ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (ESMP) Repair/ Improvement of Chenab chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar City District Government, Faisalabad

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Page 1: ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (ESMP)pcgip.urbanunit.gov.pk/docs/ESMF/ESMP/Faisalabad/CDGF/E-2 ESM… · ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (ESMP) Repair/ Improvement of Chenab


Repair/ Improvement of Chenab chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar

City District Government, Faisalabad

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This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is prepared

according to the World Bank Policy Guidelines and environmental and

social laws and policies of Government of Punjab .It will be used to identify

and mitigate the environmental and social impacts that may emerge during

implementation of

“Repair/ Improvement of Chenab chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar”

,being executed by the CDG Faisalabad from the financial grant of PCGIP

(EEPs)awarded for the financial year 2013-14.This ESMP follows the social

and environmental appraisal and compliance as mentioned in the

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of PCGIP.

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Syed M.AsifGillani

(Environmental& Social Safeguards Specialist)

The Urban UnitMs.RizwanaAnjum

DG (Environment)

EPD Punjab

of Faisalabad

Prepared by

Reviewed bv

Approved by:

The Urban Unit


DO Environment-Faisalabad

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Table of Contents SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1. Punjab Cities Goverance Improvement Project (PCGIP) ............................................... 1

1.2. Environmental And Social Management Framework (ESMF) ....................................... 1

1.3. Environmental And Social Screening Of Schemes ......................................................... 2

1.4. Environmental And Social Management Plan (ESMP) .................................................. 2

SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 4

2.1. City Profile ...................................................................................................................... 4

2.2. Location .......................................................................................................................... 4

2.3. Work Activities ............................................................................................................... 4

2.4. Cost Estimates ................................................................................................................. 5


3.1. Area Description ............................................................................................................. 6

3.2. Physical Environment ..................................................................................................... 7

3.3. Biological Environment .................................................................................................. 8

3.4. Social Environment ......................................................................................................... 9

SECTION 4: IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES ........................................................................ 11

Table 4.1: Environmental & Social Management Plan .................................................................. 11

Table 4.2: Environmental Analysis ................................................................................................. 15

Table 4.3: Environmental Monitoring Plan .................................................................................... 16

Table 4.4 ESMP Implementation Cost .......................................................................................... 18

3.5. SITE HANDING OVER DOCUMENT ....................................................................... 19

ANNEXURE A Screening Form .......................................................................................................... 20

ANNEXURE B Checklist For Environmental Management Of E-2 Category Schemes ..................... 22

ANNEXURE C Checklist for Road sector ........................................................................................... 22

ANNEXURE D Checklist for Roads, Road Dividers and Foot Paths………………………………...24

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APs Affected Persons

CDG City District Government

CDGF City District Government Faisalabad

WASA Water and Sanitation Agency

ESSS Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist

PPEs Personal Protective Equipments

IEE Initial Environmental Examination

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

RAP Resettlement Action Plan

SAR Social Assessment Report

ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan

PCGIP Punjab Cities Governance Improvement Project

ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework

NEQSs National Environment Quality Standards

PEPA 1997 Pakistan Environment Protection Act,1997

SOx Sulfur and its oxides

WHO World Health Organization

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

AHs Affected Households

DO District Officer

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Environment & Social Management Plan (ESMP)

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Government of the Punjab with the financial assistance from World Bank is implementing Punjab Cities

Governance Improvement Project (PCGIP). The project is focused at strengthening of systems and

governance improvement for enhanced service delivery and being implemented in five large cities

(Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Gujranwala, and Rawalpindi).

The project development objectives are to:

Support the Province of Punjab’s cities in strengthening systems for improved planning, resource

management, and accountability

Improve the capacity to respond promptly and effectively to Crisis or Emergency.

