brother when I needed money to bail my boyfriend, soon to be hus-

band, out of jail. His offense was writing bad checks. After we married, we had his debt and we both

started incurring student loans. We had debit cards, and overdrawing our account was soon a regular

occurrence. We were also frequent flyers at the payday loan place – faithful every 2 weeks. When our

debts eventually got turned into collections, I quit answering the phone for numbers I didn’t recognize.

Just before our separation, I started back to school for the fourth attempt. When our divorce

was finalized in August of 1999, all our debt was divided. Suddenly I was single, working 30 hours a

week, tackling a full credit load in college, and raising 3 children. It was difficult and I struggled with

money all the time. Let’s fast forward to 2016, 14 years after I had first learned about Love INC. I was frustrated

that I had started “getting out of debt” multiple times and was still in debt. I even attended Dave

Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and read the Total Money Makeover twice. I felt helpless, vulnera-

ble, incapable and incompetent. I’d tried to manage money on my own many times, for many years and

had really made no significant progress.

It was hard to walk through the doors of Love INC. I was nervous, scared and ashamed. But

with the love and support of the staff and volunteers, those feelings slowly diminished. I’ve since come

to realize that pride is a giant in my life.

When I came into the program, I was upside down in my mortgage. I had student loans total-

ing more than $30,000 and a whopping credit card debt of over $26,000 with monthly credit card pay-

ments totaling more than $800 a month. I found myself constantly robbing “Peter to pay Paul.”

While in the program I paid off $15,246 in debt, and I am astonished at this number! I have no

idea where this money came from as I averaged $1,300 a month of debt payoff. I also accomplished

some repairs around the house at the same time and I’m now giving my full tithe. My savings has

grown by $845 over the last year. I’ve made new friends and I’m so thankful for their role in my tran-

sition and journey.

Another highlight was developing a stronger relationship with God. I remember interviewing

with Lois and hearing her say that she hoped I would discover who I was as a daughter in Christ and

grow in Him to discover only He can take away the empty, lonely feelings I struggled with. This last

year has brought a completely different perspective. I’m so thankful

for the power of prayer and all the prayers from everyone.

My biggest accomplishment is the sense of peace that has come

over me. Money doesn’t control me and send me spiraling, leaving me

hopeless. It’s in my control with God’s hand in it. I’m more at peace

with money and finances than I have ever been in my life. It’s a huge

weight lifted off my shoulders that I can’t even describe. God used my

finances to help me realize His love and compassion for me and my life.

I want to encourage others to not let pride get in the way of His bless-

ings and to let this program do for them what God has intended.

To learn more about Love INC’s Transformational Programs and how to get

involved, call 208-466-7810 ext. 5.

Page 4: February 2018 Treasure Linc · 2018. 2. 3. · Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ Treasure Linc Love INC of Treasure

Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ

Helping Churches Help People

Love INC of Treasure Valley

16470 Franklin Blvd.

P.O. Box 3404

Nampa, Idaho 83653

Phone: 208-466-7810

Affirming Potential Training, July 2016





Renew our hope: “Therefore, we do not lose heart though

outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being re-

newed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16—Renew our hope so

we look with great expectancy and excited anticipation for

the miracles of the Lord in each day.

Renew our spirit: “Create in me a pure heart, Oh God, and

renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10— Renew our

spirit by giving each of us a pure and undivided heart so we

will know the work He’s called us to and be able to stand

steadfast within it.

Renew our strength: “But those who hope in the Lord will

renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31—Renew our strength so

that in all things we will triumphantly be able to soar over it,

run through it or walk in it, according to His perfect plan.

Visit our website to listen to the 2018 State of the Ministry Address

For more information, contact Judy 208-466-7810 ext. 3

Sign up at for one of these dates:

Tuesday, March 6, at 1 p.m. Thursday, March 8, at 6 p.m.

Saturday, March 10, at 10 a.m. at the Love INC Campus, 16470 N. Franklin Blvd. in Nampa

Come and learn more — get involved!