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Fairy Fencer F Walkthrough/FAQ for PS3/PC by King_Cinder

I. IntroductionII. CopyrightIII. Frequently Asked Questions[FAQS]IV. Characters[CHAR]V. Tips[TIPS]VI. Walkthrough[WALK]VII. Fairies[FAIR]VIII. Quests[QUES]IX. Synthesis[SYNT]X. Weapons[WEAP]XI. Shukesoo's Tower[SHUK]XII. DLC[DLC]XIII. Challenges[CHAL]XIV. Endings[ENDI]XV. Version History[VERS]XVI. Credits[CRED]

I. Introduction

Welcome to my Fairy Fencer F Walkthrough/FAQ. As this is my first FAQ, anysuggestions or constructive criticism is appreciated. Just PM me on theboards. If you like this FAQ, or even if you didn't, pushing the yes or noon if you would recommend this FAQ is really helpful. I will try to avoidspoilers as much as possible, but the names of enemies will be listed.

This walkthrough is for both the PS3 and PC versions, the only differencebeing trophies for PS3 compared to achievements on PC.

My walkthrough is generally going to follow the following format: *Location *Enemies-hp,what they drop, what can be stolen from them. *Changed enemies-there is a way to change the enemies that appear in a dungeon, what the new enemies are and their drops/steals will be listed here. *Quests available-always take any available quests, as well as any quests

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that you have done before, if the "important quest" has not yet appeared. *Treasure chests-I will tell you where they can be found as best I can, based on using the fixed minimap. If my directions aren't clear enough, message me and U will try to make it clearer. *Hidden chests-If a dungeon has hidden chests, it will have the same drop table for each section of the dungeon that has them. *I'm not going to include boss strategies, as they aren't really needed, not even for the upper floors of Shukesoo's Tower.

II. Copyright

This FAQ is copyright me, King_Cinder, and is only for pesonal, non-monetaryuse. This is only allowed to be hosted on Please let me know ifyou see this hosted at another site.

III. Frequently Asked Questions[FAQS]

This will answer any questions brought up to me through either thePM system on Gamefaqs or the comments about recommending this guide.

Q. What are the recommended levles?A. I can't really give you specific recommended levels. If you fight all the enemies in an area once before fighting the boss, you should be easily leveled high enough. If you do all the quests when the items/enemies first become available, you will be a bit over-leveled. The only time you might not is when you need to be at Level 40 by a certain time to recruit a hidden character. In that specific case, you can just go through the area where you have to be Lev 40 before you finish it a few times, I usually gained at least 1 level each run through that area.Q. Where do I find a certain item for a certain quest?

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A. Ctrl-F is your friend on this one. Just type in the name of the quest in, and it'll be listed there.The only ones that aren't are the elemental stones in the Rank A Important Quest. For those, just search for the specific kind of elemental stone you're looking for. By the time you can get this quest, you can find most of the second level elemental stones, except the Rumble Stones. You still gotta get those the hard way- yay low stealing rate :(

IV. Characters[CHAR]

I'm not going to describe the personality of the characters at all, as I thinkit would be more enjoyable to find out on your own. A. Fang The main character of the game in your party for almost the whole game. Your main attacker, biggest damage dealer Notable skills: Backtrack-escapes a dungeon(spell); Flame Assault-23 hit attack good for boosting fury gauge; Eruption Edge-Hits a semi-circle in front of Fang. Quickly eliminates a group of 4 enemies if you are trying to grind out the 10,000 kills trophy/achievement. Special: Serious Face-50% increase in damage, but all SP moves in battle cost 50% more, and non-SP attacks cost 30 SP each B. Eryn Fang's fairy partner C. Tiara Attacker, also your primary healer Notable skills: Cure and Heal spells-Only character that can cure all ailments Shell Storm-Attack that covers the whole field and when at high levels can kill all non-boss enemies. Special: Barrier-Greatly reduces Physical and magical damage while active

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D. Harley Your initial long-range attacker Notable skills: Bullet Storm-55 hit fury attack per enemy, easily the best way (maybe the only way) to get the 250 hit combo trophy/achievement, should completely fill the fury gauge. Special: Analyze-See what elemental strengths and weaknesses an enemy has, as well as what they can drop or steal, though it doesn't show what weapons enemies are weak against. E. Galdo Your thief, attacking afterwards, some healing Notable skills: Thief skills-Swipe, steal, seize-3 stealing skills that increase in accuracy, though none of them are very accurate (skill); Backtrack-leaves the dungeon(spell) F. Sherman Another damage dealer Notable sklls:None Special:Justice-Increase power of attacks by 50% for a cost of 30 SP for nomral attack and 50% more SP for a skill or spell. Same thing as Fang G. Pippin Thunder-element skill and spells I guess Notable skills:Monkey King Combo-25 hit combo can fill your fury gauge Special:Persuade-Make enemies leave battle. No EXP, WP, Gold. Why? H. Missable Character 1 Damage Dealer Notable Skills: None, really Special skill: Provoke-Cause all enemies to attack this person I. Ethel Ice-based skills and spells Notable skills: Glacial Spikes-23 hit ice spell to fill up the fury gauge. Special Skill: Assassinate- Delayed instakill attack, may miss, ineffective on bosses J. Missable Character 2 2nd thief, 2nd best healer

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Notable skills: Dash Steal-Steals items(skill); Healing and Revive spells(spell) Special Skill: Plink-Plink-Raise or lower the money earned at end of battle

V. Tips[TIPS] *when going to a new place, fight every enemy you see the first time through. That will take care of most of the Kill quests that you have, and provide adequate EXP/Gold/WP, as well as a decent amount of item drops from enemies. If you feel like you are too low on HP/SP before a boss, you can always just use a Return Wing (expendable item, only costs 300 gold) or later the Backtrack spell, and then just avoid the enemies on the way to the boss. *Whenever you can, use fairize, unless you are trying to do something such as stealing. *After every event (First entering a dungeon and then leaving, fighting the boss of a dungeon, or watching an orange event), you want to talk to everyone in town each time you come there, all the ones with the green "Subevent" marks on them. This includes going into the talk options at each place. *Always save before a boss. Some of them have drops you may want, and it doesn't always drop them. *You need to do a certain number of quests to unlock the next "important quest". I'm not sure how many, or if rank makes a difference on it, so if you can complete some of the "fetch" quests with just the stuff that you have, if it doesn't require element stones, then go ahead and do so unless the next "important quest" has appeared. *Whenever you leave a dungeon/field, your HP/SP refills, and all non-boss

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monsters respawn. Good if you want to farm something by the entrance or if running low on SP *About weapon boosting, I found the following to work: -Get the first 2 combo upgrades immediately on your first 3 people. -Get Vigilance on your main character(the one you're gonna have doing the walking around-ambushes suck. -After getting your third character, get a fairy that knows learning so that the next person who joins can start gaining XP and WP right away. This is not a problem with the other characters that join, as they already start with the 50 WP for the Learning ability. -Get Galdo the Steal Skills before worrying about the combo skills or anything else. Also, around that time, get Fang or Galdo (Fang first then Galdo) the backtrack spell. *If a character has a heal spell, get them that after the first combo slot. If a character has a revive spell, get them that after the second combo slot. *When learning weapon skills, go with the default weapon first (the farthest left one, and learn the skills you can with that until you hit a point where your Revival Rank is too low. After that point, just go ahead and save your WP until you get that next rank. Don't worry about stat boosts until you need them for a skill. When you get to where you're waiting for Rank A, get the third combo slot first, then learn Goddess's Blessing, then start learning your magic, skills, and skills from other weapons. *Always go for moves that have more hits. That builds the tension gauge faster, and usually more damage. *1-hit high power combo moves are very inaccurate. Don't use them.

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*With Fang, get the 3 combo slots, Backtrack, Item Sonar, Vigilance, and Goddess's Blessing. You'll thank me when you get to Revival Rank A.VI. Walkthrough[WALK]

A. Prologue After the opening scenes and being introduced to the...protagonist, you get into a tutorial battle. Enemy:Guardx2 HP:250 More story, more tutorial, another battle Enemy:Security Mechax2 HP:180 Guard HP:250 B. City of Zelwinds Welcom to the main hub of the game. You immediately run into someone that you're gonna get familiar with through the course of the game, Lola. She gives you your next location to go to today. Before we do that, we want to explore the town first, talk to people, and buy new equipment.

C. Sol Plains *Enemies -Sol Plains -Bee HP:180 Drop:Herb Sprout, Insect Stinger -Raven HP:210 Drop:Dirty Feather Steal: Wild Strawberry -Orthoceras HP:250 Drop/Steal:Nothing -Sol Plains-North Same enemies *Changed Enemies -Sol Plains -Maritima HP: 850 Drop: Smelly Fur Steal: Smelly Fur -Eligos HP: 1200 Drop: Sharp Claw Steal: Sharp Claw *Treasure -Herb Sproutx2 -Potionx3

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-Burned Toastx1 -Potionx2, Energy Shardx1 -Mid Potionx1 *Hidden Treasure: None

In the second part of the first area, with a raven and a bee, there is a treasure with [Herb Sproutx2]. Just after crossing the bridge to the east, there is a treasure containing [Potionx3]. Continuing north along the right side of the wall, a treasure with [Burned Toastx1]. Going into the second area, you find the Fury quickly, but things happen and now you have a new target to go find. Keep going north and after crossing the bridge, go south and cross another bridge to an area with two treasures containing [Potionx2, Energy Shardx1] and [Mid Potionx1]. There's no more treasure in the area, so go north to the marker to begin a boss fight.

Boss Fight:Hoodlum Fencer HP: 550 Drop:Mid Potion After the fight, Tiara joins your party, and you gain the fairy Sylph. More tutorials and a scene of another fencer. After returning to the city, go first to the pub to witness the sub-event. Then visit the rest of town before starting the next event at the inn. Watch the main event at the inn and you'll get a better idea as to what you're gonna be trying to do the rest of the story. I'm going to suggest a fury that doesn't have any real useful World Shaping skills, such as the "Gun Prowess" one, with a Shaping Effect of Exp-6% and Change Enemies. You'll get into a fight that should be fairly easy, and then you'll gain the Fury, and receive Revival Rank C. Your Revival Rank is

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associated with the highest level Fury you've pulled from the Goddess or Vile God, so it won't be changing for awhile.

*After getting a new Revival Rank, check everyone's Weapon Boost page. They should usually gain access to new skills or whole sets of skills they didn't have before.

You'll sit through more story and tutorial explaining, but one thing they don't say is that you can have a fairy equipped even if you haven't done the whole "Godly Revival" thing with it. Anyway, time to talk to Lola to find out the location of the next Fury.

*Before doing anything, purchase the first combo level for both characters, and add something in your second combo slot. I'd also suggest just waiting on buying anything else with Weapon Boost until you have enough for the second combo level.

*A note about World Shaping:There are furies that are beneficial for world shaping and others that are not so much. There are also fairies that are better equipped to the characters. I'll offer suggestions as I go, but you can also just look down to the section on Fairies, and decide for yourself whether they are ones you really want on your party with their bonuses or not.

First, you want to go back into town and talk to Lola for a side quest for a Fury. Yes, you need to talk to her now, before you go into the next dungeon.If you really want, you might be able to beat it now, but I'm going to wait until later on. Just stab a fury into the ground where the

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"?" is, when it's highlighted, and the new area should be available to you.

D. Yatagan Lava Flows *Enemies -Lavaan HP:350 Drop/Steal:Nothing -Rakta-pashka HP:450 Drop: Broken Beak, Dirty Feather Steal: Broken Beak, Dirty Feather -Giant HP:700 Drop:Potion, Mid Potion Steal:Nothing *Changed enemies -Lavaan-Same as above -Staff Lavaan HP: 800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Killer Insect HP: 1200 Drop: Pretty Shell Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Potionx2 -Cherub's Feathersx2 -White Headdressx1 -Potionx1, Energy Shardx1 -Energy Shardx2 *Hidden treasure table -Mid Potion -Herb Sprout -Fire Stone -Herb *Possible hidden treasure locations -Go to the 3-way room at the beginning, turn north, and just after jumping the boxes is a spot -Go west in the 3 way room, then north at the next fork, and it will be on the north wall halfway to the next room -Go west into the third room, then go north and at the fork in the road, go west and it will be in the southwest corner just north of the boulder -Go to the room where the boss was, then east all the way to the eastmost point behind a rock

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Go west, to the 3-way area, go north and then along the south area right before you can jump down to the initial area is a treasure with [Potionx2]. Don't jump off, but go back to the 3-way area, and this time go west. After jumping up the crates, there is a chest with [Cherub's Feathersx2] in the southwest portion of the area. Go north, and after the cutscene head north then east to claim the treasure with [White Headdressx1]. Return to the previous fork and head west this time. In the room you come to in the northwest corner there is a treasure with [Potionx1, Energy Shardx1]. Head east and in the next room instead of going to the waymarker head east, where on the north side of the next room you'll find a treasure with [Energy Shardx2]. Head back to the west to the 3 way room, save, then fight the boss.

Boss Fight: -Lavaanx2 -Gorlois Drop:Dragon Scale, Fire Stone

*If you want to make things easier with a quest coming up soon, try and get the Fire Stone drop. It's not by any means essential, but will eliminate a little bit of item farming later. For the sake of this FAQ, I'm going to go with not getting the Fire Stone.

After the fight, you get the C Rank fairy, PXS-04G. Return to Zelwinds. When you go to the Pub, you can start doing Quests.

*Before each dungeon, I'm going to list all the quests available that you can do at the time. I'll just list the quest names in the walkthrough, and will go into more detail in the Quests section.

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Go to the Inn and watch the next event. Afterwards, do the Godly Revival with your new fairy, I'm going to suggest the Wind Protection +1 fury, with the Change Effect of P-ATK+10% and M-ATK-10%. Next, go to the plaza and talk to Lola, who tells you to go to the Kattacus Ice Cave. Before we do that, though, time to go to the pub and accept quests. Always accept every new available quest, as there isn't a limit as to how many active quests you can have at one time.

The kill quests are pretty obvious, though you will have to do the "change enemies" world shaping for a couple of them. That's why I suggested attaching a fairy to one of the Furies that has the "change enemies" shaping effect. I'm going to do any quests as soon as I can, unless there's something limiting my being able to, such as the ones wanting the fire and ice stone, since you probably don't have the Item Sonar ability yet, and there are some that tell you to find something in a certain place, but you can't find it until a later dungeon. This will be mentioned in the Quests section below the main walkthrough.

*On weapon Boosts, after getting the first Combo level, I'd focus on saving 100 WP for your lead character, be that Fang or Tiara, whoever you use on the field, and purchase the Vigilance ability before anything else. It makes it so that if you miss the pre-emptive strike, you aren't stuck with an ambush. Very helpful. Afterwards, for both people I'd save up 200 WP for the second combo slot. Unless you really grind, you won't really be getting more than that by the end of the next area.

E. Katticus Ice Cave

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*Enemies -Venti HP: 350 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: None -Hippogriff HP: 550 Drop: Dirty Feather, Decent Fur Steal: Nothing -Giant HP: 700 Drop: Potion, Mid Potion Steal: Nothing *Changed enemies -Ice Shark HP: 800 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing -Black Shark HP: 800 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing -Blue Shark HP: 800 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Potionx2, Yellow Fairy Wingsx1 -Traveler's Amuletx1, Return Wingx1 -Energy Shardx2 -Yellow Fairy Wingsx1 *Hidden treasure table -Herb Sprout -Herb -Ice Stone -Panacea Sprout -Lucky Clover *Possible hidden treasure locations -At the very end of the dungeon, past where the boss is, so you can't get to it the first time you're here, abput the northeast corner of the lower area there. -First room, in the northeast corner, near where the crates are -After crossing the first bridge, in the very northwest portion of the raised area -After the first bridge, along the northern wall, just east of the drop-off point from the higher area -Before crossing the first bridge, in the southwest corner, by the dragon skull

This dungeon begins with a Boss Fight: -Killer Mantis HP: 1200 Drop/Steal: Nothing

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Immediately afterwards, leave the dungeon and go back to town. Talk to Lola and get the new Fury info. Remember, we're still waiting on doing these for now. Return to the dungeon. Go into the second room (separated by a lower area) and on the east wall heading north is a treasure containing [Potionx2, Yellow Fairy Wingsx1]. After crossing the bridge, head straight north to a treasure with [Traveler's Amuletx1, Return Wingx1]. Head east and cross the bridge going south, and along the south wall of this room there is a treasure with [Energy Shardx2]. Head north to the save point and you can see a treasure at the far north, but there is a boss in the way. Let's take care of that first.

Boss Battle: -Firn Bactritoid HP:Unknown(Either 6900 or 7800) After getting the boss down to about 1/4 bar of HP, the battle automatically ends, and you receive the C Rank fairy, Crystinger. You get booted out of the dungeon, but we want that last treasure, so change the enemies for the dungeon and go back in. We need to do that last quest anyways. Go all the way back through the dungeon to the treasure chest at the end which contains [Yellow Fairy Wingsx1]. Now you can leave and return to town.

*When you return to town and turn in quests (if you've been following along you have all but 2 quests completed), then there will be a Rank D "Supplying Medicine [Important](fetch)" quest. The thing about Important Quests is that they improve your quest rank upon completion,

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allowing for more and better rewarding quests to be available. Whenever these come up, I will make a point to put those at a priority before everything else. If you have the money to do this quest (3000 gold for the mid tonics, as you should have the energy shards by now), buy them immediately and turn the quest in. You don't unlock more quests right at the moment, but doing this now, and completing other [Important] quests ASAP makes things a lot easier on you.

Go back to the Inn and watch an event. Before you leave, do the Godly Revival with your newest fairy, I'd recommend the Rank C "Angel's Luck" Fury with the Change Effect of Obtained EXP+30% and P-DEF-10%. You want to equip this one on somebody and raise it to level 3 sometime in the near future, but you don't really need to grind for it.

Afterwards, head to Dorfa HQ for an event, and then learn of your next dungeon to go to. Talk to Lola before you leave, though, to get her newest quest. No, we're still not hunting down those furies yet, just making them available.

Accept the following quests: -(E)Guillermo's Intuition(Kill);(E)Save my Pub!(Kill); (E)But I Wanna Know...(Fetch);(E)It's That Time Again(Fetch); (D)A Helping Hand(Fetch) then go to Kidanar.

F. Kidanar

*Enemies -Ganada HP: 590 Drop: Scuffed Shell Steal: Nothing -Zombie HP: 860 Drop: Purified Ash, Antidote Steal: Nothing

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-Bit Alpha HP: 640 Drop/Steal: Nothing *Changed Enemies -Staff Ganada HP: 1200 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Zombie HP: 860 Drop: Purified Ash, Antidote Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Potionx1, Mid Potionx1 -Antidotex1 -Potionx1, Tonicx1 -Mid Potionx1 -White Tiarax1 -Antidotex2 *Hidden treasure table -Panacea Sprout -Panacea Herb -Lucky Clover -Herb -Beautiful Flower -Herb Sprout *Possible hidden treasure locations Kidanar -Northeast corner, starting room -West side, down the stairs, southeast corner of room -Northern half, on lower level next to stairs going up in nrotheast corner -Northern half, just past the stairs going up, in the southeast corner -Just west of the exit to the next area, northwest corner Kidanar North Block -North of the entrance, ignoring the stairs, in the corner -Very southwest corner of upper area -Room with save point, southeast corner -Upper level, southeast room, southeast corner -Upper level, southwest room, northwest corner

This dungeon also begins with a fight. -Ganadax3, same stats as above *Killing these ones doesn't count towards the quest of Killing 5 of them.

In the second room, go to the southeast corner to find a treasure with [Potionx1, Mid Potionx1]. There's nothing in the room to the west, so

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head north and in that room on the west wall there's a treasure with [Antidotex1]. Head east and climb the stairs, and you'll come to a bit of platforming. It's not hard at all, just jump right before the edges, and you'll make it across. If you miss the jump, you don't take damage or anything, so don't worry about that. After the jumps, and before you go to the next area, on the southeast corner of the upper area is a treasure with [Potionx1, Tonicx1].

In the second area, go north, up the stairs, over the jumps south, and along the southern wall of that area find a treasure with [Mid Potionx1]. Head east into the next room, and in the norheast part of this room is a treasure with [White Tiarax1]. Head north towards the waymarker, and in the southwest corner of the room is a treasure with [Antidotex2]. Save and fight the boss.

*Boss fight: -Ganada Mother HP: 7800 Drop: Pretty Shell (Rare) -Ganada HP: 590 Drop: Scuffed Shell Steal: Nothing *If you don't get the boss drop, don't worry about it. You can get it in easier places.

After the fight, an event, then get the C Rank Fairy Reed

Fight the changed enemies if you want, then head back to town.

*When you go to town, go to the shop and you will unlock synthesis. This is a useful (and sometimes frustrating) mechanic that will for the most part be left alone in the main walkthrough, apart

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from important quests. It will be covered in its own section later (hopefully 100% of it).

Turn in all the quests that you can (I'm assuming that you can't do the ones where you need the Fire Stone or Ice Stone for now. Return to the Inn and see once again the party's obsession with food. After the event, Harley joins the party and you gain a new mechanic.

*Avalanche attacks are basically as follows: When a character does an attack that the enemy is weak against, there is a chance that the next character in the turn order will follow up with their combo attacks (not their initial attack, the one you had before increasing the combo count with Weapon Boost). Then the next person follows up, until it gets to where it would be an enemy's turn. Afterwards, the initial attacker continues on with their attack, and then the people that followed up in the Avalanche attack still get their turns. Really easy way to build up a good combo and get the fury gauge for everyone filled up.

As a side note,when you get avalanche attacks, enemies start getting having weaknesses to some weapons. I will try to add in all the weapon weaknesses in later.

Save, then on Godly Revival, Go with the Rank C Fury with "Gun Prowess" that has the Shaping Effect of P-DEF+10% and M-ATK-10%. We're not gonna be using that one for World Shaping hardly at all. Go ahead and equip it on Harley, make sure to buy her the first combo slot, and then go to Shukesoo's Tower.

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G. Shukesoo's Tower

*This place will be dealt with moreso in its own section after the main walkthrough. For now, we're just going to do the part of it required by the story.

In the event when you come here, they decide to remind you that this is, indeed, a Compile Heart game. Anyway, this dungeon is a 5 fight gauntlet, no treasures or anything.

Fight 1: *Desert Riser HP: 4800 Drop: Weakened Special Fiber, Mid Potion

Fight 2: *Ghedex2 HP: 2200 Drop: Potion

Tiara leaves your party after this battle.

Fight 3: *Nightblade Serpent HP: 3000 Drop: Potion

Harley also leaves your party after this battle. You also learn Fang's Special Command "Serious Face" It uses 50% extra SP for skills and spells, and normal attacks cost 30 SP each, but his power is increased by 50%.

Fight 3 (again): *Nightblade Serpent HP: 3000 Drop: Potion

Fight 4: *Little Greyx3 HP: 800 Drop: Potion

Fight 5: *Majin's Remains HP: 6800 Drop: Potion, Mid Potion

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The fight stops after knocking off 25% of its HP, then starts up again with it fully healed, but not you. Anyway, just wait till you are ready to fairize, then activate Serious Face and then Fairize to make it an easier battle, and just use Potions if you get to critical HP. After winning the fight, Tiara and Harley rejoin the party, and you get the C Rank Fury Kirin.

Back at town, there's an event. I don't think this event has anything to do with the ending at all, but if you wanted to do all 3 endings on one go, you may want to view the Harley event. I think the one with Eryn has more story relevance, so I'd go with that one.

Tiara and Harley get their Special Skills now. Tiara can basically put up a wall that reduces all damage but that's all she can do on her turn. Harley can analyze an enemy to see what drops/steals they have, how much HP/SP they have and what elemental weaknesses they have. It would be real useful if it told you what weapon types enemies were weak against, but it doesn't. Oh well...

After going around watching subevents, it's time for Godly Revival again. Since Kirin doesn't have any skills I'd want on someone (well maybe new game + but I doubt even then), I'm gonna suggest using him on the C rank Fury with "Fire Protection +1" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained Money+50% and Obtained WP -10%. When you're done there, go to the Plaza so Lola can give you the location of the next Fury,

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which is Solaru Village. Well, at least our hero is motivated by something other than money or fame.

Gather the following quests: Rank E Guillermo's Client?(Kill); Rank D Protect Travelers(Kill); Rank D A Spooky Situation(Kill); Rank D What Are These For?(Fetch); Rank D A Personal Request(Fetch), and then head for Solaru Village.

H. Solaru Village

After the beginning event (every game needs their psychotic villain), you start another enemy gauntlet, with just Fang in your party.

Fight 1: *Hooligan HP: 2400 Drop: Potion, Mid Potion

Fight 2: *Undead HP: 2900 Drop: Potion

Fight 3: *Attack Squad HP: 3400 Drop: Nothing

Fight 4: *Death Pierrot HP: 4800 Drop: Nothing

After that fight, Fang leaves your party, and you end up in the Solaru Village dungeon area with only Tiara. Just ignore all the treasure and enemies for now, as we will be back here very shortly, and just head west into the second room, then north, east to the stairs, up the stairs and across the ledge that requires jumping, morth to the next room, and east until you get to the waymarker.