The objective of the PCGIP is to support Punjab’s large cities in strengthening institutional frameworks

and developing systems for improved urban planning, expenditure and accountability and to capacitate

these cities to improve delivery of municipal services in a medium to long term on a more sustainable

basis. The Project has a number of financial, social, economic and environmental benefits, including

institutional development, rehabilitation and improvement of municipal services, better quality of life

and employment generation. In addition a large number of secondary benefits are also likely to accrue in

the medium to long term such as institutional reforms at local level.


Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) serves as a guiding document to address the

social and environmental issues during projects implementation covering following phases at: Planning

and design, Construction and rehabilitation, Operation and maintenance, Decommissioning and closure


Overall objectives of ESMF is to

Ensure that schemes to be designed and implemented by the Government are environmentally sound

and socially acceptable.

Ensure that all the schemes comply with the national regulatory and WB policy frameworks.

Internalize and integrate the environmental and social management procedures and processes in the

routine projects/operations/service delivery of CDG’s and city entities.

Screening will be first step of the environmental and social management procedure. Each scheme during

its preparation stage will be screened with respect to environmental and social considerations. The


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Safeguards Specialist will be responsible to carry out this screening. The screening criteria are presented



Environmental Categories: Depending on size, cost, location and the nature, scheme will have varying

impacts on city environment. The rigorousness of environmental assessment requires identifying and

mitigating the impacts, largely dependent upon the complexities of scheme. To facilitate effective

screening, schemes are categorized into three categories viz. E-1, E-2 and E-3.

(i) E-1 schemes are those wherein major environmental impacts are foreseen;

(ii) E-2 schemes are expected to have only moderate environmental impacts; and

(iii) E-3 schemes are the schemes with negligible environmental impacts and hence, these can be

termed as “environmentally benign”.

Since PCGIP funds are exclusive for operation and maintenance and rehabilitation schemes, schemes

falling under E-1 category shall not be funded.

Social Categories: Based on the number of households that may be affected by the scheme, i.e. Affected

Households (AHs) and magnitude of impacts, schemes are categorized as S-1, S-2 and S-3.

(i) S-1 schemes are those schemes that will impact more than 40 households, and are expected to

have significant negative social consequences;

(ii) S-2 schemes are those which will impact less than 40 households and are expected to have

significant social consequences affecting local inhabitants;

(iii) S-3 schemes are not expected to have any significant adverse social impacts;

Since PCGIP funds are exclusively allocated for operation and maintenance and rehabilitation schemes,

thus schemes falling under S-1 and S-2 categories shall not be funded through the project


The type of environmental and social assessment requirements for each scheme will be determined

according to the following criteria:

Schemes having E-1 and S-1 categories: full EIA (or ESIA) will need to be conducted for each

individual scheme. In addition, a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will be prepared for each

scheme with S-1 category.

Schemes having E-2 and S-2 categories: Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

will be prepared for each individual scheme. In addition, an Abbreviated Resettlement Action

Plan will be prepared for each scheme with S-2 category.

Schemes having E-3 and S-3 categories: no further assessment is needed.

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ESMPs preparation: For each scheme with E-2 category, ESMP will be prepared by the Safeguards

Specialist at the CDG level. The ESMP preparation will be an integral part of the scheme

preparation/appraisal process, and ESMP will be an integral part of the scheme documentation. The

ESMP will include details of the works to be carried out under the scheme, the site-specific

environmental and social information (baseline), and site-specific and scheme-specific mitigation

measures. The ESMPs will be reviewed and cleared by the DO (Environment) of the respective City.

