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Page 1: Emerging trend

iPads in the ClassroomMegan Gerdts

Touro UniversityNovember 2010

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Elementary Schools Used with a document camera to

demonstrate or show something online Portability makes it easy to take notes

on student performance while observing

Teachers are able to “go” to a conference via podcast and/or teleconferencing – saves money

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Case Study – Eastern Idaho Used Title II Staff Development federal

money to purchase 34 top of the line iPads – 64 gigabytes of memory and 3G capable- for $30,000 – to improve teacher performance

Most iPads were used by principals for teacher observations

Controversy surrounded the purchase Principals reported that the iPads helped

them do their job efficiently Money was saved in sending teachers to

conferences which averaged $5,000 each


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Case Study – Kodiak, Alaska East Elementary School got a grade

level set of iPads Each grade level gets them one day a

week Students work on projects at their own

pace – started with one app and then moved to being able to use many and research on their own

Used extensively for science and social studies content – students got over them as “toys” and began using them as tools

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Special Education - Autism MA school district purchased iPads for autistic

special ed. classes using federal funds iPads used to aid in communication issues,

social problems, fine motor issues, and increasing attention span

MANY apps available AutismXpress app helps kids

identify and express emotions Proloquo2Go helps students, who are

nonverbal or have difficulty speaking, communicate. "Dragon Dictation" lets children who need scribes put their thoughts to "paper.“

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Special Education

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