Page 1: ECE 484 Digital Image Processing Lec 18 - Transform Domain ......Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.21. Computing the Fisher Projection Matrix • The wi are orthonormal

ECE 484 Digital Image Processing Lec 18 - Transform Domain Image Processing III

Supervised Subspace Learning

Zhu LiDept of CSEE, UMKC

Office: FH560E, Email: [email protected], Ph: x 2346.

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.1

slides created with WPS Office Linux and EqualX equation editor

Page 2: ECE 484 Digital Image Processing Lec 18 - Transform Domain ......Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.21. Computing the Fisher Projection Matrix • The wi are orthonormal


Recap: Eigenface NMF LEM

Fisherface - Linear Discriminant Analysis Graph Embedding - Laplacian Embedding

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.2

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PCA Algorithm

Center the data: X = X – repmat(mean(x), [n, 1]);

Principal component #1 points in the direction of the largest varianceEach subsequent principal

component… is orthogonal to the previous ones,

and points in the directions of the largest

variance of the residual subspace

Solved by finding Eigen Vectors of the Scatter/Covarinace matrix of data: S = cov(X); [A, eigv]=Eig(S)

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.3

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Eigenfaces Implementation

Training imagesx1,…,xN

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.4

load faces-ids-n6680-m417-20x20.mat;[A, s, lat]=princomp(faces);

h=20; w=20;

figure(30); subplot(1,2,1); grid on; hold on; stem(lat, '.'); f_eng=lat.*lat; subplot(1,2,2); grid on; hold on; plot(cumsum(f_eng)/sum(f_eng), '.-');

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Holistic approach: treat an hxw image as a point in Rhxw: Face data set: 20x20 face icon images, 417 subjects, 6680 face images Notice that all the face images are not filling up the R20x20 space:

Eigenface basis: imagesc(reshape(A1(:,1), [h, w]));

kd kd








Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.5

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Eigenface Projections

Project face images to Eigenface space Matlab: x=faces*A(:,1:kd)




= 10.9* + 0.4* + 4.7*

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.6

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Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NFM)

Most images we observes are non-negative, can we:

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.7

matlab:[W,H]=nnmf(V, k)

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Geometry of NMF

NMF has a very nice geometrical intepretation. For the observation of N samples in F dimensional feature

space, we can say with NMF, all observed samples are actually lie in a cone spaned by W

as the definition of cone is the non-negative linear combinations of its K basis.

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.8

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NMF Applications

Face recognition: K=2 NMF decompositition

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.9

560 by 400 560 by 2

2 by 400

20 by 28 20 by 28





2 by 12 by 1

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Laplacian Eigenmap

Minimizing the following

Is equivalent to

Where D is the degree matrix (diagonal) with

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.10

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Laplacian Eigen Map Solution

Numerically, solve the eigen problem:

where the first d smallest eigen values’ corresponding eigenvectors, will form a d-dimensional feature of {yk}

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.11

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Recap: Eigenface NMF LEM

Fisherface - Linear Discriminant Analysis Graph Embedding - Laplacian Embedding

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.12

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Limitation of PCA

What PCA does best ? Label agnostic data

compression/dimension reduction Suppress noises It is a linear rotation (note that

A*AT = I), minimum amount of distortion to the data Help classification (sort of)

What PCA can not Can not fit data that is not linear

(can try kernelized PCA) Does not taking labelling into

consideration (Fisherface !)




Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.13

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Why is Face Recognition Hard?

Many faces of Madonna the bad girl…

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• Identify similar faces (inter-class similarity)• Accommodate intra-class variability due to:

• head pose• illumination conditions• expressions• facial accessories• aging effects• Cartoon/sketch

Face Recognition Challenges

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• Different persons may have very similar appearance

Twins Father and son

Inter-class similarities

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• Faces with intra-subject variations in pose, illumination, expression, accessories, color, occlusions, and brightness

Intra-Class Variations

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.17

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P. Belhumeur, J. Hespanha, D. Kriegman, Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition Using Class Specific Linear Projection, PAMI, July 1997, pp. 711--720.

• An n-pixel image x Rn can be projected to a low-dimensional feature space y Rm by

y = Wx

where W is an n by m matrix.

• Recognition is performed using nearest neighbor in Rm.

• How do we choose a good W?

Fisherface solution


Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.18

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PCA & Fisher’s Linear Discriminant

• Between-class scatter

• Within-class scatter

• Total scatter

• Where– c is the number of classes– i is the mean of class i

– | i | is number of samples of i..



1 2

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.19

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Eigen vs Fisher Projection

• PCA (Eigenfaces)

Maximizes projected total scatter

• Fisher’s Linear Discriminant

Maximizes ratio of projected between-class to projected within-class scatter, solved by the generalized Eigen problem:

1 2



Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.20

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A problem…

Compute Scatter matrix in I-dimensional space We need at least d data points to compute a non-singular

scatter matrix. E.g, d=3, we need at least 3 points, and, these points should

not be co-plane (gives rank 2, instead of 3). In face recognition, d is number of pixels, say 20x20=400,

while number of training samples per class is small, say, nk = 10. What shall we do ?

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Computing the Fisher Projection Matrix

• The wi are orthonormal• There are at most c-1 non-zero generalized Eigenvalues, so m <= c-1• Rank of Sw is N-c, where N is the number of training samples (=10 in AT&T data set), and c=40, so Sw can be singular and present numerical difficulty.