ESMP Implementation During the scheme implementation, the mitigation and monitoring measures

included in the ESMP will need to be implemented. The ESMP will be included in the bidding

documents (if the scheme is to be contracted out), and hence it will be included in the contractor’s scope

of works/services. Similarly, if the scheme is to be implemented by the concerned department itself, the

ESMP will be included in the scope of work/services. The ESMP cost will be included in the scheme

implementation cost. Environmental and social monitoring will also be carried out to ensure effective

implementation of the ESMP. First tier of monitoring will be conducted along with the monitoring of the

works being carried out under the scheme. At the second tier, the Safeguards Specialist will carry out

spot checks to ensure ESMP implementation. Checklists prepared on the basis of mitigation measures

proposed in the ESMP will be used for this purpose. Photographic record will also be maintained for this


For each scheme with E-2 category 1as per ESMF document, ESMP prepared by the Environment &

Social Safeguard Specialist at the CDG level to ensure ESMF implementation at City level. The ESMP

preparation is an integral part of the scheme preparation/appraisal process, and ESMP will be an integral

part of the scheme contract documentation. The ESMP include details of the works to be carried out

under the scheme, the site-specific environmental and social information (baseline) and site-specific and

scheme-specific mitigation measures and ESMP cost estimation.

1E-2 schemes are expected to have only moderate environmental impacts;

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Faisalabad, formerly known as Lyallpur, is the 3rd

largest city of Pakistan, the second largest in the

province of Punjab after Lahore, and a major industrial center in the heart of Pakistan. People called it

Manchester of Pakistan because of concentrated textile industry. Faisalabad district lies between

longitude 73° and 74° East, latitude 30° and 31.5° North, at an elevation of about 184 meters (605 feet)

above sea level. There is no natural boundary between Faisalabad and the adjoining districts. Faisalabad

is bounded by Chiniot towards west, by Toba Tek Singh towards west-southwest, Hafizabad towards

north, by Nankana Sahib and Okara towards east-northeast, and by Sahiwal towards south-southeast.

River Chenab flows about 30 km in the northwest while River Ravi meanders about 40 km off the city in

the south east. Lower Chenab canal is the main source of irrigation water, which meets the requirements

of 80% of cultivated land. The soil of Faisalabad comprises of alluvial deposits mixed with loess having

calcareous characteristics. The population of Faisalabad City in 2011 was about 2.6 million with the

growth rate of 2.06% per annum.2


Repair/ Improvement of Chenab Chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar will be carried out under this

scheme. Total length of road of 1.02 Km will be improved.


Following repair/improvement activities are involved during the execution of work.

Metalled width 30’,37’

Providing of cold milling 2.75” thick

Shifting of dismantled material

P/L tack coat by using 10 Lbs of bitumen Per 100 Sft area.

P/L bituminous carpet (4% bitumen) 3-1/2” thick

Providing and laying road lane marking. 5” wide 9030 Rft

Providing and laying cat eyes aluminum body 77 No.

Providing and laying cat eyes plastic body 258 No.

2Sources: City brief of Faisalabad, the Urban Unit (2010); Punjab Development Statistics – 2011, Bureau of Statistics,

Government of the Punjab, Lahore, December 2010; Official website of City District Government, Faisalabad

(http://faisalabad.gov.pk/statistics.aspx?task=geo accessed on 14 April 2012).


As per categorization of ESMF,

this scheme falls in E-2 category

and needs to prepare

Environmental and Social

Management Plan (ESMP).

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ESMP implementation cost: 192,000/- Rs (Break-up of this cost described below in Table 4.4)

Total cost of the scheme: 19.515 Million /- Rs (including ESMP cost)

No. of workers involved: 30

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Scheme lies on Dhobi ghat road from Chenab chowk to T & T exchange Chiniot bazar of the city

Faisalabad. Scheme area is commercial hub saturated with markets, shops, GC University Faisalabad,

banks and offices of companies. All the properties lie on the edge of the road to be constructed but

outside construction limit. Through screening, this scheme lies in E-2 category; the screening form is

attached as Annexure A, Screening checklists attached as Annexure B and Screening form Road Sector

is attached as Annexure C.


Figure: 1 Road profile at Chenab chowk Figure: 2 View of road surface needed to be improved.

Figure: 3 Road cracks clearly depicted.

