  • 8/14/2019 Eurostat Miniguide Ks Eg 08 001 En



    ISSN 1725-5961

    Eurostat publicationsand databases

    2009 edition

  • 8/14/2019 Eurostat Miniguide Ks Eg 08 001 En


    2009 edition


    Eurostat publicationsand databases

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    Europe Direct is a service to help you fnd answersto your questions about the European Union

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    More in ormation on the European Union is available on the Internet (

    Luxembourg: Ofce or Ofcial Publications o the European Communities, 2009

    ISBN 978-92-79-10444-2ISSN 1725-5961doi: 10.2785/2374Cat. No KS-EG-08-001-EN-C

    Photos: European Commissions Audiovisual Service

    European Communities, 2009

    Printed in Belgium

    P rinted on white chlorine - free PaPer

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    Mini-guideEurostat, the Statistical O ce o the European Communities, is com-mitted to providing you with a high-quality statistical in ormationservice. o acilitate the research task o our users, we have compiledthis mini-guide which presents an overview o Eurostats activities,publications and databases.

    Hard copies o the existing publications can be purchased throughthe Publications O ces dissemination network, while ree accessto all interested parties will be given via Eurostats Internet site. Ourwebsite o ers not only the option o consulting and downloading allour electronically available publications in PDF ormat, but also o consulting the existing databases directly and ree o charge. Maintables in H ML ormat (which already cover the majority o gen-eral statistical requests) are available, as well as very detailed tables to

    meet the needs o specialists.Te display o the main tables on the website has been enhanced withcutting-edge unctionalities. With the new, easy-to-use inter ace, youare able to view the data in various graphical representations and by means o coloured maps, customise the graphs and maps to yourneeds and also store them or uture re erence.

    Eurostats main publications and databases are broken down by theme. Tis mini-guide presents the current selection o our prod-ucts and databases.

    For a complete overview and daily update, please consult our Internetsite:

    o receive regular in ormation on Eurostat products, simply registeror our customisable e-mail alerts, which will in orm you as soon asnew publications on your pre erred topics become available. Click onthe homepage: Log in/Register.

    Tank you or your interest in Eurostats activities.

    Pedro Diaz Muoz

    Director of Statistical Methods and ools; Dissemination

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    EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    ContentsIntroduction to Eurostat and its statistical in ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Eurostat databases and products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7How to access Eurostats statistical in ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

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    Selection o Eurostat products:

    publications, cd-roms and databases

    Key to the Eurostat mini-guideEach publication is either published in amultilingual version or available in one or morelanguage versions. When ordering publicationso ering a choice o languages, please replace theabbreviation EN in the catalogue number by theabbreviation o the language version you wish toreceive (DE or German and FR or French).

    All publications are available ree o charge on our website in PDFormat. For ease o use, we have added individual hyperlinks oreach product.

    A publication is available on paper when the last letter o the cata-logue number is C. When it is an N the publication is only availablein PDF ormat.




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    EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE






    Introduction toEurostat and itsstatistical in ormation

    Eurostat is the Statistical O ce o the European Communities. Itpublishes o cial harmonised statistics on the European Union andthe euro area and o ers a comparable, reliable and objective portrayalo a changing Europe. A vast range o data broken down by regionand country o the enlarged European Union and o candidate coun-tries is available to you.

    Te legislation in orce can be ound at: eurostat/europea ramework/legislation in orce

    o produce these statistics, Eurostat collects data rom the nationalstatistical institutes and harmonises them according to a single meth-odology. Te data thus obtained are genuinely comparable or theEuropean Union as a whole.

    Decision-makers in the elds o politics, higher education and eco-nomics use Eurostat services and products to obtain the in orma-

    tion that is vital or their activities. Eurostat also enables the generalpublic and the media to obtain an objective view o developments inEuropean society.

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    Eurostat databasesand products

    With over 300 million statistical data, Eurostatis a mine of statistical information that is uniquein the world and covers all areas of European so-ciety. Te data are directly available and free of charge from Eurostats Internet site.

    Links to the methodology applied ollowing the Statistical data andmetadata exchange (SDMX) initiative provide ull in ormation tospecialised users.

    Tere are two ways to access the data: a general user can nd the datahe or she is looking or via the Selected statistics entry, while a spe-cialist can nd more sophisticated data via the entry to the Statisticsdatabase.

    Selected statistics are main tables in H ML ormat. Tey are listedbelow.

    Structural indicators

    At the Lisbon European Council in 2000, the European Union set a

    strategic goal or the next decade o becoming the most competitiveand dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable o sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greatersocial cohesion. Te Council also invited the Commission to drawup an annual synthesis report on the basis o the structural indica-tors, which provide an instrument or an objective assessment o the progress made towards the Lisbon objectives, and support thekey messages o the report. In 2006 the our ollowing areas were

    set as the cornerstones o the renewed Lisbon strategy: investingin knowledge and innovation, unlocking the business potential,investing in people and modernising labour markets, and climatechange and energy.

    Structural indicators are used to underpin the Commissions analysisin the annual progress report to the European Council. Besides thepresentation o data, users are also provided with some general in or-

    mation on the robustness o methodologies and indicators, as well aswith background documents.


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    EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    Euro-indicators/Selected principal European economic indicators (PEEIs)

    Te economic and monetary union required a broad range o in ra-annual short-term statistics to measure economic and monetary developments within the euro area and to assist the European Cen-tral Bank in the implementation o a common monetary policy. Eu-rostat has developed Euro-indicators, o which the principal Euro-pean economic indicators (PEEIs) are the core, in order to providepolicymakers, analysts, academics, the media and the public withessential in ormation or decision-making, economic analysis andresearch.

    Te indicators were developed by experts and agreed at a politi-cal level. Tey are being continuously monitored, improved andreviewed in order to be in line with evolving policy requirements.PEEIs have progressively become a natural re erence in the Europeanstatistical system (ESS): a set o key short-term indicators needed ormonetary and economic analysis satis ying timeliness and quality requirements.Te Euro-indicators'/PEEIs' web pages are a re erence point or allusers o o cial statistics dealing with short-term data. Tey supply business-cycle analysts, policymakers, the media, researchers, stu-dents and other interested users with a comprehensive, well-struc-tured and reliable set o economic in ormation which is use ul intheir daily activities.

    More than 300 tables provide an overview o the latest and mostimportant economic indicators or the euro area and the EuropeanUnion, as well as or the Member States; they are structured in eightmain collections, listed below.

    Balance o payments

    Te Balance o payments (BoP) systematically summarises all eco-nomic transactions between the residents and non-residents o acountry or o a geographical region during a given period.

    Te BoP provides harmonised in ormation on international trans-actions which are part o the current account (goods, services, in-come, current trans ers), but also on transactions which all in thecapital and in the nancial account.

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    Business and consumer surveys

    Business and consumer surveys supply a wide range o in ormationon current economic activity and its perspectives based on the opin-ion o economic actors, such as entrepreneurs and consumers.

    Consumer prices

    Consumer price indices (CPIs) are economic indicators constructedto measure the changes over time in the prices o consumer goods and

    services acquired, used or paid or by households. Harmonised indiceso consumer prices (HICPs) are designed or international compari-sons o consumer price in ation. Tey are used in the assessment o in ation convergence as required under Article 121 o the reaty o Amsterdam (Article 109j o the reaty on European Union).

    External trade

    Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading o goods between a Mem-ber State and a non-member country. Intra-EU trade statistics coverthe trading o goods between Member States. Te external tradeEuro-indicators are published or the euro area and its 13 MemberStates as well as or the European Union and its 27 Member States.Tey re er only to the extra-zone trade (i.e. extra-euro-area and ex-tra-EU trade).

