
Exercise1Questions1- Give the expressions that allow you to compute the mean value for each student in every course.2-Find the final grade of each student.3- Fill in the "Decision" column that will contain "Pass" if the grade of the student is greater than or equal to 10 and "Fail" otherwise.4- Add a column named "New decision" in the between of the "Grade" and "Decision" columns. 5- Fill in the "New decision" column based on the following: The student will get "Pass" if his grade is greater than or equal to 10 (Grade >=10) or if his grade is greater or equal to 9 and he has no playoff mean in all courses.Otherwise, he will get "Fail".

6- Add a column named "Letter Grade" in the between of the "Grade" and "New Decision" columns. 7- Fill in the Letter grade column based on the following:If grade >=15 then Letter grade = "A"If 13