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3.2.1. Air Quality

The degradation of air quality in all the large cities is a major environmental concern these days. Air

pollution levels in urban centers have either crossed safe limits given in the NEQS or have reached the

threshold values. About 60 to 70 % of the deterioration in the air quality is due to the vehicular

emissions. The parameters which have proved to be the major threat are particulate matter and

concentration of oxides of nitrogen that are relatively higher in all the large cities of Punjab. The PM2.5

has shown an estimated increase of more than 60 % since last 3 years. Further the present road

infrastructure cannot cater the need of growing automobiles flow resulting in the mounting

concentrations of NOx and SO2. There is dire need to adopt strict measures to obviate this issue, which is

not only a hazard for the environment but also to the health and quality of life of the people.

Table 4.1: Air Quality Data of Faisalabad3

City Ozone (μg/m3) SO2 (μg/m

3) CO (μg/m

3) NOx (μg/m

3) PM2.5 (μg/m


Faisalabad 32.8 72.8 2.5 164.4 252.3

NEQS - 80.0 5.0 40.0 40.0 Dust

The roadside dust is one of the most important contributors towards overall atmospheric pollution. This

problem becomes even more significant when we consider it in relation to the poorly maintained roads

loaded with ever increasing motor vehicle traffic especially in urban areas. This result in many adverse

effects especially to the respiratory health of the persons exposed to this dust either because of their

residence or occupation in these areas (Zafar 20074). During the construction phase of this scheme,

roadside dust can be generated. It can be mitigated by water sprinkling with water bowzers.

3.2.2. Noise

Noise is generally used as an unwanted sound, or sound which produces unpleasant effects and

discomfort on the ears. Noise is considered as environmental pollution, even though it is thought to have

less damage on humans than water, air or land pollution. Generally, problems caused by noise pollution

include stress, hearing loss, sleep disruption etc. During the construction phase of this scheme, noise can

be generated from machinery used in road construction. Mitigation measures have been suggested in

mitigation table4.1& 4.3 in order to reduce its effects upon human beings.

3Source: Punjab EPA Air Quality Data of Major Cities of Punjab, January 2010

SO2: Sulfur Dioxide; CO: Carbon monoxide; NOx: Oxides of Nitrogen; PM2.5: Particulate Matter up to 2.5 microns. 4 Zafar et al., (2007).Effects of airborne dust on lung function of the exposed subjects. Pak Journal of Physiology; 3(1).

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The general mitigation measures to control noise are:

Control of the noise at source.

• Control of the noise in the area of impact (receiver position).

• Control of the noise at some convenient intermediate location (i.e. along the

transmission path) between the source and impacted receive.5

3.2.3. Soil Profile6

The soil of Faisalabad comprises of alluvial deposits mixed with loess having calcareous characteristics.

The soil is generally fertile. 7Soil profile of scheme area is also fertile. There will be no impact on soil

profile of scheme area as scope of work limited to the repairing of existing metal road surface. No

impact on soil envisaged as no excavation or deep ditching activities are under scope of work of this


3.2.4. Water Resources8

River Chenab flows about 30 km in the North West while river Ravi meanders about 40 km off the city

in the south east. Lower Chenab canal is the main source of irrigation water, which meets the

requirements of 80% of cultivated land. There is no prominent water channel lies under the scheme.

Ground water used by local community for drinking purposes.


3.3.1 Parks & Gardens

There are many important parks and gardens in Faisalabad. It includes Bagh-e-Jinah Park (Company

Park), Fun Land, Sindbad, Amusement Park Faisalabad, Gatwala Forest Park Faisalabad, Butt Water

Land, Aqua land water park, D-Ground Central Park, Pahare ground, Madina Welfare Society Park etc.