    Industry, commerce and services

    Industry, commerce (*) and services indicators contain a wide rangeo indicators (available either on a monthly or quarterly basis) suchas production, turnover, output prices, new orders and labour input.Tis section covers industry, construction and retail trade. Data arebroken down according to both NACE Rev. (statistical classi ca-tion o economic activities in the European Community) and MIGS

    (main industrial groupings).

    Labour market

    Labour market data contain in ormation on harmonised unemploy-ment and measures o the cost pressures arising rom the productionactor labour.

    According to the ILO (International Labour O ce) de nition, un-employed persons are all persons 15 to 74 years o age who were notemployed during the re erence week, had actively sought work dur-ing the past our weeks and were ready to begin working immediately or within two weeks.

    (*) Incidentally the normal term is "Industry, trade and services", but the Eu-roindicators web page does indeed use the French word "commerce".

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    EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    Monetary and fnancial indicators

    Monetary and nancial indicators include in ormation on money sup-ply, interest rates, bond yields, exchange rates, stock market capitalisa-tion, share price indices and o cial oreign reserves. Aggregates in thissection are compiled either by the European Central Bank or Eurostat.

    National accounts

    Te data set presented here is mainly related to quarterly national

    accounts. Coverage includes: GDP and main components accordingto the output side (industry breakdown according to NACE Rev. 1one letter classi cation), the expenditure side, the income side andemployment national accounts data.

    Sustainable development indicators

    Te EU sustainable development strategy (SDS), which was renewed inJune 2006, sets out a coherent approach as to how the EU will more e -ectively live up to its long-standing commitment to meet the challeng-es o sustainable development. It rea rms the overall aim o achievingcontinuous improvement o quality o li e and wellbeing on Earth orpresent and uture generations, through the creation o sustainablecommunities able to manage and use resources e ciently and to tapthe ecological and social innovation potential o the economy, ensur-ing prosperity, environmental protection and social cohesion. Te SDSrequires the Commission to develop indicators at the appropriate levelo detail to monitor progress with regard to each particular challenge.A rst set o indicators was adopted by the Commission in 2005 andurther reviewed in 2007 in order to adjust to the SDS. Sustainable de-

    velopment indicators (SDIs) are used to monitor the European Union

    SDS in a report to be published by Eurostat every two years.

    Government fnance

    Government nance statistics (GFS) present the economic activitieso government in a harmonised and comparable way, with an em-

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    phasis on the economic substance over the legal orm o the event.GFS hence noticeably di er rom the budget presentations or publicaccounting presentations that are nationally speci c as ar as scope o units and recording o transactions are concerned.

    Te GFS presentation shows in an integrated manner: governmentrevenue, government expenditure, government de cit, transactionsin assets, transactions in liabilities, other economic ows and bal-ance sheets. Tis presentation is similar to that o business account-ing where the pro t and loss accounts and the balance sheet are pre-sented together, in a linked manner.

    European GFS are de ned by re erence to the European system o ac-counts 1995 (ESA 1995), the European manual or national accounts.Tis manual has been supplemented by urther interpretation andguidance rom Eurostat. Tese GFS orm the basis or scal monitor-ing in Europe, notably or the statistics related to the excessive de citprocedure (EDP).

    Harmonised indices o consumer prices (HICPs)

    Te HICPs are economic indicators constructed to measure thechanges over time in the prices o consumer goods and services ac-quired by households. Te HICPs give comparable measures o in a-tion in the euro area, the EU, the European Economic Area and orother countries including accession and candidate countries. Tey are calculated according to a harmonised approach and a single seto de nitions. Tey provide the o cial measure o consumer price

    in ation in the euro area or the purposes o monetary policy in theeuro area and assessing in ation convergence as required under theMaastricht criteria.

    Eurostat yearbook

    Europe in fgures Eurostat yearbook 2008 presents a comprehen-sive selection o statistical data on the European Union, its MemberStates and candidate countries. Te yearbook may be viewed as anintroduction to European statistics and provides guidance to the vastrange o data reely available rom the Eurostat website.

    Most data cover the period 19962006 and some indicators are pro- vided or other countries such as candidate countries to the Euro-

    pean Union, members o EF A, Japan or the United States (subjectto availability). With just over 500 statistical tables, graphs and maps,the yearbook covers the ollowing areas: the economy, education,


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    EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    health, living conditions and wel are, the labour market, industry and services, agriculture, orestry and sheries, international trade,transport, the environment, energy, science and technology, andEuropean regions. Tis editions spotlight chapter covers Europesageing society and associated demographic challenges.

    Each chapter (or sub-chapter) o the publication starts with a small in-troduction containing background in ormation and policy relevance,as well as some details regarding the collection and interpretation o data; this is ollowed by a commentary on the data. Te main ocuso each chapter is a set o tables and graphs that have been selected toshow the wide variety o data available or that particular topic; ofenthese include in ormation on how important benchmark indicatorshave developed during recent years within the EU, its Member Statesand the euro area.

    Te yearbook is made on an annual basis and its content remainsstatic until the next edition. In the meantime, online databases andpre-de ned tables are being continually re reshed. In order to accessthe most recent data available, a Eurostat data code has been createdor most indicators, in order to permit rapid access to online data-bases and supporting metadata.

    European business: Facts and fgures 2007 edition

    Tis publication gives a comprehensive picture o the structure, de-

    velopment and characteristics o European business and its di erentactivities: rom energy and the extractive industries to communica-tions, in ormation services and media. It presents the latest availablestatistics rom a wide selection o statistical sources describing oreach activity: production and employment; country specialisationand regional distribution; productivity and pro tability; the impor-tance o small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); work orcecharacteristics; external trade, etc.

    Eurostat regional yearbook

    Eurostat regional yearbook 2008 o ers a wealth o in ormation on li ein the European regions in the 27 EU Member States and this year alsoin the candidate countries and EF A countries. I you would like to digdeeper into the way the regions o Europe are evolving in a numbero statistical domains, this publication is or you! Te texts are writtenby specialists in the di erent statistical domains and are accompaniedby statistical maps, gures and tables on each subject. A broad set o regional data are presented on the ollowing themes: population, urbanstatistics, gross domestic product, household accounts, structural busi-ness statistics, labour market, sectoral productivity, labour cost, trans-port, tourism, science, technology and innovation, health, and agricul-ture. Te publication is available in German, English and French.

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    Tese provide recent in ormation on the Euro-indicators and onsocial, demographic, regional, agricultural or environmental topics.Tey are available on our website in PDF ormat or via a subscriptionto our alert service.

    STATISTICAL BOOkSOverview publications with detailed statistics.

    n Statistics in focus (SIF)

    Tis collection, published regularly by Eurostat, provides updatedsummaries o the main results o surveys, studies and statistical analy-ses. It is published or all the themes and comprises 412 pages per

    issue. About 200 issues o SIF are published per year. Tey are avail-able ree o charge in PDF ormat rom the website. Tey can also beobtained in paper ormat by means o a subscription, or which a eeis charged.

    n Data in focus (DIF)

    Data in ocus are similar to Statistics in ocus in layout and productionprocess, but they contain mainly data and little text and are producedor expert readers who are just interested in the newest data.


    Pocketbooks are ree-o -charge publications with the objective o giving users a set o basic gures on a speci c topic. Pocketbooks aimat a large distribution, but should also motivate the user to look oradditional in ormation either rom more sophisticated publicationsor rom the website.


    Methodologies and working papers are technical publications in A4ormat, essentially or use by a small number o statistical experts.Tey include ormer working papers and studies, and methods andnomenclature publications.

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    EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    How to accessEurostats statisticalin ormation

    n via the Internet site:

    n Consultation, seven days a week and 24 hours a day, o Eurostatsstatistical in ormation and data; this type o consultation is re-erred to as direct because no intermediary is involved; all in or-

    mation published on the Eurostat site is mostly available in Ger-man, English and French and can be downloaded ree o charge.

