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welcome to the Training Center, National Fire Agency, Ministry of The Interior,

Taiwan, R.O.C.


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Taiwan is a beautiful island. There are excellent culture and history, rich heritage and

wonderful sights.


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However, Situated at the typhoon alley of northern hemisphere, Taiwan is often under

the threat of typhoons in summer and fall. Also, Taiwan is at constant risks of

earthquake for its location on the seismic belt along the Pacific Rim.


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颱風往往伴隨超大豪雨,近年來,單次颱風所帶來的累積雨量,甚至高達2500mm 以上,導致水災、土石流等災害的發生。

With typhoons always come pouring rainfalls. In recent years, it is frequent that a

single typhoon can bring up to 2,500mm of precipitation, causing disasters such as

floods and landslides.

台風はしばしば雨量の大きい豪雨を伴います。ここ数年、1 回の台風によってもたらされる累積雨量が、2500mm 以上にも上り、水害、土石流等の災害を引き起こしています。

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此外,地震的發生,亦對人民生命及財產安全帶來嚴重的威脅,921 地震發生時,即造成極為慘痛的人命傷亡及災害損失。

In addition, earthquakes are serious threat to people’s life and safety. For example,

the 921 earthquake was so devastating that it caused a huge loss of lives and




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On top of it, due to highly develop in urban areas, major hazards of fire, explosions

and hazardous materials are very common. Other human-induced accidents, such as

drowning, traffic accidents, mountain accidents, crashed airplanes, and stranded

ships, happened all the time.


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Major disasters often cause death and injuries, lead to hundreds of shattered families,

and render thousands of people homeless.


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Disaster prevention and rescue is one of major indices for the government’s

capability to run a country. For effective prevention of disasters and to improve the

energy and performance of disaster response, as well as to minimize the loss of life

and property, the government’s policies have to be renewed constantly, and

improvement and breakthrough have to be made for the mechanisms and strategies of

disaster prevention and rescue.


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For the performance of disaster prevention and rescue, the organization, preparation,

training and response management mechanism have to be continuously reorganized

and reformed to keep up with the evolution trends of disaster.


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For rapid handing of and response to disasters when one is happening, a response

force of high performance and consolidated implementation of disaster prevention

knowledge help provide the complete and most reliable protection for people.


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Thus, the Training Center of National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior was born.


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訓練中心的建置,從 90 年開始尋求建置用地、91 年正式提出中程計畫,期間歷經用地評選、土地撥用、救濟金發放、規劃設計、招標等作業,於 96 年 5

月 19 日正式動工興建,並於今天(99 年 1 月 19 日)正式完工啟用,前後歷時長達 8 年餘。

The establishment of Training Center goes back to 2001 when NFA started to look for

a proper site for this facility. 2002, the intermediate-term plan was proposed. The

plan went through several stages, including selection of site, land acquisition,

distribution of compensations, planning and design, and bidding. The construction

started on May 19 2007, and finally today (Jan 19, 2010) we are here celebrating the

grand opening. It has been a wonderful journey for the past 8 years.

訓練センターの設置にあたり、2001 年より建設用地を探し始め、2002 年に正式に中期計画を提出しました。この期間、用地の審査、土地の割り当て、救済金の給付、企画と設計、入札募集等の作業を経て、2007 年 5 月 19 日に正式に起工し、そして今日(2010 年 1 月 19 日)に正式に竣工、使用開始する運びとなりました。この間、8 年以上もの歳月が流れました。

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在用地尋求部分,從全國各地方政府所提供計 31 處用地,由消防署組成專家小組,逐一進行現地會勘及評選。

While NFA was searching for a site, local administrations were kind enough to

provide 31 possible candidates. A team of experts assembled by NFA set out to each

one of them for survey and evaluation.