Environmental sensitive areas are more prone towards human disturbance. For this scheme, no wetland,

estuarine, river, protected area and cultural heritage sites lie within scope of work of scheme area and no

significant environmental impacts has been envisaged, however mitigation measures have been

recommended against less significant environmental concerns. This scheme is environmentally sound &



NoiseAppendixD.pdf 6Sources: City brief of Faisalabad, the Urban Unit (2010); Punjab Development Statistics – 2011, Bureau of Statistics,

Government of the Punjab, Lahore, December 2010; Official website of City District Government, Faisalabad

(http://faisalabad.gov.pk/statistics.aspx?task=geo accessed on 14 April 2012). 7 www.faisalabad.gov.pk

8 Sources: City brief of Faisalabad, the Urban Unit (2010); Punjab Development Statistics – 2011, Bureau of Statistics,

Government of the Punjab, Lahore, December 2010; Official website of City District Government, Faisalabad

(http://faisalabad.gov.pk/statistics.aspx?task=geo accessed on 14 April 2012).

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3.3.2 Flora & Fauna

Preservation of biodiversity is of global concern, but the causes of loss and their solutions are very often

local in scale. Road development continues to be a major player in the overall reduction of biodiversity,

and proper planning at the project level can go a long way in limiting the loss, while still serving the

transport need. No wild animal/endangered species is found in the area except pet animals. No flora &

fauna will be affected due to project construction activities


3.4.1. Demography9

Scheme area is saturated with commercial infrastructure and in close alignment with road scheme.

Approximately 5,000 people resides in the vicinity of the project.

3.4.2. Institutes

There is major institute (GC University) in the project vicinity. There are no private schools (middle,

high) and government schools (MC High School for Boys) located along with the road alignment.

3.4.3. Land Use

The land along with the road scheme is commercially habited substantially just outside RoW. Therefore,

major land use of the area is commercial.

9 Source: Standard Demographic population groups based on DHIS


Total Population (7310691)

Total Area

(5856 Km2)

Annual growth


Population density

1248.41 persons per Km2

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3.4.4. Economic Status

The economic status of local population is mostly upper middle class. The per capita income is Rs.

500,000 per annum. People mostly do their own small business like shops, property agents etc.

3.4.5. Cultural Heritage

There are important archeological/ cultural sites like Clock tower, Faisalabad Art Council, Iqbal stadium,

Chenab club, Gumti Water Fountain & Qaisery Gate, Faisalabad Hockey stadium, Lyallpur Museum etc.

However, there is no archeological heritage situated in the vicinity of the proposed scheme.

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This section deals with the identification of potential negative impacts and addresses the mitigation measures of the proposed scheme and is shown in the table

4.1. The environmental analysis and environmental monitoring plan is given in the table 4.2 and 4.3 respectively.


Scheme Repair/ Improvement of Chenab chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar

Environment or Social


Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibility




A. Design Phase

Shifting of Public



Disturbance to the

public may occur Electric poles in the middle of road need to be

painted with reflective color to avoid any


If relocation of electric poles/transformers

required; it should be well ahead of the

commencement of construction work.


& Design




B. Repair/Rehabilitation/ Construction Phase

Crews camps

Construction and

operation of crew

camps may pollute the

surface & ground


Workers working at site

may arise conflicts with

Contractor should accommodate the crew. Keep

camp size to a minimum. Camp should be 500

meters away from settlements.

Avoid as much clearing of vegetation as


Provide temporary sanitation on site, such as pit

latrines and soak pits for sewage treatment.

Use local or regional labor.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS11

10 City District Government Faisalabad 11 Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist


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the locals.

Locate soakage pits for sewage at least 50m

away from any ground water extraction

source/hand pump;

Provide adequate quantities and good quality of

food for crew.

Provide septic tanks for treating sewage from

toilets before discharging through soakage pit.

Safe drinking water should be provided to the


Construction material

storage, handling

and use

Soil contamination may

occur due to

mishandling of oil and


Water may also be

contaminated due to the

oil spillages if the water

source is nearby the

storage yard.

Health risk to workers.

