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Page 1: ESMP Annual Report 2010

funeral home cemetery crematorium

Annual Report 2010

Page 2: ESMP Annual Report 2010


Our grounds offer families and visitors a beautiful and peaceful environment.

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Chairman’s Report 4

CEO’s Report 5

Trustees and Governance 10

Management and HR Reports 11

• Funeral Home 11

• Customer Service & Site Operations 12

• Finance and Administration & Marketing 13

• Human Resource Management 14

ESMP Organisational Structure 15


Page 4: ESMP Annual Report 2010


John Douglas Morrison OAM JP


The Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park (ESMP) is a strategically important community asset, serving the needs of past, current and future generations. It is administered by a Board of Trustees with the responsibility to ensure that the Park will continue to meet the current and future needs of a rapidly expanding and diverse Sydney community.

As Chairman and on behalf of the Board of Trustees, management and staff, I can report that we have been successful in bringing important projects to fruition in the interests of the community we serve and continuing our commitment to providing innovative, caring and excellent service.

I am proud to say that these community goals are being achieved as a financially independent, publically-owned entity, not relying on funding from the State Government. ESMP generates its income from the sale of burial rights, conducting cremation services, arranging funerals and by providing quality memorials for families of the deceased. Profits derived by the Park are retained and used to finance future Park developments.

Our significant achievements have been the successful opening and marketing of our new Funeral Home and Memorial Centre. These innovative and worthwhile projects are both receiving excellent patronage and community acceptance, having greatly expanded ESMP’s capabilities and quality services.

Throughout this year we have maintained our commitment to implementing ESMP’s 2009-12 Strategic Plan. A priority has been to continue seeking additional land to meet the future capacity requirements of the Park and our community. The success of this strategy will be of great importance for those individuals and communities, who for personal, religious and cultural reasons require burial space within reasonable proximity to where they live.

Our planning for the new Asian Memorial Gardens, new crypts and vaults, parking areas and chapels have progressed to develop the Park’s facilities and service offering. We have also been working in partnership with the many organisations and individuals within our community, who are contributing valuable support and services.

The Board agenda has been diverse and productive and I am indebted to each Trustee member for their efforts both singly and collectively throughout the year. Special mention to Deputy Chairman, Russell McLay, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, Ron Greenstein, and Chairman of the Planning and Works Committee, Stelios Coudounaris.

It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the exceptional work of our CEO Mr George Passas. His diligence, and that of his entire staff, have been the driving force in pursuing our obligations.

In summary, it has been a year of fulfilment for the Park, particularly with the completion of the long desired Memorial Centre and the establishment of our own Funeral Service. We could now be said to be a “one stop shop” in the funereal industry.

The Hon. Tony Kelly MLC Minister for Landsand Mr John Morrison OAM JP

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CEO’S REPORTI am pleased to report that 2009-10 has been another highly successful year for ESMP. We have accomplished important strategic goals and have successfully opened new infrastructure to provide our community with a professional offering of funereal, memorialisation, crematorium and cemetery services in the one location.

New services for the communityOn 23rd November, 2009, The Hon. Tony Kelly, MLC, Minister for Lands officially opened our new purpose-built funeral home and the memorial centre complex with its modern condolence rooms, café and florist. I am proud to say that these innovations have received the prestigious CCA 2010 Award for Excellence which was presented by the Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of NSW in February this year.

These projects were deemed to be innovative and progressive and the introduction of the funeral home augured the commencement of a new era for the conduct of funeral services by Trust-administered Crown Land dedicated to memorial park activity. The Park’s management and Trustees were congratulated for their efforts in bringing such value-adding infrastructure to fruition.

As explained at the opening by our Chairman, Mr John Morrison, “This is the culmination of much planning and forethought over a number of years. It brings to fruition two strategically important facilities”. The buildings were designed by Mr Thomas Cox of Habitat Architects Pty Ltd and built by Stephen Edwards Constructions Pty Ltd.

I am pleased to report that both of these projects are serving the public superbly and exceeding budget expectations.

Engaging our communityThroughout this year, we have been engaging with our community, promoting the message that we are proactively and responsibly planning for future needs by providing innovative and convenient services with an experienced, professional team and modern facilities.

We have embarked on an education program using local press to provide the Eastern Suburbs community with informative answers to the many questions that we receive relating to what is involved with funeral arrangements, burials, cremations and memorialisations. This has been well-received and is serving to increase awareness of our professional service and expertise and is an important contribution towards helping people understand the funereal process and prepare for the decisions that need to be made at a difficult time in their lives.