用地につきましては、全国の各地方政府から提供された計 31 の用地から、消防署が専門家チームを組織して、一箇所一箇所実地調査と評価を行いました。

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最後以南投縣竹山鎮之現址,基地面積達 109 公頃,西邊毗鄰台三省道,北距名間鄉約 3 公里,南距竹山鎮約 8 公里,東距集集鎮約 5 公里,並鄰近名間交流道及竹山交流道,基地腹地廣大、位處臺灣中心且交通便利而獲選。

Finally, the expert team had their eyes on where we are now, Chushan Nantou. The

site covers 109 hectares. To its west, it is the Tai 3 highway, 3km to the north is

Mingchien, 8km to the south Chushan, and 5km to the east Chichi. The freeway

exits at Mingchien and Chushan are not far away from here. The site was selected

because of such accessibility and its location at the center of Taiwan.

最後に基地面積が広大で、109 ヘクタールに及び、両側が台三省道に隣接し、北の名間郷まで約 3km、南の竹山鎮まで約 8km、東の集集鎮まで約 5km の距離にあり、名間インターチェンジと竹山インターチェンジに近接し、さらに台湾の中心に位置し、交通も便利であることから、現所在地である南投県竹山鎮が選ばれました。

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In order to secure the property, NFA tried very hard to communicate with local

farmers, who were growing crops on this piece of land, with the assistance of local

government, township office and borough officers, as the understanding and support

of local people is the key to the land acquisition.


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At the end, with the assistance of Mayor Li of Nantou, NFA was able to complete the

distribution of compensations, and acquired the site on which we are standing right



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在規劃設計部分,訓練中心是由陳信樟建築師事務所,進行整體規劃設計,並參酌英國消防學院、美國德州農工大學、德蘭郡消防訓練中心、新加坡民防學院、東京消防廳消防學校等訓練基地的特點,再融合臺灣地區災害特性與訓練需求,建構了訓練中心獨特的風貌,且均符合 NFPA-1401 及 NFPA-1400 設計規格。

The planning and design of the center was commissioned to the architect Chen, Hsin-

Chang and his office, who reviewed and brought in some great ideas in the training

facilities of many highly reputed institutes, including the Fire Service College in UK,

Texas A&M University, the Fire Training Center of Tarrant County, Singapore Civil

Defense Academy, and Fire Training Academy of Tokyo Fire Department. As the

design went, the disaster characteristics of Taiwan and the training requirements were

added, thus creating the unique presentation of the center. The facility here also met

the requirement of the NFPA-1401 and NFPA-1400.

次に、企画と設計でございますが、訓練センターは陳信樟建築士事務所により、全体の企画と設計がなされました。そしてイギリスの消防学院、アメリカテキサス A&M 大学、ミッドランズ消防訓練センター、シンガポール市民防衛学院、東京都消防庁消防学校等の訓練基地の特長を参考にし、さらに台

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建置階段,受到原物料上漲因素,招標作業並不順利,經過多次調整建置內容及訓練中心團隊日以繼夜的開會研商,訓練中心建置案終於順利完成了招標,並於 96 年 5 月 19 日正式動工。

However, the bidding was caught in an unexpected snare as the global price of raw

materials increased dramatically. After a series of agonizing reviews and

adjustments of the establishment program and meeting after meeting within the

Training Center project team, the bidding of program was finally settled and the

construction started on May 19 2007.

建設の段階においては、建築材料価格上昇の影響や、人材募集面における困難等、数度にわたる建設内容の調整及び訓練センターチームの夜遅くまでの連日の会議により、96 年 5 月 19 日に正式に着工にこぎつける。

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Hsih-Ya Construction Corp. won the construction project of the Training Center.

The professional construction team was able to complete the project on a very tight

budget and schedule by overcoming many natural obstacles of climate and



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At the same time, construction plan and material inspection criteria were proposed

according to the public construction design specifications developed by Public

Construction Commission, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, and

Construction and Planning Agency.


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In addition, in order to ensure the quality of construction, NFA assembled the project

supervision team from day 1. I myself led the team at the jobsite to supervise the

progress and construction coordination.


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Also, price quotation reviews, auditing and acceptance were carried out in accordance

with the Government Procurement Act.