    Eurostat established with the members o the European statisticalsystem a network o support centres, which exist in nearly all Mem-

    ber States, candidate countries as well as in some EF A countries.Teir mission is to provide help and guidance to Internet users o Eu-ropean statistical data. Details concerning this user support network can be ound on our Internet site in the Help tab ( ).

    Te O ce or O cial Publications o the European Communitiesoperates an extensive network o sales o ces throughout Europe andbeyond, rom which you can purchase all Eurostat publications inpaper and CD-ROM ormat.

    Order processes: see EU Bookshop.

    All prices indicated are exclusive of VA and shipping charges.



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    Key igures on Europe 2009 edition

    ISSN 1830-7892

    Key fgures on Europe2009 edition


    Language available: EN Format: paper, 225 pagesISBN: 92-79-11056

    ISSN: 1830-7892Catalogue No: KS-EI-08-001-EN-CIssue date: 29 January 2009

    Tis publication provides a balanced set o key statistical data onthe European Union. Data are generally provided or the EuropeanUnion total (EU-27), the euro area and the Member States, and when available or the candidate countries, the EF A countries,Japan and the United States. Te presentation largely ollows thenine statistical themes o Eurostats ree dissemination database:economy and nance; population and social conditions; industry,trade and services; agriculture, orestry and sheries; internationaltrade; transport; environment and energy; science and technology;and regional statistics.

    Eurostatistics Data or short-term economicanalysis

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    EurostatisticsData for short-term economic analysisIssuenumber 12/2008

    2008 edition

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 303 pagesISSN: 1725-811Catalogue No: KS-BJ-08-012-EN-CIssue date: 30 January 2009Subscription code: VHI000Price (excluding VAT): 20 Annual subscription price (excluding VAT): 180

    Data or short-term economic analysis shows the evolution o theeconomic activity in the European Union, euro area and MemberStates. Tis monthly review gives a synthetic picture o the macro-economic situation in the recent past. It contains monthly andquarterly macroeconomic data presented ollowing an economicclassi cation o the indicators such as output, demand, income,prices, labour market, external transactions, and monetary and -nancial markets.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    Regions o the European Union

    A statistical portrait 2009 editionS t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Regions of the European UnionA statistical portrait 2009 edition

    ISSN 1830-7906

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 53 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-09804-8ISSN: 1830-7906 Catalogue No: KS-EP-08-001-EN-C

    Issue date: 19 December 2008

    European regional and urban statistics are used or a wide range o purposes, or example or allocating regional unds in a rational andcoherent way and or ex post assessment o the results o regional andcohesion policy. Regional and urban statistics provide the possibility toanalyse patterns and trends within countries, complementing the moretraditional analysis at country level. Comparable regional statistics orman important part o the European statistical system, and have been col-lected or several decades. Eurostats regional statistics cover the princi-pal eatures o economic and social li e within the European Union. Tethemes selected or the ve chapters represent interesting aspects o thedemographic, social and economic situation across Europes regions.Te in ormation is mainly provided through maps, presenting statisti-cal data on a wide range o regional indicators. Te aim is to give an ideao the range o European statistics available in this area.

    Eurostat regional yearbook 2008

    Eurostat regional yearbook 2008

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Languages available: DE, EN, FRFormat: paper (with CD-ROM), 187 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-08212-2ISSN: 1830-9674Catalogue No: KS-HA-08-001-EN-CIssue date: 30 October 2008Price (excluding VAT): 30

    Eurostat regional yearbook 2008 o ers a wealth o in ormation on li ein the European regions in the 27 EU Member States and this yearalso in the candidate countries and EF A countries. I you would liketo dig deeper into the way the regions o Europe are evolving in anumber o statistical domains, this publication is or you! Te textsare written by specialists in the di erent statistical domains and areaccompanied by statistical maps, gures and tables on each subject.A broad set o regional data are presented on the ollowing themes:population, urban statistics, gross domestic product, household ac-

    counts, structural business statistics, labour market, sectoral produc-tivity, labour cost, transport, tourism, science, technology and inno- vation, health, and agriculture.

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    Conference on Modern Statistics for Modern Society

    67 December 2007, Luxembourg

    6 7 December 2007, Luxembourg

    2008 edition

    Conference onModern Statistics for Modern Society

    M e t h o d o l o g i e s a n dW o r k i n g p a p e r s

    Language available: EN Format: PDF ISBN: 978-92-79-07841-5ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-08-004-EN-N

    Issue date: 8 October 2008

    Te Eurostat 2007 Con erence on Modern Statistics or Modern So-ciety was held in Luxembourg on 67 December 2007. It ocused onthe need to modernise o cial statistics as a result o the increasingchallenges rom a more and more numerate society.

    Te aim o the con erence was three old:to discuss the role o o cial statistics in conducting pub-lic policies as well as scienti c research, and the dialoguebetween users and producers which is necessary or o cialstatistics to assume this role;to cast light on the interplay between o cial and non-o -cial statistics in a rather speci c and very dynamic in orma-

    tion market;to discuss the impact o permanent societal changes on thestatistical apparatus or describing these changes.

    For this con erence, key speakers, including the Prime Minister o Luxembourg, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Commis-sioner or Economic and Monetary A airs, Mr Joaqun Almunia, pre-sented their views on uture developments and challenges. Te con-

    erence succeeded in attracting not only pro essional statisticians andeconomists but also policymakers, researchers and business people.

    Statistical requirements compendium 2008 edition

    2008 edition

    Statistical Requirements Compendium



    l l f

    i l





    l i i

    i l i

    i i i i l i



    M e t h o d o l o g i e s &W o r k i n g p a p e r s

    i i

    Language available: EN

    Format: PDF, 282 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-07842-2ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-08-005-EN-N Issue date: 10 July 2008

    Te Statistical requirements compendium is a well-established re er-

    ence document or the acquis communautaire in statistics. Te com-pendium is a tool or producers o o cial statistics, which summaris-es the key re erence in ormation or European statistical production.

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    Te yearbook may be viewed as an introduction to European statis-tics and provides guidance to the vast range o data reely availablerom the Eurostat website.

    European regional and urban statistics Re erence guide

    2008 edition

    European Regional and Urban StatisticsReferenceGuide

    M e t h o d o l o g i e s a n dw o r k i n g p a p e r s

    Languages available: DE, EN, FRFormat: PDF, 261 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-04768-8ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-07-024-EN-N Issue date: 16 April 2008

    Te re erence guide is designed to serve as a vade-mecum, explainingthe background o European regional and urban statistics, includingits regional classi cation NU S. Te structure o the data stored inthe public database is comprehensively described.

    32nd CEIES Seminar Innovation indicators More than technology?

    M e t h o d o l o g i e s a n dw o r k i n g p a p e r s

    32nd CEIES SeminarInnovation indicatorsmore than technology?rhus, Denmark- 5 and 6 February2007

    2008 edition

    Languages available: DE, EN, FRFormat: PDF, 323 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-06335-0Catalogue No: KS-PB-07-001-EN-N Issue date: 14 April 2008

    Te 32nd CEIES Seminar Innovation indicators More than tech-nology? was held on 5 and 6 February 2007 in Aarhus, Denmark.Tis seminar provided an opportunity or national innovation sta-tistics producers, data users and data providers to: review the re-sults o CIS 4, including methodology, quality, concepts used andcomparative analyses; discuss the new Oslo Manual 2005 and itsimplementation (new types o innovation, more ocus on serviceindustries and on linkages, not just technology); listen to the usesmade o and discuss the growing user needs or, the next innovationsurveys, including the need or more regular innovation statistics.Te outcomes o the seminar served as the basis or addressing rel-evant recommendations to Eurostat.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    Pocketbook on candidate and potential candidate

    countries 2008 edition

    Pocketbook on candidateand potential candidate countries2008 edition



    t n iv ck t k n n i t nnti l n i t untri c v r th rt n c nt in t l n r h n

    m r h , uc ti n, ci l c n iti n , l urc , n t i n l cc u nt , n nc , r ic ul tur ,r , in u t r , c n t ruc ti n n r vi c ,

    n r t, c m m un ic t i n n i nf r m t i nci t , ll t rn l tr , r rch

    v l m n t n nv ir n m nt. h r tmm nt r n th t n m th l ic lt r l i nclu . Th ck t k c n t in

    t f th t ruc tur l i n i c t r t t hr n u ncil t m n it r th Li n tr t .