As with other years, we extend an open invitation to residents to attend our non-denominational Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas services. These are being very well received and are much appreciated by an increasing number of families for their sensitivity and thoughtfulness.

Additionally, our Open Day event, where we welcome visitors to our Park who wish to see and learn more about the one-stop-services we are able to provide are very popular. Our professional staff, together with exhibiting suppliers, assist with demonstrations and provide answers to the many questions posed by visitors on the day. The tours of our Crematorium, and now our Funeral Home, are particularly popular with families.

ESMP has supported and participated in numerous community programs and events throughout the year, including local awards that have been organised by the Randwick City Council. We are a major sponsor of the Randwick City Business Excellence Awards which is an important Council community initiative, encouraging and rewarding successful businesses.

ESMP has, again, enjoyed success in an area in which we like to excel, being awarded the Winner in the category of “Best Professionally Maintained Garden” in the 2009 Garden Awards also convened by the Randwick City Council. This achievement reflects on the excellent work of all our staff, both contractual and employed, in creating and maintaining a beautiful park for families and visitors to enjoy, when visiting loved ones.

Supporting cultural diversity within the communitySydney is expanding with increasing cultural diversity. Accordingly, ESMP continues to develop new infrastructure to meet the specific funereal, burial and memorial requirements of both existing and emerging communities. These currently include:

• Construction of Asian Memorial Gardens. Additional plans are currently with Randwick City Council and, all going well, the Gardens are expected to be completed in early 2011 to provide for the burial and memorialisation needs of this rapidly growing and diverse community.

• Extending the Eastern Suburbs Memorial Grove crypt and vault complex to meet the needs of the Catholic families preferring this form of interment.

• Construction of an Orthodox Worship Chapel to provide the large Eastern Suburbs Greek Orthodox community with a dedicated facility from which to conduct memorial services and celebrate important feast holy days.

Community concerns for additional burial landIn the last few years, particularly since the enquiry into available burial space in the greater metropolitan area was initiated by the NSW Government in 2005, the need to provide the Eastern Suburbs community of 1.4 million people with the surety of additional land to accommodate their loved ones has emerged as a significant issue. We estimate, on current burial trends, ESMP has some 14 years of burial space for first interments available if no additional lands in the near vicinity are made available.

Reacting to the significant concerns of the cultures and traditions that prefer burial as the method of interment, the Board of Trustees approached the State Government seeking a possible solution within close proximity to our community and the need to create extra capacity for current and future generations of Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs families. This request is actively supported by community leaders, groups and individuals alike, particularly by those whose religions require burial as the preferred means of interment.

To this end, at the request of the State Government, we have presented a practical solution which is for the further assignment of available Crown Land adjacent to ESMP. This would provide additional burial capacity and extend the Park well into this century.

Mr Michael McMahon, President of the Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of NSW and Mr George Passas CEO

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FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTSThe 2009-10 trading results demonstrate increased revenues in ESMP’s traditional cemetery and crematorium services. The opening of our new on-site funeral home is now generating a new revenue stream which is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

ESMP Profit and Loss2009/10$000’s



Revenue from Operations

Cemetery 5,296 4,780 10.8

Crematorium 2,761 2,573 7.3

Funeral Home * 170 n/a n/a

Total 8,227 7,353 11.9

Operating Expenses 6,750 6,535 3.3

Operating Surplus 1,477 818 80.6

Revenue from Investments 358 849 -57.8

Overall Surplus 1,277 318 301.6

* Commenced operations in December 2009.

FINANCIAL RESERVESThroughout the past decade, ESMP has progressively consolidated our financial reserves to fund our strategic investments.

Administration 16%

Employments 35%

Operating 13%

Product 35%

Deployment 10%

Maintenance 17%

ESMP Major Operating Expenses2001-10

ESMP Retained Infrastructure Reserves 2001-10


2000-01  2001-02  2002-03  2002-04  2004-05  2005-06  2006-07  2007-08  2008-09  2009-10







Page 7: ESMP Annual Report 2010


ESMP PRODUCTS & SERVICESMeeting the needs of an increasingly diverse society requires innovation and foresight. To this end, we are committing to progressively expanding ESMP’s array of services, respecting cultural diversity, providing convenience and professionalism.

