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FALL 2014 Volume LII

TO OUR LOYAL DONORS who continue to believe in and support the Foundation’s mission of providing essential support for education, philanthropy and leadership. Welcome, also, to those of you who may be receiving Columns for the first time. This newsletter is published to thank those who support the works of the Foundation and to share stories of lives touched by your generosity.

WelcomeWhat’s Inside...IMPORTANT DATES 2 SCHOLARSHIP 2A New Endowment

Convention Endowment Update

MAKING AN IMPACT 3Proud to be an AΓΔ

A Way to Make an Impact

SCHOLARSHIP 4An Alpha Gam Man Shows His Love

Meet Catherine Chao

SHARING OUR PASSION 5Alumnae & Collegians Supporting Iota Scholarships

ON CAMPUS 5The Foundation’s Scholastic Achievement Award

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul.” -Joseph Addison

The power of an education continues to skyrocket as does the cost. When the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation was founded in 1962 it began as a scholarship granting organization. Today, its largest areas of support continue to be in education—scholarships, leadership training and continuing education.

We must not underestimate the importance of women’s education. Did you know only 30% of the U.S. population holds a bachelor’s degree and 10% hold advanced degrees? According to the College Board Advocacy & Policy Center, median earnings for women with a bachelor’s degree or higher were 79% more than that of women with a high school diploma. Education provides independence, self-sufficiency, confidence and the ability to compete in a global market. This issue of Columns focuses on the Foundation’s scholarship program and some of the incredible people who make it possible and who are touched by it. On page 5, you’ll see the chapter with the largest number of active endowed scholarships within the Foundation to support the educational needs of its members. The support given by both the chapter’s alumnae and collegians is a visible investment in the lives of our sisters.

Fourteen years ago, an article from our own Columns newsletter inspired a husband to take action and establish a scholarship in honor of his wife. This action benefits collegiate sisters yet today, who in turn are inspired to live their lives in service to others. Read this story of inspiration from Diane and “Alpha Gam Man”, Bob Collins, on page 4. You’ll also read “the rest of the story” when you meet Catherine Chao—this year’s recipient of the Diane Raffel Collins Scholarship, and discover her inspiration to Live with Purpose.

As our Annual Fund kicks off this fall, thank you for your continued investment in our sisters—in their education and their welfare—and in our shared future.

Loyally, Pat Tulley Riddiford, President


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Convention Endowment Update

A New Endowment

November 1, 2014 Online under/graduate scholarship applications are available on our website.

December 31, 2014 Last chance to make a personal gift to the Foundation to receive a tax benefit* for the 2014 calendar year.

March 4, 2015 Deadline for under/ graduate scholarship applications.

May 31, 2015 Close of our giving year and Annual Fund campaign.DatesImportant

*Donations to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law.


Peggy Kuebler Field, Alpha Beta–University of Michigan, had a surprise up her sleeve at International Convention this summer as she was completing her term on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. The surprise? One powerful, parting gift as a Trustee: the Peggy Kuebler Field Endowment for the collegiate women of Alpha Beta pursuing a degree in nursing.

“I have been given the gift of sisterhood,” says Peggy. “As an only child, I guess I was a somewhat lonely child. When I joined Alpha Gamma Delta at the University of Michigan, I instantly had a houseful of sisters—about 100 of them! Even today when there is an Alpha Beta reunion we pick up right where we left off the last time we were together. My heart belongs to Alpha Beta!”

“I knew that when I left the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Board of Trustees [my husband] John and I would establish a scholarship.

There is such need these days for financial assistance with college costs. This is my way of thanking Alpha Gamma Delta and the Alpha Beta Chapter for all they have done to enrich my life. I have

gained so much more than I could ever give back.”

Peggy has been a Foundation Trustee since 2005 and served as both Treasurer and Secretary. She also is an active member of the Houston Alumnae Club and wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi. Peggy’s bachelor’s degree was in nursing from the University of Michigan. Currently she is the proprietor of Empty Nest Antiques in Houston where she remains active in community service. The

Foundation thanks Peggy for her tireless dedication to both the Foundation and the Fraternity, and this wonderful gift that will impact young women for years to come.