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.22

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Dealing with Singularity of Sw

• Since SW is rank N-c, project

training set via PCA first to subspace spanned by first N-c principal components of the training set.• Apply FLD to N-c dimensional subspace yielding c-1 dimensional feature space.

• Fisher’s Linear Discriminant projects away the within-class variation (lighting, expressions) found in training set.• Fisher’s Linear Discriminant preserves the separability of the classes.

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Experiment results on 417-6680 data set

Compute Eigenface model and Fisherface model% Eigenface: A1load faces-ids-n6680-m417-20x20.mat;[A1, s, lat]=princomp(faces);

% Fisherface: A2n_face = 600; n_subj = length(unique(ids(1:n_face))); %eigenface kdkd = 32; opt.Fisherface = 1; [A2, lat]=LDA(ids(1:n_face), opt, faces(1:n_face,:)*A1(:,1:kd));% eigenfacex1 = faces*A1(:,1:kd); f_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1);% fisherfacex2 = faces*A1(:,1:kd)*A2; f_dist2 = pdist2(x2, x2);

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.24

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Fisher vs Eigenface performance

Eigenface model: kd=32 Data set: 400 faces/58 subjects, 600 faces/86 subjects

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Recap: Eigenface NMF LEM

Fisherface - Linear Discriminant Analysis Graph Embedding - Laplacian Embedding

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.26

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Locality Preserving Projection

Recall the dimension reduction formulations: find w, s.t y=wx: PCA:



S = SB + SW

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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LPP Formulation – Affinity

To preserve local affinity relationship Affinity map

Selection of heat kernel size and threshold are important Hint: affinity matrix should be sparse


affinity histogramZ. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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LPP Formulation – Affinity Supervised

How to utilize the label info ? Heat map mapping is good for intra-class affinity modelling,

but how about intra-class affinity ? One direct solution is to set affinity to zero for intra class



% LPP - compute affinityf_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1);% heat kernel sizemdist = mean(f_dist1(:)); h = -log(0.15)/mdist; S1 = exp(-h*f_dist1); id_dist = pdist2(ids, ids);subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(id_dist); title('label distance');S2=S1; S2(find(id_dist~=0)) = 0; subplot(2,2,4); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity-supervised');

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LPP- Affinity Preserving Projection

Find a projection that best preserves the affinity matrix

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LPP Formulation

L = D-S: nxn matrix, called graph Laplacian

Normalizing factor: nxn D Diagonal matrix, entry Dii = sum of col/row affinity The larger the value, the more important data point is

Constraint on D:

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Generalized Eigen Problem

Now the formulation is,


by KKT (Karush-Khun-Tucker) Condition, it is solved by a generalized Eigen problem

p.32Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

X He, S Yan, Y Hu, P Niyogi, HJ Zhang, “Face Recognition Using Laplacianface”, IEEE Trans PAMI, vol. 27 (3), 328-340, 2005.

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Matlab Implementation



%LPPn_face = 1200; n_subj = length(unique(ids(1:n_face)));

% eigenface kd=32; x1 = faces(1:n_face,:)*A1(:,1:kd); ids=ids(1:n_face); % LPP - compute affinityf_dist1 = pdist2(x1, x1);% heat kernel sizemdist = mean(f_dist1(:)); h = -log(0.15)/mdist; S1 = exp(-h*f_dist1); figure(32); subplot(2,2,1); imagesc(f_dist1); colormap('gray'); title('d(x_i, d_j)');subplot(2,2,2); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity'); %subplot(2,2,3); grid on; hold on; [h_aff, v_aff]=hist(S(:), 40); plot(v_aff, h_aff, '.-'); % utilize supervised infoid_dist = pdist2(ids, ids);subplot(2,2,3); imagesc(id_dist); title('label distance');S2=S1; S2(find(id_dist~=0)) = 0; subplot(2,2,4); imagesc(S1); colormap('gray'); title('affinity-supervised');

% laplacian facelpp_opt.PCARatio = 1; [A2, eigv2]=LPP(S2, lpp_opt, x1);

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Laplacian Face

Now, we can model face as a LPP projection:


Eigenface Laplacian Face

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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Laplacian vs Eigenface

1200 faces, 144 subjects

p.35Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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LPP and PCA Graph Embedding is an unifying theory on dimension

reduction PCA becomes special case of LPP, if we do not enforce local


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How about LDA ? Recall within class scatter:


This is i-th classData covariance

Li has diagonal entry of 1/ni,Equal affinity among data points

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Now consider the between class scatter C is the data covariance,

regardless of label L is graph Laplacian computed

from the affinity rule that,

p.38Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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LDA as a special case of LPP

The same generalized Eigen problem

p.39Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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Graph Embedding Interpretation of PCA/LDA/LPP

Affinity graph S, determines the embedding subspace W, via

PCA and LDA are special cases of Graph Embedding PCA:



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Applications: facial expression embedding

Facial expressions embedded in a 2-d space via LPP






Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019

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Application: Compression of SIFT

Compression of SIFT, preserve matching relationship, rather than reconstruction:

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Supervised Subspace Learning Utilizing label info in learning Unified under the Graph Embedding scheme Image pixels provide an initial affinity map, refined by the

label info Graph embedding leads to an Eigen problem that solves for

the project matrix. PCA, LDA and LPP are all unified under graph embedding

scheme LPP is different from LEM, by having an explicit projection

Z. Li, ECE 484 Digital Image Processing, 2019 p.43