Funeral HomeThe opening of our new on-site funeral home has been a great success. There are an increasing number of families who are attracted by the convenience of our modern, purpose-built facilities and the caring nature, experience and helpfulness of our staff.

The Funeral Home provides families with a private and respectful place where they can gather together to organise the funeral service in a serene and unrushed surroundings. It offers the comfort of two spacious arrangement rooms with adjoining kitchen facilities.

The purpose-built viewing room provides a tranquil and peaceful setting to reflect on the life of a loved one. Families can display images, play music and use other audio visuals to reflect on the life lived, by someone dear to them.

The Chapel within the funeral home building is also fitted with state-of-the-art audio visual equipment and provides comfortable seating for up to 60 people. In the rear of the Funeral Home is a fully equipped mortuary facility and parking bay for hearses.











2000-01  2001-02  2002-03  2002-04  2004-05  2005-06  2006-07  2007-08  2008-09  2009-10

ESMP Accumulated Capital Expenditures 2001-10

ESMP, particularly in the last 8 years since 2002 when we commenced our Strategic Plan, has budgeted for worthwhile projects with the many communities we serve in mind. In 2008-09, we invested in the construction of the ESMP funeral home and memorial centre complex. Reserves will progressively be earmarked to finance future projects outlined in our ESMP Strategic Plan.

Meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse society requires innovation and foresight.

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Memorial CentreThe Memorial Centre is receiving increasing patronage from families and visitors to ESMP. It offers comfortable, modern facilities with excellent service and catering.

The Award-winning building incorporates three sound-proofed condolence rooms, named the Lawson, Gilmore and Paterson Rooms which can jointly cater for family gatherings of any size up to 300 people.

The café provides comfortable indoor and outdoor settings and the adjoining florist offers a large variety of beautiful fresh flowers and the opportunity for families to order arrangements specific to their needs.

This facility and related services is being independently managed by Pelema Retail Pty Ltd. They are a valued partner of ESMP having provided florist and café services to families and visitors to ESMP for over 40 years.

Crematorium and CemeteryAn important ESMP goal is to provide families with choice in both burials and cremations. While there is a growing proportion of our community who elect to be cremated, as demonstrated by the following pie chart, there remains a significant number preferring burial as the means of interment.

It is therefore paramount that ESMP secures additional land on behalf of the Eastern Suburbs community to meet burial requirements well into the future.

MemorialisationIn recent years, the Board of Trustees and management have strategically pursued the refurbishment and upgrading of ESMP’s products, services, facilities and infrastructure. These strategic investments have greatly improved the presentation of the Park, its attractiveness, usage and reputation amongst the community.

As the demand for cremations progressively increased since the opening of ESMP’s Crematorium in 1938, so has the need of families to memorialise their loved ones in tranquil, respectful settings close to where they live and work.

ESMP has responded by progressively transforming the original Botany Cemetery into the beautiful memorial Park that it is today, with award-winning formal gardens and natural parklands and waterways. Families are now presented with many options in which to memorialise their loved ones.

The increase in ESMP’s memorialisation rate is also attributable to the dedication and commitment of our Customer Service team. They have demonstrated their professional and caring support to families as they decide how best to memorialise their loved ones.

The current proportion of cremations that memorialise is shown below.

Customer Service & CommunicationsESMP has launched a new Web site to provide a more contemporary presentation of the Park and our expanded services and to better service the information needs of families and visitors. New PDF product brochures have been created to feature and promote the range of services offered by ESMP. These are being distributed by our customer service team and are available at the reception areas. Families also are able to download the brochures that are of interest to them from the Web site.

The Web site also offers the community the convenience of our new on-line Web Casting service. This exciting new feature enables friends and families to hear and watch a funeral service being held in one of ESMP’s chapels on the Internet. It meets the needs of our transient and global community, particularly those families and friends who may be interstate, overseas or simply not able to attend the service for any number of reasons. Throughout 2010-11, ESMP will be upgrading maps and signage throughout the Park, utilising new technologies that can also be linked to the Web site and customer database.

Burial 38%

Cremations 62%

ESMP Burials & Cremations2009-10

Not Memorialised 55%

Memorialised 45%

ESMP Cremations2009-10

Page 9: ESMP Annual Report 2010


Acknowledgements I acknowledge the efforts of, and sincerely thank, my Chairman John Morrison, my Deputy Chairman Russell McLay and the Board for their direction and ongoing and unfettered support of both myself and my management team. They have seen the successful opening of two significant assets which offer the community a full one-stop-shop service, culminating from many years of strategic focus and planning.