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Tiara leaves the party again, Fang rejoins, then it's back to the fights once more.

Fight 5: *Galdo HP: 1880 Drop: Nothing

Fight 6: *Zenke HP: 6900 This battle ends after knocking down about 1/4 of his HP.

Tiara and Harley rejoin the battle, you gain the C Rank Fairy Daxx, and then:

Boss Battle: *Zenke HP: 6900 Drop: Nothing

Equip the Fairy Daxx on someone in your fighting party immediately! at level 3 it learns the Item Sonar ability, which lets you find hidden treasure crystals if the party leader has the skill. Really useful both now and later on.

After the boss fight, Galdo joins your party. You can now steal.(Yay?) Now you have 4 people in your party, so either give the one you won't have in your main team the fairy Cristinger, or teach them the skill Learning, so they can gain EXP/WP outside battle, as people not in your main party don't gain EXP/WP outside battle. Just to note, if someone leaves the party, they don't gain EXP/WP during that time anyways. Watch the long scene about a group of people, most of whom you've never seen before, and then see Zenke get his. Another scene at the Inn,

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then do the Godly Revival, my suggestion being the C Rank Fury with "Water Protection+1" and the Shaping Effect of P-ATK-10% and M-ATK+10%. Talk to people around town, but don't go to the plaza yet, as we are still going back to Solaru Village. We could go after all those Furies that Lola told us about, but I want to get some WP on Galdo first.

I. Solaru Village Again

*Enemies -Bit Alpha HP: 640 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Thornet HP: 700 Drop: Insect Stinger, Poison Stinger Steal: Insect Stinger, Poison Stinger -Bandit HP: 800 Drop: Small Chunk of Magic Steal: Small Chunk of Magic *changed enemies -Ghost HP: 1400 Drop: Purified Ash Steal: Nothing -Zombie HP: 800 Drop: Purified Ash, Antidote Steal: Nothing -Ghost Leader HP: 1800 Drop: Small Chunk of Magic, Purified Ash Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Potionx2 -Stimulantx1 -Mid Potionx1 *Hidden treasure table -Herb Sprout -Herb -Panacea Sprout -Panacea Herb -Beautiful Flower *Possible hidden treasure locations -Central room, lower level, in the far southeast corner -Northeast corner of first room -Northwest room, northeast corner by tree -South central room, southeast corner -West central room, southwest corner

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Go two rooms west, to the room with a save point, for a treasure with [Potionx2] in the corner of the room at the bottom of the stairs. Go back east one room, north one room, up the stairs to the east, across the jumps on the ledge going west, into the room to the north, and there's a treasure in the southeast of this room with [Stimulantx1]. Go east to the second room with a save point in it, and in the northwest corner is a treasure with [Mid Potionx1]. That's it for the treasures, so just finish the kill/fetch quests you need to do here, change the enemies and do the quests you have for those enemies. Afterwards, we still aren't going back to the plaza in town. We're finally gonna finish those quests Lola gave us a long time ago.

Sol Plains -NEO Eligos HP: 8800 Drop: Sharp Claw Steal: Sharp Claw

Obtain the C Rank Fury Sayle. Merge it with the Rank C Fury "Post Battle HP+" with the Change Effect of Obtained EXP-5% and Obtained Money+50%. Yes, I know that's one of the ones from the Vile God, but there's not much of a consequence for this other than a little scene where people get upset at you. On to the next Lola fury.

Yatagan Lava Flows -NEO Giantx2 HP: 8900 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Obtain the C Rank Fairy Nelly. Since this is a good Fairy to have equipped on a character, merge it with the Rank C Fury "Wind Protection+1"

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and the Change Effect of P-ATK-10% and M-DEF+10%. On to the next Lola fury.

Katticus Ice Cave -NEO Bactritoidx3 HP: Drop: Broken Fury-Hilt*If you don't get this for some reason, reset the game and redo the fight. You NEED it for something a long time from now. Steal: Nothing

Obtain the C Rank Fairy Niles. Merge him with the C Rank Fury with "Learning" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained EXP-10% and Drop Rate+10%. Time to finally talk to Lola again in the plaza. She lets us know we're going to be going to Bui Valley next. Go to the pub and accept the following: Rank D Landlord's Recommendation(Kill); Rank D Guillermo's Smirk(Kill); Rank D Don't Worry! You're a Fencer!(Fetch); Rank D You're Collecting WHAT!?(Fetch); and Rank C The Collector(Fetch)[Important]

This is a frustrating quest if you try to do it asap, which I won't be doing until I can get access to all the items needed for the synthesis for it. You will need, to complete this quest and the 2 element stone quests that you've had sitting around for awhile now, 6 fire stones (found in hidden treasure chests in Yatagan Lava Flows), 6 ice stones (found in hidden treasure chests in Katticus Ice Cave), 5 wind stones (found in hidden treasure chests in Bui Valley), and 1 lightning stone (found in a later area, at which point I will be doing this quest. I will also go over how to synth all of these together so

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you don't waste any of the elemental stones and have to farm more of them.

*Other than the [Important] quests to up your quest rank, I'm not going to say any specific quests to accept anymore. I'm going to work on all the quests as they become available, so if you aren't doing that, the [Important] quests won't be showing up until later, or not at all if you just skip the quests*

As soon as you enter Bui Valley, watch the scene, then leave. Return to town and get the next quest from Lola, which is in Kidanar. Let's go there now.

Boss fight: -NEO Ghostx2 HP: 9800 Drop/Steal: Nothing Win the Rank C Fairy, Shadogan. As this fairy has some hegher level skills that we will want, merge it with the Rank C Fury with "EXP UP+" and the Shaping Effect of P-DEF+15% and Heal Status Disabled. Now that we have 10 furies, we can do something good at Shukesoo's Tower.

J. Shukesoo's Tower Again

Now that you have 10 furies, you can do World Shaping with all of them, it doesn't have to be on a town or anything, and the Tower will gain a floor with each Fury used for World Shaping. You have to clear each floor the first time, but even if you pull up all the furies, it remembers what floors you have cleared, and you don't have to do them again if you don't want to when you return. The first event happens after clearing 10 floors, which might be a little hard at this point. Try and

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play it conservatively and you should be okay. One thing to remember is that you don't get a game over if you die, so it doesn't hurt to try. If it happens to be too hard at this point for you, just come back later. If you do clear the 10 floors, you receive the Bronze Emblem. Take that to the pub in town, and receive the Rank C Fairy Elgarde. On the Godly Revival thing, merge him with the Rank C Fury with "Lightning Protection+1" and the Shaping Effect of M-ATK+15% and SP Consumptionx2.

*Shukesoo's Tower will be discussed in full after the main walkthrough.

Anyway, we can finally head back to Bui Valley.

K. Bui Valley

*Enemies -Thunder Bird HP:900 Drop: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather Steal: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather -Aquairius HP:800 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing -Callisto HP: 1100 Drop: Smelly Fur, Decent Fur Steal: Nothing -Red Oni HP: 1400 Drop: Piece of Flying Stone Steal: Nothing *Changed enemies -Thunder Bird Same as above -Land Shark HP: 300 Drop: Piece of Flying Stone Steal: Nothing -Sparna HP: 1500 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Caladrius HP: 1600 Drop Piece of Flying Stone Steal: Piece of Flying Stone *Treasure -Herbx2 -Potionx2 -Potionx2, Energy Shardx1 -Stimulantx2 -Monoclex1

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-Leather Armguardx1 -Return Wingx1 *Hidden Treasure table -Herb Sprout -Night Blossom -Wind Stone -Herb -Beautiful Flower -Lucky Clover -Water Stone -Panacea Sprout -Sun Blossom *Possible hidden treasure locations Bui Valley -The very first room, on the east wall -On the island you have to warp to, on the northern side where some flowers are -Northwest corner of last room before you go to the new area -Second room, in southwest corner -Third room, east wall Bui Valley West -In the northwest room, at the northwest corner -In first room, at start of the path where you go southeast to the southern room -In central room, on western wall where wall starts to turn from north/south to east/west -In south certral room, by start of path to central room -On island you warp to, southeast portion

In the second room, on the northern half of the western wall, is a treasure with [Herbx2] inside. There's a brief scene as you go into the third room. Same thing as you enter the last room in the first area. In the last room there is a warp, which leads to an island with a treasure that has [Potionx2] inside. Warp back and then head to the next area. Another scene when you first get into this area. After the event, turn around and right by the exit to the first area is a treasure

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with [Potionx2, Energy Shardx1] inside. This area doesn't really have a set path, so I'll just refer to the rooms using the cardinal directions. In the northwest room, along the western wall, a treasure with [Stimulantx2] is there. Heading east leads to the boss room, so we're gonna head to the southeast to the central room. Near the southern exit of this room on the east side you find a treasure with [Monoclex1] inside. Head south to the southern room, then east to the southeast room. On the southern part of the eastern wall of this room are 2 treasures, with [Leather Armguardx1] and [Return Wingx1] respectively. There is a warp in this room, but it doesn't lead to any treasure chests. Head northwest and then northeast to the boss room. Save ahd then fight the boss.

Boss Fight: -Ethel HP: 6180 Drop: Nothing Steal: Black Armband

You also reveive the Rank B fairy, Naivy.

Finish any quests you may have left at Bui Valley, and then return to town. We're gonna want to repeat the Rank D Landlord's Recommendation(Kill) quest 3 more times. Important for some synthesis later. Go to the inn, and save before doing the Godly Revival thing. The game sometimes likes to throw a high-level enemy at you the first tome you merge a Rank B fairy. We're going to merge Naivy with the Rank B "Paralysis Null" Fury, with the Shaping Effect of Obtained WP+50% and Damagex2. This one is almost always going to be used for World Shaping a dungeon, unless otherwise noted, for the mass WP increase, but the Damagex2 thing

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is really good in most instances as well. After all that, go talk to Lola and find out where to go next, which is the Zawaza Plains. Pick up the available quests, then head for the Zawaza Plains.

*A couple of things about World Shaping: Now that we've gotten some decent furies, we're going to be doing that most if not all the time now. Each fury has an area that it influences, as well as an area that you can't put another fairy at within their area of influence. At Level 1, those areas are the same, but at Level 10 (max level), the area of influence increases greatly and you can have around 20 furies covering the same area. *Also, Damagex2 is probably the most overpowered effect that there is. The game calls it a negative effect, but it applies to both you and the enemies, so except when you're stealing or something when you need to keep an enemy alive, it's to your advantage to have. *World Shaping Effects do not affect Shukesoo's Tower, so that can be a good place to level up some furies you use in world shaping so they can influence a greater area.

Go ahead and use Naivy to open up Zawaza Plains and just keep it there.

M. Zawaza Plains

*Enemies -Stingle HP: 900 Drop:Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger Steal:Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger -Aquairius HP:800 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing -Ammon HP: 1100 Drop/Steal: Nothing

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-SPA HP: 1200 Drop: Rusted Gear, Weakened Special Fiber Steal:Weakened Special Fiber -Sparna HP: 1500 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Thunder Bird HP:900 Drop: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather Steal: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather -Majin Gunner HP:2500 Drop: Rusted Gear, Shabby Circuit Steal: Shabby Circuit -Killer Mantis HP: 2300 Drop:Pretty Shell Steal: Nothing *changed enemies* -Pixie HP:1000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Summer Pixie HP:1000 Drop:Nothing Steal:Summer's Feather -Spring Pixie HP:1000 Drop:Nothing Steal:Spring's Feather *Treasure -Energy Shardx2 -Stimulantx2 -Panaceax1 -Mid Potionx2 *Hidden treasure table -Herb -Night Blossom -Enthusiastic Cap -Lightning Stone -Wind Stone -Copper Ore -Panacea Sprout -Beautiful Flower -Herb Sprout *Possible hidden treasure locations Zawaza Plains-East -corner of wall where you could go south or west from in lower area -along southern wall, where it is just a narrow area, along the north wall there -at the entrance, along the northern wall -On the wall just west of the exit Zawaza Plains-Far East -At the entrance, where you can start going west -In the west wall of curved area just west of the save point

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-In the area you can't get to without Flight Stone -After crossing first bridge, on the ledge to the east

Area starts off with a battle:

-Assissinx3 HP: 1500 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Leave and go back to town, to get Lola's new fury quest. Now we have to run to Bui Valley real quick for this fury. It's in the same place the boss was.

-NEO Azure Dragon HP: 9800 Drop: Pretty Shell Steal: Nothing

Get the Rank C Fairy Laives. Merge with the Rank C fury with "Adrenaline Rush" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained WP+50% and SP Consumption x 2.

Now back to Zawaza Plains. After crossing the bridge, head north for two treasures containing [Energy Shardx2] and [Stimulantx2]. Follow the path to the next area

In the second area, watch an event, and then on the very southern portion of the map, just after dropping off a ledge, there is a treasure with [Panaceax1] inside. Go ahead and go to the last area.

After the bridge, head west. Ignoring the second bridge for now, head north for a treasure with [Mid Potionx2] inside. Ignore the second bridge for right now, as you need an item that helps you jump higher, and you can't make that for a long time without DLC, and I won't talk DLC until after the walkthrough, this'll be covered in New Game +. Go ahead and go back to the first bridge, and go east this time. Head to the waymarker for a scene and a boss fight.

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Boss fight: Appolonius Just a teaser. Afterwards, Sherman joins your party, and you get the Rank B fairy Kunes. Give Sherman learning right away. Unless you're underleveled, he's not going to be as strong as your usual party, so don't put him in unless you really want to.

Boss fight: Appolonius HP: 7900 Drop/Steal: Nothing

After the fight, another scene. Leave Zawaza valley, and watch more scenes, and Pippin joins the party. A couple events, then you are told the next fury is in the Subterranean Tower. Also, Sherman leaves the party. That was kinda quick. Anyways, watch the rest of the scenes in town, merge Kunes with the Rank B fury with "Adrenaline Rush" and the Shaping Effect of P-ATK+10% and M-ATK-10%. Do the change enemies in Zawaza Plains to finish the quest there.

*Make sure to go in here with "Change Enemies" in effect, and steal a Spring's Feather from a Spring Pixie. We're gonna need it for some synthesis, and it's just easier to do it now.

After that I'm going to get the items for the Rank C important quest now. It's a grind to do it now, so if you want to wait until later you can. To do the quest, though, you need the following: 5 fire stone (from Yatagan Lava Flows), 5 ice stone (from Katticus Ice cave), 5 wind stone (from Bui Valley), and 1 lightning stone (from Zawaza Plains). Make those into 1 blaze stone, 1 glacier stone, and

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1 gale stone. Combine the blaze stone and lightning stone into the Wildfire Spirit Stone. Combine the glacial stone and the gale stone into the Blizzard Spirit Stone.

Accept the available quests and then head to the Subterranean Tower.

N. Subterranean Tower

*There is a Rank D quest that asks for Silver Ore from the Subterranean Tower. You won't find it there, but you will find it later.

*Enemies -Murian HP:1200 Drop: Tattered Wing Steal: Tattered Wing -Bit Beta HP: 1100 Drop: Weakened Special Fiber Steal: Weakened Special Fiber -Tiger Shark HP: 1400 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing -Cyclops HP:2000 Drop: Decent Fur Steal: Nothing -Death Eagle HP:2300 Drop: Broken Beak Steal:Broken Beak -Majin Gunner HP:2500 Drop: Rusted Gear, Shabby Circuit Steal: Shabby Circuit -SPA HP: 1200 Drop: Rusted Gear, Weakened Special Fiber Steal:Weakened Special Fiber *Changed enemies -Penpa Knight HP:1800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Penpa Magician HP:1000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Penpa Prince HP:2500 Drop: Crown Steal: Crown *Treasure -Herbx1 -Force Ringx1 -Mid Potionx2 -Lightning Stonex1 -Cherub's Feathersx1 -Doctorate Hatx1

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-Mithril Stonex1 -Purple Armbandx1 -Return Wingx2 *Hidden treasure table -Herb Sprout -Beautiful Flower -Mandragora -Copper Ore -Earth Stone -Herb -Night Blossom -Panacea Sprout *Possible hidden treasure locations *B1 -Just north of the entrance, in the corner -In the second portion, jump into the inside ring, and it's on the south corner of the western wall -In the third section, behind the first pillar you can walk behind -In the first section, go into the inner ring, at the east wall *B3 -Just northeast of the start of the floor -In southern entrance to inner ring, in the eastmost corner -In southern entrance to inner ring, in the westmost corner -In first room, along eastern wall south of the exit *B5 -Outside ring, very north part -Outer ring, southmost corner -Past the save point, on the outer lower ledge, in the western corner

Just south of the entrance is a treasure chest with [Herbx1] inside. On the second portion of the level (I'm gonna divide it up by areas where you have to jump to advance), go into the inner ring and on the west wall by where it hits the north wall, is a treasure with [Force Ringx1], as well as [Mid Potionx2] on the innermost part of the ring. Go through to the third section of the floor, go to the inner ring area, and down to the next floor. The second floor is just 4 rooms with 90 degree turns in them

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connected by hallways. No treasure. Go to the next floor. A brief event at the start of the third floor, then at the very north corner of the starting room is a treasure with [Lightning Stonex1] inside. Leave the room and head south and at the dead end is a treasure with [Cherub's Feathersx1] inside. Return the way you came and go north instead, and at the next intersection, head west. Follow the outer area until you come to another dead end, then go back and head north into a room. In the northeast corner is a treasure with [Doctorate Hatx1] inside. Leave the room, head west and go to the first intersection you get to, and this time, go east. Head east and then south to the next floor. The fourth floor is exactly like the second. Move on to the next one. On the last floor, go to the southeast corner of the room you start in for a treasure with [Mithril Stonex1]. Follow this room around to its exit. In the next room, in the northwest corner, is a treasure with [Purple Armbandx1] inside. Head towards the outside and save before the boss battle.

*A note about World Shaping and Boss Battles: A lot of bosses have stuff to steal, and while the Damagex2 does make the dungeons easier, sometimes it can make boss battles perilous, especially if you aren't having good luck stealing. If it's ever a big deal with a boss, you can always Backtrack out of a dungeon, remove the World Shaping, go in the dungeon again and just avoid the other enemies on your way to the boss.

Boss fight: Bernard HP: ???

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Just knock him down by 1/4 to 1/2 HP, then the fight suddenly ends. Watch the scenes that ensue. Shermen rejoins your party.

Go back and after where the boss was on a ledge behind him is a treasure with [Return Wingx2] inside.

Turn in your quests and watch the events in town. You get [Emily's Amulet].

You find out the next place to go is the Cavare Desert.

O. Cavare Desert

*Enemies -Somnia HP:1200 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Ghoul HP:2100 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Griffon HP:1800 Drop: Pure White Feather Steal: Pure White Feather -Guardian Riser HP:3200 Drop: Low Power Engine Steal: Nothing -Bit Beta HP: 1100 Drop: Weakened Special Fiber Steal: Weakened Special Fiber *Changed Enemies -Sand Dragon HP:2600 Drop: Dragon Scale, Dragon Fang Steal: Dragon Scale -Decanyon HP:5500 Drop/Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Blonde Parted Hairx1 -Tin Gauntletsx1 -Mid Potionx2 -Black Discx1 -Energy Crystalx1 *Hidden treasure table -Copper Ore -Fire Stone -Amazonite -Herb -Beautiful Flower -Herb Sprout

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-Sun Blossom -Mandragora -Panacea Sprout -Wind Stone *Possible hidden treasure locations *Cavare Desert -West around the area to a metal plank to nowhere -South of the western warp point -Most southwest point on the map -At fork before exit to next area, go southeast instead of northeast, at southernmost point *Cavare Desert-North -Small area to the north shortly after entering area, in the northeast corner -Just north of the entrance -Northern metal plank to nowhere -Northwest of the warp point, across a pit, next to a rock -Going west along the southern wall, right before it sharply turns north, at that corner

Watch the scene at the beginning. You cannot reach the warp point at the top of the ledges without an item you cannot get until later in the game. Anything there will be discussed in new game+. Comtinue to follow the path until you get to a point that sticks out to the south and goes to the east. Go there for a treasure with [Blonde Parted Hairx1]. Continue back on the path, at the waymarker you get a mid-boss fight.

Mid-Boss fight: GS Antis HP: 6800 Drop: Audio Output Circuit Steal: High Powered Circuit, Audio Output Circuit

Take the warp west of the boss fight to a treasure with [Tin Gauntletsx1]. Go to the waymarker for another fight.

GS BI Dragon HP:6800 Drop: Audio Output Circuit Steal: High Powered Circuit, Video Output Circuit

Go east to the next area.

Go north when you can and at the southeast portion of this area find a treasure with [Mid Potionx2]. Go back to the path, save at

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the save point if you want, then just to the west is a treasure with [Black Discx1]. If you want the Sound Gallery to listen to the game's soundtrack later, you need to get it now. Go south to the warp instead of going to the waymarker, and take it to get to a treasure with [Energy Crystalx1]. Now warp back to the main area and go to the waymarker for another boss fight.

Boss fight: GS Hannibal HP:6800 Drop: High Powered Circuit Steal: High Powered Circuit

A scene, and then another fight.

Boss fight: Bernard HP:7800 Deor/Steal: Nothing

Obtain the Faith Drop. Another scene. Interesting. As soon as the scene is over, leave where you are at. Return to town, talk to everyone You can probably synthesize the music box now if you want to. Go to the plaza and get Lola's new quest. If you've been following along, it should be the sixth one. Go back to Cavare Desert to find it.

Boss fight: NEO Gukyo HP:9000 Drop: Broken Fury-Edge *If for some reason you don't get this drop, reset and try again. You also get the Rank C fairy Snow. Merge it with the C Rank fury with "Spear Prowess" amd the Shaping Effect of Change Enemies and P-DEF-10%. Time to go to the Sanctuary.

P. Cavare Desert-Sanctuary

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Enemies -Gukyo HP:1500 Drop: Sharp Beak Steal: Nothing -Somnia HP:1200 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Nyx HP:1200 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Desert Mantis HP:2800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Sand Dragon HP:2600 Drop: Dragon Scale, Dragon Fang -Guardian Riser HP:3200 Drop: Low Power Engine Steal: Nothing -Silver SPA HP:1400 Drop: Scratched Armor Steal: Scratched Armor *Treasure -Mid Potionx1 -Lozengex1 -Angel's Feathersx2 -Stimulantx1 -Panaceax2 -Potionx3 *Hidden treasure table -Herb -Night Blossom -Copper Ore -Lightning Stone -Herb Sprout -Mandragora -Panacea Sprout -Moon Blossom -Amazonite -Wind Stone *Possible hidden treasure locations -Take 2nd warp, at southeast corner of island -Just south of first warp -Just east of warp you can't reach without Flight Stone -Room with Desert Mantis in it, southwest corner -Just before room with Desert Mantis in it, in southern area jutting out in east corner

*If you don't have 5 Piece of Flying Stone, go back and get some from enemies. We're going to need them for synthesis soon, and it's

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a lot easier now to do it then waiting to do it later.

*If you haven't done the Rank C Important Quest yet, I'm going to really recommend that you do so now. You can wait, but since we're about to hit a point where we start getting Rank C quests, it would be really useful to have done the Important Quest. Available info on this quest is either in the Quests section later or above at the end of the Zawaza Plains area.

Head to the first warp point and take that to find a treasure with [Mid Potionx1]. Warp back and go to the second warp. take thae one to an island with treasures with [Lozengex1] and [Angel's Feathersx2]. Warp back to the main path. Go south all the way for the treasure of [Stimulantx1] on the peninsula. Head east and in the room along the path where the Desert Mantis is, on the north side there is a treasure with [Panaceax2] inside. The next warp point that you come to, on top of some ledges, you need an item that helps you jump higher. Don't worry about it, as you can't get to this until NG+. By the northeast wall of this room is a treasure with [Potionx3]. Continue north, save at the save point, make sure you've done everything you want to do at this point (quests, etc), and then go forward for some scenes and the boss battle.

Boss Battle: -Marianna HP:17800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Zagi HP:2000 Drop: Beautiful Blue Jewel Steal: Beautiful Blue Jewel

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*Make sure you either steal or get the Beautiful Blue Jewel from Zagi. If you don't, then you can't make the Flight Stone until much later in the game, or from the DLC.

Watch the scenes. Lots of stuff happening, and you end up with just Fang in the party, in the Sol Plains. Leave the area for the moment. The only places you can go to at the moment are the Town, Shukesoo's Tower, and the Sol Plains.

Go into town, synthesize the Flight Stone, and accept the available quests. Head to the Sol Plains.

Q. Sol Plains (Revisited)

*A brief warning first: Many of the enemies are going to have much higher stats than they did previously, so don't expect this to just be a walk in the park. Many also have different drop/steal items as well.