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歷史性的指標-內政部消防署訓練中心終於完工,並特別選訂 2010 年 1 月 19


A historic landmark - The NFA Training Center of Ministry of the Interior is

finally finished, and Jan 19, 2010, the National Firefighting Day, is the perfect day

for the grand opening of the facility.

歴史的な指標-内政部消防訓練センターは 2010 年 1 月 19 日の消防の日にその開幕式典とする。

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Introduction to the multi-functional core area of the Training Center. The multi-

functional core consists of primary buildings, such as administration building,

education building, student dormitory, mess hall, and the backup center for Central

Emergency Operation Center.


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綜合大樓為 3 層建築物,總面積共計 5,456 平方公尺,建置有辦公室 7 間、各類型會議室(計 70 人會議室 1 間、30 人會議室 6 間及國際會議廳 1 間)會議室共 8 間、研究室 10 間、接待室、服務台、檔案室等辦公空間。綜合大樓位於多功能核心區中央,位於此處即可眺望整個核心區各棟建物之景觀。

The administration building is a 3-story building, covering a floor area of 5,456m2.

The building houses 7 offices, 8 meeting rooms (including a 70-person room, 6 30-

person rooms and a international conference hall), 10 study rooms, reception room,

service desk and archive. Situate at the center of the multi-functional core, the

administration is at a strategic location overlooking the structures of the entire core


総合棟は 3 階立ての建築物で、総面積は 5,456 平方メートルにおよび、会議室は 7 室、各用途に応じた会議室から成る(70 人会議室1室、30 人会議室 6

室、国際会議ホールが 1 つ)会議に使用可能な場所は 8 ヶ所、研究室が 10


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教學大樓為南棟 3 層、北棟 2 層之建築物,面積共計 8,559 平方公尺,建置有一般教室、資訊教室、鑑定實驗室、電化教室、救災指揮訓練室、搜救器材教室、救護實習教室、危隩物品教室、消防安全設備教室、災害搶救教室等。總計各類型教室(計 150 人教室 1 間、100 人教室 3 間、60 人教室 2 間、55 人教室 7 間、50 人教室 9 間)共 22 間。教學大樓以東,隔著國土保安用地,即鄰接實體訓練場區。

The education building is a building with a 3-story south wing and a 2-story north

wing, covering a total floor area of 8,559m2. In the education building are 22

rooms, including general classrooms, computer classrooms, forensic labs, A/V

classrooms, and training classrooms designed for response command, rescue

equipment, first aid, hazardous materials, fire protection equipment, and disaster

rescue (in total, there are 1 150-person classroom, 3 100-person classrooms, 2 60-

person classrooms, 7 55-person classrooms, and 9 50-person classrooms.) To the east

of education building across the natural conservation land is the live fire training


教学棟は南棟の 3 階、北棟の2階からなる建物で面積は 8,559 平方メートルにおよび、一般教室、資料室、鑑定試験室、電化教室、救災指揮訓練室、捜

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索器材教室、救護実習室、危険物品教室、消防安全設備教室、災害時救急救助教室等、総計(150 人教室 1 室、100 人教室 3 室、60 人教室 2 室、55 人教室 7 室、50 人教室 9 室)22 室からなる。教学棟の東に面した国有の保安用地を隔て、実施訓練場となっている。

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學員宿舍:為北棟 5 層,南棟 4 層建築物,面積共計 10,355 平方公尺,建置有2 人宿舍共 98 間,4 人宿舍 66 間、8 人宿舍 34 間,並設有學員交誼室等。

Student dormitory: It is a building consisting of a 5-story north wing and a 4-story

south wing, covering 10,355m2 of floor area. There are 98 2-bed rooms, 66 4-bed

rooms, 34 8-bed rooms, and student common rooms.