    -F -


    1 -E


    Language available: EN Format: paper, 149 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-08414-0Catalogue No: KS-PF-08-001-EN-CIssue date: 18 March 2008

    Tis extensive pocketbook on candidate countries and potentialcandidate countries covers the years 1996 to 2006 and containstables and graphs on demography, education, social conditions,labour orce, national accounts, nance, agriculture, energy, in-dustry, construction and services, transport, communications andin ormation society, as well as external trade, research and devel-opment, and environment. Short commentaries on the data andmethodological notes are also included. Te pocketbook containsmost o the structural indicators adopted by the European Councilto monitor the Lisbon strategy.

    Eurostat sampling re erence guidelines Introduction to sample design and estimationtechniques

    M e t h o d o l o g i e s a n dW o r k i n g p a p e r s

    Survey sampling reference guidelines

    2008 edition

    Introduction tosample design and estimation techniques

    Language available: EN Format: PDF ISBN: 978-92-79-07840-8ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-08-003-EN-N

    Issue date: 18 March 2008

    Besides some basic methodology and de nitions, the guidelines pro- vide practical rules, strategies and hints to lead the practitioner in theinitial phase o survey planning and reporting, in the selection o thebest sampling method and type o allocation, in the determinationo the sample size and sampling errors, and in the treatment o non-response and calculation o data estimates.

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    Euro-Mediterranean statistics

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Euro-Mediterranean statistics

    Statistiques euro-mditerranennes

    2007 edition

    Trilingual publication: EN, FR, ARFormat: paper, 220 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-06160-8ISSN: 1561-4034Catalogue No: KS-DI-07-001-3U -CIssue date: 5 March 2008

    Tis publication is produced by Eurostat with data transmitted by thenational statistical o ces (NSOs) o the EUs southern and easternMediterranean partner countries. It presents the data o the EU-27Member States and EF A countries, and the data and metadata col-lected within the partner countries in the ramework o the MedstatII programme. Tose data concern the ollowing thematic priority

    areas: agriculture, demography, energy, economic activity, environ-ment, external trade, labour market, money, prices, public nances,social statistics, tourism and transport.

    Statistical portrait o the European Union 2008 European Year o Intercultural Dialogue

    Sta t i s t ic a l books

    Statistical portraitof the European Union 2008European Year of Intercultural Dialogue

    i l

    Eur nhich im ti ll n l inh m r

    ul nl iv r i t ,n v lu .

    n rlticulturll u . Thf th r nr , ut inf ll tt i n .

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    I - - - -

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 108 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-06600-9ISSN: 1830-7906 Catalogue No: KS-EP-07-001-EN-CIssue date: 14 January 2008

    Te 2008 edition o this Eurostat publication celebrates the EuropeanYear o Intercultural Dialogue 2008, which aims to promote dialogue,knowledge and skills enabling all persons living in Europe to dealwith a more complex society; a society which should be open to theworld and respect ul o cultural diversity, while being based on a seto common values. Te brochure presents statistical data on areaswhich deal with various aspects o multicultural societies that arelikely to promote dialogue. Te brochure is intended to give an ideao the range o European statistics available in this area, but it is inno way a comprehensive picture o all data available concerning thetopic in question. Data are provided or a wide range o statisticalareas, usually or the European Union total (EU-27) and the MemberStates. When available, in ormation is also presented or the candi-date countries, EF A countries, as well as other countries.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    Measuring progress towards a more sustainable

    Europe 2007 monitoring report o theEU sustainable development strategy

    Measuring progress towardsa more sustainable Europe



    l E

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    i i

    2007 monitoring reportof theEU sustainabledevelopment strategy

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 313 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-05043-5Catalogue No: KS-77-07-115-EN-CIssue date: 14 November 2007 Price (excluding VAT): 35

    Te EU sustainable development strategy, launched by the Euro-pean Council in Gothenburg in 2001 and renewed in June 2006,aims or the continuous improvement o the quality o li e or cur-rent and uture generations. Te Eurostat monitoring report, to bepublished every two years, underpins the European Commissionsprogress report on the implementation o the strategy. It providesan objective, statistical picture o progress, based on the EU seto sustainable development indicators. Quantitative rules appliedconsistently across indicators, and visualised by means o weathersymbols, provide a relative assessment o whether Europe is movingin the right direction, and with su cient haste, given the objectives

    and targets de ned in the strategy. Te data presented cover theperiod rom 1990 to 2006 (or the latest year available). Te statisticsillustrate the range o issues relevant or sustainable development,and should contribute to raising awareness o the opportunities andchallenges lying ahead.

    Statistical portrait o the European Union 2007:50 years o the Treaty o Rome establishing theEuropean Economic Community

    Language available: EN Format: PDF, 100 pagesISBN: 92-79-02770-0Catalogue No: KS-76-06-276-EN-CIssue date: 15 December 2006

    Tis brochure is published on the occasion o the 50th anniversa-ry o the signing o the reaty o Rome establishing the EuropeanEconomic Community (EEC), which occurred on 25 March 2007. Itpresents a collection o statistical indicators relating to the di erentareas covered by the preamble to the reaty, tracing the evolution o the European Community over the last ve decades. Each o the eightpoints covered by the preamble to the reaty is covered in this publi-

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    Regional unemployment: bringing it downand strengthening cohesion Issue No 5/2009Te latest estimates or 2007 show that the unemployment rate in theEU-27 was 7.2 %, 1 percentage point less than in 2006. More than80 % o the NU S 2 regions have reduced their unemployment rates.Regions with the highest unemployment rates in 2006 achieved thebiggest reductions in unemployment in 2007, continuing the posi-tive trend in regional labour market cohesion over the last ve years.Nevertheless, unemployment gures still vary signi cantly across theregions in the EU-27.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-09-005-EN-N Issue date: 16 February 2009

    Regional labour mar et disparities are narrowing Issue No 84/2008Te latest estimates or 2006 show that levels o regional disparities inemployment and unemployment have been narrowing over the lastve years. Notwithstanding these general labour market improve-ments, almost 20 % o the EU-27 active population is still living inunderper orming regions as regards unemployment. Tis short pub-lication analyses the two kinds o regional labour market disparity indicators: the dispersion o employment and unemployment ratesand the index o underper orming regions.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-084-EN-N Issue date: 6 October 2008

    The urban audit Measuring the quality o li ein European cities Issue No 82/2008A good quality o li e is crucial or attracting and retaining a skilledlabour orce, businesses, students, tourists and, most o all, residents ina city. Assessing the current economic and social situation is a prereq-uisite or any improvement, development and uture monitoring. Te

    urban audit is a response to this demand or objective in ormation.Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-082-EN-N Issue date: 23 September 2008

    cation with a short summary o policy developments and a descrip-tion o the accompanying statistics. In addition, three other sectionshave been added to the publication, in relation to the European Coaland Steel Community (ECSC), and the Euratom and Amsterdamreaties, with in ormation on coal and steel, energy, and educationand li elong learning opportunities.
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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    European and national short-term indicators

    With most o the old EU Member States participating in economicand monetary union since 1999, in ra-annual economic statisticsor the euro area and the European Union as a whole have gainedand will continue to gain ever more operational importance orcollective and private decision-making. Te momentum o theEU economies and most notably the euro-area economy has tobe assessed continuously.