Enemies -Flying Dragon HP:2600 Drop: Dragon Fang Steal: Nothing -Bee HP:1000 Drop: Poison Stinger, Insect Stinger Steal: Nothing -Raven HP:1600 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Orthoceras HP:1800 Drop/Steal: Nothing *changed enemies* -Maritima HP:600 Drop: Decent Fur Steal: Nothing -Eligos HP:600 Drop/Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Etherx1

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-Yanderynx1 -Herb Sproutx2 -Mid Tonicx1 -High Potionx1

After jumping up the first ledge, there is a treasure in the west wall with [Etherx1]. Just after crossing the bridge on the right side is a treasure with [Yanderynx1]. On the eastern wall shortly before the exit to the next area is a treasure with [Herb Sproutx2]. Go to the next area. In the second area, watch a scene that seems kinda familiar, but isn't. The game'll give it away if you haven't already guessed, so I'll shut up about it. Anyway, at the fork in the road, go south and get the two treasures with [Mid Tonicx1] and [High Potionx1]. Head north to the waymarker for the boss battle.

Boss Battle: Hoodlum Fencer HP:1500 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Gain the B Rank Fairy, Light. More scenes. Merge Light with the B Rank Fury with "SP Cost Down" and the Change Effect of Drop Rate+10% and Restore SP Disabled. Do the Change enemies at Sol Plains to finish your quests, pick up some new quests, then head to Yatagan Lava Flows.

*If you've been doing all the quests up to this point, you should have the Rank B [Important] Quest available. It's going to be awhile before you get to the dungeon where you can get the items needed for the quest. So don't worry if it's sitting on your quest list for awhile.

R. Yatagan Lava Flows(Revisited)

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*Enemies -Lavamurian HP:1100 Drop: Tattered Wing Steal: None -Goniatite HP:2800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Rakta-pashka HP:1600 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Giant HP:3000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -SPA HP:1800 Drop: High Quality Gear, Beautiful Armor Steal: Scratched Armor *changed enemies* -Shell Goniatite HP:2660 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Killer Insect HP:5000 Drop: Pretty Shell Steal: Nothing -Lava Beetle HP:7000 Drop: Pretty Shell, Glittery Wing Steal: Pretty Shell *Treasure -Mid Potionx2 -Cherub's Feathersx1 -Etherx1 -Chocolate Ribbonx1 -Mid Potionx2 *Hidden treasure table -Copper Ore -Blaze Stone -Fire Stone -Poor Quality Iron Ore -Herb -Night Blossom *Possible hidden treasure locations -Go to the 3-way room at the beginning, turn north, and just after jumping the boxes is a spot -Go west in the 3 way room, then north at the next fork, and it will be on the north wall halfway to the next room -Go west into the third room, then go north and at the fork in the road, go west and it will be in the southwest corner just north of the

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boulder -Go to the room where the boss was, then east all the way to the eastmost point behind a rock

Scenes as you enter. From the second room head north and follow the path to find a treasure with [Mid Potionx2] on a ledge where you can drop back down. Don't do that. Instead, go back to the 3-way room and go west instead. Climb the crates and find a treasure with [Cherub's Feathersx1] in the southwest portion of the room. Follow the path north for a scene, and then head north at the fork and go into the small room for a treasure with [Etherx1] at the southeast corner. Return to the fork and go west this time, heading into a room with a treasure with [Chocolate Ribbonx1] in the northwest corner. Head east, but go past the waymarker in the next room and go to the following room and along the north wall there's a treasure with [Mid Potionx2]. Head back to the previous room, save, and hesd to the waymarker for a boss fight.

Boss Fight: -Tridon HP:17000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Lavamurianx3

Obtain the B rank fairy Nyx. More scenes. That...wasn't like that the first time. Merge Ntx with the rank B fury with "Confusion Null", and the Shaping Effect of Obtained Exp+30% and Damagex2. Talk to Lola and then head for the Katticus Ice Cave. Go inside briefly for a quick scene, then exit and return to town. Talk to Lola to get another Fury

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quest. We're gonna wait a bit on that quest, though. Head back to Katticus Ice Cave.

S. Katticus Ice Cave(Revisited)

*Enemies -Venti HP:1600 Drop: Nothing Steal: Water Stone -Ekimu HP:2600 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Ice Shark HP:4130 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Hippogriff HP:1800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Giant HP:3000 Drop/Steal: Nothing *Changed enemies* -Black Shark HP:4000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Blue Shark HP:4135 Drop/Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Mid Potionx2 -Apricot Hairclipx1 -High Etherx1 *Hidden treasure table -Panacea Herb -Lucky Clover -Herb -Potent Herb -Poor Quality Iron Stone -Glacial Stone -Copper Ore -Ice Stone *Possible hidden treasure locations -At the very end of the dungeon, past where the boss is, so you can't get to it the first time you're here, abput the northeast corner of the lower area there. -First room, in the northeast corner, near where the crates are -After crossing the first bridge, in the very northwest portion of the raised area

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-After the first bridge, along the northern wall, just east of the drop-off point from the higher area -Before crossing the first bridge, in the southwest corner, by the dragon skull

In the second room along the eastern wall is a treasure with [Mid Potionx2]. Continue north to the event, then climb up to the area to the left for a treasure with [Apricot Hairclipx1]. After crossing the second bridge, on the couth side of the room is a treasure with [High Etherx1]. Save after the next bridge, then it's boss time.

Boss fight: -Firn Bactritoidx2 HP:7800 Drop: Glittering Scale Steal: Nothing

After the fight, Fang's fury powers up with 1 extra combo hit and a 5% fury form power increase (these are permanent until NG+). Add in your extra combo move and then let's do that fight again:

Boss fight: -Firn Bactritoidx2 HP:7800 Drop: Glittering Scale Steal: Nothing

Gain the Rank B fairy Sigurd. Come back into the dungeon and go past where you fought the boss for a treasure with [Cherub's Feathersx2]. Head back to town, and Harley rejoins your party. Merge Sigurd with the Rank B Fury with "Item Sonar" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained WP+50% and Silence. Gather up quests and then head for Zawaza Plains. Go in, watch the scene, leave, go back to town, get Lola's fury quest. We're gonna wait again on it, so back to Zawaza Plains.

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T. Zawaza Plains (Revisited) *Enemies -Stingle HP:1200 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Aquairius HP:2800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Ryoku Dragon HP:2400 Drop: Dragon Fang Steal: Nothing -Ammon HP:2600 Drop/Steal: Nothing -SPA HP:1800 Drop: High Quality Gear, Beautiful Armor Steal: Scratched Armor -Majin Gunner HP:7800 Drop: High Powered Circuit Steal: Nothing -Killer Mantis HP:6800 Drop: Chunk of Magic Steal: Chunk of Magic *changed enemies -Pixie HP:2900 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Spring Pixie HP:970 Drop: Spring's Feather Steal: Spring's Feather -Summer Pixie HP:7700 Drop: Summer's Feather Steal: Summer's Feather -Autumn Pixie HP:2900 Drop: Autumn's Feather Steal: Autumn's Feather -Winter Pixie HP:970 Drop: Winter's Feather Steal: Winter's Feather *treasure -Stimulantx1 -High Potionx2 -Panaceax1 -Black Glassesx1 -Elixirx2 *hidden treasure table -Panacea Sprout -Beautiful Flower -Mithril Stone -Orichalcum

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-Mid Potion -Iron Ore -Lightning Stone -Herb -Night Blossom *Possible hidden treasure locations Zawaza Plains-East -corner of wall where you could go south or west from in lower area -along southern wall, where it is just a narrow area, along the north wall there -at the entrance, along the northern wall -On the wall just west of the exit Zawaza Plains-Far East -At the entrance, where you can start going west -In the west wall of curved area just west of the save point -In the area you can't get to without Flight Stone -After crossing first bridge, on the ledge to the east -After crossing first bridge, go west then very north area

After the bridge, head north for 2 treasures with [Stimulantx1] and [High Potionx2]. Now head south past the bridge and follow the path to the next area. Follow the path and at the southern end after dropping off a short ledge is a treasure with [Panaceax1]. Head to the next area. After the bridge take the path north. Head past the second bridge for a treasure with [Black Glassesx1]. Now go across that second bridge and with the Flight Stone we can jump over that obstacle here that we couldn't before for a treasure with [Elixirx2]. Save your game, and head for the boss.

*Before you go fight the boss, though, there are a couple of conditions that you're about to have to meet in order to get the first missable character. The first is having Emily's Amulet. The second is being level 40 before fighting the following boss. Yes,

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that's going to be a bit of a grind, but unless you want to wait until a second playthrough, you have to do it. Zawaza Plains is a good place to get it done, too. Just put all your EXP+ Furies affecting the dungeon and have Fang equipped with a fairy with an EXP+ effect.

Boss fight: Appolonius HP:12800 Drop/Steal: Nothing

After the boss fight, a scene. Then accept quests, finish and turn in the one for Zawaza Plains, and then head for the Rudohke Blast Furnace.

U. Rudohke Blast Furnace *Enemies -Freebee HP:1700 Drop: Tattered Wing Steal: Nothing -Blaze Bear HP:7200 Drop: Decent Fur Steal: Nothing -Phoenix HP:3230 Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather Steal: Pretty Feather, Fire Stone -Crab Insect HP:8600 Drop: Pretty Shell Steal: Nothing -Spike Head HP:3400 Drop/Steal: Nothing *changed enemies -Gorlois HP:8600 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Imperial Red Dragon HP:9800 Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Big Red Dragon Stone Steal: Big Red Dragon Stone *treasure -Red Visorx1 -Mid Tonicx2 -High Potionx1 -Mid Potionx3 *hidden treasure table

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-Panacea Herb -Moon Blossom -Night Blossom -Iron Ore -Silver Ore -Mithril Stone -Gold Ore -Herb -Fire Stone -Blaze Stone -Amazonite *possible hidden treasure locations Rudohke Blast Furnace -Northeast room, southwest corner by ledge you can drop down from -Along path after starting room, go east, north, just barely west -Southeast room, just east of wall of crates -North central room, along southern wall near southwest corner Rudohke Blast Furnace-B1 -Drop off ledge in southwest room, northwest corner -Southeast room, just south of wall of crates -Northeast room, southeast corner -Southwest room, top of stairs in southwest corner -Southeast room, southeast corner

After the opening scene, follow the path to the room with 2 enemies and some crates on the side. In the southeast corner is a treasure with [Red Visorx1]. Head north and in the next room go north again to a room with a ledge you can't get up on the west side. In the northwest area of this room is a treasure with [Mid Tonicx2], and at the northeast dead-end is a treasure with [High Potionx1]. Head back south and turn west from that room. In the southwest corner of the hallway is a treasure with [Mid Potionx3]. Keep going north in the hallway to the room you couldn't jump to before. Don't jump back down. Head west and follow the path to the next area.

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Head south until there is a ledge to drop off. Drop off it and head east to the next room. Along the south wall of the room is a treasure with [Blaze Stonex1]. Keep following the path until you get to a room directly east of the starting point and in the northwest corner is a treasure with [Silly Maskx1]. Head east to the boss room but before that go to the southwest corner for a treasure with [High Potionx1] inside. Go save, then boss time.

Boss fight: Devolcano HP:45000 -Drop: Dragon Claw, Red Dragon Stone Steal:???(Bugged, you have no way to steal, and the enemy doesn't appear ever again as far as I know. Boss fight: Apollonius HP:12800 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Secret Character 1 joins the party, and you gain the Rank C fairy Lif. Merge Lif with the C Rank Fury "Earth Protection+1 and the Shaping Effect of Obtained EXP-10% and Drop Rate+10%. Go to the plaza and talk to Lola and tind out your next destination is Solaru Village. Get your quests, and then head over to Solaru Village. After the opening scenes, go back to town, get another quest from Lola, yes we're putting this one off too. Don't worry, we're gonna catch all of those quests up real soon. Now, head back to Solaru Village.

V. Solaru Village (Revisited) *Enemies -Ghost HP:8400 Drop: Ectoplasm Steal: Nothing -Bit Alpha HP:3170

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Drop: Special Fiber Steal: Special Fiber -Thornet HP:3170 Drop: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger -General HP:6800 Drop: Nothing Steal: Proof of Membership *Changed enemies -Underling HP:3200 Drop: Proof of Membership Steal: Nothing -Center Fielder HP:5800 Drop: Proof of Membership Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Purple Armbandx1 -Stimulantx1 -Mid Potionx2 *Hidden treasure table -Potent Herb -Mandragora -Panacea Herb -Potent Panacea Herb -Copper Ore -Poor Quality Iron Ore -Amazonite -Herb *Possible hidden treasure locations -Central room, lower level, in the far southeast corner -Northeast corner of first room -Northwest room, northeast corner by tree -South central room, southeast corner -West central room, southwest corner

Head towards the southwest room. Down the stairs, in the southwest corner, is a treasure with [Purple Armbandx1]. Go to the waymarker in the northwest corner for a fight

Battle: Hooligan HP:3170 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Obtain the Rank B fairy Undine

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Boss Battle: Zenke HP:14000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Galdo rejoins the party.

Before anything else, let's finish exploring Solaru Village.

Head to the central room, up the stairs to the east, along the path going north, and through the door to the north. In the southwest corner of this room is a treasure with [Stimulantx1] inside. Head east and in the northwest corner of the last room is a treasure with [Mid Potionx2] inside. Head back to town. Watch the event but don't go talk to Lola yet. Fuse Undine with the Rank B Fury with "Axe Prowess" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained EXP+30% and Seal. Time to go finish some of the other Lola quests we've been putting off until now. First up, Sol Plains.

Boss Battle: NEO Flying Dragonx3 HP:11000 Drop: Dragon Claw Steal: Dragon Claw

Gain the Rank B Fairy, Eigar. Merge it with the B Rank fury with "Wind Support+1" and the Change Effect of P-ATK+15% and M-DEF-15%.

Next up: Yatagan Lava Flows

Boss Battle: NEO Insect HP:12000 Drop: Pretty Shell Steal: Nothing

Gain the Rank B fairy Grandnarg. Merge it with the Rank B Fury with "Bow Prowess" and the Shaping Effect of P-ATK-15% and M-DEF+15%.

One more Lola quest to finish: Katticus Ice Cave

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Boss Battle: NEO Caladrius HP:13000 Drop: Decent Fur Steal: Nothing

Gain the Rank B fairy Freya. Merge it with the Rank B Fury with "Water Support+1" and the Shaping Effect of P-DEF+15% and M-ATK-15%.

Now that we have 20 Furies (23, actually, but we just needed 20), we can go back to Shukesoo's Tower. Give your main 3 people the best Furies for them and use all the rest on World Shaping. It deoesn't matter where. We just need 20 in the ground so that Shukesoo's Tower will have 20 floors. Clear all 20 floors to get the Iron emblem to take to the pub to get the Rank B faury Roh. Merge it with the Rank B Fury with "Fire Support+1" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained Money+50% and Heal Status Disabled. Go talk to Lola and find out that you're going to Bui Valley. Go to Bui Valley, watch the first scene, then leave. Head back to town and talk to Lola for another of her quests. This one is in Solaru Village.

Boss Fight: NEO Canhellx3 HP:14000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Obtain the Rank B fairy Vervain. Merge with the Rank B Fury with "Post-Battle SP+" and the Shaping Effect of P-ATK-10% and M-ATK+10%. Now head back to Bui Valley.

W. Bui Valley (Revisited) *Enemies -Thunder Bird HP:3200 Drop: Piece of Flying Stone

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Steal: Chunk of Magic, Lightning Stone -Aquairius HP:2800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Cockatrice HP:5800 Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather Steal: Pretty Feather -Callisto HP:7800 Drop: Decent Fur, Demon Beast's Claw Steal: Nothing -Red Oni HP:9800 Drop: Piece of Flying Stone Steal: Piece of Flying Stone -Land Shark HP:1140 Drop/Steal: Nothing *changed enemies -Sparna HP:4800 Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather Steal: Sharp Beak -Caladrius HP:8000 Drop/Steal: Nothing *treasure -Potent Herbx2 -Mid Potionx2 -High Potionx2 -Stimulantx1 -Fox Pup Maskx1 -Art Bookx1 -Return Wingx1 *hidden treasure table -Herb -Lucky Clover -Panacea Herb -Herb Sprout -Moon Blossom -Sun Blossom -Iron Ore -Gale Stone -Copper Ore -Water Stone *possible hidden treasure locations Bui Valley -The very first room, on the east wall -On the island you have to warp to, on the northern side where some flowers are -Northwest corner of last room before you go to the new area -Second room, in southwest corner

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-Third room, east wall Bui Valley West -In the northwest room, at the northwest corner -In first room, at start of the path where you go southeast to the southern room -In central room, on western wall where wall starts to turn from north/south to east/west -In south certral room, by start of path to central room -On island you warp to, southeast portion

In the second room, there is a treasure with [Potent Herbx2]. Take the warp in the last room to an island with a treasure with [Mid Potionx2] inside. Head to the next area. As soon as you enter on the east side is a treasure with [High Potionx2] inside. Head north two rooms for a treasure with [Stimulantx1] on the west side of this room. Head to the southeast, to a central room, then just before a path going south is a treasure with [Fox Pup Maskx1] inside. Head south, then east to an area with 2 treasures, [Art Bookx1] and [Return Wingx1]. There is also a warp here, but no treasures on the island it takes you to, so head northwest to the central area and then northeast to the boss room. Save, then fight the boss.

Boss Fight:Ethel HP:12500 Drop: Nothing Steal: Eyepatch

Ethel joins your party. Gain the B Rank fairy Harpy. Merge it with the Rank B Fury with "Lightning Support+2" and the Shaping Effect of Change Enemies and Restore HP Disabled.

*If you want the Picture Gallery for the CGs, then you need to get the Art Book in Bui Valley. It's part of the synthesis recipe for

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Talk to Lola to find out we gotta head to the Subterranean Tower. Head in and watch the scene, then leave. Go back and talk to Lola again for another fury quest. This one's at Bui Valley.

Boss Fight: NEO Gorlois HP:21000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Obtain the Rank B fairy Raijin. Merge it with the Rank B Fury with "Earth Support+1" and the Shaping Effect of P-DEF-15% and M-ATK+15%. Now head back to the Subterranean Tower.

X. Subterranean Tower (Revisited)

*Enemies -Murian HP:2400 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Bit Beta HP:2800 Drop: Beautiful Armor Steal: Nothing -Tiger Shark HP:4800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Cyclops HP:8800 Drop: Beautiful Fur, Demon Beast's Claw Steal: Nothing -Machinga HP:10000 Drop: High Powered Circuit Steal: High Powered Circuit -Death Eagle HP:9800 Drop/Steal: Nothing *changed enemies -Bit Eta HP:5800 Drop: Beautiful Armor, High Power Engine Steal: High Power Engine -King Mecha Penpa HP:9500 Drop: Special Fiber Steal: Nothing -Kaiser Mecha Penpa HP:9500 Drop: Crown, Special Fiber Steal: Crown *treasure

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-Black Ban-gasax1 -Mid Potionx2 -Force Ringx1 -Lightning Stonex1 -Cherub's Feathersx1 -Medical Eyepatchx1 -Iron Orex1 -Mid Potionx2 -Return Wingx1 *hidden treasure table -Silver Ore -Mithril Stone -Potent Herb -Night Blossom -Copper Ore -Iron Ore -Amazonite -Orichalcum -Mandragora -Earth Stone *possible hidden treasure locations *B1 -Just north of the entrance, in the corner -In the second portion, jump into the inside ring, and it's on the south corner of the western wall -In the third section, behind the first pillar you can walk behind -In the first section, go into the inner ring, at the east wall *B3 -Just northeast of the start of the floor -In southern entrance to inner ring, in the eastmost corner -In southern entrance to inner ring, in the westmost corner -In first room, along eastern wall south of the exit *B5 -Outside ring, very north part -Outer ring, southmost corner -Past the save point, on the outer lower ledge, in the western corner

Just south of the entrance is a treasure with [Black Ban-gasax1]. In the second portion of the inner ring that you can jump into, there is a treasure with [Mid Potionx2] on the upper inside area and

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[Force Ringx1] in the western corner. Go through to the third area of the inner ring you can go into and go to the next floor. The second floor is just a non-branching path with 4 enemies, that can usually be avoided if desired. No treasure. Move on to the next floor. A brief event at the start of the third floor, then at the very north corner of the starting room is a treasure with [Lightning Stonex1] inside. Leave the room and head south and at the dead end is a treasure with [Cherub's Feathersx1] inside. Return the way you came and go north instead, and at the next intersection, head west. Follow the outer area until you come to another dead end, then go back and head north into a room. In the northeast corner is a treasure with [Medical Eyepatchx1] inside. Leave the room, head west and go to the first intersection you get to, and this time, go east. Head east and then south to the next floor. The fourth floor is exactly like the second. Move on to the last one. On the last floor, go to the southeast corner of the room you start in for a treasure with [Iron Orex1]. Follow this room around to its exit. In the next room, in the northwest corner, is a treasure with [Mid Potionx2] inside. Head towards the outside and save. If you follow the very southern wall, you can get the [Return Wingx1] treasure before the boss battle if you're lucky.

Boss Battle: Pippin HP:14200 Drop: Nothing Steal: Aged Afro

Pippin rejoins your party. Gain the B Rank fairy Minari, the C Rank fairy Elphas, and the C Rank fairy Vint. Go back to town, watch the

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event, then

Battle: Attack Squadx3 HP:5000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Get Lola's new quest, then watch the events in town. Then Godly Revival. Merge Minari with the B Rank Fury with "Knuckle Prowess" and the Shaping Effect of Change Enemies and SP Consumptionx2. Merge Elphas with the C Rank Fury with "Ice Protection+1" and the Shaping Effect of P-ATK+15% and Silence. Merge Vint with the Rank C Fury with "Gold Up+" and the Shaping Effect of P-DEF-15% and M-DEF+15%.

Doing this did a couple of things. First, we now have 30 furies, so we can get the next emblem from Shukesoo's Tower. Second, if you look, there are only A and S rank furies left in the Vile God and Goddess. Third, we have that quest from Lola to do still. Let's do that first, so head to the Zawaza Plains.

Boss Battle: NEO Pixiex5 HP:22500 Drop: Winter's Feather Steal: Winter's Feather

Gain the Rank A fairy Bowa. Equip him on Fang. That's probably not going to change at least through your first playthrough. Merge Bowa with the Rank A Fury with "Angel's Luck+2" and the Change Effect of Drop Rate+15% and Items Disabled. This will give you Revival Rank A. The reason that I've made a point in the tips section of this FAQ is for this: Launcher Combos. Opens for Fang at Revival Rank A.

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Almost every enemy is weak to it. Large hit numbers. The best normal attack moveset for him IMO. Only the last move requires Revival Rank S, which you get in NG+. Replace all normal attacks in your movesets with the highest hit one of these you can get.

Now that you've got that out of the way, unequip everyone else's fairies, use them for World Shaping somewhere in the world, so we can reach floor 30 of Shukesoo's Tower. Clear floor 30 to get the Silver Emblem. Take it to the pub for the Rank A fairy Wesley. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Round Guard" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained Money-10% and Drop Rate+25%.

Y. Cavare Desert (Revisited) *Enemies -Somnia HP:3000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Earth Golem HP:9800 Drop: Amazonite, Earth Stone Steal: Earth Stone -Ghoul HP:7800. Drop: Ectoplasm, Lovevy Soul Steal: Lovely Soul -Griffon HP:4800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Guardian Riser HP:9600 Drop: Audio Output Circuit Steal: Audio Output Circuit -Bit Beta HP:2800 Drop: Beautiful Armor Steal: Nothing *changed enemies -Stingle HP:3600 Drop: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger -Bee HP:4800 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Thornet HP:3600 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Freebee HP:4800

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Drop/Steal: Nothing -Queen Bee HP:12000 Drop: Insect Stinger Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Elixirx1, Ultra Etherx2 -Mid Potionx3 -Tin Gauntletsx1 -Mid Potionx3 -Red Glassesx1 -High Potionx2 *hidden treasure table -Panacea Herb -Mandragora -Beautiful Flower -Herb -Silver Ore -Gale Stone -Iron Ore -Fire Stone -Sun Blossom -Mithril Stone *possible hidden treasure locations *Cavare Desert -West around the area to a metal plank to nowhere -South of the western warp point -Most southwest point on the map -At fork before exit to next area, go southeast instead of northeast, at southernmost point *Cavare Desert-North -Small area to the north shortly after entering area, in the northeast corner -Just north of the entrance -Northern metal plank to nowhere -Northwest of the warp point, across a pit, next to a rock -Going west along the southern wall, right before it sharply turns north, at that corner

We start with a boss battle: -GS Antis HP:28000 Drop: Video Output Circuit, High Powered Circuit Steal: Video Output Circuit, Audio Output Circuit -GS BI Dragon HP:28000 Drop: Video Output Circuit, High Powered Circuit Steal: Video Output Circuit, Video Output Circuit -GS Hannibal HP:28000 Drop: High Powered Circuit

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Steal: High Powered Circuit

Climb the ledges to the top, which you couldn't reach without the Flight Stone, to a warp that leads to a treasure with [Elixirx1, Ultra Etherx2]. Return and head west to the first small area where you can head south for a treasure with [Mid Potionx3]. Follow the path north and take the warp on the west side to a treasure with [Tin Gauntletsx1] inside. Return and head east, taking the northern path to the exit to the next area. In the second area, go north to an area that opens up to the east for a treasure with [Mid Potionx3]. Head to the save point, then head west for a treasure with [Red Glassesx1] inside. Head south to the warp for a treasure with [High Potionx2]. There's nothing else, so head for the waymarker for an event, then return to town. We find out our next stop is the Lusamundo Ice Cave. Go in, exit, go back to town, talk to Lola, get another quest. This one's at the Cavare Desert.

