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Energy-Efficient Voltage Scheduling of PeripheralComponents on Wireless Sensor Nodes

Stephan Friedrichs, Ulf Kulau and Lars WolfTechnische Universitat Braunschweig

Institute of Operating Systems and Computer NetworksMuhlenpfordtstraße 23D-38106 Braunschweig

Email: {sfriedr,kulau,wolf}

Abstract—Much effort has been put into optimizing theenergy-efficiency of wireless sensor nodes, but existing workexclusively focuses on the transceiver and the processing unit.Nevertheless, the peripheral energy consumption may dominatethat of the entire node. We introduce the concept of a dynamicallyscalable peripheral voltage supply: Even for peripheral devices,a lower voltage level leads to a lower energy consumption. Eachperipheral requires a different minimum operating voltage, butswitching the voltage level consumes energy as well. We combinetheory and practice to present an algorithm weighing off thebenefits of a downscaled voltage level against the switchingoverhead, i. e., for calculating an optimal peripheral voltageschedule. Our approach is capable of self-parameterization andhas been implemented and tested on a prototype, saving up to47 % of peripheral energy as compared to existing solutions.


Compared to the growth of computational capabilities(Moore’s law), the evolution of adequate mobile energysources is limping. Hence, a significant amount of researchaims at improving the lifetime of mobile applications likewireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this context, DynamicVoltage Scaling (DVS) is a well-known technique, whichdepends on the ability of a system to adapt the voltage level toits workload. As the dynamic power consumption of CMOSgates shows a quadratic dependency on the voltage level, DVShelps to significantly improve the energy efficiency of micro-electronic systems [1], which has been exploited in severalexisting approaches [2], [3], [4], [5], leading to an increase ofWSN lifetime. Nevertheless, existing work exclusively focuseson the micro-controller unit and does not consider peripheralslike memory devices, sensors, or actuators. However, for someapplications, a set of various sensors is needed [6]. Thus, theactive power consumption of the sensing unit can easily exceedthat of the micro-controller unit. For example, the currentconsumption of a typical gyroscope [7] is about three timeshigher than those of the msp430 [8] micro-controller.

Hence, the reduction of peripheral power consumption hasa significant impact on the overall energy efficiency of a sensornode. Typical sensor node implementations lose much energyto a fixed, predefined, global peripheral voltage level. In thispaper, we seize the concept of scalable peripheral voltage tooptimize the overall power consumption and thus battery life.

For this purpose, we assume an a-priori known usagesequence of the peripheral devices on one sensor node, e. g. onethat is periodically repeated, for instance: “read sensor 1, read

sensor 2, write to external memory, read sensor 1, . . . ”. Everyperipheral device requires a minimum peripheral voltage leveland a lower voltage implies lower energy consumption [5]; butswitching the voltage level requires energy as well.

The current best practice is to statically set the voltage levelto the maximum of the minimum required voltage level of allperipherals and to not change it dynamically.

Our novel approach addresses the trade-off between theenergy gain of a temporarily reduced peripheral voltage andthe corresponding switching overhead. We have developedand implemented an algorithm calculating optimal voltageschedules for arbitrary peripheral usage sequences. Yet, theoverhead for calculating the schedule is negligible, as theoptimal sequence of switching the voltage level is calculatedonly once during startup.

We address the rather practical issue of measuring theparameters of the involved peripheral components in ourimplementation as well. The developed prototype is able toself-parameterize every needed variable to run the algorithm.Hence, a fully self-optimizing and generic solution is pre-sented.

The outline of the paper is as follows: Related workis discussed in the next section. Section III formalizes theperipheral voltage scheduling problem and introduces notation.Sections IV and V present our scheduling algorithm andits practical implementation. Our approach is evaluated inSection VI, while Section VII concludes this paper.


Typical DVS approaches focus on the processing unitonly [9], [3]. However, our previous work [5] considers the ef-fects of various voltage levels on the peripherals as well. Evenperipherals like Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS),which mainly consist of none-CMOS parts [10], have a re-duced energy consumption when exposed to a downscaledvoltage level. This result leads to the idea of adapting theperipheral voltage level to the actual sensing requests insteadof the system load.

[5] introduces an exclusive scalable voltage path for theperipheral components. Thus, together with a non-negligibleswitching overhead, the voltage level of the sensors andmemory devices can be adapted. In this context, the schedulingproblem is to find the best trade-off between reducing the

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energy consumption by temporarily lowering the voltage leveland the inferred switching costs.