    Tis Euro-indicators'/PEEIs' special topic is exclusively dedi-cated to in ra-annual economic statistics such as consumerprices, national accounts, balance o payments, external trade,industry, energy, commerce and services, and the labour mar-ket, as well as a selection o monetary and nancial indicatorso the European Central Bank and business and consumer sur- vey results rom the European Commissions Economic and

    Financial A airs DG.

    Regional statistics

    Tis domain relates to the main aspects o economic, demo-graphic and social li e in the European Union at regional level.Created in 1975, it is subdivided into 12 statistical domains:demography, migration, economic accounts, unemployment,

    labour market, transport and energy, agriculture, education,health, tourism, structural business statistics and statistics con-cerning science and technology (including research and devel-

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    opment). Te regions are classi ed according to the Europeanregional classi cation NU S (nomenclature o territorial unitsor statistics).

    Urban audit

    Te urban audit is a response to the growing demand or an as-sessment o the quality o li e in European cities. Te databaseallows a comparison o cities in terms o certain characteristics(demography, economic activity, employment, public transport,culture, environment, education level, etc.). Te audit comprisesin ormation or 357 cities. Te data are available or three spatiallevels: the core city, i.e. the administrative city, the larger urbanzone (LUZ), which includes the hinterland o the cities, and thesub-city districts.

    Non-EU countries

    Non-EU countries covered are: Mediterranean countries, candi-date and potential candidate countries, eastern European neigh-bourhood policy (ENP) countries and Russia.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    EU economic data pocketbook 32008

    EU economic data pocketbook


    E c ic t ck t k i h nll c ti n f c n mi c t fr m i r n tm in , c v r in th Eur n r t ,

    m r t t n it m in c n mic rtn r .u l i c ti n f c u n t h t ruc tur l c t

    th E c n m ; c n u ntl , m t f tht iv n r nnu l ,c m l m nt l c tnt hl n u r t r l in i c t r .







    ISSN 1026-0846

    I -


    Language available: EN Format: paper, 121 pagesISSN: 1026-0846 Catalogue No: KS-CZ-08-003-EN-CIssue date: 13 January 2009

    Te EU economic data pocketbookis a handy collection o economicdata rom di erent domains, covering the European aggregates, EUMember States and main economic partners. Te publication ocuseson the structural aspects o the EU economy; consequently, most o the data given are annual, complemented by selected monthly andquarterly indicators.

    European Union oreign direct investmentyearbook 2008 Data 20012006

    European Union foreign directinvestment yearbook 2008Data 2001-2006

    2008 edition

    ISSN 1605-2935


    Language available: EN Format: paper, 121 pagesISBN: 92-79-01856-6 ISSN: 1605-2935Catalogue No: KS-BK-08-001-EN-CIssue date: 22 July 2008

    Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a key role in the globalisationprocess and is an important element a ecting international relations.An international investment is classi ed as FDI when at least 10 %o the capital o the target enterprise is acquired. Te publicationprovides detailed data on European Union FDI or recent years, orboth EU FDI abroad and FDI into the EU. It provides an overviewo the position o the EU in world FDI and a comparison with theUnited States. For EU FDI abroad, a particular ocus is put on EUFDI in emerging countries. Finally, FDI data with major partners aredetailed according to the kind o activity in which the investmenttakes place. Data ocus on the EU as whole and, to a lesser extent, onthe Member States.


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    European Union international trade in services

    Analytical aspects Data 20032006

    2008 edition

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    European Unioninternational trade in services

    Analytical aspects


    Language available: EN Format: PDF, 141 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-08396-9ISSN: 1725-4477 Catalogue No: KS-EB-08-001-EN-N

    Issue date: 28 April 2008

    Tis publication is about EU international transactions in servicesbetween 2003 and 2006 (EU-27, EU-25). It highlights the maintrends o EU trade in services in 2006. It also presents statistics on in-ternational trade in services o the EU with the main partners or themain services items and internationally tradable services. Statisticson the geographical breakdown o services o the EU, Norway, theUnited States and Japan and a complete geographical breakdown ortotal services are also available or 2006.

    Taxation trends in the European Union Data or the EU Member States and Norway

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Taxation trends in theEuropean Union

    Datafor the EU Member States and Norway








    i i 2007 edition

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 447 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-04865-4Catalogue No: KS-DU-07-001-EN-CIssue date: 26 June 2007 Price (excluding VAT): 40

    Tis report contains a detailed statistical and economic analysis o the tax systems o the EU Member States and Norway. Te data arepresented within a uni ed statistical ramework (the ESA 1995 har-monised system o national and regional accounts), which makes itpossible to assess the heterogeneous national tax systems on a ully comparable basis.

    Te standard classi cations o tax revenues (by major type o tax orby level o government) presented in most international tax revenuestatistics are hard to interpret in economic terms. Tis publicationstands out or o ering a breakdown o tax revenues by economicunction (i.e. according to whether they are raised on consumption,labour or capital). Tis classi cation is based on disaggregated taxdata and on a breakdown o the revenue rom the personal incometax. In addition, the report contains indicators o the average e ective

    tax burden on consumption, labour and capital.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    Country chapters give an overview o the tax system in each o the28 countries covered, the revenue trends and the main recent policy changes. Detailed tables allow comparison between the individualcountries and European averages. Data cover the 19952005 periodand are presented both as a percentage o GDP and as a percentageo total taxation.

    European system o accounts ESA 1995

    Languages available: ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL,PT, FI, SV Format: paper and CD-ROM, 407 pagesISBN: 92-827-7954-8Catalogue No: CA-15-96-001-EN-CIssue date: 25 November 1999Price: 50

    Te European system o national and regional accounts (ESA 1995)de nes the accounting rules which need to be introduced so that theeconomies o the Member States can be described in quantitativeterms in a consistent, reliable and comparable manner. It is designedor Community institutions, government departments and othersinvolved in economic and social a airs who base their decisions onharmonised statistics. ESA 1995 is an essential tool or administeringthe whole range o European Union policies and or the instruction o those who are interested in the operation, analysis and understand-ing o the European economy. Compared with the ormer versionwhich dates rom 1979, the new version provides clari cation andexplanation, with concepts and de nitions, and also covers quarterly and regional accounts. ESA 1995 is the result o collaboration be-tween the European Commission, the European Monetary Institute

    and government statisticians in the Member States.

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    Harmonised indices o consumer prices December 2008 Issue No 2/2009Tis Statistics in ocus is the monthly publication o harmonised indi-ces o consumer prices (HICP) or December 2008. It contains indicesand rates o change or individual Member States, the EU, the EEAand the euro area.

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-09-002-EN-N Issue date: 21 January 2009

    Panorama o the national accounts o the Mediterraneanpartner countries, 200006 Issue No 1/2009For several years, the nine Mediterranean partner countries (Algeria,Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, occupied Palestinian terri-tory, Syria, unisia) have been transposing, to di erent degrees, thesystem o national accounts 1993 (SNA 1993) o the United Nationsinto their national statistical system. Within the ramework o theMedstat II programme, this Data in ocus proposes a rst comparisono the national accounts data o the Mediterranean partner countriesbetween 2000 and 2006.

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-09-001-EN-N Issue date: 6 January 2009

    Harmonised indices o consumer prices

    November 2008 Issue No 51/2008Tis Data in ocus is the monthly publication o harmonised indiceso consumer prices (HICP) or November 2008. Te DIF contains in-dices and rates o change or individual Member States, the EU, theEEA and the euro area. It also includes a graph showing the annualin ation in all Member States in ascending order as well as a tablewith the indices or the most requently consulted special aggregates(like energy, all items excluding tobacco, etc.).

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-08-051-EN-N Issue date: 22 December 2008

    Wide spread in construction prices across Europe in 2007 Issue No 114/2008Price levels or construction in 2007 di ered widely across Europe:in Iceland construction prices were 66 % higher than the averageo the 27 EU Member States, while in the ormer Yugoslav Repub-lic o Macedonia prices were 66 % lower than this average. Amongthe EU Member States, the most expensive country was Denmark (63 % above the average) and the cheapest Bulgaria (58 % belowthe average).

