  • ESE 2012 Interview Experience (E&T)

    Date: 06-05-2013 (FN)

    Background: B.Tech (NITT 2007), 4yrs @ C-DOT, Bangalore till 2011.

    Presently final yr M.Tech (Photonics) student @IITM.


    1. You are the first person to be interviewed today morning. Are you happy with that?

    2. You are from Madurai?.. hmm .. deep south.

    3. You worked for C-DOT till 2011. What are doing after that ( I m in 2nd yr of photonics)

    4. So you quit the Job and went for higher studies?

    5. you mentioned listening radio is ur hobby, is that radio still relevant in today's society?.

    6. Do you think there is difference in perception while listening the news in radio and watching it

    in TV?

    7. What type of books do you read?

    8. you mentioned you are associated with NGO, organising career guidance for govt school

    students, why only govt schools, why not private schools also?

    Chaiman asks M1 to take over


    1. How do you rate ur exp with C-DOT?

    2. Why do you quit the job?

    3. What type of technologies does C-DOT develop?

    4. In which area were u working there?

    5. (from my background). Optical fibers provide large bandwidth. What is the reason?

    How does one achieve higher bandwidth out of it ?.

    6. Topic of ur thesis.

    7. What are the parameters in which dispersion of the signal depends

    8. How attenuation does the fiber provides

    9. How are advanced modulation formats going to help in future? Why it is need

    10. Tell me something about spectral efficiency and energy per bit required to tranfer the data

    11. Do you abt Green Technology in communication field


    1. (again from photonics field). We heard abt the term LASER sharp what does it signifies?

    2. Typical size/area to which laser beam is focused

    3. Spatial dispersion in the fiber

    4. Laser beam Divergence

  • CM (interrupts now.. Looking through my DAF and Summary Sheet)

    1. Why do you want to join Engg Service?

    2. How do you improve upon the system?

    3. Why do you give WPC/ITS as your top preferences.?

    4. Why not IRSSE as most people opt for that?


    1. Areas in which radar principle is applied

    2. Have you heard about Doppler radar? Its working principle (I told him I dont have much

    knowledge about that)

    3. (from my answers to the CM queries from DAF), if u were given three choices, Engg service,

    research career or yeoman service (IT education to school students/NGO (from my DAF) ) as

    career option, Which one will you choose?


    Nice discussion with you. Your interview is over. You can leave now.


    Overall , Board is cordial. Chairman was attentive to our views. Members are also cordial and

    supportive. They are developing qs from the answers we are giving to the previous qs. They are gauging

    our confidence level while answering and putting their next question based on that. For some

    questions I said I have little knowledge in this area. In some cases, I said I dont know.

    Now its time to wait for results.

    All the best for All ESE Aspirants.