I commend the excellent dedication and contributions of my managers, Gavin Mulgrew, Customer Service, John Vogel, Funeral Home, Tony Brown, Operations and John Cottee, Finance and Administration, together with their respective supervisors, throughout the year.

My thanks also goes to all ESMP staff members and to the many other supporters of ESMP’s business who have provided professional assistance throughout: Peter Kaye of Consultgroup (human resources), John Cottee of Step Ahead Business Solutions (finance and accounting), Kevin Chester and Robert Eyles of Grey Matters Pty Ltd (Phoenix customer service system), Discovery Technology Pty Ltd (information systems), Hugh Williams of Marketstrat Business Advisors Pty Ltd (marketing) and Alexander Bailey of Living Experience (OH&S compliance and hazard identification). Of course, at all times, I am superbly supported by my Executive Assistant, Tammy Templeman, who ensures that my office and its dealings with the Board and our stakeholders is able to function smoothly.

In conclusion, I am happy to report to you that this has been another highly successful and productive year with the launch of new services and our expanded engagement with the community we serve. I am grateful for the patronage of the many families who require our services and to the thousands of visitors who enjoy the professionalism and the convenience of our award-winning one-stop-shop facilities.

George H. Passas FAICD FCIS FCPA

Chief Executive Officer

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TRUSTEES AND GOVERNANCE The current Board has completed the first year of their 5 year reappointment.

During the year, the Board established a sub-committee consisting of Rod Neville (Chair) and Elizabeth Fitzsimmons to review the Board’s annual performance assessment policy which has been implemented since 2005.

The Board has been most active in ensuring governance is maintained at a high standard. To this end, a key feature of the Trusts’ ongoing work in this area has been the establishment of a very sound and effective governance model with the following features:

• Five year Strategic Plan supported with an annual business plan and annual budget.

• Defined set of organisation values with identified verifiable indicators.

• Community and stakeholder reporting and consultation on major works and projects.

• Governance policies and governance manual, with 42 policy areas identified and 21 finalised.

• Board remuneration and expenses policy being applied with a high level of objectivity and transparency.

• An annual performance assessment (both Board and CEO), using a comprehensive set of criteria and being independently assessed and reported.

• A risk management framework customised to ESMP’s operations and risk management and crisis management policies introduced and implemented.

• Director’s education and professional development policy. • Succession policy and renewal policy being implemented via

the management-business continuity plan.

The Trustees are committed to maintaining this model in moving forward with the ongoing stewardship of the Park’s facilities. We will work collectively to provide the CEO and his management team with the means by which to implement the strategy outlined in the ESMP Strategic Plan, which is now into its second phase.

Trustees/Board of DirectorsStelios Coudounaris, Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, Ron Greenstein,

Russell McLay, John Morrison, Rod Neville, Jack Walker

Finance and Audit CommitteeRon Greenstein, Russell McLay, John Morrison, Rod Neville

Planning and Works CommitteeStelios Coudounaris, Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, John Morrison,

Jack Walker

John Morrison Russell McLay Ron Greenstein Stelios Coudounaris

Rod Neville Elizabeth Fitzsimmons Jack Walker

Page 11: ESMP Annual Report 2010



Funeral Home

John Vogel JP

Manager, Funeral Services

The successful opening of the ESMP Funeral Home, on time and within budget, is testament to the skills, commitment and professionalism of everyone who has been involved with the project. The Funeral Home is achieving excellent support from the community and in the time between its December opening and 30th June, we arranged 66 funerals as well as accepting an additional 43 pre-paid arrangements. This trend is expected to continue throughout 2010-11 and the years ahead as ESMP continues to lead the way with a highly professional, innovative and dedicated level of service to the community.

The building was opened in November 2009 and throughout the early stages of its operations, demonstrated its capacity, as a purpose-built, state-of-the-art facility, to provide the community with a premium world class Funeral Home service.

These excellent facilities are matched by the commitment and professionalism of our Funeral Home Consultants. As a team, we are assisting families with thoughtful advice and guidance, helping them to decide on the funeral arrangements they would like us to assemble on their behalf.

Families are appreciative of the benefits and convenience of our on-site chapel, the use of our comfortable arrangement rooms and the viewing room which has direct access to kitchen facilities.