Existing algorithms [11], [12] for voltage scheduling onlow-performance sensor nodes are not sufficient for this pur-pose. In conclusion, they focus on the processing unit only orneglect the energy costs for adapting the voltage level.

To the best of our knowledge, there is no related workaddressing the scheduling problem of finding an optimalvoltage adaption scheme.


We consider a wireless sensor node with a set of periph-eral hardware, typically sensors and external memory. Eachperipheral hardware device requires a minimum voltage tobe properly operated. To the best of our knowledge, thebest practice up to date is to statically configure the lowestperipheral voltage conform to all peripheral devices’ voltagerequirements. This can be very inefficient, because most hard-ware consumes more energy when exposed to higher voltage.In this work, we seek to exploit a sensor node’s mechanismto dynamically switch the peripheral voltage.

The crux is that switching the voltage does not come forfree. If it would, one could simply operate every peripheraldevice with its minimum required voltage. But switchingthe voltage consumes energy as well: The additional timeinterfacing a scalable voltage supply prolongs the duty-cycleof a processing unit, leading to a higher energy consumption.We present a measurement for the switching overhead inSection V.

In this work, we provide an algorithm for peripheral voltagescheduling that weighs off the energetic benefits of switchingto a lower peripheral voltage against the switching overheadwithout violating the minimum voltage requirements of activehardware.

We achieve this by exploiting two observations due topreliminary measurements.

1) Most peripheral hardware devices can be safely un-dervolted while they are inactive.

2) The energy consumption of each peripheral deviceincreases when the peripheral voltage is increased.

Both observations have been verified in experiments for a widevariety of hardware.

A. Peripheral Energy Consumption

Consider a sensor node with a set S of peripheral hardwaredevices. In order to assess the benefits of switching to a lowerperipheral voltage before using s ∈ S, we need to knowhow much energy is consumed when querying s using theperipheral voltage v. We denote that relation by the functiones(v), which may be arbitrarily complicated, see Figure depends on the time ts necessary to query s, theperipheral voltage v, and the accumulated current Is(v, t)flowing through s as well as through the inactive peripheralhardware S \ {s}:

es(v) = v

∫ ts


Is(v, t) dt (1)

e s(v

) [µ







e s(v

) [µ







Peripheral Voltage [V]1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

A, Accelerometer M, Magnetometer Mb, Magnetometer (high accuracy)E, EEPROMP, Pressure SensorG, Gyroscope

Figure 1. Active and passive energy consumption of the peripheral set ofour prototype, compare Table I. The vertical bars at 1.800 [V], 1.950 [V],2.000 [V], and 2.400 [V] denote the minimum voltages of EEPROM andPressure Sensor, Magnetometer, Accelerometer, and Gyroscope, respectively.

Moreover, some peripherals support various operatingmodes, resulting in a different energy consumption as well.As an example in Figure 1 the magnetometer can be used instandard mode M , and with higher accuracy Mb, leading tohigher energy consumption eMb

(v). We simply model suchvarieties as different peripherals s ∈ S.

Instead of attempting to explicitly model es(v), we con-sider it a black box and only assume that it is a monotonicallyincreasing function. In the following subsection, we arguethat only a very small set of values for v is of interest forour scheduling problem (only the minimal voltages for theperipherals). That allows us to (1) measure all relevant valuesof es(v), of which there are no more than |S|2, in a self-parameterization phase, compare Section V-A, (2) then runthe scheduling algorithm using those values, and (3) run theschedule.

B. Notation

We formalize the peripheral voltage scheduling problemmotivated above, using the following model.

Consider a sensor node with a set S of peripheral hardwaredevices. Each s ∈ S has two attributes: (1) a minimum voltagevmin(s) required to properly operate s, and (2) the energyconsumption es(v) of all peripherals while only s is active,depending on the peripheral voltage v, see above. Throughoutthis work, we assume es(v) to be a monotonically increasingfunction, i. e., that a reduction of the peripheral voltage neverresults in an increased energy consumption. For a constantamount C of energy, the switching overhead, the sensor nodecan adapt its peripheral voltage.