学員宿舎:北棟 5 階、南棟 4 階からなる建築物で面積は 10,355 平方メートルにおよび、2 人部屋が 98 部屋、4 人部屋 66 部屋、8 人部屋 34 部屋あり、学員の交流室も用意されている。

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餐廳面積約 1,847 平方公尺,設置有廚房、用餐區等空間,可一次提供 800 人以上的學員同時用餐,同時設置有福利社,提供學員生活服務機能需求。

The mess hall covers 1,847m2, and consists of a kitchen and dining area. It allows

more than 800 students to have their meals at a time. Also, there is a small shop to

provide service and daily needs of students.

食堂面積は約 1,847 平方メートルで、厨房と食事の取れるスペースからなり、一度に 800 人以上の学員が同時に使用でき、福利施設の売店等、学員生活における必要物資等のサービス機能を有する。

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In addition, the backup system has to start functioning immediately in the event that

the Central Emergency Operation Center fails due to major disasters, and backup

centers are established in northern, central and southern Taiwan. Established here in

this facility, the backup center serves as a training facility where students are trained

for disaster response and command in peace time, and as the Central Emergency

Operation Center when situation calls, or a forward command center or material

concentration and distribution center in the event of major disasters in central Taiwan.


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總計多功能核心區開發建置面積約為 17 萬 7,841 平方公尺,為學員主要進行一般教學活動、住宿及行政人員辦公核心區域。

In total, the multi-functional core area covers 177,841m2, and provides general

education activities and accommodation for trainee firefighters and office facilities

for administration staff.

多機能核心区は総計 17 万 7,841 平方メートル、学員が一般教学活動、およびその住居及び平常事務の核心区からなる。

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訓練中心模擬訓練場區設施介紹:模擬訓練場區建置有最先進、最齊全及最完善的模擬實體訓練場,所建置的訓練設施,包括有各類模擬大樓火災、戶外火災、空氣呼吸器、石化及油槽、船舶、航空器、鐵路捷運及地下場站、公路及長隧道、地震、土石流、水上水下及激流、高低塔及搜救犬等災害模擬搶救訓練場等,共計 13 類 66 種搶救訓練設施。

Introduction to the simulation and training ground of the Training Center. The

simulation and training ground contains the most sophisticated and state-of-the-art

simulation and training equipment. The training equipment includes simulated

buildings for fire training, outdoor trainers, self-contained air breathing apparatus,

petrochemical and oil tanks, maritime vessel, aircraft, subway/railway, underground

station, highway and long tunnel, trainers for earthquake, landslide, water accident,

underwater accident, and swift water accident, high/low tower, and rescue dogs. In

total, there are 66 training equipments and simulators in 13 categories.

訓練センター模擬訓練区 施設紹介:模擬訓練区は最先端かつ、設備完備された充実した模擬訓練実施が可能な訓練場で訓練施設は、ビル火災、屋外火災、空気呼吸器、石化及び油槽、船舶、航空機、鉄道地下鉄駅、公道やトンネル、地震、土石流、水上水下及激流、高低タワー、救助犬等の災害模擬訓練等、計 13 類、66 種の訓練施設から成る。

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For live fire training ground simulating building fires, there are simulated factory,

shopping mall, townhouses, and residential complex provided for the simulation

exercises for trainee firefighters.


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The outdoor fire training ground is an outdoor open space consisting of fire

simulators and trainers such as wood pile, power transformer, oil pan, running fuel

leak trough, and automobile fires.


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The air breather training ground consists of a large 3D maze, up and down slope

ramps and spaces designed to disorient trainees. Several obstacles commonly seen

in real-life fires, including darkness, dense smoke, heat, noises, and meandering

pathways, are added to give air breather carrying trainees a simulated space for

search and rescue training.


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The petrochemical and oil tank fire training ground consists of large oil storage, gas

station, fuel supply pipeline, and tank truck for live fire training.


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The maritime vessel accident rescue training ground consists of a ship simulator, dry

dock, and fire simulation facility to provide a fire simulation scenario on a ship

(including ship fire and smoke).


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航空災害事務搶救訓練場,設置有 737 模擬實體機身、跑道及火災模擬設施,以模擬航空器失事及火災情境。

The aircraft accident rescue training ground consists of a simulated Boeing 737

fuselage, runway, and fire simulator to simulate a crashed aircraft and fire scenario.

