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epigram--- a witty sayingbarn--- an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed or for housing farm animalswistful---showing pensive sadnessdivan--- a long backless sofaPantry--- a small storeroom for storing foods or winestenor--- the pitch range of the highest male voiceveteran---an experienced personlevity---feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousnessflabby---out of conditionEric's vocals steal the spotlight away from the guitarists.The crowd was going berserk (going wild)When he doesn't get his way, he has/ throws a tantrum.{denotes anger}He was fidgeting with his tie before the presentation.I groped for the light switch.The nauseating smell of rotten cabbage.When he met me in the street, he cut me dead {deliberately insulted me by ignoring me}The passage is written in a blunt, almost patronising tone and is written in the first person.Place akin {similar} to paradise.It will be the experience of a lifetime to visit France's perfume industry.Mrs. Ferris Grebe spun round and glared at Mrs. Kougar.The rain had become a raging torrent.Now, he went into a frenzy of activity for us.I vehemently favour this topic.She drifted in and out of consciousness.Besides, he had wanted that Master's degree with the same zeal that an athlete runs after a gold medal.He tried to burn the midnight oil and study but soon halos [a circle of light around the sun or moon] of white lightwould circle before his eyes and he would slop down over his books and fall asleep.Dejectedly, Ahmed walked away.So Zeeshan coerced[to force someone to do something] Ahmed into breaking the rules.While ease and pleasure were very much in the air, the hum of business was always audible.home for --- menhome to --- thingsIn situ---being in the original position, not having been movedThe archaelogists could date the vase because it was in situ.Chalice--- a bowl shaped drinking vesselShrine--- a place of worshipferocious looking companionHe gives a fleeting[glimpse] look around the wall and observes the wall filled with scribbles.It is at this time he makes all sorts of laudable [deserving to be praised or admired even if not really successful] resolutions.Then his gaze rests on the cell door.he experiences a maniac desire for activity.The beaches are an ideal relaxation for the mind with their skyscraping palms nodding the breeze.My father always finds this as a beautiful opportunity to be free from the bustle and din of everyday life.We spent a languid morning in the sun and returned during the evening.She got involved with a group of children and they started running amok.But all of a sudden the waves started gaining momentum and huge waves came crashing on to the shore.He didn't agree before the distress signal pierced our ears.She received the reply which pulverized her heart.Lonely Planet author David Atkinson faces his furry fear as he goes in search of animal with fangs.I treasure that brief moment of rare intimacy and enlightenment.He cocked [held up] the rifle.For five minutes I have been sitting in the drizzle on a park bench.I look up to see a figure with twinkling eyes.Is it a spirit, come to thaw out my cold, hard heart.But surely that's taking the milk of human kindness a step too far?As for managing someone else's anger I'd suggest an air ticket to Bombay or Delhi. Live for a few days in the slums there, and you'll soon shut up and appreciate life.I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long term house guest.renegade [having deserted a cause or principle] supporters of the usurperHe refrained [resist from doing sth] from hitting him back.The Resistance sabotaged railway operations during the war.Destroy property or hinder normal operationThey took a poll on the public's view on subliminal advertising.[resulting from processes of which the individual is not aware.]What does the error code appertain to? [be a part or attribute of]Intermittent rain showers [stopping and starting at regular intervals]nebulous[lacking definite forms and limits] distinctions between pride and conceit.conceit---feelings of excessive prideallusion [characterized by indirect references]Did you catch that allusion? [passing reference or indirect mention]disparaging remarks about the new house [expressive of low opinion]the very avatar [a new personification of a familiar idea] of cunningHis long allegiance to public service [the act of binding yourself intellectually or emotionally, to a course of action]hickory--- american hardwood tree bearing edible nutsresilient---elastic, rebounds easily---As resilient as seasoned hickoryhangar---place where plane lands.aloe---sap planther hearing is impairedaspersion---a disparaging remark---In the 19th