Many families comment appreciatively on the viewings we arrange of their loved one, commending the preparations by our professional mortuary staff. The layout and design of the mortuary facilities with its modern equipment ensures that the care for the deceased, and the safety of our staff, is achieved at all times.

We also frequently receive positive feedback from families that they can now arrange a funeral, which includes either a burial or cremation, followed by a reception at our condolence centre, at one convenient location.

We receive many questions from families and we will continue to provide answers to these in the local press for the benefit of all the community.

Meetings Attended During the Year

Trustee/Director Board Planning & Works CommitteeFinance & Audit

CommitteeLeave of Absence

John Morrison OAM JPChairman

11 of 11 3 of 3 5 of 5 -

Russell McLay BCommDeputy Chairman

11 of 11 - 5 of 5 -

Ron Greenstein PhCChair, Finance and Audit Committee

11 of 11 - 5 of 5 -

Stelios Coudounaris JPChair, Planning and Works Committee

9 of 11 3 of 3 - 2

Elizabeth Fitzsimmons 9 of 11 2 of 3 - 3

Rod Neville 8 of 11 - 4 of 5 3

Jack Walker JP 11 of 11 2 of 3 - -

George Passas FAICD FCIS FCPA Secretary and CEO

11 of 11 3 of 3 5 of 5 -

Page 12: ESMP Annual Report 2010


We welcome back Megan Reisenleiter who has returned from maternity leave and thank all our Customer Service team for their excellent support throughout the year and for their outstanding commitment to providing our community with a professional and caring service.


Tony BrownManager, Site Operations

Throughout 2009-10 we continued our successful program of progressively refurbishing many sections of the Cemetery and Crematorium grounds. This is providing families and visitors with easier access, more seating, greater safety, more options in which to memorialise, and new facilities to enjoy when they visit the Park. Significant project initiatives that were completed in the year include:

• The replacement of all paths throughout the old sections of cemetery which required relaying and improving of over 6 kilometres of pathways.

• New paths and memorial gardens were also installed in Centenary Park, enhancing the area and providing better access.

• The new native tree planting program was implemented in which two trees were planted for every tree that was removed. This has dramatically improved the ambience of the areas and will enhance the presentation and enjoyment of the Park for current and future generations.

• Niche walls cavities were enlarged to fit the new larger urns.• Where possible allowing a third interment into a grave.• Additional plant and equipment was purchased to improve

OH&S compliance.

Plans to further refurbish, upgrade, and beautify the natural parkland areas within Centenary Park, include the following projects:

• Increasing the height of the pond walls, thereby making it safer and easier to walk around.

• Building two new bridges for easier and safer access to the other side of the ponds. Families can also choose to scatter ashes from the bridges.

• Designing and installing new memorial gardens and creating family gardens of higher quality.

• Installing additional seating around the ponds and waterways for visitors to relax and enjoy.

• Refurbishing the waterfalls to cascade through the watercourse.

• Building cavities into the pond walls for the resident native water dragons to live in along the water’s edge.

• Installing new paths to expand the access to all areas within Centennial Park.

• Planting additional trees and shrubs to further beautify the area.

Other planned development programs that are scheduled for completion in 2011 are:

• Completing the Asian burial and memorial section.• Building the new Crypts and Vaults.


Gavin MulgrewManager, Customer Service

The dedication, skills and professionalism of our customer service team are providing families, visitors, funeral directors, clergy and our community, with exceptional service. The team is committed to continuous improvement, being open to new ideas and embracing changes that will adapt and better meet the needs of our diverse society.

The Mystery Shopping Program is continuing to monitor and support the ongoing development of the team. It is showing areas that require focus and training and these are being progressively addressed, both on a one-on-one and group level as appropriate.

Our focus has been to manage enquiries with heightened listening skills, ensuring that the needs of our customers are fully acknowledged and that they receive attentive and respectful guidance in selecting the services that will best meet their requirements and expectations. This particularly relates to helping families choose their preferred memorial or burial site within the Park, which understandably encompasses much cultural, religious, family, personal and circumstantial sensitivity.

This success is reflected in the marked growth of revenues from the Park’s memorialisation products: an increase of 33% over the previous year.

We have also been diligent in ensuring that each person, family and visitor is made to feel welcome and special and that their enquiries are followed-up thoughtfully and professionally. We are using our customer database system to support this endeavour.