The sensor node is presented a sequence of queries denotedby [1, . . . , n] to fulfill its sensing and operation tasks. Queryi operates the peripheral device si ∈ S, thus requiring aminimum peripheral voltage of vmin(si) and resulting in anenergy consumption of esi(v). Note that si = sj for i 6= jis quite common, because the typical application repeatedlyoperates a handful of sensors over a very long running time;in other words, we usually have n � |S|. A sequence of pe-ripheral voltages v(1), . . . , v(n) is called voltage schedule forthe queries [1, . . . , n], and we call a pair of query and voltage(i, v(i)) a configuration. (i, v(i)) is feasible if v(i) ≥ vmin(si)and a voltage schedule is feasible if all its configurations are

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feasible. The energy consumption E of a voltage schedule is:

E =


esi(v(i)) +


{C if v(i− 1) 6= v(i),0 otherwise.


Our goal is to minimize E. We call a voltage schedule optimalif E is minimal. It follows from the monotonicity of es(v) thatan optimal schedule only uses v(i) ∈ {vmin(s) | s ∈ S} ={V1, . . . , Vm} with V1 < . . . < Vm. As motivated above, thereare at most |S|2 device-voltage combinations whose energyconsumption can be measured in a self-parameterization phase,compare Section V-A.

Note that the current best practice, i. e., not adapting theperipheral voltage, is equivalent to a trivial schedule thatsimply keeps the minimum peripheral voltage high enough forall peripheral devices: v(1) = . . . = v(n) = maxs∈S vmin(s).


Let us, for the configuration (i, Vj), determine the min-imum amount of energy Ei,j necessary to reach it using afeasible schedule v(1), . . . , v(i) while assuming an infiniteenergy consumption for infeasible configurations. For the firstquery, we have:

E1,j =

{∞ if Vj < vmin(s1),es1(Vj) otherwise.


For 2 ≤ i ≤ n, there is the mandatory energy consumptionesi(Vj) to answer the query i itself, as well as the accumulatedcosts for traversing i − 1 preceding configurations. There aretwo ways to reach the configuration (i, Vj) with an optimalenergy consumption: Either the peripheral voltage from theprevious query is kept, or it is changed. The former case yieldsan additional energy consumption of Ei−1,j . In the latter casewe require the minimum amount of energy Ei−1 to reach thecheapest feasible predecessor configuration and the additionalcosts C for switching the voltage, where Ei−1 = Ei−1, with := argminj Ei−1,j . This yields, for 2 ≤ i ≤ n:

Ei,j =

∞ (i, Vj) is infeasible,esi(Vj) + Ei−1,j Ei−1,j < Ei−1 + C,

esi(Vj) + Ei−1 + C otherwise.(4)

Equations (3) and (4) directly translate into Algorithm 1,see Figure 3. It uses dynamic programming to efficiently solvethe recursion by determining Ei,· before Ei+1,·; the optimaloverall schedule is that ending in the configuration (n, Vj),where En,j = En is minimal and the schedule v(1), . . . , v(n)is determined by following the backward references stored inP , compare Figure 2.

A. Algorithm Extensions

Algorithm 1 processes finite query sequences of fixed order.In the remaining part of this section, we outline how to extendit to determine optimal schedules for periodically repeatingqueries, how the order of queries can be modified to find moreenergy-efficient schedules, and how to integrate global voltagelimits into Algorithm 1.





1 102 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t








Figure 2. Using dynamic programming to determine an optimal schedule.Here: (v(1), . . . , v(10)) = (V3, V3, V3, V3, V4, V2, V2, V3, V3, V3). Notethat different queries with the same vmin(si), like 3, 7, and 9 may originatefrom the same sensor s ∈ S.

1: for j ← 1, . . . ,m do

2: E1,j ←{∞ if Vj < vmin(s1)

es1(Vj) otherwise3: P1,j ← ⊥4: end for5: for i← 2, . . . , n do6: ← argminj=1,...,mEi−1,j7: for j ← 1, . . . ,m do8: if Vj < vmin(si) then9: Ei,j ←∞

10: Pi,j ← ⊥11: else if Ei−1,j < Ei−1, + C then is a maximum

of12: Ei,j ← esi(Vj) + Ei−1,j13: Pi,j ← j14: else15: Ei,j ← esi(Vj) + Ei−1, + C16: Pi,j ← 17: end if18: end for19: end for

Figure 3. Algorithm 1. Determining an optimal schedule using dynamicprogramming.

1) Periodic Schedules: The most common scenario is notto have a finite sequence of queries, but one that is repeatedindefinitely, i. e., until battery depletion. So instead of a querysequence [1, . . . , n], we have [1, . . . , n, 1 . . . , n, . . . ]. Algo-rithm 1 can calculate an optimal schedule for that case as well:Suppose that query i has the strongest voltage requirementof all queries, i. e., it maximizes vmin(si) =: V . Then anyfeasible schedule must enter the configuration (i, V ) wheneveri occurs in the query sequence. We use (i, V ) as a fixedpoint. It is easy to check that an optimal voltage scheduleis obtained by providing Algorithm 1 with the query sequence[1, . . . , i, . . . , n, 1, . . . , i− 1, i] and then periodically repeatingthe schedule for the underlined queries.