century, any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion.mill---machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushingdistension--- the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions.mendicant---beggarglower[look at with a fixed gaze]---The girl glowered at the man who tried to make a pass at her.the task proved so onerous [difficult]eyelet--- a small hole in a cloth or leather for the passage of a cord or hook or barbelligerent---characteristic of an enemy or of one eager to fight--- a belligerent tonetartan--- a cloth having a criss cross designmaudlin--- effusively or insincerely emotional--- maudlin expressions of sympathymeerkat--- A mongoose-like viverrine of South Africa having a face like lemur and four toesviverrine---small cat-like predatory mammals of warmer parts of the world.nebula--- an immense cloud of gas [ mainly hydrogen] in interstellar spaceinterstellar--- between or among stars---the density of hydrogen in interplanetary and interstellar spaceHispanic--- an American whose first language is SpanishIntercalary---having a day or month inserted to make the calendar respond to the solar year--- February 29 is an intercalary day.Today one can hardly find an area where girls haven't left a telling marl.In an extended family, there is a hierarchy between family members.articulate---provide with a joint--- The carpenter articulated two pieces of wood.recurrent---recurring again and againhomeroom---a classroom in which all the students in a particular grade (or in a division of a grade) meet at certain times under the supervision of a teacher who takes attendance and does other administrative business.paramedic--- a person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment---a rewarding career as a paramedic.defiantly=in a rebellious manner---He rejected her words defiantly.evince=give expression to---She evinced her disappointment.garret--- floor for storing.Primacy--- the state of being first in importance.A teenager stands at the threshold of adulthood.picking locks= tala bhangaAt the drop of hat [instantly], they tend to buy/listen to/eat whatever everyone else seems to favour at that moment.He has goaded[coax] me to do this.Another predicament [situation] that may mar a pleasant entrance into the adult world is exercising concern with appearance and emergence of zits and blemishes[problems] which complicate the situation.However, this is not to say that the whole teenage is fraught with problems. [full of problems]An ancient Chinese saying says:"Find a job you enjoy doing and you will not have to work a day in your life."mortician--- one whose business is the management of funerals.We can find enjoyment anywhere if we look hard enough.The scene is one of expectation as boys and girls mill [roam around] the assembly area.Immediately, there is a flurry of excitement as students, especially the secondary ones, run to their forming up areas.Then the national anthem is sung with the utmost seriousness but hardly any harmony.A low murmur goes through the assembly as the students begin talking.Books are taken out and groans let out as students turn their pages to begin work.Some students have smiles on as it is their favourite subject; others wear frowns and let out sighs as they turn the pages of some dreaded subject.Dogo glanced up at the night sky.He saw that scudding[rapidly moving] black clouds had obscured the moon.He cleared his throat.sheath= a protective covering [as for a knife or sword]thickset= having a short or solid form or stature : a thickset young manGives a plethora of downsides like cyber bullying which would dissuade adults.Old debiliated grandfathersGlued to their smartphones.Yes, it is definitely Utopian [heavenly]Getting friend requests from strangers is rampant.We look forward to a rosier with new innovations emerging.Teenagers fritter away [while away] their time senselessly chatting with their friends.Rumours can spread like wildfire.Two sides of every coins.I don't have to withstand the venomous rays of the sun during the early morning hours.I want to live as long as possible---it's gratifying.Fame can be nuisance: too many journalists.Prior to every trip, Raleigh evaluates what dangers may lurk in their mission.Safety equipment---safety gearI can also make sure that the task will not be mundane as I will have the chance to explore unique places and know about local people.Philanthropist--- person who helps poor peopletraveloholicglow of a hundred watt smilePeeking out of the window, he saw that his son had arrived on due time.His son looked suave in his sleek, black coat.A feeling of nostalgia clouded over Mr. Rahim's mind while he looked at his son.With his eyes smoldering and blazing with anger, he gingerly[with extreme care] crossed the staircase with crutches in his hands.