In September 2008, we launched the new on-line streaming service at the crematorium chapels. This technology provides families with the opportunity to watch a service on-line. It has become increasingly popular throughout the year, meeting the needs of people who may be overseas, in a remote location within Australia or simply are unable to attend the service in person.

Our weekly meetings and ongoing customer service training is providing the team with a forum to share their experiences and further develop their skills and teamwork. It is also providing us with a framework to plan effectively as we introduce new services and organise special events throughout the year. Examples are our successful and much appreciated community events which we organise to help families celebrate their loved-ones on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and at Christmas.

In October, we conducted our annual Open Day when, for the first time, we were able to invite visitors to enjoy and utilise the cafe, catering and florist services that are now available at the recently opened Memorial Centre. These facilities have been valuable in providing visitors with a convenient, comfortable and modern setting in which to relax and reflect while visiting the Park.

Our customer team has also been diligent in providing professional assistance and support to Funeral Directors in arranging services for their families. These mostly entail booking the crematorium chapels, organising cremations and burials, or assisting with burial and memorialisation information.

We are excited about the new services we will soon be able to offer our customers, particularly, the planned opening of the Asian Memorial Gardens next year.

This will provide a very important and expanding sector of our community with the option to memorialise in a beautiful and prominent area within the Park, which embraces, and is aligned to, their cultural needs and preferences.

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John Cottee, B.Bus CPAManager, Finance and Administration

The financial highlight for ESMP this year has been the increased revenues derived from the successful launch of the Funeral Services Division and the professional marketing and delivery of memorialisation product.

While annual expenditure rose by 3.3%, ESMP’s revenues increased by nearly 12%.

The strategic investment and focus by the ESMP’s Board and Management on delivering new services, products and facilities are yielding excellent returns for ESMP. The strategies have created greater appeal and patronage of the Park, professionally delivered memorialisation product and an enhanced community profile.

The focus by the ESMP Customer Service team on providing excellent service has contributed to a significant increase in memorialisation revenues throughout the year.

It is anticipated that the Funeral Services revenues will continue to grow as this new service continues to be promoted to the local community and increased awareness of this new, innovative and convenient service is achieved.

Establishing the Funeral Services division and completion of the Café and Condolence Room Complex, required a drawdown of some $2.1m in funds to complete these strategically important projects. The anticipated increases in revenues will gradually rebuild these reserves. Significant progress in establishing the Asian Memorial Gardens is planned over the coming year, necessitating a further drawdown on reserves in accordance with budget projections.

Lower earnings from invested funds were evident as local money market rates remained relatively low, although increases in the rate of return commenced in the second half of the year. The Future Maintenance Funds were increased to $2.7m.

Overall, ESMP has achieved a successful financial year and I would like to once again thank Mohammad Shahidullah (Assistant Finance and Administration Manager) and Karen Messenger (Finance and Administration Officer) for their contribution to the excellent work of ESMP throughout the year.


Hugh Williams BComm MBADirector, Marketstrat Business Advisors Pty Ltd

ESMP has a great story to tell. A new funeral home and condolence centre, a beautiful Memorial Park offering the community a peaceful, respectful and well maintained setting in which to memorialise and pay tribute to their loved ones. The cemetery has been progressively expanded and ESMP is now proactively seeking additional burial space, planning for the future needs of Sydney’s diverse and growing population. ESMP has been an integral part of the Sydney’s evolution since its first internment in 1893 and is host to the Pioneer Park which includes headstones of people from Sydney’s early history.

A key focus has been to develop the ESMP branding and communication strategies to expand the Park’s profile and awareness throughout the Eastern and Southern Suburbs and adjacent communities. New artwork has been created and is being progressively introduced into ESMP’s marketing and communication platforms. This has included the Park brochures, newspaper advertisements, website, newsletters, event invitations, stationery, merchandise and signage.

The launch of the community education campaign with regular Question and Answer features in the Wentworth and Southern Couriers has created interest and positive community response. It is being successful in building community awareness and strengthening ESMP’s profile and reputation as a caring, professional and supporting service which is owned by the community, providing for the community.

Throughout the coming year, ESMP will continue to develop our branding, embracing and meeting the needs of past, current and future needs of Sydney’s rapidly expanding and diverse society. We will be further enhancing our website and internet services capability, promoting convenience and relevance, as new products and services are created.

ESMP’s revenues increased by nearly 12%

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Peter KayePrincipal, Consultgroup

ESMP employs 34 highly trained and competent employees who proudly deliver a consistently high level of service, both within our organisation and to our customers.