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-114-EN-N Issue date: 15 December 2008
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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    Prices or investments goods show similar levels acrossEurope in 2007 Issue No 113/2008Price levels or investment goods in 2007 were very similar across Eu-rope: in Norway investment goods prices were 17 % higher than theaverage o the 27 EU Member States, while in Lithuania prices were13 % lower than this average. Among the EU Member States, the mostexpensive countries were Denmark and Greece (8 % and 9 % abovethe average, respectively).

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-113-EN-N Issue date: 15 December 2008

    GDP per capita, consumption per capita and comparativeprice levels in Europe Issue No 112/2008While the trend towards increased convergence o European econ-omies as measured by their GDP per capita is continuing, the in-come dispersion among the EU Member States remains remarkably high. In 2007, Bulgarias gross domestic product (GDP) per inhabit-ant was just 14 % o Luxembourgs, or 37 % o the EU total. Luxem-bourg, Ireland and the Netherlands stand out with the highest GDPper capita in the EU, while Bulgaria has the lowest level among theMember States.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-112-EN-N Issue date: 11 December 2008

    Structure o government debt in Europe

    Issue No 110/2008In the context o the excessive de cit procedure (EDP) noti cation,Eurostat publishes government debt data biannually (in April and Oc-tober). Eurostat also regularly publishes quarterly government debtdata transmitted pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 1222/2004.In order to study the structure o debt in Europe in greater detail,Eurostat also launches a survey requesting additional in ormationon debt maturity, currency o issuance and guarantees provided by the government. Tis publication summarises the main results o themost recent questionnaire.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-110-EN-N Issue date: 8 December 2008

    Quarterly accounts or general government Issue No 102/2008 In recent years Eurostat has signi cantly expanded the range o quar-terly data available on government nances. Tese data now re ectnon- nancial, nancial and debt aspects, and cover all countries inthe European Union. Tis publication examines the main eatureso these data. Integrated data are now published quarterly on Euro-stats website or government nance statistics, providing a timely and increasingly high-quality picture o the evolution o governmentnances in the EU. Tis publication includes data transmitted by Member States at the end o September 2008. Tey will probably berevised in the orthcoming transmission o end-December 2008.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-102-EN-N Issue date: 21 November 2008
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    European UnionMediterranean countries: growing tradein services and investment Issue No 106/2008 rade in services between the European Union and the Mediter-ranean partner countries is increasing gradually. Te balance, inavour o the Mediterranean countries, has almost doubled in 10years, mainly because o the development o tourism, while busi-ness services show a signi cant surplus in the EUs avour. Foreigndirect investments o the European Union in the region have shownstrong growth or three years, reaching a record 15 billion in 2006.

    Tis publication was prepared within the ramework o the MedstatII programme.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-106-EN-N Issue date: 20 November 2008


    National accounts

    Tis domain includes data on national accounts aggregates onan annual basis. It includes variables covering the three ap-proaches o GDP and other important macroeconomic vari-ables such as gross national income (GNI), net saving, net lend-ing and borrowing or employment. Tere is also more detailedin ormation in the orm o breakdowns or nal consumption,gross value added and employment by branch, and gross xedcapital ormation by investment product. Tese gures are inaccordance with ESA 1995 and are available at current and con-stant prices, expressed in national currency, in euro and in PPS,supplemented by the respective growth rates, de ators, indicesand ratios with respect to principal totals. Auxiliary indicators,like population and conversion rates, used to calculate the di -

    erent evaluations are available in the domain itsel . Geographi-cal coverage includes the euro area, the EU, the Member Statesand candidate countries, as well as the main economic partnerso the European Union.

    ESA 1995 input-output tables

    Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry de-scribing production processes and the transactions in products o the national economy in great detail. A symmetric input-outputtable is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix. It
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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identicalclassi cation o products (or industries respectively) applied orboth rows and columns.

    European sector accounts

    Main aggregates o general government, including total revenueand expenditure.

    Government fnance statistics

    n Balance sheets: nancial assets and liabilities, consolidatedand non-consolidated, or all the sectors o the economy andthe rest o the world.

    n Financial transactions in assets and liabilities, consolidatedand non-consolidated, or all the sectors o the economy andthe rest o the world.

    n Nominal holding gains and losses in assets and liabilities,consolidated and non-consolidated, or all the sectors o theeconomy and the rest o the world.

    inancial accounts

    Tis domain covers annual nancial accounts o the EuropeanUnion, ocusing on nancial transactions between institutionalsectors within the economy and between them and the rest o the

    world, and balance sheets o nancial assets and liabilities withinthe economy and vis--vis the rest o the world. Te data are on aconsolidated and non-consolidated basis.

    Financial accounts orm an important tool or analysing the e -ect o monetary policy transmission and or assessing the role o nancial intermediation. Tey are also the best tool or showingthe structure o nancial investment and nancing in an econ-

    omy, and or ollowing its development.Exchange rates

    Exchange rates and interest rates are basic nancial statistics intheir own right. Tey are also used in a wide range o calculationsand or deriving other time-series.

    Te bilateral exchange rates and conversion actors included in

    the exchange rates collection are those which should o cially beused throughout Eurostat in calculations. Bilateral exchange ratesare available, updated daily. In addition to these rates, exchangerates include bilateral and e ective exchange rate indices, data onuctuations in the exchange rate mechanism o the EU, and con-

    version actors or euro xed series into euro/ecu.

    Interest rates

    Te interest rates collection covers short-, medium- and long-term interest rates. Tese include Central Bank interest rates,

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    money market rates, bond yields and commercial (retail) bank rates. Te o cial series used or the EMU convergence criteri-on on long-term interest rates is available on a daily basis. Teeuro yield curve in ormation calculated daily by Eurostat is alsohoused in this collection.

    Monetary and other fnancial statistics

    Te collections o this domain cover many o the elements requiredor understanding monetary and nancial developments: mon-etary aggregates, external assets and liabilities (including oreigno cial reserves), stock and bond market in ormation and bankingtransactions. For many series, annual, quarterly and monthly dataare available. Normally, euro-area and EU aggregates are available,along with data or individual countries in the European EconomicArea, plus the candidate countries, the United States and Japan.However, some euro-area country data end with the start o EMU.

    Prices (including HICP)

    Tis domain comprises our collections: harmonised indices o consumer prices (monthly and annual data), national consumerprice indices (monthly and annual data), cost o living compari-son in the European Union (Brussels = 100) (annual data), andpurchasing power parities or private consumption (comparisonby country, annual data).

    Balance o payments

    Tis domain provides monthly and quarterly balance o paymentstatistics, annual data on international trade in services, annualdata on oreign direct investment and on the activity o oreign a -liates, and detailed data on international transactions involvingthe European institutions. For all these subjects, this domain pro- vides harmonised data or the European Union and or the euroarea, but also or each EU Member State, the candidate countries,Norway, the United States, Japan and Switzerland.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    Key data on teaching languages at schoolin Europe 2008

    Languages available: EN, FRFormat: paper, 134 pagesISBN: 978-92-9201-003-4ISSN: 1830-2076 Catalogue No: 978-92-9201-003-4Issue date: 17 February 2009

    Te second edition o this report gives a clear picture o the lan-guage teaching systems in place in the schools o 31 countries cov-ered by the Eurydice network. It covers aspects ranging rom or-eign language learning at a very early age, the variety o languageslearnt, the taught time at various education levels, the proportiono language learners at each level, content and language integratedlearning (CLIL) to the training o teachers o oreign languagesrom primary to secondary general education. Forty- our indica-tors have been used to describe the situation o teaching languagesin Europe. Eurydice in ormation is supplemented with data romEurostat and empirical data gathered in the PISA 2006 internation-al survey conducted by the Organisation or Economic Coopera-tion and Development (OECD).