No land will be

acquired for the storage

of materials &

machinery as no

widening of road

involved under scope of


Material shall be appropriately secured to

ensure safe passage between the destinations

during transportation. Loads shall have

appropriate cover to prevent spillage and

contractor should be responsible for any clean

up resulting from any failure.

Over spray of bitumen products outside the road

surface on the road vegetation should be


Concrete mixing on the ground shall not be


All runoff from batching plant should be strictly

controlled and cement-contaminated water

should be collected, stored and disposed off at

the designated site;

Contaminated water storage facilities should not

be allowed to over flow and appropriate

protection from rain should be implemented;

Materials shall not be loaded to a higher level

than the side and tail boards and shall be

covered with a good quality tarpaulin;

Soil contamination by asphalt will be minimized

by placing all containers in caissons.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS

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Collection of oil and tube drips in container

during repairing construction equipment


Provide impervious platform and collection tank

for spillage of liquid fuel and lubes at storage

area; and

Decanting and or controlled disposal of oil and

grease as collected at collection tanks of

maintenance yard and chemical storage areas.

If land acquired for storage of machinery &

materials on temporarily basis: Contractor is

liable to compensate the land owner according

to market rate.

Contractor is also liable to pay to the affectes

(i.e Vendors, Stalls keepers, Huts etc) if land

will be acquired.

Handling of solid


Solid waste may be

generated from the

active construction sites

and also from the camp


Bitumen waste should be stored in closed

containers and placed in a fenced storage area

with paved floor.

Proper storage and site practices to minimize the

potential for damage or contamination of

construction material.

General refuse should be stored in enclosed bins

to separate from construction material.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS

Traffic control Traffic jams and

congestion may take

place and cause

inconvenience to the

people where the

construction of

interchanges will take

Traffic management plan should be prepared in

advance of start of work on-site and

communicated to the field staff.

Efforts should be made to accommodate the

traffic along the road/interchanges as far as

practically possible.

Provision of signboards directing the drivers

Contractor CDGF & ESSS

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about the diversion.

Providing and maintaining traffic management

comprising diversion warning, guiding and

regulatory signage, channelizers and

delineators, lightening etc.

Movement of vehicles carrying construction

material should be restricted.

Max allowable speed for heavy machinery on

the site should not exceed than 20 km/ hr.

Health & Safety of

Workers at active

construction and camp


Health problems or

immediate risk may

take place.

Providing basic medical service and supplies to

workers on-site.(First Aid Boxes)

Protection devices (ear muffs) will be provided

to the workers operating in the vicinity of high

noise generating machines.

Provision of protective clothing for laborers

handling hazardous materials, e.g. helmet,

adequate footwear for bituminous pavement

works, protective goggles, gloves etc.

Ensure strict use of wearing these protective

clothing during work activities.

Availability of safe drinking water for the


Adequate signage, lightning devices, barriers

and persons with flags during construction to

manage traffic at construction sites, haulage and

access roads.

Provision of proper safety signage at

sensitive/accident-prone spots.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS

Dust generation Road side visibility can

be reduced and dusty

environment leads to

respiratory diseases.

Regular water sprinkling with the help of water


Contractor CDGF & ESSS

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High levels of noise

can cause nuisance for

the locals.

Workforce should be provided with ear muff or

ear plugs.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS

Cordon off the

construction zone


expected if neglected Contractor should use night vision reflective

sign boards/ reflective taps to cordon off the

area during construction/demolition activities.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS

Vibration Shock waves can be

produced due to heavy

machinery working.

Loss to nearby

structures can be


Use of vibratory rollers should be prohibited. Contractor CDGF & ESSS

C. Operation Phase

Road Safety Possibility of road


Mitigation measure will include enforcement of

speed limits, installation of safety signs at

appropriate places.

Contractor CDGF & ESSS


Parameter Mitigation Measures Monitoring Frequency Responsibility

Ambient Air Quality


Water sprinkling should be regularized. Once during construction phase Contractor & Environment & Social

Safeguard Specialist

Compliance with HSE


Safety & hygienic conditions should be

considered utmost important.