The following endowments were established and/or met their initial funding goals during this past biennium. Special thanks to the donors of these endowments who were recognized at Convention 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

William Rumsfield Scholarship EndowmentEpsilon Beta Scholarship Endowment

Peggy Kuebler Field Scholarship EndowmentJudith Hayes Hand Scholarship Endowment

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OUR MISSION: “The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation impacts and enriches our communities by providing essential support for education, philanthropy and leadership.”

“This is my way of thanking Alpha Gamma Delta and the Alpha Beta Chapter for all they have done to enrich my life. I have gained so much more than I could ever give back.”

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Proud to be an Alpha Gamma Delta At International Convention this summer, the Foundation grew its very own Rose Garden! The garden was comprised of paper roses listing reasons why sisters were Proud to be Alpha Gamma Deltas. Over 200 sisters responded. The reasons were so beautiful and heart-felt that we wanted to share a few of them with you. Enjoy and share in the pride!

“I’m proud to be an AΓΔ because… I have grown into a well-rounded woman who is unapologetically authentic to myself, while simultaneously finding my Purpose. Alpha Gam Always!” Alex Kennedy, Alpha Upsilon–Central Michigan University Two time Foundation Scholarship recipient

“I’m proud to be an AΓΔ because… of the scholarships and other support provided to our sisters!” Marie Ford Palmer, Gamma Alpha–University of Georgia International Vice President-Membership

“I’m proud to be an AΓΔ because… I’m part of a group of women that hold themselves to higher standards.” Kaitlin Kelly, Beta Epsilon–Carroll University

“I’m proud to be an AΓΔ because… of all the excellent opportunities it gives women throughout their lives. It means so much more than just collegiate friendships.” Jennifer Hughes, Zeta Kappa–University of Pittsburg–Johnstown

“I’m proud to be an AΓΔ because… it pushes me to be the best woman I can be, to get good grades, to inspire others, seek leadership, and do what I can to help others grow, as well as myself.” Chelsea Morneau, Zeta Alpha–Eastern Michigan University

We’d love to hear why you’re proud to be an AΓΔ! Email us at: [email protected]

A Way to make an Impact: Planned GivingLooking for an easy way to make a significant gift to the Foundation? Include a charitable gift, called a bequest, in your will or living trust to support Alpha Gamma Delta’s work after your lifetime—after you’ve used your assets to support you and your loved ones. Bequests are:

1. Easy. A few sentences in your will or living trust complete the gift.

2. Revocable. Until your will or trust goes into effect, you are free to alter your plans.

3. Versatile. You can bequeath a specific item, an amount of money, a gift contingent upon certain events, or a percentage of your estate to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.

More than 50% of adult Americans do not have a will. Make a commitment to create or update your will and please consider including the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation in your plans. If you do so, please let the Foundation know so you can be recognized as a member of our Corinthian Society (for Planned Giving). Your thoughtful actions will make a difference in the lives of sisters for generations.


today...Make your gift

mailGive by onlineGiveCOMPLETE & RETURN the enclosed giving envelope.

CALL US at 317.663.4242 to charge your gift (V, M, AmEx) or to find out more about other giving opportunities—monthly giving, endowments, stocks and bequests.

CONTRIBUTE ONLINE AT where you can also select and send a special occasion eCard with your gift!

Please let us know if your employer matches charitable contributions.

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Alpha Gam Man Shows HisMany years ago, Bob Collins, a marketing professor at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV), read an article in The Columns that made a huge impact on him. The story was about a young man named Dutch Freise, a member of Sigma Chi at Wabash College in Indiana, who met and married a young woman named Barbara Feurer, an Alpha Gam from the University of Illinois. Dutch’s love for his wife later motivated him to honor Barbara’s memory with an endowment in her name with the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. Bob was also married to a wonderful Alpha Gam, Diane, and thought this would be a perfect way to recognize Diane as well. “This endowment honors the woman I have come to love and with whom I have chosen to spend the rest of my life,” says Bob.*

A member of Phi Gamma Delta, Bob earned his undergraduate degree at Syracuse University. Furthering his education led him to the University of Wisconsin where he earned his M.B.A. and Ph.D. and met the love of his life, Diane Raffel, Beta Theta-University of Wisconsin. They were married in 1974 and celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary this year.