航空災害事務救助訓練場には、737 模擬機が配備され、避難通路や火災模擬訓練が可能である。

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The rail/subway and underground station fire training ground consists of a simulated

underground metro system, a section of rail tracks, carts and control system of fire

and smoke for the simulation of accidents on tracked transportation and underground

transportation system.


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The highway and long tunnel accident rescue training ground consists of a simulated

section of highway, freeway, simulated long tunnel and control system of fire and

smoke for the simulation of traffic accidents at these locations.


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The earthquake rescue training ground consists of a simulated collapsed building,

collapsed trench, ruptured gas line and secondary fires for a simulation scenario of

building that is collapsed in a major earthquake.


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Landslide rescue training ground consists of simulated landslide trough, rainfall and

trapped people scenario, and there are buried dummies as props.


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水上水下及激流救生訓練場,設有模擬激流、水域及具高低落差之人工河渠,並以幫浦抽送每分鐘達 38.4 萬公升的水量循環模擬激流情境,同時設置標準及深達 6 米之游泳及潛水區。

Water surface, underwater and swift water rescue training ground consists of a

section of constructed river simulating swift water, deep water, and large difference in

elevation. Up to 384,000 liters of water per minute are pumped and circulated to

simulate the rapid-moving body of water, while a standard swimming and diving pool

that features water as deep as 6m.

水上水下及び激流救助訓練場は、激流及び水域の高低差を作り出せる人口河川で、毎分 38.4 万トンの推量を循環可能で激流の状況が擬似体験でき、同時に標準及び深さ 6 メートルのプールと潜水区を併せ持つ。

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High/low tower rescue skill training ground consists of two towers, one higher than

the other, a rope net training ground, and culverts. The facilities are provided for

trainees to work on their skills of climbing, descending, crossing, rescuing and their

capability of carrying heavy loads in a confined space.


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The rescue dog training ground consists of basic and advanced obedience training

facilities, training rubble pile, field rescue training ground and other assembled



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為了監控訓練場區全區各訓練場訓練情形,並確保受訓學員人身安全,設置有操作監控塔,位於防災訓練場之核心點,透過與各訓練場區之系統連結,可進行訓練情境預設、監測、錄影及操控(含緊急關閉),以監控訓練場安全及緊急應變處置。操作監控塔 6 樓設有集中化控制室,並可作為大規模災害指揮官,面對各場區所出現各種災害,及時指揮、調度人員進行災害搶救兵棋訓練。

To monitor the training operations at the training grounds and ensure the safety of

trainees, control tower is established at the strategic location to the training grounds.

It is possible to monitor the safety of training grounds and carry out emergency

response by presetting, monitoring, taping, and operating the training scenarios

(including emergency shutdown) through system connection to all training grounds.

On the sixth floor there is a centralized control room, where trainees will face all

kinds of simulated disasters as commander of major disaster response, and dispatch

personnel in an exercise of rescue operation.

監視制御訓練場は全訓練場域の訓練状況が監視でき、訓練中の学員の安全確保する施設で操作監視塔を備える防災訓練の中心部で各訓練場とシステム上連結され訓練状況が設定、監督測定、録画及び操作(緊急時の中止)等が可能で訓練の安全及び緊急時対応の場となる。操作制御タワーは 6 階から成る集中制御室を備え持つ施設で、大規模災害の指揮官施設ともなり、各区域の

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In the disaster prevention training area, there is the heliport inspected and certified by

the Civil Aeronautics Agency to providing airborne sorties to support local disaster

rescue needs and serve as a training ground where trainees carry out combination of

training exercises, such as vertical lifting.


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總計防災訓練場區開發建置面積,約為 38 萬 6,333 平方公尺,基地四周留設了國土保育區,充分包圍防災訓練場區,以降低各種訓練活動對周邊地區生活的影響。

In total, the disaster training area covers approximately 386,333m2. The entire

facility is surrounded by natural conservation grounds that protect the facility itself

and minimize the impacts of training activities to surrounding areas.