    Demographic outlook

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 65 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-07852-1

    ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-08-013-EN-N Issue date: 29 January 2009

    Tis publication gives an overview o the most important demo-

    graphic developments in the EU Member States, candidate countries,EF A countries as well as some EU neighbourhood countries. In or-mation is provided by the national statistical institutes and covers themain demographic issues at national level.

    Nationalreports on thedemographicdevelopments in 2007

    2008 edition

    Demographic Outlook

    M e t h o d o l o g i e s a n dW o r k i n g p a p e r s

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    The social situation in the European Union 2007

    The Social Situationin the European Union

    2007 Trilingual publication: DE, EN, FRFormat: paper, 219 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-08932-9ISSN: 1681-1658Catalogue No: KE-AG-08-001-EN-CIssue date: 28 January 2009

    Te Social situation in the European Union report published annu-ally since 2000 aims at in orming the public debate on social policy issues by providing key data and prospective analysis.

    Con erence on Modern Statistics or Modern Society

    Language available: EN Format: PDF, 234 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-07841-5ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-08-004-EN-N Issue date: 8 October 2008

    Te Eurostat 2007 Con erence on Modern Statistics or Modern So-ciety was held in Luxembourg on 67 December 2007. It ocused onthe need to modernise o cial statistics as a result o the increasingchallenges rom a more and more numerate society.

    Te aim o the con erence was three old:

    to discuss the role o o cial statistics in conducting publicpolicies as well as scienti c research, and the dialogue be-tween users and producers which is necessary or o cial sta-tistics to assume this role;to cast light on the interplay between o cial and non-o cialstatistics in a rather speci c and very dynamic in ormationmarket;to discuss the impact o permanent societal changes on the

    statistical apparatus or describing these changes.

    For this con erence, key speakers, including the Prime Minister o Luxembourg, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Commis-sioner or Financial and Monetary A airs, Mr Joaqun Almunia, pre-sented their views on uture developments and challenges. Te con-erence succeeded in attracting not only pro essional statisticians andeconomists but also policymakers, researchers and business people.

    6 7 December 2007, Luxembourg

    2008 edition

    Conference onModern Statistics for Modern Society

    M e t h o d o l o g i es a n dW o r k i n g p a p e r s

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    Labour orce survey in the EU, candidate and

    EFTA countries Main characteristics o the 2006national surveys

    Main characteristics of the2006 nationalsurveys

    2008 edition

    Labour Force Survey in the EU,Candidate and EFTA countries

    M e t h o d o l o g i e s a n dW o r k i n g p a p e r s

    Language available: EN Format: PDF, 59 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-07845-3ISSN: 1977-0375Catalogue No: KS-RA-08-007-EN-N Issue date: 1 September 2008

    Te present report describes the main characteristics o the labourorce survey in the 25 EU Member States, the our candidate coun-tries and three EF A countries in 2006. All o the countries provideEurostat with LFS micro-data or publication. Te aim o this reportis to provide users with the means to accurately interpret the LFSresults by providing in ormation regarding the technical eatures o the labour orce surveys carried out in these countries.

    Labour market policy Expenditure andparticipants Data 2006


    2008 edition

    Labour market policy expenditure and participants

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 205 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-08999-2ISSN: 1725-602X Catalogue No: KS-DO-08-001-EN-N Issue date: 22 July 2008

    Tis is the ninth edition o the Labour market policy database pub-lication. It presents data on public expenditure and participants (orbene ciaries) o LMP interventions in 2006. In addition, new tableswith time-series or the years 1998 are included.

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    The li e o women and men in Europe

    A statistical portraitS t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    The life of women and men in Europe

    2008 edition

    Astatisticalportrait Languages available: DE, EN, FRFormat: paper, 243 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-07069-3Catalogue No: KS-80-07-135-EN-CIssue date: 6 March 2008

    Price (excluding VAT): 30

    Tis is a very interesting publication on gender statistics. It de-scribes the situations o women and men at di erent stages o theirlives. It begins by covering children, their education and initialtraining. Possible di erences between women and men in the ageat which they leave the amily home and in their li estyles are alsoshown. It then examines women and men in their pro essional li e,ocusing on their di ering career paths, the respective positionsthey occupy and their abilities and strategies or reconciling thepursuit o a working career with amily responsibilities. Te nalanalytical part is a review o women and men beyond retirementage, including the income they receive rom pensions and othersources. Whether or not they are still working, their household cir-

    cumstances, their health and social relations are urther mattersdealt with in this publication.

    Euro-Mediterranean statistics

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Euro-Mediterranean statistics

    Statistiques euro-mditerranennes

    2007 edition

    Trilingual publication: EN, FR, AR

    Format: paper, 220 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-06160-8ISSN: 1561-4034Catalogue No: KS-DI-07-001-3U -CIssue date: 5 March 2008

    Tis publication is produced by Eurostat with data transmitted by the national statistics o ces (NSOs) o the EUs southern and easternMediterranean partner countries. It presents the data o the EU-27Member States and EF A countries, and the data and metadata col-lected within the partner countries in the ramework o the MedstatII programme. Tese data concern the ollowing thematic priority areas: agriculture, demography, energy, economic activity, environ-ment, external trade, labour market, money, prices, public nances,social statistics, tourism and transport.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    European social statistics Social protection

    Expenditure and receipts Data 19972005S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    SocialprotectionExpenditureand receipts



    European social statistics

    Language available: EN Format: PDF, 391 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-06939-0ISSN: 1681-9365Catalogue No: KS-DC-08-001-EN-N

    Issue date: 25 January 2008

    Te publication includes data (19972005) on expenditure and re-ceipts o social protection schemes. Te data are drawn up accord-ing to the Esspros Manual 1996. Esspros stands or European sys-tem o integrated social protection statistics, a harmonised systemproviding a means o analysing and comparing social protectionnancial ows. Expenditure o social protection schemes is brokendown into social bene ts, administration costs and other expendi-ture. Social bene ts are classi ed by unction: sickness/healthcare,disability, old age, survivors, amily/children, unemployment,housing and social exclusion. Receipts o social protection schemescomprise social contributions, general government contributionsand other receipts.

    Consumers in Europe Facts and igures onservices o general interest

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    Consumers in EuropeFacts and fgures on services o generalinterest

    i E



    l i

    2007 edition

    i i

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 181 pages

    ISBN: 978-92-79-04596-7 Catalogue No: KS-DY-07-001-EN-CIssue date: 27 November 2007 Price (excluding VAT): 25

    Tis publication brings together the most relevant and use ul in-ormation or the evaluation and development o consumer policy.

    Te material includes data rom various sources including Euro-stat, other Commission services as well as other surveys and stud-ies. Tis edition ocuses on services o general interest. Althoughthe prime objective o this publication is to help policymakers atthe European level better understand the needs o consumers ingeneral, the publication should also be o use to other stakehold-ers interested in consumer a airs, such as consumer organisations,other public authorities and even suppliers o goods and services.

    Tis is the third edition o a series o publications. Data cover theperiod 19992006.

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    Measuring progress towards a more sustainable

    Europe 2007 monitoring report o theEU sustainable development strategy

    Measuring progress towardsa more sustainable Europe



    l E

    S t a t i s t i c a l b o o k s

    i i

    2007 monitoring reportof theEU sustainabledevelopment strategy

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 313 pagesISBN: 978-92-79-05043-5Catalogue No: KS-77-07-115-EN-CIssue date: 14 November 2007 Price (excluding VAT): 35

    Te EU sustainable development strategy, launched by the EuropeanCouncil in Gothenburg in 2001 and renewed in June 2006, aims orthe continuous improvement o the quality o li e or current and

    uture generations. Te Eurostat monitoring report, to be publishedevery two years, underpins the European Commissions progress re-port on the implementation o the strategy. It provides an objective,statistical picture o progress, based on the EU set o sustainable de- velopment indicators. Quantitative rules applied consistently acrossindicators, and visualised by means o weather symbols, provide arelative assessment o whether Europe is moving in the right direc-tion, and with su cient haste, given the objectives and targets de-

    ned in the strategy. Te data presented cover the period rom 1990to 2006 (or the latest year available). Te statistics illustrate the rangeo issues relevant or sustainable development, and should contributeto raising awareness o the opportunities and challenges lying ahead.

