  • 7/27/2019 Ethics Essay deontology and utilitarianism


    Harrish NairS00144769

    SWTP620 Assignment 2 Ethics Essay

    The ability to make choices is one of the key abilities that make humans, superior

    than his animal counterparts. Human life provides an opportunity of endless choices.

    These could be as trivial as; What should I have for lunch today? on one end of the

    spectrum all the way to Who should I live with for the rest of my life? on the other end.Every decision made has its own unique consequence. Ever consequence gives the

    decision maker an opportunity to look back and reflect on this decision. By reflecting on

    this decision he can gain wisdom from the experience to make better informed

    decisions for the future.

    Is this right or wrong? This question has haunted our minds as a collective group

    of people from the earliest records of ideas put forth by Greek philosophers such as

    Plato. Many words have been used to describe our need to find a common

    understanding on this matter. Morals, values, ethics, and laws, what do these words

    mean? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary; Morals relate to principals of rightor wrong behavior; Values are desirable qualities; Ethics are the principles of conduct

    governing an individual or a group, and laws are rules of conduct that are enforced by a

    controlling authority. Looking beyond the superficial differences, the common theme to

    these words is in an underlying intention to encourage certain behaviors and discourage

    other behaviors.

    This prompts us to ask, why we need to influence the beliefs of individuals in a

    particular direction. One possible answer to that question would be that the lack of such

    guidelines would lead to chaos in our communities. If everyone was allowed to do as

    they please, they may end up harming themselves or others intentionally orunintentionally. Allowing individuals to harm themselves or others is something that

    most would agree is inherently contradictory to the human conscience. Even more so,

    without guidelines, we may be less well off than we could actually be had we had some

    rules. The need for guidelines is essential when we live in the dual world of dark versus

    the light. Guidelines acknowledge the shadow side of the human race and punishments

    exists to remind us to make better choices.

    However as some of us may have experienced in our personal lives, decision

    making may not always be straightforward. Sometimes a particular decision may seem

    inherently right but may not end of with positive consequences for everyone involved. Inother cases a particular decision may seem inherently wrong but may work out for the

    greater good of everyone involved. These conflicts are known as ethical dilemmas.

    Ethical dilemmas make decision making harder for the individual. In these instances

    having mutually agreed guidelines could make decision making easier for the individual.

  • 7/27/2019 Ethics Essay deontology and utilitarianism


    Harrish NairS00144769

    In the context of modern life, individuals in professional positions now face

    greater pressures to behave in an ethical manner as they are legally bound to act in a

    way that fulfills their duty of care to their clients. Social workers in particular are often

    put in these types of challenging situations where they have to make decisions for and

    on behalf of their clients. This essay will examine the how of ethical theories can inform

    ethical decision making in social work practice.

    When discussing ethical theories, there is a common acceptance of 2 major

    schools of thought. The deontological view is that the right action is one which is

    inherently right, and focuses on the decision makers capacity to fulfills his duty and

    obligations to the parties involved. Immanuel Kant a German philosopher was a huge

    proponent of this type of thinking. He believed in acting according to the strict

    adherence to principles, regardless of the consequences. Ethical decisions taken with

    this perspective also had to be universally applicable to other kinds of similar situations.

    The influence of such moral philosophy is prevalent in the Australian Association of

    Social Workers (AASW), Code of Ethics which prioritizes values such as respect for

    persons and client self determination. (Banks, 2011)

    The underlying assumption in this form of thought is that everyone makes

    decisions in a rational manner. However human nature is not always predictable and

    can be irrational at times. Other limitations of deontological beliefs include its inability to

    provide solutions for situations which involve a conflict of principles. For example in real

    life social workers may face situations in which there can be a conflict of their personal

    morals with their employers standards or with legal expectations. Since there is no

    commonly accepted list of principles ranked according their priority, the practitioner

    could face an ethical dilemma. (Banks, 2011)

    The other major school of thought takes an opposite stance to determining right

    action. Consequentialism suggests that the right action is that which provides the

    decision maker with the best end result. Contrary to the deontological belief, emphasis

    now lies in the consequences of a particular action. Utilitarianism, a concept developed

    from such thinking, suggests that the best course of action is that which provides the

    greatest good for the greatest numbers.(Banks, 2011) As an example, let us imagine a

    situation of a kidnapper who has been caught by the authorities, and has locked a group

    of children at a secret location. From a purely utilitarian perspective we would decide

    that it would be justifiable to use force against the kidnapper because this would result

    in the freedom of the group of children. On the other hand from a pure deontological

    perspective we would not be able to use force against the kidnapper as the use of force

    on a human being is an inherently harmful act.