In 1987, Bob and Diane moved to Las Vegas where Bob was a professor of marketing at UNLV. Diane became an active volunteer in a variety of advisor roles with the Delta Omicron Chapter at

UNLV. She also served as the President of the Las Vegas Area Alumnae Chapter and wears the Arc with Diamond for her dedication and service to Alpha Gamma Delta. The gift of the endowment was simply one more way to provide assistance to the Delta Omicron Chapter—which Diane came to adopt as her own.

As a professor, Bob knows the value and expense of an education. He established the Diane Raffel Collins Scholarship to honor

his wife in 2001 and together they have worked to more than double the size of their endowment—which has become one of the Foundation’s largest scholarships. “We want to ensure that scholarships awarded to Alpha Gams at UNLV continue to keep pace with the cost of tuition,” says Bob. Their gift will impact generations of Delta Omicron sisters.

When we asked what her wish is for the young women of today, Diane enthusiastically said “Go for it! There are so many career fields available to women now. A world of opportunities is open to them.” Diane and her Alpha Gam Man, Bob, are proud to be able to help provide support for young Alpha Gam women following their dreams. The Foundation thanks them so very much for their ongoing dedication and generosity.

2014–15 Recipient of the Diane Raffel Collins Scholarship“I am so thankful and thrilled to be named the recipient of the Diane Raffel Collins Scholarship. Thanks to Diane’s scholarship, I will be able to continue my education by financing nursing school at The University of Nevada–Las Vegas. Diane’s generosity to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and her passion for the Delta Omicron Chapter are truly awe-inspiring. I am proud to call her my sister.

When I was younger, I used to watch my mom help sick neighbors and friends in the Philippines, who couldn’t afford healthcare. Watching people seek help from my mom when they could not find help elsewhere inspired me to continue her legacy and study nursing.

Through Alpha Gamma Delta, I found my best friends, a home to call my own, the best support system and life-long sisterhood of which I am incredibly proud to be a part. My sisters push me to be the best I can be, and I can truly say I hold myself to the highest standards to live up to our Purpose. Alpha Gamma Delta has given me so much.

After I graduate with my nursing degree, I plan to go on a medical mission in Southeast Asia to provide free clinics for medical assistance. In the future, I plan to pursue my master’s degree and to one day become a healthcare administrator for a hospital. This scholarship is helping me pay for nursing school, which will bring me one step closer to my dreams of helping people. I am extremely grateful for receiving the Diane Raffel Collins Scholarship.”

Catherine speaks six languages, her favorite hobbies are surfing and indoor rock climbing, and she has studied abroad in Thailand and in Spain during her college career. The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is proud to support outstanding women like Catherine.

Meet Catherine Chao

“We want to ensure that scholarships awarded to Alpha Gams at UNLV continue to keep pace with the cost of tuition.”

Bob and Diane Raffel Collins on the day of establishing

their endowment.

* Bob is one of six Alpha Gam men who have established endowment funds to honor their wives.

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Alumnae and Collegians

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Many proud Iota Chapter members —alumnae and collegiate—have supported four different endowed scholarships for their chapter sisters since the first scholarship, the Iota Scholarship, was established. Iota Chapter has the largest number of funded endowments benefiting its chapter members.

• Iota Scholarship, established in 1990 and funded by alumnae and collegians of Iota Chapter.

• Patricia Houck Holvick Scholarship for Iota, endowed by Patricia in 1997.

• Adelaine Cheney McMurray Scholarship, established by Sandy McMurray Novak in 1997 in memory of her mother, Adelaine, also an Iota sister.

• Sandy McMurray Novak Scholarship, endowed by Sandy in 2007.