Our Park provides open space and is used for passive recreation by the local community and with this in mind we ensure a pleasant and safe environment is maintained for both customers and local visitors.

A feature of our staff composition is that 80% would be considered as local, living within 15-20 minutes from ESMP. Our involvement in the Local Business Awards as a sponsor was an opportunity for staff to become more involved with other local service providers. Our Open Days have provided a similar opportunity for staff to engage with the local community.

This year we welcomed a new team to ESMP. The grounds staff, customer service team and administration team were joined by the new Funeral Services Team. John Vogel (Manager), Fabienne Rovida and Steve Bragg who launched our new Funeral Home enabling convenient access to an on-site, fully owned, Funeral Director.

Using ongoing customer feedback, Mystery Shopper service monitoring and feedback from suppliers, ESMP has been able to ensure high levels of customer service. During the year we also welcomed Gavin Mulgrew as our Customer Service Manager and he has already provided tremendous input in strengthening sales and service standards. This year we also installed HR management software (HRIS) to support the management of staff records and assist with HR Planning and Training.

The ESMP staff continue to be employed under two Collective Agreements, one applying to the customer service and administration staff and the other to the grounds staff. Both agreements provide for three levels of staff appointments and each level having three promotional increments based on acquiring skills and demonstrating competence. The annual performance appraisal and subsequent training plan were again successfully completed with very strong performance being recorded by nearly all staff and no staff being evaluated as low performers. This year we said farewell to Mr Geoffrey Craswell after his serving 15 years in the Grounds.

Our emphasis on providing a safe environment for both staff and the public has enabled us to again report a very low level of injury. In 2009-10 there were 9 reports on minor injuries not requiring any recuperation or leave. There was 1 staff injury where time off was required for 3 days and 2 visitor injuries that required medical attention. OH&S induction, ongoing OH&S training, safe practice training and ongoing external review of work practices, all contribute to maintaining a safe work environment.

ESMP’s management structure includes the engagement of specialist personnel on a contract basis. This enables the ESMP Board and Management to make cost effective use of highly skilled specialists in the fields of Management Accounting, HR Management, Governance, Marketing and Information Technology.


Staff Female Male Total

CEO & Management 1 4 5 3

Customer Service 4.2 1 5.2 7

Funeral Home 1 1 2 0

Grounds & Gardening 17 17 17

Administration 1.6 1.6 2

TOTAL 30.8 29

Regular Casuals 2 3 3.4 1

Injuries Reported 1 1

Staff Resigning/Retiring 2 1

ESMP employs 34 highly trained and competent employees who proudly deliver a consistently high level of service, both within our organisation and to our customers.

Page 15: ESMP Annual Report 2010


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Trustees/Board of D


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Manager, S

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 Leader, F







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Steve Edwards


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Michael Smith


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Scott Vallis


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Geoff Crasw



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Crematorium Groun

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Customer Service Officer

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Customer Service Officer


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Customer Service Officer

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Grey Matter Solutions



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Executive Assistant

Tammy Templeman

Records & Groun

ds Officer

Paul Larssen

Page 16: ESMP Annual Report 2010


Our people are our greatest asset

Fabienne Rovida Steven Bragg

Tammy Templeman Karen Messenger Mohammad Shahidullah

Jasmyne Brown Connie Pandelis Belinda Eyles Toni Hamlin Megan Reisenleiter

Lorraine Aitken

Page 17: ESMP Annual Report 2010


Don Grant

Geoff Craswell Emerico Kreisz Barry Cooley

John Gallulo Scott Vallis Stan Smith Craig Simmons

Steve Edwards Peter Larssen Paul Larssen Michael Smith Larry Smith

Darren Williams Wally Conforto Jeff Damke

Ben Slater

Page 18: ESMP Annual Report 2010


Our significant achievements have been the successful opening and marketing of our new Funeral Home and Memorial Centre.

Page 19: ESMP Annual Report 2010





























































































P10 A13C





















































Page 20: ESMP Annual Report 2010

12 Military Road, Matraville NSW 2036 P | (02) 9661 5655 F | (02) 9311 3654 e | [email protected]

Administered by:The Botany Cemetery & Eastern Suburbs Crematorium Trusts

Member of:Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of NSWAustralasian Cemeteries & Crematoria AssociationAustralian Funeral Directors Association