Boss Fight: -NEO Hannibalx2 HP:25800 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Gain the A Rank fairy Rayknight. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Stun Null" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained WP+75%, P-ATK-10%, and M-ATK-10%. Now head back to the Lusamundo Ice Cave.

Z. Lusamundo Ice Cave

*Enemies -Ice Hawk HP:3800 Drop: Nothing Steal: Ice Stone -Red SPA HP:3700 Drop: Scratched Armor, Ultra Powered Circuit Steal: Scratched Armor

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-Ice Man HP:10000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Ice Bear HP:9600 Drop/Steal: Nothing *changed enemies -Ice Dragon HP:1300 Drop: Dragon Claw, Red Dragon Stone Steal: Red Dragon Stone -Imperial Blue Dragon HP:12000 Drop: Red Dragon Stone Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Mid Potionx2 -Devil Set -Fresh Blood- x1 -Etherx1 -Mid Potionx2 -Angel's Feathersx1 -Dewdrop Flaskx1 -Panaceax1 *hidden treasure table -Iron Ore -Glacial Stone -Ice Stone -Herb -Potent Herb -Mithril Stone -Gold Ore -Orichalcum -Panacea Herb -Lucky Clover *possible hidden treasure locations *Lusamundo Ice Cave -opening room, west corner -opening room, west corner of south wall -second room, northeast corner -northernmost room, far southwest corner -Room before room with exit to next stage, northeast area, by the crates -Second room, northwest corner *Lusamundo Ice Cave-B1 -Room west of entrance, far north corner -Southeast room, northeast portion of upper ledge -Far northeast room, southeast portion of ledge -Northwest room, northwest corner -Third room(large circularish one near center), northern wall

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*The Red SPA drop the Ultra Powered Circuit, 5 of which you'll need for the Rank B Important Quest, and 2 more for the Picture Gallery, so you'll want to have 5 of those at least before you're done with this dungeon.

Head all the way north and then west to a ledge that has two treasures, [Mid Potionx2] and [Devil Set -Fresh Blood- x1]. Head back south, then west and on the southern wall of this room is a treasure with [Etherx1]. There's no more treasure here, so head west two more rooms to the exit to the next area. Head west, north, then east all the way to a treasure on top of a ledge for [Mid Potionx2]. Head north into the next room and in the northeast corner is a treasure with [Angel's Feathersx1]. Go northwest two rooms and in the southwest corner is a treasure with [Dewdrop Flaskx1]. Head east to the save point and then a boss battle.

Boss fight: -Marianna HP:36000. Drop/Steal: Nothing -Zagi HP:4800 Drop/Steal: Nothing

The fight stops, and you get to do it again. Yay?

Boss fight: -Marianna HP:36000. Drop: Chunk of Magic, Piece of Flying Stone Steal: Beautiful Blue Jewel -Zagi HP:4800 Drop/Steal: Nothing

*If you didn't get a Beautiful Blue Jewel from the fight with Marianna and Zagi at Cavare Desert-Sanctuary, this is your only chance outside of either NG+ or DLC.

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After the battle, you automatically exit the dungeon. Go back in, and past where the boss was is a treasure with [Panaceax1]. Exit and return to town. You can now turn in that Rank B Important Quest. You get a lot of Rank B quests that require going back in previous dungeons, so I'm going to take care of those before continuing.

*One more thing, if you collected an extra 2 Ultra Powered Circuits, you can synthesize the Visual Box, giving you access to the Picture Gallery at the Inn. You just have to leave town and return to gain access to it.

After clearing those Rank B Quests, the Rank A Important Quest becomes available. This one's gonna require a bunch of elemental stones. What you need: *1 Firestorm Spirit Stone-3 Inferno Stone+1 Hurricane Stone 1 Inferno Stone=3 Blaze Stone, 1 Hurricane Stone=3 Gale Stone *1 Slush Spirit Stone-3 Absolute Zero Stone+1 Maelstrom Stone 1 Absolute Zero Stone=3 Glacial Stone, 1 Maelstrom Stone=5 Water Stone *1 Voltremor Sprit Stone-1 Cloudburst Stone+1 Quake Stone 1 Cloudburst Stone=5 Lightning Stone, 1 Quake Stone=3 Rumble Stone 1 Rumble Stone=5 Earth Stone -Earth Stones are easiest gotten from Earth Golems in Cavare Desert (Revisited) as a steal or rare drop. Water stones can be stolen from Venti in Katticus Ice Cave(Revisited). Otther stones can be found easily enough as hidden treasures in prwvious areas. I'm also going to do this quest before moving on, if you want to wait that's fine, just make sure to do it before NG+, cause you can't unlock S Rank until near the end of game, and we want to do that the first time

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After doing all that, there's just a few new quests that open up. They're easy, so let's do those real quick then get back to the main story by going to the riverbank in town. Watch the scene, then watch the scene in the plaza and the one that follows to find out you need to go to the Inverted Tower. Head inside, watch the scene, exit, and head back to town. Yes, another Lola quest. Only a couple more after this one, I promise. Anyway, this time we gotta head to the Rudohke Blast Furnace.

Boss Battle: NEO BI Dragonx2 HP:28000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Obtain the Rank A fairy Gisele. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Berserk Null" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained EXP+60%, P-ATK-10%, and P-DEF-10%. Now we can really begin the Inverted Tower.

a. Inverted Tower

*Enemies -Ignis HP:3900 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Bit Theta HP:3900 Drop: Beautiful Armor, High Power Engine -Hresvelgr HP:3900 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Surendra Jit HP:8000 Drop: Glittery Feather Steal: Glittery Feather -Signa Riser HP:11000 Drop: Video Output Circuit Steal: Video Output Circuit *Changed enemies -Reptilian HP:10500 Drop: OOPArts Crystal Skull Steal: OOPArts Crystal Skull

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-Anunnaki HP:10500 Drop: OOPArt-Spaceship Steal: OOPArt-Spaceship -Chitari HP:3900 Drop: OOPArt-Lithograph Steal: OOPArt-Lithograph *Treasure -Mid Potionx3 -High Potionx1 -Summer Hatx1 -Etherx1 -Etherx1 *Hidden treasure table -Gold Ore -Orichalcum -Silver Ore -Amazonite -Mithril Stone -Mid Potion -Earth Stone -Herb -Potent Herb *Possible hidden treasure locations -Inverted Tower *South of Starting Point *Just east after entering third section of outer ring *Just west after rntering second portion of outer ring -Inverted Tower-3F *Eastern half of ring, northern area *Just north of entrance to eastern half of ring *Outside of ring, northern half, dead end to the east

Go into the inner ring just west of the entrance. At the northmost point is a treasure with [Mid Potionx3]. Go back to the outer ring and follow it around to the next spot where you can go into the inner ring. Go to the northmost point here for [Mid Potionx3], then go to the next area. No treasure on the Second Floor so just follow the path to the third floor. On the third floor, head north to the outside area, then east for

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a treasure with [High Potionx1]. Head back west and go around the outside until you can hop back into the ring on the east side. Go ahead and do so and on the south side get [Summer Hatx1]. Advance to the next floor. Nothing on this floor, same as the second. Move to the next one. Head to the east and head outside the ring to a smaller one. On the east side of this there are two treasures, [Etherx1] on the upper area and [Etherx1] on the lower area as well. Head back and this time go west out of the middle ring. Save, and then head west.

Boss Fight: *Eryn Copy-Illusion HP:21000 Drop: Nothing Steal: Orichalcum *Eryn Copy-Nihil HP:21000 Drop: Nothing Steal: Chunk of Magic *Eryn Copy-Dream HP:21000 Drop: Chunk of Magic Steal: Chunk of Magic

Obtained Faith Drop.

*This is the flag that determines which ending you get occurs. In the inn, if you watch Tiara'a subevent "When This Journey is Over", you will get Tiara's ending. If you watch Eryn's subevent "Partners?, and don't watch Tiara's, you will get Eryn's ending. If you talk to neither, you will get the Normal Ending.

Watch whichever one you want to set up the ending, and then head for Zeppelia Valley. Watch the opening event, then leave and head back to town to talk to Lola. This time we gotta go to the Lusamundo Ice Cave.

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Boss Fight: NEO Imperial Bleu Dragon HP:30000 Drop: Red Dragon Stone Steal: Nothing

Gain the A Rank fairy Rami. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Seal Null" and the Change Effect of Obtained Money+75% and P-DEF-10%.

Now that we have 35 furies, we can go back to Shukesoo's Tower again. Fight through the 35th floor for the Gold Emblem. Trade it in at the pub for the Rank A fairy Fahn. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Silence Null" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained EXP+60% and Restore SP Disabled. Now we can finally head back to Zeppelia Valley.

b. Zeppelia Valley

*Enemies -Shellworm HP:4000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Slash Shark HP:4000 Drop: Beautiful Scale, Glittering Scale Steal: Wind Stone -Basilisk HP:10000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Buzzerk HP:4000 Drop: Glittery Wing, Tattered Wing Steal: Nothing *change enemies -Dark Dragon HP:6000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Imperial Black Dragon HP:10000 Drop: Glittery Wing, Tattered Wing Steal: Nothing *Treasure -Mid Potionx3 -Potent Herbx1 *hidden treasure table -Wind Stone -Gale Stone -Herb -Moon Blossom

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-Iron Ore -Silver Ore *possible hidden treasure locations -Room with warp point, southmost point -First room, southeast side of room, not on ledges -Room before boss, northwest portion -Southern room, southern wall halfway between warp and northeast exit

Go to the second room and in the northwest corner is a treasure with [Mid Potionx3]. Head south and take the warp point to an island with a treasure with [Potent Herbx1] inside. Warp back and head northeast then north to a save point. Before you go to the waymarker, go to the southeast corner for a treasure with [Purple Glassesx1]. Now head for the waymarker.

Boss Fight: Paiga HP:52500 Drop/Steal: Nothing

After the events that follow, head to the plaza and get another quest from Lola. This is the last one, finally! Head to the Subterranean Tower.

Boss Fight: Imperial Gold Dragon HP:35000 Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Big Red Dragon Stone Steal: Big Red Dragon Stone

Gain the Rank A fairy Medis. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Greatsword Prowess" and the Change Effect of Change Enemies and M-ATK-10%.

*You can unlock the S Rank Important quest now if you want, if you have been keeping up with quests so far. You need to redo some quests, I'm not really sure how many or of what rank they have to

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be, but just accept and turn in some of the Fetch quests that you already have excess amounts of the required stuff for. The Important quest is a simple kill quest you can complete in Zeppelia Valley with Change Enemies in effect. The reason that I suggest that is because the quests from this point on are going to need Quest Rank S to appear, so I'm gonna suggest doing that now.

After doing that, it's time to head to Cavare Desert-Sanctuary.

c. Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(Revisited)

*Enemies -Gukyo HP:4100 Drop: Glittery Feather, Huge Beak Steal: Nothing -Desert Mantis HP:10000 Drop: Rainbow Shell Steal: Nothing -Buzzerk HP:4000 Drop: Glittery Wing, Tattered Wing Steal: Nothing -Mithril Golem HP:10000 Drop: Mithril Stone, Orichalcum Steal: Mithril Stone, Orichalcum -Nyx HP:4100 Drop: Ectoplasm, Lovely Soul Steal: Lovely Soul -Silver SPA HP:4100 Drop: High Power Engine Steal: Nothing *change enemies None *Treasure -Mid Potionx3 -Lozengex2 -Angel's Feathersx1 -Light Blue Bunnyx1 -Panaceax2 -Elixirx2 -Mid Potionx2 *hidden treasure table

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-Herb -Night Blossom -Silver Ore -Lightning Stone -Mandragora -Panacea Herb -Moon Blossom -Mithril Stone *Possible hidden treasure locations -Take 2nd warp, at southeast corner of island -Just south of first warp -Just east of warp you can't reach without Flight Stone -Room with Desert Mantis in it, southwest corner -Just before room with Desert Mantis in it, in southern area jutting out in east corner

Follow the path to the first warp to get to a treasure with [Mid Potionx3]. Return and take the 2nd warp to an island with 2 treasures, [Lozengex2] and [Angel's Feathersx1]. Return and head south to a dead end for a treasure with [Light Blue Bunnyx1]. In the small southern room with just a west and east exit on the north side is a treasure with [Panaceax2]. Go through the warp on top of the group of ledges for a treasure with [Elixirx2]. Warp back and to the northeast is a treasure with [Mid Potionx2]. Head west, save, and head to the waymarker.

Boss Battle: Erifidium HP:65500 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Events, then another fight. This one stops after 2 rounds, though.

Hidden character 2 joins the party.

Time to head to Stairway to Heaven.

d. Stairway to Heaven


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-Halphas HP:11000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Lava Mantis HP:12000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Anklet Warg HP:4500 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Dark Shark HP:4500 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Machine Launcher HP:4500 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Yellow SPA HP:4500 Drop: High Power Engine Steal: High Power Engine -Herba HP:11000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Mute Riser HP:4500 Drop: Lovely Soul, Ectoplasm Steal: Nothing *Changed enemies None *Treasure -Rose Hairclipx1 -Mid Tonicx2 -High Potionx1 -Gold Orex1, Orichalcumx1 -High Potionx1 -Polka Dot Ribbon Tailx1 -Mid Tonicx2 -High Potionx1 *hidden treasure table -Amazonite -Mithril Stone -Gold Ore -Orichalcum -Silver Ore -Earth Stone -Herb -Potent Herb *possible hidden treasure locations -Stairway to Heaven *West of entrance, first dead end *Southeast room, after jumps, south wall *Northeast room, southwest corner *Southwest room, south wall *Far east hallway, western alcove -Stairway to Heaven 3F *Western hallway of outside area, in the alcove

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*Southern hallway of outside area, in the alcove *Eastern portion of ring, north corner *Outside area, northeast dead end

First, head to the northeast for a treasure with [Rose Hairclipx1]. Then, head back west past the entrance and head to the far northwest room for a treasure with [Mid Tonicx2] at the northeast corner and one with [High Potionx1] in the northwest corner behind all the crates. Head back south and take the first east path you can. We then get to do some platforming across the ledges to the east side of the level. It's not impossible without the flight stone, just a lot harder. After the platforming, head north, then east to the waymarker.

Boss Fight: -Marianna HP:52000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Attack Squad B HP:6000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Attack Squad C HP:6000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

After getting Marianna's HP below 50%, Tiara, Galdo, and Ethel leave the party, and we get to do the same battle again, just more HP for Marianna.

Boss Fight: -Marianna HP:58000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Attack Squad B HP:6000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -Attack Squad C HP:6000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Galdo and Ethel rejoin the party. Head to the next floor.

The second floor is like that of the Subterranean and Inverted

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towers. 4 rooms with no treasure. Go to the next floor.

Head north but before you go to the outside of the area grab the treasure just south of the exit to the outside for [Gold Orex1, Orichalcumx1]. After going to the outside portion, head west, and follow the path around until you can go back to the inner area. Before going to the waymarker, head south for a treasure with [High Potionx1] and north for one with [Polka Dot Ribbon Tailx1]. Now head for the waymarker.

Boss Fight: -Bernard HP:48000 Drop: Broken Fury-Blade Steal: Nothing

I think his drop is 100%, but if you don't get the drop, reload and try again.

We now need to leave the dungeon momentarily. If we don't do this now, we'll have to do a third run to do everything in the game. Head back to town so we can do some synthesizing. We need to do the following:

Cracked Fury: Broken Fury-Bladex1 Broken Fury-Edgex1 Broken Fury-Hiltx1

After each step, you need to exit the synthesis and go back in so the game will recognize that you have the new item.

Forged Steel: Iron Orex3 Silver Orex1

Repaired Fury: Cracked Furyx1 Forged Steelx1

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Forged Mithril: Mithril Stonex3 Silver Orex1

Polished Fury: Repaired Furyx1 Forged Mithrilx1

Leave town, then come back in and watch the event, then go to Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(Revisited). Head to the Waymarker and gain the Rank S fairy, Rita. Since we don't have Tiara with us, we have to wait until NG+ to get Revival Rank S, however.

Head back to Stairway to Heaven and head to the fourth floor.

Fourth floor is same as the second. Keep moving to the next one.

Head north from the starting point for two treasures, [Mid Tonicx2] and [High Potionx1]. Go the other way around to the save point. If there's anything you have left to do, do so now, cause this is about to be the end here. Head toward the waymarker for the final showdown.

Boss Fight: -Sherman HP:18000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Another Fight: -Vile God Sherman HP:45000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Another Battle: -Vile God Sherman HP:88000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Final Battle: -Vile God Sherman HP:88000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

Watch your ending and then save so we can start NG+.

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e. NG+

Not s whole lot to cover in NG+, so it's all going to be in one section.

What carries over: Levels, Gold, Items, WP, the Picture and Sound Galleries, all the Fairies you collected (you have to re-merge them with furies again; for simplicity's sake, I'm just going to use the same combos I did the first time), Revival and Quest Rank, the Flight Stone, and the beastiary.

What doesn't carry over: Broken Fury Parts, Fang's extra combo move and extra 5% fury form bonus. You also have to do all of Lola's quests again to acquire Secret Character 2 again. Yes, all 16 of them. All quests clear but you do keep your Quest Rank so you don't have to re-do the C or A Rank Important quests.

After regaining Tiara, do the Godly Revival and merge your fairies again. Merge the S Rank fairy Rita with the S Rank Fury with "Goddess's Blessing" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained WP+75% and Drop Rate+10%. This also gives you Revival Rank S, and your last weapon skills.

-Zawaza Plains(First time): In the area you couldn't get to before that you neeeded the flying stone for is a treasure with [White Robex1].

-After clearing Subterranean Tower for the first time, if you pulled out all of the Goddess's Furies, there's an extra Sub-event. You don't miss anything if you don't watch it, it just tells you again that

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you need the Faith Drop.

-Cavare Desert(First Time): At the top of the set of ledges you couldn't climb without the flight stine is a treasure with [Bronze Mailx1].

-Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(First Time): At the top of the set of ledges you couldn't climb without the flight stine is a treasure with [High Tonicx2, Dewdrop of Salvationx1].

-After finishing Yatagan Lava Flows(Revisited) and watching the scenes, go to the pub and do the Rank B quest that's available. It's only available now (it disappears when you talk to Lola) and is required to get the last Rank A fairy. You should already have the needed items with you.

-After clearing Katticus Ice Cave(Revisited), go back to town and after Harley joins the party, go to the pub for a scene and receive the Rank A fairy Dohn. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Escape Artist" and the Shaping Effect of Obtained Money+75% and Restore HP Disabled.

-Now that we have 39 Furies, we can advance to floor 39 of Shukesoo's Tower. Clear that, and get the Platinum Emblem. Turn that into the pub for the Rank S fairy, Gozer. Merge it with the Rank A Fury with "Devil's Smirk" and the Change Effect of Obtained EXP+100% and Obtained Money+10%. You do need to fight a boss battle on this one.

Boss Battle:

-Vile God HP: 102000 Drop/Steal: Nothing

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-If this is the last Fury you pull from the Vile God, you get another scene, which basically explains something near the very end of the game that you saw the first time around. That should also be the 40th fury, giving you access to the top floor of Shukesoo's Tower.

VII. Fairies[FAIR] *Listed by location found, then what level they learn skills at* C. Rank C 1.Sylph-Found at Sol Plains (1st time) Lv1-Wind Protection+1 Lv2-Wind Support+1 Lv5-Item Sonar Lv8-Wind Protection+3 Lv9-M-ATK Damage+2 2.PSX-04G-Found at Yatagan Lava Flows (1st time) Lv1-Fire Support+1 Lv1-Sword Prowess Lv3-Fire Support+2 Lv5-Fire Protection+3 Lv8-Fire Protection+3 3.Crystinger-Found at Katticus Ice Cave Lv2-Ice Support+1 Lv3-Learning Lv4-Ice Support+3 Lv5-Ice Protection+2 Lv6-Fairize Rejuvenation 4.Reed-Found at Kidanar Lv1-Wind Protection+2 Lv3-Wind Support+2 Lv4-Exp Up+2 Lv8-Wind Support+3 Lv10-Wind Protection+3 5.Kirin-Found at Shukesoo's Tower Lv1-Knuckle Prowess Lv3-Lightning Protection+1 Lv5-Lightning Protection+2 Lv7-Lightning Protection+3 Lv10-Pugilist's Soul 6.Daxx-Found at Solaru Ruins Lv1-Fire Support+1 Lv1-P-ATK Damage+1 Lv3-Item Sonar Lv5-Fire Support+2

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Lv9-Fire Support+3 7.Sayle-Found after completing Lola's first quest Lv1-Water Support+2 Lv4-Escape Up+ Lv6-Keep Calm Lv9-Water Support+3 Lv10-HP Drive+5 8.Nelly-Found after completing Lola's second quest Lv2-Exp Up+2 Lv3-Earth Protection+1 Lv5-Earth Protection+2 Lv5-P-ATK Damage+3 Lv10-Earth Support+4 9.Niles-Found after completing Lola's third quest Lv1-Light Protection+1 Lv4-Light Support+1 Lv6-Light Protection+2 Lv8-Light Protection+3 Lv10-Light Support+4 10.Shadogan-Found after completing Lola's fourth quest Lv1-Dark Protection+1 Lv3-Dark Protection+2 Lv4-Treasure Find+3 Lv5-Dark Protection+3 Lv9-SP Drive+2 11.Elgarde-Reward for Bronze Emblem from Shukesoo's Tower Lv2-Post Battle HP+ Lv4-Post Battle SP+ Lv6-Lightning Protection+2 Lv8-Lightning Protection+3 Lv10-Confusion Null 12.Laives-Found after completing Lola's fifth quest Lv1-Water Support+1 Lv3-Water Support+2 Lv3-Water Protection+2 Lv6-Water Protection+3 Lv8-Poison Null 13.Snow-Found after Lola's sixth quest Lv1-Ice Protection+1 Lv3-Ice Protection+2 Lv5-Escape Up+2 Lv7-Gold Up+ Lv10-Ice Protection+3 14.Lif-Found after completing Rudohke Blast Furnace Lv1-Earth Protection+1 Lv3-Critical+ Lv5-Earth Protection+2

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Lv7-Earth Protection+4 Lv9-Good Leadership+2 15.Elphas-Found after boss of Subterranean Tower (Revisited) Lv1-Exp Up+ Lv2-Treasure Find+ Lv4-Gold Up+ Lv6-Lightning Support+3 Lv8-Good Leadership+3 16.Vint-Found after boss of Subterranean Tower (Revisited) Lv1-Ice Protection+1 Lv3-Ice Support+2 Lv6-Ice Support+3 Lv7-Escape Up+2 Lv9-Angel's Luck+3 B. Rank B Fairies 1.Naivy-Found after boss of Bui Valley Lv1-Glaive Prowess Lv4-Water Support+2 Lv7 Water Protecti0n+2 Lv8-Water Protection+4 Lv10-Water Support+3 2.Kunes-When Sherman joins your party at Zawaza Plains Lv1-Learning Lv2-Dark Protection+2 Lv3-SP Drive+2 Lv6-Dark Protection+3 Lv7-Dark Protection+4 3.Light-Found after boss of Sol Plains (Revisited) Lv1-Light Support+2 Lv4-Light Support+3 Lv6-Goddess's Blessing Lv8-Light Support+4 Lv10-Stun Null 4.Nyx-Found after boss of Yatagan Lava Flows (Revisited) Lv1-Fire Support+3 Lv4-Good Leadership+ Lv6-Fire Protection+3 Lv10-Fire Support+5 Lv10-Critical+3 5.Sigurd-Found after boss of Katticus Ice Cave (Revisited) Lv1-Escape Up+4 Lv7-Fairize Rejuvenation Lv7-Ice Protection+4 Lv8-Ice Support+5 Lv10-Post-Battle SP+3 6.Undine-Found just before boss of Solaru Village (Revisited) Lv1-Water Protection+3