Twice during construction phase Contractor & Environment & Social

Safeguard Specialist

Noise level Testing

Provide ear plugs/ear muffs to workforce. Twice during construction phase Contractor & Environment & Social

Safeguard Specialist

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& Social issues

Mitigation Measure to be taken Monitoring




Reporting Frequency Responsibility

1. Noise &


Use of machineries & equipments

having less noise.

Provision for personal protective

equipment (PPE’s), ear muffs/ear plugs

to workers.

Noise level testing should be executed

by Contractor time to time.



Frequent site


Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

DO *(Environment) &


2. Dust Provision for personal protective

equipment (PPE’s), Mask

Avoiding construction activities during


Sprinkling of water and removal of

excess matter/construction debris from

the site as soon as possible



Frequent site


Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

DO (Environment) &


3. Emission of


Ensure Workers use appropriate

clothing. Lay asphalt during dry periods.



Frequent site


Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

DO (Environment) &


4. Air Quality Ambient air quality will be analyzed in


EPA ***certified Lab.



Once during



Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

DO (Environment) &


5. Waste


Immediately transport the accumulated

construction waste to a site identified by

the implementing CDG/CDG****



Frequent site


Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

DO (Environment) &


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* DO= District Officer

** ESSS= Environment & Social Safeguard Specialist

*** EPA= Environment Protection Agency

****CDG= City District Government

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

6. Provision of

first aid in

case of any


First aid will be provided immediately

to save the life of affectes.

Ambulance will be called up to shift the

affectes to the nearest medical facility.



Frequent site


Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

DO (Environment) &


7. Health, Safety




The Contractor should ensure provision

of appropriate housing, water supply,

and sanitation facilities to construction


Adequate safety precautions such

helmets, safety shoes, gloves, etc.

should be provided to the labor



Frequent site


Once after completion of

project; an environmental

compliance report based

on checklist in Annexure

C should be submitted

DO (Environment) &


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Item Quantity Cost /Item(Rs)* Total Cost


Dust masks 200 30/- 6,000/-

Safety Shoes 30 1,200/- 36,000/-

Gloves 30 500/- 15,000/-

First Aid Box 04 1,000/- 4,000/-

Ear Plugs 50 20/- 1000/-

Safety Signs 05 700/- 3,500/-

Sub-Total 65,500/-

Environmental Analysis

Ambient Air Quality Analysis

(SOx, NOX, CO, PM2.5, O3)

01 500/Parameter 2,500/-

Noise Level Monitoring 07 500 3,500/-

Sub-Total 6,000/-


Pole hanging waste bins** 20 5,000/- 100,000/-

Road safety signage (reflective) 05 2,500/- 12,500/-

Sub-Total 112,500/-

Field Visits

Environment Specialist 02 4,000/visit 8,000/-

Sub-Total 8,000/-

Total 192,000/- *Approximate cost of items

** Waste bins should be installed on zig-zag pattern alongwith alignment of road.

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Repair/ Improvement of Chenab chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar.


Works & Services Department City District Government Faisalabad.

REFERENCE: (Work Award Letter #)


The site required for the execution / implementation of above mentioned scheme, as per plans, profiles,

lines, grades and specifications is being handed over to -----------------------------------------------------------

--- for mobilizing at site. The site being handed over for the construction activities is owned / acquired /

purchased by the implementing body and there is no claim pending for compensation as per

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the GoPunjab, approved by the

Steering Committee. The site is clear of all encumbrances and all entitlements and payments have been

delivered to the affected persons/party if any.

You are expected to mobilize at site to start the construction activities, with-in the stipulated time

mentioned in your contract agreement for this sub-scheme.

