Page 1: Double page spread annlysis number 2

Salford City CollegeEccles CentreAS Media StudiesFoundation Portfolio


The colour scheme

The overall colour scheme is very lugubrious. It also gives of a very professional look,. Although i feel an improvement could be that certain colours were brought out in the image ot go with the text.

The image

The image is obviously in greyscale which in my opinion is very washed out and dull. The white in the background defiantly stands out through the hair of Lady gaga and it fits in contrast with the other page as the text is just black and white as well. The image is also very provocative and direct eye contact.

House Style

The font style over all is mostly the same and does not very much. This adds a formal look to the double page spread. Although makes it look a lot less interesting.

Photography Lighting

The image has been set in greyscale. This makes the page look interesting but it would be better if red in the image was brought out the match the giant L on the other page.

The design of the double page spread is very formal and neatly lay out. This makes the design look professional and of good quality. Although i would say that the pages look dull and not very interesting. If there was more going on i feel it would look at lot more well done and more attractive to view.