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Good afternoon my name is aldo muhammad hamka im from stella marris school and today i am gonna talk about how youtube community affect the americans , many people get into know youtube as a place with a variety of video from game walkthrough, music video, news recap and many thing else , this foundation that make the youtube community to build up and grow as what it is now . The community that originally are only consist from people from USA are starting to grow even larger and from a national base society into the international comunity and this was not only benefit for us outside of USA it is also benefical to the americans such as , as the community is international based people in americans are easier to get an visual infor mation of what is the culture , information ,and news from outside of their country . Visual information suh as video are proven that more effective to the people to see better than reading a news or seeing a picture as it was creating a hard evidence . Not only created a fast and reliable information for the americans it also create jobs for them too,based on statistic 75 % of chanel in youtube are made by americans and it is not only just a chanel where they showing us stuff it is also a job as there is called a youtube partnership were youtube paid the maker of the chanel for as many view that the video that they are uploaded get and they get paid well . For some of them it is not only a side jobs but their main job and this not only creates a new jobs such as a game commentator , entertainment show , and individual news review, it is also proven to decrease the unemployment rate of USA . Not only it creates a new jobs youtube also a talent show company cause there are many hidden talent there that can express it to the world and eventually get known , the most beloved story is the golden voice Hobofrom USA , this man life change after a random man shot a video of him talking a radio voice and after that the video got a milions of view and the Hobo got a job and a having a decent life now . As we can see youtube actually changes people life and it was good to see that happen. Many of the americans life change because of youtube cause not only it creates job it also change the point a view of their world. News that are brought to the americans are already altered in the way that are save for them to hear but with the independence news channel such as Philip Defranco show from sxphil Channel ,the people can get a new insight for another point of view of what happening to the USA and sometime people believe it more than news from TV .The point of this that many people from USA get jobs from youtube , it creates a new set of jobs ,many hidden talent are revealed , and the point of view of people from USA changes cause by many set of mind that they are believed in more .