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Lv3-Water Protection+4 Lv4-SP Cost Down 2 Lv5-M-ATK Damage+2 Lv7-Water Protection+5 7.Eigar-Found after completing Lola's seventh quest Lv1-Post-Battle SP+2 Lv2-Ice Protection+2 Lv5-Ice Support+4 Lv6-Ice Protection+3 Lv7-Paralysis Null 8.Grandnarg-Found after completing Lola's eighth quest Lv1-Earth Support+2 Lv2-Earth Protection+2 Lv5-Earth Support+3 Lv5-Earth Protection+3 Lv10-SP Drive+4 9.Freya-Found after completing Lola's ninth quest Lv1-Fire Protection+2 Lv3-Fire Protection+3 Lv5-Post Battle SP+3 Lv8-SP Cost Down 3 Lv10-Fire Protection+4 10.Roh-Reward for Iron Emblem from Shukesoo's Tower Lv1-Earth Support+2 Lv3-Tension A Go-Go+3 Lv5-Earth Support+3 Lv7-HP Drive+3 Lv10-Earth Support+4 11.Vervain-Found after completing Lola's tenth quest Lv2-Wind Support+3 Lv4-Vigilance Lv5-Fairize Rejuvenation Lv9-Wind Support+5 Lv10-Wind Protection+5 12.Harpy-Found after clearing Bui Valley (Revisited) Lv1-Wind Support+3 Lv2-Wind Protection+2 Lv3-Wind Protection+3 Lv9-Conserve SP+ Lv10-Post-Battle HP+2 13.Raijin-Found after completing Lola's eleventh quest Lv1-Tension A Go-Go+ Lv2-Escape Up+ Lv8-Lightning Support+3 Lv9-Lightning Support+4 Lv10-Lightning Support+5 14.Minari-Found after boss of Subterranean Tower (Revisited)

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Lv1-Lightning Protection+2 Lv2-Post Battle HP+2 Lv3-Lightning Support+2 Lv4-Lightning Protection+3 Lv8-Item Sonar A. Rank A Fairies 1.Bowa-Found after completing Lola's twelth quest Lv2-Launcher Lv3-P-ATK Damage+2 Lv7-Critical+3 Lv10-Fire Support+5 Lv10-Berserk Null 2.Wesley-Reward for Silver Emblem from Shukesoo's Tower Lv2-Item Sonar Lv2-Wind Support+4 Lv4-Treasure Find+2 Lv8-Wind Support+5 Lv9-Escape Artist 3.Rayknight-Found after completing Lola's thirteenth quest Lv1-HP Drive+3 Lv3-Critical+2 Lv4-Learning Lv6-Ligth Protection+4 Lv7-Light Support+4 4.Gisele-Found after completing Lola's fourteenth quest Lv1-Dark Protection+3 Lv2-Post Battle HP+2 Lv5-Dark Support+3 Lv7-Dark Protection+4 Lv8-Fairize Restoration 5.Rami-Found after Lola's fifteenth quest Lv1-Earth Protection+3 Lv3-Learning Lv5-Earth Support+3 Lv8-Earth Protection+3 Lv10-Silence Null 6.Fahn-Reward for Gold Emblem from Shukesoo's Tower Lv1-SP Drive+3 Lv3-Angel's Luck Lv4-Light Protection+4 Lv6-Post-Battle HP+5 Lv8-Light Support+5 7.Medis-Found after completing Lola's sixteenth quest Lv2-SP Cost Down Lv2-Learning Lv3-Water Protection+4 Lv6-Water Protection+5

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Lv6-SP Cost Down 3 8.Dohn-Found in NG+after clearing B Rank quest "Emergency! First Aid!" then clearing Katticus Ice Cave(Revisited), then watching sub-event in the pub Lv2-Exp Up+2 Lv4-Dark Support+3 Lv6-Confusion Null Lv8-Dark Support+4 Lv10-Dark Support+5 S. Rank S Fairies 1.Rita-Found after fixing the Broken Fury Lv1-Conserve SP+2 Lv5-Light Protection+4 Lv7-Warblade's Soul Lv7-Light Protection+5 Lv10-Fairize Restoration 2.Gozer-Reward for Platinum Emblem from Shukesoo's Tower Lv2-HP Drive+5 Lv4-Dark Support+4 Lv8-Dark Support+5 Lv8-SP Cost Down 5 Lv10-Fairize Rejuvenation

VIII. Quests[QUES]

*A couple notes about Fetch Quests. I just list the place where I can find the items requested at the time. It's possible you already have the items wanted for some requests and can do so immediately. *Rank E and D Kill Quests disappear after Cavare Desert-Sanctuary *There is a bugged Rank C Quest called "An Act of Kindness"(Kill) it is a Rank C Quest but the game acts like it's a Rank E or D quest, and will disappear before you can find the enemy you need to kill to complete the quest, so it can't be completed. E. Rank E Quests -Guillermo's Woes(Kill) Kill 5 Orthoceras in the Sol Plains. They appear in either area of it. *Reward:100 Gold, Potionx2

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-Helping Others(Kill) Kill 1 Eligos. They appear in either area of the Sol Plains with the "Change Enemies" world effect active. *Reward:150 Gold, Mid Potionx1, Light Blue Bunny Earsx1 -A Supposed Nice Job(Kill) Kill 1 Giant in Yatagan Lave Flows. They appear in the northwest portion of the area. *Reward:120 Gold, Cherub's Feathersx1 -Good Fortune(Kill) Kill 1 Staff Lavaan. They show up in the "change enemies" version of the Yatagan Lava Flows *Reward:80 Gold, Huggy Erynx1, Blue-Framed Glassesx1 -Emergency! Road Blocked!(Kill) Kill 3 Lavaan. Yatagan Lava Flows. Usually there are three in the first group of enemies you encounter. *Reward:80 Gold, Potionx1 -A Request You Can't Refuse(Kill) Kill 3 Ice Sharks. Found in "change enemies" version of Katticus Ice Cave. *Reward:150 Gold, Energy Shardx2, Devil Set-Fresh Blood- -Mad Merchant(Kill) Kill 3 Hippogriff. Found in normal Katticus Ice Cave. *Reward:120 Gold, Potionx1 -Guillermo's Intuition(Kill) Kill 5 Ganadas in Kidanar *Reward: 200 Gold, Return Wingx1 -Save my Pub!(Kill) Kill 1 Zombie in Kidanar *Reward: 200 Gold, Potionx1 -Guillermo's Client?(Kill) Kill 2 Ghost Leader from Solaru Village*changed enemies* Reward:200 Gold, Energy Shardx1, Angel Set-Fallen Angel- -Research Request(Fetch) Find 2 Smelly Fur from Maritima at Sol Plains*changed enemies* *Reward:150 Gold, Return Wingx1, Black-Framed Glassesx1 -Rush Delivery Request(Fetch) Find 3 Insect Stinger from Bee *Reward:80 Gold, Energy Shardx1 -Why Do They Need These?(Fetch) Find 2 Broken Beak from Rakta-pashka at Yatagan Lava Flows *Reward: 100 Gold, Potionx1, Angel Set-Glimmer-x1

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-What is *That*?(Fetch) Find 1 Pretty Shell from Killer Insect at Yatagan Lava Flows *changed enemies* *Reward: 200 Gold, Mid Potionx2 -A Classy Madame(Fetch) Find 1 Ice Stone from Hidden Treasures in Katticus Ice Cave *Reward: 150 Gold, Mid Potionx1 -Is This Really a Break?(Fetch) Find 5 Dirty Feather from Raven at Sol Plains, Rakta-pashka at Yatagan Lava Flows, or Hippogriff at Katticus Ice Cave *Reward: 100 Gold, Potionx1 -Trade Secret(Fetch) Find 2 Herb Sprout from Bee *Reward: 100 Gold, Cherub's Featgersx1 -The Scent of Suspense(Fetch) Find 1 Fire Stone from Gorlois drop or Hidden treasure in Yatagan Lava Flows *Reward: 120 Gold, Potionx1 -But I Wanna Know...(Fetch) Find 1 Purified Ash from Zombie in Kidanar *Reward: 150 Gold, Return Wingx1, Angel Set -Glimmer- x1 -It's That Time Again(Fetch) Find 5 Herb Sprouts from Bee in Sol Plains, Hidden treasure boxes *Reward: 150 Gold, Cherub's Feathersx1, Devil Set -Pure- x1 D. Rank D Quests -Supplying Medicine(Fetch)[Important] Find 3 Mid Tonics and 5 Energy Shards-You can buy these from the shop if you don't already have them with you. *Reward: 500 Gold, Ultra Etherx1, Quest Rank Increase -Protect Travelers!(Kill) Kill 5 Thornet in Solaru Village *Reward: 380 Gold, Mid Potionx1 -A Spooky Situation(Kill) Kill 1 Ghost in Solaru Village*changed enemies* *Reward: 500 Gold, High Potion -Landlord's Recommendation(Kill) Kill 2 Land Sharks in Bui Valley*changed enemies* *Reward: 500 Gold, Red Glassesx1, Elemental Mailx1, Elemental Robex1 -Guillermo's Smirk(Kill) Kill 5 Thunder Birds in Bui Valley

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*Reward: 400 Gold, Return Wing -Praise Isn't So Bad(Kill) Kill 1 Spring Pixie at Zawaza Plains*changed enemies* *Reward: 400 Gold, Mid Potionx1, Dimensional Monoclex1 -Why Is The Rum Gone?(Kill) Kill 1 Ammon at Zawaza Plains *Reward: 600 Gold, Energy Shardx5 -The Merchant's Union(Kill) Kill 3 Cyclops in Subterranean Tower *Reward: 800 Gold, Mid Potionx1 -Skilled Fencers Only(Kill) Kill 3 Ghoul in Cavare Desert *Reward: 650 Gold, High Potionx1 -A Stress Reliever(Kill) Kill 5 Murian in Subterranean Tower *Reward: 500 Gold, Mid Potionx1 -A Helping Hand(Fetch) Find 1 Scuffed Shell from Ganada in Kidanar *Reward: 150 Gold, Energy Shardx5 -What Are These For?(Fetch) Find 3 Purified Ash from Zombie in Kidanar or Ghost in Solaru Ruins *Reward: 500 Gold, Mid Potion -A Personal Request(Fetch) Find 2 Poison Stingers from Thornet at Solaru Village *Reward: 380 Gold, High Potion -Don't Worry! You're a Fencer!(Fetch) Collect 3 Scuffed Scale from Acquairius at Bui Valley *Reward: 550 Gold, Mid Potionx1 -You're Collecting WHAT!?(Fetch) Collect 5 Dirty Feather from Thunder Bird at Bui Valley *Reward: 400 Gold, High Potionx1 -Request: Dorfa Academy(Fetch) Collect 2 Pretty Shells from Killer Mantis in Zawaza Plains *Reward: 500 Gold, Mid Potionx1, Devil Set -Pure- x1 -Skilled? If You Say So...(Fetch) Collect 1 Shabby Circuit from Majin Gunner in Zawaza Plains *Reward: 600 Gold, Return Wingx2 -Research Materials(Fetch) Collect 5 Rusted Gear from either SPA or Majin Gunner in Zawaza Plains *Reward: 430 Gold, Cherub's Feathersx2 -A Rare Customer(Fetch) Collect 2 Sivler Ore from Rudohke Blast Furnace *Reward: 650 Gold, Energy Shard

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C. Rank C Quests -The Collector(Fetch)[Important] Find 1 wildfire Spirit Stone, 1 Blizzard Spirit Stone Wildfire Spirit Stone=1 Blaze Stone, 1 Lightning Stone Blaze Stone=5 Fire Stone Blizzard Spirit Stone=1 Gale Stone, 1 Glacial Stone Gale Stone=5 Wind Stone, Glacial Stone=5 Ice Stone All from hidden treasures. Earliest places: Fire Stone: Yatagan Lava Flows Ice Stone: Katticus Ice Cave Wind Stone: Bui Valley Lightning Stone: Zawaza Plains *Reward: 1000 Gold, Dewdrop of Salvationx1, Quest Rank Increase -Guillermo's Glance(Kill) Kill 5 Flying Dragons in Sol Plains (Revivsited) *Reward: 950 Gold, Cherub's Feathersx3 -Decent Fencers Only(Kill) Kill 3 Eligos in Sol Plains (Revisited)*change enemies* *Reward: 1500 Gold, Energy Crystalx1, Black Bunny Earsx1 -Awful Shell Goniatite(Kill) Kill 5 Shell Goniatite at Yatagan Lava Flows(Revisited)*change enemies* *Reward: 1200 Gold, High Potionx1 -Moderate Exercise!?(Kill) Kill 2 Autumn Pixies from Zawaza Plains(Revisited)*change enemies *Reward: 1000 Gold, High Potionx2, Devil Set -Fresh Blood- x1 -If You're So Skilled...(Kill) Kill 1 Ryoku Dragon from Zawaza Plains(Revisited) *Reward: 1000 Gold, Mid Tonicx2 -A Test of Conscience(Kill) Kill 8 Freebee at Rudohke Blast Furnace *Reward: 1000 Gold, Returnx3, Devil Set -Pure- x1 -Just Speak Up Already!(Kill) Kill 3 Imperial Red Dragon at Rudohke Blast Furnace *Reward: 1000 Gold, Black Bunny Earsx1, Enhanced Mailx1, Enhanced Robex1 -An Easy Test?(Kill) Kill 5 Underlings and 10 Thornets at Solaru Village(Revisited) *Reward: 1000 Gold, Energy Crystalx1 -Kids These Days(Fetch) Collect 1 Decent Fur from Cyclops in Subterranean Tower *Reward: 500 Gold, Mid Potionx3 -A Simple Job(Fetch)

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Collect 5 Herb from hidden treasures, well, anywhere. *Reward: 800 Gold, High Potionx2, Devil Set -Blue Dusk- x1 -What Secret Menu?(Fetch) Collect 5 Poison Stingers from Bee in Sol Plains (Revisited) *Reward: 700 Gold, Mid Potionx3 -Prevent Overhunting(Fetch) Collect 2 Pretty Shell from Killer Insect at Yatagan Lava Flows (Revisited) *Reward: 1500 Gold, High Potionx2 -Mutual Hostility(Fetch) Collect 1 Tattered Wing from Lavamurian it Yatagan Lava Flows (Revisited) *Reward: 950 Gold, High Potionx2 -Why do you need these!?(Fetch) Collect 5 Paralysis Stinger from Thornet in Solaru Village *Reward: 1000 Gold, Return Wingx3 -Valuable Goods(Fetch) Collect 1 High Powered Circuit from Majin Gunner in Zawaza Plains and 5 Scratched Armor from SPA in Zawaza Plains *Reward: 1000 Gold, Cherub's Feathersx3 -Big Pharma(Fetch) Collect 5 Decent Fur from Blaze Bear and 5 Tattered Wing from Freebee in Rudohke Blast Furnace *Reward: 1000 Gold, Energy Crystalx1 -Surprisingly Starstruck(Fetch) Collect 5 Sharp Beak and 1 Pretty Feather from Phoenix in Rudohke Blast Furnace *Reward: 1000 Gold, Mid Potionx3, Devil Set -Pure- x1 -They're Both Important(Kill&Fetch) Kill 1 Ryoku Dragon and Collect 5 Dragon Fang from Ryoku Dragon in Zawaza Plains (Revisited) *Reward: 1000 Gold, High Potionx2, New Armorx1, New Robex1 -Can't Say No to Helping Others(Kill&Fetch) Kill 3 Crab Insect and Collect 5 Pretty Shell from Crab Insect in Rudohke Blast Furnace *Reward: 1000 Gold, Mid Tonicx2, Angel Set -Glimmer- x1 -A Client's Grudge(Kill&Fetch) Kill 1 Ghost and Collect 1 Ectoplasm from Ghost at Solaru Village (Revisited)

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*Reward: 2000 Gold, Return Wingx3, Light Blue Bunny Earsx1 B. B Rank Quests -Robot Research(Fetch)[Important] Collect 5 Ultra Powered Circuit from Red SPA in Lusamundo Ice Cave *Reward: 2000 Gold, Energy Crystalx3 -To Save Those In Need(Kill) Kill 5 Thornet and 5 Bit Alpha in Solaru Village(Revisited) *Reward: 1800 Gold, Mid Potionx6 -Why So Angry?(Kill) Kill 3 Thunder Bird and 5 Aquairius in Bui Valley(Revisited) *Reward: 2000 Gold, High Potionx4, Light Blue Bunny Ears -Feels Warmer These Days(Kill) Kill 1 King Mecha Penpa and 2 Kaiser Mecha Penpa in Subterranean Tower(Revisited)*change enemies -A Request Worth Accepting(Kill) Kill 5 Murian in Subterranean Tower(Revisited) *Reward: 2500 Gold, Mid Tonicx1 -Pub Problems(Kill) Kill 5 Tiger Shark and 10 Murian in Subterranean Tower(Revisited) *Reward: 1800 Gold, Ultra Potionx1 -Priorities(Kill) Kill 3 Death Eagle and 6 Murian in Subterranean Tower(Revisited) *Reward: 2500 Gold, Energy Crystalx2 -Killing them Softly(Kill) Kill 5 Ghoul in Cavare Desert(Revisited) *Reward: 2400 Gold, Ultra Potionx1 -A New Job(Kill) Kill 5 Ice Bear and 2 Ice Hawk in Lusamundo Ice Cave *Reward: 2000 Gold, High Potionx4, Moe Bunny Earsx1 -An Urgent Request(Fetch) Collect 5 Copper Ore from hidden crystals in almost any area *Reward: 2000 Gold, High Potionx4, Black-Framed Glassesx1 -A Legit Request!?(Fetch) Collect 1 Proof of Membership from General, Underling, or Center Fielder in Solaru Ruins(Revisited) and 3 Herb from hidden crystals anywhere *Reward: 1700 Gold, Mid Potionx6 -Danger! Do Not Mix!

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Collect 1 Moon Blossom from hidden crystals in Rudohke Blast Furnace or Bui Valley(Revisited) and 1 Night Blossom from hidden crystals in Rudohke Blast Furnace or Subterranean Tower(Revisited) *Reward: 1900 Gold, High Potionx4 -That's Not Fair(Fetch) Collect 5 Sharp Beak and 3 Pretty Feather from Cockatrice or Sparna in Bui Valley(Revisited) *Reward: 2200 Gold, Mid Potionx6, Black Bunny Earsx1 -I Really Need These Two(Fetch) Collect 2 Earth Stone from Earth Golem in Cavare Desert(Revisited) (stealing is probably the better option) and 1 Mithril Stone from hidden treasures in almost every area after going to the past *Reward: 2400 Gold, Dewdrop Flaskx3 -When You Have Time(Fetch) Collect 5 Demon Beast's Claw from Cyclops in Subterranean Tower (Revisited) *Reward: 2000 Gold, Angel's Feathersx2, Sanskrit Ban-Gasax1 -Weirdly Specific Warning(Fetch) Collect 5 Ectoplasm and 1 Lovely Soul from Ghoul at Cavare Desert (Revisited) *Reward: 2800 Gold, Mid Tonicx1, Black-Framed Glassesx1 -Schools These Days(Fetch) Collect 2 Earth Stone from Earth Golem at Cavare Desert(Revisited) (stealing's the best option honestly) and 1 Amazonite from hidden treasures or as a drop from Earth Golem *Reward: 2000 Gold, Ultra Potionx1 -Two For One(Kill and Fetch) Kill 1 Sparna in Bui Valley(Revisited)*change enemies* and Collect 1 Decent fur from Callisto in Bui Valley(Revisited) *Reward: 2200 Gold, Angel's Feathersx2 -I Need A Favor(Kill and Fetch) Kill 5 Ghoul in Cavare Desert(Revisited) and collect 1 Lovely Soul from a Ghoul in Cavare Desert(Revisited)

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*Reward: 2000 Gold, Energy Crystalx2 -Parting Gift(Kill and Fetch) Kill 2 Earth Golem in Cavare Desert(Revisited) and collect 2 Earth Stone from Earth Golem (very rare drop, easier to steal) *Reward: Ultra Potionx1, Moe Bunny Earsx1 -Emergency! First Aid!(Fetch){Time Sensitive} ***Do this quest immediately after clearing Yatagan Lava Flows(Revisited) on NG+ or this quest disappears Collect 2 Max Tonic and 2 Cherub's Feathers *Reward: 100 Gold (quest needed for Rank A Fairy Dohn) A. A Rank Quests -The Collector 2(Fetch)[Important] Collect 1 Firestorm Spirit Stone, 1 Slush Spirit Stone, and 1 Voltremor Spirit Stone. >1 Firestorm Spirit Stone-3 Inferno Stone+1 Hurricane Stone 1 Inferno Stone=3 Blaze Stone, 1 Hurricane Stone=3 Gale Stone >1 Slush Spirit Stone-3 Absolute Zero Stone+1 Maelstrom Stone 1 Absolute Zero Stone=3 Glacial Stone, 1 Maelstrom Stone=5 Water Stone >1 Voltremor Sprit Stone-1 Cloudburst Stone+1 Quake Stone 1 Cloudburst Stone=5 Lightning Stone, 1 Quake Stone=3 Rumble Stone 1 Rumble Stone=5 Earth Stone *Reward: 5000 Gold, Max Tonicx5, Quest Rank Up -I Saved This Just For You(Kill) Kill 5 Red SPA and 2 Ice Man in Lusamundo Ice Cave *Reward: 5000 Gold, High Potion -A Friend of a Friend(Kill) Kill 2 Hresvelgr and 4 Bit Theta at Inverted Tower *Reward: 5000 Gold, Dewdrop Bottlex2, Golden Hairpinx1 -For Honor, You Can't Refuse(Kill) Kill 3 Reptilian in Inverted Tower*change enemies *Reward: 5000 Gold, High Potionx3, Angel Set -Fallen Angel- x1 -Only You Can Help Me(Kill) Kill 5 Shellworm in Zeppelia Valley *Reward: 5000 Gold, Energy Crystalx1, Angel Set -Moe- x1 -Strength in Numbers(Kill) Kill 10 Shellworm, 5 Slash Shark, and 5 Buzzerk in Zeppelia Valley *Reward: 5000 Gold, High Potionx3 -Water Ban(Fetch) Collect 2 Red Dragon Stone from Ice Dragon in Lusamundo Ice Cave *Reward: 5000 Gold, Ultra Potionx2

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-Easy As Pie...Maybe?(Fetch) Collect 5 Scratched Armor and 1 Ultra Powered Unit from Red SPA in Lusamundo Ice Cave *Reward: 5000 Gold, High Potionx3 -Deep Enthusiasm(Fetch) Collect 3 OOPArts Crystal Skull from Reptilian in Inverted Tower*change enemies *Reward: 5000 Gold, Ultra Potionx2 -A Resell Request(Fetch) Collect 10 Beautiful Armor, 3 High Powered Circuit, and 3 High Power Engine from Bit Theta in Inverted Tower *Reward: 5000 Gold, High Potionx3 -Super Special Request(Fetch) Collect 10 Tattered Wing and 3 Glittery Wing from Buzzerk in Zeppelia Valley *Reward: 5000 Gold, Dewdrop Bottlex2, Moe Bunny Ears -A Picky Client(Kill and Fetch) Kill 6 Ice Dragon and Collect 6 Dragon Claw in Lusamundo Ice Cave *Reward: 5000 Gold, Ultra Potionx2, Angel Set -Fallen Angel- x1 -Help My Friend(Kill and Fetch) Kill 3 Surendra Jit in Inverted Tower and Collect 5 Glittery Feather from Surendra Jit *Reward: 5000 Gold, High Potionx3, Moe Bunny Earsx1 -My Loyal Customer(Kill and Fetch) Kill 5 Slash Shark at Zeppelia Valley and Collect 10 Beautiful Scale and 3 Glittering Scale from Slash Shark S. S Rank Quests -Mountain Monsters(Kill)[Important] Kill 3 Imperial Black Dragons at Zeppelia Valley*change enemies *Reward: 8000 Gold, Elixirx3, Quest Rank Up -Sufficient Skill(Kill) Kill 5 Mithril Golem in Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(Revisited) *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Tonicx3, Sleepy Erynx1 -Wanted: Fencers With Heart!(Kill) Kill 2 Desert Mantis, 5 Nyx, and 5 Silver SPA in Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(Revisited) *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Tonicx3, White Bunnyx1 -Take Us All On(Kill) Kill 5 Halphas, 2 Lava Mantis, and 5 Dark Shark at Stairway to Heaven *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Potionx6, Antidotex3, Lozengex3

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-Delivery Errand(Fetch) Collect 2 Mandragora and 1 Moon Blossom from hidden treasures in various places *Reward: 8000 Gold, Archangel's Feathersx2 -For Research?(Fetch) Collect 5 Glittery Feather and3 Huge Beak from Gukyo, and 3 Rainbow Shell from Desert Mantis in Cavare Desert- Sanctuary(Revisited) *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Etherx2 -A Sudden Request(Fetch) Collect 1 Orichalcum, 1 Amazonite, and 1 Mithril Stone from hidden treasures in various places *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Potionx6, Blue-Framed Glassesx1 -A Hospital...?(Fetch) Collect 3 Orichalcum from hidden treasures *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Tonicx3, Angel Set -Fallen Angel- x1 -A Violent Request(Kill) Kill 2 Mithril Golem, 2 Desert Mantis, and 3 Gukyo in Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(Revisited) *Reward: 8000 Gold, High Potionx6, Antidotex3, Painkillerx3 -Guaranteed Security(Kill and Fetch) Kill 5 Nyx and Collect 3 Ectoplasm and 1 Lovely Soul from Nyx in Cavare Desert-Sanctuary(Revisited)