2) Optimal Ordering of Queries: Occasionally, queriesdo not have to be served in a specific order, e. g. in caseof independent data aggregation. This scenario allows us to

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Voltage Scaling ModuleVoltage Scaling Module

Power MonitoringPower MonitoringTiny Co­MCUATtiny84

Tiny Co­MCUATtiny84



Analog Peripherals

Analog Peripherals

Digital Peripherals

Digital Peripherals



Figure 4. Block diagram of the prototype implementation.

reorder queries and the question arises, which ordering resultsin the cheapest voltage schedule. We claim that a cheapestoptimal schedule is achieved when the queries [1, . . . , n] areordered such that, w. l. o. g., vmin(s1) ≥ . . . ≥ vmin(sn) andoutline a proof:

Suppose we know some ordering resulting in a cheapestschedule. Group its queries into segments S1, . . . , Sk of max-imal length, such that all queries in segment Si are servedwith the same voltage V (Si). For all i 6= j we have V (Si) 6=V (Sj), because otherwise merging Si and Sj would result ina cheaper schedule, contradicting optimality. Sorting querieswithin a segment doesn’t change the energy consumption andneither does sorting the segments themselves. Note that everyquery j belongs to the segment Si with minimum V (Si) ≥vmin(sj): If it didn’t, the schedule would not be optimal due tothe monotonicity of esj (v). Putting it all together proves thatordering the queries by descending minimum voltage yields aschedule with the same, i. e., optimal, costs.

3) Voltage Limits: There might be some lower bound Vminto the voltage of some inactive peripheral that is violated byvmin(s) for some other peripheral s ∈ S. Then Algorithm 1is easily extended to only use voltages of Vmin or higher:Recall that we only use V1 < . . . < Vm as voltage candidatesand let Vi = max{Vi | Vi < Vmin}. Now Algorithm 1 canjust use the voltage candidates Vmin < Vi+1 < . . . < Vminstead. This even speeds up the process, especially the self-parameterization phase, because less voltages need to beconsidered, see Section V-A.


The demand of energy-efficiency leads to limited resourceslike computational performance. Hence, typical wireless sen-sor nodes are equipped with ultra low-power (ULP) micro-controllers of small complexity. We use an 8-bit Atmel AT-mega1284p micro-controller as processing unit, because it iswide-spread [13], [14], i. e., has practical relevance, and dueto its scarce (CPU-) resources, a common limitation in WSNs.So it demonstrates that our approach is sufficiently lightweightfor such requirements.

Related to the DVS capable node of [5], we borrow thedesign of its voltage-scaling module to achieve the ability of asoftware-defined voltage level for the peripherals: The voltagescaling module is connected to the processing unit via I2C-busand provides a voltage level of 1.8 [V] ≤ v ≤ 3.3 [V] with an


Peripheral s Device Description vmin(s) [V]

A ADXL345 Accelerometer 2.000E AT24C08C EEPROM 1.800P BMP085 Pressure Sensor 1.800G L3G4200D Gyroscope 2.400M MAG3110 Magnetometer 1.950Mb MAG3110 Magnetometer (high accuracy) 1.950


SENSOR-VOLTAGE PAIR (s, vmin(s′)).

Reference Voltage Energy Consumption es(vmin(s′)) [µJ] per Query

s′ vmin(s′) [V] s = E s = P s = M s = A s = G

E,P V1 = 1.800 4.943 13.140 — — —M V2 = 1.950 6.106 15.072 282.827 — —A V3 = 2.000 6.363 15.466 292.033 18.962 —G V4 = 2.400 8.019 18.915 365.285 25.585 14.391

8-bit resolution. In this case, the overhead of switching to anarbitrary voltage level is C ≈ 7.76 [µJ], which could be furtherreduced using more sophisticated hardware.

Our prototype’s sensing unit is divided into an analogand a digital section. The analog section offers the ability ofconnecting fully analog sensors to the ADC channels of theATmega1284p, while the digital section includes the devicesof Table I. All of them are connected via I2C bus.