“The scholarships have really boosted the chapter’s interest and knowledge about the Foundation,” says Iota Chapter Advisor Krista Michelman. “The collegians actually see the Foundation’s work in progress when their sisters are awarded scholarships. This motivates them not only from a scholastic standpoint, but also increases their drive to do fundraising for the Foundation. Additionally, scholarships are good “PR” for the chapter—parents hear about them and so do community members attending our philanthropic events. I’m grateful for alumnae such as Patricia Houck Holvick and Sandy McMurray Novak who have personally sponsored scholarships for Iota.”

Left to right: Laurie Barrow, House Association President; Cherie Tucker, VP Recruitment; Krista Michelman, Chapter Advisor; Sandy Novak, Property Advisor and Scholarship Sponsor. All Iotas!

Jordan Gallivan, 2013-14 recipient of the Sandy McMurray Novak Scholarship

Supporting Iota

To date, 41 Iota sisters have been awarded scholarship grants from these endowments totaling $41,050.



Each year the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation recognizes the senior from each chapter with the highest cumulative grade point average with the Scholastic Achievement Award. The award, a pendant featuring the Armorial Bearings, is presented at each International Reunion Day banquet. The program, funded by the Annual Fund and the Natalie Chuma Endowment, allows the Foundation to honor Alpha Gam collegians who have excelled in their scholastic endeavors.

Chapters must submit the name of their recipient(s) to receive the award and last year, for the first time ever, awards were given at every

active chapter! Requests for this year’s award winners will be sent to Chapter Advisors and Chapter Presidents in January.

The Foundation is so proud to recognize our top scholars each year. Thank you to Natalie Chuma, Alpha Theta-Hunter College, and all our donors who make this award possible. Here’s to another year of 100% recognition of our collegiate chapters!

The Foundation’s Scholastic Achievement Award

• Seeking Scholarship Evaluators and Additional Volunteers Did you know that all Foundation scholarships are evaluated by a team of volunteer Alpha Gams who work or have worked in higher education? Each year our evaluators review dozens of applications. Currently, the Foundation is seeking new volunteers to add to our committee. If you, or someone you know, has experience in higher education and would be interested in volunteer service, please contact Chris Fedor, Administrative Manager, at 317.663.4242 or [email protected].

Additional opportunities are available on our donor calling team, The A Team, and on the Diabetes Education & Awareness grant evaluation committee. Please contact Chris for more information. We Want You!

• #GivingTuesday Will you join us in the global movement to give back on Tuesday, December 2, 2014? #GivingTuesday follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday and is dedicated to charitable giving, highlighting the generosity of people around the world to bring real change in our communities. This online giving opportunity is a wonderful example of living our Purpose—we hope you will consider joining other Alpha Gams in this invitation!

• Jewel Society Correction Each year the Foundation recognizes members of the Jewel Society for the number of years they have been a member of the Society. This Honor Roll of Donors is listed on the Foundation’s website. We mistakenly listed the Dallas Alumnae Chapter as being a Jewel Chapter for 20 years, when it should be 21 years—every year the Jewel Society has been in existence. The Foundation offers sincere apologies for this oversight and thanks the Dallas Alumnae Chapter for 21 years of dedication and support!

Foundation Bulletins

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WHY DO YOU GIVE TO THE ΑΓΔ FOUNDATION? Email [email protected]. We welcome your stories for publication in Columns and on our website.


Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation8710 N Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46260P 317.663.4242 F 317.663.4244

[email protected]


Patricia Tulley Riddiford, President

Debbie Douglass Roth, Vice President

Sue Maggio Sim, Treasurer

Janis Lang Bartosz, Secretary

Estacia Medlen Brandenburg, Trustee

Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher, Trustee

Rie Gerah Hoehner, Trustee and International President


Executive Director Julie Waitman Cretin [email protected]

Development Manager Jamie Sheriff Law [email protected]

Administrative Manager Chris Rudduck Fedor [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Karen Frye Knotts [email protected]

8710 N Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46260