IX. Synthesis[SYNT]

A. Items *Potion -4 Herb Sprout *Mid Potion -2 Potion or -4 Herb *High Potion -2 Mid Potion or -4 Potent Herb *Ultra Potion -2 High Potion *Tonic -3 Lucky Clover *Mid Tonic

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-2 Tonic or -2 Beautiful Flower -1 Lucky Clover *High Tonic -2 Mid Tonic *Max Tonic -2 High Tonic *Elixir -1 Ultra Potion -1 Ultra Ether -1 Painkiller *Dewdrop Flask -2 Dewdrop Vial *Dewdrop Bottle -2 Dewdrop Flask *Dewdrop of Salvation -2 Dewdrop Bottle *Energy Crystal -3 Energy Shard *High Ether -2 Ether *Ether -3 Mandragora -2 Lucky Clover *Ultra Ether -2 High Ether *Angel's Feathers -2 Cherub's Feathers *Archangel's Feathers -2 Angel's Feathers *Antidote -3 Panacea Sprout -3 Beautiful Flower or -1 Panacea Sprout -1 Spring's Feather *Stimulant -3 Panacea Sprout -3 Night Blossom or -1 Panacea Sprout -1 Summer's Feather *Lozenge -3 Panacea Herb -3 Beautiful Flower *Hope Fragment

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-3 Panacea Herb -3 Night Blossom *Nimble Spray -3 Panacea Herb -3 Moon Blossom *Soothing Balm -3 Potent Panacea Herb -3 Sun Blossom *Wake-Up Drink -3 Potent Panacea Herb -1 Mandragora *Smelling Salt -3 Potent Panacea Herb *Panacea -1 Antidote -1 Stimulant -1 Lozenge *Painkiller -1 Hope Fragment -1 Nimble Spray -1 Soothing Balm B. Armor *Leather Guard -1 Decent Fur -3 Smelly Fur *Heavy Leather -3 Decent Fur *Leather Belt -1 Decent Fur -2 Purified Ash *Sniper Suit -2 Weakened Special Fiber *Bronze Mail -2 Coppper Ore -2 Rusty Armor *Bronze Breastplate -2 Copper Ore *Sorcerer's Robe -1 Small Chunk of Magic -1 Copper Ore -1 Weakened Special Fiber *Iron Armor -3 Iron Ore -1 Poor Quality Iron Ore -1 Special Fiber *Wizard Robe -2 Chunk of Magic

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-1 Poor Quality Iron Ore -1 Special Fiber *Silver Mail -3 Silver Ore -1 Special Fiber *Mithril Breastplate -2 Mithril Stone -1 Silver Ore -1 Iron Ore *Pre-Owned Armor -1 New Armor -1 Forged Steel *Pre-Owned Robe -1 New Robe -1 Forged Steel *Heatproof Jacket -1 Elemental Mail -1 Wildfire Spirit Stone *Chillproof Jacket -1 Elemental Mail -1 Blizzard Spirit Stone *Hero's Armor -1 Elemental Mail -1 Mudslide Spirit Stone *Heatproof Robe -1 Elemental Robe -1 Wildfire Spirit Stone *Chillproof Robe -1 Elemental Robe -1 Blizzard Spirit Stone *Goddess's Robe -1 Elemental Robe -1 Mudslide Spirit Stone *Guardian Mail -1 Enhanced Mail -1 Orichalcum *Guardian Robe -1 Enhanced Robe -1 Orichalcum C. Jewelry *Leather Bracelet -1 Decent Fur -2 Dirty Feather *Enchanted Ring -5 Small Chunk of Magic *Bronze Gauntlets -1 Copper Ore

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-1 Rusted Gear *Force Ring -1 Copper Ore -2 Small Chunk of Magic *Tin Gauntlets -3 Poor Quality Iron Ore -2 Copper Ore *Tin Ring -1 Poor Quality Iron Ore -1 Copper Ore *Iron Gauntlets -2 Iron Ore -3 Poor Quality Iron Ore *Iron Ring -1 Iron Ore -1 Poor Quality Iron Ore -1 High Quality Gear *Wizard Ring -1 Iron Ore -3 Chunk of Magic *Silver Gauntlets -1 Silver Ore *Silver Ring -2 Silver Ore -1 High Quality Gear *Mithril Gauntlets -1 Mithril Stone -1 Silver Ore -1 Iron Ore *Mithril Ring -1 Mithril Stone -1 Silver Ore D. Accessories *Jammed Toast (Fang) -1 Toast -5 Wild Strawberry *Happy Eryn (Fang) -1 Huggy Eryn -5 Wild Strawberry *Blue Headdress (Tiara) -4 Pure White Feather *Green Tea Ribbon (Tiara) -1 Pretty Feather -2 Decent Fur *Pretty Hat (Tiara)) -1 Pretty Feather -2 Decent Fur

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*Silver Hairpin (Harley) -2 Silver Ore *Brown Graduate Hat (Harley) -2 Graduate Hat *Black Armband (Galdo) -3 Scarlet Armband *Naniwa Cap (Galdo) -2 Vampire Cap *Moe Mask (Galdo) -2 Fox Mask *Red Ribbon Tail (Ethel) -3 Blue Ribbon Tail *White Parted Hair (Pippin) -2 Blue Parted Hair *Baseball Hat (Pippin) -3 Hunting Hat *Hermit (Pippin) -2 Instructor *Standard Beard (Pippin) -3 Instructor *Gold-Framed Glasses (Fang) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Fang) -1 Gold Ore *Gold-Framed Glasses (Tiara) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Tiara) -1 Gold Ore *Gold-Framed Glasses (Harley) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Harley) -1 Gold Ore *Gold-Framed Glasses (Galdo) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Galdo) -1 Gold Ore *Gold-Framed Glasses (Pippin) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Pippin) -1 Gold Ore *X Mask (Fang) -1 Mask (Fang) -5 Lozenge *Silly Mask (Fang) -3 Mask (Fang) *X Mask (Tiara) -1 Mask (Tiara) -5 Lozenge *Polka Dot Mask (Tiara) -1 Mask (Tiara) -1 Motted Fur *Silly Mask (Harley)

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-3 Mask(Harlay) *Polka Dot Mask (Harley) -1 Mask (Harley) -1 Mottled Fur *X Mask (Galdo) -1 Mask (Galdo) -5 Lozenge *Silly Mask (Galdo) -3 Mask (Galdo) *Polka Dot Mask (Galdo) -1 Mask (Galdo) -1 Mottled Fur *Silly Mask (Ethel) -3 Mask (Ethel) *X Mask (Pippin) -1 Mask (Pippin) -5 Lozenge *Silly Mask (Pippin) -1 Mask (Pippin) -1 Mottled Fur *Black Glasses (Galdo) -2 Blue Glasses (Galdo) *Red Glasses (Pippin) -3 Blue Glasses (Pippin) *Gorgeous Masquerade (Secret char 1) -1 Ahh Masquerade (secret char 1) -5 Mandragora *Chic Masquerade (Secret char 1) -1 Ahh Masquerade (secret char 1) -5 Lucky Clover *Gaudy Masquerade (secret char 1) -1 Ahh Masquerade (secret char 1) -5 Beautiful Flower *Tin Winding Key (Secret char 1) -1 Winding Key (Secret char 1) -3 Copper Ore -2 Poor Quality Iron Ore *Silver Winding Key (Secret char 1) -1 Winding Key (Secret char 1) -5 Silver Ore *Bronze Winding Key (Secret char 1) -1 Winding Key (Secret char 1) -5 Copper Ore *Brocade Flag -Shop- (Secret char 1) -2 Brocade Flag (Secret char 1) *Brocade Flag -Lonely Island- (Secret char 1) -3 Brocade Flag (Secret char 1)

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*Brocade Flag -Big Catch- (Secret char 1) -4 Brocade Flag (Secret char 1) *3D Glasses (Secret char 2) -2 Cash Glasses (Secret char 2) *Anime Glasses (Secret char 2) -3 Cash Glasses (Secret char 2) *Heart Glasses (Secret char 2) -4 Cash Glasses (Secret char 2) *Pink Knitted Cap (Secret char 2) -2 Light Blue Knitted Cap (Secret char 2) *Brown Knitted Cap (Secret char 2) -3 Light Blue Knitted Cap (Secret char 2) *White Knitted Cap (Secret char 2) -4 Light Blue Knitted Cap (Secret char 2) *Alluring Crown (Secret char 2) -1 Colorful Crown (Secret char 2) -5 Mandragora *Soothing Crown (Secret char 2) -1 Colorful Crown (Secret char 2) -5 Lucky Clover *Refreshing Crown (Secret char 2) -1 Colorful Crown (Secret char 2) -5 Beautiful Flower *Gold-Framed Glasses (Secret Char 1) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Secret char 1) -1 Gold Ore *Blue-Framed Glasses (Secret char 1) -2 Red-Framed Glasses (secret char 1) *Black-Framed Glasses (Secret char 1) -3 Red-Framed Glasses (Secret char 1) *Gold-Framed Glasses (Secret char 2) -1 Red-Framed Glasses (Secret char 2) -1 Gold Ore *Blue-Framed Glasses (Secret char 2) -2 Red-Framed Glasses (Secret char 2) *Black-Framed Glasses (Secret char 2) -3 Red-Framed Glasses (Secret char 2) *X Mask (Secret char 1) -1 Mask (Secret char 1) -10 Lozenge *Silly Mask (Secret char 1) -2 Mask (Secret char 1) *Polka Dot Mask (Secret char 1) -3 Mask (Secret char 1) -1 Mottled Fur *X Mask (Secret char 2) -1 Mask (Secret char 2)

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-10 Lozenge *Silly Mask (Secret char 2) -2 Mask (Secret char 2) *Polka Dot Mask (Secret char 2) -3 Mask (Secret char 2) -1 Mottled Fur *Angel Set -Glimmer- ((Secret char 1) -2 Angel Set (Secret char 1) *Angel Set -Fallen Angel- (Secret char 1) -3 Angel Set (secret char 1) *Angel Set -Moe- (Secret char 1) -4 Angel Set (Secret char 1) *Angel Set -Glimmer- (Secret char 2) -2 Angel Set (Secret char 2) *Angel Set -Fallen Angel- (Secret char 2) -3 Angel Set (Secret char 2) *Angel Set -Moe- (Secret char 2) -4 Angel Set (Secret char 2) *Devil Set -Blue Dusk- (Secret char 1) -2 Devil Set *Devil Set -Fresh Blood- (Secret char 1) -3 Devil Set *Devil Set -Pure- (Secret char 1) -4 Devil Set (Secret char 1) *Devil Set -Blue Dusk- (Secret char 2) -2 Devil Set (Secret char 2) *Devil Set -Fresh Blood- (Secret char 2) -3 Devil Set (Secret char 2) *Devil Set -Pure- (Secret char 2) -4 Devil Set (Secret char 2) *Purple Glasses (Secret char 1) -2 Blue Glasses (Secret char 1) *Red Glasses (Secret char 1) -3 Blue Glasses (Secret char 1) *Black Glasses (Secret char 1) -4 Blue Glasses (Secret char 1) *Light Blue Bunny Ears (Secret char 2) -2 Pink Bunny Ears (Secret char 2) *Black Bunny Ears (Secret char 2) -3 Pink Bunny Ears (Secret char 2) *Moe Bunny Ears (Secret char 2) E. Materials *Blaze Stone -5 Fire Stone *Glacial Stone -5 Ice Stone *Gale Stone

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-5 Wind Stone *Rumble Stone -5 Earth Stone *Cloudburst Stone -5 Lightning Stone *Maelstrom Stone -5 Water Stone *Wildfire Spirit Stone -1 Blaze Stone -1 Lightning Stone *Blizzard Spirit Stone -1 Gale Stone -1 Glacial Stone *Mudslide Spirit Stone -1 Water Stone -1 Rumble Stone *Inferno Stone -3 Blaze Stone *Absolute Zero Stone -3 Glazial Stone *Hurricane Stone -3 Gale Stone *Quake Stone -3 Rumble Stone *Firestorm Spirit Stone -3 Inferno Stone -1 Hurricane Stone *Slush Spirit Stone -3 Absolute Zero Stone -1 Maelstrom Stone *Voltremor Spirit Stone -1 Cloudburst Stone -1 Quake Stone *Forged Steel: -3 Iron Ore -1 Silver Ore *Forged Mithril: -3 Mithril Stone -1 Silver Ore *Forged Orichalcum -2 Orichalcum *Waterproof Cloth -5 Decent Fur F. Key Items *Flight Stone -1 Beautiful Blue Jewel -1 Spring's Feather

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-5 Piece of Flying Stone *Music Box -1 Black Disc -1 Audio Output Circuit -1 High Powered Circuit *Visual Box -1 Art Book -2 Video Output Circuit -2 Ultra Powered Circuit *Cracked Fury -1 Broken Fury-Blade -1 Broken Fury-Edge -1 Broken Fury-Hilt *Repaired Fury -1 Cracked Fury -1 Forged Steel *Polished Fury -1 Repaired Fury -1 Forged Mithril

X. Weapons[WEAP]

*All weapon moves have one of three symbols next to them: Red Arrow: Normal attack. Explains itself. Blue Arrow going up: Launch attack. Launches enemies into the air. 2 Green Arrows: Follow-up Attack. Attacks an enemy already launched. Gain an extra hit from it.

*Until End-Game/New Game+, the following idea generally works for combo moves: -1 combo slot unlocked: Normal attack -2 unlocked: Launch, Follow-up -3 unlocked: Normal, Launch, Follow-up -4 unlocked: Normal, Normal, Launch, Follow-up *Only 1 character can get the 4 unlocked slots.

*Some characters get a weapon combo that basically makes all others obsolete, and will just become almost always repeating the same move the whole time.

*All weapons have the following under the Abilities Section, and will

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only be listed here. -Item Sonar:Detect hidden treasures, must be party leader Need Revival Rank B, 30 WP -Vigilance:Prevents ambushes, must be party leader 100 WP -Learning:Gain EXP/WP/Fairy Exp when not in battle 50 WP -Goddess's Blessing:Increases EXP, Gold, Item Drop rate (20% I think) 1,000 WP *Paramaters are also the same, unless noted otherwise. *Paramater bonuses are cumulative. P-ATK Lv1 +10, 5 WP; Lv2, +10, 10 WP; Lv3 +10, 25 WP; Lv4 +10, 50 WP; Lv5 +10, 100 WP; Lv6 +10, 100 WP; Lv7 +10, 200 WP; Lv8 +10, 300 WP; Lv9 +10, 400 WP; Lv10 +10, 500 WP M-ATK Lv1 +5, 5 WP; Lv2 +5, 10 WP; Lv3 +5, 25 WP; Lv4 +5, 50 WP Lv5 +10, 100 WP; Lv6 +10, 100 WP; Lv7 +10, 200 WP; Lv8 +10, 300 WP Lv9 +10, 400 WP; Lv10 +10, 500 WP P-DEF Lv1 +10, 5 WP; Lv2 +10, 10 WP; Lv3 +10, 30 WP; Lv4 +10' 50 WP; Lv5 +10, 100 WP; Lv6 +10, 100 WP; Lv7 +10, 200 WP; Lv8 +10, 300 WP Lv9 +10, 400 WP; Lv10 +10, 500 WP M-DEF Lv1 +5, 5 WP; Lv2 +5, 10 WP; Lv3 +5, 30 WP; Lv4 +5, 50 WP Lv5 +5, 100 WP; Lv6 +10, 100 WP; Lv7 +10, 200 WP; Lv8 +10, 300 WP Lv9 +10, 400 WP; Lv10 +10, 500 WP Range Lv1 +1.0m, 10 WP; Lv2 +1.0m, 50 WP; Lv3 +1.0m, 50 WP; Lv4 +1.0m, 50 WP Lv5 +1.0m, 100 WP; Lv6 +1.0m, 100 WP; Lv7 +1.0m, 200 WP Lv8 +1.0m, 200 WP; Lv9 +1.0m, 300 WP; Lv10, +1.0m, 300 WP Fury Form Lv1 +2%, 5 WP; Lv 2 +2%, 10 WP; Lv3 +2%, 20 WP; Lv4 +2%, 50 WP; Lv5 +2%, 100 WP; Lv6 +2%, 150 WP; Lv7 +2%, 200 WP; Lv8 +2%, 200 WP Lv9 +2%, 200 WP; Lv10 +2%, 200 WP Combo Lv1 +1 Hit, 5 WP Lv 2 +1 Hit, 200 WP, Lv 3 +1 Hit, 1,000 WP

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A. Fang Skills -Shooting Slash-Already learned -Flame Assault Learn Sword Skill Holy Edge, 80 WP -Giga Blow Learn Knuckle Skill Straight, 100 WP -Eruption Edge Revival Rank A, Learn Skill Flame Assault, 100 WP -Burning Strike(Fury Form Only)-Already learned -Force Impact(Fury Form Only) 1,000 WP Magic -Fireball-Already learned -Burn Line 50 WP -Explosion Learn Magic Burn Line, Boost M-ATK 5 Levels, 100 WP -P-ATK Up 15 WP -P-ATK Down 15 WP -P-DEF Down 15 WP -Backtrack(escape dungeons) Boost M-ATK 4 Levels -Wall 100 WP -Rage 45 WP Sword Combo -Side Edge-Already Learned -Flight Edge-Already learned -Thrust Edge 5 WP -Holy Edge 10 WP -Down Edge Learn Holy Edge, 20 WP -S-Flight Edge Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 Levels, 30 WP -Combo Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Down Edge, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -P-Thrust Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP

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-Swords Dance Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 150 WP -Godslayer Revival Rank S, Learn Swords Dance, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 500 WP Axe Combo -Chop Already learned -Side Chop 5 WP -Axe Thrust 5 WP -Helm Smash Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Axe Upper Revival Rank B, Learn Helm Smash, 20 WP -Axe Slash Revival Rank B, Learn Helm Smash, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Axe Breaker Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Earth Splitter Revival Rank A, Learn Axe Breaker, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Bush Whaxe Revival Rank A, Learn Earth Splitter, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Dimension Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 500 WP Knuckle Combo -Combo Punch Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Upper Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Kick Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Straight Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Power C-Punch Revival Rank B, Learn Straight, 20 WP -One, Two, Kick Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -P-Combo Punch Revival Rank B, Learn One, Two, Kick, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Heartbreak Strike Revival Rank A, Learn Sword Skill Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels,

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80 WP -Culmination Revival Rank S, Learn Sword Skill P-Thrust Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Gun Combo -Flight Shot Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Double Shot Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flight Double Shot Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Down Shot Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Critical Shot Revival Rank B, 20 WP -Flight Combo Shot Revival Rank B, Learn Critical Shot, 30 WP -Pinhole Shot (not very accurate) Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Fast Fire Revival Rank B, Learn Flight Combo Shot, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Heartbreak Shot Revival Rank A, Learn Fast Fire, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Launcher Combo -Launch Revival Rank A, 15 WP -Spin Barrett Revival Rank A, 15 WP -Full Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Spin Barrett, 25 WP -Cluster Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Full Barrett, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 25 WP -Outlet Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Cluster Barrett, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Round Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Outlet Barrett, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 50 WP -Full Open Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Round Barrett, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Greatsword Combo -Side Slash Revival Rank S, 5 WP

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-Flight Slash Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Attack Slash Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Down Slash Revival Rank S, 10 WP -V-Slash Revival Rank S, 20 WP -Power Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Bound Slash Revival Rank S, Learn V-Slash, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Power Flight Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Buster Slash Revival Rank S, Learn Bound Slash, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP B. Tiara Skills -Flowing Slash-Already learned -Arrow Rain Learn Bow Skill Down Arrow, 80 WP -Splash Saucer 100 WP -Shell Storm Revival Rank A, Learn Arrow Rain, 100 WP -Tempest Waltz(Fury Form Only)-Already learned Magic -Water Spout-Already learned -Geyser Spears 50 WP -Maelstrom Learn Geyser Spears, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 100 WP -Cure-Already learned -Mega Cure 50 WP -Full Cure Learn Mega Cure, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 125 WP -Cure-All Learn Full Cure, 100 WP -Ultra Cure-All Learn Cure-All, 100 WP -Full Cure-All Learn Ultra Cure-All, Boost M-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Poi Heal 15 WP -Para Heal

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Learn Poi Heal, 20 WP -Stun Heal Boost M-ATK 3 levels, P-DEF 2 levels, 30 WP -Berserk Heal Boost M-ATK 4 levels, P-DEF 2 levels, 30 WP -Confuse Heal Boost M-ATK 4 levels, P-DEF 4 levels, 30 WP -Silence Heal Boost M-DEF 3 levels, 45 WP -Despair Heal 35 WP -P-ATK Restore 15 WP -M-ATK Restore 15 WP -Life Recover 20 WP -Ur-Heal 50 WP -Ur-Heal All 80 WP -Revive 20 WP -Full Revive 50 WP -M-ATK Up 15 WP -Seal Magic Boost P-DEF 7 levels -Wall 100 WP Glaive Combo -Kesa Already learned -Maki Already learned -Cleave 5 WP -Rising Cut 10 WP -Wheel Learn Rising Cut, 20 WP -Wheel Nagi Revival Rank B, Learn Wheel, 30 WP -Wheel Stab Revival Rank B, Learn Wheel, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Makigani

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Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Exorcism Revival Rank A, Learn Wheel Stab, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Sword Combo -Side Edge Already learned -Flight Edge Already learned -Thrust Edge 5 WP -Holy Edge 10 WP -Down Edge Learn Holy Edge, 20 WP -S-Flight Edge Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Combo Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Down Edge, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -P-Thrust Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Swords Dance Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 150 WP -Godslayer Revival Rank S, Learn Swords Dance, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 500 WP Scythe Combo -Slash Scythe Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Upper Scythe Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Swing Scythe Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Flash Scythe Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Roll Scythe Revival Rank C, 20 WP -Roll Flight Scythe Revival Rank B, Learn Roll Scythe, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Attack Scythe Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Flow Scythe Revival Rank B, Learn Attack Scythe, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Death Scythe

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Revival Rank A, Learn Flow Scythe, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Bow Combo -Flight Arrow Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Twin Arrow Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flight Twin Arrow Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Down Arrow Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Critical Arrow Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow, 20 WP -Down Arrow Trio Revival Rank B, 30 WP -Charge Arrow Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Triple Killer Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Illusory Dream Revival Rank A, Learn Triple Killer, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Gun Combo -Flight Shot Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Double Shot Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Flight Double Shot Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Down Shot Revival Rank A, 10 WP -Critical Shot Revival Rank A, 20 WP -Flight Combo Shot Revival Rank A, Learn Critical Shot, 30 WP -Pinhole Shot (not very accurate) Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Fast Fire Revival Rank A, Learn Flight Combo Shot, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Heartbreak Shot Revival Rank A, Learn Fast Fire, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Greatsword Combo -Side Slash Revival Rank S, 5 WP

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-Flight Slash Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Attack Slash Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Down Slash Revival Rank S, 10 WP -V-Slash Revival Rank S, 20 WP -Power Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Bound Slash Revival Rank S, Learn V-Slash, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Power Flight Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Buster Slash Revival Rank S, Learn Bound Slash, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP C. Harley Skills -Guns Akimbo Already learned -Spiral Shot 80 WP -Gaia Spear Learn Spear Combo Spin Thrust, 100 WP -Heavy Artillery Revival Rank A, Learn Launcher Combbo Skill Full Barrett, 100 WP -Bullet Storm Already learned, Fury Form only Magic -Rupture Already learned -Rock Fall 50 WP -Ground Thrust Learn Rock Fall, Boost M-ATK 5 levels -Para Heal Boost M-ATK 3 levels, Boost P-DEF 2 levels, 20 WP -Berserk Heal Boost M-ATK 4 levels, Boost P-DEF 2 levels, 30 WP -Seal Heal Boost M-DEF 3 levels, 45 WP -Bind Heal Boost M-DEF 3 levels, 30 WP -Mobilize 20 WP

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-P-ATK Restore 15 WP -P-DEF Restore 15 WP -M-ATK Restore 15 WP -M-DEF Restore 15 WP -P-DEF Up 15 WP -Speed Up 30 WP -Speed Down 30 WP -Devotion 50 WP -Smokescreen 20 WP -Seal Skill Boost P-DEF 7 levels, 500 WP -Mind Drain 25 WP -Bind 30 WP -Wall 100 WP -Confuse 30 WP -Poison 35 WP -Stop 50 WP Gun Combo -Flight Shot Already learned -Double Shot Already learned -Flight Double Shot 5 WP -Down Shot 10 WP -Critical Shot 20 WP -Flight Combo Shot Revival Rank B, Learn Critical Shot, 30 WP -Pinhole Shot (not very accurate) Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP

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-Fast Fire Revival Rank B, Learn Flight Combo Shot, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Heartbreak Shot Revival Rank A, Learn Fast Fire, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Sword Combo -Side Edge-Already learned -Flight Edge-Already learned -Thrust Edge 5 WP -Holy Edge 10 WP -Down Edge Learn Holy Edge, 20 WP -S-Flight Edge Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Combo Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Down Edge, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -P-Thrust Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Swords Dance Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 150 WP -Godslayer Revival Rank S, Learn Swords Dance, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 500 WP Spear Combo -Slash Spear Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Flight Spear Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Double Thrust Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Spin Thrust Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Rush Thrust Revival Rank C, Learn Spin Thrust, 20 WP -Slash Thrust Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Roll Thrust Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Thrust Rush Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Thrust Strike