The basic sensor set is inspired by motion-sensing ap-plications like gait analysis [15] or flight control of quadro-copters [6]. These applications observe various sensors, so ourscheduling approach promises to increase their energy effi-ciency. Nevertheless, in order to expand the set of peripheralsfor further experiments, the I2C-bus is accessible through apin header. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the prototype.

A. Self-Parameterization of es(v)

As described above, in order to calculate an optimal sched-ule, we need information describing the overall peripheralenergy consumption, which depends on the active peripheraldevice s and the peripheral voltage v. We denote that by thefunction es(v), compare Equation (1). For this reason, weadded a tiny co-micro-controller (co-MCU) to the prototype,which is able to concurrently sample the current consumptionof the peripherals (a shunt is used in connection with currentsense amplifiers) and to measure the time (the co-MCU can betriggered by the ATmega1284p via digital GPIOs). That designallows us to measure es(v) for any given values of s and v.

Together with the predefined minimum voltage levelvmin(s) of each peripheral s, the co-MCU is able to determinethe energy consumption of all components as depicted in Equa-tion (1): For each (s, s′) ∈ S × S, we measure es(vmin(s

′)),see Table II.

In connection with the subsequent calculation of the sched-ule, it is sufficient to use raw values instead of the physicalunits for time, current, and voltage. With regard to limitedprocessing power of wireless sensor nodes, this simplificationreplaces expensive floating-point arithmetic with cheap integeroperations.

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Figure 5. Test-setup of the evaluation.


Figure 5 shows the prototype implementation and the test-setup for evaluating our voltage scheduling concept.

We compare four peripheral voltage handling strategies,three heuristics and Algorithm 1:

1) CONSTDEFAULT is what happens when a sensor nodehas no mechanism to adapt the peripheral voltage.A constant peripheral voltage of 3.3 [V] is kept –a wide-spread default sufficient for most peripheralhardware.

2) CONSTMAXMIN is the trivial strategy that uses themaximum minimum voltage, i. e., maxs∈S vmin(s),for all queries. It never changes the peripheral volt-age. Note that this strategy is, to our best knowledge,the current best practice. It is motivated by thescenario of a statically configured voltage that cannotbe adjusted dynamically.

3) ALWAYSSWITCH, another trivial strategy, which al-ways, i. e., for every query with a different voltagerequirement than its predecessor, switches the voltageto its minimum requirement. It ignores the switchingoverhead.

4) SCHEDULED refers to a schedule computed by Algo-rithm 1, carefully weighing off the benefits of a lowerperipheral voltage against the switching overhead.

In order to test the strategies, we devise various test cases,i. e., query sequences. Each of the above strategies is applied toevery test case. We run the resulting voltage schedules 10 timeseach and measure their average energy consumption. ConsultSection IV-A1 on how to use Algorithm 1 to efficiently dealwith periodically repeating query sequences.

All test sequences, the resulting peripheral energy con-sumption of each strategy, as well as the percentage of energysaved by the SCHEDULED strategy as compared to the otherthree are presented in Table III. Which character refers towhich sensor in a test sequence is specified in Table I, e. g.,sequence 9 alternates between the gyroscope and the pressuresensor.

The average peripheral energy consumption for a querysequence is depicted in the center block of Table III. Clearly,

the SCHEDULED strategy, i. e., Algorithm 1, never consumesmore energy than any other strategy.

We present the percentage of energy saved by theSCHEDULED strategy compared to CONSTDEFAULT, CON-STMAXMIN, and ALWAYSSWITCH in the right block ofTable III.

The improvement of SCHEDULED over CONSTDEFAULTis between 31.54 % (sequence 9) and 47.90 % (sequence 10),clearly a significant improvement.

Compared to CONSTMAXMIN, SCHEDULED saves upto 20.41 % (sequence 10), the majority of the improvements iscomfortably above 17.00 %. As CONSTMAXMIN is a muchbetter approach than CONSTDEFAULT, these still are out-standing improvements. On the other hand, the improvementregarding sequences 5 and 9 is zero within measuring noise.This is explained as follows: For sequences 5 and 9, theoptimal schedule is to constantly keep the minimum maximumvoltage. The CONSTMAXMIN strategy does that by chance,SCHEDULED does it, because it is optimal.