    Living conditions in Europe Data 20022005

    Language available: EN Format: paper, 107 pagesISBN: 92-79-03262-3ISSN: 1725-5988Catalogue No: KS-76-06-390-EN-CIssue date: 31 January 2007

    Tis pocketbook provides a comprehensive picture o the currentliving conditions in the 25 Member States, the two accession coun-tries and three candidate countries o the European Union as wellas the our EF A countries. Di erent areas o the social eld aredescribed by means o a selection o indicators which are presentedin tables and graphs and accompanied by a short commentary. Dataare drawn rom sources available in Eurostat, such as the EuropeanUnion labour orce survey.

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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE



    Labour mar et latest trends Third quarter 2008 data Issue No 3/2009 Tis publication belongs to a quarterly series presenting the main re-sults o the EU labour orce survey or the EU-27 and or all MemberStates. Indicators presented in this publication are: activity rates, em-ployment rates, part-time employment as share o total employment,average actual hours worked in all jobs per week, share o employees

    with temporary contracts, share o persons whose job started withinthe past three months.

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-09-003-EN-N Issue date: 6 February 2009

    irst demographic estimates or 2008 Issue No 49/2008Tis publication provides rst demographic estimates or 2008 (popula-

    tion at 1 January 2009, births, deaths and net migration or 2008). Teestimates are based upon monthly data available at the end o 2008.

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-08-049-EN-N Issue date: 15 December 2008

    Minimum wages 2008 Issue No 105/2008In July 2008, 20 o the 27 Member States o the EU (Belgium, Bulgaria,the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Latvia,

    Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and the United Kingdom) andone candidate country ( urkey) had national legislation setting statu-tory minimum wages. Tey varied widely, rom 112 per month inBulgaria to 1 610 per month in Luxembourg. When adjusted to takeinto account di erences in purchasing power, the disparities betweenthe Member States are reduced rom a range o 1 to 14 (in ) to a rangeo 1 to 7 (in purchasing power standard PPS) with Luxembourg(1 532 PPS per month) the highest and Romania (232 PPS) the low-

    est.Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-105-EN-N Issue date: 27 November 2008
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    Recent migration trends: citizens o EU-27 Member Statesbecome ever more mobile while EU remains attractive tonon-EU citizens Issue No 98/2008 In 2006, about 3.5 million people settled in a new country o residencein the EU-27, according to Eurostat estimates. Afer rather rapidgrowth in 2003 compared with 2002, the rise in immigration slowedin the last ew years. Te biggest rise in immigration was in Irelandand Spain. Compared with the small increase in total immigration,more citizens o EU-27 Member States were migrating: the number

    o EU-27 citizens migrating to Member States other than their owncountry o citizenship increased by 10 % per year. Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom received more than hal o all immigrantsin the EU-27. While the vast majority o immigrants in the EU-27settled in the big Member States, the scale o immigration was greateror smaller countries. Tere were relatively more non-EU than EUcitizens among immigrants: o some 3 million non-national immi-grants to the EU-27, more than 1.8 million were not citizens o EU-27countries. Poles and Romanians were the most numerous immigrantsamong citizens o EU-27 countries while Moroccans ranked rstamong non-EU citizens. Hal o all immigrants were younger than29 years old. Immigrants who were not EU citizens were youngerthan those who were EU-27 citizens (including nationals). Terewere more men than women among immigrants and the women wereyounger than the men. Compared with other countries, women aremore requent among immigrants in the south o the EU.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-098-EN-N

    Issue date: 18 November 2008 Education in Europe key statistics 2006

    Issue No 42/2008Almost 23 % o all 18-year-olds in the European Union are not in theeducation system, while over 40 % o teachers are more than 50 yearsold in Germany, Italy and Sweden at primary level o education andin Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway atsecondary level o education. Tis is a small selection o key statisticson education coming rom the joint UOE (Unesco Institute o Statis-tics, OECD, Eurostat) data collection. It covers all EU Member States,the candidate countries, Albania, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Nor-way, Switzerland and the United States. Data re er to 2006 or gradu-ate data and to the 2005/06 school/academic year or all other data.

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-08-042-EN-N Issue date: 14 November 2008

    Employment gender gap in the EU is narrowing Issue No 99/2008Overall, the employment gender gap is decreasing in the EU-27.Compared with 2000, the 2007 gender gap was markedly narrower inthe age class 2554. It is most likely that the general economic condi-tions and a variety o measures stimulating emale employment (suchas better childcare acilities and more possibilities or exible workingtime arrangements) contributed to this result. At EU-27 level, sel -employment is twice as requent among men. South European Mem-ber States generally display high rates o sel -employment or bothmen and women. Fixed-term employment in the EU-27 is roughly
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    2009EUROSTAT Mini-gUidE


    equal or both women and men. In Spain, speci c labour market pro-

    visions have led to rates that are more than double the EU average.Tis Statistics in ocus examines the situation on the labour market by ocusing on the gender gap or persons aged between 15 and 64, com-paring the situation in 2007 with that in 2000. It draws on key resultso the European labour orce survey (EU LFS).

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-099-EN-N Issue date: 13 November 2008

    Tourism trends in Europe and in Mediterranean partnercountries, 200006 Issue No 95/2008Tis Statistics in ocus presents the tourism trends in Europe and inthe Mediterranean partner countries (MPCs) between 2000 and 2006.Te MPCs are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, oc-cupied Palestinian territory, Syria, unisia and urkey. ourism is agrowth industry in Europe and in the Mediterranean region. Between2000 and 2006, the annual number o nights spent by tourists in-creased aster in the MPCs than in the EU-27. Over the same period,

    tourist arrivals at the MPCs borders increased by 9.4 % per year onaverage, reaching 57.6 million in 2006. Te number o bed places inhotels and similar establishments grew in the MPCs by 6.1 % per yearon average. From 2002 to 2005, the tourism balance o payments sur-plus in the MPCs grew steadily. Tis publication was prepared withinthe ramework o the Medstat II programme.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-095-EN-N Issue date: 5 November 2008

    Health expenditure, 200305 Issue No 26/2008Tis Data in ocus provides the rst results o a joint Eurostat/OECD/WHO questionnaire on current health expenditure or the years200305. Te data are presented according to the main distinctions o the three core classi cations used in the system o health accounts, i.e.who pays ( nancing agents), or which goods and services ( unctionso health) and who produces these services (providers).

    Catalogue No: KS-QA-08-026-EN-N Issue date: 27 October 2008

    Nearly 2 % o EU-27 gross domestic product spent onlabour mar et policies in 2006 Issue No 94/2008In 2006, the European Union countries spent 1.9 % o GDP on labourmarket policy (LMP) interventions. LMP interventions are used to ac-tivate and support the unemployed and other disadvantaged groups inthe labour market. O the total expenditure on LMP, 57 % was spent on

    unemployment bene ts, more than 26 % on active LMP measures, and11 % on LMP services or jobseekers. Looking at expenditure or activeLMP measures only, training interventions still account or more than41 %, but employment incentives are increasing in importance (24 %).Te statistics shown are based on Eurostats LMP database which col-lects in ormation on labour market interventions implemented by theEU Member States and Norway. LMP interventions are classi ed intothree main types services, measures and supports and into ninedetailed categories according to the type o action.

    Catalogue No: KS-SF-08-094-EN-N Issue date: 24 October 2008