
Ecological SuccessionFebruary 18th 2016

Learning Objectives

Describe the process of ecological


Define pioneer species and climax


Define primary and secondary succession

Describe the characteristic of species

during early and late succession

Shape of the Day


Short activity

Story time!

Individual Work time

Surtsey was born

off the coast of

Iceland in 1963

from underwater

volcanic activity.

How did the island

of Surtsey go from

being a barren

rocky wasteland to

the lush island it is


What is Ecological Succession?

Ecological succession the gradual process by which ecosystems change and develop over time.

The story of an ecosystem

Sometimes we start with an ecosystem



Disturbance: an

event that causes a

pronounced change

in an ecosystem

Primary succession

Disturbance where soil is either removed or non-existent

Left with bare rock

Secondary succession

Disturbance that may destroy much of the life, but leave behind the soil

But if you just start

with rock (primary

succession) where

does the soil come


What order

do these

species come in?

(5 min)

In the beginning…

Only the hardiest

species survive.

In the beginning…

We call these species pioneer species.

(the first species to colonize after a disturbance)

In the beginning…

Lichen and moss are usually the first to colonize a rocky surface.

They secrete acid that breaks down the rocks and produce the first soil.


Weedy plants can begin to take root.

As they die, they also decompose and contribute to the soil


small shrubs and



e.g. Red alder

And finally…

Shade tolerant plants

Until we reach the climax community

Western Hemlock and Douglas Fir

And finally…

Climax community: a community that is relatively stable.

The “end stage” of ecological succession.

Old growth forest of BC

What are some

characteristics of plants in

early succession that would

help them to be successful?

Later succession?

What are some

characteristics of plants in

early succession that would

help them to be successful?

Later succession?

Early Stages of Succession Late stages of succession

Weedy Not good at dispersing

Shade intolerant (needs

lots of sunlight)

Shade tolerant

Short lived Long lived

Not good competitors Very good competitors

Can live in harsh


Live in established


Ecological Succession:

The story of how a rock became

an island

Once upon a

time, there

was a slab

of rock

There wasn’t much life on the rock. Actually there was no life at all.

The rock had recently been born from volcanoes under the sea.

The rock wondered

why no one came.

He waited for years.

Just across the sea,

he saw another


This island had lots of tall trees living on it. There were animals galore.

The rock felt a bit jealous. He didn’t even have soil.

“It’s no wonder no one wants

to be with me” he thought.

He started feeling lonely.

Then angry. Who needs

company he thought!

It wasn’t his fault there was

no soil. His heart grew hard

like the rock he was.

One day, a bird flew

toward him. Was this

bird going to land?

He hadn’t finished his

thought before the

bird did what birds do


“Classic…” Thought

the rock. “Not even

a …”

“Hello!” Said a tiny


“Who said that?!” Said the rock.

“I’m right here!” Said the voice.

It was a small lichen spore.


The rock was shocked. “Where did you come from!?”

“I just hitched a ride on that gull.” The spore said. “Say, you’ve got a nice place here, can I stay?”

The rock grumbled. “You won’t like it here. There’s no soil.”

“I don’t need soil!” The lichen said. “Tough places suit me just fine.”

The rock said nothing.

Years passed, and the lichen grew bigger and bigger.

It wasn’t an easy life, and the rock wasn’t an easy friend.

He can be pretty hard nosed. But the lichen didn’t give up.

More lichen stopped

by. They hitched rides

on the wind or other

rude birds.

They settled down

and made a home out

of little, like


Over time the rock

became a little less


He didn’t notice at

first, but the lichen

were having the

strangest effect on


As they settled and

grew, the lichen had

been secreting acids into

the rock to break it


Where the lichen

settled, it didn’t look

quite like rock

anymore… it started

looking like…

“Soil!” said a small

voice, different from the

ones before.

It was a dandelion seed.

“I’ve been looking for a

place like this, can I


“There’s not a lot here,”

the rock said, a little shy.

“You sure you want to


The dandelion seed


“It’s cool, I don’t like

crowds anyhow.” And the

rock had a new friend

And so the dandelion

stayed. More weeds came

by. They said they liked

the space and lack of


Many many years passed.

The dandelion’s children

and their children’s

children would pass away.

As they did, they always

left a gift of thanks.

There’s a good amount of

soil on the rock now.

The dandelion and lichen’s

hard work was paying off.

The rock’s hard heart was

softening to soil.

The rock felt softer, less


Other species noticed the

difference. They started

settling on him too.

First the shrubs came by.

There was enough soil for

them now.

Then trees started settling

down. They needed lots of


Finally the birds and

animals arrived.

The rock wasn’t a rock

now, he was an island

flourishing with life.

He was in no want of

company, and the species

loved their new home.

One day, the lichen said

to the island that it was


“But why?!” said the

island, visibly distraught

“It’s a bit crowded now

for me” said the lichen.

“Besides,” the lichen

beamed. “There’s other

rocks out there that

need a bit of softening


The island was sad to

watch his friend go.

Over the years,

company came and

went. The shrubs went

when the trees got a

bit too numerous.

Taller trees came to


But the island never

forgot his first friend

the lichen.

He never forgot the

friend who stayed even

as the going was tough.

And left a soil footprint

in his rock heart.

The end.