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Revival Rank A, Learn Thrust Rush, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP Scythe Combo -Slash Scythe Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Upper Scythe Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Swing Scythe Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flash Scythe Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Roll Scythe Revival Rank B, 20 WP -Roll Flight Scythe Revival Rank B, Learn Roll Scythe, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Attack Scythe Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Flow Scythe Revival Rank B, Learn Attack Scythe, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Death Scythe Revival Rank A, Learn Flow Scythe, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Bow Combo -Flight Arrow Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Twin Arrow Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Flight Twin Arrow Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Down Arrow Revival Rank A, 10 WP -Critical Arrow Revival Rank A, Learn Down Arrow, 20 WP -Down Arrow Trio Revival Rank A, 30 WP -Charge Arrow Revival Rank A, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Triple Killer Revival Rank A, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Illusory Dream Revival Rank A, Learn Triple Killer, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Launcher Combo

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-Launch Revival Rank S, 15 WP -Spin Barrett Revival Rank S, 15 WP -Full Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Spin Barrett, 25 WP -Cluster Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Full Barrett, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 25 WP -Outlet Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Cluster Barrett, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Round Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Outlet Barrett, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 50 WP -Full Open Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Round Barrett, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP D. Galdo Skills -Soul Hunter Already learned -Shadow Hunter 80 WP -Soul Crusher 100 WP -Soul Reaper Revival Rank A, 100 WP -Heaven and Earth Already learned -Swipe Boost Fury Form 2 levels, 20 WP -Steal Boost Fury Form 3 levels, 50 WP -Seize Boost Fury Form 4 levels, 80 WP Magic -Cyclone Already learned -Gust Slash 50 WP -Tornado Learn Gust Slash, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 100 WP -Mega Cure 50 WP -Ultra Cure Boost M-ATK 3 levels, 125 WP

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-Mega Cure-All Learn Ultra Cure, 100 WP -Ultra Cure-All Learn Mega Cure-All, 100 WP -Poi Heal 15 WP -Stun Heal Boost M-ATK 3 levels, Boost P-DEF 2 levels, 30 WP -Confuse Heal Boost M-ATK 4 levels, Boost P-DEF 4 levels, 30 WP -Bind Heal Boost M-DEF 3 levels, 30 WP -Mobilize 20 WP -Mind Recover 20 WP -Mega Revive 40 WP -M-DEF Up 15 WP -M-ATK Down 15 WP -M-DEF Down 15 WP -Backtrack Boost M-ATK 4 levels, 10 WP -Wall 100 WP -Cure Already learned Scythe Combo -Slash Scythe Already learned -Upper Scythe Already learned -Swing Scythe Already learned -Flash Scythe 10 WP -Roll Scythe 20 WP -Roll Flight Scythe Revival Rank B, Learn Roll Scythe, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Attack Scythe Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Flow Scythe

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Revival Rank B, Learn Attack Scythe, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Death Scythe Revival Rank A, Learn Flow Scythe, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Knuckle Combo -Combo Punch Already learned -Upper Already learned -Kick 5 WP -Straight 10 WP -Power C-Punch Revival Rank B, Learn Straight, 20 WP -One, Two, Kick Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK by 7 levels, 30 WP -P-Combo Punch Revival Rank B, Learn One, Two, Kick, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Heartbreak Strike Revival Rank A. Learn Sword Skill Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Culmination Revival Rank S, Learn Sword Skill P-Thrust Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Sword Combo -Side Edge Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Flight Edge Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Thrust Edge Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Holy Edge Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Down Edge Revival Rank C, Learn Holy Edge, 20 WP -S-Flight Edge Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Combo Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Down Edge, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -P-Thrust Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Swords Dance

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Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 150 WP -Godslayer Revival Rank S, Learn Swords Dance, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 500 WP Greatsword Combo -Side Slash Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flight Slash Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Attack Slash Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Down Slash Revival Rank B, 10 WP -V-Slash Revival Rank B, 20 WP -Power Slash Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Bound Slash Revival Rank B, Learn V-Slash, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Power Flight Slash Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Buster Slash Revival Rank A, Learn Bound Slash, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Glaive Combo -Kesa Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Maki Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Cleave Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Rising Cut Revival Rank A, 10 WP -Wheel Revival Rank A, Learn Rising Cut, 20 WP -Wheel Nagi Revival Rank A, Learn Wheel, 30 WP -Wheel Stab Revival Rank A, Learn Wheel, Boost P-ATK 7 levels -Makigani Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels -Exorcism Revival Rank A, Learn Wheel Stab, Boost P-ATK 9 levels Axe Combo -Chop Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Side Chop

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Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Axe Thrust Revival Rank S, 5 WP -Helm Smash Revival Rank S, 10 WP -Axe Upper Revival Rank S, Learn Helm Smash, 20 WP -Axe Slash Revival Rank S, Learn Helm Smash, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Axe Breaker Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Earth Splitter Revival Rank S, Learn Axe Breaker, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Bush Whaxe Revival Rank S, Learn Earth Splitter, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Dimension Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 500 WP E.Sherman Skills -Sky Slash Already learned -Skyfall 100 WP Magic -Convergence Already learned -Lightfall 50 WP -Prismatic Burst Learn Lightfall, Boost M-ATK 2 levels, 100 WP -Cure Already learned -Ur-Heal 50 WP -Backtrack Boost M-ATK 4 levels, 10 WP -Wall 100 WP -Stop 50 WP Sword Combo -Side Edge-Already Learned -Flight Edge-Already learned -Thrust Edge-Already learned -Holy Edge

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10 WP -Down Edge Learn Holy Edge, 20 WP -S-Flight Edge Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 Levels, 30 WP -Combo Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Down Edge, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -P-Thrust Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Swords Dance Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 150 WP -Godslayer Revival Rank S, Learn Swords Dance, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 500 WP Greatsword Combo -Side Slash-Already learned -Flight Slash-Already learned -Attack Slash-Already learned -Down Slash 10 WP -V-Slash 20 WP -Power Slash Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Bound Slash Learn V-Slash, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Power Flight Slash Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Buster Slash Revival Rank A, Learn Bound Slash, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Bow Combo -Flight Arrow Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Twin Arrow Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Flight Twin Arrow Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Down Arrow Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Critical Arrow Revival Rank C, Learn Down Arrow, 20 WP -Down Arrow Trio Revival Rank B, 30 WP -Charge Arrow

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Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Triple Killer Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Illusory Dream Revival Rank A, Learn Triple Killer, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Spear Combo -Slash Spear Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flight Spear Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Double Thrust Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Spin Thrust Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Rush Thrust Revival Rank B, Learn Spin Thrust, 20 WP -Slash Thrust Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Roll Thrust Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Thrust Rush Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Thrust Strike Revival Rank A, Learn Thrust Rush, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP F. Pippin Skills -Monkey King Combo Already learned -Unfailing Blows 80 WP -Ukko's Hammer 100 WP -Heaven's Cloud Revival Rank A, 100 WP -Excalibur Already learned Magic -Cloudbolt Already learned -Discharge 50 WP

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-Thunderstorm Learn Discharge, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 100 WP -P-DEF Up 15 WP -Bind 30 WP -Wall 100 WP -Paralyze 45 WP -Stop 50 WP Knuckle Combo -Combo Punch Already learned -Upper Already learned -Kick Already learned -Straight 10 WP -Power C-Punch Revival Rank B, Learn Straight, 20 WP -One, Two, Kick Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK by 7 levels, 30 WP -P-Combo Punch Revival Rank B, Learn One, Two, Kick, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Heartbreak Strike Revival Rank A. Learn Sword Skill Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Culmination Revival Rank S, Learn Sword Skill P-Thrust Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Sword Combo -Side Edge-Already Learned -Flight Edge-Already learned -Thrust Edge 5 WP -Holy Edge 10 WP -Down Edge Learn Holy Edge, 20 WP -S-Flight Edge Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 Levels, 30 WP -Combo Edge

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Revival Rank B, Learn Down Edge, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -P-Thrust Edge Revival Rank B, Learn Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Swords Dance Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 150 WP -Godslayer Revival Rank S, Learn Swords Dance, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 500 WP Greatsword Combo -Side Slash Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Flight Slash Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Attack Slash Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Down Slash Revival Rank C, 10 WP -V-Slash Revival Rank C, 20 WP -Power Slash Revival Rank C, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Bound Slash Revival Rank C, Learn V-Slash, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Power Flight Slash Revival Rank C, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Buster Slash Revival Rank A, Learn Bound Slash, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Spear Combo -Slash Spear Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flight Spear Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Double Thrust Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Spin Thrust Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Rush Thrust Revival Rank B, Learn Spin Thrust, 20 WP -Slash Thrust Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Roll Thrust Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Thrust Rush

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Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Thrust Strike Revival Rank A, Learn Thrust Rush, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP Axe Combo -Chop Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Side Chop Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Axe Thrust Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Helm Smash Revival Rank A, 10 WP -Axe Upper Revival Rank A, Learn Helm Smash, 20 WP -Axe Slash Revival Rank A, Learn Helm Smash, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Axe Breaker Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Earth Splitter Revival Rank A, Learn Axe Breaker, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Bush Whaxe Revival Rank A, Learn Earth Splitter, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Dimension Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 500 WP G. Secret Character 1 Skills -Guidance-Already learned -Tyranny Revival Rank A, 100 WP -Penitence-Already learned (fury form only) Magic -Dark embrace-Already learned -Black Maw 50 WP -Graviton Laser Learn Black Maw, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 100 WP -M-ATK Down 15 WP -M-DEF Down 15 WP -Smokescreen 20 WP -Seal Skill

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Boost P-DEF 7 levels, 500 WP -Drain 25 WP -Wall 100 WP -Prohibition 100 WP -Confuse 30 WP -Poison 35 WP -Rage 45 WP Greatsword Combo -Side Slash Already learned -Flight Slash Already learned -Attack Slash Already learned -Down Slash 10 WP -V-Slash 20 WP -Power Slash Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Bound Slash Learn V-Slash, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Power Flight Slash Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Buster Slash Revival Rank A, Learn Bound Slash, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Gun Combo -Flight Shot Already learned -Double Shot Already learned -Flight Double Shot 5 WP -Down Shot 10 WP -Critical Shot 20 WP -Flight Combo Shot Revival Rank B, Learn Critical Shot, 30 WP -Pinhole Shot (not very accurate)

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Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Fast Fire Revival Rank B, Learn Flight Combo Shot, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Heartbreak Shot Revival Rank A, Learn Fast Fire, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Knuckle Combo -Combo Punch Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Upper Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Kick Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Straight Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Power C-Punch Revival Rank B, Learn Straight, 20 WP -One, Two, Kick Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK by 7 levels, 30 WP -P-Combo Punch Revival Rank B, Learn One, Two, Kick, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP -Heartbreak Strike Revival Rank A. Learn Sword Skill Combo Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 80 WP -Culmination Revival Rank S, Learn Sword Skill P-Thrust Edge, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Glaive Combo -Kesa Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Maki Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Cleave Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Rising Cut Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Wheel Revival Rank B, Learn Rising Cut, 20 WP -Wheel Nagi Revival Rank B, Learn Wheel -Wheel Stab Revival Rank B, Learn Wheel, Boost P-ATK 7 levels -Makigani Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 8 levels -Exorcism

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Revival Rank A, Learn Wheel Stab, Boost P-ATK 9 levels Launcher Combo -Launch Revival Rank A, 15 WP -Spin Barrett Revival Rank A, 15 WP -Full Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Spin Barrett, 25 WP -Cluster Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Full Barrett, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 25 WP -Outlet Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Cluster Barrett, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 30 WP -Round Barrett Revival Rank A, Learn Outlet Barrett, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 50 WP -Full Open Barrett Revival Rank S, Learn Round Barrett, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP H. Ethel Skills -Shooting Star Already learned -Waxing Crescent 80 WP -Freezing Meteor 100 WP -Lunatic Dance Revival Rank A, 100 WP -Supernova (Fury form only) Already learned Magic -Hailstone Already learned -Ice Coffin 50 WP -Glacial Spikes Learn Ice Coffin, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 100 WP -Bind Heal Boost M-DEF 3 levels, 30 WP -Despair Heal 35 WP -P-DEF Restore 15 WP -M-DEF Restore 15 WP

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-P-ATK Up 15 WP -P-ATK Down 15 WP -P-DEF Down 15 WP -Seal Magic Boost P-DEF 7 levels, 500 WP -Wall 100 WP -Paralyze 45 WP Bow Combo -Flight Arrow Already learned -Twin Arrow Already learned -Flight Twin Arrow Already learned -Down Arrow 10 WP -Critical Arrow Learn Down Arrow, 20 WP -Down Arrow Trio Revival Rank B, 30 WP -Charge Arrow Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Triple Killer Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Illusory Dream Revival Rank A, Learn Triple Killer, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Scythe Combo -Slash Scythe Already learned -Upper Scythe Already learned -Swing Scythe 5 WP -Flash Scythe 10 WP -Roll Scythe 20 WP -Roll Flight Scythe

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Revival Rank B, Learn Roll Scythe, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Attack Scythe Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Flow Scythe Revival Rank B, Learn Attack Scythe, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Death Scythe Revival Rank A, Learn Flow Scythe, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Spear Combo -Slash Spear Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Flight Spear Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Double Thrust Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Spin Thrust Revival Rank C, 10 WP -Rush Thrust Revival Rank C, Learn Spin Thrust, 20 WP -Slash Thrust Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Roll Thrust Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Thrust Rush Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Thrust Strike Revival Rank A, Learn Thrust Rush, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP Gun Combo -Flight Shot Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Double Shot Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Flight Double Shot Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Down Shot Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Critical Shot Revival Rank B, 20 WP -Flight Combo Shot Revival Rank B, Learn Critical Shot, 30 WP -Pinhole Shot (not very accurate) Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP

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-Fast Fire Revival Rank B, Learn Flight Combo Shot, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Heartbreak Shot Revival Rank A, Learn Fast Fire, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Knuckle Combo -Combo Punch Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Upper Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Kick Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Straight Revival Rank A, 10 WP -Power C-Punch Revival Rank A, Learn Straight, 20 WP -One, Two, Kick Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK by 7 levels, 30 WP -P-Combo Punch Revival Rank A, Learn One, Two, Kick, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP I. Secret Character 2 Skills -Magical Lance Already learned -Magical Magnum Revival Rank A, 100 WP -Magical Magic (Fury Form Only) Already learned -Dash Steal 80 WP Magic -Convergence Already learned -Lightfall 50 WP -Prismatic Burst Learn Lightfall, Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 100 WP -Full Cure Boost M-ATK 5 levels, 125 WP -Ultra Cure-All 100 WP -Full Cure-All 100 WP -Poi Heal 15 WP -Para Heal

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20 WP -Stun Heal 30 WP -Berserk Heal 30 WP -Confuse Heal 30 WP -Bind Heal 30 WP -Mobilize 20 WP -P-DEF Restore 15 WP -M-DEF Restore 15 WP -Life Recover 20 WP -Mind Recover 20 WP -Mega Revive 40 WP -Full Revive 50 WP -M-ATK Up 15 WP -M-DEF Up 15 WP -Devotion 50 WP -Wall 100 WP -Cure Already learned Spear Combo -Slash Spear Already learned -Flight Spear Already learned -Double Thrust Already learned -Spin Thrust 10 WP -Rush Thrust Learn Spin Thrust, 20 WP -Slash Thrust Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Roll Thrust

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Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Thrust Rush Revival Rank B, Learn Rush Thrust, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Thrust Strike Revival Rank A, Learn Thrust Rush, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP Bow Combo -Flight Arrow Already learned -Twin Arrow Already learned -Flight Twin Arrow 5 WP -Down Arrow 10 WP -Critical Arrow Learn Down Arrow, 20 WP -Down Arrow Trio Revival Rank B, 30 WP -Charge Arrow Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Triple Killer Revival Rank B, Learn Down Arrow Trio, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Illusory Dream Revival Rank A, Learn Triple Killer, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP Axe Combo -Chop Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Side Chop Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Axe Thrust Revival Rank C, 5 WP -Helm Smash Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Axe Upper Revival Rank B, Learn Helm Smash, 20 WP -Axe Slash Revival Rank B, Learn Helm Smash, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Axe Breaker Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Earth Splitter

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Revival Rank A, Learn Axe Breaker, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Bush Whaxe Revival Rank A, Learn Earth Splitter, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 100 WP -Dimension Slash Revival Rank S, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 500 WP Knuckle Combo -Combo Punch Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Upper Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Kick Revival Rank B, 5 WP -Straight Revival Rank B, 10 WP -Power C-Punch Revival Rank B, Learn Straight, 20 WP -One, Two, Kick Revival Rank B, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -P-Combo Punch Revival Rank B, Learn One, Two, Kick, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 50 WP Scythe Combo -Slash Scythe Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Upper Scythe Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Swing Scythe Revival Rank A, 5 WP -Flash Scythe Revival Rank A, 10 WP -Roll Scythe Revival Rank A, 20 WP -Roll Flight Scythe Revival Rank A, Learn Roll Scythe, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 30 WP -Attack Scythe Revival Rank A, Boost P-ATK 7 levels, 50 WP -Flow Scythe Revival Rank A, Learn Attack Scythe, Boost P-ATK 8 levels, 80 WP -Death Scythe Revival Rank A, Learn Flow Scythe, Boost P-ATK 9 levels, 100 WP XI. Shukesoo's Tower[SHUK]

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There are 40 floors available in hukesoo's Tower. To access them, you need to have furies being used in World Shaping. 1 floor per Fury, with with the first 5 floors of Shukesoo's Tower being able to be automatically accessed after it opens up through the story. With only 37 Furies available in a first game, you have to do NG+ to fully complete this area, which is totally optional.

Floor 1: Desert Riser HP:4800 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 500 Gold, Devil Set -Blue Dusk- x1

Floor 2: Ghede x2 HP:2400 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 800 Gold, Antidotex3, Stimulantx3, Lozengex3

Floor 3: Nightblade Serpent HP:4000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 1200 Gold, High Potionx2, Lozengex5, Copper Orex10

Floor 4: Little Grey x3 HP:800 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 1400 Gold, Angel Set -Moe- x1

Floor 5: Majin's Remains HP:6800 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 1600 Gold, Panaceax2

Floor 6: Machine Gundah x2 HP:8880 Drop:Nothing Steal: Audio Output Circuit Reward: 1800 Gold, Black Fox Maskx1

Floor 7: EX Callisto HP:7000 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Red Oni HP:14000 Drop/Steal:Nothing

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Reward: 2000 Gold, High Potionx3, Poison Stingerx5

Floor 8: EX Ammon x2 HP:7500 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Thornet x2 HP:7500 Drop/Steal: Nothing Reward: 2200 Gold, Devil Set -Blue Dusk- x1

Floor 9: EX Killer Mantis HP:16100 Drop/Steal: Nothing Reward: 2400 Gold, Dewdrop Bottlex3

Floor 10: Iris HP:16900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 2600 Gold, Bronze Emblemx1

Floor 11: EX Griffon HP:17700 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Somnia x3 HP:5900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 2800 Gold, Nimble Sprayx10, Soothing Balmx10, Smelling Saltx10

Floor 12: EX Silver SPA x4 HP:4600 Drop: Audio Output Circuit Steal: Audio Output Circuit Reward: 3000 Gold, High Potionx3

Floor 13: Guardian Riser Mk. 2 HP:29000 Drop/Steal: Nothing Reward: 3200 Gold, Black-Framed Glassesx1

Floor 14: EX Ammon x2 HP:15100 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Stingle x3 HP:10100 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 3400 Gold, High Potionx3, Paralysis Stingerx5

Floor 15: EX Blaze Bear x2 HP:16100 Drop/Steal:Nothing

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EX Phoenix x2 HP:16100 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 3600 Gold, Panaceax3

Floor 16: Devilkin x3 HP: 11300 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 3800 Gold, Fancy Hatx1

Floor 17: EX Death Eagle HP:23100 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Tiger Shark x2 HP:46200 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 4000 Gold, High Tonicx3, Weakened Special Fiberx5

Floor 18: EX Devolcano HP: Drop: Red Dragon Stone Steal: Red Dragon Stone Reward: 4200 Gold, Red Lens Eyepatch

Floor 19: EX Death Eagle x2 HP:25000 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Gukyo HP:49900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 4400 Gold, High Tonicx3, High Etherx3

Floor 20: EX Gavain HP:52700 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 4600 Gold, Iron Emblemx1

Floor 21: EX Shadow x2 HP:26900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 4800 Gold, Panaceax3, Dimensional Clockx3

Floor 22: EX Harariel HP:55600 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 5000 Gold, Devil Set -Fresh Blood- x1

Floor 23: EX Death Pierrot x3 HP:19100 Drop/Steal:Nothing

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Reward: 5200 Gold, High Tonicx3, Energy Crystalx3, Pretty Featherx3

Floor 24: EX Ice Shark HP:29800 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Freebee x3 HP:29800 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 5400 Gold, Cherry Blossom Hairclipx1

Floor 25: EX Spike Head x2 HP:30300 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Bactritoid HP:60600 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 5600 Gold, Max Tonicx3, High Etherx3, Sharp Beakx3

Floor 26: EX CHI Dragon x2 HP:15600 Drop: Video Output Circuit Steal: Video Output Circuit Reward: 5800 Gold, Green Visorx1

Floor 27: EX Penpa Prince HP:31900 Drop/Steal: Nothing EX Penpa Knight HP:31900 Drop/Steal: Nothing EX Penpa Magician HP:31900 Drop/Steal: Nothing Reward: 6000 Gold, Archangel's Feathersx3, High Etherx3, High Quality Gearx3

Floor 28: EX Ghede x3 HP:22100 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 6200 Gold, Devil Set -Fresh Blood- x1

Floor 29: EX Ice Bear HP:33900 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Phoenix NEO x3 HP:33900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 6400 Gold, Max Tonicx3, High Etherx3, Sharp Clawx3

Floor 30: Imperial White Dragon HP:69600

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Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Big Red Dragon Stone Steal: Big Red Dragon Stone Reward: 6600 Gold, Silver Emblem

Floor 31: EX Zombie x3 HP:23900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 6800 Gold, Archangel's Feathersx3, High Etherx4

Floor 32: EX Funyo x4 HP:18500 Drop/Steal: Nothing Reware: 7000 Gold, Angel Set -Glimmer- x1

Floor 33: EX Hippogriff HP:37700 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Aquairius x3 HP:37700 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 7200 Gold, Max Tonicx3, High Etherx4, Sharp Fangx3

Floor 34: EX Thunder Bird x3 HP:38200 Drop/Steal:Nothing EX Hresvelgr HP:38200 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 7400 Gold, Polka Dot Maskx1

Floor 35: Valafar HP:78700 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 7600 Gold, Gold Emblemx1

Floor 36: EX Imperial Black Dragon HP:80400 Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Big Red Dragon Stone Steal: Big Red Dragon Stone Reward: 7800 Gold, Pink Fairy Wingsx1

Floor 37: EX Behemoth HP:81900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 8000 Gold, Archangel's Feathersx3, Dewdrop of Salvationx3 Ultra Powered Circuitx2

Floor 38:

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EX CHI Dragon x2 NEO HP:41600 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 8200 Gold, Soda Ribbonx1

Floor 39: EX Diablo's Remains x2 HP:43200 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 8400 Gold, Platinum Emblemx1

Floor 40: Artemis HP:88000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 10000 Gold, Elixirx2


A. Fairies *All DLC Fairies are Rank C Fairies and cannot be used for either World Shaping or Godly Revival*

1. Irving Lv1-Ice Support +3 Lv4-Bow Prowess Lv6-Ice Support +4 Lv8-Ice Support +5 Lv10-Post-Battle HP +4

2. Stella Stella Lv1-Goddess's Blessing Lv2-Light Protection +3 Lv6-Light Support +3 Lv7-Light Support +4 Lv10-SP Drive +4

3. Victoria Lv1-Earth Support +3 Lv3-Gun Prowess Lv5-Earth Protection +4 Lv6-Earth Protection +5 Lv10-SP Cost Down 4

4. Nivea Lv1-Exp Up +2 Lv2-Ice Support +3 Lv4-Ice Protection +3 Lv7-Ice Support +5

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Lv10-Fairize Restoration

5. Claus Lv1-Learning Lv2-Dark Support +3 Lv5-Dark Protection +4 Lv7-Dark Protection +5 Lv10-Post-Battle SP +4

6. Melissa Lv1-Fire Support +3 Lv3-Pugilist's Soul Lv5-Fire Support +4 Lv8-Fire Protection +5 Lv10-HP Drive +5

7. Mia Lv1-Lightning Support +4 Lv2-Confusion Null Lv5-Lightning Protection +4 Lv7-Lightning Support +5 Lv10-Angel's Luck +3

8. Charlotte Lv1-Wind Support +4 Lv4-Wind Protection +4 Lv6-Goddess's Blessing Lv8-Wind Support +5 Lv10-Good Leadership +3

B. Alternate Shukesoo's Tower

Floor 1: SP Maritima HP:23400 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Beex2 HP:14400 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 10500 Gold, Piece of Flying Stonex1