防災訓練場区の総面積は約 38 万 6,333 平方メートルにおよび、基地の周りは国土保有地で、防災訓練区をとりまき、各種訓練活動により周辺地域の生活への影響をあたえないようしている。

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The commissioning of the Training Center not only facilitate the training of

professional and volunteer firefighters throughout the country based on the training

needs in order to improve the firefighters’ rescue capability and technique level, but

also provide disaster rescue training exercises for National Defense Forces and other

rescue groups based the need of specific rescue operations.


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Based on the idea of sustainable development for Green Earth, the overall layout of

the Training Center is designed as per green building label and environment friendly

specifications, and is awarded the green building label.


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To provide the most advanced and best available training functions for disaster

prevention and rescue personnel, the Center has incorporated necessary training

facilities, as well as established a detention pond that serves the purpose of ecologic

education and training for pump operations, water rescue and vertical lifting by

helicopter. Also, the access paths connecting simulation grounds are designed to

mimic narrow winding alleys for fire truck maneuver, achieving the sufficient use of

training resources.


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The Training Center is not just a training facility. It is designed as a backup center

that immediately takes over when the Central Emergency Operation Center fails to

initiate. It can serve as the forward command post in central Taiwan when a major

disaster strikes this area, and allows forward commander for command and dispatch



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To embody the rooting of disaster prevention and rescue education, the Training

Center will join force with Ministry of Education to hold disaster prevention and

rescue summer camp. The idea is to allow school students for disaster rescue

education and basic training, and to help people have the basic rescue capability in



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Through disaster prevention and rescue campaign training to civilian and volunteer

groups, the disaster prevention and rescue concepts are conveyed to every corner of

the Country for effective promotion of disaster prevention and rescue knowledge and

achievement of the goal of disaster prevention and rescue rooting.


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In response to changes of environmental disasters, the Center will incorporate the

disaster prevention and rescue needs of central and local administrations, and join

force with all agencies for planning and enrichment of simulation and training

facilities for disaster prevention and rescue, including establishment of disaster

prevention education museum. Ultimately, the Center will be developed into an all-

round disaster prevention and rescue center.



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To ensure the safety of firefighters and correct disaster rescue skills, the Training

Center is planning in the future to improve the occupational capacity of firefighters

and rescue workers by providing professional training courses in different levels

based on international training standards. Upon graduation, the trainees are given

associated certificates, which serve as reference of manpower use, payroll, or

promotion in the corresponding agencies, as an effort to improve the energy of

overall rescue service.


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To perfect the incubation, advanced training and education system for firefighters, the

Center is planning to integrate the incubation, training and research into a disaster

prevention and rescue education institute, as to cope with the domestic needs of

incubation, on-the-job training, research and development for firefighters and rescue

workers and to improve overall performance of domestic disaster prevention and



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To protect our beautiful home from the threat and harm of disasters, we cannot let

down our guard even for a minute for prevention of and response to disasters, and we

certainly cannot neglect any tiny sign of potential disaster. Because we know that

once a disaster strike, we may lose not only millions or even billions of properties,

but also our precious lives.


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Through the commissioning of the Training Center, we sincerely hope to provide the

best available training facility for all our firefighting brothers and sisters, so they can

learn the most advanced techniques and perfect their rescue skills.


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At the meantime, they are able to learn from the disaster prevention and rescue

education and training of the technically advanced countries through cooperation

with renowned international training organizations in order to improve the level

rescue skills.


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With the supports and assistance of central government agencies, Nantou County

Government and all friendly organizations, the Training Center is now opening for

busy. We hope in the future to provide the best support and assistance the Center

can provide with the enthusiasm for disaster prevention and rescue. We will work

even harder to do our best for disaster prevention and rescue.


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That wrapped up today’s presentation. Thank you very much.

本日の報告は以上。 清聴ありがとうございました。
