Download pptx - Environment power point

  • 1. How are we destroying our world?
    Lesson Outcomes
    Must know the set Bible passages for the environment topic
    Should reflect on how modern Christians might interpret these
    Could consider which other parts of the syllabus need re-covering

2. Set Passages
Genesis 1: 1-2
Exodus 23: 10 -11
Psalm 19: 1-6
Psalm 104
Psalm 8: 3-6
Leviticus 27: 30, 33
3. Work for you to do
Have a go at the 5 exam questions on page 14. Use the examiner top tips to help you approach each question.
At the end we will swop books and peer assess each others work
4. Starter Activity
In pairs
Make alist of things that you think are beautiful in the natural world (nothing made by people!)
5. Think of something very special or precious to you
Describe it
Explain why it is so special to you
How would you feel if someone damaged or broke it?
6. How are we damaging the world?
Look at these pictures and try to work out what is happening
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. How do YOU feel when you see pictures like these?
16. Mini Review
Write down 5 ways that people are damaging our environment
Compare your 5 with the person next to you
17. What is a steward?
18. Christians believe they are stewards for Gods world
Put yourself in a Christians shoes!

  • How would a Christian feel about how our world is being damaged and destroyed?

19. What would they want people to do about it?