Handed Over by Taken Over by

In-charge Implementing Entity Contractor’s Authorized Representative

---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

Firm’s Name:


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Title of Scheme: Repair/ Improvement of Chenab chowk to PTCL Exchange Chiniot Bazar

Road length: 1.20 km

θ = Minor Negative Impacts12

σ = Moderate Negative Impacts13

υ = Major Negative Impacts14


= No negative impact

12 θ = Minor Negative Impacts are considered as likely to have minimal or no adverse Environmental impacts 13 σ = Moderate Negative Impacts are defined as Less significant adverse impacts that may be easily prevented or mitigated 14 υ = Major Negative Impacts are defined as significant, or irreversible adverse impacts 15

β = This category serves no impacts from projects

Schemes Surface













of habitat/



to other
















acquisition &



& Improvement

of surface of


β β υ υ υ β σ θ σ υ θ θ β

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Environmental Assesment



If Yes, Specify Details




1. Will the scheme involve any of the

following changes in land use


i. Conversion of recognized environmentally

/ historically / culturally sensitive land to

any other use.

ii. Conversion of open / recreational areas to

commercial / industrial residential use.

iii. Conversion of residential / industrial areas

to industrial / commercial use.

iv. Restoration of cultural heritage.

v. Anyother. (please specify)

2. Will the scheme create risk of

contamination of ground/surface or

drinking water?

i) Effluents or leachate

ii) Due to leakages

iii) Anyother? (please specify)

3. Will the scheme increase or decrease the


i) Depth of GW table.

ii) Flow / quantity in water bodies.

4. Will the scheme have any possibility of

water spillage or water stagnation?

5. Will the scheme cause any air pollution? During road construction it

may lead to cause air

pollution and reduce road

side visibility.

Water sprinkling

should be


Ambient air quality

testing should be

carried out.

6. Will the scheme cause noise pollution? It might create nuisance for

locals due to working of

unmaintained machinery.

Good machinery

should be used to

reduce its impact.

7. Will the scheme generate solid waste? Solid waste can be generated

during construction phase

Piling of solid waste

should be prohibited

& dispose off at

designated disposal

point of CDGF.

8. Will the scheme result in cutting of trees?

9. Will the scheme damage or disturb other

service lines?

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i) Water supply lines

ii) Electric cables

iii) Roads

iv) Telephone cables

v) Anyother (please specify)

10. Will the scheme cause any health hazard?

11. Will the scheme create smell and / or


12. Will the scheme cause any effect on flora

and fauna?

13.Will land be acquired temporarily for

storage of machienry/equipments and other

contruction material

14. .Will land be acquired for the building of

the road itself

Existing road will be

improved and no

widening involved

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Description Status Notes

Have the roads, dividers

and footpath selected in

consultation with the


environmental team?

Yes ESSS* visited the identified road schemes

along with M & E** Specialist. There is need to

improve the eroded & erupted road surface

under this scheme. No

Have the photographs

been taken to record the



Yes Pre-environmental settings have been captured

and recorded.


Are there any settlements

within 500 meters of the

road construction?

Yes Houses & shops lies within 500 meters of road

construction but outside scope of work under

this scheme. No

Have the alternative

routes been established

in the existing clearings

of designated site?

Yes No alternative route required.


Was the traffic

congestion avoided in

establishment of

alternative routes?

Yes No traffic congestion envisaged due to low

traffic volume in the vicinity of scheme.


Have any tress been


Yes No tree cutting involved.


Has the compacted

gravel topping provided

at alternative routes and

other access routes?

Yes No alternative route required.


Has the excavated earth/

silt disposed of properly?

Yes No excavation/deep ditching required under

scope of work of this scheme. Debris material

will be shifted to CDGF designated waste

dumping site. No

Does the alternate route

have sufficient width?

Yes No alternative route required.


Does the diversion signs

and required signboards

Yes No alternative/diversion route required

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placed on the access



ESSS* = Environment & Social Safeguard Specialist

M & E**= Monitoring & Evaluation