Floor 2: SP Ghost HP:29100 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Zombiex2 HP:19350 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 11000 Gold, Summer's Featherx1, Energy Crystalx2

Floor 3:

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SP Little Greyx3 HP:16680 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 11500 Gold, Autumn's Featherx1, Energy Crystalx2

Floor 4: SP Guardian Riser HP:32400 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 12000 Gold, Spring's Featherx1, Energy Crystalx2

Floor 5: SP Irisx2 HP:33600 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 12500 Gold, Beautiful Blue Jewelx1, High Etherx3

Floor 6: MD Maritima HP:23600 Drop/Steal:Nothing MD Beex2 HP:16110 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 13000 Gold, Potent Herbx5

Floor 7: MD Ghost HP:38000 Drop/Steal:Nothing MD Zombiex2 HP:36300 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 13500 Gold, Mithril Stonex3, Gold Orex2, Amazonitex1

Floor 8: MD Little Grey HP:29620 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 14000 Gold, High Powered Circuitx2, Ultra Powered Circuitx1

Floor 9: MD Guardian Riser HP:62100 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 14500 Gold, Max Tonicx3, High Etherx3, Archangel's Feathersx3

Floor 10: (Last floor you can feasibly do without paid DLC) MD Irisx2 HP:73370 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward: 15000 Gold, Orichalcumx1, Elixirx1

Floor 11: SP Ice Dragon HP:58000

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Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Dark Dragon HP:64000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:15500 Gold, High Potionx15, Dewdrop Bottlex5, Angel's Feathersx8

Floor 12: SP Topaz Golem HP:277000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:16000 Gold, OOParts Crystal Skullx1, OOPart-Spaceshipx1 OOPart-Lithographx1

Floor 13: SP Czar Red Dragon HP:310000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:16500 Gold, Ultra Powered Circuitx3, High Power Enginex3

Floor 14: SP Penpa P HP:98000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Penpa N HP:120000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Penpa M HP:80000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:17000 Gold, Panaceax5, Dewdrop of Salvationx3

Floor 15: SP Bernand EX HP:358000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:17500 Gold, Firestorm Spirit Stonex1, Slush Spirit Stonex1, Voltremor Spirit Stonex1

Floor 16: SP Machine Gun HP:119900 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Bit Thetax3 HP:88200 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:18000 Gold, Mid Tonicx4, High Etherx3

Floor 17: SP Canhell HP:510000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:18500 Gold, High Tonicx2, Lucky Cloverx3

Floor 18:

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SP Quetzal HP:176300 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Phoenix x2 HP:117500 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Thunder Birdx2 HP:117500 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:19000 Gold, Dewdrop of Salvationx1, Dewdrop Bottlex3

Floor 19: SP Spring Ex2 HP:91000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Summer Ex2 HP:91000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:19500 Gold, Inferno Stonex3, Absolute Zero Stonex3

Floor 20: SP Paiga EX HP:618000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:20000 Gold, Max Tonicx2

Floor 21: SP Cyclops HP:100000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Herbax2 HP:81000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:20500 Gold, Brave Trophyx1

Floor 22: SP Rock Butterfly HP:110000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Shellmonx2 HP:94000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:21000 Gold, Mid Tonicx4, High Etherx3

Floor 23: MD Canhell HP:130000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Gavain HP:130000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:21500 Gold, Panaceax5, Dewdrop of Salvationx2

Floor 24: SP Funyonx5 HP:91000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:22000 Gold, High Etherx2, High Tonicx2

Floor 25:

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MD Zenke EX HP:890000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:22500 Gold, Elixirx1

Floor 26: SP Dragon Tail HP:450000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Freebeex3 HP:95900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:23000 Gold, Mid Tonicx4, High Etherx3

Floor 27: SP Dandyx2 HP:510000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:23500 Gold, Max Tonicx3, High Etherx3, Archangel's Feathersx3

Floor 28: SP Bactritoid HP:680000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Sp Spike Headx2 HP:140000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:24000 Gold, Panaceax5, Dewdrop of Salvationx2

Floor 29: SP Frankenx2 HP:480000 Drop/Steal:Nothing MD Frankenx2 HP:350000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:24500 Gold, High Etherx2, High Tonicx2

Floor 30: MD Marianna EX HP:990000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:25000 Gold, Elixirx1

Floor 31: SP Callisto HP:525000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Cockatricex2 HP:198900 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:25500 Gold, Mid Tonicx4, High Etherx3

Floor 32: SP Halphas HP:510000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Galtomanx2 HP:250000

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Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:26000 Gold, Max Tonicx3, High Etherx3, Archangel's Feathersx3

Floor 33: MD Pepecopterx4 HP:150000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:26500 Gold, Panaceax5, Dewdrop of Salvationx2

Floor 34: SP Deep Darkness HP:1500000 Drop/Steal:Nothing MD Pepecopter (A bug, not in fight but listed as an opponent) Reward:27000 Gold, Big Red Dragon Stonex1, Red Dragon Stonex1

Floor 35: SP Eryn Copy-Dream HP:600000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Eryn Copy-Illusion HP:400000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Eryn Copy-Nihil HP:500000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:27500 Gold, Elixirx1

Floor 36: SP Diablo's Remainsx2 HP:480000 Drop/Steal:Nothing SP Diablo's Remains HP:780000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:28000 Gold, Floatx1, Mid Tonicx2, High Etherx2

Floor 37: MD Ravenx2 HP:250000 Drop/Steal:Nothing MD Beex3 HP:510000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:28500 Gold, Swim Capx1, Ultra Etherx2

Floor 38: SP Haagenti HP:2800000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:29000 Gold, Swimmer's GogglesX1, Dewdrop of Salvationx2

Floor 39: Ensnared Soul HP:3400000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:29500 Gold, Resort Flowerx1, Archangel's Feathersx2

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Floor 40: Abyssal Resurrection HP:4000000 Drop/Steal:Nothing Reward:30000 Gold, Hero Trophyx1

C. East Kidanar

*Unlocked with Surpass Your Limits 1 DLC* *This DLC raises your level cap by 300.*

*Enemies -Ganada LV 100 HP:5900 Drop: Scuffed Shell Steal:Nothing -Bit Alpha LV 100 HP:4800 Drop/Steal:Nothing -Zombie LV 150 HP:7000 Drop:Purified Ash, Antidote Steal:Nothing -Ganada LV 200 HP:9500 Drop:Scuffed Shell Steal:Nothing -Bit Alpha LV 200 HP:8800 Drop/Steal:Nothing *Change enemies -Thornet LV 300 HP:15000 Drop:Insect Stinger, Poison Stinger Steal:Insect Stinger, Poison Stinger -Flying Dragon LV 340 HP:31000 Drop:Dragon Fang Steal:Nothing -Ghost LV 380 HP:33000 Drop:Purified Ash Steal:Nothing *Treasure -Mid Tonicx3, High Potionx2 -Dewdrop Bottlex2, Antidotex3 -Angel's Feathersx3, High Tonicx2 -Mid Tonicx2, Panaceax2 -Angel's Feathersx2, High Potionx3 -Dewdrop Bottlex2, High Tonicx3 *Hidden treasure table -Herb Sprout -Herb -Panacea Sprout -Panacea Herb

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-Lucky Clover -Beautiful Flower *Possible hidden treasure locations -East Kidanar *Northern room,top level, west room, northwest corner *Southwest room, lower area, southeast corner *Northern room, lower level, southeast corner *Northern room, lower level, northeast corner *First room, northeast corner *Northern room, lower area, southeast corner -East Kidanar-North Block *Upper area, southwest room, northwest corner *Upper area, southwest room, southwest corner *Lower area, northwest corner *Upper area, northeast room, southeast corner *Upper area, southeast room, southeast corner

In the second room, go to the southeast corner for a treasure with [Mid Tonicx3, High Potionx2]. Head north and in the central room in the northwest corner is a treasure with [Dewdrop Bottlex2, Antidotex3]. Head east up the stairs and go west jumping the pits. In the last room before the next area is a treasure with [Angel's Feathersx3, High Tonicx2]. In the second area, go north and up the stairs, head south jumping over the pits and along the western wall is a freasure with [Mid Tonicx2, Panaceax2]. Head to the room to the east and in the northeast corner is a treasure with [Angel's Feathersx2, High Potionx3]. Head north to the last room and in the southwest corner is a treasure with [Dewdrop Bottlex2, High Tonicx3].

D. Bui's Hidden Valley

*Unlocked with Surpass Your Limits 2 DLC* *This DLC raises your level cap by 300*

*Enemies -Thunder Bird LV 450 HP:21000 Drop:Piece of Flying Stone Steal:Chunk of Magic, Lightning Stone

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-Aquairius LV 400 HP:34000 Drop/Steal:Nothing -Cockatrice LV 500 HP:39000 Drop:Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather Steal:Pretty Feather -Callisto LV 500 HP:40000 Drop:Decent Fur, Demon Beast's Claw Steal:Nothing *Change enemies -Sparna LV 650 HP:48000 Drop:Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather Steal:Sharp Beak -Land Shark LV 600 HP:45000 Drop/Steal:Nothing -Red Oni LV 700 HP:58000 Drop:Piece of Flying Stone Steal:Piece of Flying Stone -Caladrius LV 650 HP:32000 Drop/Steal:Nothing *Treasure -Angel's Feathersx2 -High Potionx2, High Tonicx1 -Ultra Etherx2 -Dewdrop Bottlex2 -Ultra Potionx2 -High Potionx3, High Tonicx2 -Return Wingx2 *Hidden treasure table -Water Stone -Maelstrom Stone -Ice Stone -Amazonite -Wind Stone -Gale Stone *Possible hidden treasure locations Bui Valley -The very first room, on the east wall -On the island you have to warp to, on the northern side where some flowers are -Northwest corner of last room before you go to the new area -Second room, in southwest corner -Third room, east wall Bui Valley West -In the northwest room, at the northwest corner -In first room, at start of the path where you go southeast to

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the southern room -In central room, on western wall where wall starts to turn from north/south to east/west -In south certral room, by start of path to central room -On island you warp to, southeast portion

In the second room, just south of the westernmost point in the room is a treasure with [Angel's Feathersx2]. In the last room before going to the next area, take the warp to an island with a treasure with [High Potionx2, High Tonicx1]. Go to the next area.

Turn around and right by the exit to the first area is a treasure with [Ultra Etherx2]. In the northwest room, along the western wall, a treasure with [Dewdrop Bottlex2] is there. Near the southern exit of the central room on the west side you find a treasure with [Ultra Potionx2]. On the southern part of the eastern wall of the southeast room are 2 treasures, with [High Potionx3, High Tonicx2] and [Return Wingx2] respectively.

E. Zawaza Wilds

*Unlocked with Surpass Your Limits 3 DLC* *This DLC raises your level cap by 300*

*Enemies -Stingle LV 750 HP:48000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -SPA LV 800 HP:54000 Drop: High Quality Gear, Beautiful Armor Steal: Scratched Armor -R. Dragon LV 900 HP:58000 Drop:Dragon Fang Steal: Nothing -M. Gunner LV 900 HP:100000 Drop: High Powered Circuit Steal: Nothing -K. Mantis LV 900 HP:120000 Drop: Chunk of Magic, Rainbow Shell

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Steal: Chunk of Magic *changed enemies -Aquairius LV 930 HP:45000 Drop: Scuffed Scale Steal: Nothing -Gukyo LV 950 HP:84000 Drop: Sharp Beak Steal: Nothing -SPA S. LV950 HP:95000 Drop: Scratched Armor, Beautiful Armor Steal: Beautiful Armor -Nyx LV 950 HP:74000 Drop/Steal: Nothing -D. Mantis LV 950 HP:140000 Drop: Rainbow Shell, Glittery Wing Steal: Glittery Wing *treasure -Dewdrop Bottlex3, Max Tonicx2 -Elixirx2, High Tonicx5 -Archangel's Feathersx2, High Etherx3 -Max Tonicx2, Return Wingx2 -Elixirx5, Dewdrop of Salvationx3, Archangel's Feathersx3 *hidden treasure table -Fire Stone -Blaze Stone -Earth Stone -Firestorm Spirit Stone -Slush Spirit Stone -Voltremor Spirit Stone -Water Stone -Maelstrom Stone -Mithril Stone -Wildfire Spirit Stone -Blizzard Spirit Stone -Mudslide Spirit Stone -Elixir -Max Tonic -Ultra Ether -Wind Stone -Gale Stone -Lightning Stone -Ice Stone -Amazonite -Orichalcum *Possible hidden treasure locations Zawaza Wilds-East -corner of wall where you could go south or west from in

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lower area -along southern wall, where it is just a narrow area, along the north wall there -at the entrance, along the northern wall -On the wall just west of the exit Zawaza Wilds-Far East -At the entrance, where you can start going west -In the west wall of curved area just west of the save point -In the area you can't get to without Flight Stone -After crossing first bridge, on the ledge to the east -After crossing first bridge, go west then very north area

After the bridge, head north for 2 treasures with [Dewdrop Bottlex3, Max Tonicx2] and [Elixirx2, High Tonicx5]. Now head south past the bridge and follow the path to the next area. Follow the path and at the southern end after dropping off a short ledge is a treasure with [Archangel's Feathersx2, High Etherx3]. Head to the next area. After the bridge take the path north. Head past the second bridge for a treasure with [Max Tonicx2, Return Wingx2]. Now go across that second bridge and with the Flight Stone we can jump over that obstacle here for a treasure with [Elixirx5, Dewdrop of Salvationx3, Archangel's Feathersx3].

XIII. Challenges[CHAL]

You gain certain stat boosts for doing some stuff both in-battle and in the field. All stat boosts stack. Some of them worth it, some not so much. Anyways, here you go...

A. Favoritism-Use the character as the party leader for certain amounts of time. Only time in the field counts, not time in the menu. Lv1-10m00s:INT+3 Lv2-30m00s:INT+4 Lv3-1h:INT+6 Lv4-3h10m00s:INT+6 Lv5-5h00m00s:INT+6 Lv6-8h00m00s:INT+10 Lv7-12h00m00s:INT+10 Lv8-15h00m00s:INT+100 B. Dungeon Crawler-Walk a certain amount as the party leader.

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Lv1-1500m:AGI+3 Lv2-3000m:AGI+4 Lv3-8000m:AGI+6 Lv4-15000m:AGI+6 Lv5-30000m:AGI+6 Lv6-42195m:AGI+10 Lv7-55000m:AGI+10 Lv8-120000m:MOV+1 C. Jump-Jump a certain number of times as the party leader. Lv1-10 times:TEC+3 Lv2-100 times:TEC+4 Lv3-350 times:TEC+6 Lv4-700 times:TEC+8 Lv5-1400 times:TEC+6 Lv6-2800 times:TEC+10 Lv7-5000 times:TEC+10 Lv8-10000 times:TEC+100 D. Treasure Hunter: Find a certain number of hidden treasure crystals with Item Sonar. Lv1-3 times:SP+10 Lv2-100 times:SP+16 Lv3-300 times:SP+20 Lv4-600 times:SP+20 Lv5-1200 times:SP+20 Lv6-2400 times:SP+20 Lv7-4000 times:SP+20 Lv8-8000 times:SP+300 E. Flawless Fencer: Land a Symbol Attack a certain number of times as the party leader. Lv1-10 times:STR+3 Lv2-100 times:STR+4 Lv3-250 times:STR+6 Lv4-500 times:STR+6 Lv5-1000 times:STR+6 Lv6-2000 times:STR+10 Kv7-3000 times:STR+10 Lv8-6000 times:STR+100 F. Hawk Eye-Find treasure crystals as the party leader (Hidden ones also count towards this amount). Lv1-5 times:LUK+3 Lv2-10 times:LUK+4 Lv3-20 times:LUK+6 Lv4-50 times:LUK+6 Lv5-80 times:LUK+6 Lv6-100 times:LUK+10 Lv7-120 times:LUK+10 Lv8-150 times:LUK+100 G. Lone Fencer-Battle alone a certain number of fights Lv1-5 times:INT+3 Lv2-20 times:INT+4 Lv3-40 times:INT+6 Lv4-60 times:INT+6 Lv5-80 times:INT+6 Lv6-100 times:INT+10 Lv7-120 times:INT+10 Lv8-140 times:INT+100 H. Regular-Be in the battle party at the start of battle a certain number of times. Lv1-10 times:HP+30 Lv2-50 times:HP+30 Lv3-200 times:HP+36 Lv4-500 times:HP+36 Lv5-1000 times:HP+36 Lv6-1500 times:HP+40 Lv7-2000 times:HP+60 Lv8-3000 times:HP+300 I. Diligence!?-Earn a certain amount of experience without participating in battle. Lv1-10 pts:AGI+3 Lv2-500 pts:AGI+4 Lv3-3000 pts:AGI+6 Lv4-10000 pts:AGI+6 Lv5-50000 pts:AGI+6 Lv6-90000 pts:AGI+10 Lv7-150000 pts:AGI+10 Lv8-300000 pts:MOV+1 J. Tactical Retreat-Escape from battle a certain number of times Lv1-8 times:INT+3 Lv2-15 times:INT+4 Lv3-30 times:INT+6 Lv4-50 times:INT+6 Lv5-100 times:INT+6 Lv6-200 times:INT+10 Lv7-350 times:INT+10 Lv8-500 times:INT+100

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K. Item Master-Use items a certain number of times in battle. Lv1-10 times:MEN+3 Lv2-20 times:MEN+4 Lv3-50 times:MEN+6 Lv4-80 times:MEN+6 Lv5-100 times:MEN+6 Lv6-200 times:MEN+10 Lv7-300 times:MEN+10 Lv8-500 times:MEN+100 L. Swordsman-Use your skills a certain number of times in battle. Lv1-10 times:SP+10 Lv2-20 times:SP+16 Lv3-50 times:SP+20 Lv4-80 times:SP+20 Lv5-100 times:SP+20 Lv6-200 times:SP+20 Lv7-300 times:SP+20 Lv8-500 times:SP+300 M. Magician-Use magic a certain number of times in battle. Lv1-10 times:SP+10 Lv2-20 times:SP+16 Lv3-50 times:SP+20 Lv4-80 times:SP+20 Lv5-100 times:SP+20 Lv6-200 times:SP+20 Lv7-300 times:SP+20 Lv8-500 times:SP+300 N. Uniqueness-Use your special command a certain number of times in battle. Lv1-5 times:SP+10 Lv2-10 times:SP+16 Lv3-30 times:SP+20 Lv4-50 times:SP+20 Lv5-80 times:SP+20 Lv6-120 times:SP+20 Lv7-160 times:SP+20 Lv8-200 times:SP+300 O. Power to the People-Use the Switch command a certain number of times in battle. Lv1-3 times:LUK+3 Lv2-8 times:LUK+4 Lv3-15 times:LUK+6 Lv4-30 times:LUK+6 Lv5-50 times:LUK+6 Lv6-100 times:LUK+10 Lv7-200 times:LUK+10 Lv8-400 times:LUK+100 P. Breaker-Trigger an Avalanche Attack a certain number of times. Lv1-20 times:LUK+3 Lv2-100 times:LUK+4 Lv3-200 times:LUK+6 Lv4-500 times:LUK+6 Lv5-1000 times:LUK+6 Lv6-1500 times:LUK+10 Lv7-2500 times:LUK+10 Lv8-5000 times:LUK+100 Q. Air Master-Pursue launched enemies a certain number of times. Lv1-20 times:LUK+3 Lv2-100 times:LUK+4 Lv3-200 times:LUK+6 Lv4-500 times:LUK+6 Lv5-1000 times:LUK+6 Lv6-2000times:LUK+10 Lv7-5000 times:LUK+10 Lv8-10000 times:LUK+100 R. Counter Master-Reflect magic a certain number of times. Lv1-5 times:LUK+3 Lv2-10 times:LUK+4 Lv3-18 times:LUK+6 Lv4-30 times:LUK+6 Lv5-50 times:LUK+6 Lv6-80 times:LUK+10 Lv7-120 times:LUK+10 Lv8-300 times:LUK+100 S. Slayer-Defeat a certain number of enemies with a character. Lv1-20 enemies:STR+3 Lv2-500 enemies:STR+4 Lv3-1000 enemies:STR+6 Lv4-2500 enemies:STR+6 Lv5-6000 enemies:STR+6 Lv6-10000 enemies:STR+10 Lv7-20000 enemies:STR+10 Lv8-50000 enemies:STR+100 T. Guardian-Take a certain total amount of damage from battle. Lv1-5000 points:HP+30 Lv2-20000 points:HP+30 Lv3-50000 points:HP+36

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Lv4-100000 points:HP+36 Lv5-150000 points:HP+36 Lv6-300000 points:HP+40 Lv7-600000 points:HP+60 Lv8-1200000 points:HP+300 U. Sponge-Heal a certain amount of damage in battle (you or someone else healing you, not you healing someone else). Lv1-3000 points:VIT+3 Lv2-6000 points:VIT+4 Lv3-12000 points:VIT+6 Lv4-24000 points:VIT+6 Lv5-48000 points:VIT+6 Lv6-96000 points:VIT+10 Lv7-200000 points:VIT+10 Lv8-500000 points:VIT+100 V. Strength of Spirit-Revive from KO a certain number of times Lv1-10 times:HP+30 Lv2-20 times:HP+30 Lv3-30 times:HP+36 Lv4-40 times:HP+36 Lv5-50 times:HP+36 Lv6-60 times:HP+40 Lv7-70 times:HP+60 Lv8-100 times:HP+300 W. Infinite Hands-Attack a certain number of times in battle with your character (pretty sure that each hit a character does counts towards this amount). Lv1-200 times:STR+3 Lv2-500 times:STR+4 Lv3-1000 times:STR+6 Lv4-2500 times:STR+6 Lv5-6000 times:STR+6 Lv6-10000 times:STR+10 Lv7-20000 times:STR+10 LV8-50000 times:STR+100 X. Finish!-Strike your victory pose a certain number of times (You have to be the one to kill the final enemy to get this, if that enemy is killed by an Avalanche Attack, and not by the person who initiated it, the credit still goes to the one who initiated it). Lv1-10 times:SP+3 Lv2-20 times:SP+4 Lv3-40 times:SP+20 Lv4-80 times:SP+20 Lv5-100 times:SP+20 Lv6-250 times:SP+250 Lv7-500 times:SP+20 Lv8-1000 times:SP+300 Y. Perfect-Win a battle a certain number of times without the character taking damage. Lv1-10 times:AGI+3 Lv2-20 times:AGI+4 Lv3-40 times:AGI+6 Lv4-80 times-AGI+6 Lv5-100 times:AGI+6 Lv6-250 times:AGI+10 Lv7-500 times:AGI+10 Lv8-1000 times:AGI+100 Z. Unbroken Heart-Win a certain number of battles after taking critical damage (HP goes into the red). Lv1-10 times:VIT+3 Lv2-20 times:VIT+4 Lv3-40 times:VIT+6 Lv4-80 times:VIT+6 Lv5-100 timesLVIT+6 Lv6-250 times:VIT+10 Lv7-500 times:VIT+10 Lv8-1000 times:VIT+100

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XIV. Endings[ENDI]

There are 3 endings in the game. In the second half of the game, when Zeppelia Valley opens up, there are subevents that occur at the inn that determine the ending you get.

Tiara Ending: Watch her subevent "When This Journey is Over" Eryn Ending: Watch her subevent "Partners?", and don't watch Tiara's subevent. Normal ending: Don't watch either Tiara's or Eryn's subevents listed above.

XV. Version History[VERS]Ver 1.3 8/6/15 Started PC version verification. Minor spelling corrections.Added to DLC section. Just a couple things left to check before thisis totally done.6/29/15 Minor spelling correxctions. Added to FAQ section.Ver 1.2 2/12/15 Challenges done. DLC added. FAQs changed. Minor correctionsmade in walkthrough.Ver 1.1 1/23/15 Did most of the challenges after a break of a few days.Added FAQ section. Added info on characters. Changed Introduction.Ver 1.0 1/9/15 Sorry about the delay, computer issues. Anyway, walkthroughis done, including NG+. Synthesis done. Shukesoo's Tower done, except DLC.Challenges updated. Again, I apologize about the long time gap betweenupdates.Ver 0.6 10/18/14 Done through Cavare Desert(Revisited),more questsVer 0.5 10/15/14 Did up through Lusamundo Ice Cave, more quest stuffVer 0.4 10/9/14 Did up through Bui Valley (Revisited), added someonein the credits for a treasure I missed early on, more Lola quests,fairy infoVer 0.3 10/4/14 Did up through Sol Plains (Revisited), some

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Lola quests, info about characters, some hidden treasure stuff,more fairy infoVer 0.1 9/29/14 Did intro, tips, and up through KidanarXVI. Credits[CRED] A. the void on the GF boards for the specific timing of the Lola quests amd some of the elemental stone locations B. The GF boards on the ending conditions. C. The GF boards on the elemental mail/robe being in a quest that disappears at a certain time. D. HyperDNepNep of GameFaqs for pointing out a treasure I missed in the Yatagan Lava Flows E. for some of the numbers on sections P and Z of the challenges. F. GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ for me.