ALWAYSSWITCH performs better than CONSTDEFAULTand, in most cases, better than CONSTMAXMIN, but SCHED-ULED still saves more energy. Despite the median improvementof SCHEDULED compared to ALWAYSSWITCH being be-tween 1 % and 2 %, there are some cases where it is significant:For sequences 8, 5, and 9, SCHEDULED saves 8.45 %, 10.29 %,and 20.29 %, respectively. There are cases where there islittle to no improvement of SCHEDULED compared to AL-WAYSSWITCH. As above, this is owed to the fact that theALWAYSSWITCH strategy happens to provide an optimal ornear-optimal schedule.

Concluding, there are three important observations:

1) Much energy is saved by SCHEDULED compared tothe three other strategies.

2) SCHEDULED never uses more energy than any ofthe other strategies. I. e., there is no situation whereusing it wastes energy. This is owed to the fact thatAlgorithm 1 finds an optimal schedule within ourmodel, while any other strategy is bound to fail forsome cases.

3) Occasionally, SCHEDULED is just as good as CON-STMAXMIN or ALWAYSSWITCH. These are the sce-narios where the heuristics CONSTMAXMIN or AL-WAYSSWITCH happen to find an optimal solution.This does not impair the quality of SCHEDULED, itrather demonstrates that CONSTMAXMIN and AL-WAYSSWITCH are worthy competitors.

A final insight of our experiments is the following. Inour prototype, the switching overhead is 7.76 [µJ], whichis quite high compared to peripheral queries requiring be-tween 4.94 [µJ] and 365.29 [µJ]. It could be improved usingmore sophisticated hardware, compare Section V. But evenunder those adverse conditions, dynamically switching thevoltage saves energy, even with a simple strategy as AL-WAYSSWITCH, even more so with the optimal SCHEDULEDstrategy.

Our concluding observation is that the good experimentalresults stem from the fact that dynamic voltage scheduling

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1 AEPGMAEPGM 1321 864 723 716 45.80 % 17.13 % 0.97 %2 GAMGAMGAM 1872 1215 1013 1008 46.15 % 17.04 % 0.49 %3 GAMPE 663 432 357 352 46.91 % 18.52 % 1.40 %4 GAMPEGAMPE 1325 863 725 712 46.26 % 17.50 % 1.79 %5 GEPGEPGEP 183 123 136 122 33.33 % 0.81 % 10.29 %6 PEMAG 663 432 358 352 46.91 % 18.52 % 1.68 %7 PEMAGPEMAG 1328 864 725 712 46.39 % 17.59 % 1.79 %8 GAPEGAPE 209 133 142 130 37.80 % 2.26 % 8.45 %9 GPGPGPGPGP 241 165 207 165 31.54 % 0.00 % 20.29 %

10 PAMPE 666 436 356 347 47.90 % 20.41 % 2.53 %11 APEGAME 720 465 398 385 46.53 % 17.20 % 3.27 %

can save much energy, that we use a good model, and thatSCHEDULED, i. e., Algorithm 1, is not a heuristic but providesprovably optimal voltage schedules.

A. Limitations

Our method guarantees that active peripherals never areundervolted, but relies on undervolting the inactive ones –otherwise CONSTMAXMIN would be optimal. So a potentialdrawback of our method is that the measurements of an activeperipheral might be impaired by the fact that it has beenundervolted in the recent past. We tried to find evidence forsuch an impairment, but none of our peripherals, see Table I,was in any way compromised by the undervolting.

Should, however, such an effect be observed in an appli-cation, e. g., that one sensor must not be undervolted belowa certain limit, Section IV-A3 shows how to easily integratesuch a limit into Algorithm 1.


In this paper, we address sensor nodes capable of dy-namically adjusting the peripheral voltage level. We optimizeperipheral energy-efficiency by (1) carefully modeling and(2) optimally solving the following optimization problem:Peripheral hardware consumes more energy when exposedto a higher voltage level, each peripheral hardware devicerequires some minimum voltage to be properly operated,and adjusting the voltage level requires energy as well, theswitching overhead. Our approach weighs off the benefits ofa downscaled voltage level against the switching overhead.

We formulate a mathematical model of the above optimiza-tion problem and provide an algorithm finding optimal voltageschedules. The optimality of our schedules is verified with animplementation and a dedicated prototype sensor node.

In experiments we observe energy savings of up to 47 % ascompared to a fixed voltage level. The experimental evaluationalso confirms the practical performance of our approach, thusverifying both our model and our algorithm. Additionally, dueto its optimality, our approach never requires more energy thanits alternatives.

Further work includes the generalization of our approachto related scheduling problems, as well as the distributionof the problem: Neighboring sensor nodes may collaboratewhen observing the environment and thus avoid the switchingoverhead by sharing their sensor set.


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