  • 7/27/2019 Ethics Essay deontology and utilitarianism


    Harrish NairS00144769

    Critics of utilitarianism point out that it is often difficult to measure the

    consequences of a particular action as it would be based on the practitioners imaginary

    projection of the future. As a result, the act of weighing consequences can be influenced

    by the practitioners values and personal experiences. Furthermore when the

    consequence of a particular action involves a few parties, the concept of greatest good

    for the greatest number can create conflicts. This is because a particular action may be

    in the best interest of one and at the same time be harmful to another. As a result, the

    practitioner may feel compelled to take sides when deciding whose interests to protect.

    As one could imagine, following a puritan attitude of using one particular ethical

    theory versus another may not be the right thing to do. In response to this some authors

    have described a need to combine both schools of thought, that is taking the decision

    which is both inherently right and maximizes goodness. (Gray, 2010).In real life

    situations, Osmo and Landau (2006) research with Israeli social workers found that

    practitioners based their decisions on deontological or utilitarian beliefs depending on

    the context of the ethical dilemma. In general though, they have found that social

    workers are deontological in principle but more utilitarian in practice.

    Osmo and Landau (2006) also sense that more recently there is a greater

    appreciation of other ethical theories outside the domain of the deontological versus

    utilitarian debate. One such theory is virtue ethics. Virtues ethics is said to have been

    derived from Aristotelian ideas. Virtue ethics attempts to shift away from the idea that

    we perform a certain action because of a sense of duty to the client or agency. Instead,

    right action is performed out of an intrinsic knowing within a human being. It focuses on

    the intention of the actor rather than the action or its consequence. It maintains that the

    concept of acting in a dutiful manner is not as pure as acting out of ones true desire. In

    essence, virtue ethics seeks not to ask what good social work is, rather, what is a good

    social worker. (Gray & Webb 2010)

    Around the world many social work organizations have a Code of Ethics for

    professional practitioners. The Australian equivalent of this document states that one of

    its purposes is to give social workers a frame of reference, to guide them in their

    practice. (Australian Association of Social Workers, 2002).However like many similar

    codes in other countries, it fails to provide sufficient guidance for a practitioner facing an

    ethical dilemma. (Hartsell, 2006).In responses to this lack, several authors have created

    ethical- decision making models to address this need. One such popular model in the

    social work context is the General Decision-Making Model from Dolgoff, Loewenberg,

    Harrington (2009), reproduced below.

  • 7/27/2019 Ethics Essay deontology and utilitarianism


    Harrish NairS00144769

    Step 1 - Identify the problem, persons, organizations involved in the problem;

    Step 2 - Determine who should be involved in the decision making;

    Step 3 - Identify the relevant values of those identified in step 1 including caseworker and client

    Step 4 - Identify the goals and objectives which may resolve or reduce the problem;

    Step 5 - Identify alternative interventions to reach the goals; and assess the effectiveness of each of

    these alternative strategies

    Step 6 - Select and Implement the most appropriate strategy

    Step 7 Monitor the implementation, paying attention to unanticipated consequences and identify

    additional opportunities

    Dolgoff et al. (2009) add that in the use of such models one may encounter a

    conflict of principles. In such situations they have suggested the use of the Ethical

    Principal Screen as follows, ranked in order of priority. Whilst they acknowledge thatother authors criticize prioritizing principles, they belief that it may be useful in social

    work practice.

    Principle of the protection of life

    Principle of equality and inequality

    Principle of autonomy and freedom

    Principle of least harm

    Principle of quality of life

    Principle of privacy and confidentiality

    Principle of truthfulness and full disclosure

    It should be emphasized that users have to exercise discretion in the use of

    ethical decision making models and avoid following them in a religious manner. (Gray &

    Webb, 2010). However they can serve as a valuable guide if used appropriately

    according to the context. Banks as cited in Gray and Webb (2010) recommends that

    more work needs to be done to make models capable of taking into consideration

    emotional and culturally sensitive matters. This is an important consideration, given the

    domination of Western views in research and practice. Often cultural beliefs and moralvalues are deeply ingrained in the minds of practitioners and colors their perception of

    the world. As a result if social workers have not developed the capacity to be self aware

    of these subtle differences in belief systems, there may be a risk of harm to their clients.

    (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011)

  • 7/27/2019 Ethics Essay deontology and utilitarianism


    Harrish NairS00144769

    Ethical dilemmas are often complex situations for both practitioners and their

    clients. For inexperienced practitioners, such situations may be overwhelming

    personally and professionally. It is important for practitioners to note that there may

    never be one right or wrong way when deciding on solutions. In order to reduce thedifficulty of making ethical decision, social workers have to improve their knowledge of

    ethical theories and notice how these theories influences their practice. Self reflection is

    also necessary on the part of the social worker to identify personal prejudices, religious

    convictions which may result in stereotyping and intolerance. (Gray and Webb,2010). In

    additional to consulting peers for advice, social workers can also use ethical decision

    making models to clarify their thought processes. I will end with a quote from Former

    Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Potter Stewart, Ethics is

    knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do .
